Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 25, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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    PTS QF HtfsBDy.
To tho Patrons, of Oregon, Washington"
and Idaho.
Dear Rt.irriiiiEX: In n-fjw days I expect to
t.tart Kist to attend the meeting of the National
Otange, and ptopose to be absent from tlic
jtuisdiction about ten week. Questions of
law or uaie atiing (luring my absence may be
inferred to my deputies in the diflercnt conn
tie; or, in case them is no deputy in the coun
ty, to the Worthy Overseer of the State
t!r..iige, llro. I. S. It. liuieh, Myitlo Creek,
Douglas county, Oregon.
I beg to call the attention of all members of
the Order to a resolution of the last State
(range i intoning the WiLi.AMirm: I'akmmi,
making it the organ of our Order and calhtiu
upon P.itrcnato give it a hcaity nnd united
snppoit. Jiitthten, wo need a paper devoted
to the intcsts of the farmer. It should at
once furuhh us an account of the current
events of imj.oitaucc, the state of the crops,
markets, kc, give us a medium through which
to exchange our ideas and experiences, nnd
furnish our families a weekly repast of such
pine nnd wholesome miscellaneous literature as
is best taiitctl to their wants. Such n paper re
quires a largo outlay of means, laW, and
talent, and cannot, be furnished us without
adequate snpi-ort. Let mo urge you, therefore,
to give our own paper a cordial support; sub
scribe for it, writo for it, woik for it, so that
we may have a fanner's piper uotthyoflhc
name nnd second to none.
1'iatcmalry yours,
A. It. Siini.r.v,
Matter Oregon State Orange.
0 ego, Sept. ", 1878.
State Grange Deputies for 1878
lUKFlt i. Thomas Smith, lUKcr City.
IIkvtun-. IMJtT. (.'erruflls.
Pimmva-.'. N. -it ait. lnnliy.
I'tAnni-W.'ll. druy, Yoiinj's I'.lur.
I to ru 1. w. i;, ifulcli, Mjrtlc (.11..
.teilmv-J. X. T. Miller, JnrksoiiiMi'.
JeMiPnr .liHj.h folio., I-htvl.
l.e-.r-110-cix.. I. net., CicivnH; Allen lloiul, i n
URlu. J. W. JluJielitr, ISaUvtlllc; V. M. IV.Um),
Turin i.
Hei.l-.3Xen 1 .ftnpten Krl'.y anil Jaroti JeliMtt'i, livt
'ntt.iviKii.-J. c. t.i:iy.TlllainotJ..
lMO.l -Jtthti IVclrlltnli, I'lihll.
WAMO-rJtlm I-juf. Tvili Vullov.
WAmCnos- J. A. llfeiianUcn, Tualatin: J. V. Fat
I'liUtCn, (imtun.
h Yasiiiia- It. It. IactUUii, Nottli VnrnhUl.
WAMtlllritM tl'RKirCRT.
t'gLrsirii T.i'itnas Tl.r.i'!l, H.ijton.
CeVit) i..,iJ Sum., i, u:i.ui.r.
I'ovrtitt -Jo!iii... IVijfcrtli, I'iVIii,
Wtu Wt l.e - W, li. '11 eMin, WUU WaJU.
;ltTei lllLi.i Kin,, I'at.i-e t.lly
PBtMl In ti.oafl coun'.l !t uhlcli In IlrpctJ" hn't
tiwii apK4tiU'l .ui I 1:1 1. It rtllj.v tuiu 1 wliut;t..
IlralhrNS.ilul V t i..t In tht i-i ult..
A. It ll!l'uv, iliut.i or. '. dnuix.
tiVVlVU'IlliaVlUo NA'CIO.VA I. OKANCt. !
.tfatoi-.toiia ?. .Tudb. 11.-.UM1. Piiinim. Ait.
'oi;a 7. .Tone, ll.-.itan. I'litlllin. :
Qetrrt. t. J. Wouilcuu. Vavt l'.iw. vi
tm Bir. i,
jirtiirtr A. It. PmciUey. L'rcico, IlowaiJ, la
8ffiJ5fc&hJw,unlBW ww,,,,lc"a' '''"'''muii'N head to top him, nop out nf hi
Spivtwif-Q. it. Koay, i.ouliite.Ky. ef hlseldo t-J bo ofpiftl with him, un lor
airjrK a. j. vauitnn. ..I -tapiiis. totiD,
uar-Kfir-. muwi4itic. urcuaro urnrc, tnt. '
J-K. johuT. Ju.ic. 15irtoii,i'liiiHo.Aik.
j'rj -ui". Hauuoll!. Aetsms.Mnntioeiio, Winn
hint j --I.'a.7 SU.rd-t Oiwlluo A. II,.' ,
i.oiunvi.n', ty
I). Wj-st itfi'Ti. (f':s!rt'n foUcitwry, 8. C,
H. It. h'.rii ; surf. nnUii'iue- jhws.
lp.Uey T. f'.Ms, Clinm -it. U. II.
Aruii H .' Vr, HoeU IV'.s, Whlte-Mo. JU.
W. IS. uuX-n, Ottrouhoc. Husidl. Ala,
Ani!CaCOmeiU for tllO lall 'J rilt!0
m033 3. rnxSHKII.i.Y..
'an lntir"t for hlHlrlonel, with .Jerrohl.
All prison arc invited to coma and -see whst "Then Nnttiro must hovo had n very bad
(ilegaut l)!iSS GOODS I cell for.snu bit r. pi-u," wai tho prompt reply.
yard, Ootno r.ud wo my 'JO-cctit l)UIiS i ,,,. . "", " .rvr 'iT
nnrlna ,.i;;. ,.,i wone pinriv I I be population nt McinphN usually
(JOODS, ray li t a yaul UOItSI hi) Cllr.l. h-, . ., . ,,,,, , .. , '.
l . u i nr 1-.I- -ee-riM.i.'c f i more 1"in 10,000 ifl 110W, lS : t.t IlKltft ,
nnd my tins 8-4 HLAC'h. CASIMhlihs for! , ,. ,, ,, ,' ,, ... .
1. 1- . . .. rivi'v i.,,.,.iii r-niincn . I Kducoel by tho yellow fever fright toL',.
ladies, tuy J AaL M(tLIthl) tiOOIiS at one .,. . ,. .'.,,. , '
... ,. . , , -v, .,,,.. i 00 whites mid 0,001 blackii.
bit a van! ru (wotted exilor; my SJ W) hf.At'h .J
15hAM.lt, my 10-cewt LINhh; my liusutiiid i
Atsoitmeiitof SHAWLS; tlm cJicapet Jjilie-n .
nnd gents' I j I)IdlMK ever l.ivttyit to ,
Salcins my fioa lino of HATS jute! CM'S,
ItOOTS Mill SHOES, t'orao 3co my tino SASH
imiONS,371ccutaayanliny (1HOSOILMN
UBBOSfl at from C cent, to ttJ cent r. &. I. '
.MP.OIPKRB. all lunil.mr.ilo, Irov B
ce-ntj n ynr.l uti. in LACES I have a lineie-
fcortmeut. It will pay youtalny HAXUKI-Ut-CHIWESimil
TOWELS of tao hy tho iW,.
3n TABLE LINENS I defy competition.
I havo OIL CLOTHS and CAKl'ETSj oomp
look at my fino TWO PLY CAIU'ETfJ at l c
yard, my extn. BliL'SSELS CAIU'El'S at SI t .
I.har n flr.o lot f IwUo'a CLOAKS, ol.wj,,
alo VELVETS and VELVI-JTIXKS and nil
tjoodn of KID f.LOVES, and IHSBUN
t!LOTtiy. tlet your VOOLKI-I Yi.USfi and
KNHTINii COTTON f me. Mho u the
cheat p!.uo to buy KNICKKKACKS,
K?. Bnj-tvciir KAOLK WKK of I-ItlKIISIAN.
All yon tr-tokere, if yon vautood TODACCO,
ti'entlott.eu, ,our hev.d-covering isitst cou.c.fcoiit
PRIEDMAKV, for ho L-u Ute Lest btoch of
haw in tho eitj ; your undetaiidig i-hould.
g t of him for. his f took has alC from liu-
OrjiRA ROOTS to a pair of BARV.HHOKS.
i :avo not a swek of CLOTJHNJ jor larg.'
Krr.' i well sw small, in C'A-'iilKl'.K,
It pay jvj to buy .-Jl kiudu cf SHHlTJi of
.SHIRTS at from CO cta:s to f-J 23 anie-ce, tnd
an excellent CMOrtment ci caiimere thirttf.
I wish to c!w3 out a lot of WINDOW CUR
TAINS, TASSJ&S ftnd CORD vir) cl.c.p.
It will pay ys to co-.no puptrwl to buy, as I
am a pocr hook-kjtor, w;J it w v.h I w.uit
for my gooLt.
en Since tn a'i. e K'.i t i3 r.y tut
f oodj have til I c s . .i.
s. rru.r'M.sj,-.
Open Temperance Meeting at tho ttfcthoetlst
vuurcn iiasi rilgnt
I Ho open (oinpornucc meeting
was hold ln8t night In the lecture
room of the MothodUt church and was
ouelnuhii.ii much Interest was innnl
fest. The exercises were commenced by
singing "Yield not to Tetnptntloii,".iiiul
prayer by Mw, Hutch. Thecoticregatlon
then sang, "Hold the Tort." Opening
remans were inado by tho President,
HubIi Harrison, followed by Dr. W. II.
Howland, Mrs. Htitjh, A. T. Vcnton, P.
W. Curler nnd ohers. Mlves Florence
Adair and May Warrlucr then nig a
duetto which was recelwd with loud ap
plause. Dr. Howland then offered the
following proposition, to bo dlsctmed at
the nest meeting. Affirmed that this
society do Inaugurate a street cru?nle
against the cause of Intemperance. Tho
president appointed as leader) In the dis
cussion, on the nfllrmallve, Dr. H.
Itowland; on the negative, C. A. Sehl-
brede. After singing, "Ring the Hells of
Heaven, the meeting adjourned to meet
at the same place next H'ednesday even
ing, nt 7 o'clock; at which time a fill
house Is expected.
A subscriber asks " How to scald a goose."
There are several methods. Put liars the bet-t
way would bo to wait until evening when tho
goose conies around to serenade your daughter,
and uhilo ho is in tho middle of "Mvcct IK
nnd By," jwur a kettlo of boiling hot water on
! his head from n second trtoty window.
Tlio'l'o'K is, they say, a most indefatigable
letter-writer. Ho lias taken in hand to reform
tho regular elegy, beginning at Pome and has
bad furnished to him a list of all the pricits re
silent, with particular as to their private
rites and the manner in which they disclmrgo
their diitic.
MIm Konih Rye, n Mahratta Indy, knows by
heart tho 1 8, WO verses of the itaiiiir.t VWabat
and can tcclto or explain any vcreo fi-ni any
elinjiter at a moment' notice. She aim) ostein
pothes Sautkrit verse with great facility.
Carlylo stys that ono can nut move a step
without meeting a duty, and that tho fact ef
mutual hcIpleMiic-K if proved by tho vcty fact
r nno'n existence. Nu man liveth to hittiiclf.
ami no man dut'i to himself.
T- o city of I n!fn spont 81.'I7,09 em its ro
caption to the Prii" of Wales upon his rotnm
from India.) l'iio bil ? i,f fate nttddauce program
mes c-ifct fcJ.Td.i.and the dit.ner Mid ball tickets
Mr. Spurgeo-iiniM phr health. Ho '" re-
" tti(i at anying ton friend: "Wlica I took
tho Tuticnwla I o.vpooto.1 that It would kill mo
i.'noTC'iyin. t nave wntnvw is c it lor
(..- ihcn, but I etui it l lust t.uuh ton,-.
7 he wnm.tn wtxn not miidn out of tht
iiU nt-m I. ( !.. ..... tAiu.! u...i , i.i
,,w nrm l' " l, lrotclwl, nnd nonr his
aenrt to bo lovctl.
I inn oniioriii a irgiiun potior win
t!.eUbyti t:injor "If It vrvro poffihle
that lliollitlo town kopt up four iiowb-
jpipor.-." And tho reply wah; "No, It
, Mlu-s four newspapers to keep up tho
' town."
An I'Whiiiiui, whui lio nppllod forn
Ilfwnan U ttfttf tvKfalf - vno nul.n.l K ..
I mugUtrnto If ho was of roo.1 mom! oh'nr-
inctt - r. "I'a'tli, 1 eluii't ft?u tho necessity
jofr; good moral olinraotrtnep whlHkv."
"Xnture has wrlttoh Mioncfit man' on
. IiIr face," said a person, trylnj to mnhu
An nt tiit one j painted an angel with ix
t.iw. "Who over raw onn with six tocJ" pe-
v infjulred. "Who ever saw imo with lew!"
wat tho oiiuntor oitcdtion.
Tltrre nsver ilid, wid thero never will cxit
a!lythinK nr..tnently nobly suil oscullot.t h
10 c!iareetw which a 6tran-r to tho iw
- iof restate lf.Crtitr-l.
"I nay, ft.'eucl, j our horto in alit'.lo oo:.ttry
i ho notj" "Un, air.'' " hat nukca hiia t-jn
t'lei.V "UL, ,Lu'a r.frtul iomehsely tiU tayi
" iVbot," cum h iuau t bos; it.
ThtTe is p!faaia in eun'-omphttiu ood'
' I a (;r.utT itextan In r-oivioi; jjIj
j out tno tjnMtt.t.ptea-.ureoi Win ta v--i "'"i,
!wvUiuh P '' "-
J a-rasi?--J
J Tto jury in tlio fittto of Orojpon v fieot-e
1 1-J: nl '"bn M-' jU, litui;Uttturaiel
iftwictoi gautv.
This 'ut riling Jubi. Kingo, who &-:? da v
ao placd guilty to the charge of burjjhvry, was
peuttntd by tbo eutvt to fub y eat sin tho
.State Fuuiteutiary.
The d f.nd Jury r-jiiruoil an indictuitat
agtinit Je-iut Whitney, uhargiiy him with t!)
murdcrof Oliver llilx-rt. jrcir .Silvortou, fxnui
Wi'lt RjJH,
.Sentence vill 1 p.v-J on Jiashan, uui
T,.t.tilu3 i. ..i.iit.1 iniri,iiiv
' Ah vo go Ut j.roj tho ttid ii .Solomon Levy
f4 I ting bear I ! the jury, the Jifciwo ii mat:
W; a desperate, but rather tliuuy attetntit to
contiueca enoh!e jury, that the r.uthontri
maio a mUtako aul took in an innocent man,
tnatetd of Chtoao Kid, and for tho prupoje of
proving thU, they hil up front Portland eight
friend a of lvy, and attemjiU were made to in
troduce al! ir.anr.er ef L-e tett.:.io- y. They,
wero men viho weteciifcaEcl in r. itto "jiitr-
. . -. j
naj tiusi.tew ini'.ic( t-i ic' f e i , t t.
t t.
wvat t1-1 r
i.IjSII it..ry r '-
Death of Dr. Klbbo.
In an exchange we litut thu follow tug notice
of tho.deathof Dr. Kibbc, who was undoubtedly
tho same physician who lived a couple of years in
Salem. He left hero fur Xew Yin k. aul went
into practice as a hydropathic physician. Wei
knew him well as a cenial. plea'ant ueiitbinnu.
..I.. i-!ti x- . - li. .r. .
hi-, ixiuue, ii .mjiv ietK iijuiupatiuc jnyai
r. Kihije, a .New eitk lijilropatlnc puvsi-
.. , ., x- ,, , i ., i
i, died recently in New Orleam. of the vel -
, . .. . , . , ... . , , .,
fever, a victim to his fnith in a hydropnth-
uw lever, a victim to ins fnitli in a iiyui-or.
io fever cot which he thought would infallibly
cure the diensc. Sa strung was ltii faith in it
ellieacy, tint he timk it to New Orleans, and
bcini strie-ken down with tin disease initcd
on its trial in liis own case. The eot will ti"i
hi. ti.ed again."
A Homo for tlio Utcs.
Washington, Sept. 30. - Kx-Senntor It M.
Morrill, Judge .MeFarland and Ocneral Hatch, While we nrc nir.kiug hittory we think but
Commissioners appointed to select anew reser- little of its preservation, but we should think
vatiou for the L'te Indians, have chosen a loca- . of those who arc to follow ns, how highly they
tion near the headwaters of the Xavajo and will ptio full and carefullyprcpared nccountsof
Planch Rivers, isolated from white settlements J common incidents of our times. Historical so
and accessible to supplies. Tho Indians aro cietien have become common in nearly eveiy
satistlcel with the arrangments and the (tavern .Stato in the Union, and we can seo mi reason
ment has approved them. Tho removal will ' why a society of that hind should not be in ao
take place at tho most favorable time. tivc operation in our own State.
Tcrrlblo Panic in a Church. , rronoh Coinage.
At Vicksburg (Va ), October lilth, dining a ,
marriage ceremony at the eoloted llapti't ' Franco has ntthotied the publication of a
church, the building being crowded to its ut- statistical tabic of coinage which will pocis a
most capacity, a piece of plastering fell, ere- certain degree to financiers, it extends fioni
ntinga panic of the most dreadful character. ' 17l'. to 1ST", and states that during that pc
The bodies of ten women have already been riod tho collective value of coinaue was as fob
taken out. Tho wounded aio being sent to lows: Onc-hundrcd-franc pieces, 14..14ii,-t(.0
their homos.
Emigration to Palouoo Country.
Yesterday afternoon wo noticed adoen or
more fine looking teams, each team attached to
anew covered wagon and each covered wagon
contained a family, all going over tho t io:tt.
tains to the Palouse country. Thce people an
ftom uiar Scio- Succc.es to thepi.
Trlotl to Kooape.
Jo Kdwatds who is in jail wailing tlio action
of the (Sratid Jury on thu charge against hint bronze coins Issued, comprising 10 centimes, .
fT having attacked with intent to rob x-..utiinct, - cciitiiues, nnd 1 lentiim-, is li-',-Siiciitr
Shultf, of Vasco eounty, yestcnlny 70"-,7N" franc and -10 centimes. The yer.r 170."
.inr.do an tiinii'.c.'es.-fiil attempt tiy dig thtoiigh
tlio walls .if the jail, anil in esuseipiciicc of Ids the li st ciius eu tlie tlccitunl system weie
:o ud not now lauiiinheth in Ids cell, struck.
Gone to fontanel. , Almost at ranatlo Kiot.
Mr. A. L'lany, architoct an 1 builder, wlm In Xew York c,ity. Sept. lt-;b, lathe.- M.
canto to Sa'em last spring front Cincinnati, Xamara, tlio deposed Cathull jirlost, who con
Ohio, has movod to Pottlnnd, whore ho will g. ,a a Mi.slnn on Water street, and fcceku to
into Uio building business. Ho loavw behind ' fottn.J 6tt "lHsh fathnlU Churcli," prca-hod in
1dm a tatnplo o( bin work, lit the new rosiJcttco ' tlio Cospel Tent. Atuut 4.0'JO personc
of tho Hon. S. .'. Adams. . Illlod tho tent and erovvded the streets. A
V.'Uo Won.
ThejtoM nt,h nvlte-U offnt tho Sutw'. fair,
ontl.of.e:rKrtmn.l..MWvronby Mr Jo,,,!,
II..1..,,,. .i.!i-4,s -.t..t ir..i v... xL
II..IIO.M1 . n-l.ll tt.. C.VUI ,.(. ffl-K.l . l-
Botren, u par. hascw of hU yeast n Jrr, wai
.'. . . Aysatd.
Ur.A.niMb.KltWMn, hu bccnoppolnUdj
Suporiutindont of thoHUte lVnitontiary, with
w. r. iit.a-r.eit UAMnVsMiinit Marucu. These t
im i-i- 1
"D. incttio lovo w tllthui n tbirtr it
IIcvruRtrik!n out from Mnorn tho burning , wj" KV rimu!tiioly jtttvke I teith vio
Utra to brlijhtm tho :,toiLoi E;tn rcfumUlicl ' ,f '" vwaltlnx. 1 hi y wc to iwmo.ve to. tin ii
luhomo'tLe-atiii.' ehx to ravluh tha ou'.
But e,h! In.w trtiJjiiy it raniihea In'.o tlm
b'.a..l:lui.low'hcnt!whaliaijd. on a S .'
b..U: muni, tt Iw toartcn a papm colbr to aii,
open bacltcl hlrt, from wlie-h tlio buUotwlinvo
buvn uailie'.ll , -"i-permtAniicnt wan n!so fimilmly nliuckd.
.SomoriljliuwiiiOTota"ti!la(flo.vlciMV, ' v, , ';3Ctta JawtcX
wiug a iKn over gooc,.- which read "Arn- Lmxl c!!'' k ( -H, A- R,!t to ,U i""ac'1 Wl
c M Driuhri.1!" palatal oat tho Hint tbtc tPUm, fup ' BU" ' '"'
lettora, lonviqgiti -(IM Drinhrlght." Tlio t -"nd, two hundred and twotity
elgn v.m ao.111 ;o8totd to iU former cemdition, m ' olr, n,,a 'ty' Sl '
and then tho lovs iih,te.l a I) beforo tho lint ',,I,,,;n'UI'' ot of MUnoraa!i connt., in fa
niaMug It "IUrnold llrliiLrbjIit." And then '" "w.ita
tlio gfoct:.' in tlvtpbii ii.inted tho natiio nut. ' A prominent woinnn locturri' annotineiH
.. . nnnyiBlni'lliuaici, "Strong Dnt.k and Vcali
ltomm1.ti.m, ,ays tho l.anta ll.irbant Indo- M Wo , , ,,,.,:., ,.
pen-lcnt l:ai e-o.no lat, ami coimuta In .o- ..Tr.tlli.a SkiitK and Wcher Won,..,,
ilooinin,',' a paitr dollar worth 'J! centi with a ..-...... ....,.....,
Htlvcr dollar worth hS cuiiU; and tho latter a
full leal tendrr fl U immiy, and tlio paper only
partially go. (J'orioiw timet wo filiall bau
now! llanl monoy ia l.iu, with ono foot aUu ' nnel wimo tiiuv ht-rort- tho limit' for tho
and tho otbor Mow jpor. ' corcuuMiy to (jiho jiluco the liouw ivhh
Thero r.ipsjp!o in this world to whom tlm "H-with the-youth of thu oily, to v. It
pro?rrity of ..thora ia wormwood and gall. Iu8 ,1(' mrrltiK ol MIm KM Kord to
They oonnut seo a tunn go into liaiikruptty and , I)r J W ltfjliijj,f .lin-l;miiivllh. Tho
lix up to livo comfurtablo tho lwlanoo of hi fiuroiiiony wits pt-rfonjietl hy tlm Itov. P.
day, hut they mut linrruw up lil fe-il. '"' To wit, f thh- olty. Th' biMcfiiiialiU
Sui lyt 12::t-;l.habout what Iwowca tha-. ,.tnd w:ro Mlwsvn f.!ill.ii IMton a: l OU
ItrvictjU) prevent hi diiK-l.flttf
i. i- t ""."TirTofS 1 1 i.i . '
:Z7,.'Tm,f.T:.TTrihtimnMHt of Mu- vuh..ii.l ami
oneeuDie cums ot ueuo, u tttKSfr arn-.t i ir
iobbiti2 a (MjitipuUblci woman of her pur . a ,
artiticate t f depiMrt fur j!J0. The prj;.. ry
S.i dUv-ovend, ol did rich thifuifei' I.
At Portland Me.,Ut tek, Char! K. O.iJ.
wt an orphan of twlve. hansed b:i..nl
tttttugiifrfrfwtniM 4 iia parent. -..!
ab-ter. HUfeetworore-UuontlwU.,. ;'i.r
oad&laluui.talmMtto.auigitaaJ:o kauad
lorwtw i- ttratn ute rope-
i .y in nvv niii.iiio WMUHeiwemi .ill
yra weumi-.Jutiou of L'htiatittnity out of a umu '
Wo hstifc' no desire to dietjur.i30 tho iniui.tr,
bat thu m a fact which c-.n Lv I;aet4tl Iw, ;.g-
Snodgtrjus kv that two young ladle ltt--it'
each other ire liko an emblem of Chrhtianwy.
becaute thej .aro doin unto rah other r. tMj
woald men srwiild do unto tlino.
A mnn ivl't rr ... t!.T.t ..ma.. ll ,t,n . f..
oun to see ! M game, but jrtI6 hi.., .:. a J
,,,, .. ,,, , '
' ...-,....,m,.,iw,-..,
iiM.bii in. i-ir inriM inmrn'ra ui c intui i .1
, m l l i ll .i
he will uobblo all over tbo scat.
A thap dreamed fjr tnentr coneeutivoiii.'!.l
that bo was out earmje ridin.and ho cosMn't 1
imagine any reaaeu for tho faet until ho dl.
coved ttit lus led wai a lltt'a I.OBjy
A'l t.: !,. .., IM lin.i f.l- I ... . '..
f . .. ' . , .. '
lli..i l l' "1 It i ! ,
!! i VI ll'lp.Ial: ! Ci.l '1- ll
I Tho matter of preserving the l.iftrj ofOie-
goti, has b:en talked ef a good deal, but sn fui
I nothing has been done, of a public natere at
least. Tho matter of lorming a hitoiicnl e
eicty, will much talked of r,t Portland last
nud considerable nf nn eflint was
, , , , ,,
niade bv a numlier of gentlemen in tliut ihstc-
l . . , . ? ...
twit, but wo do not learn that tl.co emit
i , , . , ,
have met with any irtpuntr, fnm the gene
ratity of the eiticm. It is Idyh tunc tho wrl I
of collecting, nnd putting together the luati i ii ', '
"liould co:iiueiice. The ohb t inhabitant if
Ore6em can be "interviewed" proiltably -,-tid ,
we should not let theec ounu of iffeuinntu'ii i
pa ftont cat th, withmlt 'cci.ring it in a taiu--
ib!e fnitli, that can bo Imndel down to tm.J
' future
francs; M-frniic tiieces, 4t5,.iiS.TOll fraiuxj !(
franc pieces, '-,(l,i:t'J,.'lt'.0 francs; 'JO-franc pieces
ll,70S,K'.l!t,.V.,0 isnnes; 10-ftaiio pieces, l.OI.'l,
1114,1110 fiaucs; fi-fianc pieces, 'Jlllt, 1-10,1 .'0
francs. Of .old coin, '.'Odrane picus only weto
sttuck in 1.S77, their Miluc being J."m,181, M0
francs, nnd their number I'JJon.O.'w. The to
tal imiiiber of franc pieces was M,(HM,WM, and
of b.dffianc pieces o0.000.000. Tlio nlue
of silver inoiiey coined from 1 7S" to lh7t! was
.'f."i0(KH)1000 franci. la all. tho value of tho
v.nn choceii to start iioin because in that year
I lar,.1 pilico fotoo were .ircont and twiio were
,1n " ' "- "
,,tw'7'.of tomwl
MoNsnwra. At thu oono.inmn,
V 'tll'rill1t Vf 1(11V '. HIV llll Mltt MVMVJII
jut, flon'm.icc I -
'""-n. ill in ainiB.mnMi, wn wa-
r? T1 V1" J,Qw4 ?M
and r.tshod ward htnu IK .Iww a molm.
..yl.ii', "I w ill Aohnl myself nl all costs. " Ilo
' then vtaWiKl throuiih tho mum of tlw iHisple.
- l'attomU,i b, th lv,Uoi -fc nwaar lu t!-
i r. t-ear.
J. )a.yshlr;o. Boot. 20th, dnriait tlio temiltjos
wrvhi at tho P.urir!H";il,"',rireTniiwrwf tlnr
,,ltigBjrti.ira,s. vhwe tin timrd fnut
v 'uit"ii ' lrslnf. l.tn Ikt nil.t all liu.t
' 'owrt'ilcxonittlwo, an I tny oti till v?ry
"' It w tlifu;;'it tlmt t!o vpjjcUiUm or
ieat ihey ato at llnn. r wet joiono.. Tlw
' V.'cetelijiK
Tliurfilih-ucfof.MrN.il. A. lVr-i lire-
Mnli;il it t.iilllniit nnicnrjtiiPij liiit iiltzht
naov It'll, Un- ;ro-in)mii n fhuiltt 1),
l'i,ta ftW' 'otrh-i Slpkoll. Tho follow. !
, oo.uly (trovoits uiiibtfliu mwJy tuurrlvil
wnu. i-itiiiuy ui"f Mini miYe-r ie.i feci,
hy Mr. nod Mn Itidinf.n:, r.tlu-r atiti
nioiuTeif th brhle-Kvoo; nilvt-r fnntoi-,
I.y Ohas. Nitueil: iiv-r .mH nivliw,
J. V. M'eni.'iprfiril; at of hilvor ktlv4
und f.,rk, IF. nud I.'. llre-yiM-ui; a.- of
of ullvt-r .pi':-,Tilniou FoH; hirij. IN
vorHpoio, U. IF. fjr.iy; oi..r iflaiu, Mr.
nlll, MrH .illinf,n.OII. , ,,0., f,eo.
', i-.n jmi-. i.-i-, .-.. ..hi .iii.
A ' CroRiiian j :u. fits', Mr. htnl Mm
h. A. (t'i it I )..-; LirKo tllvr h:jouu, lir.
Slinrph-i mid lady; pair ol ntlvi-r implilu
f liK -Mrw. M. I.", I.-inoh; Mlvt-r nun Khii-s
llower viti-o, Mil's AiikIo Font; pair of
viisf.shy 311m Lllliitn F.tlton, i;nl Hlhi
Chadwh'k; bomjut-t of llawer., .Mrs, li.
IF. Cooke; -o'd llilnihif, MU MIiiiiIo
.... .. ......
, ,? ? t " i7 li V I . li
Li'itwiKid, wlm livts near IMIiil, 1 1 II.
.,,,,. t, .i,i,. i i . , i ,
Vi ll l Ihl'C HI llrt llll1Htldtll lltU I. H
,. ,,,., , ... , , ..
eik. Tbo wore t.-aeked r.nd found vin9 ki.-.
ln''u 'r0" bo nc, neir Shvridati. When found
y r'" o iwittj toward t Lome. They bad
' li e: treated pittty Itlly and wre eiy niiiih
j i',.ti '- J. 'I l.o 1 1 1 iti.-x.n ti.-l viii I.j t'.iiUbt
' '. ( i th 1 1. i,,i o 1 1
i . .1 f j in , t
I 0 t f ii-t ' ,
in 1
Offer for Snlo at the Lowest Possible Prices.
R Consisting in pnrt of
8W5 HARROWS & Seeders.
Wc have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such
as arc really the xnt flus ultra" of their class, believing the best arc notonly the
cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur
nished on application, and wc sell no goods that wc arc afraid to guarantee. We
would call especial attention to the
Deere Sulk; Flow,
Hiinf 1 (nfi .Qnlt , fivnnnn nml
W. T. (n tho last 3 ucars. s
Tlio ptculliir MTanjemcnt of tlili unrtralctl
nulcmcttt nccJs only to Is) icf n to lo srrrc-
Implement needs only to Is) icf n to lo ftppro'
cUt.-Nl. Aik your neighbor uhat ho tlilnkt
atiouttt. No eomilleatlon of lctcrs. A toy
run iivuiairo It, sml do tietlcr work than nmsii
Mitlis, walking plow, aim twleo tlio quantity
ir day. Wc har tvt.I rieclal rcpirvl to tho
mtirnvemciit o( our Ininlcniriila slut wo only
..I .li ..li.lu !. .AW.. 1.1., l.tA.l.rt..
' I'liiiitiiy I j- it IN .
'Ill' iinil
1.1 IF' n.
. Jl.iitlc'j Vi'.Ci'ir.lil Nrphreilruiit.
NO! Jt ! Iiiii-idi-'l fi- P'i -ei of Hi.) rClitttry
nl ttl itlor. T N i.mi T. nl i "ijtliivit
waul Ion f -I: hv c-r'tl.i c .i nf iii .. nt.. U
taMiif :i bull rii'' i n -n.- r .u ill I r. ,;i:'. In 'Mi
emuitiy. p-- II ca i It I- mvl- M'K I ' hl.Y k-i
rctrturv a . I illixtilor ' tv.lul.t', u ' ft. r. t
l-l.'iej'"-ii'-. t Ml.liti il I 'in.- '. .1- Iji- iuj Int.
ljt tii'Oi. tt tiMM-al r Ktil tfiuM u i rii.u or il iki nr
KX'it fwj ia I. t It j r, nlili-iiln U ii .vit'e if
Mia. i-t.M If in'' nMl rir.f O itJ. l.-.ih ' t'.c or
eeti-iinilh lr.il'iM. ThlrJ 'ih lt ua!! M 1-t'TM-.'i
f i-i'iiy vi'.i i i'.Ii ) flu-' -i Him n't
In Its nuii.i .i 'iiirit, U nenm IlilUnl otltli'li uf I'.m
KlilnrorU,t'Mll4UMI lnvims' In His li.-.'-
mijlsiiii-, hIi'i iraw:ti!.4 Mil f i'I'i; oi Unevr
t... Nt'pltrctlrittfi win six-1 ma il'"t' rt.lifVt
ft f i i' i..i n lu'-IU'i . nro hj r ivtt I'.liidlpil villi
tlw. i-rlc. ?t.tt.
Br. MlultrN SInitllrU Dai-tO)(r D Ptltf.
fVo-Tln-BtJlii'i 'i'lr ilimi.- Uill iv-MirV'ti
M-Wilji; 1'i.m.'. ami n i r. tvil I.Wj-.
a.i'ti i i it ',.. 'i -, ii'.-'j,iH i.ifti tti t!i-
i ." Bin "ot. k,, I'll 1 1 s'.ii.i i ., r.iwtti ii-Pi u '.
rtli.' t'iui !, Ui I.'
ii n', n iv ii i is, mi l
IU III ) f irin'i--. o I. 'i rl it. llli ,ri I fy .en-l n ru
liiRByt.r A,t. o . (.i." , l." of m i,7, ue,i.i;.a
I lllc . . ii'l f t-'i I. !-1 1 . i II
IK'Isy u ti uii.ris. -
Jrln'iyil ilu-lf t t'i- It .- i'n'l' ll'm. '. fi 1.(1
orlfliflF tt I I . n ll 4 In ilt sail irl'ir llflu.i .t..
Vlll'lOllll"('l rl"' :' I.'-. I- Vt-.tSSuMt Jilltl
- IU UU Olli'lllll'il 1 1 u OHI T1S.
'IlinllilKl I I 1
To Whom it may Coacam.
menu nnd bcit itjles. As our line It loo cMinde.t to ittleiilit!ie, wo would call Mtenlten to tl.e follow In? lUtr
DEERE'S MOLINE PLOWS, Randall's Rolling Culler Harrow.
Buckeye Broad Oast Seeders, Deere's Sod Flows
Farm, Grist nnd Pood MIIIh, Wood-working Machinery; Bolting,
Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
With tho Now TRUIAENGEU Pat. BRAKE, tlio Latent itcvlcoi No Drnko
Bar uioel: No hoo to wimr out the, m 111 hold re wnr.cn nnywliere flroiu.
lineldti!: or roIiir forward. Wo ttvo nlo Solo Arsontfi for
STTJDEBAKEB. -KTACOITS, With Patent Uollt! Ipk
Too well known to nccil comment. ,Svin! 'or Clvciilaiv and Price Lint..
r ha wley, nonn u ca
Thi- ii to omt.fy that I liavii Ihku iT e-:l i " '.- Wfjly'", ,.',.,, ,rl" ;? " '
fwt!.uLi.tthnn j-uarswitii ehronic ii,n.i.um. '; m ?"-. V, ' -l"1 '"""" 5
tion of tlm I. Initio and torpid liwr. Hayiw Al.liXANDKIt " .,
Fpent a Hiitall fottiin') wall tho lltwt inr lioal
talent I could obtriu in atl Pi.muiioonttd vuiit
exl tho ai'iiiiti epriii,1 in (Vlifornin, hoi!ny to
find le'liof. Itnvin finiii'l- uoiio I (javo lipid!
hnpo of Iuinj4 cur.-i and ihopji?d nil moiliehtL'
anil doctiiiN. Whilo nxiilui imo of tlm daily
;iiMiv, l h ,v .in ail."rti.i.i:.i"!it uf a modioitiu
cilliil Ni-plimticuin, n piopaintiutt liMpatt'd by
lir. M mt in fc Co., of Kan IVa-i- . I not
iniiiiaded by my v.ifo U try it, at..l I .t .iinl
bought it Imttli.-. !Inviii t.vli'ii tliatoiio bottlu
I found iiiuoh nJicf, aU pmii.i cmcing ami fe !
iitif tuiielt butter I l!i two w.-j bottlui anil I
ti in now purfjctly ruetoru'l tu health and
Ktroit'Jtli. thank do 1, for the sujiorior l:ill ot
Dr. .Nlinlio A Co, Auv one who may doubt
in m sirioi nit 04:1 uu to my iimmiuiku oiul
buu inc.
J. P. Moo.tr. 127 Fifth 8trt.
IVrtlaud. Oimoii.
Petitjm)ijri, IS78.
A K Murm h tV). lienUi 1 volun
'. .i . h Dandelion 1'ili oo,iuU4
.-. i i
i t.-.
.Li .. lit
ihiii.t "fram lay o
Ka.iey tbov bavtiiib
i ' f.'i-.v troubles.
.- Mwcuaiit.
Moo w tut t.'i J: u4-i';: ju . f
i amlHau
Fraoviwx) y lwt iii, .'.tut J l ohrefcoton
atul K lih JUub-hcu Fill.
Wo JisvM rM a larno awmtnt of IV. .'f!i,ti.'d
mo HeinM: Th- KalUh Hand ib u fills, olao
tie mntou ri'tiitret!t.u) aua ta a i eaiea high y
1'oeot.ii". Jitd .!.
Juht A t "ltd Is, Drug; ', '-co-jiul street,
.. ; ,1 . ?lY 1P,,&r.', "f
I '. h i Ay 41-d tt Co , lln nil 1 1. c root
Mean. Aire.- i I .-.i ill. l i .,1. Dr.i...
(jt'ti, hii. '.' i ! ". S'l nit il.,.'t, l;. .".
Wu.iei:d lll9 hoplir.'ti-'f i tin bt t KM
iioj (iinl lli,nlil-ir rj 'UMly livler lb. jill..-. All
d"uj(,nl . i. i t.ii-i;i.
Dr. Mint. . I'u, (i"il i ( hioi i ii. I
!pniil l.'s . . ivitp in i .. .;.,. .t", J... j
Mri'ct, ('mi M iirsii, I" liiii.tso, lliti..,., .
ll lit' if i" ill I,. I M Irt Al !
ti I. l'r it r .i i (t. i.j r Sv7! &
ysitofiti .tcv 'nv-oii aw ,i
r i. ' uitM'jiii:
li mi i i nuii n.'iMi. i- i mi) junu. 1 V.J ,. '.nV-.V1' V " er--ifert
Sf, ,. . , , f , li.ifl.i I, i. I'l-.nf!!!.. It. ii, i. f ir I.ItillT Seil 1A nn.l will .w..
.'tlllli i II i .0 un .Uf HI III I'filil Hi ., ll, fl ' IU H'-l '(!.' tklll . n'i l.tllL-lil I rl !,.li..r If
in n
S? P3 11
If K P
y &k m
n J I
jl j
Boooft., I iMCnnPi
M lrtl HoM,
V OJ.lutJi Miuclli Hlftli' Trii-
itt-i tiTl'i f i Klv tro-t ni
nr .'
Tit l,M '.'
A Komsi'k a bio Cu
I he . tv.kfi'l-' , ;i .
- Pa TI'Iicb I) r.f 'r. On tli.i ..h l..,
i lit? I ititeh : i in o' v. 'if "ii't ?lii.i' ,,
J rm-1 , hii i I I w v. .nti.i..piy. ii . .i
! Ill" itlM lli'lm t n ;vr, ittl I r . Hudlllu-
, I.T Cun-.l mo of I:. i't'. Yum I 'l'v. I
"', lt l4''. lil'Jf JM mM Nl Mt
. CiIlU tbo li.t Iruil.'; 'i fact, ttu lii.it
I lli'm th o-iufti 1 1 sfkti'.r. Voaiunv tuLll.
teaif ' iimmj aatoiMiifi-, ta..it .
J 'er. !.'o tliflt.', ahtl I liM Out oii.u. . i
'.!', ft'.M
Tho Lntoot Cure!
f-N KltAM-troi, ,ytV i. . m
1lilillri'lfyllitt l.y uir.rlm- " ll. - p,.-
.MarluOo l.:akt'.-Vii. ' nlio.it riilliT M'Mlln,
nlf'il mill el.iv, I luivo 'j i ii miiluli'ly tui.' iliu
II ii 1.1 ii n- villi lil !i I l.a.i l:i:ut'l itp.r.-i., a. ii(t
tvvii'yils jvvi.
M) itJi'luri' hus ,,y !(.!, rontli.s ok . ia'.'ins
tiiylnn tlt. riusliw en-it slu mn ct.n... i. o,
'I'iij .M.iijiiil hli-tl. Tm-. " Ur-it uty 1. ,,'m in
I.l- niri'lj. erl iiont fiimintf we (lie !' pun
riiiii'OiT Trin lmrii;cHl u I lie.e l'. nn : .v tit
for .d4iiy il,y si i ilm nliliii.il r.nj It.il'icjti. .nft
rtcuf tui.. o Hiic'U ioil uc Imril nil Hit u.. una
IliiU'l'iru 1 l,':i eiy.ll Vii u.nii
1JMUI. Kr.Ml!e tl
F''itn'. tf Ih ctnj.Ir ) e.t tlio e.. I I; It i
iv niHTx isri."M'U(int iu for
out-.M'.vV tll:ifriittl Blooti
ni:l Price) 2.1, t.
aum:tiu ubisnc tkiss coui'i.xr,
VO-tK-iiii. .,.ft' 8 VS l"lNi l-i . .
Illll'l II Illl i '
renavf iy li I i !.! " W -" . I. t lint ei vi ,.
'.i.J cunnlid Hiuekoi
C-iipel , Ct.'cluilii. Waning,
Hoiho - Furuiahin Good?.
II ttl lo iJjulrj ni"!o ,V Ilrown,
VrA71I.V- lll.OtU. - MLH'LUH,
'tl 'I . IM ' ! . ) . ,
R-owset Cash Rates X
t,-i '
ri.in.l IU i 111. hi 0 ;n ' v.'l III-. rn ,, If ftir 1
i;.iih'..i i ...i . ,i -r. ., I.l.i ,MCi;tTll'
'b'; ','.': ! '"'' s'k- con -j. mi,.;, tV .
.' . Mi;',i ! C- .Mcit', ti.,.-to a I
pi'ol 0 win.' .u- K t,ij4
u j'litn t.ti riiiitukm.'iUii.i,
I tlrtionjr "llli rvtrirltu tbitt.'aetf vf in; i
I ir.liu!ii n t' .f-' fin. t liv) wnn "
I bowtht nf i ik m 1 1 1 i mi. nl t i.
UtIM & I't.HtUTli' 'FliVf'. Ti .
j Ut lliiJni:iiii,!i i'to'i iw riMilt it.
I tMBr ruw. 1 icsinrj mwwttn.. --.-v. .
' I
. n
,,y i
u I-
IC'I ,- . f r s.t , C1J
il ' ' ' ' ' thai
l .. U I .
i ', I ' ,1 i
I-. '
t ' a. - . r' t I I
t-, ' d .., . jIi ..?.... I ,
- t r ix V p. 'tl, t 'l
i ifi ti
' I
j-w'eat. Se-.t. 90 17
Ul: ti
. . . . .:.-