Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 27, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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phis, Sept. 17. Forty-six death re
to noon, making 101 sinco yesterday at
! Dr. John KrskUno, ncaitn oracor, aii
orntng;also Father IUordan, Phil. L
W. B. May, of Park arenuo, B. T.
$Wrjr Orleans, Sept. 18. Deaths, 68 cases
rtcii, wm, oi which mo wure coniraciea
ior to tho 15th. Weather clear and warm.
Ell Mnmnliis. Ronlcmliur IS. Tlimv U 11 nnmin.
iblo increase in tho activity about tho Howard
headquarters this morning, ami apparently no
decrease in tho number of now cases, although
doathd arc lighter, only 33 being reported up
to noon, making 91 for tho past 21 hours.
Among tho dead aro two volunteer physicians
Drs. John B Hicks and J. 8. Bankson. Tho
supply of coffins is running very low, and it is
with great difficulty that any but rough coffin
Miapcd boxes can bo obtained, oven by people
in good circumstances.
Worcester, Sept. 18. The Massachusetts
Republican convention assembled this morning,
(tovcrnor Claflin was chosen permanent chair
man. A resolution was oflercd ond referred to
tho committco on resolutions, demanding that
corrupt, incompetent, and unnecessary officora
anil employes entrenched in the Boston custom
hauao and other public offices of tho State, shall
at onco be discharged, and that such places as
tho public good requires, bo filled with honest,
God-fearing, capable, law-abiding citizens.
Tho following aro tho concluding pro
coctiinrs of tho Massachusetts Demo
cratic Stnto convention:
McDovitt's declaration that tho Butlcrites
propose to retain tho hall was answered by a
passiouato peal of applause. When tho state
central committco fully realized that tho Butler
faction had control of Mechanics' hall thoy ap
pointed a committco to sco what could bo dono
towards procuring a hall. They waited upon
Mayor Tratt about 10 o'clock.
In his speech Spoflbrd. alluded to tho wants
if tho laboring class, and denouueod bond
holding and banking monopolies. Ho was
heartily applauded..
At tho conclusion of Spofibrd's speech John
L. Rico ot Springfield, nominated Gen. B. F.
ftutlcr for governor, amid chocru and great ox-
ritcinent, the delegates all rising. Cook of
Iwwn, seconded tho nomination.
At this point, amid most intenso excitcmont,
.John ?..Calvin took tho lloor and denounced
the action of tho committee, being repeatedly
interrupted by hisses, groans and cries of "Put
him out." Tho speaker asked how in tho
name of God any Democrat could nominato
Butler T Ho had opposed every Democratic
pricipal for IS yean. When tho spcakor said
it wa4 proposed to put him in tho field as presi
dential candidate, thcro woro cries ot "Yes,
yr,. Three groans woro given lor tho speaker
at tho conclusion of his speech.
A committee on resolutions was appointed
nsnting of a delegate from each congress-
nal district
Cook said it would tako some timo for tho
mmltteo to draft the resolutions to suit tho
invention, and moved a recess, which was
en till 2 r. m.
Tho convention reassembled at 2 r. M. Hut
's nomination was enthusiastically roceirod.
he following stato ticket was nominated:
ntenant governor, John T. Arnold secretary
tato, Unas. M. a trausjjf attorney general.
eh C'ushing: auditor, J. B. O'ltiley; trcas
r I). N. Skillings.
lock Island, 111., Sept. 17 Jno.B. Hawley,
Utant secretary of tho treasury, mado the
1111115 speech 01 tiio campaign in Deiiait 01 tho
publicans this evening, discussing tho finan-
Question from tho standpoint of actual
owledRO acquired In the treasury depart-
int. He took advanced hard money grounds.
HVillouhby, O., Sept. 17 Tho train with
1 president ami party leu uieveinmi at 11:10
1 morning. Alio 1"" v w ,,,0 u lllu ,lu"
hero by a number of prominent citizens,
none whom were Mayor Itose, Col. Harnett,
moi Townscnd, and G. W. Howe, collector
internal revenue
nSan Francisco, Sept. 17. JohuK. Mortimer,
rmurly a prominent actor committed smemo
sm evening at a low lodging houso by taking
ryehniue. Iato dissipation had reduced him
1 iiennrv and vagabondage.
'Tho society of Pioneers this evening favo a
nlliant reception to Gen. Ercmonk
LJho total subscriptions to tiro citizens' relief
Id ior tno yuuow lever suiters inus lar is over
1,000, ot which 5'JO,ooo havo iieen lorwarded.
mice belu waiting aelvics irom New urieans
Memphis. A telegram was received from
ickkburg declining further aid. Wells Fargo
fCo,. in addition to the above, havo forwarded
"4,000, and churches and societies 913,000.
San Francisco, Sept. 17. The Chineso resi-
entto: this city havo collected and win to-mor-
remit II.'JOU for thu benotit ol the yellow
bwr sufferers.
- He Nevada hank lias sold to the government
10 million ounces ot silver at the equivalent at
MMl)n rate.
lA light raiu fell here early in tho morning
Incitnt to lay the dust, ino w earner to-day
iar.iii and cloudy.
Mnrysville, Sept. 1". Bain fell hero thu
siv" lasting aiout an nour;com and ciouuy
t' Orleans, Sept. IS. Deaths to-day in-
s 23 children umler neven years of age.
Bg the death aro Mrs. Maguirc, wife of
instant nostmast Mnguirc. Hev. G. Bow-
Lr .1- r T..H Oi T.l....
K 01 mo Herman i.iuiicruii oi, uuiiii b
His wifo died a week ago. Thoy
re a small child. From noon to 0 r. .M. 23
ths and 145 new cases aro reported.
JJew Orleans, Sept. 19. Deaths, W; cues
p.ted, 195; prior to tho ICth mst., 163.
Itouge, Sept. IS. New cases Co;
, 3; total cases 001; deaths, 34.
, Sept. 18. New cases, 10; deaths II;
, 435; deaths, 75.
FUpolis,0., Sept. IS. HughPlyinoIe.i'evcn
go, the last patient in the infected
ied last night. No other cases. Ki
ll"' clearly proves that in this latitude
rfever is infectious, but not contagions.
Orleans bept. 19. representatives ol
to Afmt
1U 'UP
e- jr
C ?Sfai
IS cnniuic aociuoa met to-uajr ua
1 the secretary of war relative to the
ooadHioi of tho suffering people- ia this city.
The reevt of their deliberation was a request
that 60,0)0 rations be furnished.
Baton iRouge, Sept. H. Ex-Got. Sato.
Bard diedlast night of yellow fever. We havo
many net cases. Father LaveUe, oar sick
priest, is sill very low. Tho disease is assum
ing a tnoronaiignant type.
Now Orlns, Sept. 19. Dr. Samuel Coppin
to-day at li o'clock transferred, at tho New
Orleans Inhnary, eight ounces of blood from
tho arm of rhealthy stout laborer at Gay's re
finery into tb volns of E. J. Gay, Jr., sick and
very low of Jcllow fever. Tho object waa to
sustain Ufo htho patient to sco if tho kidneys
would net, w'ich, howovcr, thoy refused to do,
and nt 11 r. ly Mr. Gay died.
Canton, Mii., Sept. 19. In justice to our
many friends o numerous to mention all over
ourbclovod lad, wo issuothis, ourcircular, to
notify them, tht wo aro no longer in need of
provisions or mmuy. Our ovory want is sup
plied. To our brethren all ovor tho country
mo extend the hand of brotherly lovo and
friendship. Wl will novcr be able to repay
you, but wocanjiray Almighty God to shield
you from tho patgs that wo havo suffered.
Tho focr is abateg and wo havo but few coses
to-day to report! Wo hopo for a favorablo
change. Signcd-O. W. Thomas, president
Howard Asaociatonj S. C. Dcvino, chairman
Relief Committee
Baton Kongo, ept. 19. Deaths, 3; new
cases, 31.
Vicksbnrg, Sept 19. Slightly cloudy and
warm; thermometer, 92. Twelvo deaths dur
ing tho past 24 hours; new cases about 60.
Memphis, Sept. 19. Sinco yesterday noon
thcro havo been 57 deaths reported. Among
tho now case's roportod aro Dr. T. II. Force,
of Hot Springs, Ark., md Dr. Luppo, of Los
Angeles, Cal. Dr. Hram Pearco, of Cincin
nati, died last evoning.l
Milwaukie, Sept. II. Matt II. Carpontor
has agreed to be a cmdidato for tho U. S.
Doodwood, Sept. 13. Tho dead lodiort of
two men, named S. B. Davis and G. W. Keat
ing, woll known horsoand cattlo thieves, wcro
found hanging to a trco fivo miles north of
SjKsar Fish to-day, undoubtedly tho work of
tho vigilantes of Spear Fish, oh tho tracks of a
dozen men wcro found to and from tho spot.
Keating and Davis woro last soon in Dcadwood
about noon yesterday.
Baltimore, Sopt. 10. In tho South Carolina
railroad cami tho judge says that there can bo
no question that tho defendant company is in
solvent. It has mortgaged all its property
twice and now labors under a Mortgago dots
of near six millions of dollars, and finally has
mado an assignment to a syndicate of tho di
rectors of the road of all its bills recoverable
and available assets to secure tho payment of
a loan of $200,000.
Newport, R. I. Sept. 19. Mi.vt Joumctto
Bonnott, sister of James Gordon Bennett, was
married this morning to Isaac Bell, Jr., of
New York. Tho value ot the presents in esti
mated at $100,000.
Washington, Sept. 17. Tho capitol police
and citizens havo lodged information at potko
headquarters that tho language mado use of
last night at a meeting of Cohen's followers, on
the cast steps of tho capitol, was of tho most
incendiary character. Some speakers advo
cated a raid on tho U. S. treasury and helping
themselves to tho funds there. Tho district
commissioner to-day mado a requisition for
forty set of cavalry equipments, pistols, ammu
nition, etc., for the use of tho polico depart
ment. The commissioners havo also mado a
requisition upon tho chief of ordnanco for somo
canteens, carbines, slings, and a quantity of
carbine cartridges for tho uso of thu district
militia, to bo turnod ovor to Maj. Hauneman,
commanding district artillery.
New York, Sopt. 20. A Tribuno bpecial
days that tho yellow fever epidemio appears to
be spreading only in the rural districts of
Louisiana and Mississippi, It is decreasing in
the towns. Canton, Miss., announces that it
needs no further aid, Tho total number of
deaths to dato i C,049. Thero havo been a
number of instances ot a few deaths in several
small placcB. Tho number of cases at New
Orleans up to tho present timo has been 7,200;
at Yicksburg, ovor 3,030; in Memphis, as far
as can bo ascertained about 0,800 peoplo havo
ben taken with fever.
Chicago, Sept. 20. Tho total yellowfovcrfund
is $73,279, of which $33,344 has been sent
south by tho citizens' committee.
Pari, Sept. 20. M. Kroutz, director gen
eral of thu exposition, is organizing a grand
concert for the relief of yellow fever butfereni
in the United Stated.
Memhpis, Sept. 20. It rained this morning,
which is unfavorable to tho Hick and to thorn)
who yet remain woll, The official reports of
deaths made to tho board of health bince tho
beginning of the epidemic and ending at noon
to-day gives the total of 2,210. This does not
include many who havo been buried by private
individuals, who havo purchased coffins and
interred their own dead. An increase in tho
number of deaths will follow the change of
New Orleans, Sept. 20. Deaths, 69; cases
165, of which 81 wcro attacked prior to tho
17th. The following dispatch was received
this morning via Vicksburg, having beu
mailed from some point lictwecn that city and
Greenville Tho wires between this place
and that hae liven down for somo days,
"Out of five hundred people who remained
hero nearly 400 cases and 162 deaths have oc
curred up to dato. The fever must abate soon
for want of material; 24 deaths in tho last 24
Hot Creek, Wy., Sept. 20. Two packers
jast from the north report rinding the main
camp of th robbers who infest the Black HiUe
tag Km 66 mils north of here. Than were
14 men and Jtwojromen dressed in .men's
clothes in the gang. Tho packers saw tho
horses taken from tho freighter Booth in thoir
camp, and afterwards mot three of tho robbers
somo distance this sido of the main camp.
Toledo, Sopt. 19. Tho Preidont and Mrs.
Hayes arrived hero from Fremont this morn
ing to attend tho State fair,
Omaha, Nob., Sept. 20. Whilo Bcccber was
lecturing at tho Baptist church livst evening
500 laboring mechanics, etc., held an anti
Bocoher meeting nt tho court houso mid dis
ctnaed Ida broad and butter utterance?
Speeches wero made nnd resolutions parted
condemning him. A parade with thuupar
cics was to navu taken place had it not rained,
Pari, Sept l9.--GambJtta, in his speech at
lloucn, Wednesday, said that tho reHignatiou of
President MacMahou would involve no chang
es to tho republic, that his succeAsor would bo
immediately nominated, and there would bo
no competition; but ho (the President)
would not rcdign; ho ought not and he cannot.
Gambctta eulogized tho army, condemned clcr
icisru and recommended stato protection.
Belgrade, Sept. 19. Most friendly relations
exist between tho Albanian league nnd the
Servian frontier commanders.
London, Sept. 20. Thoro is an uneasy fool
ing that Lord Bcaconsficld's Indian policy will
result in a war with Afghanistan and tho re
opening of tho wholo eastern question. It is
not gonorally bcliovod that tho Russians will
ovacuato Bulgaria as stipulated or that Grccco
will poaccably submit to Turkey's non compli
ance with its demands.
Berlin, Sept. 20. Russian authorities have
instructed tho provisional government of Bul
garia to summon all malo inhabitants' between
tho ages of 20 and 22, to form a territorial
army of fifty battalions of infantry and
seventy squadrons of cavalry.
San Francisco, Sept. 18. Tho Miicide of tho
managing director of tho French ttavings bank
has had tho effect of creating a run on that in
stitution. To-day an eager and excited crowd
was collected, who forming into line, streamed
Into tho bank to leave .their namen, calling for
their doposits under tho thirty days rulo. All
the business transacted by tho bank wan
simply to register tho namex of those deposi
tors, all payment being postponed, which vir
tually is a temporary suspension of tho insti
tution. San Francisco, Sopt. 19. Postmaster Gen
eral Key and party arrived at Stockton this
morning from Yoscmite, and after a brief in
spection of objects of interest took the train
for Sacramento to attend tho state fair. Thoy
were received by the officers of tho stato agri
cultural society, and will bo tendered a grand
civic and military reception to-morrow.
From the Dally Record, 8 apt. 20
SIC XuaAwajr.
Yosterday evening, about dark, Mr.
Townsend was coming down Center street, driv
ing the largo bay team belonging to the Capital
Lumbering Company, when in frout of the res
idence of Mr. James Martin, the clevis came
Ioom, causing tho tongue to fall to tho ground,
scaring tho horses when they started to run.
They became detached from thewagonandBtart
ed at full speed towards thu river, but before
they had run the length of Mr. Martin's lot, thu
"off" horse ran against the wheel of a wagon
standing near the sido walk, knocking tho
wagon some fifteen or twenty feet, striking the
wheel Rquare with his brest, it is thought he
burst thu main artery of thu throat, as ho full
in a few feet of tho place, ami died in a very
short time, fortunately no one was hurt. The
other horse was caught, and gets off with but
a fuw slight bruiscH. This w thu some team
that ran otf only a couplo of weeks ago, near
the poBt office, which was alas caused by tho
dropping of tho tongue. Persons driving frac
tious teams should uso great care, and endeavor
as far as possible, to guard against such acci
dents, not only for tho protection of themeolvia
ami teams, but for tho public generally.
Carelcaoaoaa la Directing Letter.
Tko Post Office Dcpartmept has issued a re
port that should servo to warn peoplo against
carelessness. It is Bhown that an averago of
4,000,000 dead letters aro received annually at
tho dead-letter offico 300,000 without stamps,
50.000 partially addmsed, 6,000 with no ad
dres, $1,500,000 of money orders and drafts of
money value, 45,000 packages coutaing prop.
erty, $40,000 in money, uiuo. tenths of it return
ed the balance remaining in tho treasury sub
ject to application for four years; 15,000 photo
graphs; 25,000 European letters aro returned
unopened,; one-tenth of all letters contain prop
erty; 10,000 applications for letters reported
lost, the great proportion of which nru found
and delivered. Thousands of letters aru received
each year in which thu writers enelono money
mt do not give their names, nor do they prop,
rly direct their letters on the outside.
Wheat Samples.
I). I). Prettyrnau of Polk Co., sent to A. It.
Shipley, on the 10th, Sc, of tho Statu Orange
of Oregon, tight xarnplu varieties of wheat in
grain mid seven in thu head. These samples
aru to go east, as .Mr. Miiploy will start about
tho tint of October.
Terrible Accident.
Yesterday morning, widow Pitnoy of Junc
tion City, while passing around thu main shaft
in Bashnell's warehuuso her shaw 1 was caught
in thu revolving cylinder, inaugliug her fright
fully before she could be released, and died 111 a
very few minutes.
A shooting scrape took place in a saloon at
Perrydale, Polk county, on the evening of thu
19th inst, over a came of "sell out," in which
ud, in
one Iltnry Zouiwalt received a flesh wound
the leg near tbe thigh, which it no uouot
nil but not dangerous.
The tourist has never soon Oregon, nor hardly
realised the signinoanoo of Bohemia, who has
not visited, and enjoyed tho wild pleasures of
that upper country which lies along tho tribu
taries of that wonderful river, Columbia. And
tarried a season among tho primaturo bcantyof
the skirting scones. At Portland tho river is
broad nnd smooth, and flows with an oven
current of Btreneth nnd volocity which in not
exempt from the rieo and fall of the tidw from
tho distaut ocean Here wu take our btate
loouiR nt night on board of tho beautiful and
enmmodiout Steamer Wide West, while the
ta are winking and blinking over the shim
merlin? sheen of sparkling water, ami at fivo
o'clock early morning wo are Htcttningnwayout
of tho Willamette and up tho Columbia to tho
Cascade, and tho Dallw. Vancouver, twelve
miloH away Is tho military station mid headquar
ters of Gen. Howard, and is beautifully located
on tha rising beach overlooking tho river.
Tho over changing scenery rises in majestic
splendor and grandeur cch hour as wo plow
against tho current and near tho rapids. Wu
yAiutoMUMrrocsLT on boaud,
at tho hands of attonding cooks and waiters,
and after breakfast feast, enjoy tho feast of
beauty beyond description. Bold mountain
peaks lift their blue domes agaist tho sky, and
tho shaggy ffirs and pines fringo the outlines or
fill tho picture in a maw of deep blue, green
and asphaltutn. Basaltio ledges piled high
form an abrupt shoro in solid masonry, and
wonderful precision for miles; then wo round
a curve and tho rush ot tho rapids is heard near
at hand, when wo step from boat to cars and
wind along a lovely strip of country from tho
lower to tho upper cascades, with tho white
spray and foam of tho river dashing in whirling
eddies along at our right for six mile passing
thu old Fort Sheridan, on its deserted bights,
looking down upon thu limit of road and tho
the first wild impulse of water rushing madly
over tho rocky declivity at tho Upper Cascades.
Hero wc wait tho lading ot tho shipping from
cars to Hteamer, a'ld whilo waiting utilizo tho
timu by
And catching "small fry," and suckers at that,
and interviewing a singular specimen of thu
genius "Lo" tho chinook. Then on board the
Mountain Queen ply again on our upward
courso amid still wilder scenery, passing miles
of perpendicular walls of solid stono for a river
shore, and reaching our destination just ns thu
sun dips down behind us, and thu western hor
izon. Lying at the wharf where wo land, is
thu company's newly built steamer, which is
now about ready for running with elegantly
furnished apartments from parlor to pantry tho
Tho workmen aro busy upon the loot finishing
work, and courteously ready to show her good
poluts. She is built ot tho same elzo as tho
Wide West, but will carry tho greatest power
ot any steamer on tho coast, and at a speed
It Is expected, of eighteen to twenty miles an
hour. A new hydraulic apparatus, a recent
invcution of John Gates, chief engineer of tho
company, and resident at Portland, has been
appliod to tho engine for steering this vessel, as
aluo tho Wido West, which does tho inventor
much credit. It consists simply of a cylinder
and piston runningcach sidu the cnginc,and fed
by it, and connected with tbe pilot wheel where
a lever worked so cosily a child's hand might
manage it, directs tho course of the boat, thus
enabling one man to do with tho utmost case,
thu work that often keeps two men at tho
wheel. Nothing is spared in fitting up this and
its companion steamer.
Boasts a local census of tiomo fifteen hundred
as genial and warm hearted residents as onu
could ever hope to find. Its surface is broken
and jagged at intervals by tho rocky projec
tions of it firm foundation, which form into
a solid ledgo back of tho town, which touches
the river again abruptly at tho landing. Mount
Hood, thu snowy sentinel of every city in Ore
gon, stands liku a pyramid of sparkling gran
deur, overlooking tho river and the outstretch
iug hills of Washington Territory beyond the
center piece of thu lovely landscape picture.
From among there hills tho sources nf streams
havo been tapped, and its fountains mado to
supply the city with tho purest and clearest
of water, though tho euterpriso of Momrs.
Brooks and Hummieon, at a cost of $30,000.
A first cla.11 hotel Li under contemplation by
somu interprising parties, and is morh needed.
Thu walla of au txR;nuivo government building
under program of being 1 rected in thu days
when Tho Dalles was a mining center and great
hopus were entertained of its future n.1 such,
stands on the outskirts deserted, and thu
scheino abandoned before tho second story was
cotnpli ted, and after an outlay by thu govern
ment of somu $200,000 and finally denated to
tho Stutv, but thu old mint may proe an ele
phant on the haudn of thu Statu hi it will cost
as much more to completion. Thu streets
abound in shade treis, many of which aro the
drooping willow, giving a picturetquiiiess very
pleasant to the beholder, by thu contrast of
livid green acainst tho darker hued firs that aru
indigenous. Its jm.oIo aro eharacterized I y
an air of independence most interesting com
jiared to conservative requirement of fastid
ious society, and great-hearted hospitality that
cannot ho surAMtod, at thu unexpected oation
thoy volunteered )ourcorropohdcnt.can amply
vouch, and will thankfully remember. Thu
Dalles hw a chacter or two, the most opular
of whom Is
Who "keeps a peanut stand," fruits and can
dies for tho little folks, among whom, as well
aa the oluW ones be is wunderf nlry popular.
With all the orisinal oddity which never Indul
(rots in the needlcM ctrcmony i a "hat," but
wean tho habitoal white apro of asmtoaltwee,
to match tho saowy looks, ho k a maa ot eat
tore, experience and good son ia aa hand to'
aid every enterpriso and defend OTtwy rigki,
and whon a cause needs an earnest okampia,
in his own language ho swears, "by tho livia'
gods I'm on it;" and no 0110 doubta it.
murcoRia took tub indiaks
Aro making their homoward way with each np
river steamer, yet somewhat under protwit.mil-.
itary fearing a repetition of tho hostilities in .1
future day. Thu troops aro nlno returning from
thu field. Several companies having just ro
turned to Vancouver with General Howard only
a day or two behind. Tlipy approved of his
cotirsi and tho experiment of Governor Chad-
wick in general if not univursal, as all speak in
tho highest teri.is of both. Ouo of tho officer
describes Moses ad being ouo of tho finest look
ing men ho over saw, and tho occasion of his
surrender as ono of tho most impressive scene
over witnrsred, ivnd thinks Moses is thoroughly
conquered. Ho comments frthor on tho In
dian policy by spying it would bo better for tho
government to corrall tho Indiana and maintain
them entirely, even it would bo cheaper to sus
tain and board thorn at first class hotels, than
to attempt subjecting them by force ot arms.
It is estimated that only about sixty or seventy
havo been killed at an cxponao to tho govern
ment of $00,000 per capita,
Admh I. Balloit.
Tho regular Texas stylo of settling a diffiealty
was practised in tho city of Portland yesterday
afternoon about 2 o'clock, in whioh oh of tho
participants was mortally wounded, and an old
man by tho namo of Frod loohror was shot
through the thigh. It appears that tho parties
interested had been lor sumo timo past, on any
thing but good terms, using the Tele
gram and tho Boo, for tho purpose of running
each other down. Mercer, of tho Boo, on las
Saturday so far forgot hlinsolf in hia fight on
McDonald of tho Telegram as o reflect upon
tho character of McDonald's wife. On yoster
day the parties met in front ot O'Biioos, aad
after a few words concerning tho article pub
lished, clinched, and whilo upon tho gronad
Mercer fired four shots throo taking effect,
Uien striking thu woundod man over tho head
with his revolver got up and ran. MoDonald
got up and fired fonr shots, miminir Moroer
uvery time, but ono bullet entered Sherlock's
sadlury shop striking Frod Hoohrer in tho thigh
and lusting through it. Moroer was arrested
and is now in thu county jail, and as MoDonald
died this moruiiig.from thu effects ol tho wounds
received at his hands, will bo held to answer tho
charge of murder.
Ftro Yesrtorolay.
Yoiterday afternoon aboat two o'clock smoko
was discovered issuing from tho reef gf tho
lino bam ot II. K. Ankeny, situated aboat 12
miles south ot Salem. Tho flames spread rap
idly, and was soon oommunioatod to the adjoin
ing buildings. A dairy hoaae and bare, tenther
with a largo amount ot hay and agrkalUral
MPplimonta were bvrued to tke gwrnad. Total
lots about $18,000. Insurance $7,000.
A IwurkabU lawlt
It makes) no dlfferenoe how many Jrhyalc
lans, or how muoh wed loin you havo triad,
it la now an established teat that Gerraaa
Hyrup ia the only remedy which au Klvea
ooropleto satisfaction in severe oaaea of Lubc
Disease. It U true thara are yet thoBtaaofi
of persona who are predisposed to Throat aad
Lung affections, Consumption, Hemorrhajiea
Asthma, Hevore Colds settle on (ho Breast,
Pneumonia, Whooping Ooogh, do,, wbe
havo no personal knowledge of liooohoe's
German Hprup, To such we wouM aay that
50,000 tiozon wore sold last year without oae
unuiplalnt. Consumptive try lust ono bol
tlo. lingular slao76' oonta HoklbyallDrug
Klsta In America,
BU. i. Y, CHABK,
BKBVBT U.O0L, UtttHarxMnU.H. Vohuttatra, -onu.
IhirWn'n Mode, au stairs. mtV
Between Portland and Sai Fraieio$$.
Can bo inrctiH at the prlNclpal HUtloss of tea
O. A 0. 11, It , tt
Xloduood XLaatoaa.
Htesmers lesva both I'ortUnd and Han Praaclsee a host
Every Five Day,
earning FiMeoger and Prrlffhi at tho LOWaflT
ItATIM. It Is th only Hm Mrrtliu las 17. H, MAIia
The Htcamrhip of tbl Company are rated A 1, aad
are new, ekitttit, sod complete la tvery pankasw.
aad consist ttt tbe
State of Oregon,
(New,) 3.000 tous buielcn,
George W. Elder,
(I7u) tons,)
City of Chester.
(ts&o fm,)
AjaX, l0 tons.)
Vur fr right or pMe, apply at the Compact V ol
den, corner Y and Kront UveU. ruHruHti,
Mrtt (ICO. W. WKIflUiH, Aent.
AudJ MyhMi p,m it Cenlraaltl JiipclUvo for
A tKtxtimg fulfil , tuwUnf u4 Mm tXm.
rUr 0 wMkilon u, ttPtrif. Th Uwt lUoc
!.' ."'.4' A" ?" blM MP liMnuik U Hwli
mlltlH o Inferior toU km IUI Jitrkm't 1LM U
tnt, (0 IT, A, Jtcuon l)o., Mfn , ftuntvf, l.
I. V. WrrditlBier. Aj;l, SsnKranclsto
Buggies, Carriages, Hacks.
411 VcUIcUn Repaired oa Sliwrt
and now, or have a erriK msdcJuK to root no
tion, trlvo a a call, and yoo sLatl aav Jot what
you wsut. If lbs curle yoa have u0 rrpalrUia,
w cau do It la good shay.
Belem, Oot, attf
t ,1
i 2
aW V
. -ia