wr i jTj WT.-Y--T V. """'" ' l'rltejVii3MJ!jj .yi f S iW)MSiiiiM..li,y.,,,m!lw(jl,( ,iIM wwtotiCTWttaianKiffifaafelMSIWm If uW IWWWS 8 wriLLAMErrrE farmer. 1 M f 1 f, U' u tSY TELEGHAPH. tt Saginaw, Sept. 21. Sherman City, a wnall villago of Isabella Co., Mich., was anni hilated by a tornado. Every store, dwelling houso and shed in tho villago was swept clean, except ono framo dwelling which was partially destroyed, Tho air was thick with timbers, boards, bricks and stone. Tho inhabitants took rufnt'o in cellars. Now York, Kept. 21. Ono of tho largest dry uoods houses in tho city has be n catun Mvuly robbed through a conspiracy among its employes. Of ono class of article alone, there hive been H.fKlO pieci stolen. 'I ho polico are now arresting the tlikvus, receivers ant! go iiolwr-en. , , .. , Tho U. H. attorney Jim nio-l 0. T II. Arfhcr, for tinny yoar.t transportation aijnit on the Krio railroad, to recover $100,000 back incomu tax on bis taming.) ad agent, from lfe(!2 Cincinnati, Sept. 21. -Carl fc'clitir -will visit Cincinnati Sept. 27th and deliver an addres upon pending financial n mcs. i Chicago, Sept. 21. Tho general outlook jibowH but littlu abatuncnt. Keports forjes ttrdiy snow lit deaths at Vicksburg. Among tho deaths to-day is Wm. A. Fairchild, in stiranco agent and past grand commander of Knights Templar. At Canton there wcro 20 now casts and fi deaths. Thcro is a great snUcnng at (Jrcen villu, thcro being no rail and but littlo river communication, and telegraphic communition is tntircly interrupted. Memphis, Sept. 21. It has been a quiet yet buny Sunday. At tho Howard headquarters thtru havo boon many calls made, principally for female nurses. Thcro havo Ix'tn M dtaths officially rojKirtcd by thu loard of health for Ihu twenty-four hours ending at 0 o'clock to night. Of these 10 wcro colored. Among tho new cases to-day aro Charles is. rimer, cnair man of tho citizens' relief committee; Paul Otey, smgeon general of all the camps that havu been established, and J. A. Thomason, a volunteer physician. Omaha, Sept. 21. -Senator John i Patterson, of South Carolina, accompanied b his wife and tft-osons, Hon. It. MoMuen anil wife, and Hon. Hondorson Moore, of Pennsylvania; Col. T. Mallory, U. S. A., of Washington, and wife, and Mr. A. 0. Morgan onil wife, of Washington, passed through Omaha to-day en toiito for Ban Francisco, hut will stop a day or two at Virginia City, On return they will vixit Denver and then proceed to St. Louis, reaching there Octolier 10th, at which timu and plaeo tho congressional committee on territo rioH, of which Senator Patterson is chairman, will meet for tho purpose of Investigating af fairs in Indian territory and discuss tho ad- . I . . t il ... ! ntt.tn trw fa.it M. mi. iflf visamiiiy oi uiniwwu iv "!" - at least for tho building of railroads touching its Ummlariuri and wanting to extend their ieael.s through it. , Cuii. Crook left for Sidney, Neb., to-day ao eompanicd by Wcbli Hayes, ion of the presi duut. lien. CWik nxiiects that tho Ihojennu Indians, somn 700 or MM), who left their rtser vation in Indian territory a few ihiyH ago, wi I cross tho Union Pacific somewhere near Syd ney, and tho' military command now concen trated at Sydney will endeavor to intercept thein. . . ... Washington, Sept 21. Cohen and his fob loners inadii hoveral attempts this afternoon to create strikes in tho northern part of tho city but tho jKilicu poentod any iliiorder. Ho started on a general tour with a mob of 100 negroes and visited Hill's Bottom; theu pro reeded to Fourteenth street, where a pavement is being laid. Cohen addroiuw d thu men and alsmt 20 of tho hundred employed joined the mob, which next proceeded to Soenth St., tho mob increasing to about KM. At Seventh and M streets, whom fifty men aro laying pave ment, Cohen mado another spotch ami several ol tho workers sell into line. Thus reinforced tho mob went off yelling and hooting vigorous ly until reaching Seventh and V. streets, where tho polico charged them. There was a short atrtigglu but the botons of tho police triumph od and tho mob tied, leaving ono of the r numlier who had struck an officer in tho nanils of the police. Cohen, abandoned by his alien, made for hi headnuartnrs, New Jersey avenue. Additional U. H. troops have arrived, but it is confidently belieed tho police are tsiual to any omergeney. Washington, Sept, 22. -Tho anous journals of this city comment with home seventy upon the action of thu authorities in allowing Cohen to uiriwlo thu streets of tlm city with a mob. Sumo nf thu paHrs this morning intimate that unless tho proper authorities put on end to thtrto proceedings it ill lw necessary for tho eitUms to take tho matter in their own hands. I'nd. Douulnss, marshal of tho district, who ii responsible, for the public property there, last night announced to Cohen's mob that they ioiiMIioM meeting then in progress, but no further asseinblnc'o would Iki pormitttxl in front of tho building wliero they have ken meeting nightly for the xit w eck. ('aim, Sept. 22. -At Hickman, Ky., to-day nine new eacs and four iluiths aro reisirted. Canton, Sept. 22. -Total uvw, 477 toUl ibiatlis to date, 02. Nuw Orleans, Sept. 23.- Howard wwocta tiou wises remitted today, 374. Tho Young Men's Christian Association report 47 new I'AMIS. St. Imii, Sept. 22. An cxtensivo lond mliliery was committed by unknown peraoiM at Kansas City on Friday evening. A man drovo to tho ntheo of tho Jacksou County Horso I tall read at four o'clock on Friday owning. Cilled tho cashier ont to tho sidewalk and had live minutes vonwrution with him reganling tho Iwid eonduet of a conductor on tho com liatiy'H ear. Shortly after tho cashier rttununl ito'tnu ollloo ho duwoieiwl that his safe had Iksii robbed of $1,000 in money and of $21,000 in i utility IkiiiiU and inatttnsl cmijxms, also a life luMimnuo policy Isilougiiig to Thus. Cirri u..u for $,000, and other .iluablo iuhtm. Nuw York, Sept. 23. A Tnbune's Wash iiiutmi siHieial says W.iiiho it has leiigieii out that Senator D.t id IU is is a greeiiKu k man, llutlor while visiting tho west will call on htm and invito him to o.ik m Massachusetts in his boh ilf. It is reported that Coiiklmg is pn'iviring a hard money speech. Washington, Sept. 23. Tho comptroller of tho troasui) li.w compiled dividend rnorts of tho National lUnk fur tho mv months ending March I, 1878, from which it appear that tho banks eh irged "off" losie during that tunc .unoimtiug to 910.tHVI.145. Of this amount l,tU3,7r7 ismslsted of pniiiiums on U S. Wml held for circulation, which depredated in alno below tho cost pneo to the Iwinks. Tho losses charged "off" by tho Natioial lUnks during tho year ending Sept. 1, lb78, wire $19,7 I9,02tl, and for the car ending Sej t. 1,1877, $10,P33,6S7. making a tot.d of more than fSO.MW.OOO 1om charged "off' during tho at two and a half years. The rates of tarniuji of National lUnks to the capital ami urplu for tho ywur ol 1877 was W ir ceut., " and it i ertiuutal that tbo ratio (or the year 1878 will not fj greater than for tho preceding year. Buffalo, Sept. 23. U. S. Commissioner Hal let gao a decision to-day in tho case of Henry A. I'arr, arrested somo time ago on a caargo of being engaged with others in tho capture of tho steamer Chesapeake in tho name of tho con federate government. Tho commissioner order oil tho dischargo of Parr, on tho ground that lijtatiouas covered by tho general amnesty procUmatiou of Dec. C.", 1W8. Cleveland. O , Sept. 23. President Hacs, hit wife ami their thrto sons and fSen. nnd Mm. Platl it-mod at Cleveland from the m ojt this norning, nnd wcro met at tho depot by about BOO Clovulaml ladies nnd gentb nun. Thu jimty left at 12 o'clock for Pittsburg. Pittsburg, fk-pt. 23. President Hays and pirly arrived hero this afternoon at 5 o'clock. On arrhal a salute was fired in honor of tho ihMiiiguishcd giieit, who wan escorted to the Monozignhola Houso by tho Grand Army of the lti public and a detachment of polico. The city is g lily ilecoratcd and a'ast throngs of peo ple crowd tho streets along which tho president pasjed. On nrning at the hotel President Hayes was welcomed to tho city by John If. Hampton, who mado a brief ajK-ech. New York, Sept. 23. An estimate of looses to tho revenue on sugars for tho past two yeais will be sent to Congressman Wood's committee to-day. The figuros, which are haid to havo been prepared by a careful statistician, show the loss to thu government last J ear to havo been over $2,.V)0,000. Nashville, Sept. 23. Dr. Thomas O Sum mers, who returned to-night from Memphis, says that tho fuvor is leaving tho city nnd spreading out into tho country. A siecial to tho American from Athena, Ala., sas: I -ait night at 11 o'clock a crowd of men --from 73 to 100 -rodo into town and, forcing tho jailer to deliver tho kcyw of tho jail, took therefrom Daniel Mcllride, a negro who mur dered a white man near Athens on thu night of tho 7th, and hung him to a tree on tho spot whero tho murder was committed. No fears of lynching had boon entertained by tho au thorities and tho matter was conducted so (piietly that but few citizens knew' hu had been removed from tho jail till this morning. FOREIGN. Iindon, Sept. 22. A Coniitantinoplo din iKitch says tho envoy who recently arrived from the ameer of Afghanistan is endeavoring to induce the porta to conclude an alliance with UiiNsia. There has been n new outbreak of fever among tho troopi in Cyprus. Twenty-ono deaths have occurred sinco occupation begun. Four hundred men are now sick out of a total of 2,022 Constantinople, Sept. 21. A Circassion slato recently took nfngn in tho Hritish con wtilatu. Thu consul ordered her retention and reipiested Minister I.iard to rc,o tho porto to prohibit sales of slaesin Turkey. Paris, Sept. 21. Marshal and Madame Mat' Mahou, sent ("no thousand fn-ncit to U. S. Minister Noyes to-day for yellow fuver suffer ers. Paris, Sept. 22. Tho Hopubliiitio Krancaise, in an article on tho nnsuttled state of Huropo, advises Franco not to enter into any engage ment. It says that the perilous times aro not yet over, and still less tho era of alluring offers. Tho article is regarded as a reply to a revived rumor that Kngland recommended Franco to take possession of Tunis. Ixmdou, Sept. 22. Tho Tcsthcr Lloyd an nounces that the Austrian havo occupied Ujetina, 2A miles north of Woemik, Paris, Sept. 22. This day being tho anni versary of tho proclamation of tho republic, Itaniiuets in celebration of tho event were held in llonleaux, Marseilles, Cetto, Montpolicr, Nantes, Lyons and other cities. Louis lllano and Al frid Naunuot, radical members of tho chamlier of deputies, mado speeches on tho oc casion, tho former hero and tho latter at Mar seilles. Ikith set forth as tho programme of thu radical arty tho snppression of tho office of president of tho republic, tho abolition of tho senate and discontinuance of tho budget for imblio worship. Wane severely criticized thu half-hearted policy of Oambctta. Newspaper announco that in conseqtiiuco of new attempts to hold a socialist congress, legal prosecutions nru impending, and scleral foreign internationalists will lx) cpcllod from France. Ismdoti, Sept. 23. A Vienna dispatch says: Private advices state that (ieu. Smj ary has foiicht a serious encnuomiMit near Tiozia, w Inch it is hoped w ill result in tho complete uxpuiKion oi (no lusurgenis irum uuii.iiu.ibi ltosuia, Paris, Sept. 23. A dispatch says M. (lam betta's ss)ech at Kouen as published in the Itcptibliutiu Francaiso is considerably toned down, It is aaiit this was ilono in consoouenco of President MaoMahon having threatened to resign. lAindon, Sept. 23. A special from Calcutta savs tho main body of tho mission to Cabul had proceeded as far as Tamrood. Its return thence was teiegrapntcauy onieroii ny cne viceroy. The mission will bo now withdrawn. It is fully recognized that tho ameer of Afghanistan is merely tho puppet of Russia. Tho nuostion will consequently cease to bti treated from an Indian standpoint, and becomes a ery serious problem of Ivtiglislt politics. (,'alcutta, Sept. 2:1. An officer of tho ameer of Aghanistan at Alimusjid refused to allow the ltritish mission to Cabul to go through the Khy her pass, and crowned tho heights which commaitited thu pass with hi followers after a threo hour's interview with tho officer, in which ho warned him that his act would bo regarded as tho' act of tho ameer himself. Major Caagturi, commanding advanced escort of tho mission, ivtumed to Jamrwd nnd tho minion has withdrawn to Pcshaw.iun, Trjl rKI78. The Marketi. TiimsnAY, Sept. 27. Wheat is continually dropping in price at Liverpool and has declined sinco last week, a further decline of Gd pr quarter being recorded Wednesday, that being private dispatches, and later than tho telegraphic news wc publish. Tina dcclino was on cargoes ready for ship rtut, which directly affects ue. The hoiro quotation.! remain tiuchatigod, owing to tho fact that vesaclj capable of carrying nearly 40,0rO tona are in the river at Portland nnd must l.avo cargoes, no aro compelled to bid it . The figures i eniain !jl CO p'r cental, tacked, at Portland, 75 cents per bushel at Salem. Oats aro US to 371 per bushel at Salem, tho latter pnea when local markets need supply, but a great quantitj is hero in Btore, waiting demand for shipment. Tho local markets aro without much chance, and thu quotations aro as follows: Jluttcr, lor fresh rolls, 'Si&lSOa per lb; 1'ggs, 23c per doz; Potatoes, 02lc jsir bush; Apples, 25c per bushel ami over supply in market. San Francisco, Sept. 21. Wheat. Valley, Oregon, extra choice and very white; salon mado to-day at -SI 724, but this must not bo taken as tho truo market price as it was want ed for a particular purpose, and it ia very doubtful tltat thu salo could bo duplicated to day. ?l C2J is offcrod for some Valla Walla ex Klder, California shipping, choice to oxtra choice 100 tons sold to-day at $1 07J, on ex treme not to 10 taken as tho true market price. Sales of fair to good at $1 C2J on wharf. Market qutot with pneca against sellers. JJarlcy uiet. Oats. -Tho demand is for choice; inferior dull and sold at SI 15. Liverpool, Sept. 16. 3 p.m. Wheat market on spot, quiet but steady at the following quo tations: I air to choice snipping California, per cental, 0sl0d10s 2d; fair to choico shipping club tier cental 10s 2dSU0 5d; red Am. spring, No. 2 to No. 1 9s 4d9s lOd. NKwncur, Cn.irMAX & Co. Look in onr advertising columns for tho fall advertisement of this cnteqirislng firm, who havo already a largo trado and propose to enlarge it by liberal advertising and prompt attention to business, besides which they keep goods on hand, in their lino, calculated to suit tho wants of Or egon farmers. Announcement for the Fall Trade FR03I S. FRIEDMAN. All persons aro invited to como and see what elegant DUKS3 GOODS I sell for ono bit a yard, Como and sco my 20-cent DRESS GOODS, my bit a yard WORSTED CHECKS, andrayfino 8-1 BLACK CASIMKRKS for ladles, my FANCY FIGURED GOODS at ono bit a yard in assorted colors; my 32 SO BLACK BEAVER, my 10-cnt LINSEY my beautiful assortment of SHAWLS; tho cheapest laditV and gents' UNDERWEAR ever brought to Salem; my fino lino of HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. Como see my fine SASH RIBBON8, 37i contsayardjmy OROS GRAIN RIBBONS at from 5 ccnte to W ccnte a yard. EMBROIDERIES, all' hand-made, from 5 cents a yard up. In LACES I have a fine as sortment. It will pay you to fcuy HANDKKR- OHIBHrl ami TOWKLH of m by tho deion. In TABLE LINENS I defy competition. I havo OIL CLOTH8 and CARPETS; como look at my fino TWO-PLY CARPETS at $1 a yard, my oxtra BRUSSELS CARPETS at 91 a yard. I havo a fino lot of ladio's CLOAKS, cheap; also VELVETS and VELVET1NES and all sorts of TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS. A good hno of KID GLOVES, and BERLIN OLOVIS. Get your WOOLEN YARNS and KNITTING COTTON of me. Mine is tho cheapest place to buy, KNICKKNACKS, LACKS nnd EDGINGS, JACONLTS, SWISS MUSLINS and IRISH LINENS and CRASH VS. Buy your EAO LB PINS of FRIEDMAN. All you smokers, if jou want good TOBACCO, CIGARS or PIPES, go to FRIEDMAN'S. Gentlemen, your hcad-cou'ring'must como from FRIEDMAN'S, for ho has tho Wat stock of hats in tho city; your understanding should 1 got of him for his stock has all, from fino OPERA BOOTS to a pair of BABY SHOES. I hao now a stock of CLOTHING ior large pontons as well as small, in CASIMERE, DIAGONALS or CHINCHILLA. It pays you to buy all kinds of SHIRTS of FRIEDMAN, for I havo FINE WHITE SHIRTS at from CO cents to 2 25 apiece, and an excellent assortment of casimcre shirts. I wish to close out a lot of WINDOW CUR TAINS, TASSELS and CORD very cheap. It will pay you to come prepared to buy, as I am a poor broVkeepir, and it is cash 1 want for my goods. S. FRIEDMAN. Sak-m, Sept. 20, 1878. CALIFORNIA. Sm Francisco, Sept, 21 Four Chinese hao Mted Shi riff Nunaii for $10,000 damage each m tho I'. S. district court for tho lot of their cues in the county jail, and fifteen other suits of tho same kind were instituted two mouths ai;o, in winch on demurrer Judgo Sawyer decided that tho Sheriff had no power to ait iw cuo aabitrator. Arrgument on plaintiff's dcnuirnr to defendants ait swer comes up on tho first Monday in Oc tober. Judge Wheeler yesterday granted a temporary injunction prohibitiug any cue cutting in tho jail, which will bo argued uext Friday. San Francisco, Sept. 23. Tho Odd rellows Batik of this city has nolred to wind up buai ness, and has mado an assignment. Tho assets of the bank, it is bdkrod, will aecure and pay all depositors, and tbe stockholders ar re sponsible and abb. DITSON .ft GO'S Musical Record. A NEW MUSICAL WEEKLY PAPER, tlio tint number toaHar S-i ptemWr 7. hllttumUr the uMo .tutorial numsvroent of Mr. 1VAI. II. IIUIIKK. anil lll h a tru raiulcul .tiri papir, its hviucnt smwarjuiois eiuWinjc ittoirlie in utMi nc inmiMi raru ei me ruunir wnmt MorlJ, ith rriH'iU o( tVii w iitlon., Mu.lc-N-hooU. Fw lltsU e . anl with hrUht, ilcar, Intcrmtluff artlcln en all ulJU (vrUlnln to uimloal )rog-rvtt, Dllson Co's Musical Record ill lw n tniurtUl pr. Th firm puMUh tor all com ixir, wiJ Ivno ito molii t foroneat the ri n( annth.T. All nwiilo inn lif r. ami mutk-al amatrur are iniltnl to 'ipiort thl. wh!.h l In a ocll .-ne, Mlr iviT, aiit to iK-ua on au inurwuiv iienu o uminuauuii In tlu-ir riKixitliD dutriit. fulMTipUonprlcw.K.Krjwr, lnailano. No v lln. rnmlunu lor Hits ol uhribr. Mow Uun Three HunJrrJ l"acrt ol Musio (r ear tin. W ill sxirons iilh juinrs havinir rUl rauicl iW urtranta. hpcUncn eop! xn tit on application, huWribo now aaJ gt to itre numtxra. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C.H WtosaAO., J. K.MlMia . MSBroadnsr.M.Y. CbeMltH.,rkUa Agricultural IiUPIiEMENT HOUSE. IHPO mt RTAIT I FMH ! WHITEWATER FARM WAGONS, (GOVIUINMENT STANDARD,) Embracing many new and valuable Improvements nover before seen on the Pacific Coast. Tkey are fully warranted. Examine, and be convinced, The Whitewater 3-spring Express and Platform JERSEY AND COIN CORD BUGGIES, All first cIubs, and nt reasonable prices. "Wo also havo th. mKPsri.-xxi.G ,w,e?oix-C3fr-uLica.o That can bo uned on Wngons, Reaper, Threshers, Seeders, and all farm ma chinery THE FARMER'S FRIEND, and tho friend of his team, us it relieves tho tonguo of all strain, making tho wagon pull by tho axles, and invaluablo to all teamsters. cF'W s -. Tho Morrison Bros.' Walking Plows, wood and steel beams, and their Bessemer-steel beam Sulky Flows. These Steol-boam rlows aro ono third lighter than any in use, and aro easily adjusted und operated. Tho BEST PLOWS IN AMERICA, and an entirely now thing on this const. The Esterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, F2io Boat or itai GXm.mmf Something entirely now in Oregon: absolutely force-feed; no changeable gear ing; substantial anu uesiruuie. took premium at tno contcnmai. CHAMPION RAILROAD AND GARDEN BARROWS; Unliko anything over scon in this market, and fur superior. A Fall Lino or STEKb CiOODS, embracing Railroad and Mining Shovels and Picks, AND ALL OTUKH KAIISTAND OAItDKN TOOIA Centennial JQiissy Tops; A ow aii J dontniMo artlol, which can bo put on any wgon. BELLE OJP THE WEST STXlliy and. Potato-Digger: A flrrtcUrt, wTOUjbt-troo Sulky, to wbtch ran Us attached a l'oUlOKlJcr, btock-rakc, or Ilo. A full line of Wood-handles. Kit' DciWrs iKLrlnu Joblwrs' price lll iam tMn NP3WBURY, CHAPMAN. & CO., OfllcCH. UGI &. U63 Front Nt., PORTLAND; Opera HoUNe Bl'k, 8AIBM . McCULLY. A. N. OILBKRT. MeCTTLL? & GILBERT, WkeleMU m Betmll Commercial Street, Mackerel, Cod Fish, Whlto Fish, Salmon, Liobstcrs, Oystera, Sardines, Hoop row Balo Lard, Hams, Salem, Oregon, ?r"P Tobacco, Cigars, Moccaronl, Vermicelli, Pearl Barley, Tapioca, Sago. Tea, Coffee, Rice. Sueur. NuIIh. Salt, Tablo Cutlory, Flour, Woodonwaro, Bacon, Gliiadwarc, We call particular attention to our direct importation of jntg-7t "yorlatL Stone-'ware, TBS BBST IS TUK WORLD I Also our N. Y. SYRUP, direct from tho factory, and suporior to anything ever introduced in tho markot, aud our !? TEA nono better. fST PMtlcnUr Inducement Riven parties parcbatlojr tbere soodi by the picktgc or t reUll. eiu E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., Whole.ale and Uetall Dealer la Coach, Carriage, and Wagon Material. HAEDWOOD LUMBEE, SARVEN WHEELS, ETC., Cor. Main and First StH., Portland, Oregon. N. B. -lUrinz utrtmi m) connection with tho late nrtn ol Noitiirit & TilOMrio.v, orden thouM Ut aidrsM! as abOTO. (elSinS) K J, NOlfTUHiri'. PAINTIWG. J. M. FOR8YTHE. 8TAT 8TRKBT, OrrOSlTK HACK A DHAY ()o. HUM. HiUM, OH. fW Vtm-lm work oe, oh akort BottM. Mayll-tX mimrm v--- r w"mr. Poiaoa Wl ana ireanifacneapr.n iu v' fiinnnr either l!yrrvMaBlltr mi aal". I'0.0! J? MtuUlist by IrtenH.D.IMo mannfMtureri oflntrlMlnj ivhlDe, tho pnrchaKT l Mable. It coU no uwro for n Eood nrv tho n Infrrlnr or wortble, one. AiPrJSr P l K. UKUEHU'K A CO. AlOany.N. V PIONEER OIL MILLS. G. W. GRAY Ss CO. H AVISO PimCHASKI) TUB ABOVE NAMRD Mlllr, will eoollnua the mancfactaie or rUw ana llolUJ l.lDfed Oil, Tow ana Meal. All oil warranted trlelly pur. HaliM, OrKon. AC. I". 1S73. mS TAKE Buuoowy rac4M U k . vorU. II aonuiaia1MK r rp.r, It bmtom. om rfw. , vtth lcat c. U4 ijfcAM' ruhUnutU Vebt IVrt, rta 4x4 I JVotU. rsh4Jr. 0I4m . iu a tUe or rcutl lrf. iVniipua aipi pcac vita icat ci tten auuopi. IW k.a ta.ua toa acri4 lUl' rawiaamu. inwf IT W1H BUTa MIBalB MflBHBMaMal M Ajn" 4.BRIM AOOVta4wajiNVoMi aaroLTsa MTOLvnnn1 AMna J. aowa a m, ua a m mm av, rtthkwia, r. C A. RD. NoUry rnblic T. IT. Oox. REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Ifoans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Buy and Stl Cold and Silver, State, County. M Cl'j Warrants. AajaaMB K ataaAhi Opera Uooae. pr Oata, t taa rar of Iteed'i Opera Hooro MAIMM. OH. 33rt BOOTHBY & STAPLETON, CONTRACTORS. Al) Manufacturers and Dealer in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. Alto make a tpetlalty or I1EST IMPORTED PINE DOORS. W. F. BOOTH II Y, Architect. All Order from tbo Country promptly filled. OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, Corn or Front and State Street, IAIIK, OaUBOOXT. aprtu tl Ertray Notice. ONE ORSY MARS SUTKEN AND ON -HALF hind hlh. 11 T'ar old, hair dollar ob) in rhjht tbooKler, placed tbera to cure t weeny; left tfca RremWea of the nndrtined, two mile from ta alem ferry, In Polk conoty, oa the let day of Jury, 18TO. and ha not been heard of tinea. A liberal re ward will bo Itb for her return, or any In format loa ref.rdln(kerwberebmu. JANIBaVKKT. Bauua, Aaf . !, 1VT8.-U U) i Aa y 5 a 6. fet? M J',l ., Tl u .ik,i jr.sk !'t 'l& V ,M(uWJRBiaJ1 'ii lltifctoi 2-,"h Jk vk-?'fe4i , t&ZiSBBEr 'muffim-