Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 08, 1878, Image 1

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j y . & a - n -.k j-n Jl r "Vf c-" - a -
ii onrira tot
When rwl-1 'n tdTtno at the Is- vv el
23.50 3?cr dK e.T'.
iEPWIlh tha inlrtc-l . erps.T ef
lttscd lr.o wo cannot tSarA lUo
llcrr!ttr cur lnva-ib!j diin;3 rUI l
$2,50 In aivnej. or
$3,00 after three monlhs,
AnJ wo frtfcr to rocclro pjr In Jrntr.
$2,50 por Year.
Wellington, Nov. . Tho Star thia evening
publlihos tho following, which there li gooil
rroon to Iwlicvo mm furnished or lniirel by
ono of tho ouUido agents of tha Six C'hiiieso
Conifuiniea now in Washington, ami which
may thcrcforo ho conMvreil a fair imlication of
what alii can lw ciHcted from tho Cliineito in
procuring a mollification of tho HitrlingMiio
treaty) Tho mUalou of tho Chiucmj cinluM
to thi country U mM to lw to protect tho
righU of tlio I'ckin govcrnmont In cac any
legislation a attempted to rovorso tho llurlin
game treaty, no an to gie thli government
omo control of tho mutter of Chincao Immigra
tion. The Chincso have an Idia founded upon
demands made by congreMmcn from tho la
eitio coait, that to bring tho control of Immi
gration nololy within tho power of tho Unitol
StaU Is virtually to prohibit It. It is bcllovcl
thil It such Action In itwintod p)u by congn.s,
China will Uko Bteps to prohibit American lm
migration, to China to tho oxtvnt that ChltirM
immigration in prohibited In tho Unitnl
States. To guard well tho interest of China
in thiil rcxpoct U Kild to bu tho rpecitlo duty of
Chin Lan Tin and bU suite, in coming to tho
Unital State.
Washington, Nov. 4.- A commlttro of citi
zens called upon tho prvnidvnt to-day nml ro
(juedtod that Joseph 11. llradloy tw appoints!
Judgo of tho supremo court for tho District of
C'olambii, in uveut of tho resignation of Judgo
jj Olen, which ho contemplate but which bo will
o not do unlena under tho law giving full pay to
P a judgo resigning aftor ten yrani icrIeoior
i having attained tho ago of 70 yearn. Tlio
president aaid that theru was no vacancy and
ho would refer to tho attorney gvncral tho
question of whether tho law relative to tho re
tirement of U. H. judges upon full pay is ap
plicable to memboM of tho supremo court of
this district.
Chicago, Oct. 30. A Jou rail's letter receiv
ed here this afternoon from Charleston says
ihat Wade Hamptou, in a speech delivered on
Monday to a large gullwring of tho red rhirtod
- lkini:t.K.', implored thviu U u cvu.,-ifort
to kcop poaco during tbo nnniiudcrof tho cam
paign and specially on election day. Ilodid
not want to havo to intorferv, and wanted no
riot or bloodshed. Republicans should bo al
lowed to vote. As for colored Democrats thoy
should Ik) uomolosti"!. Tho Ik-publican party
would attempt to diifnuchiM tho negro, and
ho hiniLcIf hvl Utn pproachel by many
prominent Republicans, among tbum a brothir
in-law of n mombor of I'fwbk-nt Hajcs' cabi
net, oil this very aubjuct.
I'hiUdelphU, Oct. .TO. -Tho l'roas to-mor-row
will publish anworu statement d Jaa. K.
Anderson, cK-suen-ior of riuit Feliciana
paribh, malo to-il.iy Loforo n notary jxiblio of
this city, icspoctiug tin sutliinticity of tho
Shennan-Audcnton-Wclcr letter, nl!'yl to
havo been writteu by the pre&ent necraUry tf
the treasury to Anderson and Weber in New
Orleans on tho 'JHh of N'ovemlwr, IS"U, end
other mattcni connected with thu 1'otUir cam
mittco. It eU forth that in June, 1K7S, after
ha hid testified before tho I'otter rommitteo ou
fioumiana affairs, bo mot in rhiUdelphla 11 L.
Wilier, who, in tha coune of a long interview,
stated that ho wat in josciwion of tho t.iid
lotU-r and would tctify in favor of tho Demu
cratn before tho Potter committal for tho aum
of 810,000, and tint Anduncn rojsxttod tho
conversation to J. It. Sypher, an attora?y of
thia city, a pjnonal friend and colleen chum t.f
OIar!oa N. Pottir, od th.it on tho djy fjl
lowiDg Wtltr, sndoa and Sypher went t
Waihiugtoa'City. Weber dilicwl to trttify
for nv r twa vmSk, giving .is n reason tint tho
Democratic nvinajirs rhom lu nimoi would
not pay bun thi turn hi demanded. On the
27th cf Juiw WuUt iaformod Anderson ihJt
satisfactory arrangemrntu had ltn madonod
that Lo was ready to testify, hich ha did on
, tha .M of July. Weber then nhoweil Aodor
eon tha Utter rooehcl by hira f.-cw Saermas,
a cuppoeed. Andersen then compared tho
sipuiuro with an cutosraph r.f Khjnnan'a ox
lubit(l at Brady' in W-uhingtca, and oxprs)
el to Weber a doubt of its gMiiuincne&i. Tho
aSdavit goca on to explain variation in tbo
testimony of K. L. Weber and the v&brts mlo
to fasten thj letUrs upon thi Mcrutary. It
irnotvs by uamo fjuito n number of outside
agents of tho l'ottur committee and memU-n cf
the National Democratic cominitteo,
Ker York, Oct. 31. -Tho faot that pricv
are now below tho specie level is irado quite
clear by an article in a commercial (aper.
Wheat has not lccn so low in twvnty-toveu
years as last week. Cotton has not been ad
s, low in twenty-three years; nor corn slnco 1815,
except in June, ,1601; nor mew pork since
1M4. Prices generally are 1.1 per cent, lower
than May 1st, and over 13 per cent, lower
than in 1669.
Fort Edward, X. Y OcU 50. Tho body of
Mrs. Margaret Mehan, a saiddk-aged wbool
kJ teacher, was found in a canal near the dry dock
to-night. Mrs. Mtban a kidosppej by two
jrisJF w . o JVJvtJMC 0 "XMJ CLtflflfi' TTir
--.SKD'frWKkvJSsJvi' 8 lYi hr S . t BVSMhMiMMiVSSXMnk WTsTK $a K TWT3L3K2SrvWV-sfe!av.
rN(uiwaLisM rZi a' i flTftC- &rv v.rH rrnA i t r - "i r li nn i i i ry -
feS1 f? IIS ft I 1 F lJi Irvfw&sffl
KpWsf fc TOW - M Jt Jfl Q !
111 I MSWlf , u .
nitfiAUs Sunday night. Ono of tho assailants U
orreatcl and confesiKM his guilt. It is supposed
that tho woman was inunlerod and tho body
thniwu into tho water.
New York, Oct. 40. Tho Iward of investigv
tion of the Fitjolin Porter mso has adjourned
to meet at West Point December 18th.
Rome, Nov. 4. Tho Divitto states tint
Franco Iim isxucd a noto advising that diplo
matic prceuiro Imi oxcitcd In favor of tho cLiinu
of Orcoee ou Turkey. It stoic that RumI.i
and formally havo already cousenlcd to medi
ate between Orecco and tho porto.
lJorlin, Nov. 4. Tho Post myii: F.ight
weckit ago when tho treaty of Ilerlin wsa In
dangor, Princo Hismarck appeilcd to tho vigua
tones to defend it. Kugland, w ho then reject
ctl tho request, now appcils to AustrLi and
Franco, the mmposod advcrnarice of Ruwiia, for
the purposo of reviving tho Crimean alliinoo.
Such attempts are uaclexK. Furthermore, Fng
laud by fostoring jealousies ourtaiuly will not
uuereed in preventing friendly relations lie-
twe!ii Uulg.irla aud Oreoco.
Simla, Nor. 4. Tho Uritlsh ultiuiatum was
placed in tho hinds of F.ruo Mahomed Khan,
au Afghanist ooumaudor, at All olusjid ou tbo
iM int., ami a copy at the samo tlmo wai post
ed at Poshawnr M tha ameer. Sir Neville, a
member of tho viw regal couucil, accompanied
the viceroy to Lahore.
Calcutta, Nov. t. Information has bevn re-
ccircil from .Simla to the clfcct that tho amuur
in bin ncent reply said that ho bad Win anx
ious for llritiih friendship, but thu Uritlsh poll
cy changed with eaeh now viceroy, Tho
ameer declared he is open to make a new treaty!
that ho is not Ixwtid'b.y any Russian allianco
and did not invito fho Kussutn euibaMy to
Indon, Nor. 4. Col. Lindsay, financial
secretary of tbo wnr department, in a speech at
Ablngton yesterday, said Kngland's ultimatum
informed the ameer that tho Russian vmb.vuy
mut withdraw, and that he must not enter
into a Russiau alliauee, but must proscrvu a
ncutril attitude,
San Francisco, Nov. 4. It commenced rain
lug lightly alwut J o'clock this morning, con
tinuing at intervals during thu day. Sky
heavily overcant, viind southerly, prospects of
henvy rain,
Nana, Nov. 1.-1 bin beg a to fall this after
boon. ltodlc, Nov. 1. Andy Uogorty, aged 3.1, a
native of laUnd, was to-day instantly killed,
Ho was at work iu the bottom of t'kampion
shaft when a pUnh on top becamo ilUloilgod
ar.d full to tho bottri, a ditsinco of HO) fevt,
striking hira with the above rwiult.
Bun Fruioispo, Nor. 4. Fridiy oi(;ht Irish
citl&us held . v r..a.u meeting at Uncu Hall
bi denm.sco tho ntteranwi of Col. 1". A. Hoe,
as published in tho Woshiugton Post. T. F.
O'.Malh-y lUinos, on Irish exile, who took n
prominent part in tho procetnlings, rvfuawl to
ullow Vtn. Wclloek, vicsi prmidout of tho
Workingmcn'j prty, to njxjik, on the ground
that ha was nu Kuglishmm and ha-1 uo business
at tho mi-eti.ig. At th.i sand lots yesterday
WelloeU di coanccd Ilainw as a Ft-niin, rono
gado aad traitor to his country. To-muj-row
ii.iiuoi uill fitiblia h iu tho morning papcu n
card ileMandmg that WtlIoc;c retract his bin
guncoornunu Iim time and plooo for r. hoatilo
neeui! to nettle tho affair.
Pan Fraucics, Nov. 4. -Wm. W. Fcoito, a
w ood chopper, near Aub-aru, Tl cer co-juty, baa
Ken orrosVil by U. rl. Deto-'tnj Fmnarst.,
uvl brt.nghs t thU city nachargicf ooan-terfoitiuL-.
In hia cVom wsro fiwnd ilie, era-
eible-j and 14-Uri.il for tho ciansfuituro of half
dollar! and nnv btandtrd (ioJInm. Ho t.t.ite.i
that bis detixti'm follovoil his first atu.-apt to
past spuri jua coin.
Wat.jn'a "Annala vt PbiUialjhia" crcilltJ
that rii-'vl utibtoriin, Pnjir.in Fnnklin,
with the introduction of bro-isa corn into thia
ooBotry. A French lady ho was cwv-srsis;
with bad n icry pnHty i.hisfc, bUachsd on
u hito us hoo-v. If o Mked K'.vo to asamiuo it,
and found a single seed, which waa duly plant
od in a box. From this tinglo seed has tp.-uuc
tho now groat broom corn prodiiein inUrest ef
the couutry. Tho lady could not lay where
her broom whUU h id been gro""" cor C0U'J
after inquiry traea its origin any farther.
A cow lately shown at tho New Rowland fair
(an Ayrshire and Holstein croti) is rvpi)rtcd to
have given 13.&2.1 pounds of milk in a year, cr
ao averaijo of eighteen qnarts per day. If true,
she may be called "a deep iniUer,"
A California paper chronicled corn in Yolo
county fifteen feet high with ears growing cine
feet from the ground. Ah I but corn w hich re
quire. a step Udder to reach the van is not tho
sart to produce big yield.
Mr. Geo. Good, a printer and news
paper man who U well known, lias
bought tho Dulla Itemiitrt. Ho will
make a god local paper of it.
SALEM, OREGON, NpVEMBER S, 1878. volnmo A.-iNnmor ay.
We condenao Kastern election Hewn to Nov.
Cth as follow hi
Iu Massachusetts lien llutlcr is beaten for
governor by Tulliot, Republican, by 30,000
plurality. All Republican candidate (or SUto
olliccrs elected, and Republican congressmen
elected as far as heard from.
In New llampxhiro Repubheiu carry every
congreasionat district aud tho legislature by
majority in both branched. Head, Republican,
for governor, over a decreased greenback vote.
Ilradley Harlow, bolt big Republican and
Orct-tiback candidate, h elected to congress
from Vermont, at spoclal election ordered by
Iu Connecticut the Otvcnbtck vote, has fallen
oir since last month; uo election of governor by
tho jK'Ople) legislature probably Republican;
(icu. Hawicy, Republican, electeil to congress)
Wait and Miliw, Republlcuu., electeil in 2d
and 3d districts.
Rhode Island elects Republicans to ooogres.
Now York City clextu Uooper (son of Peter
Cooper) mayor, over Schell, tho Tammany
candidate, by nearly 'J0,000 majority. Returns
from interior bhow Republitn g-ilna, with Dan
forth, Republican, probably elected judgo of
court of appeals, and RopubllcAiia claim mijorl
ty of the legislative a.iwmbly.
Philadelphia will proKibly givo I'.'.OOO ma
jority for tho Republican Stale ticket. Kelly's
name (fur congress) was being badly scratched ;
doubt were had of Speaker Randall's re-election;
Houdrick It. Wright and Hleotcr Clymcr
are reelected to congros.
Woildoll, Democrat, receive about f(00 ma
jority for congress.
In Illinois five distinct ticket were iu the
field In Chicago, tor congros. It was thought
tho Republican had carried tho county, elected
the three congressmen, gained two congre
men, Davis iu 'id district and Thomas in the
18th; elected the legislature and so secured a
Republican U. 8. senator to succeed Oli-shy,
Michun return coma In slowly.
Minnesota, ha a small (lrveubaek vote,
Republicans fcasi
St. Louis elects more than half the Republi
can ticket; contest in 'id and 3d congressional
distriits Is closer than was oxpectod.
Tennenseo Is wry clout with one or two Re
publicans probably elected to congress. Mary
land gin large Democratic ciaj.jritiew as far as
heard from.
Small vote at Richmond, Va., owing to
capitalization tux Mont votiug. (n.-n. Jo
Jolinston eleoto-1 to cougreM. Virginia may
elect ono Republican, Jorgunscn, to uougns.
A. II. Stephens re-elm.te.1 ta congniMi from
Ouorgia, without opioi!iuu. Tho contest in
that state seem to bo iMttweon regular Dvioo
cr.it j and IudeX'ndent Democrata and (ireou-
Alabama aire Demoeratio mrjoritiw w fin
iu heard from, and uews frou Tela U indotl-
NeiatLi was having a close couU'st, with no
certain returns. It was thought a greut dial
of money was being speut.
The monthly report of the K:in.u Statu Hoard
of Agriculture give returua from tho differ
ent lounties in that Statu on tho oxteut of thu ,
practico of drilling wheat, and in it estimated ,
oilaiitagUi. Mutof tha couutte state that 1
from CO to CO per lent, of thu wheat sown is
put in v-ith dnlli. Wt havo taken komo nlna
to mako a ct.iidcaii.-tl au'iimary of thu rejmit,
lMliw.r.2 tha remit woul I lw mK.re.ting lo our
readtr?, and jwrf.eulwly so to tho. who ro -
Ida ia the Wol.m St-i'.oa. A Urgu vote is iu
f ivor of drilling ana protection ajiiatt winter -
KUl.nf,wiir:y arjWiib-.vBiKuHUBi.wH.n.iiil
in itt favor. JImy to thw I ' wed is re
quireJ, aai tht it ia wru oveniy distntiultnl.
Ten e-tuntied n-;,rt a lutter ii.dQra-o of
ilrouth by dnlliir .rant. Hurl all i;ivj tht
prjctlc-o a dawid! prjforaaoo oa covieral a-!-
counU uaisiatao, njv vor, t.iat msreii i c,hib:t blwkmith v.ork, Ut prem.
poroaplibla adraatda;" five ara eouilicting, or , j., towur i'ortlaad,
with opinion! bath ways; whsls on tho ctiitr 'jm,,, ,,-tiy ,M,a Oivgon, Ixt p
hind two uUV) that drilha ''predueoM more;"ia (ij,,, )l!irrsburr,
two other K.y it "ouiui durably oxciodt bruul-, cuitivaior, ft I prem.
cat sowing; -cat py-t ma mtroaw &, ivu
bu.thoU more;" twoutll tofi jrccnt, inow;
t-o at tivo bu.haU more; 0Q3 ut ten bushel f
ii.ore; oao at five vr ton bushoU uwrej aud at ;
10 to I3ler cent, more; eighteen at 10 to ft'.
jicr cent, more; tvrot3J per cent. -.one at ftlj
to 10 per cent and one as ''wmetinus .10 j r
oeut." The very gmirKl vKpression i stougly ,
n f.iM.n ,iri..nv ii-t u.ivt-ri neeiu:iL: i,'i&
., r..tw,rt t... tkit 'iisjrlvall is Miwnbv.
hand and cover-ti with com cultivators, and it
is generally considered that th'.-re arenoaihan
tagvs ia drilling, unsldrilbi are U-in laid aside."
Another nays that "some tisMs sown broadcast
yield mora than arlliot, mt gemrauy mreo vt
five bushcU p-r acr Uss," Another report
sUtcstbat "ono field where the ii-riiuut
was trieil (roduced forty busheU per acre
drilled and tweuty-ntnu broadcast." Jiine re
port sxwak of the favorable revult from cruis
drilling, oome of them giving tho increasa at
five bushels more per a-:re. It one instaa.-it
forty-five buthels it tt wce obtoineii.
1 ! t.
In plowing there were throo cutriee. Tho
lecathor was no ery unfavorabbt for anything
Lkd a fair trial of skill that there wvro not
h.iuy willing to start tho plow agoing. Tho
tomauttee reported all tho work to havo been
Very creditably done; awarding the first prem
ium to John Jefferson, of Salem, a boy under
id; ilia second to Phlneas Nelson Maasey, of
iitvm, a W 13 years; and tbo third premium
b Marion Downing, of Sublimity, a boy of
14 years. Good for our boyl Tho oommittoo
wm 11. F. Power, Jme Shorvill wid T. J.
J. Ashcreft, Hubbinl,
pruning shears, 1st prem.
pruubg shears extension lianJIe, 1st prem.
plow coulter, 1st prem.
J. It. Miinger, Portlaud,
crabbing maeliiiii) aud stump lultor combin
ed, 1st prem.
Mrs. J. V. Taylor, Salem,
Ut exhibit tailor wurk, 1st presn.
V. 8. Mattoson, Woodburu,
exhibit of Oregon woods, 1st prrm.
A. M. Cornelius, Oregon City,
tochiug machine, 1st prem.
A. M. Smith, IStiena Vista,
exhibit pottery au, 1st prem,
Kelly i Underwood, tUlcoi,
top carriage, 1st prem.
top hack, 1st prom.
express wagon, Istprcnu
I -homo open buggy, 1st prom.
I -horse top buggy, 1st prom.
D, A. Comstock, Forest Grove,
chum vibrator, 1st prem.
W R. Brown, Amity,
ton harrow, 2d prem.
A. Hovendcn, Hubbard,
header bod, 1st prem.
William McMillls, Collin P. 0.,
Improved bei hive, Merrimac, 1st prem.
Thomas Holnian, Salem,
ir-rn filming mill. Ut presn, ...
.tjiK-otk.fSa'.cm, j
pump Orejpjii manufacture, 1st prrm.
T. J. Magoris, HIUsloro,
exhibit blacksmith work, 2d prem.
Mrs. J. Coiulit, Aumtvillo,
Oregon m ulo soap, 2.1 prem.
cuidles, live pounds, 1st prim.
lard, 10 pounda, 1st prom.
Mrs. H. iChehiro, Kugcno,
starch 1 pound, 1st prem.
MUj V. II. McMury, Kiig-me.
stirch I pound, 2.Fprci:i.
Mm. Sarah A. Cendit, Aumavillo,
Oregon made candle, 2d p.
iT. tiondlt, Aumsvilto,
corn meal, 1st prcm
buckwheat, 1st prem.
O. XV. dray k. Co., Salem,
exhibit of boiled and raw Unwed oil, 1st and
2d prem.
Mrs. M. Rumble, Purthud,
Oregon made soap, 1st prem.
R. II. Rumble, Portland,
Oregon manufacture, diploma.
Committeo John Downing. Mrs. II, Carter,
S. C. Dow nine.
)). Rupe, IliiWbinl,
hanil tr.n.le axo hulvi, 2.1 pn-m.
bml uiiulo waou rpok;H, Ut pnin.
SI.ln,,lep ,. Chadlmrn. Portland.
, urDltl.0 (;uwlBd in Oregon, 2d prem
r Jf M0Mt Rbkrvnl,
1 , hU,ky Jlloi 0rus011 m!l,o, 1st prem.
CJlar iloshberger, Hubbtnl.
4 wagon hubs, 1st prcm.
4 wajoa spoka. 2 1 prem
i I jiljw ooiilter, 2il pram.
I cultivator, lit prvui.
John Aahcraft,
( ft jry, ;aeni,
thorough br.uo liacli. 1st pnin.
Wlr..tor, Ut prem,
hmVi ,, iri.rn,
w ,f ,)raUi Slh(.rt,m
,,ow attJlimeiit. 1st prem.
j, MouIlti .s.jvtrton,
w, , ,Mk ,Bt
t -
Uruce, 0. W. Kennedy,
Wm. Harris.
J. C. Cook, Salem,
braided whip Ush, 1st prem.
ji-nicanship, 1st prem.
B-inj. P. Taylor, Salom,
lw.it specimen carving, 1st prem,
esovial brocket, 1st prem,
-Walter K. Huston, Salem,
ilrateiug from copy, 1st prem.
Committee. K. L. DoUshmult,
craft and 1!. Depcn.
Wo have had our attention called to tlio list
of premiums published In the Vaumkii of the
28th of Octolier, for sheep and goata, that
there were many errors In tho list wo copi
ed from tho Itook of tho Society, which havo
been since corrected, and wo hasten to givo th
truo statement. Mr. McCorklo was mado to
liavo all second premiums, while iu fact tho
first predominated, so wo republish thoo that
were incorrectly reportod in tlio uuuo ol tlio
2oth of Octolwr.
O. F. McOorkle. Howell Prairie,
lest Angora goat over 2 year old, 1st p.
.1 cwo over 2 yr old, 1st p.
3 ewe over I yr obb, 2d p.
.1 buck Limbs, 1st p.
3 ewu lambs, 1st p.
singlj ewu sliown own'il by 1 person, 1st p.
singlo lamb shown own'd by 1 lorson, 1st p.
JamvH Rieliarls, Salem,
best ram 2 yrs old, 1st p.
best owo 2 yrs old, CoUwold, 1st p.
boto'o 1 yr old, 1st p.
best pair of ram lamb, 1st p.
best pair owo hmbs, 1st p.
best yearling ewo, 1st p.
M. Wilkin, yillamelteForkj,
ram over 3 yrs old, 1st prem.
ewo over 2 yr old, 1st prem.
ewe over 1 yr, 1st p.
pair ram lambs, 1st p.
pair ewe lamb.., 1st p.
rain with 6 of hi lambs, long wool, 2d p. '
J, J, Shaw, Balem,
Angora buck 1 yr old and over,
I " ewe 1 yr old, 1st p.
3 ewo UmU, 2d p.
James Wythcombe, Hillsboro,
ram 2 yrs old, 2d p.
ewe 2 yra old, 2d p.
pair ewo lambs, 1st p.
H. Maasey Salem,
buck 1 yr old, 1st p.
John Mloto, Blm,
. rasn sffsfvlOsMss), sp, 1st p. -v i"
pal. wn unw, 1st p.
pairiW. lauu, 1st p.
ewa 2 yr and up, 1st p.
owo 1 yr and up, 2d p.
pair ewe lamb, 1st p.
pair ram Limb, 1st p.
pair ram Limlx 2d p.
owo ovir 2 yra old, 1st p.
yearling two, Ijt I.
pair una lambs,' 1st p.
Cominitteo John Simpson, J. A. Ayros, 0. 8.
Tumor Station No. f, on tho O. ft. 0. 11. It.
I tho pbvea now under consideration. This is
a thriving trading jjint, and U ImildiiiH up
rapidly. It hat unrivalled water jsiwtr, wife,
cosily iiupruwd, and convenient of aocess. In
deed "water priviledge" are ono of tho con
spicuous feattirwt of tho pLwc, a tlio mill race
run through tho princil striet, occuyitig
one half the rcom thereiu. Tho fiuurmg mill
will get it power from this race; the two
grain bouie get power tu.ruu their elovutor
and ile.mera, fruui it; a wore of fiuo Ahobury
ducks use it freely for navigation and bathing
puipown; little boy paddlu lu it; horw ami
cattle dr.uk of it; u.itcr for lioiuwhobl usu is
prxsurcd frm it; nud it nlwi acts n.i a universal
fctoji-lrr.it. People havo no oxcuiki to Ihi dirty
wfacro water io phiitiful and asy of latvsa,
nud consequently untidyncs ia Kariely hnomi
here. Reside thu llciuriug mill (imtjLt run
itintT,) and thu two grancriim U'fore meutioiad,
thii pli'O (untalus tiiio i;nvral aiwoituimt
tore, nuother will Ui o; netl noon, and u It ml
it in tho irwpeotiio. Ono ilrug attno; ono
harues Uit'P; una Lhoo shop; ouo lituUrii.th
chop; ao pbysijian; no Liwyr; no m.nistti,
(ivli lent;) one buUher fchop; one livery l dibi;
two to. !'! and twenty (io urns i.-d ut
fgw.iie. '.hit it a tataml bt. .iios .mt;
being e-jrroundod by ; tiim f rpb-ndwl
fannin ewintry, tho natnr.d "L.y"of wbnh,
concentrate tho mwia ct this punt. Tl is, to
Cither with th J water power, ir.n hardly foil
of in.ikin? thu villogu a thriving me. i ':o
jiLicu already pretexts an npjaraiii)' nl thrift
mi 1 ntutn'f, superior, to many cf the K. It.
Station, the house lting mirt vubstantrilly
l.iiilt. and matly p-lnted. An nteiiue i.f
bosiiKJ "sign," l a notleablo fmture, r.l.o
tobtary picture of a loit, buiug tho only
ratable mgn. F.verybody apjsiini ti know
ererbody and his Uo of business, and sigu
bcurd aiPiJir to bo an utidixired luxury, 1
must not ount to muition that tie re is here n
neat school bouse, in which an exiclUut
sUiwd is keirt; nor tho 00x7 little ciiurrli-bono-bewiilert,
which is Just now mciiving an rldi
tion in the shape of a new bjltry and sjure.
Rellglvn and iivnou, side by side, S.
Subneribur at LeUwon are i.oUtiml that Mr.
It. M. Power I now iur only authuihvod
aont at that bVvoe, aud will roiuivij suburip-
I toon and collect account.
9a.se Per Month
Vot ta tudi ct a4rrtUnjtpo, fw Um Hfi
53,00 or SCoath
. '.jiI'-'dtMatihoiliiu'lK'tMlBil tlttti.
Volnmo X. Numfoor 39.
A leoding Portbuid Journal, which had been
quito dumb on tha wheal market for a moolli
or o, suddenly camo to tho coiiolttion, Ut
week, that a war lietwoen Ungland and Ruisbv
mint result from tbo Afghanistan difficulty,
and would cause n groat rise In' tho whoat
market. Wo havo heard criticUm open tula
abrupt opinion to tho effect that, m thrott "V
laud wheat ring bat no ships chartered; sd' -doubtleN.t
ha largo quantity of wheal Itt
atorc, this was a speculative inovo lo Indue U10
farmer lo tiold on for higher prices, compel
tbo waiting shippers, whose contract are
about to uxpire, to purcliuo tho whoat iu
sight at a handsomo advance, and wait for an '
opnortunity to make another spoculatiro moro
when occasion should offer. Our wheat trado
ha grown to mich proportion.1 thai ofioni in
duceiiieiit for sxculilivo inovomcnU. and wo
must cxpact them to occur, whether thU
mirmiio lm correct or not.
If there was to be war between Ilnglxnd and
Ruksla, tho occasion wo not wanting list
snrlnc. If Russia h.vl been In condition she
would not hao waited fur F.ugUiid to acquire
Cyprus at a key lo bir Unit Indian posses
sion, and liccomo tho ally of Turkoy and 0011.
troller of tho Ottoman ruler lu Asia Minor, a
aho baa beoomo. All tho powcra of huropo
then Insisted on poaen, and will again, espe
cially if It can bo obtained at so small a oost
a to inducti tho ameer of Afghanistan to per
mit a lb Risk limbassay to visit lib capital.
Ruisia 1.1 no more rtwtly for war no than
last upriug, and tbo Csar I merely trying
to mako tint best game possible without ex
pecting actual war to euuo. Kngbuid, too,
ha no money to sporo or proi)ril7 tc
waste, and will uot court war with UussL.
RumIn stniRglo with finauclal difilcuUio
canseil by tho Turitisli war, and has uo easy
timo akuriug loan to answer tho demand
of pea io. A war wlthvjugLind might includft
AustrMt, and perbap itlier natlon and '
Turkt. would ub ' jo fiebl with Kbr
land nil an ally Jl!i money to ,
IShl rith. I' ci-4JUou
in l.irop ' n enterprlu
and hi R her1 commorco
from bor, an- uiaploclng her wares In the
world's markot, and wr would Ihi in uvt-ry
sense ruinous to her interest. Thoro . too
much to lario and too little to gain by war
for Huropoan nation to rashly engagu in it,
and tha intluonco of Cenu.uiy may 1 conntetl
011 to pretx'iit it.
Tho present advaucit may lie, and probably
it, caused In part by tho feverish fesling inci
dent to poasihlo war between Rngt ind and
RussU, which wo havo shown can lm ewily al
layed, iijviiii which price.! may drop a sud
denly a.i tli.iy wont up. Statistic 1 of wb4.1t
production, that are rillablt', place tha world'
harvest at a ntTlcJciit yield to fp'ely satisfy
tho want of tbo nation who am our customers,
a fact our reader limit lututautly buar in
If war should oeeur it Is moro tliau doubt
ful if it would greatly licuuhtu. Nino-U'iithsof
our wheat goes iu liritlsh liottoui, and thu
oceans world swarm with Russian crulstrs, liko
thu threa a'.iaui frigitot now fitting out near
I'biladelpliLi, oau of uliiih was the nUnuer
State u( ('.diforuh, building fur the Km Fran
Cisco a-'.d Portland trade. A few sui-fi vu.ssls
tutiM ovxlo the 11 wy of (Ireat IJrit lia b-.id pliy
Ii.uih; with llritith ' Cumniircu, Wo fhould
h't.oto t'tTrt't 1..1 wt any pOAublo ndvr.neo !n
nhuit u cut tan r.ihiiuio in freights, u-jd a
lioaty war risk ihr.rged In tho hhao of tnaur
uiiii, ttu.t Mould bo hard In uvtrcoine.
'Ilivru oro iho udes to all question., and wcr
i..;1htnot bi'.n usiuiy gain. Tliofattthit
M-uu..t u a Ivai: -tut; a't I h it reached .ouiutbifg
in or a reiniiuriative I, itre 1.1 tiilslactory, i.Tid
wc must not fitr.n t flat oven "wtx piictsj"
lave their Ji.-.A-l a 'w.
MsKMiia, Ai the
bocw of Iku IitIcU'h
-Ml..i', j!i. .' ' I
1 t,y, 1 i.vsxuy, liirt, V,
Mr. A. J. lVruaiiLa, of I'.tavma, t'al., cid
Las il.iie Li t..-ie., ItoA !'. S.K . I ;Ut Q-S;'
111X- 'fb trebd (ttty wci.t tUwu to Portlvi I
tun kuiiiu ih-i, Uu i.Jil.k' til ta':e ;(W.j-i oil, tji
ste.-ner Crtat RikMiblic. aim Atllio hsjal
M,.)HlleeIl ti'UH.Ured tit.1 c' the must tlAnus
i- Mid l-smtllill i.f the yot (!(' I -llct st Mrtiio.i
e. iiiity, and ebo hav. the laud t tur Itauyt
i" I bii'thptasu 'I !0t At the carut titbt tho beat
m iln 1 r.ifl rf.net K.f all uliol.nrw her.
1 ill. Hllni- Rrtio.r.K. Mr. A. IV I will,
sie ! S.lmV tiillkieiwu b.,!biti, I s iu
ll.l'wl bill ll.i'p llolll Oper.l llllt.se I i.tl , (Vuit
stir. I, Hi tt..t- strett, l.rf.r the l'AK'Sllt
ill,..-. e I,. A N'u I bub iikmii ttsir.uliil
'Hl. I.li.t..l)li"liirniitj nlni;otl i,sUait.
li J1.HI01..11 lo Salvia to tr.U .lest't t(.ij'.
M tall i,t the sUiiv if S. i'lii li -UI, (ill tl.il Kilt'
lr nt'lth id tbg Uink, fcr b ban l.V fill
Lto.k d f..ll yo-U and i' t; t mi'iebli r;V(
1 0 il', the tiue'.
f, . -r- ' 'is
( V
I )
.- r.
t 1