;wu vzN7 S w W WIIAMETTE FARMiil-i U t 1 i 1 j 1 1. i' i J' 8 "J it to llli CO 141 till )l m i"t ii Jilt ma) JIIHI wai l; It Y nrra tlrm "1 cow ;j Kola a " make you'v "& "M comp) J Out Wore tisutl IMUSS TBT FRIDAY, T OJL1A.HKI1J & CRAIG, rtnunBB8 us rnorniitTOM. 8. A. CliAHKK. . XV. ORAIfi. Tens of MnhacriPtlon. One copy, on 0 year (BS number) no copy, fix month (81 nnirlcr) fa.r.o One copy, wre numm 11.1 nuiuircrni ... .in HALKM, FIUJ)AY, NOV. 1, 1878. GOOD TIMES AND HARD TIMES- Tho enrly rains wcro fnvornblo to furmew, putting tho ground In good order for plowing nnd thoy nro Irnprov- ing this elenr pleasant wcathor to plow and bow fall grain. Tho present low prJco of grain causes most of our coun try frlendH to exercise economy nnd prudenco In the management of their affairs, and n good deal of energy in securing nu good a prospect as possi ble for tho next harvest. The worst times wo over linvo hero comparo favorably with tho most for tunate yearn known to farmers In tho extreme west, that Is tho extreme west east of tho Itocky mountains. Wo have had moro than averngo pros perity for tho Tow yearn past, and that prosperity has had tho effect to make many expect too much of tho future. "Wo should know nothing of hard times if our prodnceru wore not In debt. Tho man who owns eighty acres oven, of good land In tho WII Inmotto and there aro fow farms so small and uses all rcasonablo economy nnd Injustry, and has good health with all, need not lack moans for u comfort nblo living. Of courso many nyo necer surlly somewhat involved, for they have bought their land on credit in part, nnd aro working haad to pay for the N'tnie. tiuch can do hotter in this Htato than any other of tho Union, hut these timo3 of partial stringency make it necessary for them to manage closely. Hut those who can avoid debt should do so, and be satisfied with moderate prosjectH Jnstoad of risking what they have In purchasing what they can do without. Jt is useless to preach tho necessity of avoiding debt, because human nature is ho consti tuted thatn great proportion of tho human race will take chances and court disaster. Hero, in this valloy, n quarter of a century of cultivation nf the soil, -which has spread so that it now In vludcds tho arable land Inovory direc tion, has produced tho elTects noticed ovcrywhero else nnd rosults aro not so certain and reliable ns they once wore. Wo rthull after u few years have more and moro evils to contend against; our orchards will bo subject to liiHcct ravages, and ho will our crops as well as to blight in vomu re HpeclK. Our hteck will know diseases not found among us now. Our native pastures, aro already worn out, and if wo aro to avoid hard times In the future our farmers must bear in mind tho necessity of good cultivation in tho present, eo us to husband tho hull and Its resources, which cannot forever bear without complaiug tho strain of a too continuous and Hlilftloss cultiva tion. J lard times ntu in great part Ik) nvolded by diversltled production. All wheat may do well enough in most years, but tho really successful farmer, on n reasonably small nca'e, am have eggs, chickens, butter, veg etables, fruit in ubuudnncu for his own use, nud Homo fur hale, Isoldes fatten ing perk, mitring Hteck, nud having sheep to shear, which will bting in moro or less income all tho year round. This sort of farming is the most inten-sting anil possesses the modt attraction, alTords occupation to tho whnlu family, given a wider Held for observation nnd ii.xpcilmenl, nnti Is calculated to innko Hiiimi who fol low it independent and m-II-reliant. Tho giii pi tiff uud'lllnn liiMjw thou Htiudit of ticris of grain i nut 11 puitli lit'iietlt, wltlto tho uuuitr.v ttlli-d uiii Hiin.ll f.irmiTH tli.il an li-ippy "'il "' ludepcudi'iit I101111 -', liblli'i? a w.-' atttl varleil production, indicates nil that iHdcHlrahlo for tho greatness and prosperity of a nation. ff FlNlallKIITO .Shkuiiun. Mr 1,,.JW"' inorvilla vnloJ to in tint tim"tiftrniw Ukm railwxl will b-ffiuTdToa to iUi.ind.ni.Pot. 111 h and tholirnt load of iiutt mil Ihi muit du.n t(Tlytui w tl'U day, Tliui roAil ill vwv grot oanwntonco to that port of tlo rouu- tor. mOou-wmomi Mrt. M r. 1U MJWnj'l Lebanon Is pnfoml to '"nuiko colUH:tKo uiwl traruukot toy Kgl ' tiuilncv "vhicli" iiuiy W pCioJ in hi' luid. Ariy im"iWwruif; lit orviow for imrpow of maUiiig wdUvHoiu in (CI vicinity would do woll to udlni Lira, AnuiCOLTUKJU. DociiMiurrs Wo ro urnlcr ohlifittt:on to Jolm It. WialHir, wndary of the IowoHUito AKrlc",,ur'kl ivnty Kt important ogriviiltum) lcuimits ontj of an ox totiilvtl ruuortof a'culturali uatU in tial F nh hint k .Kim litti County C(l "MX" I-n ii'oMi'U' III- I'"' -' ',' t A , tri '. win 1 1' r il " , w, i my w Nut!.- I Vfrtl tiin'ii. A determined effort was mado at Now York on Thnrmlay by the .Synod of the Reformed Episcopal Church to settle the vcxntioUH dis pute concerning the cxlutonco of litll. A reso lution wtw adopted declaring tho ixditf of the Hynod in "tho eternal punishment of those who die in their Bin," nnd that tho fieneral Coun cil Ikj requested to formally recognize- thu doo trine nt ita next meeting. TliU ia ri frcHhuig, as by tho notion of tho Synod thu work of find ing n notation of tho problem tu'ed not rett hi heavily on tho mind of the average hiyinan. Muncrnl Stewart L. Woodford, Vue President of tho Hyiiod, annqunced his dinbelief in the doetrino of eternal punishment, ast generally undcrntood, and thu existence t.f a hull, lie alio miuounced his intention to withdraw from all official connection v, ith the Synod if thu resolution should he adopted. Having ilccidcd that thcro in a hell the Synod went no further, but left collateral inquiries to tho uncertain peculation of anxious nnd fearful Minis. MAREIEU: Oct. 22, at her homo in Linn county, M ins lenniu Hamilton, daughter of Hon. Jos. Hamil ton, to tho itev. A. M. Atchi'tixon, alxo of Linn county. At Albany, Oct. 2,1, Miss Imnr, daughter of Jtuv. S. 0. Irvine, to Mr. (hmton, of the same place. Railroad Nursery. iimwBW H. W. PR.ETTYIWIAN, TAKHH 1'I.nAlil'Ki: ININtOIUtlMi III" riWOM t r Oat lie hiuf a Uiyu rtuck ol FRUIT TREES mi h&ml lor tliU WlnlcrV (nulc, 1KH, rminllni; of Apple, Pear, Peach, AtiJ IifK quanllt ! f'llllC1 .;. . MHO, A few Uioiiuml trtr of thu new enxavaari. apn.TT3Nr.ia. ' ItrO liat Uw lwt !." o( Cnilt i) otirr IL Kllvir rnilm: H'lff I i.ri. ( HWJ., ". N ) Wr, thniinilimlKTMil, lirriby trail') Uiul wo Iiavc x. lunlnccl Uk' InilU.I tH. Hllur I'nine In ft Iftwn hUU'J J, ilrll lijr Hm) I'lmniix r inmiM. We IrfkVti ttli ' itinlnol tliuruiitrlily Uio (.'oc'h (ulli n lrfTi Mum, Mid wr nml tliuHllnf I'tuiml.iriniiilor ti It In ivity fio-t, ami t'litlrily a i'W turlt tyj anil we riiwniMinl It to Uio Irult I'ruwrtN dl Oritfun lutn mrml'ir iruni, lilli In n KHui lUi.l ilry .UUi. AI.I'IU:tl II. (HIl.l.VKU, M.irnMli M, Ci iMiitity, Onu"". W.H.PUMMUK. Ilult Iryrr. A V. lt(lHi:KTOON, MMnlluiil, V.nnlilll county, Ovti. WM. IKIU'V, 1'mlimotvtl I'nimr iuhI Onlmi.tl, KJcui, i;n. UrUjul lor (iiUkkio ii ml VtiM U't 'v! H. W. PRETTY MAN, l'roprlttural 1'aillrai.l Nurxr)-, IV'.'t CuUmmI, V. lw 1 IJ Short Horns, AYJtSIIIItlSS, Brksh.ires. "VTK IIAVi: lIKitlt. ON HAH, ! TIIK AH0VK, IT tliu w rv t"t, nvi'f l I nr luiKHtoli all pi.uun U nKHtul Uh niUrelnipHLHioii in.. wiuimiu uu ItiiriJu iuiiI OttvMii i.t tlm r,t . nl I an (Wl, tkiul liwtyuurr)i, im imr ) ilcmiit, anJ Imy at iiu-ioiuMo )iUm. At fUli Cm Uw ry rUitO.-, KALKV. PKTKU SAXK A SON, IM. , 1S7U. LUTHER fiflYERS 150 CHOICE CHICKENS, IIK'II MuHt bo Sold within 30 days. lVm(M .rolU. To the Wool Growers OF OREGON Ami the adjoining Territories. VTOW IS WR TIMi: TO !(M Al'fKU YlMMl IN i tviwt III lit. IiojvwikkiI 4 )iiir Hkf. " I ' I l.ivo Iai tn Ukt IuUihu tut Uit i-vt Iwn.ty yiir, wkI 3LOO TRL0300.J3 Ol'TltKMWV UHT IVVI.OVril .I.KK! Ol' THOU 0illlllHtU Krecch, nml SpaniMi. and Iliti iirndcs, luiiitcl InUl thU HVkUl by J. lltWrw l uvl J Hub ttji, nl tho komtui "X"w'i Imii4 ul tin Wkw, U lii ,'.ii .4, til It 1 wtll:ll l'i..lJ c it I'm tu-i, k'..l v r l..i tl-.ii tnwti ul tho axt ;.. klity Mi.t inliw tui. H4tuj K i u.fc'rw. I mtu (i.i tl.' m t.i tax ti Jl-i I'lM. IU) MnliMUMi 'III if l.'.-il. I ttlll I '. i Hi.' -HJI I ..Ik' Ui.' 'uwul I'.l'.lltlll Ntllf ..ii ' " in."- Ad fv, 1.V'H M i TIIRIK. mXltw I lClwi, 1'iJk to , Onyvm PELTQN HORSE POWERS POR BAIiE AT COST. Two llrni OIukmINo. IPi ton IItiHu Powero. Inquire ot tY. V. 1I09TIIMT. W. K. IM.LTON, MuIfbi, Orcou, VIMf 2Si "ft S& 'W lUl UKttMUD. 'v m i.m (if kTn k n;o si, HkiUtj HkiUt il t i l t t. . b w!s ts lr , I' rx-a inl.iit, w iMOllKCTV t I V PRIZE AWARDED. We Distributed a Circular on the Pair Grounds and offered a Be ward or Prize of $5.00 Gold Coin to the person who would first present it at our store, cut into three pieces in such a man ner that the three pieces could bo placed top ether and form a perfect Square. A great many people were skeptical aa to the possibility of its being done. To convince the Public that it is against OUR PRINCIPLES TO ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE OR MISLEAD ANY PERSON, AND That what we Promise we Fulfill, we here give you the Circular, and the Dotted lines show the manner in which it is cut. and the receipt of Mr. Ceo. F. Meacham shows that the money has been paid. He was the first person that presented the Circular properly cut. , into thrco pieces in Buch a manuer that thu thrco pieces when properly placed together forrnH a jwrfect Mjnarv without loss of niatcnal. '""', (Siuned) K0. F. MliACKAM. V V Witnewt '..p' John F. Fauilviu X And when we announce to the public that we have a well selected stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHEWG GOODS, HATSND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES AND NOTIONS, That linvo t(oii piirclmM'tl for citsh at lowost prlcon In f.'an Fninclsoo, nnd tlutt WOiirt'HKIjIilNli (It)tJUrj AH LOW AH THKY I'AN I'OHHUiliY HK HOLD, wo ini'iHi what wo say. Wo hivvo Ami Oukt price nuuknl plainly vim all pxvl ullvri-J for mJ Wo il j not offc r you n UJl on coo nrtlclo aoil nrt to luiht' It Uu iuit4lur Wu'Im Uinvxifit Jml.MOt cikkUcui thvKuiolrrl ultli tli e'j.auj iJiArprt buytr. All our rufclj urr m-w uij it llio Utt tU uuJ lVitUnn; dooM tixk la our nutf. CONSULT YOUR OWN INTEREST A u.l cire in u lull. All irJira fruin Uic ruuntry ull) nlrv our pruiu't atUotl.Hi, u,J U- SJV-1 ui at low prlooi u U intrn In pnkin. Ikiir In mlixl Uil wt luf t nnanfiitly KhuUiI In fciWm, ami an m.lanU) nhiii .Nrw (Vxkb, aod that you cl'Ulu u much tut a tlolUr ut mil tor a it l Kltl lor in to giw yuu. An 4 Ja not a.V lor rrnlil, K no(,fKxli, to Um (uiuiunt t twtuty Ctect'nU' uorth, will Unllrrnsl until poM for, Vr- lNiM!tiitlly. c& ' (Vpiit trie riwiHVU lloU, fUkM, (Vt jlr II, UTK II lsaapffl a wa lfelJaMr'"' THE tui x& iw' art iviM in K(JM 1 Rwi Pjji v til MIHIII in workmanship Jo aqua to a Chronometer Watch, arid as clognntly -finished as a first-class Piano. It received tho highest awards at tho Vienna and Contcnn'a) Expo sltionB- 8T SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER tJ'an other machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. There aro moro WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United Statca than tho combined sales of all tho others, Tho WJLSOW MENDING AYTACHlVSEnTlbrdoinqall kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, ivon TREE with each machine, &3, WILSON SEWING MACHINE SO, '827 &8S9 Broadway, Now York; Now Orleans, La.? Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. B. i?'UKhTjXf.tt, uxmamttu, A gout, oaiouu, Ur. LODGING-HOUSE. (AlUy A lUvtW'a Hw Hi.iU'rJ ' (XtRNt'j; OV M0RR1N AND THIRD HTKfa.TS, IMUTLAMI, ... t)tti:Gl). l'umthril lloon. in nlt, or lnclc, v tiy tho tin)-, Worl., or itliutth. ni fc nti u. in.i;i'i:i', !.. un S9 f "1V iSTV Wiltuft. hWmlnllln(lif "3 B U ClTl 'ili-iw4-.u.vh..-' ., w jAf m fJH J1 t.iuoiwofMa. unaw.i.iir iadMnHSJ' ' t'w'i V Rfl i Vvr 2, 4, 4 . iai t. , l. aiy i. u. FttWr kra a 1 t n i ' It. M. llW.T W Kti ' 7 01 t'nl Mr nuth 1P 1 v voeubsenp- apent nt tht y'w, . r I v, mijin tutu iruuovi im.t. .. v Hhckjvkd (IF Aiken k Farnham $5, gold coin, re ward offervd for cutting tbtir circular OnrTiVoor iwath ul tin IVutiUiw, NAI.Xt.TI, OUIi'UON. mimha -...WIB.M a f i" raiM WORLD RENOWNED duu wj u w u tm i&st m k u a s ux A. T. & F. N. GILBERT, Commercial St., - - - Salem. AUkXT4 tx.s ICojal anil I,niialitni I'lro Inatiraitrc 'otiiiautt, linulaiul; oawi airrAK . - r,J,ctu ACiwri r WlUameito TraioimrlaUon .fc IocIih To dhNEKlL (OUSllS'slOX JIKKUHNTS. OiiHooMtnw malo. r.tiMiv to ioiv. Runil tifcollclilci rupr- liui;M kui5 JOHXT W. g.T.T?TTvry BOSTON RUBBER OANFIELD'S PINE HAND SEWED T. EMERSONS SONS' CELEBRATED HERSOME GAITERl Holbrook & Ludlow's Superior Grade of Ladies,' Misses,' and Children's Shoe All ol which trill be wold nt prices which defy competition fr nny source USE! IN THE not See that our Trade Mark is on eaohlPaekagi 15 o a 4 a o PUEE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jet Elack ; and AIiIj COLORS. AND EASILY APPLIED. For ftjito 2y tilt; Ar!titH: JOHN HUGHES, Salom, IIODGE, DAVIS & CO., WliolcNtilu nruistN, ami lo:iltiN in I'alnts, Oils, ami Cilass, m..-,ru,TT;T ... -,..,.. ...v ...,i,t iii.ii-.iwii, n:nMi, ".". a.r iiifcav-L,riiicJ SOCIETY, lor tlJ Furltier rclcrcnccN can lie plven ,) u 11 JN HUGHES, ftor 11, lt7A POTTERY. AVTRIt A TKIinn OV IDLKNESM, THBSK wo lt hT0 nuw for i-evcrul inouih, bcn la full tH'rrfttlon tnimifdclurtm: a niptrkir nnd lraprnud article, viMcli l am able to offor to tho trade a of OEix-eit C?xxvllty. ly prove! toek l fatierlor toanjthln mitof ic lui-.il nt tt.i l'otiery for fiv jnnrii pit, and la kjs.iI to birl rnUhPiiMaru for ctri'lith ki il ilursbtllly. A Ciiaranleo Nallslactlou. OnliTK, or r.ijiuft for Informallun a to i rico Ut, HuulU li. Milrmted to A. M. SMITH, Hum Vl'1.1, An. 50 tf l'ruirktor. 13 ft 'OiiLAt sHWuAs&i nu BENJ. FORSTNER, TTA3 K MIU1E KIU'K i C1IKAI' Military BretcWraflinn Riflr?, aurti m tl. KPiyJCKK, SIIAUI JU:MINt5TON. ami WIMJJlK&n.U. AUo, I .ill auntwnt cl SlKYlMirNS viil SltlUTINO Hlr"US, uf all ulir4 riliktx. A full liii cl I'orl:rt i'ullrrr, KnlvcN, ICoa.ns avJ BCIOlid.dlirc. doui IjIukL AUi I'Uhlns TWle Will aell a low n. auyboUr hW FRUIT GROWERS ! TAKE NOTICE I mU.VTTnK W.M.TBH COMPANY MAKKCASU X. advauct. nioaall Jmlt cotcU tiy their rrocva. J.H. MAYNARO .......bECRETAUY Oltlce US Calirarula St. B. K. Au,-4 lXi:niNR UITOItlUI. nrtl!!v-pUny a o i- i 'ii . tut iUti". -ar t 3 V KV llAU 'U 1 tVt It. X M l. Uon J I U s. 153 GILBERT, - OIUHO-ODNr. HAS THE- OK Tilt COMPANY'S GOODS J AND whatever. THE WORLD! meoelved ! e i 9 o e (3D TTrs, 2POrMCI,XSr3D, Or. .fen aiiUiVtVCO. received llti to nny part of the Stale, by n.iaji, vii. The Mfghsst Cash Pricl Paid at AM Times for Oats or Stored, if Desired, by a.w.t. fr-j,cnj;ji. MIB.B.S Ci mi lot Willamette University. I.HN. .M u.lf . rorfulUafjraattcnaadtfffttorreiiidfrit or - .. J. A bTHAITON. Jcno ss. 1S73 tf Acvnt, taltrin, oteo 4' SALEM PHOTOGBAP GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON,. Artist. OTtrWitua" Book More, 8TATBST. BALEM. 1JICT0UES TAKEN IN LATEST STYLES, from A.Jv!.llMBr ptonre to L.fe ait. W 'IKS KNLMIOJJD to any .tie Uealred. March 16, 1'jt( fotlo. ON the 17th ihy of July last, T. Cnnnlnf ham made a",Taut to ua for Uw Umflt ol bU crvulltor., Iaiin(: In our fuvwkm, at -ariom rJb.i In thli TalkT i?!3? U 'KBS. KRlIJil, .KEIIEILS, CULT1 V Alt) EH. !'U)WH, ,a otter ivnTOltaml l!PIennW, vlk' ramt Ic kI, a&l arc cdcroJ kt try low prfexu. All pcpaM Irikviir tUinii a,-iliut tho mid Awlinor 111 rtevu prumnt tl.D Burrf, July artl&il, at tUs oOcv oni tl (isxtica trwWl'ti.l to him, u hither tj not or at c-vnt, arc rwj 'J to miXt iisjncdto payment of the 3inw U) the unooruescJ, and wro tvi cut of cUkcU)n JACOll (KILE. 01, KEST. Wll. CUNN'INnnAM, ri c o . Vpm d T. CranJcgban 4 do. OATS! OAT milK NRt TKKM OF TUB MTEHAIIY Dll .k ,Pf,'""rn will lekli(Mnoaj,hjit S, hM, thi.f..iA,,... in.irnctor,- 'f. W. Oatcii, I'rraHill ;Km of tl. ( oiiin;. Vail ctrat'ta nnJ Nat, tcKDcl i!.Vi.M..! uJMl'n!.,.N' IVmpirffs; Mm, JoiEtl "HUIAN. AcadtinlctlDinorlmnit! nt KtT k i J . '" - ., h .. wm . Li