Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 01, 1878, Image 3

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Patcrson, N. J., Oct. 20. J. P. McDonnell,
editor of tho Labor Standard, convicted of libel
in calling non-striking operatives of tho Adams
4iill "scabs," was to-day sentenced to pay a
Hartford, Oct. 2(5. Tho 4-year old maro
Elaine, owned by (low Stanford, of California,
' yesterday gave kn exhibition of speed. She
trotted tlu-co different tinier. Tlio lirst mile
was made in 2:24 J, second in 2:21, third 2:24
1 t". It was decided to split the difference
I and give tho figures at 2:24 J a quarter of a
' second better than her best time heretofore
Indianapolis, Oct. 2(1. Saturday's Herald
, contains an interview w itli Jas. K. Anderson,
' now utopping in this city. Anderson clears np
the mystery surrounding
nud exonerates Secretary
complicity in the matter.
tho Sherman letter,
Sherman from nil
Ho says the author-
snip oi tiie Micrmau letter
lies between Sena-
tor Kellogg anil Conquest
Clark, who was his
private secretary at the time anil that Mrs.
Jcnks never saw it; that tho original letter is
now in tho possession of a gentleman of Phila
delphia, and can bo produced at any time.
llo says Kellogg could exonerate Sherman at
any time, ami will do so as soon as Louisiana
appointments made in his interest are' con
firmed. Boston, Oct. 20. Charles D. llartwcll, tho
conductor who is charged with huving caused
the accident at Woolaston on tho Old Colony
railroad, was adjudged guilty of manslaughter
and held in 810,000 for trial in December.
Washington, Oct. 20. Some 400 illicit dis
tillers and tobacco blockadcrs aro now indicted
leforo tho U. S. court at Statcsvillo, N. C. A
petition to tho internal rovenuo bureau is cir
culated, to have tho same clemency extended
to them as was recently extended to n uumler
of illicit distillers in South Carolina, excepting
only thoso who had violently resisted tho royt.
nuo officers. Thoy oiler to pledge thctnK
if this clemency is granted, not only tXY in
from further violation of internal revenue lawn
themselves, but to usu their iuiluencu to pre
vent others from doinaao. Tho department
will probably grant tho request.
Washington, Oct. 20. Some 400 persons in
North Carolina, indicted for illicit distilling will
bo allowed to plead guilty and sentence will bo
suspended during good behavior.
deflator '(Mitchell has secured an increase of
lii'ail service in-Oregon, namely: From Clacka
mas to Silvorton, and from Union to Prairiu
City tri-weoklys from Hillsboro by way of
Glencoo, West Union and Cedar Mills to Port
land twice a week; from Dayton to Goshen
bcmi-weokly, nud from Dalles to (Soldendalo
Secretary Sherman says of James K. Ander
son's retraction, that ho had always been sat
islled that tho truth of history would in tho
cud fully vindicate him from all charges and
aspersions in tho matter of tho so-called Sher
man letter.
Philadelphia, Oct. 20. General Grant writes
Mayor Stokcly from Bordeaux, Prance, ac
knowledging tho receipt of tho resolution of tho
Philadelphia city council to appoint a special
committco to receive him upon his return, and
.states that if he returns by way of tho Atlantic
ho will take a Philadelphia steamer and will
notify the committee of tho time of sailing.
Tho general thanks tho council and citizens of
Philadelphia for tho honor douo him.
Camp Itobinson, Neb., Oct. 27. The fam
ished savage after defying tho troops, cold
and huugar for nearly 4S hours, canto forth
from under tin bank of Chadrou creek yes
terday at noon, Carlton having sent them
word previously by his guido that if thoy
did not como and surrender before noon ho
would blow every ouo of them from tho face of
tho earth. This threat had tho desired effect,
for in a fuw minutes after tho interpreter re
turned all tho savages camo forward to surrcti
dor themselves. After being disarmed thoy
ero marched to thig post, arriving at mid
night. Vieksburg, Oct. 23. Ico and bhek frost
.last night. Tho Howard association aro now
closing up their ntlairs. A uumbsr of visiting
physicians and nurses will return to
their '
homes to-morrow.
New Orleans, Oct. 23, Weather clear vnd
pleasant; deaths 23; eases reported 21.
Memphis, Oct. 23. Latt nitdit was tho
coldest of the season. A heavy frost fell and
ico lined tho gutters throughout tho city. Tho
board of health will to-morrow oilicially an
uonneo aifoty to rofugees returning to tho
city, but recommend all dwellings bo thor
oughly ventilated bsfote occupation. From
0 o'clock la3t night till noon to-day, six order
for interment! were reported by undertakers.
This include deaths both in tho city and sub
urbs. New York, Oct. 23. Tho Tribune review
iug its specials from tho south ays the cre--cutiou
of Republicans continues in South Caro
lina. Two Republican leaders liavo been slfut
up in jail to keep them from holding meeting.
A meeting in Louisiana was broken up by an
armed mob, and in ouo of tho counties of Texas
the Democrats will not permit any political
activity whatever on tho part of their oppo
nents. Tho state of things in South Carolina
as described by an old Union soldier shows
that stato as well as others is to 1 carried at
tho coining election by military jhw or.
Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 27. Senator Kel-
logg passed through tho city to-day, coming
rrorn Omaha, where he has business interests.
A rcponer of tho State Register interviewed
him ami called his attention to the interview
published iu the Itulianaiolis Herald as con.
ing from James 11. Anderson. The senator
laughed and raid: "I was quite amused w lieu
I glanced over the dupatchew and saw that we
did not know what hole Anderson would crawl
out of next, and although wo expected htm
most anywhere, this particular place, timi and
circumstances makes it a surprise. His story
is the talk of a man in his cups. There is no
letter. There U nothing in w hat he says about
that, nor in anything else in that dispatch ex
cept perhaps what he relate of Sypher.
Cypher was his counsel, and I understand that
they have had a falling out. He rosy be dis
closing some of the things which passed be-
v twees him and Syfiktr. Anderson is a great
character and would not contracdict his sworn
statement unless ho had been talking in his
cup3. I saw him a couple of weeks ago leav
ing Washington. He said he was going to
visit relations in Indiana,"
New York, Oct. 20. -Tho World's Loudon
letter says Lord Salisbury, British foreign min
ister, has been invited by tho American govern
ment to consider seriously the very decided ob
jections which tho American government is dis
posed to make to the payment of tho Halifax
tidierios award iu tho new circumstances cre
ated for both governments by recent report of
Capt. Sullivan, of the lhitish ship Shins, vho
was sent to investigate tho events of Jan. S,
when a number of American lishcrmeu weio
driven away from their stations on tho New
foundland coast, their lishing tackle destroyed
nud their busines i broken up. Capt. Sullivan
reported to his government that the people of
Newfoundland were justified in making tho as-
sault upon fishermen, because by tho local liw
of that island, mackerel lishing on Sunday is
prohibited, and tho Americans wero lishing in
contempt of this law. Tho Maequis Salisbury
has cndoised and accepted tho report of Capt.
Sullivan as embodying the view s and conclu
sions of Her Majesty's government. Tho Mar
quis of Salisbury formally communicates to tho
American government without taking tho
trouble to fortify it by laying hoforo the U. S.
government tho report of Capt. Sullivan upon
tho facts of tho caso as they wore set forth upon
the spot to him. It is said that tho American
government has informed Salisbury that tho
question is as to w hethcr tho American fisher
men, pursuing their business under tho terms of
a solemn treaty, aro liable to violeuco at the
hands of petty local authorities.
New Orleans, Oct. 20. Dr. Quijano, who
was scut to tho Iinwards by tho Spanish gov
ernment, to bo sont to tho place where the fovir
was most malignant, hai returned from Dry
Grove, Miss. Ho haa been 2.1 years iu charge
of a hospital in Havana, but says ho never saw
any such yellow fever.
Washington, Oct. 20. Information has been
received to tho effect that Gen. T.evino, com
manding tho Mexican forces on tho Rio Grande,
has aticady dispersed several bauds of maraud
ing Indians, found on tho Mexican side.
Loudon, Oct. 20. The Standard publishes n
dispatch from Vienna that Russia's military
preparations nro so vast that nobody can doubt
that she is bent upon further conquest. The
only question appears to bo whether she will
wait till spring or recommenco war before that
time. The excuse will probably bo tho out
breaks of Hulguriaus, which wero gotten up by
Russian ngcntit. A enmp of (!0,000 men is
forming nt Kischeucff to replace tho troops
who crossed tho Balkans southwards. Russia
refuses to evacuate Dobrudscha or Rouinania
until Roumauia has concluded an offensive nud
defensive alliance. Russian agents openly
claim that Moldavia, as far as Coeth, must be
come Russian.
Madrid, Oct. 20. As tho king was driving
through n ntrcot known as Callouiayor this
evening a mati in a blouse tired a pistol at him.
Tho king was not touched, nud continued on
his way to tho palace amid tho acclamations of
the crowd. Tho man was immediately soized
by soldiers ami taken to prison. The would bo
assassiu is named Juan Moucasi, aged twenty
three, a cooper, and a native of Terragona.
Ho states that ho is a member of the Interna
tional society, and that his crimo was premedit
od. Ha arrived at Madrid Oct. 20. Moncasi
was rescued with dilliculty from some women
who wished to lynch him.
London, Oct. 20. Tito Masters ami Com
missioners association of Olditam resolved to
reduce wages ten per cent. The Clydo iron
works will strike against seven nud a half per
cent, reduction of their wages. Tho iron
workers iiumbur 20,000.
Vienna, Oct. 27. News from Bulgaria is
alarming. Notables aro organizing n movement
for tho extermination of Mohammedans nud
Russians encourage tho secret committee in
procuring arms. A groat atiugglo is likely to
take place during thu winter.
Constantinople, Oct. 27. Tho British mill-
',tcr -'"ergyticnlly insistod upon tho execution
of tho convention botween tho porto nud Kng-
land abolishing the sale nnd importation of
slaves. Layard demands tho freedom of the
slaves who recently took refuge at the Britisii
Constantinople, Oct. 2.1. In a circular to the
signatory powers in regard to tho now rebellion
south of tho Balkans, tho Porto describus the
condition of Mussulmans iu Bulgaria and Rou
mauia as intolerable, and declares that foreign
ers aro co-operating w ith Slavonio committees
at Sofia and aiming at tho establismont of a now
ntdeeudeiit State. In another note addressed
to Priuco Libouolf, Rustiau ambassador nt Con
stantinople, tho Porto charges Russia with con
nivance at tho plans of the rebels and demand
her aid in suppressing tho rebellion begun under
tho eyes of Russian troop.
Baker Pasha has undertaken to completo tho
fortifications of Constantinople within two
mouths. The Sultan has ordered O.inau Pasha
and tho minister of war to give him ample as
sistance. Buchatvat, Oct. 27. Tho Russian gosornor
ot Tulteha has proclaimed the transfer of Dob
rudscha to Roumauia, and has summoned the
natives who are desirous of jjivittga titting wel
come to Roumanians to consult, and communed
the authorities in relation to them.
A Vienna dispatch reports that four compati
ie of itedifs, which wero tho only Turkish for
ces iu the district w here the Bulgarian rising in
Macedonia began, were totally destroyed by iu
surge'nts on the 1st iiut. Six battalions have
ieen sent to reinforce the garrison of Seres,
Loudon, Oct. 23. A St. Petersburg dis
patch says that the Rusian geucral stall" ha
had printed several thousand copies of new
Afghan-Russian dictionary, for the use of
army officers.
Off for YaashU).
Mr. W. C. Hill and family of this city will
leave to-morrow for Yamhill couuty, near Mc
Minnville where they will in the future reside,
we trust that their lot may be cast among
friends, and that they may not have occasion
to regret tkeir more.
A Old Story Romodollod.
The Kingston(N. Y.)Frccmau tells this story
A certain young man in this city being out of
employment requested of his former employer a
tetter of recommendation to aid him in securing
a situation T'io letter was written and hand
ed to the applicant, who was totally unable to
read it, as s every other applicant to whom
it was shown. A friend advised him to take it
to a priatingotlice.whcro it would bo deciphered
as compositors are noted for being able to make
out the worst specimens of chirograph-. It
was given to the compositors iu various print
establishments, mid iu turn given up without
being decipheied. At last, as a forlorn hope,
it was given to a prescription! cleik in a drug
store, who has the reputation of beinir nblo to
icad anything. The man of drugs took the
screed, gazed at it long and thoughtfuly, and
' finally seized an empty quart bottle, then mado
a raid around the store, taking somo tlttid
of various colors from sundry bottles, and Un
ally shaking tho compound vigorously; then
handing it to tho possessor of tho letter of re
cnmhieudation, he remarked to that much as
tonished individual: "Tivo dollors,aud a good
cough mixture it is."
Not Healthy for Tliom.
From the Circuit Court proceedings of last
week wo Hud that tho following sentences wero
passed by His Honor, Judge Boise: Charles
Ringo, burglary, two years ; Georgo Kdwnrds,
highway robbery, ten years; John Sullivan,
aifo robber, two years; George Basltan, and
Georgo McCombs, safo robbing, live years each;
Henry F. Johns, assault with deadly weapons,
fined $100. Among tho most interesting of the
above cases nre those of tho crowd who came
hero from California to "mako a raise." during
fair week, but from tho way Judge Boiso hind
led them, wo think thoso who made good their
escape, will not think this a very healthy city
for such vagabonds as they, and will make
themselves pretty scarce about here in tho fu
ture. Those who liavo been caught wero dealt
with pretty severely, yet, not too much; and
wo think that if others find that for such acts,
they w ill have to Bervo live or six years at hard
lalwr iu tho State Penitentiary, California
gamblers, thieves and dead beats generally, will
hunt other fields of labor, nnd leave Oregon
alone iu her glory.
Chlncso Conspiracy.
I he Portland, Oregon Christian Advocate.
Methodist, incomnit'iitingoii tho recent murder
of Chin Su ing, a christian Chinaman, iu that
city, sayi there is reason to bclicvo that it is
tho lirst fruits of "Chinese conspiracy to slay
all tlio christians among their countrymen." As
a measure of safety ngainst tho carrying out
of this diabolical p'au, tho Advocate suggests
that the city authorities should pass a special
ordinance to tho effect that tho Chinese Joss
house will be burned if there is any further
sacrifice of tho lives of Christian Chinaman.
Precedent is found in General Tttrchin'a plan
lor preserving th rallroadtho
South during tho rebellion: "The residents
living nearest wero told that if thoy allowed
tho bridges to bo burned he would at once
burn their houses."
Important Reoommendatioa.
Tho annual report of General Humphreys,
chief of engineers, has just been issued.
telegram states that it contains tho following
recommendations for appropriations: Lower
Willamette and Columbia rivers, $1.10,000;
upper Willamette, $10,000; upper Columbia
and Snake rivers, $70,000; canal at the Cas
cades of tlio Columbia, $.'00,000. Tho appro
priations aro just about the amounts necessary
to push improvements on our livers for the
next fiscal year. It would be economy In tlio
cud if Congress would allow these liberal sums,
so that work might Im rapidly pushed. Much
is lost iu making appropria ijns in driblets. The
public interests demand that our delagatiou
second the recommendations of the chief of
engineers with all their energy nud influence,
Corvalli) to tho Front.
loitsiiiornmo amusement was occasioned a
few days ago, by one of their prominent citi
zens tryiitghis strength ngainst that of a steam
boat. A ropu was ntrctched across thu river,
and a number of hooks attached to it in order
t j catch tho body of tho lato Dr. J. C. Oruhbs
should it rise to tho surface and lloatdown the
river. A boat was passing up tho river nud
cauuht on tho rope. Tho man was standing
holding to n trco when it suddenly gave way,
and instead of letting loose his hold ho followed
it into the liver. The steamer lcned its
hold of thu rope nud our Sampson triumphuutly
walked to tho shuro n wetter, prouder, (?) wiser
and weaker man.
Gov. W. W. Thnycr Names Supremo and
Circuit Judges.
All speculation ns to who should step "up
nml in," niul occupy tho high mid important
positions as Supremo nud Circuit Court Judj.es,
was settled yesterday, by tho Governor direct
ing tho Secretary of Stato to issue Supremo
Judgu commisiiiiM to It, I'. Boise, R. P. Prim
unit J. K. Kelley, nud Circuit Judgo coiimus.
sons to II. K. Manna, 1st dial.; J. F. Watson,
2d dist.:R. F. Harding, :Mti.t; C. B. Bell
itigcr, 4th dist.; L. L. MoArthur, .1th dut.
I. O. M. A.
Thomas Baldwin, Kq.,of New Albany, Ind.,
has our thanks for a copy of the revised cou-J
stitutiou ami general laws of thu I. O. M. A.,
au institution of which wo have the honor of.
lclongiug, and which has proven so opuIar all
through the Kastcrn and middle States, as well
as Canada. This order promises soon to stand
side and side of Odd Fellowship and Masonry,
its objects are about the same, with some
features not known to other orders.
Drum Demolished.
A few nights ago, when everything was still,
some villain entered the baud room iu this city,
and took the band drum which was hanging iu
itsaccustomed place, cut the cords from around
it, cut the heads into strips, and then cut the
hoop in three pieces. Not being fully satisfied
with this spoliation, however, he demolished all
the music stands. A reward of 25 is standing
for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.
Tho jury in the case of N. P. Mack va tho
City of Satein, returned a verdict of $450,
fer damages sustained by reason of a defective
sidewalk, on North Liberty street, on tho even
ing of Dec. 21st, 187").
As we go to press, a jury is being enipaunelsd
to try tho caso of tho Stato of Oregon vs Joint
McCombs and Georgo l'ashasn, for feloniously
taking nud carrying away from tho store of i
MeCully & Gilbert, in the city of Salem, tho
sum of $240.
Tho Grand Jury found a bill of indictment
against Sarah A. Hibert ns nn aeeesory in tho
murder of her husband Oliver Hibert.
II. F. Johns for assault with dangeious weap
ons, nud against Geo. I-Mwants for assault with
intent to rob. IMwatds and Johns wero ar
ranged this mottling and both entered pleas of
not guilty.
Jury in the ease of the State of Oregon vs.,
Solomon Levy returned a senlict of guilty.
Bashan and McCombs were sentenced bv
tho court, to fivo years each iu tho Peniten
tiary. Tho jury in the case of Haw ley, Dodd
6 Co., vs Pacific T. M. Co., returned a verdict
for amount claimed. Henry Johns is on trial
for assault, as wo go to press.
Grand Jury visited county jail, poor house
and penitentiary and teport them iu good con
dition. The Indictment against Georgo Kdwards
was on motion dismissed, on account of insufil
ciency of allegations, and was sent back to tho
Grand Jury to find a new bill, which was done.
John Sullivan, ono of tho Gray safo robbers
was sentenced to two years in thu Stato Peni
tentiary. The motion for a new trial in tho case against
Solomon Levy was over ruled.
Tho caso of George Kdwards was given to
tho Jury at 12 o'clock who returned a verdict
of guilty as charged iu tho indictment
Court ordered the entry made that a special
tot m of court bo held, commencing at I o'clock
f. si. of the Idtli, of November.
George Kdwards sentenced to 10 years iu the
Sol Levy will bo sentenced this evening, nt
7 o'clock.
San Francisco Will Soon bo Ahoad.
Says tho San Francisco Call : " According to
tho census returns of Chicago, which have just
been published, the population of that city is,
nil told, 4:10,731. We expect very soon, nfter
wo put a stop to Chinese immigration, to seo
San Francisco outstrip Chicago or St Louis iu
population, iiivo us a lajr Held lor tlio estab
lishment of manufacturing establishments with
v-li!to labor, nud tens of thousands of workmen,
w ith their families, will immigrate here, and
San Francis-53 will become a great manufactur
ing centro Kvery day our markets are ex
tending, nnd it is not too much to say that tho
Pacific Coast, north nml south, will require vast
supplies of merchandise, saying nothing of tho
interior mining districts, tho islands of tho Pa
cific, China, Japan, etc. Vi ought ultimately
to send various supplies even to tho Mississippi
Valley. Thoso persons who believe there is no
future for Sail Francisco, will soon see a turn
in our affairs which will surprise them. Our
wheat, wino and minerals will soon iriacit Call-
fnruU in a position that will justify all wo urgo
for tho future of San Francisco.
Doubtless Escapod Prlsonors.
Tho Oregonlan was informed by Capt. Cress
well, of tho little steamer Carrio Norton, that
two escaped prisoners crossed tho Sandy a few
days ago. Ho says that thu man who runs tho
ferry on the Sandy crossed two persons about
It o'clock Thursday owning. Thoso men wero
making their way toward Washington Terri
t )iy. Ono of them had on a pair of hmtdcnlfs,
but tho ham connecting them was broken.
The ferryman wnsnlono nud unarmed and did
not like to tackle the fellows. One of them
inquired of thu ferryman if he knotv wliero u
file could bo had. As soon as thu men reached
tho shore they broko and ran. There can bo
no doubt but that thesu men uru escaped con
victs, but who they aro remains n matter of
Teachers Salaries.
Teachers' salaries ought to bo thu very last
oxeii8cs to ho cut down, says superintendent
Knot of Boston. "Wu can get on," liu adds,
"without vast buildings or materials; wu can
wait for better times to (ill our libraries or our
collections; we can part forever with drills, ex
hibitious mid festivals, or with nil that is ox
pensive about them; but wo must diavo men
ami women whom nature as well as training
has made teachers; wu must liavo tho heads and
hearts that aro not found wherever we seek
them; wo must have thu pcicnual force which is
beyond nil other forces, iu earth ns well ns Iu
heaven. If uverythin,' else were sold that we
might liavo thesu treasures, they would not
cost too dear. Kconomy beginning with them
is not economy, but wastefuhiuss."
A Gootl Appointment
1'arrott fi Miller, of tho I'arrott fins Mu
chine, havo appointed F. it. Wilson, of this
city, their agent fur thu Pac.lio nat. This is
11 good selection, 'is will ho iichiinu Ieilyt.il I y all
who know him. Mr. Wilson is now arranging
his husiiiess so that ho can tub' hold of this
new hiiMiiea, nnil iiinku a grand suucons of it.
Frank, jou have our geod ishosiu this now
Accident at tho Penitentiary,
This iimrniii;,' .1. W. I'ownvr, overseer of tho
saddletree department at tlio Penitentiary,
whilu working with ono of thu uiicular HavCs,
by somo means had his hand cauyht, injuring
tho thumb nml second finger, ami making it
necessary to havo the first linger of thu right
hand amputated.
The Oregon Statu Journal of Kugeue says:
Charley Sargent, a lad alxiut 17 years old, who
left here a few weeks ago and went to Califor-
uian, returned to Portland on the Aucon last
week. He was arrested, by directions sent
from here, and was brought to KugeneCity last
Tuesday, by .Sheriff Kakiu, on a charge of hav
ing taken money from a trunk in ahouseou the
farm of Mr. Henderson, about three miles east
of here. He is held for examination. Whether
guilty or not remains to be ascertained.
PTVN3 &F HJslD'tt'
To the Patrons of Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho.
Deap. Bi:i:riiiit:st In a few days I oxjiect to
start Kast to attend tho inectingof tho National
Grange, and proposo to bo absent from tho
jurisdiction nbout ten week'. Questions of
i law or usage arising during my absence may be
I lefened to my deputies in tho ditfeieut coun
ties; or, in cno them is no deputy in tho coun
ty, to tho Worthy Overseer of the State
G range, Bro. D. S. 11. Buiek, Myitlo Creek,
I'ouglas county, Oregon.
1 beg to call tho attention of nil membeis of
tho Order to a resolution of tho last State
Grango endorsing tho Wil.HMnnr. Faiimiiii,
making it the organ of our Order nud calling
upon Pations to givo it n heat ty nnd united
supiwt. Brethren, wo need a paper devoted
to tho interests of tho farmer. It should nt
once furnish us an account of tho current
events of importance, the stato of tho crops,
markets, Ac, givo us a medium through which
to exchange our ideas and experiences, nnd
furnish our families a weekly repast of such
puro nud wholesome miscellaneous literature ns
is best suited to their wants. Such a paper re
quires a largo outlay of means, labor, aud
talent, and cannot be furnished us without
adequate support. Let me urge you, thereforo,
to give our own paperaeordi.il support; sub
scribe for it, write for it, work for it, so that
wo may have a farmer's paper worthy of tho
name and second to none.
Fraternally yours,
A. R. Sniri.KV,
Master Oregon Stato Grango.
Oswego, Sept. 25, 1878.
State Grango Deputies for 1878
IUkrr (.'o.-Tliomvs Smith. Hiker City.
llRsro.N-A, HoUcr, Uonaills.
Clscksmas-U N, Wait, Canity,
l.'Lstsnr- V. II. (Irav, oiuu' Itlsrr,
IMliiMs I). S, It. Ilulck, .M)rt!oi:r.'K.
.Iackhii,s-.I. S T. Miller, Jai'Vmnilllp.
Joskniinx -JimoiiIi Pollock, U'lUlil
I.ANS-lto.uw hiitix, Crcsutill; Alln Homl, Ktutis
JIamos-J. W. Uuhfltor, llutlatllte; W. M. Illlleiiry,
Mi ltsox tit Plimpton Kelly and Jwoli Joliiiwn, Kast
TUltwooK-J. IWnloj.TilUmooU.
I'mon John I'rt'Ulitiiii. Union.
Wahoo John KiiiI, Twli Vatle).
Wasiu.'imn J. A. ltlitunlsou, Tuihtln; J. W 8qi-
pltllt)M, llviUlCI.
Yamhill -H It. I.nu-lilln, North Vaiulilll.
suiMjroN unimouv.
Coli'msi TliMim ThriMoll, P ton.
Clikkk IiU SUtnp, V.imiiiiuT.
TowLirt -.lolm N. ILiurtti. I Win
Wall Walls W. II. Thmim, Walls Wiilh.
WlHtHAX- William Kliu, Paluuso t.'lty.
Patrons In thms rountln In wlilih no Utilities Into
Imvii tpK)lulvil hoiiIiI iiiiuIi ntillici) mn liy ilraltfii itlmf
llruthoM sultatiltf to .ut In tlist etpwlt) .
A. It. HiurLxr, .MwtorOr. HI. (Imiii,-i.
Maitir John T. .Tones, llsrtnn, Hillllps. Ark.
Octrtur J.J. Woodmta, I'atr Taw, vaullarco,
LcturtrK, 11. HmeJloy.Oresco, Ilnwnril, la,
SttuaritS.J, VaiikIiii, Mim:lil,Tuuu.
Ant A7irir'-Mortlmor Wlilteliesd, Ulddlobttsb,
Somerset, N. J.
(MapliUn H. II. Bills, Hpriniliorougb, Warreu, O.
lYtiuunr-V. M. Mcllowoll, Wayne. Hteukcu.N. Y.
Ktcrttury-O. II. Kelley, Louisville. Ky.
GattKtrjr O. IMtiwIUillo, Orchard tlrnTO, Ind.
tVrM-Mr. John T. Joues, Usrtou, I'lilllLon, Arlt.
Mora-Mrs. Hsmuel K. Adam. Motitlrcllo, Minn.
Wma-Mrs, Ilsrvry Ooddsrd, North (Iranby, Ct.
body AMitant Sktcard-HU Carolina A. UaU,
Louisville, Ky.
D. Wyatt Aiken, (Chalruun,) Cokusbary, U. O,
K. It. HbanWUnd, Dubuque-low.
Dudley T, Chats, CUreniont. N. U.
Alouso U.der. Hock Kails, Whltunldo, III.
W. II. Clumbers, Oswwcboe, Hustnll. Ala,
Announcement Tor the Fall Trade
I'llOJI 8. FIlIKUltlA.V.
All j .'rsous aro invited to cniuo nud xoo what
ulcgant WlrNS COOD.S I hull for ouo bit a
yard, Como mid hco my '.M-cotit DltKSS
(iOODS, my bit a yard WOHSTKI) OIIF.CKS,
and my lino 8-1 llf.ACK CASIMKIUM for
ladies, my FANCY FidUUKI). (lOODMnt ono
bit a yard iu nssortod colors; my $'-' lit) IILACK
llF.AVF.lt, my lOcent MNSF.Y; my beautiful
assortment of SHAWLS; tho chu.'iHst Indiua,
and gents' UN'DKKWKAK ovor brought to
Salem; my fine lino of HATS mid CAPS,
HOOTS and SHOKS. Como hoo my lino SASH
KII1MONS, :i71 cents a yard; my CHIOS OltAIN
KIllllONSut from 5 cents to W) couU u ymd.
KMimoIDKKIKS, all Imnd-iiudo, from A
cents u yard up. lit LACKS I havo a lluu as
sortment. It will pay you to buy HAN'DKF.It
ClllKKSnndTOWKLS of mo by thu doon.
In TAIJLi: LINKN'S I defy competition.
I havo OIL CLOTHS ami CAItPKTS; como
look at my lino TWO-PLY CAUPKTS ut SI a
yard, my rxtra IIKUSSKLS t'AUI'KTS at $1 i
I havo a lino lot of ladiu's CLOAKS, cheap;
also VKLVCTS and VKLVHTINKS mid till
hurts of TllIMMINOS and NOTIONS. A
good lino of KID CLOVHS, and IIKULIN
KNITTING CO'lTON of mo. Mine is tho
vhiwpuat place to buy KNICKKNACKS,
All you smokers, if you want good TORACCO,
liuutlt'iuen, your heud-coveritig must como from
PRIKDMANX, for hu has thu best btock of
hats iu thu city; your iiuilei-htaniling should bo
got of him fr his stock has all, from lino
I have now a stock of CLOTH INI J lor largo
perdons as well as small, iu CASl.MliRK,
It joys you to buy all kind of SHIRTS of
SHIRTS at from GO cents to 91 '.5 apiece, and
an excellent assortment of casimeru shirts.
1 wish to closo out a lot of WINDOW CUR-
TAINS, TASSKLS aud CORD very cheap.
It will pay you to como prepared to buy, as I
am a poor book-keeper, and it is cash I want
for my goods,
t3" Since -the abovu was written, my bit
goods have all been sold.
Salem, Sspt. SO, 1878.
, fter all, man is a gonerbu'B bdlbff.
Not long ago ouo iu Massachusetts wtio
lind been married only a year, and re
ceived a forlunoof $50,000 from bis wife.
And what did ho do when he found
death staring tilm in tho face? Not en
rich his relatives as ho might havo done;
lie wills It all buck to her again, on the
simple condition that she should not
mat ry again. The noble man!
" A witness in nn eastern divorce kept
saying Hint (lie wife had a very retaliate
lug disposition; that sho retaliated for
every little thing.
"Did you ever seo her husband Ulstt
her?" asketl her wife's counsel.
"Yes, sir, often."
"What did she do on such occasions?"
"rMie always retaliated sir."
List ovenittg, at her home on Pioty Hill, in
this city, Mrs. Molviua O. Darker to V. L.
This morning, at 0:,'I0 o'clock, at tho Kpisco
pal church, iu this city, Dr. Daniel 1). I'ayton
to Mrs. Mary lloyt, Rov. Mr. Chamber ofUci
ating. After tho ceremony, tho uowly mar
ried couple took tho 10: HO train, for a short
visit to .Siiowdou Springs.
"Detroit," says tho Froo Press. "ofTora both
money and patronage to any first class mau who
will como hero and utart a driving park and run
it respectably." A "drst class man," ch? Well
Nurrostotvu has about four thousand mot), ot
whom three thousand niuo hundred and ninety
nine aro lirst class. Tho other follow doesn't
tako a local paper, and ho is tho only ono wo
cm Rpato,
Don't Forget it.
If you Aro trottblod with nervouwen, are
dlsheartonod, llredof llfo, fear death or feel
out of sorts an the saying ia, you may mMj)
conclude that you have the Dyspepeta or
Llvor Complaint, The liver la very apt tobe
cotuo torpid this season of the year aa pola
ons arising from stagnant water or decaying
vogotatloti nro nioro numerous and are
through Inhalation taken into the blood
Unloss tho llvor Isntrongandaotlve.ana' far
nlshesa supply of Ireth and pure blood to
drive out the Impurities, the above mention
ed symptoms surely follow, and if not heed
od.end In mora terrible diseases and death.
White's Pralrlo Flower proves Itself the Great
Llvor Panacea. IU action on tho liver Ie
dllloront from any medicine ever compound
ded. Its cures nro truly wonderful. Try It.
Prlco twunty-Uve coule and eventy-flY
Buggies, Carriages; Hacks
All VohlclBN RopAlrcd flkart
and ninr. or liass a csitIsro mado Inst to your
llou, kIyo ui a call, and yon shall bare Just what
you want. If tho cmlo you have nstds repalrlaf,
wo can do It In Rood sbaiio.
Salem, Oct. 20 tf
The Averill Paint
Is Prepared li LI4HI Form
: ixt7JHL3Q;iTxraHcx,xi:i
I lit Is'couiposod of tho
Known to (ho Trade.
$ Pure JLiuwoocl Oil, UHi
Procurable for Tinting
Ilencu It will nnvfircliar.r,.:raolf , or peol oil; does
not run fioin ht-ntns, or nail It les;
unit l'r tiiui.MANuv av cor,ou
Put up iu , j, 1 nud 6 gallon PtickugeM.
Wholosalo and Retail
CfmXX un.c IM)i