.? rfr 3 WIIJLAMETTE FARMER. ISSUED ITEIT rniDAT, BT CLARKE & CRAIG, rcDUpnens and rnorniETons. 8. A. CLAIIKE. . W. CUAIG. Term or ftntrscrlptlon. One copy, fix months (J6 numbers) l.as Ono eopj, three months 08 numbers) 75 SALEM, rill DAY, OCT. 215, 187S. MARION CIRCUIT COURT. Tlio following aro the caes on tho hxlit for tho ncl tenn of the Circuit Court "winch meets tins afternoon : avn. rxsr-s. II. II. Luce vs Win. Dunbar. II. II. Luce vs Win. Dunbar. II. II, Luco vs .John Hear. II. II. Luco vb Ceo Wolf. II. II. Luco vs V, Xiniincnnui. II. II. Luce v W. (7. Webster. II. II. Luco vb A. Torlicc. II. II. Luco vs C. II. Col.lcn. II. II. Luco vb W. Temple. II. II. Luco vh H. K. Nichols. W. Diiibmr vb II. II. Luce. Willimn Tcmplu vb II. It, Luco. II. K. Nichols vh II. II. Luce. W.O. Webster vm II. II. Luoc. A. Tobias vs II. II. I.ueo. (ho. Wolf b II. II. Luce. T. Kiiiimcrm.iu nn II. II. Luco. . I'. Dunbar vs II. II. Luce. .I0I111 Hear h II. II. Luce. C. II. (.'olden m II. II. I.u.ie. .1 (J. Wright vb L. S. Duuvtcr. dohll HllhiiiH l( W, ShllW, ct M. W II. ntkiliss K. II. Iliniboin. -Mall '! Ollcill H .luS'lil! AllJlIugAtO. U.l.U II... '1 vb .1. K. .Mllllor. Ijv. I Hii-Iins I'. I.. WHIN. s,i,i." s ti'co, Henderson, ct nl. 1 liaui vb W. .1. Sullivan. . r. - vsC. W. Minw. ' I..I.1' VS I). Hideout. . I, vh City of SaUiih, K. ,y L. t i.l, vs II. I). Ostcrhuldl. I .-. W. . Attains. iii inguou, ct nl, i-.il. P. ISeaidslcy. 'man I'. T. M. Cwnimny. I'. M n -. vb Liicklmuto Chlif. Low f m. luco vs W. Ailamt. I :.! 1 .'. Itu.l, vi .1. M. Mm tin, et nl. G. W, C, TVs Appointments. Hon. W. R, Dunbar, G. W. C. T. of Good Templnrs, of tho State or Oregon, will nddrcss tho citizens of the following named places, on tho uubject ol. temper ance, as followR: Mission IJottom, Sunday, October',27th, at 8 o'clock i'. m. "Wheatland, Monday, October 26th, at 7 o'clock i. sr. Dnyton, Thursday, October 31st, nV.7 o'clock i n. Nowlmrrv. T?rM.irj- Tnvmnl,,.r nB. nf only by All 'iccasional picco of Ktisic by the 7 nf.innir i, .. young people, which added Tuuch towards From tho Daily Record, Oct. 18. 1KESS ASSOCIATION REUNION, Ono of the most pleasant evenings BpWl by ns for a long time ras at tho reunion T the Press Association, at the risidenco of Mr, H. A. Ciarko in) .South Salem, last night. About fl o'clock a goodly number of tho members of the association, as well as quite a imrnbor-of friends and relatives (l tho family had awnblcd, and for a couple of hours tho time was spent very pleasant'y in 'social conversation, interrupted labor. leifuyette, Sunday-, o'clock. November -'3d, nt 7 Oirlton, Monday, November th, at 7 , making it 'truly ancnjoyablo reunion. About 11 o'clock wc benrd a supicious rrttling as if there was trotibta in "China," AU-lUoon the tables There in one way that tho price of lnlmr can be kept al fair rates, provided always that tho Chinese kavc, and that Is, for every man to go on to a piece of land of his own, Mid make a home; make it a pleasant homo, ono that you will be proud of when you exhibit its good qualities to visiting friends, or casual callers. Ddn't be scared at tho fact of not having tho metres of subsistence while working out this desirable object, remember tint it takes labor toaecomplish it, and if you 'start in with a full determination of making . farm without a dtllar, your subsistence viE como to you in svnc way or other. Yon may think some Hlmcs that Elijah's croweor ravens will have to ibrinK it to you, but it 'will come, and if yon U.ecp on at work, loug Mfarc your oldest boy is filoolnolr were Bjirrau ami wc wcitijsma ui ncip our r ,iii nic uh v,i. r..f!,...,,. M,ve8 tho nfty K(,m1 tl,inK8 ct Motc u v iinw riafu iuwutaiin i niunoi . . . . . i-n- - , LablBhLodi,3Vo. 100, BatuAay even- W",'C.'C ! r ,J.hC, "w ".VM S hc "" ablo home, whereon U your p,,y8ical M-,U u... n.i ni. , onier py mo rrcsiucni, Mr. n. v. urown. 'l U"U"U ""'". ,.., ..l . .,. 1itt...l. ,....,.i:.... ,; formit'on of tho PrcsijAwfciation. This wa followed by Mre. A. S, ruiw:iway, who"toaBt-' 1b tlm Slnto of Alabama tho negroes dargo enough to help, toe -will havo a comfort- kthcCasBcls of tho fir tree instead of tobacco and - ' iimcniianuoi wwwBi-jiutt.iij-, iU. cd t)io gentlemen" and jsed considerableP tak fln(1 pknty of ,, i merriment. Mr. S.A. CUrkffU.cn read an origin-'. withw jowiroiti8 of our la alper.m, which was lietciidd to with much in trtt, this was followed 'by a kind of kvc fusttt, in which nearly nil present took tart Alxsut twelve o'clk tho.ir'rty broke up, nifd all 'went home fading, .ti.at indeed Mr. atlu Ma Clarke know bow to Ul.o caroof, and makt gucats enjoy theioMilvos, when At their Iiouu I ". s, h I I. ,1 II M A I N. I' M li ii Ltd i ' II, It, C Ali.. Tit.. II Mission Lolge,3ro). ,122, October 27th. Wheatland,. Lodge, October-SOth. McMlnnvlllo.Lodge, October 30th. Newberry Jvodno, November 2d. Tho visits wlll'bo maile to tho lodges ct thclruHUnl, places of mccUug. Steeted. The follow iiiKvo been electif ollicerB of 'Agricultural Amocintioii, for the cisuiug year President, Air. -WilkiiiBj Vice J'roidcnt, .1: r. Miller, audi'. V. llurkhart, il ...inn county; secretary, M M "-Waitr, of la-ion county; ' and wo know that thi.io jirvsent will loug rr teaaurer, ntW A liush; lin tuis Tho". niwiber last night's ruunic-i with pleasure. fi:n ith, of Dmifrlntt utility ; Win. Hi' iwn, of Ilak- Mrs. Iiinniway1ing cidled iiriin to male cr county; A. d.' Drfur, of Wave ounty; O.C. tlit opening addrtH, u.x)ilai:icd thot sho was ir Applegat'.', of J.dic county; Cca '! lthnw, of , doLbt as to whether i.Ihj hud been choscu tin Lanu county j.Icroiru A. I'urtvr, f Washing- dm tho head o( "ruisctllau' ous" or "literary tjii, county; H. Luulyn, of Cloel.ii. .n county; j Hat, nt any rate, he had .risen to "toast" 1h' Ilcury Miller, iMult'iomah couniyi I. (I. liai-k. t-iitlenien. "Cod bless 'en, they halve 'Our i'i, of folic emintyj A. K. Wllfoni ., of Men. 'joy, they double ur sorrtnvM, tlmy treble ( ton county;. lot:. Hamilton of Ijni. e.mnty; K. ' expoiite, they qiiadrunlt" our earn, they ex- NloWAit of (litiut ttuiily; W. 1. Myers, of i excite nur ningiuaiiiiudty they increase out .Iii'.lisou c.miityi J.'K. T. Miller, f ,IiicI(hoii , self nspect, they awaken wv enthusiasm, U...y county; I). C. hturiirt, of Yciuh ll county; uioko our nlleutious, tlii'i control our prop- K'd Shooinaker, Of Union comity; t". .I. Mor. ' erty and out'iiinui-avur uiyb- uverything. Thi riiwi, of CliitHojiciiu'ily; ("ark l!ivi.y,..f Til. I woil'd bo n very drtary wiull without 'em. In lau ook county; liuli l'ieldH,..f l'i i -il.i cuii. laet, I may say, without pioipect of succceful can be supplied. If you are not diiKla to go back Into Uie new scttlcmcntf, where yon can get govern., land at small argest Iowjis Tlipru is nlcirtv .of .Uil within 30 ttulea of i Salem, where a man --of persevering cacrgy could make a 3ioinchicb would in two or thrcu years fusaish vrything needed fur tho sustenauco anil comfort of a family. Such land ui be bnuijbt of the ruilronu com- t.nnlf . nnJ f l.rivatc individuals, nt Jow pnf i -- " cts, and on micb easy it rms that the payments would be liardly notice 1. Tho land along tho foot hills castaf this jJace is of nn exultant quality, is well ndaptoi' to tho raising of cattle, sheep and bopji, and ar to Iieattlifulnosi it txin. not be surjiri..d in cry country. With tho vast amount of unoccupied laud there is in our State, there ir no excur.i for any man to be without employment. Cbriatlan Church. A uutincii meeting was held at the Chris tian church lust Thursday evening, at winch time it was dicided, that if sufficient amount of money could be secured to pay the salary, the church would employ Elder Burnett forthc coming year. The members of the congrega tion arc being isited and subscribe putty liber- aly. . Personal. Wc Toocived a call from Master Carr, editor of a piper published at tho Catholic school t Portland Oregon. Ho is a bright, manly acting boy of 12 years. If ho lq n as a jcarnalist and improves, until ho is as old as sonic editors now at work, he will become nearly perfect. chew .n .,,:. t.ioniril with tho substitute, cll. dora not tho old adatro say, "Bo llr-chewers uii you will be happy!" A Kentucky man has just been informed of Notice to Stock-men. ment land of the Jwnt'fludity, for tho simple lj tjcath of an undo in Germany, who left him 1-x . '. ). i , i:..'irra vs I', J. 1wten. ' -.i. s.l. C. llix.tb, otal. d Vlnlum vs II. II. Kurd, ct id. i-r t,i. A. ItmoV.s. . ) i.UsP. T. M.t'o. llTrri.. i...iii vs P. T. M.C.' ' Ii-nl..-a I. T. M. Co. I.!, .n. P. T. M. Co. V 'nir ssCjuthla P. nutwood, u r .aip'.in vs Hugh Cuntoy, otal. I I, ike dailies II. Quconnti, ot al. . ui k t'larl; A Ilutliifurd. . v. i..f..il vs P. T. M. Co. I W i V. A. . .V W. II. Itowlsud. Ni i.,..is VS 1 1. C. llwlfc'OS. i' I II M.dd A iVivsK. L (.nines. i uui Klta Morcly. ' d. .:i,.i.l A Co vj W. It. Smith. ' ' !mitli A Co. vs P. Morris. i'. Yntl.i.it vs I .on is Letuory. I kn.nauA CovsS, I Uahtes. ' I. HaUn P. T. M. Co. i ' . i... I.min A Co S, L Uainoi. I - I.'.imtli A Co. vs M. W. Ortou. i(tt. A ( l,ii I; vs II. Cosgnivo. I t . K . .W. T. A LockCe. A.l. It Wolf s.l. W. Dejvc. l'i. i.uixtiiii vh P. ,1. Cuigfiew. M tWm vhT. I). Dunk. etnl. h.i N..it..n i M. W. Oitoii, ct nl. ' .. i. m sl. W. Clu vn wood. It .Inn Umris II. 11. Ilcnnl, ..!.lniutli A Co vs S. U (n!uo3, '. id. ' HaIInhJ. W. Conn. i ;iiu vi I'.liaiMoiloy. IUVOJUB I'ASES. I., in M. Aciill vs Samuel Avorill. i .id.i .bndiAni (ladva. ( i A. llnu 8Jamvs i lair. l..r A. i u-Mwull D. ('. cVcuwoll. iiouu Kuk s ImIwIu I. Kirk. M..!.u i Wl.itliHl; vs Mitihrll WhitlutA. M. . , ,.t..n s Uiobard Wtsun. H..i, Uit, 51, laTS, ' ... ... Curt (or the county of Mnriuii, ii i, I wmuiUv at a w'wlock r. u. Tli it . . i .hum MUn u;., by the wdliim of f - i. ..ul lieArinj.' arguimiut for couusel, i . t I. .. l Umur. Sivcrml defaults wcrv t iice . . i .- ..Ksuist I liu Pncilio Thivibiug Me. . i ' i ' ..')'. sftr whit'li tlio Court ad y . ii.. 1 . i . t this UMiruiug l 10 o'clock. HUH VOHNISl.'s MtON, ( ran 1 Jury nUrovd tlw folluvvuig indict limit state f Hix'koh sCIim. U$o, for burglaryi plead gudtN, unteme Kt for Dot. '-Itu. 't.ttw t f Utvr.i'i v Ch. lllgo, laicVny, jdosd Jt t i,ui!t. Si.ile tf On'U vstifti. Hatband, larceny. State of s John MiCoiiiIm, larceny. State of Otegou vs Suloitiau Silry, l.ucuny. The balance of the day w.i (K-euiiiedby hear, lug the uiit of II. I. Mack v the Cit f Sali'iii, Mtvuia WhitKvk of Silvcrton.wns ycteid. ijnuitwl Adhoive fioui hit liutbaud, Mitehel -i lutlock. , Misinformed. If In Saturibiv a itiuo we lmvc an account of a l (ouanlly cttack made on the httlo gill of Mr, T. Mf.rtui in winch we ttatcd that then. i..l nt S oVlook of Friday cviiun', ty; S. 1'. Mntturroii, of t'oos i-'iuntr. .J. .lake lltueai'sou, of Ciiluuit in eoiiiily; Ckur Hughs, of desephiuo county Joseph Nyv, 'f I'tny t'ouj ly. Silver Z,oufto T. O. C. T, Siber Lodge Xu. JIRL . !. T., At Wveilim lias uhoscu olllcers for I ho ensuing tiiin us fob low si A. II. Ifculhaiu, W. C. T.;FlwiiMc Klniics, W. V. T.; Jouio lstham. V. 11. S. John Hicks, W. I'. .; Edna llrown, . T.; John Mmcher, W. N.; Lisie Min-iier, ('.; Chas. IL-Jiikby, W. 0.(1.,; Hon. Ii. C. Ilaunby P. W. C. T.i Doe. Siiupuia, L D. Oo:io To rortiAuti. Portland, v.Uero be will enw.iM v.i'i Abel tin couti idii'tion, that vithout m it wouldn't be mud of n world anylioiv. 'v lovo 'em, end the d.ar beings can't help it. wu control 'cm, and tie piecious follow s iloii't know it. An J itsbaiids they nreemivu.icnt, though not nlw.'iyt on hand; as Ih'.iux thoj ere by no means iimtchUi'HS they nro uioitly aguenblo as visit, ors; tin y are handy at fct.tto .fairs, and iudiV peiiHabli at oyster H.domiv. Thov nro splendid ah escort 4 for home other fellow' i wifu or sis tec, mid ah fiieuds they are letter than wo men; r.i . ur fathers tliey mo uiuxpix'siibly grand. A man may bo a fiiiluro dn l.uxiik'x-., a wieckin ceiiHtitution, not (inuii. to boast of ah a bomity. nothing m a wit, 1m il.n until. ing as a leu'ilator lor wi.niAu'i ri.-lii-:. and ov.m luflJ-rttTjr-Mfirwi.int as llleii.l.i'i'A ol tile press; but If I... !.,..... r.t. i . ... .... .,. plmtogrnpliet. kamiiuiiho nit .f t-.tung phot... ' " T" MUK' "'" " " graphs. Wsjlndly !cvH.iiimci.l Mr. WUliu to .-.,. , ., . , ., ' .... . I. . . . t I, .1 1 ., .... ...v .....,, v, ft 1-41. till). lll'U, lin ..111 .llll the people uf P-Ulaiid ah a verj w..i thy young ,.. ,...,.. .'...,.. ., ' . , , , WWIIB, ...... llf.Mlll ,.. IMI.tllV Ifll'.ll ,,ft l.Clltl- gw)s! In the kiiblimo. I.itigtmo iif .jln in iplsil poet I We'll lie i.r' 'em. Snpaj. .l'roaut!inB Tlants. Tlio folliiwiiif is a tatter fmm tho lqmtt ment of AuriciUture, c plains itself. Ary por si.il who hasaiy kimwlidgo as to tho natter eiiiitind about, will plow o conununicaU with this olllce, or v- th Mr. I 'avid Nowsoiw. Sa 'en, Oregon. Dr.fAJ?siK.r AiiiiKTLirr.K, I W.uixiiro.N, Sopt. '2S, 1S"S. ( Mr. David Xt-wjoiiu", Howell Prairie Dvnr '&-! have information .tint many years ago tl.' Oregon Iitdiajyunado sugar from a kind of rut-1, glowing in jmr cuui.try. As I am in . cii of plants, producing aicchariuo juiccf, I 11 bo glad if you will mal.t diligent inquiry in i.gard to this plant: and if possible send tiictjiocimviM of tho teed, or (lints; or put mo in viminunii..i.tiju with thine who would be liLrb to ftmiitli mo witii either. Very itspcctfidly, W.M. (i. U-l DL'K, Umviii4ioncr. .riiiMK .f SinonOO. As soon as bo iwts the money ho will borrow $10,000 more, if ho can, . Oregon (jjly 0ct ad buy llarus. Vancouver, w. 1 "Dogs treated," is an up town sign. The Cog goes there whenever he fela b'kc taking nip. Tv tiih ivirnr.K ntsronv or mkhicikk, no preparation has over performed such uiar- ,f nllnnu n.irnii. nr tnnlnlnlnnd ho wldo a rOPU- ftatlon, as aykii'm CHi:nnv Pjictoiiai., which ls rccogni.eu as ino worm's reineuy iornu disesses of tho throat nnd lungs. lis loni: contlnued series of wonderful rures In nil climates bssmado tttiulvorsnlly known nsa safonnd rollableugvut to omploy. Against ordinary colds, whlo.i aro tho forurunuors of nioro horlous dlsordors, Itncts upocdlly nnd uuroly, nlwayH rollovlng fiitlorinir, uud often saving lift), Tlio protection it iill'ords, by Its tlmoly uso hi llio t'.inmt nnd lung disordors ol' children, niHkf-Bt an Itivnlunblo remody to bo kent always on linnil in ocerv homo. "Jo porsou can atl'ord to bo without it, nnd tnoso who tiavo onoo used it novor win. Krotu tliolr knowlodgo of lis composition and olloets, Pbyslulcns uso tho I'mmiiY Pi.croitAi, oxtoiisfvoly In tboir praetluo, and Clcrirvmon recntniiiimd it. It h absolutely oortaln in Its remedial ctfuctM, and will al- THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IIESI'ECTPUJ y announce to all whem I' may concern that ho In maklmr tho (1KLD1NO o( Horses, and especially hnTof lUDGEL ING3, and SPAYING OATTLK. a sutclaltyln tho Veterinary practice. Ho off" to par any man now living on tho Tactile slope C50O to meet hlra and do tho rfbovo work as well, any tlmo lnJ878. He Ruataitccs satisfaction In all cases, or makes no charje. tho owner of the stock to ho tho Jadisoof the work. Ho has not loat a slnjjlo KldRO line Horse from tho operation for near tlirco years, ihc followlnp aro my appointments up to Oct. 31st, after which any patties wishing my services will pleaMre y Tho Qr Asbtsnd, Jackson Co.,Sopt.2o to 28. Jacksonville, Sopt. 29 to Oct. 2. Canyonvllle, Douglas Co,, Oct. 3 to 4. Koseburg, Oct. D. Oakland, Oct. 0. Eugene City, Oct. 7. Junction, Oat. 8. Albany, Oct. 10. Salem, Oct. 11 to 20. Corvallls, Oct.21. Dallas, Oct. 23. Lafayette, Oct. 25. Hlllsboro, Oct. 20. I'ortlanu, uot. ra. vnucuuver, rt . , u v. St. Dolons, Columbia Co., Oct, 31. DarlccSutoTalrwcckl will 1)3 at Gaines Fish t's s tslilo on Commercial street, SALEM. At l'OKTLANO (Oct. SS), 1 can bj found at tho National Hotel, ... . Circulars. bIvIor testimonials from well-known s tock-mrn for whom I havo operated, throtich Or egon and Wajhlnnton, will be sent ireo on applica tion, tu-wma liJiss? FINE EESIDENOE IStxBL'lML. T7--. Gln.e- A ile.lmli'n resilience on Commcrrlal street In Sn- Jcm larcc, and well finished, with cionids finely Improved. Cost jG.flOP-wlll bo aold for $J,X) (a(h, or half down aud balance on time, with Interest. Apply to LKO AVI 1,1. IN, nuVt'iKl! at his Iloolc stole. State street. ways c'lrn wboro cuts nro iiOMtlblo. w.lo by all dealors. lULJHW.Ji -..! SvVLIOM EAILR0AD LANDS. 3L,ll)oral Terms! tow I'ltlCKM .OW I.NTCIIKST I Tnc Oregon nnd California nnd Oregon Ci'iitrnl Kallrond Companies ui J-fc.lt their Lands for lalonpon tho foliowlne lll.e. sunn, mid regret luoshw him fiwi S.ilem, the only bad luck vu Misli him is thtl he tuny (hid iu t'urtlnnd as miuiy friend a in leaves be hi&d him. em, A exchange snyst We Heard of a aue tho otherdny wluic a uui)t' iiun applied to his employer for a sh..t have of aIhm.uv. Tho employer, having his vio.w of his l.usiiut. tug gcsttnl. for n reason, that tbe younn man diliy ins vncauon a tew nays, -j woui.i, replttil gtiisliinij under the ovcihanjiiu shadow ..f th,. I, rtro Last SlRht. I-'ist night nbout Si'M o'clock. Dr. Dol den's stable was discovered to bo en tire, the alarm w.-tvmiidcd which soun brought to the scouu of coaQagratiou tho tiro departiueut, but too hto ti; do much good, as the tire had gained such headway that but little mild be dono, tho stabU' and eonteiits, in all valued nt Jt r . -v t-.Tr .-. - -r -v -. w-- -. ui IUAKjUXjIU V UKlVd. ' &S M" " Li5 ?' , iiicrf ale; anil each following iar (r.o.imih nfthn WM ST A TiTER prlnclprand Interest on JtS Glance aV'tlie rate of UlVl, OliilU-JjiXi IW'VJXWW'S"?1- "oth prlnclFal and Inter' licii in iv "1 !',n.)I'Iu I" V. 8. Currency. 1 CALLn '" I Ail"0-'" PHen per cct.t. will l-o allmved for cash Head-Stones & Monuments jawsBt8Sff? IIXECI'TKU IN I Italian and Vermont , real ESTATE LOAKS. MrC"E"U' I 0IIE60.V ASU M-ABIIIXCTOX Bimiicu si.op at .iiiuitiy. Trust Investment Company Aihlre.': A. ST.lHiKIt, Alliiuiy, Orcuon. OV SVOTUXJiO. We'll erv fur And if we cob I.I, we'd lly for 'em, We'd .uivthiiu. lint ilinf.ir '.tin" "Youwillpervievellmvo iuduLjo 1 a ntle ( abnut w" ''""' " Tlw sUWo liews..b this elassio .,uotnti..n -n Ik't-nw n. t tauU" juttt n,m,b' wncd by widow Lo- wnriflllte.lbvfn..ts. I'orit w-a, hit mm- ,,. was mriicii iwus.uemi.ie. uiougii me the pl.igui'.trioken city of thuOnveeut wm Ian tho young nun. "hut tho fat Is I am coin- to KUotny. pc-tilenci-t.-iiling' wing ,.f Aa i 1 astinnirivd, the day is appuintal, nnd "1 wnnt ., . ,.... . -,f , , Ri l there wlu.ii it ,mJ.,(T." II. th.,.., .n'"1 tro,,8 '" w"u tciror tmittent nnd the; mi time. turned from the near approach of the death augi'J and llwl, halting not by tlw wny-sido- Jugsernantisin a ld way nwe the Kng. oven to bury their nceumulatiiig dead. And lull (luwrnmi-ut impri..me.l for life f.-r murder tlt. ,.,., t,al ,mco wcrc ,lt u nl)out the hrro-HUn' prcteeter of the ,.!, a man of ,il0 ,trv.ct um, llutt -j..,, t Wfl ut of niu latin, lowiioniino hiwious jy uivijie man's wife and mother pivvM her-leatliliMnirctf-lienors. The late far Festival u.u a failuio, !,, f..,-!.... ,i.,nl. ..,... .i .u...i .. i i( "" "- i "-i intlier limn denit tliiin in the death asenv. Hut, I pray, o.veuso me. 1 was in danger of forgetting which side of humanity I was "tout, lug." Did I nut wy 1 aruio to "toat" tho gcnttimcu? ll'M ....... I... 1 I -. . nsUedbyan older sister if she didn't expect ' ' .' 7 . . . ,v-l ,,.,... ,m.fu- .... ;. i. I..M ' ... ". ad say as I conclude, ns I believe 1 faid in the .lH'giiinlns', (iod blrs 'em. We tut about ittoiilicta for un week lUvaT Don't love cm. anil tbev cnuuot hehi it. ou Unott tny all ilied loiiu a(o. and went to Mrs. Ilallou otrcrol the following net little Leaveu in chariot, of lire s' ' trjlmto tu lmml Unmu ,u a Tho INtim papers are discussing the .piestimi call funu the muipauy; leferriug to the urns, of ph)sieiaus fees. A corrvspoudvitt cays that sity uf ealliiii.- out the Infauirv, to suppress the he visited a doctor, and titer cousulution ask- Imlunei "The men tied bless them: Tin.' out ed, "What i our fee?" His reply was char- arms bore'aud supportl them iu their early aeteristio. "MpecisJists and extortionists charge ' day- their arms protict us uoi uud fertvir." two iftunvA. ipuwfcsask hulfa.kniii.in, but a Professor Pluu.iiur Mid it would now l in IHhysieian. feci, a guinea. 1 am a pl.).iein." on,,r t . ..Alwt 1VttU ,fta ft 1mU Onoo! tho KuulUli, ''heautli's," b very Injun." careful of her complexion. Shu Is In tho rar, hublt of wrupiiiiiu up her fuiM In n raw, s'nc 4,ur ,u,, ,u eUnIays l(utKi we and it is iu contemplation to Imi.d over tlio gwl's allairs to the management of -the Court ! of W'ni'.ls. A uvtivi-r fur a relhzion on hisol. vent iicity! What next? "A little four year old, bught id gill, w ho has planted a little garden nil by herself, was a uooii many pruuis iroin it. Mie oUteKly to- idUHlwiUi trrcat dignity, 'W hat are you talk- ii llii wen managed to save it from being a total loss. Them was $200 iiiuiraucc on Dr. Ooldcn' building, but we Invo lucii uu.iblo to learn whether or not there was nuy insurance on Mi. Logan's barn. The tho wes tho woilt of nn iiKTiidiary, evidently dene for the purpoio of getting up Fonio excitcim'iit nnd causing pco pie to leave their houses, to that they might be able to carry on a plunder pamo in tho ncijjh noriiooit. ir. iioiiiru ami ins taa-iiy were camping at the Tair (jrounds, and kuuw noth injjof his lots until about 12 o'cleck, last m'Kht. Also, evsiy variety ..... .'V.J... ...i. ii'irtsof the State tu, i.y mull or oterwl work wsrrsmiU. 1 i of cemetery anil other stonework i 'f"I,??",i.'?!y,!,,.I,rfrwre.l to ncgotlato nil. i Lit. i. ui orncrs irora nil Tr.."s,i;jv:,"rvy f ?mw letoroi otit .! WfcSlilnsti.il Terrllorv nelvl " -l. l'i UrEUTY and KAItlt ; ai.d piompily furnsriled. All ' L,i .1. ... p r .""' 0T rcryulo by in- ii r. stallmeni. For term, atinlv to loans 1a IMI'HO- LAMHS. for balf-yiarly lc. nolOr THE WALTER FRUIT DRYER i M VXtVACTCJilNU ai. J Tit VD!X(. . o WILLIAM ItniD. Jlacapcr. MKlrit Street l'ortlari J. W. GILBERT Pnyn C'unIi ii or Hides, Furs, & Pelts. CAPir.3.1. STOCK, .15200,000, st2l CommPrclaUt., SALEM. iy A Good Showinc, N Prom the following figures it will bo tetn that S.dem has done remarkable well during fair week, the i coords in the recorders court show that there have been only 17 cases during this time, as follows Drunk and disorderly, 10. Vagrancy, I. Lirceny, !1. Atsnult with in tent to rub, 1. Aisault and battery, 1. Sell, ing at miction without liceiue, 1. For which tho city icccivcd tho sum of $11 UI, Consid ering the great number of people that have been line during tho time we .think ihis u a good showing for tho cap'tal city. Are now Prepared lo Furnish WALTER DRYER the At very low in-lee, irom jiuo to ?70O. FRUIT GROWERS, TAKE NOTICE i'liiit;.l, i.nsu ,v ('onipiiiiy nua I. nice :. Srsor Ich .V (oiiipunj, ot Sun I'rnn-' clcu, pronoiiniTM 'Tho WAIB33P. tho beat dryer now in use." nsTABLIMITJU IS5C. Willamette Nursery &. W. WALLING & SON, Oswego, Olaokamas co., Oroson. WALKING'S i Veal cat lei every night before golua to !' learnt' the follow iy particulars inc. bed, liwvlng (iiH'ulUg) hi the uuult for '''on ith the lWr House suicide, mouth, liitrlis mid eyes. bho l married. The dwcatid John U. Deiiuirv. ha.l In on "Ar gi-aiws UeAltlu'' asks an mohance. uiakiug his hows at the Marion fiuinty P.i.r As a (ruit, opioioas ditler. Ueorge Washington, , lIwUM' (or tA"mi mi 'K. I W(ls.iU.ut Lhristophei I'oliinibus, Nuah.NaiwIeon I, nnd C0 jcfltsold, and ha.t formerly kept asalinmat iiary uuoen oj Scatts ito graiws, and they aro '",uwu' nil dead uow. Draw your own conciuion. a Wcthw.day he came to 'nlem au.l a'Urul- itM-ristown Herald. ! ,.,i n, fajP vvjll(o in lcw ho lwullt a t-ull.8 A nuno in a (ilasgow- boiutalbas had to pay ' ieolyer, and w.-. cartful to have it v, ell loaded, i'A damasi and cotts for t.iliny, without the ,aking two or thrto tunes if all tho caps were coiiHiit of the toy iix.uts, soiiio healthy giil tlwt tluiv would be no mistake about desh from the arm of a juvinde patient in order H going oil'. to gitift it upon the body of anotner. ' Yestenlay moiiiing be was s.th going into When a Itochutcr lady of vvlor wants to the wood hmue, and shoitly after the rpit of alight froui a stuct car, she don't jerk the Ml , a pistol was heard coming from thi diuitiou, a if she wanted tu demolish the entire car, but i "id on b.utening to the jd.uo it was found jHhtel Aks a Kcutlcmen "lo Kt kind iiieugh , that bu bad shot himself through the head, to agitate the coiniuuiiio.itor." i The Coroner, J. lluuy ltiv.wn, was notitied, "IM not marry a widower," said the old (who iminodut.'l) cmpuieKsl a juiy, and the following venhct was ivudcicd. We the jury calKsl to it uismi the lK)ily of J. Ik Detiuire, by Coroner, J. Henry l'r.wn, do agree to the following verdict! That dcerast'd came to his death bv a tittal tondou dr.iper . shot llrvil I y I is own baud. itrd like I 1. A. MJlfll, OnccUyTrJclr. Wt have heanl of many low down cheeky ways of dead beating one's way through this world, but the latest was practised at the door of the theatre the other oveuiug, by n young niau. well known in this tity, who had the brass to ak aduiissu u t the theatre on tue ground that he was a iu-npapvr man. His stoiy was sou ell learned, aud told that the door keeper didn't re.purv the usual oertiricate or pass, and foppUh dead beat got to see the theatre "wt his ehcik. ' A LUttlo Girl liuoclicit Down cu Stat; Mvoct last nljjLt by n Knn;.in. lMt night alvut S o'chn-U Mrs. Mat tin scut her little girl downtown on an errand, aiur attending to the errand on which she had Wen sent, ttaitcd homeward, was followed bv a mtliau who overtook her and knocked her down, her erics Irouel.t a4itaucc, and the icouudnltook to his heeU.iudtucceiled initial, ing good his eecapc. Raisius nnde in forty-slsbt conrs, Applos aricd ia threo ana ons-half honra?. 1AM, nt our olllrc Jl!t rnllfortiln St.. ,usu,rri:y,,.v,rv::iVe;Llve,r:bCIU,,ln,, J. H. IVSAYNARD, secretary. lad). A rwily made family is hke a plate of . dd vit.itoc, "Oh' I'll kiHin warm them cvir, rep' el the dantu-j -ami she did. '1 i'e in: ; lo ef tho ptrish of Didsbury cannot tillt' 'sjuN their own. A i. The Dow nty (Los Ange!i count)) Courier .iys: Wu wtre shown the ot'ier day by Mr. Harnett, the tad, at lia.t three feet long, of a stiti gune, ha; led ashore the other day this Mile ol Auahcit'i l.iuthng. The tish wetgbeil lc twecn l.V) au I "JOO pcur.ds, mcaurcl live aud a la'f feet iu lirgth ard four feet across, and iti mcuth wm kiuScuutly largo to take in the auiaii OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. I!SOlL.U LINi Between Portland anj .San Francisco. tu not (iii Tiruirrs Can be in.nUte.1 at iheMi.c'i..' tit.uu uf .i O .V O. It It , .'.! 27loclxcocl Xln.tosa- Stsaaisr Kaiv both Portlsna and San l'rioclico about Every Five Days, WJ? JH"fJ'. .?d Fu.Al at the LOWEST ItAThs. It 1 tho only litis earning the l" !irs and WELLS. FAKUO A CO. S EXl'ltESS. Tho StcamtMps of this (Vrapauy aic rattd A 1. and a"dncor;.nhSeSr-11 Cl,B,,,Uu " "M ,a,,Uulif- State of Oregon . lNei )-.',(Vteiibatdn, Ceorge W. Elder, llToaten,) City of Chester, Ut) torn.) AjaX, (tao tots.i ,-05i,TlKhl.or IIV."2'- PP'y l "ie Ccrcyaoy's of nee, cruir V atd Front tUtctc, lVnruxn. ,i(xitf lQ. W. WtlllLtH. Awnt. PJEACH PLUM- Tho Italian XViiuc, An.' the beet arlctks of IMuin, I'ninc, E'cai'li, All!c, Ecar. '!ierry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN" FULL ASSOHTSIEN'T. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. JOHN MINTO, Sr.EEDtH or 3IERIXO SHEEP, rpAKES p!escrc lnoffcrlsi: to the Wool-Growers of - Orejon ami the adjolnlcif Territories the cbance torurcbifo THOltOl'GUUHEl) MKIUN'OS, and as nrlnupsrtielntcretc(lth they can, and will w fi?SI ,.?;.''.tn.!!h,;P of ,he amc qoallty and Taloe at MICH CHEAFElt 1UTE3 thin ench can polbly oe imported. Exaralnation and comparison with oth cr bheep offered iu tho market aro cordlailt Invited. AJdnrie JOHN MINTO, . .. . Salem, Orccon. N. B. The Rims and Kara Lambs of the flotk caa bo seen on the INLAND FA11M, adjoining Salera. n.f ,tw,,;.fn bo $ia ' 'he Ke place, or at the U1LL FAKM f jot and a tall mile eonlh of the city. feaiem. Scntemfc.r 10. Irt V Oil. K. V. CHASE, BREVET Lt. Col., late barscon U.S. VolasUers, -Urate. Uarbui's bwk. uo stairs. ssTT