wSKmm issued sTinr rniDAT, by CLARKE & OEAIO, rtmusnins and rnorniETons. 0. A. CliAKKB. J. IV. ORAIG. Term of Sabacrlptlon One eopy,ono year (5S numbers)..... ....f a.fiO Ono copy, six months (38 numbers) 1,2J Ono copy, thrco months (13 numbers) ......... 116 SALEM, KM DAY, NOV. 1, 1878. Lord Dufferin on tho United States. Tho ofllclnl fnrowell speech of Governor-General DuHerln to tho Canadi ans nt Toronto, September tilth, wan one of those master-plecca of good taste, good feeling, nntl felicitous expression, that must doopon tho regrets with which his departuro has filled tho hearts of our provincial neighbors. Tho speech was not only calculated to heighten tho loyalty of Canadians, and to'incrense their respect, but was also admirably adapted to foster n feeling of friendliness for tho United States. On tho thomo of tho friendly relations between Canadians and our own peo ple, it is impossiblu to conce'lvo how a representative of tho English Govern ment could sponk more happily than Lord DufTorlndld, when ho said: " However enrnostiy I may havo bo songht you to bo faithful to your natlvo land and to estlmato nt tho propor val ue your birthright ns Englishmen, it is with almost equal persistence that I would exhort you to cultlvato the most friendly nnd cordial relations with tho American people. A nobler nutlon, a pcoplo more gonorous or more hospita ble, docs not oxlst. Loud applause. To havo learned to understand nnd ap preciate them I esteem ns not the least of tho many advantages I have gained by coming to Canada. Applause. Of my own knowledge I cau say that thoy nro animated by tho kindest feelings toward tho Dominion, nnd I ennnot douot out mat tnu two countries nro destined to be united In tho bonds of nn unbroken friendship. Loud ap plause.J Nor can I conceive n more in foresting or delightful task in store for tho philosophical historian than to re cord tho amlcablo rivalry of such pow erful nnd cognate communities in tho path of progrcw, tho ono u ro public, in deed, but where tho authoritative pre eminence assigned to tho elect of tho pcoplo, aud tho comparative freedom of tho Exocutlvo from Parliamentary control, Introduce u feature ukln to per sonal government, tho other a mon archy, but to which tho hereditary principle communicates such an ele ment of stability 'as to render possible tho application of what Is really tho most popular aud democratic system to bo found on this continent loud "I'heoM while both combliio, each in their respective sphere:), to udvauco tho happiness of mankind, and to open up n now and fresher chapter of hu man history." Men wlio mnlio Journalist. It has liecn remarked Mint very few men who Kut into journalism start nut v ith Mich inten tions. They drift in accidentally nnd nro jiro. motcd as tlivy develop cnimoity. Mmicy, wealthy parent nml iulluciico mu of no fort of r-crvico in i;vttiiiu a youns; man n on a nuwspapvr. Thero is no tiiiHtnvsa that in no en tiroly independent of nil these considerations rot this. A wealthy father can tasily Kit hi eon n location to rent! law or medicine, or push him forward in nlmost imy rank of lifo ho may tiolectt. but ho is uttcily powcrles to ilo imy. tiling for him in n journalistic way. Ilo Hiiro hu may Imy n newspaper, nml set him ui in that way, hut unlit tlicro is nonu-tliim; in him called "journalistic Knack," a natural knowledge of what to wiite nnd how to write it, hu will ho a failure in that line, mid nil tho money nnd inlluenco of wealthy, nml perhaps Hcrful relatives will vomit for nothing. Somo fond parents educate their on w ith tho special view of making journalist of thenu hut it i nro that o hoar of these young men f. tvr n few year. Minuwhile, some youth burn ninom our hills, Imvinj! nothing mora tlmti n common ediieation.mid tho knowledge sonipeil up in n country printing illioa will tv.vaitco to tho front in tho profession. Ho ha the Jour-nalinti-' kiiRik, and force rucoguition cot t cause hu ha wealthy iarent to iiitiutiiiw the proprietors of lending new sjwipers, Imt liwQusr lio know what to write and how to write it. His nrtu les jt in liecauso thoy f l'l J de mand, while, perhaps, the ihihornte iwh of a man cducatitl in two coiitiiieiitsaicctt into the xvat luskct. -Weekly .Meeury. Complete Satisfaction. In tho Jefferson .Market I'olice Court in New York city, tho other day, Koo Hotelier was Arraigned beforo justice Murray charged witli drunkenness. 'What havo you U lay, Hose-" asked tlie court. "I was drunk, mu always drunk and nm going to keep on getting drunk until niydcath," replied tho woman. "That very lad," remarked tho puttee, "You shouldn't complain anyway. You wako your living by it. Ifthowwas no lum, you would be out of work," "Six month." "Make it three time six month mid I won't complain, flood .by, Judge Murray, Recorder's Court. Ono ciue tf drunk nud disorderly wnbroi,;M Wore Uecoider Howie, tin afterii"- n, an (the usual line was tvconltd ngaiiut t'e I'UmU. TEMFEKATK DRINKING. Tho Father of Drunnlcnccs and tho Be ginning of Ruin A Thrilling Appeal. At n certain town meeting in Pennsylvania, tho (mention camo up whether any person should ho licensed to sell ruin. The clergy, man, tho deacon, tho physician, etrango as it may appear, all favored it. Ono man only spoko ng.iinst it hecauso of tho mischief it did. Tho question was about to bo put, when there nroso from tho corner of tho room a miserable womnn. Sho was thinly clad, nnd her appear ance indicated .tho utmost wietchedness, and that her mortal career was nlmost closed. After a moment's silence, and nit eyes being iixed on her, sho stretched her attenuated body to its utmost height, and then them long arms to their greatest length, and then raised her voice to n high pitch, sho called all to louk at her. "Yes," sho Baid, "look upon me, and hear me. All tho last speaker has Baid relative to tern pcrnto drinking, as being tho father of drunk enness, is true. All practice, nil experience de clare its truth. All drinking of alcoholic poison as a liovcrago in health, in excexs. Ixiok uton met You nil know me, or once did. You all know 1 was once mistress of the bcBt farm in tho town; you ojl know, too, 1 had ono of the best tho most devoted of husbands. You all know that 1 had live noblcdieartid industrious boyB. AVhero nro thoy now? Doctor, where aro thoy now? You nil know. You all know that thoy lio in a row, side by side, in yonder churchyard; nil every ono of them filling tho drunkard'n gravel They were all taught to ImiHovo that temperate drinking was safe that excess nlono ouuht to bo avoided; nnd they nuvcr acknowledged excess. They quoted, you, nud you, nnd you," pointing with her shred of a finger to tho minister, deacon, and doctor, "as authority, Thoy thought themselves safe under such teachers. Hut I saw tho gradual change coming over my family and its pros pects, with dismay aud horror. I felt wo wcro all to bo overwhelmed in ono common ruin. J tried to ward oil" tho blow; 1 tried to break the spell, tho delusive spell, in which the idta of tho hcuellts of temperate drinking had involved my husband aud sons. I begged, 1 prajed; but tho odds were against mc. Tho minister said that tho poison Hint wits destroying my husband nud sons was a good creature of (tod; tho deacon who sits under the pulpit there, aud took our farm to pay his rum bills; sold them tho poison; the doctor said a little was (.ood and tho excess only ought to bu avoided. My husband and my dear lxys full into tho snare, and they could not escape; and one after nn other weru conveyed to tho sm row fid grave of tho drunkard. Now look nt mo again. You pi nimbly sco mo for tho last time. My sands havo almost run. 1 havo dragged my exhaust ed frnmu from my present home- your poor house to warn you nil, to warn you, deacon, to warn you, '(also teacher of (lodn word I " and with her nrms thing high, nnd her tall form stretched to its utmost, nnd her voico raised to mi unearthly pitch, sho exclaimed, "1 shnll soon stniid befoio tho judgment sent oftiod. 1 shall meet you theio, you false guides, and bon witness against you nil I" Tho Miiserablo woman vanished. A dead silence pel ad td tho nxseiubly; tho minister, tho deacon, nud physician hung their heads; and when tho president of tho meeting put tho iucitinn, "Shall nny licoises ho grunted for tho snleof spirituous liipiorsV tho unanimous rcssuise was "Xo!" Members or tho Now Gorman Parliament. The Magdeburg Zeitung gives tho following cl.iitic,itiuu of the members of tho New (,er man l'.itli.imeut! Ono hundred ami live landed proprietors, twuity-onu renter and persons of private mean", ono Fit Id, You Moltke, one retired 'iniial, one l'rotent.iutnnd twenty ono ('nthnlic cleigymen, two (I'mnniau) Cabinet Ministers, si ev-Mimntirs, ouo Ambassador nnd two c.('ouncilhu of Legation, two (Sov eruors of 1'ioviiices, and tno ox-(!overuor, ono President of Police, Unity civil servants nud live ovditto, two nmtors, livo Chamber luius, ouo ehiif Huntsman, eight llurgermeis. ters, two Town Councillors, thirty-nine .Imlges of Kith superior nud suUirdiuato courts, one Attorney-lit ncral, fourdiputy ditto, one ex deputy ditto, twenty-hiiio kirrutcr nud attor ney, fifteen university professor and tutois, one vx-hri-ctor of a gyiinsium, uo newspaper propnctor, ono iicutp.ipcr ngiut. fourtctn edi toisuild wilteis for newspapers and other pi riodicals, iie ph. Mcian. one nrvhitret, one civil eiimncir. scuu merchants, Icm-ii iti.iuu faeturcrs, two brewcis, one mining director, ouo hrouze-fouudry inspector, fourteen shop. I.ccr, one Winker, three lmnk directors, two dirtvtois of tinaiiiial complines, ouo prcti dent of n chamber of tommvrce, one general agent, thrtti hotel kupvrs, one master wood carver, Mio iar inakr, onu wood merchant, one photographer. Practical Theology. A colored (ieorgu mmiktir puvuht's tho fol lowing pnutual thridoyy: "llrvddrvn.niy 'spcr unco is dat it ain't do pvifcRou of 'lighm, hut ie casiouai pr. uce oi it tint make a man VoptnWo up yonder. Wen yer gets to dv gold en gate nu" IVtir looks yer right in de yo and yer shows )tr long vrtid And says, mmpotis like, dt jir 'loiigut to a big church, do 'pottle 'II shake his head an' sy. "Pat ain't null' tir getjer through." lint it .er takes all er bill under ,cr arm, jer groicr lull an' yer rent bills an' he looks 'cm oi r an' finds em all receipted he II tay," er title s vhar, an unlock derate, an' h t y r pitch yer oice, for do augcls' song. Hut t ain't no use ter trabUt along dat narrer pith 'less ji r cancarrj, folded up in cr creed, a good nc'itundation fiomycrcicditors. Hel hen ain't no place fur fear oh liuetiii' some cue who'll ak lur dat little bill dat nebWr was paid." Tliosclinmior.Mnsi (lion, front St. John, 11,, for Now York, tieciuuo a total wrivlt In tbo kIo of October 12th. Our Inn ttio nl(;bt tbo stninnn npil stowurd wm uiishtHl ovei board. Tbo captnln, niato nud renminbi,' M-amnn liibbed tlu'iiii-olves to tbo inUri'ii cbulti, and nftor ilrtlttiiK four daya witbout food or water wcio plikvtl up, WILLAMETTE FARMER. Youraruii FOLLY. Tho Causo of tho Suloldo or a Young Woman at Bushnoll, 111. Wednesday nifc'ht Mrs. Elmer Aller, of Bushnell, Ill.,nttcniptcd suicide by tak ing arsenic. It Is tho old story of youth ful folly with n tragic ending. The case Is briefly as follows: Nenrly two years ngo Miss Mattic Ki'jrns, nn .orphan girl, opened a millinery store'here with some money received on account of a father who lost his life In the late war. Uelng young and handsome, sho had many ad mirers, and Anally accepted the atten tion of one, Elmer Aller, son of Lemuel Aller, a merchant of this place. Young Aller accomplished the girl's ruin under the promise of marriage. Ileing Inex perienced, she soon lost her property. MIbs Kelrns then left for awhile, but last spring returned and compelled Aller to marry her. At this Juncture the Aller family became Indignant, refused her n homo, and mistreated her In many ways. Then Mr. J. W. Parks took the I unfnrtunato girl In and provided hern home where sho remained pretty much ever since, the Aller's stoutly refused to do anything for her. On yesterday she took the child, which isabotitsix months old, to the house of Lemuel Aller to see if she could not excite the compassion of tho aforesaid father-in-law, was nil to no avail, as sho received only nbuses. Sho returned home disheartened, after which sho determined to end her wretch ed existence. Sho then tried to obtain a revolver from a hardware dealer, but ho would not let her have one. Lutein the evening she found npacknge of nnenlcat home in the clock nnd succeeded In tak ing fourdoses before Mrs. Parks discov ered thero was anything wrong. She has laid very low ever since, nud the physicians say she cannot possibly re cover. It Is nlmost needless to add that for this piece of heartless conduct Lem uel Aller aud family are recelvlug the se vere condemnation of the entire commu nity. There has never been such Intense excitement over any one event In Hush noil. Suit fordamages was begun against Aller in the fall term of the Circuit Court, but was postponed. Tho Alters have somo Wealthy aud highly respected con nections In tills place who are at a lossto know how to account f'r this shameful conduct on the part of their relations. Eloootlon In British Columbia. At Victoria they havo been for several weeks in all tho dreadful agonies of an election canvass. Tho manner In which elections are held by our Hrltlsh neigh bors may bo seen from the following "1'tibllo notice Is hereby given to the electors of tho electoral district aforesaid, that a poll has been demanded at the election now pending for the same, and that I have grunted such poll; and, fur ther, that the persons duly nominated as candidates at tho said election, nnd for whom only votes will bo received, nro: JiiiIiiIi Phillip Davlos, Victoria, auction eer; Amor J)uCohiiuh, Victoria, gentle man, tho Hlght Hon. Sir John A. Mac Donald, Toronto, Canada, gentleman. Of which all perMins aro hereby required to tako notice and govern themselves ac cordingly. Tnes. H.vituis, Heturniug Olllcer. Tubers GrowliiK Abovo Grouml. Not long ago the ltn Angeles Kvprcss men tioned a heau stock which had k-m plowed un der tho giound and again taken rixit and Uire another ciop of heaus. Wo think wo have something at this oilieo which discounts the beau story. The other day wo visited tho garden Mouging to Mr. Parton, in tho western part of town, and were shown hy that gentle men a iMitato vino with pot.iUux growing on the top of tho patato stock, about live inches from the ground. Tho iues, containing these curb otitic wire standing erect not growing olong the ground. The stock was an uncommon large one, and tho largtst of the five potatoes is thric. quarters of an inch in dtaiui ter- genuine Karly lioodrich. To the incredulous we will say the said potato aud stock can Ikj seen at this nillcc. Mr. I'.utou also showed u a nw of hlackhcr. lies which weio only s-i out this tpiing whiJi are in full hearing. -Santa Ana Herald. A WMto Man Killed by n Chinaman. At Williams, I'al. Oct Utt vvemiij. six miles i.', a 'i,irnl4currv-d west of this iikhv uit Jack Urim's ranch, betHceu brim' China cool; ami hU sheep henler, which re sulted in tho death of tho latter. Tho herder came from work at '"0 aud kod tho cool; for something to ftl hisdo. Tkcl'huuuiMu replivMl that ho must wait, m them was noth ing for him. .npiy utU followe.1 until the herder clinched the cook, d In th rtjjht the t'hiiMiiian dicw a knife aud stabbed -his an tagouitt in the left luiij.-- Tho Chiuamaii called in the ranch hands and told what lie done, and a man was iiiinuduitely dispiMu-d to this place for a dtsttor aud an othecr. The wounded man hngucd until 1) v. M. toda, when death eiuucil. Soon afUr the di-cd was committed tho Chinaman left tho ranch, and up to this time tho otliccrs have not succeed ed in capturing him. Deceased was a uatic of Ireland aud had Wen in Prim's employ for the past four years. T. P. 15. -Concerning tho Texas-Pacific Pad road, aud Colonel Thomas A. Scott, "A South. rrn man" srits a furious phillipplo to the New York Tinus declaring that of all the Southern States, Tcvwalono favors thy project and addi "Tluit tho renressntatiw vf the poplc of the South should combine with Svott Ping for tho miriHo of iorciug so tiousa meaur uivu the country, i r to defeat the a -j tuition of tho Xorthern lhicifc for . tt eM -i-si u of time in which to tii.isU th.e.r work at.d k' re tluir land grant, ., too absurd for si y I p" t mo excel t to be laughed at," EARTHQUAKES IN THE HIGHLANDS. Pooplo Frightened, Houses Shaken. Evoc Storm King and Old Cro' Nest Trembling. At Poughkccpsic, October 4th, full reports from ioints south givo particulars of a severe earthqunke shock olong both sides of tho Hud son, from Marlborough to Pcckskill, a distance of twents-fivo miles. All reports ogreo that tho shock was lirst felt at 2:.'i0 this morning. At West Point nearly everybody was aroused, nnd it wns thought that the powder magazine had exploded. At (Jarnson .Station, opposite, the watchman first supposcd'thatnn engine had exploded in tho tunnel, nnd started out with hUrcd light. The shock wnsalss plainly felt at Highland Falls, nnd people got up and walked the streets. At Peeksklll, at the hour named, there was considerable alarm. Tho earthquake appeared to coino from the north and pass south, and for several seconds tho earth rocked, houses wcro shaken and windows rattled. Peo ple sought tho streets and many wcro frighten ed. At Marlborough, north of Newburg, on the west shore tho heat was very oppressive for I two days and farmers report hearing rumbling I noises, but supposed it was caused by rock blasting across the river. Tho main shock was felt there at 2:30 this morning. Advices from Newburg say that at 2:40 there was a rumbling noiso and then a sharp shock, followed by an other rumbling. Windows w cro rattled with considerable force, and tho frightened pcoplo awakened from a sound sleep, sprang out of their beds in nlnrm. Tho rumbling nnd shock together lasted quite half a minute. The earth qunke wns felt some distance west of tho river, espccinlly nlong the lino of tho Short-cut Hall- road. Somo qiiarrymen who passed down tho railroad track near Jtreak Neck, in the High lands, Bay they could feel tho earth tremblo and hear rumbling sounds in the mountain. Isaac ltigcs, of Cold Spring, said it was not so severe an earthqunke ns occurred in that village several years ago, but, nevertheless, tho foundations of buildings wcro shaken, the shock lasted several minutes. A lioatmau says that tho Storm King Mountain, at tho north entrance to tho Highlands, was shaken and re verberations were heard through Cro' Nest. Steamlioat men do not report anything unusual on tho water. Dispatches north of Marlborough on tho went shor;, and north of Cold Spring, on tho east shore, make no mention of earth quake shocks. N. Y. World. lly tho above account, wo sen that pcoplo on tho Pacific coast, who arc well fixed, had better stay at homo and not try to better their con ditiou by going east, as they may get caught in one of those dreadful earthquakes. THE DnXDGKPORT MYSTKRY. Fresh Clows Found Tending to Establish tho Guilt of tho Alleged Murderers or Stuttering Jack." llridgcport, t'onn., Oct. 7. 187S. For sever al days a thorough examination of tho llrewster shopaud premises surrounding it, lately occu pied hy basset and Mrs. Alexander, has been going on under the direction of the city author, itiis, and yesterday two men set at work by Ollicertteorgo Arnold found beneath the tloor of an ohscuro roam in tho lower part of tho building two silver plated collin plates bearing respectively tho following inscriptions; A. J. P. .ti SS. .1. J. II. .lil'.l. Ivaeh of these )latcs showed siuns of ago, aud apin-arcil to have been ouco attached to collius, Further examination convinced tho tinders that the plates had been forced from thu collin. lids, they being bent nud torn iutlioso portions held by thotciews. A largo siongc wa also found ucar the hiding nlaco of tho plates which it is supposed had been used by Rusett and Mrs. Alexander in chloroforming their victims. In another part of tho building was discovered, ingeniously concealed, over ouo thousand letters post marked at iMiuts distant and near, tho ma jor portion being from Now York city, bearing either lUsstt's address or that of Mrs. Alexan der. It is supposed tboo letters will bo import ant, as showing tho inquiries practised by "Stut tering Jack's" murderers. They will bo strict ly kept from the public oyo until their contents hao been carefully read ami noted. v iiioiiori.u HUiuit to iik mam-. The development already made are startling and, in the belief that all has not Km brought to light, men will be kept at work examining the premise. Tho opinion prevails that human (todies are buried beneath the building, and to establish this tho earth upon which it ktauds w ill, within a few days bo dug oxer. Accurate pictuies of lUett and Mrs. Alcxaudsr, alo of 'Stuttering Jack," havo been obtained by the police. In the countenance of the llrt named one fails to oe anything to show tho demon that ho seems to hae been, but in the sharp outlines of tie face cf his accomplice in crime ouo can readily true the characteristics of a cruel, cold hearted inurderes. Tho trial of the accused Mill take place in tho Superior Cotitt, duiiug the present mouth. Eugltsh Scliolartihti). Knjjltsli scholarship is l.ngiliiiii;, ami stasuls in neeil of a second revivnl, is tho ooin. ion of the atunlay Iteview. Not that schob ars fail in actual knowledge of (ireck ami I-itin but that they ilo not sutticiently consiiler that these languages open to them the lifo of an. cient (ireeceatul ltonie. in which tho lifo of the modern civilised world is rooted. "We have fallen into lettershijs" says tho Iteview, "and our excess of seal for the classics ha de. feated itself. In our anxiety to master the language o have neglected tho nuruoao for which the languages aro worth knowing; llreek and 1 Jtin havo Uvoino our tyrants, and over shadowed (Sreeco nud Home. Tho process has its analog' in other branches of learniiijr. In one University, at least, th physical applica. turn of mathematics havo lievn asstdaoiuly eiupt.e! of their real inewiing ami jw er, aud turnctl nito an exercising grouuil for tho nuu ipubitiou of kymbolt. " Officers Elected. I At tho last regular meeting of Capital .Lodge No. 11, I. 0. G. T heldnt Good Templars Hall in this city on Inst Saturday night, tho following ofnocra wcro elected for tho term end ing January 31st, 1870: Hugh Hnrrison, AY. C. T.; Snrah flesner, V. V. T.; Scth It. Ham mer, W. S. ; J. AV. Scribncr, W. Y. S. ; James Coffey, W. T.; James itiggs, W. M.; Onio Stang, W.J. . ; John Green, W. 0. G.; Mrs. K. A. O'Donald, W. Chap. The lodge ends the summer quatteror term, with a good show ing and is reported as icady for the fall and winter campaign. The contract for the construction of the Cascade cnnal was signed and completed by Colonel Wilson on Saturday last, and the contractor, Mr. Mall; has left Port land with Mr. Bolton, to commence prep arations for tho work. Colonel Wilson transferred tho charge of this engineering to Col. Gillespie yesterday, and will leave for Washington on the next trip of tho Oregon, probably the 28tli or 20tn. The number of sailing ships built in England Scotland and Ireland during tho first half of 1878 was 3G0, against 359 in tho first half of 1877, with a gross tonnage of 69,842, against 100,892; of steamers, 274, against 181, with a tonnago of 239,470, against 139,082 in 1877. ViTftftwn UtfAiiTnt iitimtatn tffkhln tin n A fit. conlorred upon tons or thousands ofsuffor- tlon which aykii's SAnHAi'Aitn.LA onloys. It Is a compound of tho test vegetable al- ura uuuiu urJKfuniu uuu umiiuniu iuuJtuum- torativoB, with tho Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and Is tho most eilectual of all reme dies for scrofulous, morcurlal, or blood dis orders. Uniformly successful and certain in ita remedial effects, it produces rapid and complete curea of Scrofula, Sores, Bolls, Humors. Pimples Eruptions, Skin Diseases atd all disorders arising from Impurity of tno dioou. uy its invigorating ouects it always relieves and often cures Liver Com plalnta, Female Weaknossea and Irregulari ties, and ts a potrnt roneworof vitality. For purifying tno blood It has no equal; it tones up tho system , restores and proservos theboaIlb,and imparts vigor and energy, For forty yoars It has beon In oxtenslvo uso, and is to-day tho most available medlclno for tho Hiillorlng sick, everywhere. For Bale by all Dealers. MARBLE WORKS. WM. STAIGEK, DKALEII IN Head-Stones & Monuments EXrCL'TED IK Italian and Vermont MARBLE. llrnnch Shop at Albany. Address: A. STAIfiElt, Albany, Oregon. AIo, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done. Special attention given to orders from an parts of tho Statu and Washington Territory received liy mail or othcrwlr , and promptly forwarded. All work warranted. April's THE WALTER FRUIT DRYER MANUFACTUHINO and THADINQ CO. CAPITAL STOGIE, 100,000, Are now Prepared to Furnish the WALTER DRYER At very low price, from $350 to 9700. FRUIT GROWERS, TAKE NOTICE TlmCt. Link A- Company aud Luke O, ScKorvlch X Company, ol San Fran elueo, pronounce "The WALTSX. the best now in uio." dryer Raisins made in forty-eiglit honrs, Applos dried in three and one-liair bonrf. 1.11.1. at our oilieo IIS California St.. Mm FrmieUeti. nntl nco the bvunllnil Irillt Urleil It)-1 lie Wulier Uryer. J. H MAYNARD, Secretary. auinv OREGON STEAMSHIP CO. ItEOl'LAU LINE Between Portland and San Francisco. TIIKOlMill TICKETS Can be pmcuareJ at tho Stations of tbe v .v i II. is , JH XlocUicocl IlAtos. Steamer leave both 1'orilin J anil San I'ranciico about Every Five Days, currying raisrusrr and Fieicht at the LOWEST ItATEn. It Is th only llnscarnlnjihe U b. MAILb ami WELLS, FAllliO .t CO.'b EXI'KEfeS. Tae Steatr.hlis of thi Company aie rated A 1, and are tew, vlrpici, and tomnU'to in ctty particular, aud consist of Ibe State of Oregon, (New.) 4.n tous barden, George W. Elder, (UCO tons,) City of Chester, (liSO tensj AjaX, (UW tons.) For freight or pssase, apply at tne Coapany' of ace, corntr F and Front suenc. I'sctumi, co-itf GEO, . iiim.t.K, ACfOt, AvanitJ lykni fmi CrolctUU KirwilVn fcr ,n cSv fwJUM Uil tlttBnt ui luJtaf cAar. ttrt kJ. . ti Mu wrip inu-iutk l clove I J (Uhsa w Uferiur rl. tl JtktM't Utt U p Ttty flat . fc.Mly il dUr. txrj fr mp, tm, id C. A. 4lCUO A Cuh Jlfrt., riitntorf , V. LiU WcrtUelwer. Acti.SmFnucIseo SWEET psaMNAVl CiGffJiswSTokco notice to btock-men. TnE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE9PECTFUL Jy announce to all whom i' may concern that ho Is making the GELDING of ITorses, nnd especially that of IUDOELINGS. and 8 PAYING CATTLE, a specialty In the Veterinary practice. Ilo olTjrs to pay any man now living on the Pacific slope (SOU to meet him and do the rfbove work as well, any tlnio In 1878. lie giiara-itccs satisfaction In all cases, or makes no charge, the owner of the stock to be tho Jiidceor the work. He has not lost n slntrlo Itldgo Ilnp Ilorpo from the operation for near three years. i he following are my appointments up to Oct. 31st. after which any parties wishing my services will plcato addrrts IV.U. LEE, V. 8., Tho Dalles, Or. Ashlsnd, Jackson Co., Sept. 25 to 28. Jacksonville, Sept. 29 to Oct. 2. Canyonvlllo, Douglas Co,, Oct. 3 to 4. Koseburg, Oct. 5. Oakland, Oct. 0. Kugeno City, Oct. 7. Junction, Oct. 6. Albany, Oct. 10. Salem, Oct. 11 to 20. Corvallls, Oct. 21. Dallas, Oct. 23. Lafayette, Oct. 25. uuiBboro, Oct. 2(3. Portland, Oct. 28. Oregon City, Oct. 29. Vancouver, W. T., Oct. 30. St. Helens, Colutnoia Co., Oct, 31 . purine State Pair week I will ba at Gaines Fish, cr's stable on Commercial street, SALEM. NaliVnlffir0 tCt-S8)' ' "a bd fCUDd M th Circulars, giving testimonials from well-known cRon and Washington, will bo sent ireo on appllca nun-iuiu ,vr nuuui i nave opcraicu. mrouch Or. -.., ? FINE RESIDENCE Ifor BaIo. iiaffis Adcirable resldcnco on Commercial street In 8a- lem-larse. and well finished, with grounds finely Col f S.OOO-wlll bo aold for 12,000 cash, n nrt halm nn Mn. i. i -v77. " or half down and balance on time, with Interest. Apply to K.RIS IVII.I.m an2Sm0 at his Book store, State street. BAILROAD LANDS. Liberal Terms! LOW ifrtlCESt LONG TIME! LOW INTEREST Tno Oregon and California and Oregon Central Railroad Companies OFTEIt their Lands for saio npon tho following llbo fS.ll! Ono''"" of the prlco in cash; intersst on the balance at tho rato of teven per cent, on tear principal and Interest on tho balance at Uio rato ol J'n.i,.(uin,tPreoln,?u'D Uoth principal and inter- P1"0 ,n u. 8. Currtncy. v A discount of-tcn per cent, will he allowed forioaih . r ,nlt' ? P addressed to 1'. 8CUULZE; Un Agent O. a C. It. K.. Portland. Oregon. REAL ESTATE LOANS. OUKCOX AXD MASDINGTON Trust Investment Company OP SCOTLAND. THIS Company Is prensred to necotlate loans lb ,. . sums Irom $500 toS0,000iccnrca over 1MPHO VKD CITY PAUl'KItf Y and FAnM LANLS. f fixed periods of ycais, or rcpayablo by half-yearly in atalliaeuts, For terms, apply to novlOr m ibiiinM juwu, juacarer, 0 First Street l'orilan J. W. GILBERT I?fiVM Cuish ibr Hides, Furs. & Pelts, se21 Commercial Bt., SALKM. iy ESTABLISHED 1855. Willamette Nurserv, G. W. WALLING & SON, PJtOPUIETOKS, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregoc. WALLTNGrS PEACH PLU3L Tlio Italian Prune, AnJ tbe best varltties of I'ltllll, I'rtiuo, roach, Apple, I'cnr, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSOKT.MENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. JOHN MINTO, ERtcocn or 3IERINO SHEEP, TAKES pleasure in offrrin? to the Wool-Growers of Oregon and the sdjoinine TerritorW tbe ebsneo topartbai TIIOItOUCiltliKED MEK1NOS, and as. taring parties interested that ibey can, and will en deavor to. sell Sheep of the same quality and value at MUCH CHEAPER HATES than socn can possibly be imported. Examination and comparison with oth er Sheep oflcred lu tbe carktl are eotdlallT intlted. Address JOHN MINTO. Salem, Oreroa. N. It. The Rams and Han Lambs of tbe flock can be teen on tbe ISLAND FARM, adjoining Salem. Tbe Ewes can be teen at the race place, or at the HILL FARM fonr and a ball miles socio of the city. Salem, September 10. HVi. . OK. K. Y. CHASE, BREVET Lt.Col., late Sargeon U.S. VoJaateers, Office, Harbin's block, bo ttalra. ir Humphrey's Ferry. THIS WELL-KNOWN FERRV II S NOT BEEN In operation for several years past, thoacb it Is on tbe oldett aud shortest road between Salem and ComIIU.9 miles sonth of Salem and 4 miles from Barn Vltla. After Saturday, Sept. T, I .hill hate it In regular operation, with fe tackle and a new and nrl-cli ferrr-boit made bT iv,o of the h.t t.rin. er In Fotk coanty, There are rood roads on both tiueaai laenver, uiTnrsracaii. Humphrey's Ferry. An S)x3 E, C. BROWN', Af3i EBt To edit' iuc "fine 1 Eli , trt XVP 1." i BC rt c t r , 1 I I 1 M s-j ' t :4 "'."fl H I