Ir 8 The Pans Exhibition. AMl'.IUCA M:AI3T1!K WO!tI.t IN AOM CUI.TUIti: ANI M.U'IIIM'.IIY. (naprlvnlo lctlor I'roiiilont While, of Cornell Unlvur-il'y, siienUsof Amur lean success in 1'urts In tho following forms: "The Exlilliillo'i U rUv i v.i-o sn-j from cm ry po'iil nf vl'-v h ivn the a (i 'ml. Yon w ill i I'liid in ii-.irn i i,r An "' ' i niiirc Li 11 In' r I. .n- tn Hit- . . . i . . . . i . .. I . . . : .. 1 1 r it auiinif. '"". v " '"' i ' 11 un the .lnrv f Ap'"it , 1 wi . y liit'TiMtetl in wlnj low, In il pnrtmotit nfier uiiollur, our p o- ivo iriitito lliolr Tinrk. In ivj-iiril cral ehlhitrf. while Hi" 'wo-i'lonls I or Mio cliisd Jurlei prcionleil (heir re ft '(, they went Into cxchiniiilloiH of fcurprNe over tho recent revelnllom of At' rlciin energy mi'l itirlu-try. One of them t-'pcclally dechircil Hint if America wont on im oho ul piesent li Eo'njf, In rr-tfiiril to tho pnper miiniifue lure, 'iho would hooii huvo control of the Kiiripcun iimrkolH, instuncltijr mom particularly Iho now iipplieatioii" of Industry In tho United HIiiIoh. I only wiih wo could huvo had ono of thi-o paper IwntH pre.iont, stii'li nu that In which our Cornell hoys heat Harvard the other day. That would huvo com pleted tho tableau. "Perhaps tho most .striking tiling Iiiih )'"ii Iho taking of tho Circnt I'rlzo for nr'Utle gold anil Hilvor work by Till" fittiy. iSploudid us tho exhibition wan In till leaped, Tiffany Mood ulovo all his rivals. In agricultural ImplumontH nn 1 In machinery of n certain claas wo Ic:td ovoryliilng. Hut this does not ftirprtau mo w much as to llnd that In Vitrloiiii poInlH whore- wo did not ex pect much thoro mo Importunt rocotn peases for skill anil itlillty. With all the liigontilly which Iho Kroncli huvo glvn loHriiKlral Instruiiicintu and ln Ktrumuntsof procMnn, I wnstHHciiilly glad to M'o tho United Klaten Mauri nt the hldo of Franco In tho rocogni Hon." Hencflta of tho Oran(jo. Wlinlovor of grander opportunity, or loftier pnr.llllity, or morn practical work may huvu in Mloro for tho farmer, omo tiling Is corluln the grnngo nyi trm Is really tho attempt at orgntil.ori elfart, and for tho present at least l.s tho Ik'.sI channel Tor Immedlato and constant lahor. II Is pre-eminently a farmcr'n Institution; It affords tho buxy tollers tho opportunity of meet Ing tlioir neighbor In friendly council nnrt dolmto, In such mnull awmhlles nnd gathering us shall oniourago and facllltulo tho oxpresalon of Indlvldiinl sentiment, Urnnri con volition, Ini inensu mass meeting, loudly horaldod political "pow-wow," arc fruitless lit tho udvancomont of farmerM' Interestw, r.lrniiK- because tho farmer has been bred to cultivate the noII Instead of f iiltlviitiiiL' tho tonijue, anil the conso- quenco Is the lawyers and polltlcl.ns control tho remit. A man may overflow with wi-dom, but It will never benellt the world un less he gives ' oNpri's-loii. Herein lies the great power .mil cllluiey of Iho i.rniiLMi clulH anil farmers' clubs In drawing out tho well roii-lileioil views of many miiiiuI, practical farmer, who, while htlniulated to help on tho great work or progress, ovtreunio their natural ditlldenco in Iho pleasant vil lage meeting, us bo could not hn In duced to uttempt In u more pretentious gntliurlng. American Ciiliintlur. anii Curios. Kioto Iho days when Ilabylon Hour-Midi, II i has formed u very Important article or imuiuuu'luro and trade. Unen was found wrapped around mnimiili", and paintings ouTheluii tombs show the pro. ess of luvnufu'luro us practiced In cnily time-. I'lux thils In Un rope, Aiiii'il : and India, nnd w'.ll ul iy be vali.i d ir its utility. I ..Motion pi ml was known in the ;. . or Hie Kiil'brati" nntl the Nile. It win i ailed l tlu uncIiMits Hie .!...... Wi-iiritiir Itee. ' It u.ii iutio- diKcd liiin i:uj;lnil in tho relfii or Cii irlcs I. when mauutat'tureii ov lian.l, eotloii wan little known; but wlioii i-ii1iiiiin machines were Intro iloro.l, tho kiniwledi;' was iNtpaded. 'I' U no iirodnct of the earth which is tllOlO HM'flll Ib.lll ii'lloll, er lllll wl.b'li lves emplo.Miunl to somauy pcrsiin-i, Cotton is cupihln of belli; i.ptin very line; a pound has been pun Into a tbiead l,77 miici m icukiu. Tho cotton from theSea UlandsofCiro Ima Is or a lomurkably tine .liken tokturo, and or this, delicate cambric Is made. Tin: IlAit-llooM .loiMt.NAi.l.-r. lie t-fmitls In tin "lores with Ills luck to tlio stovo and tell- how he could run a nowspaper: how bo could be us Iiule jiomloiit us u lioRon ice, mid call HiIiiks by tholr rl(;bt nauie; how bo would corruption in high places; how ho would wrlto Kood conimon sense and nemo of your frivolous, try-to-bo funny Mull". Then ho criticises other peoples niutliods nfcomlurtliiK nowsvu pew, umijust wishes 6omo ono would jjIvo him a clmnco to show Ills Journa listic ability. Tho way to euro ono of loiiKri'u io wrlto u huiihIIiIu urtlclo every ilay for a week. Huforo (ho week Is out ho Is sure to bo pumped dry, and will irnpo w irMi for un Idea than a chicken dots wllh tho pip. flm.AT UuiTAiN v-". nil: I'Nirr.i) Hrvuw. Tho Amerl-.Mii Kxport .Jour iiiImis: Great ISrltaiu Is beifiimlut' tocou:ittii tho n:oiuy It, hu yewrly to i -.J., ml 1 buying Hie ii'm-c-nri sof f ' ii.i i i n --.i iii li.i iiliii r pco ,i 'i iii I . ;. 'il - i. I ill u i u; n if. i i i i i , I in. ;ln re i i i .t :; a. i' nn ;! t l.u in i.'li le .1 il.ii 1 i t i ti .lis ' I lli( I in. 1 1 w -i1'1 not ! J ! fi.iin ii.'liiil'.uM by their o viiM''. Tim enorn.i us turn oi'jjiB), 01 1,000 was paid by Kiurlind In 177. Toe i i!i,ory comprbilnif iiiilmul fuod niul i cumIs Is ono which is continu ally enlarInir, and the United Slates have taken at one bound the foremost plnco hi the Mipply. In fact, tho Internal resources of H'tlnnd uro now to Its external in proportion of three to two; and on tho whole it Is computed that fiO por cent of tho rood Mipply must ho obtained from abroad. To Mipply this Ih)i;land must Increase her forolKti trade, or tho balance against her will soon bo too lare. TO OUR FMEND3. It is destrablo to have tho friends of tho Kaumkii tuko an Individual Inter est HUtllcIout to sit down and occasion ally wrlto a letter far publication. Many fanners hesitate to do this ho eiiiiMi they distrust their own powers of Interesting other readers, or per haps they aro afraid of the. criticisms anil tho waste basket. Our friends should not rear, hut send us promptly all Items or interest, and no communi cation will ho pjected on account uf Krainiiiatirul errors. Komoof tho very best letters wo receivo uro often luck ing In hchol iri-hlp, but ubnuiid In good son-o. Tho most interesting pirtofuu ugriciilturul paper is In the correspond ence from dillerent nectious or tho country, ami wo wlnh our rrlends would tell us or tho condition or crops; of best varieties or seeds; or their suitability to dillerent s IN; or grains mid grasses, and or their adii tat Ion to tho section In which they reside. If the nam j be .signed to such tommuul cations, it of carries more weight, but If tho writer Is desirous of being unknown, the name will not ap pear, but tho edl'or it have the sig nature to command attention. There is ono huslnes that never could succeed without a great many strikers, and that l.s tho match trade. QOODQYE. Cnnl .)tf, nlil Inline! to mo ho! Wit Imvu Isvn fncniU fr in.iny .ijciri lint Vr fluvll iIumii niHitlur il.iy I hIiiiII lo in.iny mil.'ii .iwny' Uii yiarrt In iio.itli thy roof I'mi iluvlt; Ariiiuul thy (.tniily nttir kiirlti .loiiHil tlio pty Kr""l' ''""it thy licirth, I '.ul n( tliu cMiiny imrtlii Ami nmt, mttfars Inslim mini) , I'll InuliT lluJ my lirst IiimkI liypt My llnfnli, yrn! my ewry niftlit I.i npi'iit Ixncatli thy rimf, tin. tight lllliHini, hdri uh4jn Intinil nia luri-i I lnl l.nov tlimi w rt mi tttvir' I lliiniKlit I ImiI uikuii tirvsl of tlivws Of ulni'li k iiiiiiIi 'u hiinl nuil rcn.1; Hut imw tliu tunu lm cuiiiv, I .lrv.i'l Tii);ii, 1 raunot sy, witlimit .1 nili, M Imig-lnvi-il, only liumo litsjil bye' ll.n tlio ilny I'o l'iissl t' ', Winn I huiiM uti thy tlinuliulil froo Anil nncrcall this) "homo" .i.ifiiii I thuiiht to il tin witlmtit Mini Hut, nt tho timt, I linvr atlll, My lose H atrmigi-r limn in) uill! I uuli 1 mtil imt 1 tn lny i It nit I in u wry hanl to o;, Wllh calmmu tliu' n much I try, Vy lUvr ol I li-'ino at but, IIihhI byo! Wliitt! nt tins liunr am I mi m-s!i! Tho time lui . onu fur mi' to aouk My iliuv itlau Ihu wortil so vrule. To luttli' timveb, kul hy Mite Wall other, hi, t.itti I at tor U'.ira, ino up tho yi r( yrnthful 'ari u.l lift, uitti nuuiy imiis, U'ittnU Tho luvr 'ixniiul tl t'.r heart flitutnisl, ml rnluit Mti'l. a' uvi- u 1, My fooilh i'lHnl'..l houw tlnod hyu! u I h ill 1 tn tho ' tr to daw il'r t'SiU .iii u mi the- :n homo' .-lull I in) li-'irt from tuou o'or wvita t' I'Mily, wli. .i Uu'uorM li s'u! Or .hull I 1 iMiin'ly oft turn. To uhoro thy tav-rml llni hurt), A tut luiii: once inoro in) m'liuii! hvait To !l Hui th) cnttii;i' lsJ I cimu't tell I oul) krovt Tim tuiif lias tMino tor m.' to go Ami enl) from my Imiiu' on high I'll bn.itho to tlu t my mil l)f' Khvnk t I'i tr GHANQE MEETIN03. IU intit.ition, Mnnon County I'omoiu fir.nit ill vnit itivk Point (inuRo on Kntlay the 1st iliy of NuwmUr next, t It) o'clock a. m niul Mill hol.l in fourth ilogrvi'. Wo hojs. to isv .1 full attou.linco AU, by hvi.i1 lie itation, o (tho P A. of M.inou Co. ) t ill iiiih t ttitb ltouml I' tir.uigo t HrtHiku' Mntion on tho tth tit of IKwinkr next at 10 n'tliKk A. m., to ptrtictpalo in .1 grand rvlcbra turn of tho iumivcnt-iry of our Onlcr. Let ocry iuciuUt that can, Uo prcs-uit. I)'i.Cuikki Maxtor Marion Co, 1. 0. WIJLL, A M ITIS TlE JACKETS. Tho iilarkots. I'ortlaii'l ipiU'-T fr Mliri' ""lajT 'r""1 SI ,Vi to ! .V) - r It il himeil tint 31 .Vi n a fnir pri' fur unhmry w licit, tho'igti ?l 7TJ jrcotilnl can In1 olitnmotl .'or n y roiiml lot, nail lnt nk ft null' r ptirJ.a.-. -M rat tlnttiMiiil ccntiilnet 01 .''. it KiO( ri I I1 (ll')IIU lilt ul v) ito licit. Tin- 'V iiml 'Mi ' t r niinsr m, ll fit . u I,, y . .. . I nt v .. tu.wi r. j. irti'il "t jo!y ' a".l I', i' i .r ii i "tinn," fully i.mli imiig thlvji '.a n. c i 'l. 'nit we. I.. Th.' I. .tiling Krrurli C-ininnrclal Jc"i! r . ill", Mi LI if w'l'.i', in tho wttiil t). I r mult of nntnn , mnl ntniwa lint with tn im in nn nrplim r.'H'inl i! runi'titi 'tuint ', till Kl)ll) ttlll just fi. I t.u llrlllll 'I It H .'niKiili its irolialilo th.U the Amcncm virgin . lll a littli' overgo tin rttinntc, hut it n mi .lout tint tho iiorlil Inn no great suriilm omt ' , . ... , , , I wlut in iirotlril up to not '""'. "ll "" r" i .uiiint liu any tiling inK'iti-il hy irmluri n, ii in jrnrt pint, nn the "torn n n ni'niuit), tmr i thuo any tlnrnt of nr In rnumi any npciil.t tin. Hum mint, nr to ili'innrnlii tbo in irkt tn. Wo rori'l Mint ho li.ixr- In'foro hnlil to tin public, If lu il'i-fi tho lliltic mrti mi'l tho American takei, to liny nalio wmf fuithcr nilv.inco. It woim to it nrmilili! lliit uhiiit on tho pickont nv, m.iy jfi In Hfc n Imnliul at S.ilrni, ulivmit i now U; ntnl it will hinlly fall In luu before ' urn trj , with r.o many cm'U ncckiti cargooi. M.iny pr'nitict'rt nro milium at TTjo, ami no pnnlcnt nun will ilccliuo SOo, if rc.w:lii'.l, nnli-n In- cm nironl tn wait until Kjirin nn.l ttkuliiichimcit. Oala nro itcprLiMxl, .i'1. nlv aliout I cent n pniilul nt S.mi J, mi. u i n-.l worth .'(0 renin fur nliipmi'tit, ttln. !i nil'i Salem Mill Stnlili) kei'p. r. piy At e. lit. 1 1 1171, n KU for itupplioi win n th' ...iini'it In li.i'l f ir leitt. I'ot.itova Jiiimilx' tn linM their own thriilli tho wotfin, Sib in morili intn piy M cntn to T." rcntH kt Ininlii'l, neeiinliim to niipply Applin nro they fetili, from '.VS it'litn ll buhel to .'til i.elltt. lilltt'T ,111.1 igji cmtill'io nt 0) crjitit. Tim tviitimr l.lnliiiriiln aro of Itro kiml". Tho While l fur the l.umin fimllf, tho Vrllotv t fur hoi-on. 'i.v;i, nml othar anlmiln. Tcitlmo nliilt of Ihe nr.'ct prinlncej lijr thoo rsintrkalile l'reiiitMlliiii' nr.i wni'juil nri.uu.I cttrr li'illlo. mnl may I") irocureil nf any ilnul.l, or li mill from tliu OlllcoufTllECCSTAUnCuMI'AM, 111 Oil Ulllct, New Vorlc City. PROOF or mi Sia.:E3 eriority 01 I'M PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT, I'cport of Iho eo-nmittiii appointi'l by tlio Ciilifnriii.t Mate Agricultural .So. n-t), S'pt. IS7S, to e iiiiin.' aii.l ivit iiioii tho nientii of mixe.l punU ciliil.ilc.l. W'n m leitt'il from i' nil of tho cxii'nti ." , tho "Acrill Tamt." "Impiriili il.lo I'.iiut," .oul "IVuallc lttil.lHr I'aint," a ran of thotr paints, ami bail Ritao l by a pimtcr uniler our inwi l aujunsMuu. Ujion UM.atinng tho urf u i courotl, o tin. 1 tint tlw "I'acitlo ItiibbT ralnt .-ororwl 'i,T,i. in. "AwrillfnoniiAil 17. M " " ImiioiiilwMii" " 1 1,11.1 ' " An iiial ipiar.tity of en.-li jMint liii'iug been u.-K-il, tho sIhivo nituU nhiwa that Iho l'.icillc ltubbar Taint wrvtl tionrly TWKNTV J'KH n:.vr. Mom: snuwn: than tbo ". oil i ChtmuMl Paint." ami nearly 1'IKTY VVM CKXT. MOUi: srUI'Al 1! than tho "Im porithililo l'aiut." Ill mow of tlio fiip-inj; fact, an 1 cotiriiler lug tho viua of application of ths I'.Kitio Hub bcr I'.iiut, ami itu auponor rovtiniitf ijmlitica, wo Ibtil it juatly cntittoil to tho award of the l'irxt I'rvniiuui. A. C. I'HlSMAK, W. C. KITlll. It. S. JOM'.-l. ( 'ooicitttOi. Why! Why! IVi tllop.opln.lf Ori'KOi jirvfer tho Or.B.l IU.0011 IVkwi i', I.iku titi..n i Kmrti wit, to all tlni"lt;tura" "I'low. m". a4 "CHirtm' mtvcrtiikhl in thin tMitiitry! lt.u,o lltu O. rj.oN Uuhi 1' i iiiuiiiifi. irotl oipoi.i all) for lliii i'liii.iU,a.i.l liioih .no t of Uifgtm Mot a.i I lit rlw ar. iuhhI id im rvjviration, uhich ha bom foun.l t i hi i. -t tu ibnoaava proi altsit t ' thitoliiiM. Huiulrctlaof thoMt ttimiiioiily a y '.il ilit.m pttont Mctli tint ' aro the kii vciw e. r iierpatratctl u.i tho Aiutrit to jvopl ; tlioy Cum W trtiru tho Ague in tho north ami Vollou lover in tho South, ami are a uiciv ilcooition of AlocJ or (juauia ami aro not tu iniuli Uujllt to tho ; tfiu an a ilnuk of j;.1 water Tli" Hi ono t'l'iuriKi. i vot a ittnt 'ino althiUh wt lu o orr eopjr.j;ht to protect in. The piNpirttio'i n a purely ei ' iblo Kami lv l!i iiu-.l. a iiuilicino lUilitptiu lo to tho tiiiu.iholil, at tho nL l.uiran.l Kitlnoy nin 1. 1) mtalilt for tint t lunate. uu may throw awtj hunilroilt of ilollirs ncckin; a cure from thte l'.iteni pitp.iratiom, but they Mill ilo Mm no hhI hi tint miUrio'.u Oregon cltimtc. linj nt our lvt phy.ieiam arj nrvacnliing thm new Oregon M-j.'et.ililo rcmeih for thaeasc of tho later .in.1 Kiilneyi, with tho mtwt hip py ntuttn, ami wo can furthtr aiM that wo will )iorth piil' tcjtimoiuil from tomo ul tho Unt citliiii of rnrtlan.l Wo will Ium" tho Omv.o lluxm lvKinti; on ovhibition at the Oregon State Pair, ami aro making pivjuratioin for a tiuotluplay niul "bis buniucno " Prico $ per lwttlc, Kor aalo orcrywherv. WM. PFUNDKIl & CO., Manufacturing w holculo ami retail tlrusgwU, Porthml, Oregon. FARMER. MUSIC BOOKS SJ'or- tho 3ra.ll Trade The Hartnonia. port r.tar oosos y. mm: vol' y. Tut lj an cntin-.r ri''t bok nn.t t. U .. I -1, nn.t w 11 'imiiti i .1 Ki(,i .h n .r I- 1 1 'iitf trtn.Ui.-'l ly I. . ..!- j t i . . . j 'ii'i to tl. llttnfitih v, tln-l... oin ilc to tS.'ei Votnl nirl'tnrli ('.Oris, Tcstlhcr t-i ltd .s .' ,-. n ,1. I li ul f. r riSt!.v.!lu.d ti1 'if . ' .( i o (, rji n'(ul ..' v . 'I ir u i.i .. j i i. li. 4 f. Hon. on no ,v rno ii r- i t. ta ooittt' ', ! i Hi. I'i f. . ; Ijf.r, r i ,w tVul ! A n h , lo pi - '.r !'ii . T.when hp. fli l' r I ,U.i l t, .Lf i a' ' ruin rvira fc. nu T it-, i j I ii.-' , 1 pi r i ' "'i '.l r- u. , i i ,i j jr,j ,2, r i,Mr :n ,-.u'ri!i i'fi v tJ! TMWr. l"o I f. i ' i I ) l II" JH, I rt 'If N JollHl'lt i M 11 ',' ' - ni' 1. 1 . - t i '' -. S. I , ,1 1 I l-lln,t ' . Il ' - v I i I J i .1 ti) If I -.r it W.j t li Ira n I -null j OMVKHDITSOX&rO.JIostoii. . II nitin A ' I'. HUmhi tVJ'o., -Hill" iditat, .N 'ii I'liim-nui M , I'ntU i.ii,t1 WOODBURN NURSERY, WisihlJIls UMtlnSCO OUK0O I. II. Hi;TTI.i:MH:it, Proprietor. ? i) 0 , O 0 0 Fruit, Ehado. Ornnmontal, and Nut Treos, and Vinos and Shrubbery. In the ahovo .ur -,. ' P !. " VHH UYA" Kt'll""Ka Choice TrcrN, MD cIm. cucli; i- Ortllml Or, ft) PKIl III im j ii CTT:,.Mir.i PAINTING. J. M. FOR8YTHE, h'TATK HTItllKT. OI'I'OMITK HACK Jt SHAY ) Co KUlilo. hAI.KM Oil rr- l'lrnt-( limn tvorlt done, on xliorl notlcr. Mnrll-lf t-iii,Atiiniiii,n "3 J.. T'J. Til -Wtit ti-tn. tm3 .linn o'l nl cnertnti.lthein'r nv In pH"". 'ii if i.i r If i laianlli'ir nn Ml , OontDn luu i ij if. luitMif In'rlnzliK .... -. . l.u ..... If ,. la til luuru I ritfrnitir. . ' I nil'' ' ' -. r. . r rl ' '- ' "T.v ' .1 tl ni. i ' r .irtronruntton. . . tiKuniiinc a co,. AiMiur.n 4n.!rtt, PIONEER OIL MILLS. U a vivo iTiien skd Tin: aiiivb kamrd Mill-, "III cnnt'iiiM thn mtraiftrniro if itn' ami liilll I.'ii-it.t Oil, To and Meal. All otl ttarranl'M nlilctijr puro Sttax. Orriin, Auir. I. t'tfi.-ml J. 1). PILKINKTON, M, 1)., Uto 1'rotiftftor of )lrt'itpv nf iht K'TOArul Etr In thu ri.,.,nl tilai lHr.t f ILI(1 Ullvii iiltKivai .1lkVi Olllrr. Ilrkiiin'n lllorlt, orlland, or, All Hurjlol Opcratloat for I)ltit ol tbo & 9 9 NOSE, AND THROAT Hiiurrur riiiirniiMtn. CATAKACT exlnc'cd, anil CHUSH hVK-l rtralEhtrnrrl. Artltlclal Z)tt a larirr nirortnivnt at thu but French mat ufictair, ou tn. llvnfne... n. nil ill.cha'C" from tbo Car, and Na, al Catarih, raJllcalarlr irealril My TAKE KKWflfcK hlTt btXo btirTnrr t-vki In ti . at I'iMr. 14 ltiviw. WKU, Itnrrwr. UAIU4Q rn.lll I PWrn PI TUUtnij f i .. j..l. . . ...... ..... ...-. - ...... . lyt C-nipt Diun pwkt., nb tleiil pul fUto I Mrvllauni. hi lnlpUtl MQa, lffrMtr.llllpU'.l HIOX. nnl. I !.. r.nM4 K.D'T n 111 .nd Xll'H", i.?ti i si tu n rt. Kor"i'hj..rtiJHi7i. YOU D'Jr. Stuuiskr (utnuimu ti i,nik J. BrtlOS A CO. 807 Broadway, Nov Yorv Cltiition. In 1 1 .lo i i ir .11 .i lu .( o-s i I , tl. .- .1 I I I". ' l I I il.r", h" ! I- ' 'MO .' I J ! ii . !m i r il I - t i of .1 I l-f- w l. l)i .ill I . i ' W i. 4i, It. til v nn K in', i ' . a I . ' I. -il-.r i ( l i . il. . '..l.l.kA-l.iil,! iNrt .-n'k. ni.. iim'I .-'irt in Hi AI .It) i in. trtx ', l. 17 1 1. r tlil"ii prjr but fc !- w 1 rranmernl b) oAi. rolnll count t twin ! wll, wmh a.'liilnUtrU'.r, (ur mi'l r 011 a rr..f H,n4 int.. i .IT llw -ul tml .i U' (Vi'lii.!nv-nrJ Ivi.K I. Umi ru 4 1. ihn ttc tritt ut Iho Um. '( 1 U .1. ith, nm)ln. iwntry ti.iilitn'n (un.'ji vii t' l.ttUipiy tit ui- i. iiu.ii wti raiait in!" iinj "in ivtt in i vip-'iiMt, t'l .lu.mi.lrjtl ni, t . lt rt 'I Ui. .lJi.ti.mi Ui.. tlili i ul II. J. Z'1-ihjI' anl Ue, InT d I" IK ul ft M'llUni. tt iwrtilll'i. In Mtrlin oiintv. M.ii nlOrnrii. ami tnttutttt.,; tl th N. K crivr vf .ii I . Ui n, nl r m .in mniM 113.117 intuit. i.n n.ti u i w 111 .-tii..t ititii, n.irth tlliCi .in. th 1 .t .i: U t..iln ti tlu nttitiof t.tiliintnj, ronttn ng "l .n-. .1 In. I, n..rt .i.-lt. 4R.1 nl rtaj, !i? orJtr ot . i...urt. ravljiVt. tith, liTs, tin Hnil b- trli j . I ki' 1 .tin .1 I livilnHii t(..r Nnttftiilnr I'ltb, tsT, at ti .1 linir.'f .... ' .i'i!.. I. p. in of n t U ty, at th. county mrt roam n tl. 111, In ult cvinty: na-, thvrt-f.i--., tn tn ni 1 1 1 1. ruin ..( tinvutt, .r hrrth cl'wl nn.l -x-vnr-l tn ' I 'ui.t ippmrt ....I tlm. vi I i'Iiv. jnlnh.iv .at , I 1 , r.u ., tth tl. rravr ol mM ivtl'K'i.r a. '.ir- .1 1 -' .1 M n.' liw t-v-Iir j til In 1 . 1 1 ; sMt.ll llrttt. h I'll Vt tn 11 I H it) ."..! 11 1 . ".. .l Ih-nl"l . wt Id N 4 I 1 1 1, ' . J Duiuiiy, tit-i tli 1 tU - ol iNUiUr, 1 ' 1 fvr;irrr - tot-"1;-! s CnnM) JW&'s .H2aJ-tttJvrjJV,Kiaiii J I. KIWY, I' . , 1 u A'U t. tlMO. A !.,!', int.- t Notico of Final Sottlomont NtTII'S It Vrjp. i.-t--i tMt th M-n: r. ji .1, . tor ol tlin taW 11 J II. llllliNifl. il-t.-.i 1... CUI In ih 1 om ty t'.a. l Mr.t 1 1 m n , .-..i t r -;: lu.lln.l . taut, vil Out . Iiwirt .im t; 1 ' I ll. I"l 4 1 rt' ot'llln,',, l?. Ji 1 ) u'! V '" r'. 1. '. tar hut.-Ui i!i-r,lo.ill i-.Ui 411.I ui ' n.u. .u .(. T. II IP 1 iv ". iw, 11, ut.i : ' ' Adxnlnlctrati'l::' r-Jotlco. 1t)Tli''B lnneM -rlr tHt CTnah'th llm'-', . i iN llMMtttU.-l t: in 11 1 ".!... ".! h - utvunrt .ir Pr-al mnii-i-if-nt o( mu4 . . Jt', vi ' 1 . It. triu-f it Mi'l mu-t tiwAtturdty. Niv.tnrnr m.i 1;- IK) tlJ'.'.ll lt". Ul A. HI , l I. Hll'Jl.'jrt rik.ii , in ntLui, Mvl.tatvuiii),tr-Mvi, lulumllihi J.J. Mt.-v. U'Unty JuJtf. cutuiKni ui's-rvn, Oft. 7, 1."-'-1 V JtBlnlt--tn . Nolloti r-l h.-?tl-fnt:.4t 1 IV V(i,-lit. hi t'.'j lit n.r-lhli jL f.-l t-t-.Miut at j tmlni.trttr cl Ui- rU4.j ol ft-, t-.r 1' ., Itto ot Mai-1 i t 'i.ii, .l-.tit J. .tn.1 f.turdty, IV liflityol NntrtnSr, !". at l'l 'UU 14., lu S-ti rlt-.l (or h -tnm th. --inio !l-, aiU'ivtu-l In iltr.ll. 1" 'il t:'lr b-(r tkc 1 'I'tuty iVnin I r U-t .mm', -m Mtrin, Maivct tinvop, V i!i. .Miirt h m' In vtl mln ul ronnty, at th iU an I a.rtil 1, Ou-n .tn J tlu ru to n.i' i-iiixm', II any . . .t, n Hti.l ia. nin. 1-. -U..I n.-! I. .IIowtxL 1 w u-iiirtirr. 'V. il. t7l A J-n r c t-il MUttf. Guardian's Bale. TV' rii'K W IIKIIMIY OIVI'.V TU VT, ri'BSI' NT ll t.nqonUrol th Oo'inty iVmrt cl Mrn rountj. Orixxm, iiuJvtat H Stiylcmbor, l-CtV tt-nn, I trill orter tl t fiblie uKtion wt tt,Tl'HIYt T1IK -as tUyol M1M.MHI.U, 17, t K-t-n o'tllt In th-i tp it n ol ull tUy. t the tvurt hojc Ucir In th nty ol NtKm, Mtn.tnttMinty, Ort.-tn, ttte undtrUttl one-(jurth intrrtvt ol Jowih Hont, tulnor, in wul to tlw lclloin df-n-nbol ml r-Utr, to -rlt, A r-trt ol Uv uVnttion lift fit ni ti I'abirn Miloln n 1 il, In T S K. J W ol th 1 llUmclta inert lun. bounJrj ty tnvuinint 31 c Wnt north V ixr nut ot tho -xHiO-r-ut comer o( m! 1 tlonklton Un.t cUlm, ant running thn.v 7 Oil K. ia.74 chain-,: ttwK.. -V, Si Ctf Vt Si.71 rtuir.t, thnc S. I' OJ "rt , W. 4 J chalni; Ohikv S. Hi" 00- K. J1.-0 chalnt to th. olact) d binsitij, anJ conUinlnj 11100 mti ol UnJ, tuom or kr-m. E. b. UKG0IHK, tluarllin. ;fta 0.1 JJ, 7w """ " ! !- I .. - .-lllll - , . , . ivrnn. ttooo ricnltural g 3 M Pli M KNT H0U8E. wmm n WJirrBWATER ('in7"V '. -. Embraclny many nrr and valuablo Tuiprovomonta never bofora noon on tli' r'aoliio Coast. Tlioy aro fully war rant 3d xamiuo, and bo convinced, The Wliitevater 3-spring' Express and Platform JERSEY AND COjSCORD BUGGIES, All ilrit flasi, nntl lit reasoimlilo prices. Wo 11N0 huvo 371x0 "VliiiaDplo "Wctsoxa.-C3r--uiic3Lo 'I'lint can lx) mod on Wuuoiis, ItoiipcrH, TliroslioM, Hoarier, nnd nil fiirm inn- clilnory-TIIK I'AltMHU'H F1MKNI), nnd tho frlund of IiIh tonni, m it rt'lli'Vi-i thu totiKMo r'f nil strain, innkliifj tho wagon pull y thu nlt'.4, mid Invnluablo to nil tcuiii8tor. se mm w m m Tho Morrison BroH.' Walking Plows, wood and stool boama, and thoir Bosscmor-stcol boaui Sulky Plows. Thou Htecl-bi'iim I'Iowh nro ono third Heritor tlinn nny In usi, nnd arc easily iiiljuttod nnd oporated. Tlio I1KST I'LOWH IN AJIKllIUA, nnd nn onllruly now tiling on this const. The Esterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, XMio Hoat of ltnt Olnnn, Honit'thlnK t'litlrcly mw In Oregon; absolutely forro-fced; no chnnjrenlilo genr- Ing; Mtlctaiitlal nnd ileslrablo. Took premium nt tho Centennial. CHAMPION EAILROAD AND GARDEN BARROWS; Unlike ntij tiling o or teen in thU mnrket, nnd "flir superior. A E'lJll B, I lid il'.STi:i:i. OOIS, (iiiluacliiR Railroad and Mining Shovels and Picks. ANU AM. UTIIKU KAUJi WIJ O.MtDKN TOOIA CJ03D-tOXX23LlCtl 33ia.SS3pr TOPS; t.. w tii.l di'lrii'lu arlkl', t.l, gun Im nutiu any ttijoii A m.l'liw, nrr-iui1 inn S. . , ui h'ii. li a, A full Sine of Wood-handles. NEWIUIRY, CHAPMAN. & CO., OillccN.'JUl Ai a!J I'riuit nC, I'Oltll.iMH Ojicru IIouno Ill'U, S4I.KM I). Mrt OLI.Y. McCULLT Whole. alo Commorcial Stroot, JCotsp Mnckorcl. Cod Fish. White Flih, Snlmoii, I.obstcrH, OyntorM, ftiirdliiL'.', Ten, Collee, Jlleo, Htignr, Kulf, riour, 1)111011, Wo mil partlcnlar nttanllon TVTo-TEr "STorls. TUN :ifST IX TJIK WORLD! Alo our IS". Y. SYltUI', dlroet from tho fnctory, nnd itiperlor to anything ever Introduced lu the mtirkot, ami our w TKA nono better. t V Tirtlc-jLir iri.loct-nifrti;lnr.vilt. ini. lu.ln." '!iro trod. It lit- j -rime or it rr'n1 ltnmll K. .7. NORTHRUP & CO., tl liultniili) unit lli'lull llfulor-i In Coacli, Carriage, and Wagon Material, HARDWOOD LUMBER, SARVEN WHEELS, ETC, (or. Main and 1' Ms , LMrtlniKl, Oregon. N 1 11 v- ;. . 0i. - M a Uf Ulo inn lm 5ewoooeooooGOOGOo8e&ie5; asrCDrniiL miii nnmncBflrR t o it? Jld IlIHI HIHIUIIIBIVIllIUirSU a OSjBm KJ J Q 1 1 La 0 I Q I tM L I a Jt mtm I H H mw a n EVERY KUU8EKEEPER Ui THE COUNTRY S'imiM rrs 1 llm y carefulu, and learn bawr u ttcura A UANDaOMi: SET Or (tni m Oil 1C D5 ftTKO ODfnMP ISfftDTII .. tniTJi OUUU ciuycn rujiiiu oruoiw, vvuatu w?saKyiffa 0 The Donsln hil '" I'lil'n.T Cominy, No. S rUndoln'i Strfft, Clnctijo, IH , hurr, d " "4 I it. ( Vf btnltrupt t-iUicf liattcru imiijIactiiKr., in.rchcd titer I09,COO CCT3 cl Lit. bell mlii uJ Jrf if St. trr nliicJt.p.wit, undo; l than oito.foutth eojItfnstLil iriniificrnire. IVsiilnt t . I.uro- fa 1 ..' . '.... --.t.. ..... i .1 Ktwil M. 11 -rt tuctai T'.iuaifiiivcvcry .Ktuuiviiiui. .. iit.-v - fcS (hi piper tli. orpotunltj of fiTurln(a PflEMIUM (?Tt c t ifr i'-nj, iwiai -o nr 0 nrcuw-i., iw , aiii B V0W3SB. U1' JZ M lU. J J ' t , t 13 ki n 11 infir.AQ ." 't-"""." " K W. full u.tof t -Ul tt i It "V (' r.n.1 .nrn. lit inv nr - rTTrjfTi:ii Q) i:j...ll.51llKKl I Ct out ths n'.tv v.rj:hrr, r' il indnsu a tvuh tU "'I tl & Si ... .... erF .i.nirC. npiny.No.MltsndnlphSt .t 11 Jin. 2k tbi ALL U'LVnilVVAnC rii.Ki,nij Hjrnai:.oant.tiuUo n fj.l, uniljrojtt. yf Cfiifft tiiinnaMTrri Ptiy triornirail j lianJioin.i -tof 'jIIJ uLir-iilatcl r-"' fji IR IlZZll li flcn.mb.r Out thj Mlcr 1. crcn only 1 r ilxly ca),, sfttr S Q 'a-'1-I-M,a nh.c.., 1 lieu of t ifj rncon. w lb 54.C0 S093SGe-3CO(5e0O90S?2Sa9 BOOTHBY & 8TAPLET0N, CONTRACTORS. A'io XI icifactorar end Don f r in Sadi, Doors, TiWnh MraMlngs, Elc. Alto mK a ?ifita'ty of H..-r iMi'i'i'.Ti:o l'iNt: noons. .v. r. A 1 Otlvr. (-.tu .li. (tiintr proa ntly ftlleJ ooraep-; iLJj Btrcet'' riVLtfrr? t vr m v rn 401 mv aDrM ti ' '1 FINE STALLION FOR SALE. A Black Stranger Colt, TimKK YEMW OLD. 1UY Ct!IB, A S?UI-Illl nliul, Ii'i hinJ. hlh, inj .ll DrowtioueL Thu An. irltiul run tx iwvn il SAUUI, or on tht Suto vJr iroundj duhri FjJt .c. fur further nr tlruktr. nptj to r K. WJLsO.V gilto, "!. 1, Ij7-U FARM WAGONS, r STANDARD,) BELLE OK THE WEST a,i3.a. DPotato-DIsser: itu.lit-lit )iUlnhn-r, KXn-i. mi", .".i A. N. 0II.I1KIIT. & GILBERT, anil Itrlull Salem, Oregon, lir Sale Iird, Hum", Syrup, Null, Tublo Cutlery, Woodenwnre, Oliis-iWiire, Tobacco, (Mkiim, Mitccnronl. Verinlci'ill, Pearl JJarley, Tnplocii, oiiko. to our direct Importntlon cf StC53ao--crk?2,3?G5. .l N'iiri--.VT. 1 k. is, orJcm !nu..t ' i.!.'.ft.i at ll J VtUTIIHir eesrstESS - f.. 1.17TW niut nmu ........ . . e -r . " w. , . unitf w.ibi.u.. r' .'.m SET, upnn trcci.tof ciaiy wuU,to , iiU t u loll winir to then vjir.vpr? ui.a'imvii iu, a v? ,, - " " o.-.-.. -.-".,, n, 1 Gi 3 rtANDOLPlt ST, CHICAGO, II.U "ft coil f rncltin;, p-t'ase cr csrrc ie, err , n-via a t rti trartn, anil I en? e, hixjii rtccifl of iuout, u .!. . , v.m -rhrwtr' ! U 0. - ir(nf.,'"TT wr ijiVirri7rv7iiiTr,iftr'inrnrril 3 1 A JU v.u, lnbhc, T H Cor. KKKK & COX, Real Estate and kisurance AGENTS. Loona negotiated on ravorablii( Terms. ii Guy "d Madcr?stei,s.t,,h Counti; a Aeai nr UtdH opcrv iiuoe tUt rtrA . It. A.n. rt Pm.1'. n.... tru f r SXLSV. OR. ttBlJiiJl REVOLVES PEEE 'IS'SiVfiBISUK AJX-v;.lJOWNlSON,LaLaMi,rAUt.urlli,IV Eatray Notice. ONKCUIiVMAREfilSrKBN AND OSB nALP b.udt vxnold, hlf dollar (cot") la right ihoalder. plicrd thero to cure ttrttay, left the prrmWe. ofthe nndtrtztid, two mile from Its' rlem ferry. In Polk Maoty, on the lit d.y ol July, lS!i.ndhtnot beenbevdof elnce. Allhenl re-' wimw 1 n siren ror ner retirn, ottnTinMrmUlun' rTKiruitic ucr -.nere.-ioatt. JAUIZ Hal&KT. B.lM.ABg. U, ttr-tf Vl -I J I ll.' I . t 1 Mi.Vl - .J L'J