V I $2,50 por Year, BY TELEGRAPH. New York, Oct. 22. -A Washington iocml sjjs, tlio probable question of the Halifax award t ill 1o vo viewed this winter. What eter may he done nbcttt tlio ultimate payment of tlio money. A claim is made hy those who have been, examining the subject that the P.ritish bill of particular exactly as it was substituted, shows that the Canadian were en titled only to 3120,000 annually, or to an ag gregate of S1,JOO,000 for ten vears. ThU is low than $1,300,000, instead of S,t,000,000, the amount of tlio Halifax award, and against this it ii claimed, it would ho fair to deduct tho uncial duties on fish ami full oil remitted by tho United States for Canada. This amount of itself would amount in ten yean to $.1,000,000. That would make the (statement from tho Hritish commissioner's figure? $l,."00,0f in favor of tho United States instead f $.",000, 000 in favor of Groat .Hritnin. Tho gentlemen connected with this business will undoubtedly bo called upon to explain their conduct. Columbus 0., Oct. 2-'. -Night Rev. Syl voter II. Kosecrans, bishop of C'olumbiH, died at 10:110 to-niyht of hnion-higo of tho lung. Chicago, Oct. 22. A dispatch from Omaha cayi that destructive prairie lires aro raging near Kearney along the line of the Omaha & Republican Valley Railroad in Polk county and other sections of Nebraska. The northeast ior tion of the state is mtlioring severely. The loss trill be immense to property. Seven persons have been burned to death and many others severely burned. Particulars cannot bo learn ed yet. Now Orleans, Oct. 22. -Referring to tho re cent trouble there, a communication from tho district attorney of Tenx.ii parish to tho gov ernor states that a shcriir poso of CO men, who were going to execute tho writ for the nr i est of Fairfax, were fired upon by 100 armed nrgrocs. The posse returned th fire, killing and wounding eight negroes, and disporting tho balance. Huston, Oct. 22. Thomas Mahonoy, an oarsman at Lowell, died to-day of injuries received at the Wallaston disaster, making 21 deaths. ft. Paul, Oil. 22.--Judgo Hroll. of the dis trict court, decidss that to much of tho election law whiih parsed lat winter, a requires tho numbering o: ballots to correspond with n uumliervil poll lUt, N unconstitutional, becausv opposed l the principle of-scerct ballot. Tlio law is peoultarly utriugout and has attracted much attention. t. Louis, Oct. 2;). Tho Olobo-Democrat . ill aunouneo to-morruw tint Samuel J. Tilden is cngiigod to le married to a ht. Louis Wile, .lid that the wedding' will take place within th.rcu mouth'. 'cw Orleans, Oct. 2.". Weatlwr clear, cool and windy. Ihwths 19; eaies rjpoited, 171. Mcmphii, Oct. 23. l'rom ix o'clock last night until iiuon to-day, umlurtalvcra report orders for eleven interments. Tho strcct-s aro thronged with returning refug asd business is being gradually rouined. The How anl as sociation continue their work of tending to their homes all nurses from abroad. Another heavy frost tVU last nis'ht. Cincinnati, Oct. 2.1. -A ajvere raiu-ntorm in l'eun)Uauia last night prostrated tho tele graph win and cut oil' all communication with tho east. SLt. Louis Oct. 2.1.- Tho appointment of T. Suitli as rtn.eier ot tho Ka:i3a3 I'acifle rail v) id is clairm I to hi a victory fur Or.keg, tho proirnt superintendent of tho rood, as opjiOKd t-, Jay liutill, aud will tviult in breaking up tin- present eomUnatiun and pooliug with tlu Union I'a.-lli All (-ii,-,ral orilx'.i oi the com pi i, uudr .-lr of ibe court, aret'iboinoved f.' the :tate of Kaiiift;. i- Orlea.i-., Oct. 2.V A Oalveaton'Xows' , 'i.il s4j . 1 ha J-'ort Vonh fcUe leaving luT. ihis monuu for Weathwrfurd, ttastoit po t 13 uii'.QJ tu: of tha Uttur place by two m i Ued men, aud tho inail ponchoo cut open .u 1 contents nslcd. One in.ilo ayd two femalo s.stngera .er robbed of valuables, Tho au."uut obtained by the highwaynu-u is uu liu vvn. Chicago, Oct. 23. -Dld. Rrown & Co . the M. Lvuis dry g"ihi merchants, lwvo done the I irg-st busim-Jj of any southern house in the .oiiotry. and although their capital lias always becu limited, have exhibited great tnterpri.o, pluck and skill in th.- nianigemunt of busintM. Nobody in Chicago suffers. They sold, in lb"7, ever $1,000,000 .orth of goods, but gave lower prices and longer time tlsan eustomarj on all tradw, and this is hat swamped them. Their salea this year are nearly fo,000,000. Rurlington, Iowa, Oct. 23. At a meeting of representative Democrat from all over tho state, held here to-n!ght, it was concluded unani mously that the first Tuesday in November is - the only legal election day for congreumen in this state, and that the omission of ths gov ernor' proclamation does not deprive the peo i 1 1 K'i. w -.- ic. ?.. j .fLiA "w j r ntu v i-j m r bh h h uh .ki iLar i v. i i .v. i yuj.ii' r' . ii.'(1ti-ifii III if t'- fci3flllll n.un M ill t.,... V.,1 1. ..,! I.'... tiikiiy, v'. if. -.. luiiiif ji.viFi.tAn,. tiiii, , MI- SI advices indicate, the praitio liics Htill raging in each oi "those states destroying grain, bridges barns fenees and other property. The (limes were most dctruetivo 20 miles south ea.it of Sioux City, in Iowa, along North l'lattc, Nebraska, and South l'latto rivers in w estern Nebraska, and in Rush, Ness, KUis Tregro, Drove, Wallace, Decatur, (traham, aud Rooks counties in Kniu-as. Many persons have perished in the tlamcs, and nu unconfirmed re port prevailed in Lincoln, Nebraska, yesterday' that Albion, in lloon county, n town of 250 in habitants had been utterly destroyed. Tho ti ns in some canes aro aupposed to have bee , lighted by Chuyenncs Omaha, Oct. 23. Doe. Ooodcll, arrested thu other day nt Atlantic, Iowa, for tho lllaek Hills stage robbery, jumped from a car window of the w Cat-bound U. 1. expreas last evening, 130 miles went of Omaha, aud made m escape. The train wni running twenty miles an hour. It was stopped ns soon as possible, but no prisoner 'ould bo found, nor has any trace of him been discovered, notwithstanding active search is being made. New York, Oct. 21.- -Dispatchoi from all points hho-ving that the storm of yesterday was one of tiio most violent experienced lor years. The ntorm came trom the- tropics, and troci midnight to noon rapidly increased in energy, and was central near Raugor, It was attended with unusually heavy rainfall. At Washington tho fall was .'!.." I inches, at lUltimiro 2.71 nt Norfolk 2.80, at Lynchburg 2.01 and Smith villo N. C, 4.32. At Capo May tho wind velocity was SI miles an hour. It drove tho tide up on meadows between the city and tho maiuland, covering tho railroad track throe feet and preventing trains from leaving. The botols nod cottages were badly damaged) nUi tho beach drive; and yachts, sloops and schoou m wore blown ashore. At Baltimore prop erty along tho warves wittered much, ami dis asters on tho bay aro feared. Along tho line of tho Philadelphia, Wilmington and Raltinioro railroad tho loss is i-criuus. Tho storm was severe on tho sound and aloug thu Now Kng laud coast, and lighter crafts weni heavily hammered. At Mount Washington at ." p. nt. tho wind was blowing 120 miles an hour, with heavy rain. The ship A. S. Davis, from Calloa went nshoro south of Capo Henry, and is a total wreck. Only ouo )wrson saved. FOREIGN. Constantiuoplo, Oct. 22. -Fears nro express. id in diplomatic circles that tho e.vein Roumelir.u comtui'sion will encounter great obstacle from tho porte mid JiuLjnriau inhabi tants Russia is resolved to maintain her present administration until her troops haw evacuated thu j ravinces. Tho porlo insists on assuming financial administration, subject only to tho provisions of llu omitjiision. Tho Bul garians continue tho agitation in favor of an nexation to Bulgaria. Tlio intended with drawal of tho Rritixh licet from tho vicinity of Gallipoli has ltoeu abandoned in consequence of recent mo ement.s of tho Russians. Bes sarabia was surrendered to the RussIjiis Mon day. Viemn, Oit. 22. The New l'reo Press com- plains th.it tho export of Hungarian wheat is almott at a Htaud-still, pattly in coinequeneo of Americans underselling tho Hungarian mar ket!. London, Oct. 23. A dispatch train Constan tinople says princo Lohanoir informs Simet Pashi on Monday that theRuwhns will not re treat from their present poMtiona at Midi and Visa. Tho Turks nro clmm to thes puiuU and have a strung force at Tchnrlu. His not'tnio that tho Russians hold Tehatldja. Prince LobanoiT lihowixu ruiterctcd a statement that tho Kiujri.iiH will not quit Adrianoplo until after tho signing of tho d-ilnitivn treaty. A iciun dtsjKiUh wysi Tlu mit ess -ntLil puinU iu the ditlnitiw treaty lK.tivei.ii Russia and Turk , UiHPcly thu war iiideinulty, and the time for w ithdmwal of Rusiiauds are still u:. settled. St. Petersburg, Out. 23. Tlu (iulos sajs it is cuniilerud that a demand fur immediate pay incut of tint ii millions rubloa is probable. Bombax, Oct. 22. -Govt.rumuut luw pnl. lili9l an nutioiincrment offering free jvisikvjo homo to the families of ollioers engngml in active scrvire. It U thought, however that ad vance in Afhsnistiui will Ito impojiblo fur Mime time. Ixiudon, Oot. 23. - A dispatch from Simla s;iys the viceroy's native emUsary, who has just re tu nail from Cabul, considers that tho ameer has been with diiQculty induced to Uk his present courso by subitantial offers from the Riusian envoy, who was still at Cubul when the emissary left. London, Oct. 22. A Berlin dispatch says the czar hxs issued a uIjuso ordering that military furloughs shall only be granted tor particularly urgent reasons, and iu an cam not to extend beyond February. Sir Stafford Northed--, chsncsdlor of Uw ex- SALEM, OREGON, sure that there would not Ihj a renewal of war. It was impossible to ignore tho fact, ho said, that difficulties wore being raised against tho execution of certain parls of tho treaty of Ber lin. Constantinople, Oct. 23. -Tho hulk of tho Russian forces iu Bulgaria are moving aouth want. Russian infantry alone iu eastern Roumelia already uumW iO.OOO men. An other army corps is near Coiistauinoplu There aw l.'000 men in Adri.inople. London, Oot. 23. Tho Bombay (i.vetta states that an advance iqon Cuhul is postponed until next year. Paris Oct. 23. At Largoutiero, on Monday nil-lit, the river Liguo rosy 20 mitres iu an hour, flooding a great part of the town. Much property was destroyed; no loss of life is re ported. Ilombay, Oct. 23. The Ciaotto publishes a leter from Thull which states that it is be lieved that tho ameer intends to defend Ali Musjid, Jellalabad aud Cabul but not CandJir. Tho w liter alto atatei that the ameer ir doubt less receiving aid from Russia. London, Oct. 23. A dispatch from Raw iel. Piudee, says tho fever continues to rago among thu frontier troops. Ouo third of n British l.r.icor regiment at Peshawo is troubled by it. Lnndan, Ost. 23. Th? cibi:f. h.as been summoned to meet iu council to-morrow, Tho Times says this step is undohtedly wull ad vised iu view of tho serious Indian situation and new controversies in relation to Turkey. St. Petersburg, Oct. 23. Several members of the Russian mission will remain nt Cabul un til further orders. Tho Clolos declares that, although KtigUnd may seek redress from thu .imeor, if alia bo victorious tho fato of Afghanistan must not ha doetdod without tho consent of Russia. The following resolutions worn pvswd by tho noanror pittnngem ti tn-f uregon rstAUTAgri- cultural Society at a lata meeting: Whereas, Wo deom tho establishment of a competing lino of transcoiitiuont.il railroad a subject of vast commercial interest to our en tire country; and Whereas, Tho iuercaso of facilities for com peting naiigntion on tho Columbia river is of great importance to aid iu tho development of tho western diisiou of this country, traversed by tho Northern P.ieillo railroad line, as well as of great loeal interest to tho pooplo of Oregon; therefore, Resolved, Wo reiterate or declarations of one year ago, in faor of extending time to the Noithcru P.icillc Railroad Company for theeoiu pletion of lojks nt tho Caeadis falls of t!ii Columbia iicr by tho United States govern ment, nt tho caaliwt po.i.iiMo time. Rouhod, Wo respj.tfully call tlio attention of our .statu legislature to tho i'lipoitaiic.' of sustaining out representative and collators in eongrt.ss, by joint nioinori.il or otherwise, from their body, iu furtherance of tho objects of thoso resolutions. Resolved, Tho secretary of this society is ie qested to prepare copies of tho foregoing wo amblo and resolutions, and tho president Is hereby elected a comiiiittco of ono to sao sueheopiei transmitted to our rjpres"iitati.e and .senators iu concresi. Resolved, That thu seretary is instructed to forward to tho membcra of tho legislature, copies of tliuso le.iolutious, iind to .supply the same to reporters for tho ii9W3paiers on the ground. DIED. Of consumption, Sept. 23d, 1573, Lilly A. Martin. ;igwt 10 years ami 12 daj.s, only daughter ot Howard M. and Marjawt S. Mar tin. Sho was imljod n tlower of great promiss but, without fear of death, sho hii awotly fallen irto that sloop "from which uono over vaUo to weep." Mirth has ono tlowor leu, 1 leaven oim moro tlw Saviour to bles, Mother weejii for ho Lilly has ilow.i. Angels rejoice aud welcome ithunir. O, Mother, why weep, east down! Lilly isdockiug tlio ariour'a crown: Vt-ars shall nut end or Iseseu her joy, lu that bluned buiuo beyond the sky. ( i M.1..MI.K Cults -Mr. Wm. CIiaIimjis, cf (Virnclius, Wiuhiutois county, purchased I nt week, at tho SUto I'air, of Mr. Nuw man, of Benton county, two line sorrel colts out of lialf-bred Clydesdale mare, (ot by Rmptrcn siredj- Major Itruoo's ceuteiinlnl Clyde3da!e stallion, t ilwitht, th.it has alwayi taken first premium ;t our htato Fair. These colts give promjse of great excellence, and cost $5(X, which is a nice price fur sucklings ami shov-a encouragement for breediug of good draugnt hon3. Mr. Newman rf(d $W) tr the dams. Thk Bixk Ri.-.&jN. -T)ie No.- WiUou Sow ing Machine- ahead of all competitor at the Oregon State Fair, I i'i. This machine bus tiinsits well-earned reputation as the best family sowing machine, for which it recuved the first premium, Lo first premium for great est ; variety of work aud finest display of ma chines, eleven first premiums iu all, in fact o't-ry article we entered. Como aud see at Beuj. Forstner's gun shop, for yourself. Subscriber at Lebanon are notified that Mr. It, M. Powers L now our only authorial OCTOBER 25, 187S. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE FAIR. lvlitor Willamette Farmer. Tho first exhibition of tho Portland Industrial Kxhllilt Association murks tin orn in tlio history of tho inotronolls nnd tho Htutt. Tho Aisdociutioii litis procurcd-for lt.s purposes the extensive ware-rooms owjiod by Newbury & Chapman, RentleniLMi who are inti mately connected with tlio most promising schemes-for advancing the prosperity of Oregon and who have contributed very materially toward tho success of the Fair. Tho general management and decorations have been under the supervision of Mr. II. IX Sunbourn, already well known in connection with tho exhibit of Oregon nt tho Centennial Imposition. Tho v.st building is festooned into;ithe semblance or it triumphal structure. The Hags of all nations Inula cosmo politan air, and mako the foreigner nt home. The shields representing tho states of the American Union, and the Stars mid Stripes preeminent every where, speak our national supremacy. Mr. C. l Morso has superintended tUo allotment of space and arrange ment of exhibit. He has been so goner otts to others as to have no place for the display of articles from his own es tablishment, which is greatly to bo ro gretted. Tho elTorLs or Mr. Sanborn and Mr. Morse havo combined to fur nish nit exhibition which Is not only u success but a marvelous surprise. The first Impression upon eutrauco is that ono has ponotmtcd to fairy-laud whoro It- J.-JS . ! . ... --p...-raJ,nn.nnn HHiusiHui aro lioliling liltrh carnival, visitors rcmtwtv--tur- there is greater taste displayed hero lu many departments than In similar views in the Mechanics' Instllulo Fair ofSanFraneteco. So let us congratulate tho pooplo ot tho metropolis upon tho worthy recep tion of u noble enterprise. Tho first articles that claimed your reporter's careful and undivided ntten Urn altor n hasty and bewildered pro gress through the building were three beautiful buggies manufactured In Oregon by W. V. Kspey, and exhibited by tho enterprising firm of Newbury A Chapman. The man who designed thoso buggies Is an artist. Jlo lias everywhere applied the curved Hue of beauty iu conjunction with strength. Tho top buggy espccrtlly has a body modeled as graceful y as a swan's. This buggy dispenses with tho lioublo sumo front bow in the top and substi tutes a strong nnd eleg'int brace. Tho painting and silver plating iu all these buggies nro exquisite. Smith t Miller exhibit i eiy hamUouio ex press wagon of the latest pattern. (!eo. Williams -Co., of the Oivkoii fiiovo Factory, show- a case of w oil-made yloves from tho henvieit riding g&untluU to tho finest I. id of multitudinous buttons. H. N. Cook, of San rniucUeo, has wmo modeLs which exoito universal attention mid admiration. His modi! of ilia i.inuufacoiy contributes to tho effect oi tho miniature "Hayes Patent Fire Truck." Many of your readers are familiar with the wcrhingi of thin llfe-i.ivtiig iner.ti u. Tho "TrucH" enniea an immensely-long laibki- in etion, which oa;i be elevated by the m-wiimory ot th truelt at any angle and t the lu-ii;ht of any building. A canvas bucket is attached for the hrtieiiug of people from Luniiiijj li'ijLiiiiii's. A pretty glas hou'j contiiiwi a -'Fire Patrol" machine which U jwrfect in ita way. Thero is aUo a "Jlayea Hosw Clamp" whlcli im-Untly renders bur.Ul hoe virvioeahlo and ohvutcn danger ous delays. I'. J. Noi-thrup lius a gol display of w.iou timb.-r, IiuIm, apokos, LohmuiiiI other "fel.'oos," A brother reporter remar!:ed that ouo did not find .such timber "in a waou." MoLnn's nuuiila "cordage woihs" sliow very even strung rojnj ni.tdo in Oregon from immilla impoi-ted from Ajuth America. A. M. Conisliui, tlia irreprosibld, exhibits the only washing machine. The machine Li an invention of his ow u, and evidently very ood, since it'ha-t taken all tho blue riblons where it has been exhibited in the Stato during thu jiast year and hxs driven other conputitor from tho field in most iastanc.e. The feminino portion of tho community ought to look upon Mr. Corneliua as a public benefactor. The difficulty of renovating soiled linen is a, great obstacle to progress of tha human race. All hail to the man who help to remove it. Mr, Cornelius' loventiou u o! more umoo tu toe avenuiu Kmnkmauu & Wolf, machinists, have a tasteful en-' tilled witli tho latest improvements in saw-teeth. A. L. I'-'ijimin, of San Francisco, Hhowa a little .irtielo which must, bo of use to Iiou.il'- keepers, if it does tho work that it Is claimed'! to d, "De Soto'-t SptuUh llullion, a olutiou.l of sillier for w,tshiiiiRilcr, which yives it the- app'armce of having been re-plated. C. K. Sherwood, of Sin Francisco, haA plaiting michiuo for making pide-plaits, Lax plaits, Jko It is ea.siljr worked. Homb! Murder. UxiutHiii'nn, Oct. 13, lT'd. Kl'. Pi.'Mxi'.t Opr ipiict little citjj was throw u ititii e-Jiwiderablo excitement to-iLy by the di.s -overy U Mr. Dan MuLino in tho rem nant.s of a itr.i-A pile that was burued soma two weeks ,ii, the charred rcmnitti of .unuu. The straw pile is situ itcil Just noithc.it of town upon a place owiud by Smith, Hraalichl A Co., and lies, I Ivheve, within tho corporate limiU of the town. Sipiiro Isham wa.i immedi.itoly informed and imp.uielcd n coroner'. jury, re paired to tlu upot aud e.xamiuesl the reinain. I'uough of tho clothing remained to tdiow that tho man had on three hirts, a pair of pant aud ovaralLi. aud a pair of idioo i i hich hail been removed from the fool and were lying under tho head: also a pair of blankets which wore under tho lower pirt of the body. Ono foot wax marly consumed and the head ludly charred-barely enough of the whisker re maining to show tint they were sandy iu color. Close examination revealed the fact that a murder had Ih'Cii committed, ns a bullot hole was found peiforatlng the .ikull iu the. poitorior upper left wide, pasting thence to tli right isido of tho lowor Jiw; tho bullet carrying wfth it a piece of tho fractured itkull. Thu date, objects, aud perpetrator of the crime; aud, the identity of thq murdered man, iu this vicinity. I ho clanps ot a purse, homo iK-ads oi a rosary, and a nmalluroHs, were found by the sido of tho body, and in ouo of the p.inU pecket-s a cheap pass book containing miiiio pencil writing, hut mi badly blurred ns to bo iudistiijuishable, were found. 'I'll UN. Harrlsuurg Qrango. October II, I87S. l'.: l'. n.'.i:. O.i tho first Saturday of thi mouth oc.-iirr.'d tho llr-t regular mooting of llarrisbur, (iranijp, No. II, hIiicu harvest; and it sas thought appiopriato to celebrate the garnering of arotla-r ono of Oregon's fruitful .setMoiH, bv a Patrons' oclal feait cr Orsui;'' dinner. . At the appointed hour of nswmhlilig, our hall fir H.irri.shurg Orango tosHOKH's a com ui'hlioits lull -was rapidly llllod, nut ou! with number of tho Onler and their invited friends, but with many baskot groaning with tho burden of good thing. Tho table was Npmid through thu length of tho hall mid tho contents of tho baskets pl.ued thereon, form ing a di.spliy that would have oauscd the mouth of tho veriest epicure to water with nuttcipJition. After diripQiiiug of tho noce.wary (iiiiigo biisincis tho doors were ojiciiod friends in vited iu and all gatliurcd around tho table. 'I haukii being returned for the bouiuiful har vest, nil gave their uttvntivu to th- i'iiidm amid isocial ucuverite, Jent aud ropartc", find tho best of good feeling. Tho donor bum. disjiowd of -a iwcial talk onjoyod t' e (Ji.wjgi clov.i in duo form, all retiring fullv -it uiel mid visliing for mau audi ocoaiione. A i'liuit, QRAQK HKETU.'GS. By ur. t'.atioii, .Marion County Pomona (Imng) will siiit Hock Point Oran.;o on I'rtday tho I it day of Nuvembr hi xt, at IU n'cln.-l. j.. tb. r,ud i.ill hold iu fourth decree. Wi- h ik to ' a fiv'l utleudauce. Also, by i.k-o:sI til vitiiiii, wo (the P. CJ. of MsriuuC- ) will meet with ISoiiuil Prairtu (Iraugt u. Hrjka htaiion on the tth day of December iwU at It o'clock a. m., to participate in ;i grand cchdiM tiou of thu anniverairy of our OwV. L-t every member that am, bo prewnt, Da.s'i. C'LltlK, Master Marion Co. P. 0. Workmen are engaged putting n kpire o.i Uiu Christian church, which will add much t its appearance. If vou wmi", to bo iu stylo let ;i iunU-ani l1 eeii among yourehamw. Tti fentaur Uiil;ucnt aiu ot twi ai a. Tbd Willie Is for tie buuxa faintly, tho Velluw t for bor--, hc;i, trul other anlmils, Toslt:ai nlsl of tbo taYcu prodaceJ by theo rt-int.-ksblo I'f;rtlon in wrtppol iromul every tout, aud Diy be prccurvd of toy ilru.'ttt, or b cull row the Office of Tut Cthtatn Com-aMr, 4-1 Ocy U't, -. Volumo X. Nunil Saxi)s' Flno Stock. In connection with tho nd. of' Sax iV Son, wo givon portion of the I iimis awarded at our late State only live or h!k other hcrdi of oatt hibiU'd (owing doubtlcM to the heal ting in two dayaJiefore tho Fair or ut jimticu to tho Snxo exhibitor I all their animal were uperior-ma liecn prim wiiincni nt tho roccat Vi lontia, '1 lie j- thorough-bred Uork ;USl)-Ol Wlllsll.tlluv l.lil nlpvnli r their horn cattlo, idiared Largely, among wio prio winneM. The exl iwine. of niAiiv -.iriillM. u'ls Isi-u ou.. but tl:n limlnmi iii.it ku.I UiiA and hogs uliown by the Snxcs.nddcil mo mtv .-. a u snarl: nt tii' i iinit.-u-tii regret wo did not take tlio list ofl iu tlii.i division of tho Fair. Followi if premltitiM received by Sane- Hotu :attlei. Short Horn.i Pull, ti yrs old and luidpr 3, Climal Hull under S yr.s and over 1 Io; nr.. Sl.'i. PiilM jo.irold and under 0. Chlei 4.1. 1 Hull under ono year, Sweepstake! 810. ' fw It yoari old ami over, Lady TI ii4pr.,.j. j Heifor I year wnl undor 2, Claraji SIS 1 Heifer uudir 'I year and over Ci narwst yureii, tst pr., Cow I yrs aid and over Lady Thorndalr-, .M pr., Heifer enlf. under I year, I Harvest tjiirwi. tst nr.. 815. , ! .-; t over lor awe Slfi. for nu pn Harvest uuet'ii, 1st nr.. KM. tX llull Climax, "d awe.HMt.iVm. Sir.. Avrxhlre Hull over .' VMold, Woobnot. Isti Hull over I year and under 2. Chr lot pr $10. la Momoriun. At a liu-otlug of Oswogo (irauge, Nti. i. :....:.,:: -- , :--c,i- Iioitl V'Cl. u. IrtM. inn Inllnwinar nnuul 'jgnimKu.a:reuiiunimuuMv aiiintft ai.istcr or tnu univerHo to rcmoro trom miilst our latd imitlicr, atom Carmen i. iMiervvxs, it unuijusttiiatalittU tiim of his inauv virtues Ihi h.-vil- tlmr. Itesolved, Hy Oswego fJrange, NoJj it., mat wuuo we now wnn numiiio a til till) U'ill of tint Mini llluh. u-A iln it mourn for our brother wha hxi becu tV " . ..A liciiiicii, mat iu our oorrow for Utt a faithful and lielmed brother, we find i tion in tlio helinf that it is well with" whom wo luiiiun. t . . . . ... j HiMOiveil, lint ii..- U"artfelt ymj lito grange lie et.mu-.i to hii rel tlu-ir nlllictinii. Iieihilieeil. lliat Iln nlnv.i nr rol.illltiulis tin hiiiva.I iiuon fltii fan L'iMlH''. unit a l'iiiiv IIimii- A tnn-ii.ilHji ri-l.itii'4 of our ili-ii-.iv.l lirnSlinrMimll to tha weekly Oregiin'an, Willamotte 1 and P.u-itic Chiistnui Advr.cata for ptj t;uu. '. ai. i.tmwv, Ho Salca of Th"orougnbroalj ,' Wi-notice that (leu. ,f. F Miller ha bought of S,xe A. Sun, two of their imt ItctkxhiiuiMigi vis "VictoHa," f.'o. 73JJji "Ulack Hawk," No. 7sr,. 'u lxr that1: .. II. Smith of Linn iv-t K- lm "Prince Albeit." No. T!i): iunl uii-nml , nf mil Inn, fllfii.l- nr., I.vl .. . l ,t... 11..- ". - o ' " '..i.t i, mu line i with an eve to i.!i''-ai:ii. Kli.iln Mnli.i K-mi.. of Polk county hwi, tha (short! "Hosj of Sharon, ' bull i-.ilf at ?IW). coiwlJ ei luiaig-iiu at tut:, ins -nro ciityj.OO,! .mm w iu ny , v . -. i,ui;u yi -i r, i jtli : .iwik I in Califun .v a:v r "vc-r,..tai MiimaUnt n-coi.t t.-i.' m tl.at h.ito. Sjixo and his ! i hoi- hum h n 't--j wld many ehort-li'irnv-d citt! '. Sj -' J. jf3 and Cot;vold nh-i-p, n'l fr n j; tu'tyM rnnont. 'l'h-- vj ! e h-.ur I f ni In tMj pla.'vj, mul lliat tlu-v linve nil r -d first') 1.1 tlioir iiiiU-i.li!! Tiu m.i i-il,. l.. a mid illiportliiif hie to k .1 bu i.nc -1 nnd laiiirt and n j.it pr. t.- in r i-!l. - : jq hut i bJi.t liny will nls -ys b vul-inetoi -State. I heir livAd'u.irton In U. a1 j "STT J-nuK'uco, t.iliioriua. AU:o:i A": Fflrahnw. i.i n t . ' t . niinuniiui mui-s-iiiiut.s nato i - r..y i ed n very ohuiej ct. k of iiv ( U, dr jjowld, (.'luthiiiK, U'ot.1 ard ' t, e'e, .1. . & m ... ii .1 .. t lliu ut IH.IUU HI..C-, il.W.ir, It ,- -, itl0 the tliemekutn U ti ', w.'.ire t! v :i'l at price, nuJ oll't-i njocial iwU.c:i ') tj ca cuutimeri. iii--,v ixn.it ni.en' ' k n (I lay. fw tiu-ir aitver.:ioiont. 'ISi-JlAt notice in the way of tsdveitisir vvi!l apf.J next wiek. I Separato t'uprenie Court. Hy recent act of tho lWlaturo the A fill in !;) eloji throe l-iiiirviu-s Judical iiiaH hold two Uiiiis a year, and tho OovM3 J- ISJJJJJJS.' i.Mil apiioint tnr-iJudgVJ to net uiitl .imo. rhuj appointments v.ill bo hi.vIh : uid it is understood that Urn-, Tlvayer wtj wint a tucli JuiliKa c.Vixnatcr Kllv - -- ---.. w iwi'e o: tne i Mm Jiuiic'al Uistr ct umlJ rrun, oi tne unit l .itnvt. tlon. B. F. Ha will urobebly tike .Indue Uolw'j Juujji of the th'rd district. Tlio P.utMKit oil! ' h under