vmvMitni-Mnwumum aaBwatewaia WE Kiowa r . W1JULAMETTK FARMEB 4 teuWmlsll n , i, r I J 0 I - ( i i 1 1. i : r ,. t. IMVXD XTOT TK1DAT, T OLABKE & CRAIG, nnuanu and rnoninrroms. R. A. CLAHKB. D. W. CHAIO. Tens of NatecrlpUoB Ono copy, one yearns nunben).... 92.60 One copy, nix monthi (9(1 tinrrber ) 1.25 One copy, three tmonlhK (18 nnmheri) .. t HALKM, FRIDAY, HKIT. 27, 187S. THE UOMIHG STATE FAIR. Tho Stnlo Fnir commences onTliunj toy, Oct 10, and will continue- through tho following week, thus giving tho Society onnortunlty to recover Itself from fow day's rain. This annual BIr wo should all recognize as Impor tant, for two reasons: iHt, as an educa tor, for It brings tho farmers of Oregon together, and If they mako acquaint ances, exchango experiences, and care fully observe tho articles exhibited, stock shown, and tho workings of ma chinery on tho grounds, tho result must bo beneficial; and, id, It Is a great placo for enjoyment and recrea tion, mooting old friends, and making now ones, slght-scolng, and taking a gllmpso of tho great world when it is having a holiday. It is not necessary to spend a mint of money to como to tho Kair, for those" who Hvo In tho Willamette valley can hitch up tho team, now that harvest is over, and grain all warehoused, and loading up supplies and bedding, the family can mako a pleasure trip to Halem, and enjoy tho fullest pleasures of amip life on the Iwiir Grounds. .Many como In this way, and dorivo far more benefit and enjoyment from the trip tl nn would cninputiMito for tho outlay. Thou, too. don't fall to bring some thing ir your own production to show at tho Fair. The exhibit could bo ovory J ear much more telling and creditable to the .State IT it was partici pated In by more pcrtons. Competi tion is the lift and nplco of a .Statu Fair, and every competitor doxervos tho roHpcct of mII for making the effort, and white it Is true that all cannot take tlr.st prize, It is no disgrace not to do K). The financial condition of tho society owing to th'o ralitH that destroyed the success of tho Fair iirft year, U not tut good as could bo wished, and thcrcforo It U more nt!COH.iry for all Interested in agricultural matters to lend their efforts to make It a hucc.-h thin time. Col. T. H. Lang, of Kustoru Oregon, will deliver tho annual address. Wo e.iu proml.se that It will poswess much more than ordinary interest, as be Is a man or decided talent, who has travel oil extensively, and who takes a prac tical interest in all matters pertaining to Oregon farm life. CRIMIMAL JOURNALISM. We have from Portland, the particu lars of a street affray, a shooting KcraH, and the Milcqueut death of one of tho parties Involved. It Is well enough, In such instances, where the public peace Is disturbed and a thrill or horror goes through tho community, to trace tho evil back to its source, and In this Instance, as in many others, lrro-onslble und reck less Journalism Is t,he caur-o. Wo have nothing to do with tho quarrel between two newspapers that brought on this dltnculty and ended in this tragedy, .lournall-m that disturbs the jh'ik'O of the community and has to Im fed iH)ii such tragedy Is unwhol some, nnd docs not till its legitimate mission. If anonymous writers can aault private character and invade Hie Nicred precincts of family to wreak malice against another, then tho siloty of society U In connt.int Jeopardy from uny Individual utile to own types anil a pro-", who has a private malice to wage agamt another. It may bo that the fault is equally chargeable to loth belligerent journal; we are not criti cising one at tho expense of the other, but are merely desirous to purgo .soci ety of Mich criminality, to show how such Journalism disgraces our honor able profc.vion unit deserves to be frowned on by the community. Nwspaer' nnd Individuals too frequently Imagine that their porwonal dislikes and private quarrells are mat ters'ot general interest and give them publicity, when tho result Is merely to dNgust all right thluklug Kople and prejudice tho world against all news persas a class. With journals as with individuals, the, one that mulutalus the ino-4 dignity of character and integrity of conduct U tare to command tho greatest rwpevt aud the most reliable Miwov. Wo Imvo Utn iHluntted, from youth up, to deprecate the evils of der-polle governments. That lesson has been learned well enough. It Is tlmo wo commonced to study and com prehend tho serious ovlls and great llcenso that aro consequent upon our own boasted freo government, and that steps were taken to correct them; to secure society its possession of a freedom that great licenso too often puts In Jeopardy. Since writing tho above, wo have read tho Coroner's Jury's verdict of murder as cauBO of McDonal'ds death, and tho evldencoof witnesses all agrc-e In respect to the action of Mercer, who killed McDonald without sufllciont provocation, whllo his confessed authorship of tho newspaper para graph that attacked tho family of tho murdered man was sufllclontly provo cation for tho language used towards him by McDonald. Tho lesson of the criminality of such irresponsible jour nalism is fully taught by this occur rence, and It is to bo hopod that no chicanery of law or trickery of attor neys will shield tho author of this torriblo crime. It Is to bo regretted that tho offending journal cannot be held to some more effectual punish- montthan tho uncertain Judgment of popular opinion that can exact no greater penalty than withdrawal of its patronage. The Coafaar LlnLmtata are of two kind. The White la for the human family; the Yellow Is for nortec, nhecp, and other animals. Testimo nial of Uie effects produced by theae remarkable Preparations are wrapped around crery bottle, and may be procured of any drncgttt, or by mall from the Offlco of Tin CuKTAun CoMrANT, 46 Dey Street, New York City. Dr. MlatlCB Vegetable Nephretican. D0B8 IT VUJIB ALL I NO I It (p Intended for Dleear-er of Ojo Kidney and madder. This great Tonlo r-uppllc want lone flt by a certain clas of rufrercrr, and Is taking a hlfih rank among remedial aernu In this rnuntry. First. Ilecauto It If made SPECIALLY fur Kidney and Bladder complalntf, tbe different lugredlcnts of whleh It Is composed acting conjoint ly npon ths mnsculirand raucous coats of these or L'aus. Second. The combination Is tho remit of largo experience and carcfU stady, both of tbe or gans and their dlt esses. Third. The best materials (which arc purely vegetable) are selected and nsed In Its mannfactore, In acnte Inflammation of the Kidneys or Illadder, pain and hrarlness In the back and loin, with drowsiness and feeling of languor. tbe rVephretlcum will giro Immediate relief, and a freo tino a perfect cure, by strictly following direc tions. Price, $1.25. Dr. ltllnfle'a KnBllih Dandelion I'llla. no Titter cuns RVRiu'Tiuxa t No They are Intended for dlecases that remit from Mslarlal Poison and s Deranged Mrcr. Symptoms of a disordered llrcr Dnll pain In the sldo and shoulders, loss of aopetlto, coated tongue, costive bowels, sick headache, dinwslnirs, weight In the rtnmacb. o ton actlne with acidity and belch- inn up of wind, low spirits, loss, of energy, unsocia bility, and forcbodiugs of evil. Delay Is dangerous. Many of tho leading citizens of Portland, from ex perience, will vouch as to the superior virtue and valuoof these two specialties. Price, 35 cent per box io do ouuineu or au aruggitu, JOHN W. GILBERT, I HAS A mg stock on Hamxa. ,. . -. Too Busy For POLsXtlC VLli,X5S 2 LEGISLATIVE WOBX. Tho Legislature has already an abundance of work on hand, and more will naturally como in. This business is somo of it of greut importance, but many bills aro of private or local char acter and of little importance, whilst others aro pet schemes or hobbles that individuals try to rido, but which arc Impracticable and should not occupy valuablo time. Tho Legislature has throo weeks to work In and it is not possible in that timo to devote full at tention to all of theso bills, ami if it U attempted tho result will bo that more important measures will fall or not re ceive proper attention. Tho few weeks of an (Oregon session leave no option hut to throw aside everything that Is useless: let them die in committee or reject tiiem altogether when satisfied they cannot pass, and devote the time at command to consideration of meas ures of actual Impot tttnee to the people of tho State. Natno Your Stock. Wo would suggest that It would bo a good Idea for the owners of fine horses on exhibition at tho coming Fair, to have tho names of the animul ported on tho stall. It is not often that the trainers or owners can bo found at tho stables, and hostlers and grooms are not always ready to answer qucUo-H, or get tired of doing so too often. It will add to tho pleasure Mini Informa tion of guests, anil will redound to tho credit of the Agricultural Society to sco tho names In large letters We have oltou seen people go away disap pointed In their endeavor to identify stock. Tho sumo might apply to horned stock. Theso mles prevail at other Fairs in tho Hunt. A common marking pot will answer the purpo.c, and cost not much more than a little trouble. The Ollce of State Printer. We hopo to bee an amendment to tho Constitution submitted to the vot ers at tbe election In 1SS2 abolishing tho oftlco of Statu Printer, which will no doubt receivo tho sanction of the legUlaturo in 1SS0 and bo adopted at tho polls in 1882, and go immediately into effect. Wo don't need tho office, nnd Btato-work should bo given by contract to tho lowest bidder. ThN matter has been so fully canvassed, and ImUIi parties have favored the abolition of the olllce, so that It now only re mains for tho Legislature to carry out tho pledges each party lias made and free tho State from this needless In cumbrance. W. C. Myer Hoard From. W. L Myer, tlio well known ittooknian of AthUtul, writo u "Theixjia no doubt but that Whito l'rinco was Hionetj the muer coating of liia stomach wm k,u! they cotiM nut nunc! tho jHijmlarity of hit utock. I am ltvti!ins tho ShetbunN, IVrohenm colt anil tilhiM, with Ar.ibi.tu lloy for Stato Fair. Arabian lloy, .u ho gots ohlor, thoun morn of tho I'liaraoUrUtie-t of his illustrious aitv. Though but tuo yiurx ohl l.wl April U now a larjfAi and nuwurvs tnpial to hU siro. Ho h:u Koil lifu ,-uut action with n kind disrvit5on. Minnie, tho .Shetland tilly, hs growu well, a vou will mi; iho u now 31 mouth old. when J das old sho wcighi'd 43 ttd, uow hhc tipd tho muo ut i:t just my wiight. Freth Bread on tte Fair Grounds. Klsowhcro wo imblUh Ivi'rti&'mvnt of Mivur. Strong &, lUin, who kWo notico that thoy will, during tlio State Fair, kevp at their aland, No. 31, fivh baked brx'ail daily. Tlioy intiuid to havo an uhundauco, and c.vnper ran Gnd thero alo n full supjily of other iuhkIIuI neciniru-a in camp lifo. They will havo in cuntctio& therewith a candy m&ru tavtery. Wo commend Mttitr. Strong .1 Pain to all our Urintr fneuds as rtponaihle bumuias nu'u, Health and Wealth- Bitb my bo easily attained bv Any one In boedlnfr nRture'H warning and koeplnt; n oIoho walcb oTnrsytnptoma that may appoar which invariably aro tbe Indications of an approacblne lllnosis. Many dollars can be Havtn and a gret deal of aufTerlntt avoided by h little attention to tbe following aymp toms. whloliarea suro alsn that either tbe blood, liver, or (IlKtfctlvo orpnnn are out of order: Constipation, Indention, fullnenH of blond In thn bond, Hour Momach, rented tonguo, lead InsKi In tho mouth, and oi!bn alvo breath, dull, drowxy, nnd debllllnled reollng, frtH(!ntIioailHob(i,rxorttppeII(o pain In tho hide, client, and llmbi, i-(e., ete. Tlio blKhtwt medical atithorltlw declaro that over two thirds of all (HteftHtH aro raiiRod oltbor by an Impure Htiito of the blood or dotiio do rmiRouiontoftho llvor and (IIkchIIvo organs. Wlion tho blood Ih ptiro, tho liver in jiroixir HOllon, and tbn bowola regular, no ono can over bo norloiihly or dangeroiiHly sick, To purify tho blood mid thoroughly renovate thn onllro htttnun Kynlcm, nothing lifts ever received more lUttfrlngcortlfloalra than Ore unti'H lii'Kt vegKlabln producllou, l'PCKDi.'it's OllKOrlV Illkll) I'lTIPtKlt. A hlllfflfl trll will 'convince imy ono that It In the in out rellablo Minuy romeiiy ever oiicrcd to mo ptituie. For khIo by nlldrtigitlxt. Price, ono dollnr. l'rlnulpal Depot nnd Manuf.iotury, Win. I'funiler it (.' , I'orilHiid, Oregon. IF VOU ATTEND THE & BUY YOUR dks "JE-rJLTtek. -AT Till GENERAL STAND, No. 31, -OF THE- Pioneer Bakery Will be served daily. All can have their HOT BREAD FOR BREAKFAST. For all klrvla c.f I.ioul JJUKM, Ull n IX'A lWnJl. rlc. ami kill .l.... .. ... .....L .... f.l. llH.lHM II...UI..II.. r'un.i lti lluuiw rii juu , iiii.iiiit, iiM.uiiiuiii); iiiutu ihk.luriinriii.'ii: i mo iTiming it noon- WAITi:. Hiram Dm nl lob lTlnwr aril nnokblti'lvr, yijin pinii, bilem, uri'ioa. tho Criming or llook.- MADE FINE STALLION FOE SALE. A Black Stranger Colt, miUllX MUIW OU). HAY CHUM, X KI'DFMHI) X anlniil. K Y.uvit lith, nnd uvll nroportloDwl, llitmlno anlnul can lid wtn at hAU-lU, or on the Mato llilr k'roumlt iliiti.'V Tulr ui. r.r timber ur tlvuUiN .d to F 1L WlliOS, Silitn.Sl't, 10,1673 U 1AI1MIOVKU TIIOHOUUIIUICliD Esses Swine! rnmi Imivrtixl Mink of the pun't itriliu. I'ltlNCK. UHT Und at tho Iirud of my hvnl, wliUh ch) lnu.v roDiTK-UUsn at the SUit 1'alr In (X-totxr next. bTlH.'K FOIt SAI.li CurmiiwnikiK-o kolIclUsl. AJ.lrm, SAMUKL 1I011SON, clittt XenU'Ttr. Yamhill Co., Ofvtroo. INoti;o. ON, the Kill day ot July tut, T. Cuiinlnsh&m nuule an mlxmmt to m fur the KnoHt of hli cnHliton, u In; In ctir ro-Mlon, at rariom ivl.vw In thi iUIry, a qiuntity ol 111LM1KIIS, DK1IJ.S, bKUDKlLS, Cl'LTI VATOIl, I'lAIWS, uid other riTiltuiul iinpleaienU, which mint I kU, anJ aru btfervtl at try low priivn. All ervn taiiiv clalnu aulrut Uio ulil A.lnor III I'I.um! rcM lit thu HUiie, July irrtlfliil, at thlt office, arnlall uttl InJ.-bloJ to him, whrthrr by Dote or uc ivtuit, kn." ii)ulre4 to duVo IiuincJLito (ayment ol the uuii j tho ull.teNzuc!, anil Nive the tut ut collection, JACOU (MUX, 11 IX). 1US5T, WM. L'UNNIMlllAV, ,ifimv of T, Cunnlnghani A C. Salcni. H S, It?. 0tnl A, T. & F. N. GILBERT, (Withf. rfciJocv.) Ctiinnwiriinl St., - - - Salem. iOXXT-i IOR Ilo)nl ami I.Miirualilrn Fire Iuaurauce t'ompitnlt', Knulatud; cvsn t'APiT.vi rx,i)1a. Willamette Transportation i: Locks Co. tiK.XhrUl (OMMIBSION MKKC11AMS. JtIl4M)tlOUM mudu. .1IO.MIY TO LOAN. fiooil nrcotlnblo papr boucttt. n0m3 GunsMZiuns! BENJ. FORSTNER, Siilsui. Oreiron, TTAS A UV.OS STOCK OV Cllttl" Military Bretcti-loa.iDK Riflf?, Hh .i L SriUVCKK, SHAltrK, HiailNGTuS. o4 WlN'OlllSmUt. AUj, a tuU nnortairat of 33rooobloMdlnc .SHOT )1 NS and 1)KTIN(1 H1VLKS, of all ranAird nuV.. A full line of lrUet t'Btlerr, KUav, Ruin, v a't!ORS,Urcet from KrUoi .Mm PUklnc TWUe Will vrll aa low a ay b4jr. Ktxt Jn connection with this, STItONQ & BAIN will havo n Wlioro nil tan got HOT CANDY, or nnything in that line. REMEMBER THAT 0a.x Stand. s 23o- SI- STRONG & BAIN. Soptomoer 20, 187S. OATS! OATS! The Highest Cash Price Paid at All Times for Oats, or Stored, if Desired, by SALEM FLOVRIXG MILLS CO. anrStf Willamette University. milK NEXT TKHM OK TUB LITBRAnY DK- X pcrtiaeut, will beirlit Menior, HepU 2, 1878. with the followlnif lottracton: T. M. Oatch, I'retHeM; (iKOBaB 11. CoLkixB, Mathematics and Nat. f cience; Kilin J CuHDiRUN, l'receptren; Mm, Joiii IIouian, Academical Department; and Ella M. ALr lsn, Muilc. Vur fall lnfarmatlon addrtf tho rrrldent, or J. A, HTIIA tTON. June 23. 1673 tf Agent, Balem, Oregon, SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON. Artist. Over Willi' Hook tore, 8TATK 8T SALEM, 11CTUE4 TAKEN IN LATEST STYLES, from Miniature plcnrt! to l..fe lie. OCI'IKS KNI.AKOKI) to auy die dctlif d. March IS, l7$tf KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carriage and Wagon Mm, Salem, Oregon. HAVB ON HAND A CHOICE LOT Of YOVK HprlDg Wagons, Carriage?, & Buggies, of their own make, MannfacturcO of tbe BEST quality of Jerwij Hickory. OWe ui a coll. and examine our work, oLd Judge for youraehee. All klndi of He palrln; and General Jubbtai; done &v rhort notice. Je7. S1200 Nlarr. !UlMiv.AU4Uiriie hui'U Uwda u atklw. ha ixdllu Kle f P lraAaalMiltor lu.1,1. ulM, H. A. (JUAKTaPO. ,, -. ... . y !Q-LX032LL "Vista, POTTERY, Aftek a rKnnn op idlenkhh, tobse wo.ki hute now for several month hn In full operation raanufacturlnc a tnorrlor and tioproTed article, which I am able to Oder to tba trade at of My present flock U raperior toanjthlDu mannfae lurfd at thin Tottery for fire year post, and la equal to bert earthenware for lreiij;th and durability I Guarantee SutlMfacflou. Cnlern, or reqnot for Informal Ion a to rlc lUt, should be addre rud to A. M. SMITH, Buena Vlta, Aw:. SO-tf rroorletor. r A VALUABLE INVENTION, r" -" THE WORLD RCKOWNED FREE WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON tfS&l WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. r B?7. IS2? Bcroiwfy New York! Mw 'leans, La.? Cor. State & Madnon Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco. Cal. B. FOR8TNE, Ganamitb, Agent, Salem, Or. 4