Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 27, 1878, Page 7, Image 7

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    - - AS Hi
Tlf HHB Circle.
Conducted by Mm. II asm or T. Cumb.
Vho knows whstlifoig o'er tho silent river,
What fcrtilo brain can gucsa of tho beyond;
Aro pains and heart aches known no more for
ever, Doca sympathetic soul to eoul respond ?
Doflowera bloom beyond tho silent river,
tThoir fragrance fill tho air with sweet per
fumoj Aro loving friouds united there forovcr,
Aro thero no broken tics beyond thotombT
Aro hiUtons green beyond tho Bilent river,
Do cooling shadows rust beneath tho trees;
Aro clouds and darkness banished thero for
ever, And tempest changed to gentlo and fanning
Aro there no tears beyond tho silent river.
Will only gladness from their fountains flow T
When we havo crossed life's path to tread for
ever, That now wo hope we then perhaps shall
ficribner'a Monthly comes as regular
ly bh tho months go by, and this Sep
tember number opens with an engrav
ing, a copy from Chuso's painting,
" Ready for n ttlde." " Hunting tho
Mulo Deor In Colorado" In flnoly Illus
trated; tho pictures and matter aro
both exceedingly natural and life-like,
ns well as possessing practical interest.
"To tho South for Diamonds," and
"Glimpses of Farm Life," uro well
written. 'The Manufacture of Thread'
Is of great value. " Itoxy " is still on
hand, and keeps up in Interest. " Top
ics of tho Tlmo " are discussed as usual
by Holland; subscribe, and seo what
they are. Hrlc-a-IJrnc has tho usual
amount of humor and humorous Illus
trations. St. Nicholas for Sept. is on hand, and
lhjghly appreciated by tho young
folks and tho old folks always read it
too. Wo do not sco how it is poislblo
to get up so many illustrations and so
much interesting reading for ho small
a sum. The 'csi writers of tho day aro
summoned to glvo Interest to Its pages.
" Under tho Lilacs," by Miss Alcott, Is
still on hand, nlso " D.ib Kinzor."
"Mackerel Fishing" and " HowIJIrds
'Fly" contain useful Information.
There aro plenty of stories, too.
Music Sherman A Ilydo have sont
us a sheet of music, " When Twilight
Sort is Falling," a song that Is quite
desirable. Tho words and music aro
.full of scntlmunl and pathos.
A Now Disinfectant.
Ithasromaluod for Thomas Taylor,
mlcroscoplHt of tho United State Ag
ricultural Iitiroau, to call attention to
gasoline an a dlhlntVctiitit, which is re
markably efTectivoand cheap. Applied
to germs' of fungi, or other crypto
gamio plants thoso.iwhlch aro llowor
less, or thoso which do not fructify by
tho means usual toothors ho llnds
gasollno works instaia destruction, but
that it does not deodorize gases. It Is
a solvent of fats, and theroforo destroys
animal germs and fatty degeneration,
and honco Is oxcellont for cesspools and
kitchen fiowors. A single drop kills
any insect, and oven its vapors aro do
structlvo in offect upon thn lower forms
of animal life. In its use no artificial
light must bo brought near it, as it is
dungerously explosive. lly tho use of
gasoline rami matter supiwsed to bo In
fected may bo disinfected by Immersion
or sponging of tho surfaces. It pene
trates with lightning rapidity nil por
ous substances, such as leather, gloves'
bank notes, ribbons, dress goods, silk'
cotton and linen, evaporating In a fow
minutes without Injury to tho goods.
It will bo thus seen that gasollno is n
useful, cheap and effective disinfectant
In many cases.
Mullen ai a Care for Consumption.
A correspondent writes as follows
nbout tho llowerofuwoll-known plant:
"I havo discovered a remedy for con
sumption. It hui cured a number of
cases after they had commenced bleed
ing at tho lungs and tho hectic Hush
was alroady on tho chcok. Aftor try
ing this remedy to my own satisfaction
I havo thought philanthropy required
that 1 should lot it bo known to tho
world. It Is common mullen steeped
strongly and sweetened with cotruo
sugar, and drank freely. Young or
old plants aro good, drb'U in tho shndo
and kept in clean bags. Tho medicine
must Imj coutinued from 3 to 0 months,
according to the nature of tho diao.ise.
It Is very good for the blood vessels
also it strengthens and builds up the
system instead of taking away tho
strength. It makes good blood and
takes Inflammation away from tho
lungs. It is tho wish of tho writer
that every periodical In tho United
States. G'Huada and Europa should
publish this recipe for tho benefit of
the human family. Lay this up and
keep It in tho house ready for use.
Diet. Pimples on tho face gener
ally Indicate some defect of nutrition
or some error In food. Many person,
on the adoption of a wlso and reason
able diet, become for tho first tlmo free
from pimples; therefore, Instead of
doctoring with medicine, you should
look well to your habit of life, Improve
your digestion, wisely regulate tho
diet, and keep the hkln actlvo by
proper bathing and much life cut of
Most people take for granted that
they, at least, "know how to feed
chickens," and almost everybody has a
different way of doing It. My father
used to Bay, "A boy who cats well will
work well." and fowls must be taught
to eat well not bo over-fed, however,
or emmmed, but provided with a vari
ety of food to such an oxtent as to cre
ate an appetite for something continu
ally. A laying hen is a perfect mill,
and, while her usefulness lasts, should
always bo kept grinding. I do not
mean by that to keep a box of food be
fore her continually, for what boy
would caro very much for pumpklu
pic if n hugo pio was kept at his sldo
continually? Tho point to be gained
is to keGt) thn fltU't Pntlltp. nnrt lrnnn
her hungry, too; honco the necessity
oi variety, juci corn, oats, cracked
corn, wheat screenings, meal pudding,
rvo. soaked criinknrn. hncttvhniit nin
follow each other in succession, and,
ior siuo uisnes ana uesscrt, supply
chopped bones (If directly from the
liutehor. with finmo mnnf. nn tlinm en
much tho bettor), and, if confined,
plonty of green food; if near tho water.
puuuuuu aiiLMi-iiaii isneus anu an; ami
crabs chopped fine. By so doing, your
fowls aro not required to cat tho same
thing moro than twice each weok,and
tho result Is, they always have good
appotltos, thrlvo well, and tho grand
result is at onco achieved plonty of
eggs and healthy fowls. Cor. Country
Alien was driven from tho nest,
where sho was Bitting, by tho myriads
of llco on her. We found her drooping
and weak, and rubbed powdered sul
phur all through her feathers, and
shut her up in a coop with thrco Inches
of dry ashes over tho bottom. Wo
hnvo slnco been told that a little koro
sono oil poured on tho roosts, and in
tho nests, will clear llco away; a Uttlo
put on tho body would do no harm,
and would, undoubtedly, clear out tho
Tomato Sauck. Paro and slico ono
peck of rlpo tomatoes, and ono quart of
onlous. Sprlnklo with teacupful of
salt, and let them stand two hours;
then drain; uoxt, add ono half ounce
of black, ground uoppor; ono fourth
pound of whole, whlto mustard Koed;
ono largo fcpoonful of ground clovos;
ono teacupful of brown sugar, and one
quart of vinegar. Holl all together,
fur three Iioiim. To bo oaten with
moat, like catsup. Omit onions if not
Fuir.t) CuctJMiiKits Having pared
thooucumborrt, lay thorn In very cold
water for half an hour. Cut them In
bllces. about in thick as a dollar,
lungthwlse. Dry them in a cloth.
Season with pepper and salt. Melt
some butter iu i frying pan und when
it bolls, put in tho slices of cucumber
and fry them to a light brown. Send
It to tablo very hot.
Caro Fcr Asthma.
I havo been fortunate In finding a
remedy for tho terrible affliction from
which I have boon a sufferer for fifteen
years (asthma), and hiuco last Ootober
navo neon nolo to do as much work as
I could twenty years ago. Will send
you tho recipe which I hopo you will
give u placo in your paper, that as
many as possiblo who uro Ktifforlug
from tho a 111 I tlon of which it is reliov
ed may have tho beuelit without delay
or cost. Tliorn nro a fow who havo
Buffered moro from this terrible discaso
than I havo. Havo tried tho best
physicians without relief, and all tho
would-be cures woro total failures.
This rccipo was sent mo by a irlond.
I tried it ua I had hundreds of othors.
I still feel threatened at times: but ono
dose, or at.most two or thrco, is a per
fect relief: 2 ounces lodido of potassi
um, dissolved in ono quart of wator.
Tako ono tablespoonful three times a
day. It takes hot water to dissolvo it.
After using, ac:ording to direction, for
a a short time, I only uso it when I
feol a return of tho disease. Ptuirie
To Detkrmink tuk Weight ok
Livk CATTiiK. Mea-uiro in inchos tho
girth around tho breast Just behind tho
shoulder blado, and tho length of tho
back from tho tall to tho forepart of tho
shoulder blado. Multiply tho longth
of tho girth (in inches), divide by Ml.
If tho girth is less than throe foot inul
ply tho quotient by 11; if between
three and flvo foot multiply tho quoti
ent by 27; If between 5 and 7 foot mul
tiply by 2-'l: if between 7 and o feet,
multiply by 31. If the animal is
lean deduct ono-twentieth of tliu
result. Another rulo is, tako tho girth
and longth in feet and multiply tho
product by 330, and tho result will bo
tho answer in pounds. Drovers Jour
Tho United States has carried off
night awards out of twelvo for tho best
agricultural implements on exhibition
at the exposition in Paris, viz: Mc
Oormlck's reaper and binder, Wood's
reaper and binder, Osborno's reaper
and binder, Johnson's harvoster, Whit
ley's champion mower and reaper,
Dod rick's hay pres3, Chicago hay press,
and Deoro's gang plow. England took
ono in this dopartmont, and Franco
Kansas claims to bo the banner Stato
for grain this year, good Judges esti
mating that it will send fully K,0C0l(H)0
bushels to market, or atout fifty per
cent, above tho (urgent y id I heretofore
In any ono State, California havlr g had
tho honor so far, with a crop of L'0,000,
000 bushels.
A Map 1,700 Ykaiw Old. Harper's Weekly
has dono a good thing in republishing Pto
lemy's May of tho World, from tho copy print
ed at Rome iu 1B07, and now in poMcssion of
tho American Geographical Society. Kvery
one interested in tho subject may now convince
himself that tho knowledge of the ancionU was
astonishingly exact, so far as it extended.
Especially iu regard to tho Nile, it might readi
ly havo been assumed that if tho Kgytians suc
ceeded iu circumnavigating Africa, they must
atso navo dccii auie to trace tiio course ot tno
ono river which makes Egypt habitable. Tho
map of Itolemy indicates both tho lakes dis
covered by Sjicko and Halter, and the snowy
mountains of Kilimandjaro and Kcnia, from
wincn uio victoria Ayoiua is foil. Kven be
fore tho lakes had been rediscovered, Dr.
Knoblochcr, ouo of tho firot Eurojoaii3 who
ascenueu mo vtnito rmo, taut to a correspond
cnt of tho Tribune, iu Khartoum, in 1862
correctly laid down; but there is no indication
of tho Congo. Tho may covers that part of tho
earth's surface between Ireland and Slam iu
longitude, and from lat. 10 S. to tho Shetland
Islands. It is an exceedingly interesting con
tribution to general knowledge, and should bo
cut out and preserved by all who study the
growth of man iu his relation to tho earth.
How TO Mmrr A Dofl. A runtlem.-m rives
tho following advico iu relations to dogs!
"If Bays he, "you enter a lot where there is a
vicious dog, bo careful to remove your lint or
cap, and as tho animal approaches you hold tho
samo down by your side between yourself and
tho dog. When you havo dono this you have
secured perfect immunity from attack. Tho
dog will not blto'you if this advico is followed.
Such is my faitli in this policy that I will pay
all doctor bill- from dog bite, and funeral ex
penses ior ueatus irom hydrophobia."
The Reformed Episcopal Church now lixs 97
ministers, including 0 Bishops, who all havo
pastoral charges. Of tho U7 ministers 04 aro
are iu tho United States, 14 in Canada, and lit
in England, where the church is increasing
more rapidly at present tliau it is in tho United
Tho Rev. William ImjHiy, who has been for
forty years a Wcalcyan missionary in Africa,
has rcsigued his josition as preacher to avoid
expulsion for rejecting tho doctrino of tho end
less suffering of tho wicked. Ho is to continuo
his work with tho help of persons sympathizing
with him.
A writer from Itiver Landing. Louiaioin,
says it is wrong to suppoio that tho negro ro
inalu.1 iu ignorance, for three-fourths of tho
negroes havo learned to read and writo bIiico
tho war, whilo tho white boys mainly havo n
pistol and a package of tobacco.
When a foreigner finds that plaguo is a
word of ono syllable, and aguo a pa'rt of tho
plague, hi a word of two. ho wishej that tho
phiuo might take one-half the Kngli h Ian
guago and tbo ague the other.
Mm. Clam H. Folk, of San Joso, li.-u been
admitted to the ILir. Sho ia the tint woman
in California who has become u lawyer under
tin Ast of tha last Legislature authoriting
huch adinijdiuuu.
An inebriated man walking along tliu street,
regarded tho moon with great contempt.
"You need'ut bo bo proud, old fellow," ho
said: "you're full only onco a mouth, while 1
am fulltwry niht."
There ia this dilforcnco between n man going
away en the cars n and pugilist preparing for a
fi.'tht: , pu. vr.iiU for tho train, and the other
trii'f" fo ti.' wuiht..
A Paris paper baa found a man who
by "thrift" ha becomo a millionaire. Wo
don't bolievo it. That's not tho way the
word is spelt.
Tho Dovotod Mothors
Nuny a poor mother In a humble cot,
without money or position, has struggled
hard to feed and clothe her Uttlo ones
to train them to be an honor to their
country and a blessing to tho world.
Most of our useful and promlnout men
como from inioli honioc. Our church
yards uro full of sleeping mothers, whnse
hauils aro folded over their breasts. No
worldly ovo over Baw tho record of their
lives; only (Jod and the angles. No tall
monuments and high Hounding epitaphs
mark their resting places. What a ro
spouslblllty rests oh tho mothers of this
country? Life Is too short to bo spent In
uccumulatlng tho things of this world
that miiHt perish. The children do not
stay with us to waste, our hours in the
pursuit of fuHhlon andgaycty. Whatwu
sow now wo shall reap hereafter. God
gives to all mothers grace and strength
to fulfil their duties aright, that their in
fluence may bo felt from generation to
A Sncolnot Aooouat of tho Sob.
Professor Rudolph, In nltangthy paper
on tho nun, Hays: It Is a molten whltn
hot mass, equalling In bulk 1,200,000
worlds like onr own. having a surround
ing ocean of gus on lire 00.01K) miles deep
tongues of llamo darting upward mora
than r0 000 miles, volcanic forces that
hurl Into tliosolur atmosphere luminous
mutter to tho helghth of 1 60.000 niilen,
drawing to ItHolf all tho worlds belong
ing to our family of planets. mi1 holding
them all in their proper places; attract
ing with such superior forco tho millions
ofttolul Htray masses-Mint are watiduring
In the fathomless abyss that they rush
helplessly toward him: and fall Into his
(lory embrace, And thus ho continues
his sublimit and restless march through
his mighty orbit, havlug a period of
more than 18,000,000 vcars.
Dr. Chapmau's dissection of tho
African gorilla, Pongo, as far as it has
proceeded, Is said to bo utrongly cor
roborative of tho Darwinian theory,
lie finds all tho muscles and tlsmus of
tho unit to bo exactly similar to thoso
of the human being, while other por
tions of its anatomy present equal
evldonco for tho bellof that man and
tho anthropoid apes have u common
There was a time In this country
when tho iran who was sunatruck
would strike back, but Americans are
losing their tasto for vmr.JMroU
Free Prau.
Kerosene is said to bo a sure euro for
a rattlesnaVo'a bite, for tunu or beast,
by using It freely iu rubbing tho parts
"All our explorations in Africa simmy provo
tho truth of rtolemy'B geography." Tho river
Nicer is also riven, although its couro is in
CrlLDrEfVs CoioJflN,
"A hungry fox in quest of prey,
Into an outhouso found his way;
When, looking up with skillfull search,
Ho spied a hcu upon tho porch.
"Thought Keyuard, 'what's tho reason why
Thoy place her on a jwrch so high ?
1 know not what tho uio can be,
Unless it's out of enito tojno.'
"Ah thus he thought, the lien awoke,
And thus to her sly roynard spoke:
'Dear Madam, I'm concerned to heiu-
l ou vu been unwell for half a year;
I could not quell my strong desire
After your welfare to iuiiutrc;
ltut pray como down and take tho nit'.
You'll uo'et gut well while sitting there.
I'm sure it will not hurt your cough;
Do give inc leave to help you oQ'.'
" 'I thank you sir,' tho hcu replied,
'I'd rather on my roost abide.
'Tis truo enough I've been unwell,
And am so now, tho truth to tell;
And am bo nervous, you must know,
I dare not trust myself below,
And, therefore, say to those who call
I see no company at all;
For, from my perch hIiouKI I deccud,
I'm certain in my death 'twould end;
And then I know, without presumption,
My cough would end in a consumption. '"
Tims cunning people often find
Their crafty overtures declined
lly prudent people, whom they tho.ight
For want of wit would soon lo caught.
How tho Nest was Hade.
Gcorgo camo running in ono day In
great excltemont. "1 say mother!
i-omo tramp or somebody's been and
stole my Jacket."
Where was it?"
"Right on tho peg in the wash-room,
where I always put it; and I guess tho
fellow took Ella's hat, too. Hho says
sho can't find It anywhere. I only wish
I had a ptstol. I'd give tho fellow pep
per to I would I"
'Don't bo In such a hurry. Gcorgo.
Perhaps it has fallen down behind tho
ice-chest. Lot's go and look."
"It's no use, mother. I know somo
fellow's taken It, and I am going to
wa eh for him to-night. 1 guess ho'll
como back for tho rest of tho things. 1
only wish I had i sword, era rille, or
"Look here, Gcorgo! l'vo found tho
thief a two-logged one, too!"
" Where, mother?"
"Why, right in tho keg! Just look
iu." And there, suro enough, was tho
pretty little thiol'.
"Why, motherl Nell's been making
her nest with my Jacket. Heo tho
sleovo sticking out under her wing!
And thure'a lotHof things besides."
"Now, George, you've caught tho
thief, Tho next thing Is too get your
pistol and Hhoot bur, as you promised
to do. you know."
"Shoot Nelll I guess not not If sho
was to tako forty Jackets! I shall Just
love Nell better than over."
Rut still they wanted their things.
Bo their mother gently took tho little
hen out mul tho eggs, anil tliu elilhlrou
mado a nice warm nest of hay and put
her back iigalu.
Tim next morning, when they open
ed tho wash-room uoor. they saw Null
perched on tho keir and very busy.
Hho's pulled George's Jacket down,
you seo, and now sho's getting Kiln's
mil. ono iookh prouy angry awui, n;
and I shouldn't wonder If she'll tako
tho paiasol. and tho bag and o very
thing olso sho can llnd. Youth's Morn
punioi). A boy of flvo years was playing
rauroaii witn mu sister or two ami n
lm.f years. Drawing her upon u foot
stool he imagined himself both engin
eer and conductor. After imitating
tho puffing nolso of tho steam ho stop
ped und called out, " No at York," and
In a moment aftor "Patterson" and
then " Philadelphia." Hlsknowlodgo
of towns was not exhausted, and at
tho noxt placo ho cried " Heaven,"
Ills Uttlo Hlstor cried eagerly," Top,
I doss I'll dlt oir here."
Attorneys at Law,
OXx. oa SUU Street, ovpotlM tl Bcoattt Ooom
rl OQ O 9 3
3-S o I
55 . H 3 4
bjD- m j d Sg
7 SWMSHB SI ? ,r a H
5 S 'S 5 g
The Undeniable Truth.
Yon deserve to suffer, and if you load a
mserablo, unsatisfactory lire In this beuutl
ful world, It Is entirely your own ftuilt and
there Is only one escuso for yon, your un-
Munmhl nMlnillm anJ i.i.i.JL i.i--
ha killed thousands. PeraouM knowledgo
and common sense reason in c will soon show
you that Oropn's August Floror will euro
yu of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with
ell lie miserable effects, such as elok headache
palpitation of tho heart, sour stomnob, hn
bltual ooBtlveness, dlr.r.lness of tho head,
sales now resoli ev.y trwn on the- Western
umiiiiipm nnti imia iiruirwNt bat will toll yoti
or ItH wonderful cor.-!. Y 'ii can buy eHam
pltt Ilittlo tor 10 i:t His. Tnreo dose wilt ro
Heve ou
I'stton's Block, SUto itrwt, Bslera, Orccon.
scrlDllons, and all orders by mall orcxprcrt Ulli-rt
promptly and acenrati-ly.
I'hf Iclsns and Country Df atom will aro monvy by
eiamininit oor Ho-k, or procnrlnc cur prlcc, biforo
purchanlng elcwhcro. noNs-tr.
W. X.. WADE,
tX cd a full atrortmentor
Q-eneral Merohandi,
Dry Goodi.
Boots 8l Shoet,
5alcuUtod for the City and Country Tra Jo. Doui-htas
ow.andwtU bo oUl st as SMALL A moKIT, as
Jioio who BRI.L AT COST. PT Ooo4f dcllrcrt to
my wart ol tbo cltv free or dutrso. NotSv
Salem Flouring Mills.
OouNttiutly ou Ilnntl.
IXltfliOMt XrIoo In OAWH
Paid for Wheat
ATAiui Tincrjcs.
It. O. K1NNKV,
Al'cnt B. K. M. Co
HPt Utf
Hnccoivor to J. M. Kkitleu A Co.,
05 liberty nl - - NIUV YOltK,
CommlHMioii A.tct
New York via lMlmip. l'nclUc It.nllrciit. nml
Jla Horn, nil MluU of .Mcrtliandloo. and ftirlboMlo
i)t VroducU from lb I'aclflc coM, for Uin colk-cllnn
i momir. nc. pcimr
flOI.lt Pr.ATKIr W'ATOII V.H, thn ft
iiiirix Known vrurH. itMopi irawnfrt i
AilenU. AiUrcu,A.Uoi.TcniUi.,CUigi.
Account Book.
Farmers, Planters, and (knlener.s.
J count or all lialm tranrartlniir, and lU-rtby
ava tbrmx-lvm, aud tliilr clilKlrwi aflur thm, miiclt
roubla that ciimra l jir.-lct. TbU U a p'atn, 1'riit--tl'ivl
yltm of ll(K.kkerilnjr, ta.lly uiidch-Uod, and
B'pt-cUlly adapted lo ll.ti w aula of Om Fanner. Vnll
tnrtructlun In each lunik. Can bo canlrl I nun ordl
dlnary Hiciiel; 1HU paicuK bound In lipiklii,
l'l 76 rent. Hrml all orders to HU vtitt.
For Sale.
losr years nkl, at aUty dullara per bnl. AIo
liriy American brood marvH. C. O. FOllCH,
Tin DAiLsa, Auu'. in, 1H7.1, 11
r Tonic Vermifuge
Vorm8 In Children or Adults nro
UiorouHhly dOHtroyod by Dr. Jftytu-'n
Tnkj Vcrmlriie- An n rulo, all
children aro nuhjoct to thoso wjf
tho Indlcntloim of tholr prosouco lxi
Ing ho vurlod, thnt thoro la ncurcoly
n complaint wlilr.h they will not
oxclto or lmllnto. Tha symptom
should accordingly bo watchod for
and promptly treated wltli thin Vor
mlfuKO, whlcli not only kUlu tliu
worimt and oxpuhi thorn, but dls
boIvom Uio ullmo or inucuH In tho
stomach and bowoki, which fiivorn
tholr production.
General DebMrty and Dyapop3la uro
tmuully rvmodlod by Vr. Juu
Toalc ermltugr. It will bo foil ml
to havo excollont tonlu proportloa,
ntrou(rtlu)iiln(r tho orgona of dl;o-i-tlon,
motoring Uio appetite, and ln
futilug now vigor Into tlw wholo
Hyutcm. Tho vrctvk, brokou-down
aud dispirited will dorlvo tho most
beneficial cifocta from this Tonic.
Intermittent and Remiitent Fevers
aro favorably aflocttxl by Dr. JTyue'it
Toale Teraniruj "id It In n cunv
Uvo llkowUo for Fovor and Agno iu
children. It should bo taken In con
nection wltli Dr. Juyno'M Kanr.Uvo
1'illH for thuio coiniilftlnts, and thU
oombliuUIon will bo found to he
equally wrviocablo In caaed of Ib
ordered Uvcr.
HODOt, DAVIH & CO., W.iol! jtw. rirv
Uad, Oregon. --vitoa