WILLAMETTE FARMER. ir To tho Patrons of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Deau Uretiiiikk: In a few dnys I exjiect to start East to nttend tho mooting of the Notional Orange, ami projKwe to bo absent from the juriHiltction about ten weeks. Questions of law or usage arising during my absence may be reform! to my deputies in tho different coun ties; or, hi case there is no deputy iu tho coun ty, to tho Worthy Overseer of tho State Grange, liro. 1). S. U. lluick, Myrtle Crwk, Douglas county, Oiegon. I beg to call the attention of all members of tho Order to a resolution of tho last State Grange indorsing tho Wiliametti: 1'Ait.MEit, making it tho organ of our Order and calling upon Patrons to giro it a hearty and united eupiwrt. Urethral, wo need a paper devoted to the interests of tho farmer. It should at onco furnish us an account of tho current events of importance, tho state of tho crops, markets, Ac, give us a medium through which to exchango our ideas and experiences, and furnish our families a weekly repast of such pure and wholesomo miscellaneous literature as is best suited to their wants. Such a paper re quires A largo outlay of means, labor, and talent, and cannot bo furnished us without adequate support. Let mo urge you, therefore, to givo our own paper a cordial support; sub scribe for it, writo for it, work for it, so that wo may havo a farmer's paper worthy of Uio a name and second to none. Fraternally yours, A. It. StitrLKV, Master Oregon State Grange. Oswego, Sept. 25, 1878. State Orange Deputies for 1878 IUkir Co. Thorrui Smith, IlaLcr City. Ukxton A. Holder. CorrnilK Clacsamas-C. N. Wait. Ccnby. Cumoi- V. II, (liny, toting' ltlrtr, lKeaLAi-l. H. K. Ilukk, Myitis Crfvk. Jacksos J. N. T. MUlcr, JacknonrUUi. jiwu-iiws Jonrjn i-oiioi-n, ujpu. t,juifsltucuu iuiux, wniwr Allen llAhd. Kuin-no viiy. MARION J. W, Ilochl ... . -v - , ilovhdfcr, IluttcvtU; W. M. MlWy, Turner. .MlLTSnUAII-M: Kflly and Jacob Joliaton, lint rortlond. Tillamook J. c. IVwly, Tillamook.. ... .-- - r r -. .. " union joiin (.-reunion, t'nion. wakco-jchm Emi.TH'h Vkly. WAniilNGTON J. A. IUchArdMii, Tualatin; J. V. H- plnjrton, (kulon. AKiiiLL-U. R. Uushlln, North YamhllL WAAJIINOTON TMIMTORT. OoU'mma Thouuu ThroMcll, Dayton. Clakms David HUuiip, Vaiictiuttr. CowLm John H. llouirtli, IVkln. WALU WaLL-V. II. Tlionux, Walla WalU. Whitman WlllUni King, l-idoumj City. fatrotw In thuto count!. In which no 1 Vputln havo beon appointed would much obllit mo by diiljciutJiiK llrothur nilLiMe to net In Uit cniuclt J. A. K. Biiirutr, UohUt Or. St. Unuit-. DIRECTORY. OFFICIittNofUto NATIONAL KANJIC. Matttr John T. .Tone, lUrtnn, Phillips. Ark. ONrtrJ. J. Woodman, l'aw l'aw, Vu llurct., Mich LicturrK. It. Smcdloy. Crcfeo, Howard, la. SUuanlA. J. Vnughn, MemphU.Ti-tiD. At't StticarJ Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlctinfb, 8omcrct, N.J. Cnanlalna. It. Ellis, SprlnghorouED. Warren. O. Tnaturtr Y. M. McDowell, Wayne, HUubcn.N. Y. Sterttary-O. It. Keller. LotiUvlllo. Ky. (laU-h'rfjxrO, Dluwlddlo, Orchard llroYe, Ind. Ortt Mr. John T.-Jones, lUrton, I'bllllB. Alk. jriflnt l. Itamiul 15 Alllim. SlOlltlfClkl. Mlnu. JUitnna- Mr. Harvey (lixiiUrd, North Uratiby, CU lAly AMant SUuntnl MU Caroline A. Hull, LUllUYIIIl-, Ky. EXKCUTITK CONMITTKK. D. Wyatt Allton, (Chairman,) Cokcbory, S. C. K. It. rjlmnk'niid. I)uhaquC' town. Dudley T. Clint.', Claremont. N. II. Alonro () dder, Uock l'allo, WhltoKldo, III. W. II, CTunbcre, thuTMcluc, Hum ell. All, Announcement for Uio Fall Trade E'lto.-u s. ckii:d.iia.v. All porpou.1 nro iuvitext to coroo and s what elegant UUKSri GOODS I sell for ono bit .-. yard, Como and SCO my '2t)-ceut UKI-.S .GOODS, my bit a yard WOltSTKl) CHKOKS, ondmyfino 8- 11LACK CASIMKU1 for ladten, my FANCY TIGUllED GOODS at ono bit a yard in nvwortod colors; my 2 50 BLACK BKAVKK, my 10-ccnt LINSEV; my lieautiful ayiMrtment of SHAWLS; tho clioapoitt liulu-u andgvvuU' UNDERWl-LVlt ever brought to Salem; my tluo lino of HATS and OAKS, BOOTS and HHOKS. Como soo my fino SAS! I ItlllBONS, 371 conteayardjmy GItOS CHAIN lilimONS nt from f couU to 50 cents a yanl. KMBUOIDliltlKS, all haud-iwule, from 5 ocuta a yard up. In LACI2S I havu a Hue as- ortment. It will jvay you to buy HANDK Kit- CHIKESamlTOWKI of mo bythodun. Iu TABLK LINKN3 I defy compctitiou. I have OIL CLOTHS and CAltl'KTS; ooino look at my fine TVYO-1'LY CAUPIJra nt 1 yard, my extra BP.USSKLS CAHI'KTS at ? a yard. I h-tvo a fino lot of Ulle's CIX)AKS, ahmp; aoVr.LVCTS and VKLVKTINKS ioii Ul ajrtJ ff TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS. A l good Una of KID OLOVRS, anil UKltLlN GLOVKS. Got yur VOOLEN YAUKS wm! I KNITTING COTTON of w. MLno i the I ol,.mn.-dt ,lnv tn linv KNIPk'ifWACliSI IiiCK.-.nJ KDGlNOi, JACONETS, SWISS MUSLINS Kid IUKSI1 LINENS and CUAKH T ES. Bui your KAULE i"i,Nr ot lKIIil)31AN. All you cDiokori, if you want good TOBACCO, CIGAH3 or PIPES, go to KKIEDMAN h. rentUmen, your hoad -covering must como from UEDMAN'S, for ho has tho bet fctoel; of in tho city; your understanding should bo t of him for hid stock iia.4 all, from Hue PKRA BOOTS to a pair of BABY SHOES. I luvo now a stook of CLOTHING ior largu rjni m well an small, in CASIMKUK, GONALS or CHINCHILLA. pays you to buy all kinds of SlJUiTS of UIEDMAN, for I havo PINE WHITE HIRTS at from CO otnU to ?2 25 apiece, ind excellent asortment of casimere shirts. ' I wish to clc out a lot Of WINDOW CUR TAINS, TASSELS and CORD very cheap. It will pty you to conio prepared to buy, as I j vii a poor bock keeper, and it U caah I watt "or my good. CQ' Stacy tin aboTrt wa WTitttn. my Vt" PARIS LETTER. fkom ovv. nxauuu comuai-oNwiiKT. Travels in the Rne Drouot l'Aia", Sept. 23d, H7S. Tho Knc Drout, like tho Hue Laiitto aud tho Huo Io l'ollcticr, continues, in despite of tho n.iusamanigatiou of tho Second Empire and tho Duvalisation of tho Third Republic, to maintain its character as an essentially Prcuch and more so a Parisan strict. Strange tricks have been played with most of tho thoroughfaieK in ita neighborhood; ktill tho Ruo Druout has hither to trinmuhantly defied all tho nttrmpta of an iconoclastic municipality to cut it to pioccs. Afttr btcakfast, I mean tho "dejeuner a la foutchettc," nut tho coffee, egg?, bacon, aud toast hour, nay nlxnit two in tho afternoon, is tho time to travel in tho Rue Drouot. It is not a very quiet place, being nominally, perhaps, as bustling as a commercial street in on Ameri can city, which from an artistic point of view it in no way resembles; still it is frco from the incessant and deafening roar of the main boul vards. Ono likes to hear tho "city's busy hum;" and towns as tranquil, say, an Cordova or Toledo in Spain, or Ghent or Bmgea in Bel gium, are apt, after a time, to induce a fit of tho incagrimx. When pcoplo aro really alivo it is incumbent upon them now and again to ex hibit Bigns of their vitality but tho Boule vards which stretch from tho Madeline to the Bastille are more than alive; they seem to bo hysterical, delirious, or in a permanent crisis of some groat agony which constrains them to make a terrific disturbance. The exceeding ficrccueiw of thoso who were wont to como out of the tombs of old has been accounted for by the MipiKioitiou tliat when tlioy emerged from their caverns in tho morning they were like w iso exceeding hungry, and uaoerUiaty M to where they were to get any braitkiut may hare had much to do with their hbli of nriklng and running amuck. From sunrise to midnight you hear on tho Boulevards tho well-nigh incessant crocking of m hips, a sound extremely distressing to ner vous tsars, bringing your mind back as it docs to tho time of negro slavery, and inducing tho suspicion that tho ferocious LcgKo, iiidelluitcly multiplied, is operating upon Undo Tom at ever' corner of tho street. Fortunately thu whips are only those of tho omnibus aud cab drivers. I wish that they would not agitato their thongs quito so frequently or so violently. I do not think that thu French aro designedly cruel to their horses, save in so far as they drive tho poor half-ttarvod screws (n an incon ceivably blundering and uucIcai manner, but they seek to Htimulato tho Kirry jades by a startling revcrbation, which they produoo by throwing out tho lashes of their whips latter ully somewhat as a Muxican "greaser" throw out his lasso. Now when a whip is thus crack ed by a Jehu as skillful at thu Postlllou du Loiigictmvui tho horso is duly quickened into actiuii, and no harm Li duno to auybudy; but when a lwmlo of uututored and undisciplined characters como lumbering, clattering, iluug iug, or crawling six ubreast ou tho Boulevard Poissoiiniere, flourishing thuir whiiu and fling ing out tho liuhei in dl djroctious, and you hapjH.'ii to 1k riding in a cub in tho midit of tho ntuk, tliu cliancos are about equal ns to your own driver hitting fcomo pussing jukueugcr over thti bridge of tho noso, or (f a playful c;Jby either to tho right or thu loft of you cutting out your eyu as ho lloimdoru :at. To bucIi perils you arc soarooly oxjoiic1 in tho sober Ruo Drouot; tho tralGo is never Iongoon goitwl, and iudood, at soma jwriotls m tti'Jing is tho pros. of locomotion that tho peJejtri.ui unu cujoy ona of tho nvwt iliwrly-pruod privi-L-tfu of a PreiK'hman, that of walking on it hot itftcrnoou iu tho ivutro of tho rooduay, ruid with bis liAt off. Tho praotico daUvi from tli-i time wheu sidc-widks were ttukuowu in tLo small iitnystit of Paris, and poaciAblo p))lo walked at largo, just kioping clear of tho great black gutter, tu avoid tlinpuUvi alut thu wall. There may Ik) thoio who regret Uio "ruisAcau." There were, forty years ngo, laro-leggwl in dustrials who tiarucd a livelihood by carryiug loditvs safely acroiM tho stvolleu kennel after a shower of raiu. For a lady tho feo was ten centimes, for a child or a put poodle Cvo; but tho open kenuul did not dUappcar tithout uuiiy cbiiscrvativo sighs. Tho existing drainago of tho City of Paris is, I su: given to understand, a col.wiul monument of sanitary euginoeriug, and in a fccieutitio sctu'o crfect. I am sure that Victor Hugo ami Maximo Du Champa havo written tloqtiont ly anil exhaustively enough about thu now en.; utill I camel hcl fancying that tho practloo of koUiribatiou tontinuos 'x eno souio'hii.g to Ik) doairod. Tho smell of tho lack stnxiU of Paris in warm weathtr is, oven iu lh most fjhionallo districts, thu revunu of agrocablo. Nochwge, hovi'evcr, of tb.'o nature naI be J duccd artist tho Rue Druhot, thich ij, ocm-psn-'.iv.ly siM-x'.itij, very r.nc!ont tiiorougb- fare, d in which, w)':u uu jro (ratvelHr.g is it, you find so many ittt riding slglts to en gage your atloutki that you aro iodiSsrent to the odors of the pUoe. I have liotu told ttt thu KiUi-gorod, at Moscow, isuot aver) sweet suivlltux locality; IhtjiaiUof (XinsUntiuopW, are redolent of n daci'Icdly villainous porfiriK-; tlif.t tha Calla do los Hiurrn, at .''ovillo, luu a rather "loud" arowa; wij that tho bbik etreoU of Venice would Iw all tho boiler for a l.ttlo dilutod ca lolio arid. I havo novor noticed theeo trifles. M. Louis Vcnillott found noth ing but sweet pcrfumea iu tho rocking lanes of Papal Romo; and bow thouM wo stand as arehuxJogists, antiquarita, art criticd, and "curid" collectors, if wo were all toelcvatu tho licwa at foreign smells. Under Obligations. Wo are undor obligations to Mrs. J. Do V, Johnson of Oregon City, for full iivticulars and interesting and spicy comments on tlwi Mo-1 chanics Pair, lately held at Portland. Tbj but instalment of "copy" cam a jiut aa wo wrtu closing up tha work for this issue, and wi. w - o bg' I to carts'l sor.o ji'rt cutaro f-ir tb c o' f.jisl- u4i thr trr fb i wc , a ' ', tha jrbih -g cf w IP J -pc - r - -c nn't av: i ta.5r r.-'hsTi' y ira,, t, - Gold And Silver As Valuos. Tlio New York Giaphic, in combatting tho idea that the world should pay homage to gold as tho standard of values, says: First Four times as many people in tho world nso silver ai gold, and a hundred times as many people handle silver coins as handle gold coins. Second More gold than silver it mined every year, tho excess being more than $25,000,000. Third Gold is far mere fluctuating and un stable than silver. Fourth Tho wotld's production of gold dur ing tliis contury'lias varied from $3,000,000 a year to ?1C3,000,ODO a year, whilo tho world's product of Bilver has always boen between SM.OOO.OOO and 375,000,000 a year. Fifth Anybody with a tin pan can find gold, but silver is massed under great mountains, and in such combinations that it can bo pro duced only by tho aid of expensive machiuoy; therefore, the annual harvest of silver is sure to bo the steadier. Sixth Tho action of Germany has given gold temporarily, a lictitious value, higher than the market price of labor (which is tho ultimate standard of values), but tho great demand for silver iu tho world is sure soon to ro-cstablish relations, and there is more likely to bo a "glut" of gold than of silver in tho world with in the next three years. Jaolanon County. Jacksonville Times. Mr. John Collins, of Sams Valley, presented us last week with thrco potatoes weighing re spectively 7J, GJ & 3 pounds, tho solo product of ono hilL Chinaman Goon has purchased tho claim of B. F. Bradley ou Foot's Creek and sent ten men down yesterday to work it. We did not learn tho considerations. Our new Gordon Press arrived hero ou Tues day last in good condition. Wo aro now pre pared to do all kinds of job woik in thu best aud latest styles at thu lowest rates. Tho excitement over tho late discoveries at French Flat, near Waldo, still continue. About thirty men nro making four dollars to ono omico per day to tho hand. Tho diggings nro deep, and as there is no fall are wor! ! by drifting. Col. J. N. T. Miller has gathcied tho grapes in his vinyartl, aud is now preparing to make a largo quantity of wino. Capt. Ankcuy last wcok returned to Port land from Galicu creek, where bo ban been look ing after his mining interests. Ho lias enlarged bis ditches and made other improvements to tho Blue Gravel claim that will prove quite val tiublo. Sllvorton Railroad. Circulars havo been issued calling a meeting of tho citizens of Sitvorton and vioiuity next Saturday evening for thu purpose of considering tho advisability of building a narrow gaugo rilroad from Hilvmtonto New Era. Tho jteoplo of Silverton aro iu earnest and intend having an outlet. If tho pcoplo of Salem aro too lary urrtingy to interest themselves to asjint iu tiiin onturpri'o they end sit Ully by, anil oo their neighbor.! grow ri:h by a littlo exertion and nt tho cost of n few dollar.. Will not a I ommiltfio of our eitirens atteud tho mooting I nA miittf!tj, Min ttwitunrv utr.l: frnm f tilu fitv to induce tlmso interested most, to build to .a lcm iusttad of to Now Era or any other point. SicASb-up. From M-. M. Mitchell, of Oervas, wo loom of tha following runaway, which occurred there yosUrdajt Tho team bulcugiug to Mr. J. T. Hair lctai.'ip unmanageable whilo ho was driv ing mid ran away. Mr. II. wan thrown from tho wagon and had bin arm broken, besides leing sovcroly bruUod and mingled by thu no eidout. Tho wagon wn entirely demolished. Doctors Kusic aJ Il mi set tho broken arm, aud thopatieut when lost beard from, uas get ting along as well at could bo cxjiectcd under tho circimuUiiccs. Additions to Tnrnor. Both lLHauimer, surveyor and civil engineer, inado a trip to Turner Station last w eek aud surveyed an addition to that tot n, and a few days ago completed a map of tho town with the additions, when tho towu, as now mapod and plotted, is all settled up, Turner will bo quitu a nice littlo towu. Tho nun can I txcu for a few days yet at tbo ollico of H, It. If annuel. hold Out. Mr. Walter Moi., well known to everybody iu Halem, has ou account o? bii health boeu oompl!t'd to quit the printing business, mid ! ojiisequontly Rld hh half interest iu the Mer- I enry, to Wilbur Cornell, who will coutiuuc tlio Mercury as usual. Wa jmrt witli friend Mta ' with rearet, and wish bint niiooesti in whatever be may undertake. Arras otr.o fttaa A dwpatcli from Han Francisco to the Oregon- iMi, rtculvadat t, late hour last night, aay; "Officers Dn Coffoy, Byram and Doud, yrster- day arrested B. O. Hughe.-, who is wanted in Halom, Oregon, on a charge ot having hrukiu iiito a safe uii sUlen ?:0() about thu middlo of this oi on th" Xndcpcudcnco XUctloa. At tho uloctnn held at Iiidcpcndoiico Momlay tho following o.Tu'crs were elected ; Isaas M. Iiutlcr, Recorder; David Davidson, Thomas Bolt, J. S. Cooper, Joints Parker, A. J, Iteiss, councilmcu and James Ijuipvnce, Mar shal, Tiik Iowa .Supremo Court hat just docided a very iuteretting caso touching tho legality of a conditional pardon. Kirk wool (lanloued ono Dick Arthur on condition that ho I:tp boUr and refrain from crime. Arthur viubitwl thu conditions, was ro-arrestod and relooscl on ha las torju.n by Jodgo Newman, Gov, NowIjoIiI npjtsaltnl to tho Supremo Court, which now ho'ib that a conditional pardon tan lj .mui) a? d, if aocoptul by thac-nkv md violal c-n Ix. Jtl lrawn a wl tb kd nc ci'or t' i U UC' f rjl tiM ( flood n ion tl iqu".. a a " a c-to v; th IIo3,n' J J h C rt I jHC".' 'y hi! " Wa. oc I Various Facta or Interest. Tlic lnte9t census pIiows the populntioii of Jnpnn to bo 8434S,UU, a steady am! largo Inereaso since 1S75. The fifth publication of Horn and U'ug ner's well known "Population of the Karth," makes tho number of tho earth's human Inhabitants for tho current year 1,439,145,360, an Increase of 15,000,000 over thr e9tlmato of last year. Tho In crease Is attributed partly to natural growth, partly to exact knowledge tlue to recent censuses. The distribution ot the population among tho grand geograph ical divisions Is as follows: Ktirope, 311?, 40S,4S0; Asia, S.11,000,000; Africa, L'05, 219,500; Australia and Polynesia, 4,411, 300; Amcrlcn, 80,110,000. The annual production of the sugar of tho world has been approximately calcu lated as follows: Bengal, China ami Sl am, 300,000,000 pounds; llrltlsh Colonies, 440,000,000 pounds; Dutch Colonies, 100, 000,000 pouutls; Spanish Colonies, 470, 000,000 pound; Swedish and Danish Col onies, 20,000,000 pounds; French Colo nies, 100,000,000 pounds; France (boet), 300,000,000 pounds; Hrn7.il, ir,0,000,000 pounds; Zollvercln (beet), 500,000,000 pounds; Austrlavlwet), 178,000,000 pounds; Russia (beet), 100,000.(100 pounds; Italy and Holglan (beet), 200,000 pounds; all other source9,inclutllngthe United States, 400,000,000 pounds; total, 3,420,000,000 poinds. Tho annual consumption of sugar per head by dllleront nations varies very considerably, as may ho seen by the following figures, based ou official data: In tho United States, 33 pouutls per ho (id; England 30, Scotland 30, Holland 10, Ire land fi, Hclgium 0, Franco 0.00, Spain 0,24, Switzerland 0, Portugal C, Denmark fi, Poland C, Prussia (Zollvercln) 10, Nor way and Sweden !), Italy 2, Austria 2, Russia 1. Surely there must be some thing wrong In the statistics that malt o tho average Englishman cat moro than four times more sugar than u French man. A narrow gaugo railroad Is proponed from Quanttco, near Alexandria, Va., to Clmrlcstown, West Va., and to Pitts burg, to ulibrd communication with the iron oro region of Virginia. A company luifl been formed, Hon. John Lynch of Maine, for President. A railway to con nect Olusgow, Scotland, with Ayr Is pro posed. An association has been formed to promoto a railroatl from tho Persian Gulf to Constantinople. Agents havo lately been iu Sau Francisco trying tu Interest capitalists Inn scheme font nar row gaugo railroad in Uautcmala. Two railway projecta aro being discussed in Austtian Government circles ono to connect tho Austrian railway now ending ut Polroshaul, in IIungary,with tho Rou manian system, by a lino running down tho valley of tho river Jlu; tho other to lay down anew lino from Huohnrlst, via Citlurnsu, whero It will cross the Danube to Mangnliu, on the Black Sea, Thcro projcotH mo intended to form an opposi tion line to thatlo bo constructed through Hervla. Chines o Money. From tho first thuChincro beldavory correct uotioii in regard to money. They rocogui&tl it biuiply ns t.n instrument to further exchange, and not as being iu it elf wealth. "Money," says ono writer, "is an object that !u timn of fuiniuo cannot feed us, in a time of cold can not clothu us, but, coming to tho scryioo of all occupations, nil sorts of precious things may Imj secured by it." Tho vieissitudts through which tho currency of China has pasl havo betu frctpieut nnd violent. Tim cshu with which money is produced tempted various sotereigtis iu times of national dilliculty to coin enormous ipiautities to incot their immedbto wants; mid no common havo been tho materials umphiyid, and so mdo tho technical execution, that coiners havu found no dilliculty iu coun terfeiting tho Imperial cash. At thu present day thu tho trado of coining initio money is a largo and tlourihhiug one, unit only within tho hut few weoku a vessol was captured ou tho Yang-Uo Kiaugcairying a full cargo of falru muney. Tho principal objection to tho cop. tier cii.li as a inrdium of cxrhaugu luunlivavs been its cumhrousnois, and thus, at an early period, aroco u demand for a moro convenient iwjiiivHicut. To niiiio uxteit wlvor Eiippliil this viunt, but tho iutroiluotiou of a pttjier cur rjusy provwl a still grater lK.-ne.1t to tho trav eling i "rafcniit, Uistoknti tell us that lstnk Hotea ' ai'j tinwrcd during the Tang Dynasty (A. D. CtSUsffJ), but with the advent of troub lous tn e oessud to eirrulste, and it wh not until t.'.:8OK Dynasty (A. D m IS81) ti.. ihI supromn tht they vferi evsteuistiofllly is sued snd Htfuyusfd. ' Ou the notes ioitl during the Ming Dynasty (A. D. l.'JM IfW) was tlio inscriptiuni, "Whoever 'abriw' or tUM forr'tJ note shall lie hohnad ed. si ) liu who infuvcK gtin.t thu forger, or arres's h'm, thall iiKtivn a nward of 1U) ounces of silver." Tii'j AsHinn'ot of tho French Itcpubllo l.oru hi almost identical lo gond. " .a lot punU demerit: can'.rffac'etr.lu iil ion nconvpnae U tltnuiw.LUcur;" and on tho Ainoricaii notes Ukucxl during tho war of Iudc cndouco was inacrilxvl thu short and empltatic phras;, "To couutorfoit is death." Aihcna-uiu. Tho following from tho Yamhill Rejxirter which tcti Yamhill county onu notch uhoad t "It has never boon recorded, wn l.clitve, but nujdit to luvo Ujon, for it la stated nud con'oWi rated by tomo of our truatwotthy iiei;,'hbnr, who hevo Ucn in "Vcnlilil always," cml ii vo think, souK-thing to brag on. Hero U tho sUten.cnt: At one tlino not ninny years ago, thrtie fjutiilies iu.Wut Chehaluu fuiniitieJ the ilistri'-'. Hchooi there, with thirty ohildivt, T1 f. . I !-e'! we-e all brolhei . ntrs ! I j "ut r v thi i. mut t'i . 1 'ivaii iir J ii It t I Ixv, JI' Iav. Jit t , i. c - v -. tovi a Waa tfia vruai -thcr 1 tu trout IllLWXxXnr, BODD A CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Offer for Sale at the Lowest Possible Pricei. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL - .n JGmWlBMt H Consisting iu part of fitfS HARROWS Heelers. Wc have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such as arc really the "nt plus ultra" of their class, believing the best arc notonly the cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be mr nished on application, and wc sell no goods that we arc afraid to guarantee. W would call especial attention to the Deere Sulky Flow, Ouer 1,000 Sold In Oregon and W. T. in the last a years. Ths nccullar arramrsmeot of this unrlvaW lmhin..h( n.U nnlv ta Ita etn to be antr rlaUl Alk Your nclelibor what bo thinks A -a. .A... t.tl.Krt sfhft ha tliinVti 4 tout It No compllctTlon of lever A boy (kl i DllllkH V na law w - -- " with a walking- plow, ami Iwlco the quuiUty r day. Wo hart paid cipclal rvganl to tho Impromfnt ol our Implements and wo only InentTand Stst i'tVlea 'i.VuTun.Tit.nu.J to particular!, wo would call attention to Ita fotlowte, tktt DELI'S MOLIHE PLOWS, Randall's Rolling Cutter Harrow. Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Plows BKoUa. Wfua -loirsir DEERE'S CULTIVATORS, Farm, Grist and Food Mills, Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons With ,. New TRCLLErtQER Pt. Bar used: No shoes to wer oat tiree, will hold n wogoa aayvhrn hackiBK or golaff forwerd. We arlao Solo AgeaU for STTTDZSJUaSXB. WAGONS, With hint Wkf Ink Too well known to need comment. Send for Circular and 1'rtce Lit. r 1IAWLEY, BODD CO. l)r. Mlntlo's Yt'RCtnblo Ncplirctlciim. UOK3 IVVUISK M.I.I Not It If Intmitleil fir Dlnetfi-r ot thu Klilnry anil lllxdili'r. Tnln Krvat Tunis riiiplti-K n want lonir r.-lt ly n certain cln's of mtlVrcrii, ami In Isklns a hlnti nuk nniuinr rvntrdlal skiiiW In thl rnnntry. l'lrnt lli-cntio It t imdn HI'KCMM.Y for Klitnrr nml Illiidilcr cnniilnlnt,, thu dllU-n-nt lUL'tcillrnlKiir Mhli'h It lnniiMiiii'i-d aclluit conjoint- jy u lion thu innniilir nml murnns coi iiMIiiiki or Cn, Hrcond. 'I'liJ coisliluatlim Is thu ronlt if Mi nico I'xix'ilnicn nt d ruN'Til rluily. ImiIU of tlio or vaimanif tliolr itl-oiin.i'. Third, Tho lK-t inatetUN (which aru purely vi'iWbU) am ncli-cti'd slid nuil In Its mtmi'iictiire, In uculo Inllatii'iintliin of thi Klilni'yior lllulilor, pain and hittlin-M In thu hack and loin, wllh ilrnwrlno and fiilliii; nt Itintunr, tho Nrpttrrllciiiit "111 uWu Innnidlaie roller, nml a fno iio a inrucl euro, by strictly lollowlnj illuw lluim. I'rlcd, $1.12.1. llr. nintln'M ltnsllsli I)ninlllut l'llls. DO TIIKY UUIIK KVKIlYTIIlSIt t No Thi-y rn Inu-iuli-il lor illffni-i lhat ruKultfrum MilarUl I'iiImiii ami n llrrmiL-rtl l.lvi-f. Hinplnmor s dlrilvirc il lltur Hull ptln In thu riiin aim iiinitier, ir oi nupvuu. nwiwi ii'iunu-. roftlvo Imii-I, lck lii'lilnthr, die Wrllil, Wllfilit In tin-i-lnniNcli, ii Irti kvlln wllli soldlty and hi'li h Iniriipnf wind. luwrvplrl'S, Iia of ineivy, nnl.a IillllT. filial firvlnuililKiliir It II Di-liy liiii'i.'iin. Manviif I In luiilliiircltlMim of 1'itrtuinl. from rx pirlfiito will v null hi in ilui siin-rlur tlrlmt nml vuitinuiim'Miiu' iticiniii'.. i--icu xiiiinii pi-risix - Tu tin ulitili.ul tif nil iliiiiTl-li-. To Whom tt may Concern. 'JliU is to tvrtify that I Ittvo lio-ii rttTct,t'-l fur tin I. nt tli;v ymni witli chroniu fnlUuim.i tloii nf th'i lilmlilt-r ntiil toriml litrr. Hiiviiik sjK-ntaatn.-JI furUino witfi tlio limit iiicIIriil titlrnt I nnilil olitnin in Sun lYincinciinnil Mit oil tliu iirionssiriiifi in (Jnlifomiii, liojiini; t liml rcliuf. lliiviiii fontul mum I intvii iiinll hoi of U'iiiy cinv'l nml i1ixii.hI nil ntutliciiitvi iuuI ilootnrx. Wliiln remliiiK nun of tlm daily ktiort I saw nn tiilvortisomcut of a inodioino c;Ulcil Neiliruticiiin, n iii)ianitioii nrni.iivil by Dr. Mintiiiit Co., of S.ui I'V.uicihco. I wai iKtrstimlril by my wifo U try it, nml I went nml bought :i lotllii. I living tiikc-n tlmt ono liottlu i foiiml inucli rulirf, nil juiim uwisin und feel ing nuiuli battor I took two mon- Imttli-i iuuI I inn r.oivr iiurfi-ctly intoroil Ut lunltli anil strviiKth, tliiuik (o.l, for tlio nuKjnur Hkill of Dr. Mintio K Co. Any ono who imty ilmiLt tins sUUniiuut can uul to my rosiilunco nml sou niu. J. V. Moouk, 11.7 Fifth fitnmt, I'oitl.-unl, Oregon. .'Vliti'inUrll, I (17. Dit. A. II. illMfli! fi. Va).- 'lonUti I volnii Utir to niy your i-'iiullsh D.uiilolion Fills siiuU ami ovnn tiuriiiwi nil you clitiin "from my nv-)Miri(tni- in (iiir u. I'.vuoy thoy liaxti no ,i ! ',.. t i.i'.l l.ivor trouhhis. J. A. .SriuiwnuiiMiK, 1 ,-il Ktitmt, JuUtur MerchuiU i ..i .Li -. i;. 1.7 v . wiit ih ' . 1 1 of FvrtUtKl Hud Han Kr . .i. .) J .t . . .''i tw'a lft;)lirjticinn sn.t H!il i i.i,'.Ari i'.ui. Wi- l.tvo witJ it t&fu mcitat of Dr. Mintle'e ir.(r!t':ms: The Huljttt iMadellriu Fill, also tlio tented NepHfwtlcum Kid in vl eaoc highly rucinntMvdtdi Joint A. CUiWs, Thmgg'ui', fteowl strcot, J'uitii-ul. (.'. II. Wo'jJward A, Co., DmpjjUU, comer Firt an! AMr stroet, ForUautl. A'.-atiM - Carroll, WkoUswb Dm- '' t.l T, F- n' HlriHt. H. K. ' '. Ii ' oi!i i h iiti a.1 Iiii In thi.!- . ii b.fi.n 'ii iiiMi . iy I. I tj' t, I',, liu ul Cltroiiic ft'.d Mt . w'j .l ' ,VI Uil I . I. .. 4 Sircot. I u M fMiill, rill.rt.ANI), OltMiOII, HWK&MMifU&iewsm MOIEY i roil kin i.i liiiilt HUlku. .urn u. lifu'-a i, IJ, lUrl.'i,'..l llnl. oli'.. mill llf I "111,. ,V, .lit ,, ....., .-. vi . v..-.an. i'lHin.. rr f"r ll.J. ni.1 Jjii I'rliitlii'. Il;.h, ,ih1 n .' ...... . .... . .. .1 . ......a Ilinlil , I I.... ..-. i:Unk II .iki. ur miy u n In lh Pniitlnj r IU ' Jl l litltiir liu-, M-ri.1 In 1. fl. Ml SU IA IT& KHOf tw 1 1 1; f 'am liml. ar i I'r nt r i.'. I H. .I'l'i'l r, I 1.1. - I, Hli.B, it-cuii. sswsjusaxtvissfasxj ANGORA GOATS FOR SAL:. t r f t r , u Til CJl (, i 1 'r 4 S Ml Hit 3 t,it-, Ni. W . . ,.!,. Ii 'if ' I- In M. .Si., .d 1' mvsmh nnnt rij ku. tolPMBlla RTe - TV4 ivmwy9 Hito. " CHAMPION FANNING KILLS. Wood-working Maohinory; Belting, BRAKE, the latest devioet No RUPTURE C U R E D i 11 PERFECTLY 0URED." rf hojui:l. h nta cnua Co., nor. m, irrr, ttrnsr I'IKIU'H A5 Hl)X. riopilolDrn Mamictlc Ktmllo Truas; (Ijnts-i U-jj Ictv.i ukIvh vuu my unmllrltfll trs. tlmony with nvMd totliu I'fUcicjr of ynnr Trum In iiriKliulna iH-rf.-ct inn', I hnvu wiirn ono tybtch t hoiiztitof yjft ahniit rmiyrar io, and 1 find inwHf nt this at 1'KlimTI.Y ri'HKlt. Thandlns roe fur tlm bdvru yon uvo and thu tc.ults pttxlufrd by yihirTm, I rrmilu j-mUM, tto . THOMAS MILLXK. A Remarkable Cure! Han I'oAseiMvi, Nov. 17. ts,7. l)n I'li'i.'-M-IK'.ir ir: tin tho :wih ilay of dune, 1117 I iurciHrid ono of )i,nr I'slent .Vspnrllc I'lullc Tru.ii r. tolurii I li.-ivu mini cimMnnily. it oirdllc t I lif ilirif tiling vi ii ini'r, ami 1 row find It Las uuliro-tycun-l inu of It ti nit Tills I cnn.lilor icruatlnt-bit-, as I am iiiailt f.iy j mis rid anil htvu wnru vntl out l nirKif, Iriciiidin llr, rlit-iintin, will out rr crlvltur liu' liup inn Hi; In fact, thu lonrrr I were tin-in Un) Morno I timitut. Yimi miy nlllili llil let lr. If J on ilinlu.iti.il I mum tlitt ollit-n nllllrtvd hii lli'tnu tvhn rdid thl will ulvo your ri-mtdy a tlUl. 'Hiiiiklii)iMi fur I ho prcal benedt you .mvo iluni' mu. I ruuMj Hilly )riir. .UuXANnitlt MUM), Wlf Hitch hlrcct. The Latest Cure! Han l'MAXCt'eo, April SI. 1H7H, This will rcrllry that by ueailni- "I).. IMi-icn's Majtm-llrKUmleTinf' nbont ItKlllT MO.N11IH. iillthl sud dity, I Imv.i Im-vihu mplultdy curnl nf the llnpturn Mllfiwhlch I liato nulUiwl daring lbepat twi-niy-rlx yt-rs. My itupturii v, n vi-ry had, coining nut aa larcoM my two ntii, rnn.ln eivtt pain and annoyance. '1 do 'Msituvtlc Kli.ttc 'trims "kept my Jlupturs In ptiitu air.uridy, ttllhont rauilui; mo the U-t iialri, hlncutlir Tram lir cuud ii o I bo lmiio wlthcutlt fur many d) at a time without any Indications of a rvrurri'inK. thuneh working bard all tho lime, aud thm'foio 1 ln niytlf a mil lunn. DAMUI, KALMIIAOII, Plr.-mMi tu th. tuipley of tha U. 1'. It It. Co. IF ltlirTl'i:r7NL'iil ut onto ler ourlViV IlliiNdiitfitl IIotiK u ml B'rlt'o I. Lit. .UiUMSTIU IMiASTItrTUlISS COMl'ANV, llHuramviiluH HAN I'HANOHCV). Juuulll-ilui CUHHji rJOIIN IiAY, liiwMly I Du1 1 in Will' . b. Jiirl ii-tiuiil a Inri; t, Hiutkul gls UetrjtL't-. 0cio.lis, Mailings, Sibil Hono - Furaialiing Oooda. ISVxt 1" Dflryiniilo V ltrnwi., ST.VUIC1-V UI.tM U, - - .AZ.K. UIX, vllu ii will ii r. Kim av Lovcst Cat5fi Rates! nfiitr (ft KUPTU11E : Vii iki niore .tlKTAIi TllohlKh. hu tniiie rutli-ilac iiiini Iron li'ops vt liI I nl. u t'li'MT'i I'litmtt nii;itetIo j.'lhxlto Tiii.h liwniu with i'o Kiid fi'mfort NKII1T ni.d lAY.m.i will dm. fjrin rnrtlml lire w.n till nUi. 'n-j ( nnfr, If nijltirtil tiyiui' iiiiIiiiuwi: ii, crn.rit It Km.t i" ll'i-lrni.ii liini 4i.ii I'mol'-i MAUNBTIO 1.1, M III' II I' f iM"A'- (il'tltiw-Miiiilost., NIIAMt-i '.i-l, C' ut ly trsi. to all tlU'' I" .. I ,1 ucbll I lU'HO. J I) Tlliill.t UIIICUM) 0a, mw A. v ":3 ?:: UZiv 151 . i-,ra '4 goods havo oil bocs sold S. FRIEDMAN. liosall )oj-I--k'. and tCOt- -t !!.. ., , .. I si3i, ajpt. so, 1S7S. tioncson ana jo.n sa in -23i