Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 20, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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'aMwriiM tolxtetriauiaxinKiaiumnaMmui
f i
r !'
Memimis, Sept. 14. Business of all kinds is
nonpenacd, and tho people have no heart to at
tempt any regular fmsineM, and conld not if
thoy would. Kvcn liqnor saloons are for tlio
most part closed. Provision utoros, as a rtilc,
arc empty. Tho greatest need is provisions,
olothiiiff, physicians, money, nurses and medi
cine. Tho lcst thing that can be ilono now is
to send plenty of provisions and clothing.
Negroes and many poor whites from a section
of JoO miles around Muinpliia have Ho-kc.l in
hero, hearing that they could get something U
cat. Ah for clothes, lumlrcds of poor peoj.lr
aro going nlioul tho if rout, nio't'v cn'wd
women, with hardly nnytluii;? on at a 1. S M
in this respect nre most il-Htn im"; So tar m
Hcriatii outbreak, has ucutirred, but tho bu't r
classes nro in constant terror or n ri'.t. Th
city is in tho hands of colored ii"lio ullo'tlic ,
and while they behavo very wjfll, tliero i.i still
u lurking fear of them on the part of tho
Memphis, Sopt. Ifi. To-night's reports show
an increase in the death rats. One hundred
and twenty-seven deaths are reported, of which
forty wore colored.
Port (iibson. Sept. 15. Number of caws to
date r00, dcatlis 00. The fever is abating for
want of material; but few are left to take it.
Vicksburg, Sept. M. Weather clear. Ther
mometer 8b; light frost yesterday morning
northward, in the Mississippi bottoms, the
fever here is abating in new cases, but deaths
continue very largo. Twenty-two deaths to
day, 10 whites, 0 colored. Among tho victims
is Itev. Father Vitello. This makes tho second
priest that has died heru within two works,
Fathers McManus and Vitello. llishop Kldvr
is roportod to lie convalpnecnt, but extremely
weak, and his recover' will ho slow.
Washington, Hcpt. II. -In regard to trio
statement of Dr. Ilamsoy who has jnst retunic-d
from Memphis, that white women have to tako
negro men for nursoi or go without, and that
snch negro nurses have taken advantage of
their helpless white victims, Mr. Keating, edi
tor of tho Memphis Appeal, nronounws tho
statement utterly untrue, and adds: "No man,
white- or black, would bo allowed to breathe a
second breath after such a crime became known.
Tho statement is a libel upon tho negro of
Memphis who have acted by us nobly as police
men and soldiers."
Nuw York, Sept. ) i. Tlio chamljcr of com
'herco has hsuihI an anneal to tho people of tho
united Hint cs in brholf of the yellow sufferers.
Tlio eomniitto says: "(Irrat, noblo and goner
oils nro tho donations sent to ns and to kindred
wooieti.'-t and organi.itions throughout the
country, wo Ix'g to state in language as Htrong
on it e.'m bo extirtssed that they aru wholly in
odcoiiaUt to relieve tho (.retMing txods of that
portion of onr Imloved country suireriug from
thu j'j noiit somrge and pWtie. Its abut'iment
is not yet. WtH'ii it HiitMiiH'N or is oyer, wo
liavi! ..lily to ojcito your further syinpathii by
railing vour atU'iitiou to fatherless and mother-
less rhihlrmi left desolate, and to the condition
of thousanilH of men ami women despondent
ready and willing to work for their daily
bnuw'l, but aru deprived of aU opportunity to
ilo so until frost comes to remove too epiuemrc
and revive tho course of trade and commerce.
Wo aptH-al to our jieoplu evorywhero to ndd to
or dmiblo what they have given to provide for
the imcnitivo iicuts of the plavtio stricken
citi.-i of thu south. Wu rely on tho chamlr
and Uvards of trade in tho west to opou depots
for provisions."
Portland. Sept. II.- Tho lioui fompletfl
rtaml tk't ltepublicnns, '2 Democrnts rlectod by
llcmblicAus, '27 DomocraU and 07 Orevnkvk
rrs. St. Inuis, Srpt. in. Thu HemiblicAiix in the
xixtli district have uomlnaU'd Cuaa. 0, llurton
for cnngniM. Tho Ilvpublican oongrcssional
nxecutivo committoo have decided to' make no
nomination in the ninth district. This 1kai
the field to David Ilea, IVnuicrat and prosont
ineiiiulHint, and NichoHi r'urd Oreeiibu-ucr.
Toledo, Sept. U. President llytt und
party reachca hero this morning. A large
crowd hail assembled at tlte dot, to whom the
president inodo a short shc1i, expressing sou
tiiiirnU similar to thuw at Chiuaga and else
when). At tho cloe if his re-narks tho pn-si-Kmt
hehl a nn-'eplioti nt tho Island House, and
kf t for Trcmont at 10:W.
Omalia, Sept. 1 1. liifuriiuiLon was received
at military hmdipiartcrs lavtt idght that several
('Icvrniiu Indiuus lutd left their rvncrvutioiis in
the luiliaii territory near Fort Itrno, ainl wtre
iHiiuing north. It is thought that the Indians,
ufUr cnuting tho Kansas I'.wifii", nitiid to
ri the Union Pacilie Utwreu North I'l.itto
nud Sidney, and preparations aru )mkn made to
intercept them. Company (1 of tbo IHh In
fantry will leave Omiha to-day at noon for
Sidney, thu (Miint of rendezvous. Company K
le.nes Choyeiiuo and lmuauy , of the -Ith
Inf.mtrv. leaves Fott Steel for the same pl.we,
from w hich the expedition will move to inter
eopt tho IndiatH. The ixsMlition will Im com
manded by Major Tliomburgh.
Memphis, Sept. 10. Mortality to-day haa
U'en greuter than was anticipatod, III diths
Isnng rcortod, 00 of which weru colored.
YtW'nly there were tS deaths m4ead of 3
its romrted,
Srenala, Se.t. lit.-Two dths and two
new c.vMtM, Fever is abating und wo may
soon look for a more cheerful condition of
Virksbarg, rkit. 10. Clear and wtnn, tlier
inometer, IW rhysirians thiuk that there is n
sttsMly decline in new com. tiighUn ikaths
to-day nine white and nine colored.
Memphis, Sept. 10. -Of tho '21 original How
ards only six are on their fevt, the root Wing
d.vl or nick, Tlio rhirical force In mi much
redtiood tliat Sootxdary J, II. Smith requents
neriKis smding contributions to seud by draft.
Theio is apparent falliug oil" in the niimW of
ucw caws. Ouly f.U new applications for
sr0i went made to thu Howards to-duy.
Tnrutytiix ph)uiciun of the medical oorp re-
Krt 111 new c.im tor tlui VI liui.rs ptvcoilitii;
Kri'hy at (i li, m., oininiit 'J3I ycMwil.iy.
't'tio followinx U tha total iWth tint nn t
Urn unl of lit wivki Now OrlcaiiM V,lYj,
ILttiMi Kimt. 30, l'l.vitnunimi 117, Mnriiui (it
Uv.)8. IV.rt F.tiln (l.i.) 8, MoiiiiWh l,
ln-uivi.k '."J.1, Holly Spring 7o Vickslnirg Ml.
(UnUvn M, I'ort OiImui W, Oowin NiiritifcM
Mii. '.), Onviivillc (Mim.) '.), LiU (Miw.l
12, lickiii.ui(Kv.) '.'0, IxmiiuIKi 7, OnUiivlN
(0.) !, Cinoiunnti f. St. Ums 10, Oiimm I.
xro:i. Ti.ua n.:uv.v
Now Orleans, Svjt. IB. IVuthn ,V.; new
.uxm rtiMttsl M9.
New York, Sojit. lit Aoconling to On
Tnluiio'a t.iMi, New York lnuHtHUitr.tiut.il
tr.tVU t thu htrlcktii .mtli.
Holly .Spriiijrn, tVjt. lit. Almat '.W jr
mm wo till nick, Pio ili-utha to-iUy at tl
tine now I'jwon.
(Union, MIm., Sopt. lit. Total nimibor of
rAc4 to ilaU', 4Uj divtthn, V); now v&a in Uio
tart !M hour, SO; death. I,
McmphU, Sept. 16. There i a uliphtly r
ecitiblo ilivrvx-H) in fovtr thla morning, ilcathi
ut to noon not icvtlini; 40, Tho mtil.leat
featuro nl the cpMciulo U that many Mr bo have
bun actively at work relieving ilUtrvu arv
tiyuK or Iwiiw rtricoa ikjwu, Ainou tbo
nuiuUr may Ui mentioned VA. It Wotahim,
Mtiuy ImMurvr tbe Maaouk relief board,
and P. O. C. of Tennessee KnighU Templar,
who bad a relapse and died at an early hour
yesterday mornings oJso W. D. McCollum, an
active Howard.
New Orleans, Sept. 1C Weather clear and
pleasant; deaths, 53; cosos reported, 108.
Baltimore, Sopt. 10. Tno Grand Lodgo I.
0. O. F. of tho United States, met in regular
annual session at their hall this morning. Tho
grand body consists of 105 members. Tho re
port of tho grand aire says that whilst tha an
nual returns cxliibitii an increase in lodges and
encampments and in tho amount piid fir
relief over Inst year, they indicatn for U- i '
tiiuu iincu i.So.l, n falliug oil in mrjitr. . ,
ami revenue.
Mny'o Lnntlin-r, Sni.t. 17 -'f-o d.vii
cotton mill nbove hero I'un.t List night, cun .. ,
;r mI d.vn igi li j)ro,i -rly. Tin oii'ro li fy or
toiler rudicd iIoam in ono column and sub
merged tho town. Thu villagers uuruarouiou
by tlio crashing in of windows anil doori. The
wildest confusion followed. Sovcral pcraons
are reported lost. It is said that two bodies
have been washed up on tho river bank sovvr.il
miles below town. A groat number escaped
through tho water to high ground. Tlio los to
coal and lumbermen is estimated nt $.'i0,000,
(treat ilamngu also resulted from tho destruc
tion of furniture and household goods.
Milwaukee, Sept. 10. Tho annual meeting
of tho supremo council of tho northern jurisdic
tion of tho thirty-third degreo Masons begins
in this city to-morrow. A largo number of dis
tinguished members of thu order will bo
pro tent.
Marshaltown, lawn, Sept. 10. In Tama
county, Saturday, William Taylor Bhot and
killed Perry Wheaton, they having quarreled
over tho fact that Wheatou's dog had chased
Taylor's cattlo from tho former's hayfiold.
Tins is tho third murder in this oounty within
13 mouths.
Chicago. Sopt. 10. Tho Journal's Washing
ton special says: It is stated authoritatively
to-day that tho rescinding of tho order to pay
out suver was mo rusuii oi a coniereuco ie
tween Sherman, Kvarts, Schurz, Attorney
Ucneral Dovcni and others. All concurred in
thu opinion tint thcro was no law warranting
tho issue of silver for legal tenders, and that to
carry out such a policy would subject tho ad
ministration to hostile criticisms. Tho matter
will bo further discussed when tho president
returns. It is not considorcd that any legal
plan can bo devited to pjy out silver for
Victoria, Root. 17. Tho Chincso tax was en
forced yesterday by tho seizure of goods iu
merchants' stores. To-day thoru is uot a
Chinaman nt work for white employers. All
thu cooks nt hotels, rustaurantj and private
houses failed to maku their nppcaranco this
morning. Tho shoo factories and laundries
aiu closed. Vegetable carts have been with-
tl-awn anil much inconvcntcuco to every ono.
Thu chinamen this morning nro walking about
umii ilrosseu in their nest clothes, nuil aiiiiear
to look upon tho allair as a huge joke. Tliero
is great dumand for domestics, and servants
would find ready employment nt good wages.
Tlio sy-itom of driving tho Chinese out of tho
(uiutry by means of heavy taxation is now
burly on its trial, and it will soon bo seen
wh ther tho whitu working classes will avail
themselves of tho opportunity now olTored for
taking tho phicm 1 itely tilled by CelestiaLi.
Rome, Sept. II.- Tho Vatican is much con
cerned at in fraiuent revolution I in South
America, and ha decided to iiu-rvaeo tho Catho
lic propaganda and thu number of bishops in
the South American states with tho view of
bringing religious inthienpi's to bear effectively
on tho pontile and rendering them more obedi
ent to tho law.
Naples, Sept. 1-1 A new crater has opened
in Vesavius hi tho bottom of tho old ono. Lava
is flowing into tho old crater.
Constantinople, Sopt. 14. As soon as tho
HuMiaus evacuate Tchukinidjo, Chnttelia and
Derkoo, I taker Pasha will complete tho defense
of tho works on thoso lines and commence tho
construction of another lino of deftnso near
Vienna, Sept. 13. Count SchouvalofT, now
here, is charged to sound tho Austrian govern
ment in regard to its stops for enforcing the
Ilerliu treaty.
London, .vpt. 14. On. Todleben has had a
farewell audience with the sultan prior to his
dctiarturo for Russia.
Constantinople, Sept. 10. It is stated that
tho porto will not only accept Knglond's pro
gramme of reforms for Asia Minor, but will
shortly issue a proclamation extending it to tho
whole empire.
lU'lgrade, Sept. 10. Austrian reinforcements
have commenced offoneivu operations against
tho insurgents by making intreiichmentsmi tho
kinks of tho Save. Fighting so far indecisive.
Austrian lom between tho 4th nud 0th of Sep
temW, about 100 otlicers and 3,(KMI men,
Cuuhtantiuoplo, Kpt. It). l'.uroiH-an em-
IfciNtadors have made a representation to thu
irti in conmxiuenco of tho telegram from tho
Armenian arohbirfhop of l-jveroum asking pro
tection for Christiana threatened by thu Mus
hulman. Tldrty thousand Russian have en
terinl ILitoum.
Vini.tauttniiJe, Sept. 17. Orcat and in-rnisiii,-
irrit.ilitsi exists in Hungary over tho
si I milieu of athtirs iu Bosnia, It is sold that a
er dit of .KI,(K tkrius will not last until
the urovmbling of tho delegations, which will
take iIkc aNmt the iiiiddlo of October, and
tSr.t 'AtWUKiO tlorini will bo needed before
that time, mkI an additional 70,000,000 Uorins
iniixt U etcd U'fore tho end of tho year,
Vienna, K'nt, 10. It is intended to crush
ivitanco in IkMiiia by overwhelming masses.
I'enka on the Save isbeina Uunbanlud. Kus-
.ia has nrgvd Austria to declare tho annexa
tion of lkuuia; Austria, however, ad lion's to its
oecujutiou in acoonhuico with thu treaty of
fskn PiuiictsiM, S'pt. IC Iii tha Hodgdon
ti tl, after reO.vM tho c.uo was given to tho
ji-V i!hf!it arguueiit. Tho Jur)1 ivtirxl at
:: n'cl'VV. and at 3 Mo brought in a verdict of
in ir.k'f in tho K-cond dogreu.
New Advertuen.
Mcsmv. Newbury, Chapman t Co. announce
far.. i ri..lei.iei.t i of a'.l kimLi, and )tn will find
matters of interest in their juUrrtifonu'nt,
This enterprising firm have, alrtady secured a
large tJiire ot trade.
ft. rVii'dman has bought many Kirja ns t
a .c.'.i n ta'.'s in .'an I'lau-uco and will g.ve h s
c it 'jii'M iriv.it targaini.
Win. Mill van bs a argo itock of millimry
and fai cy geods to suit tho fall scajoh. Mrs.
Millie au'a t.v-te ii well known to la 1 vs of this
The tempfrunco party iu (Vmecticut hiva
uouiiiiatrd Hon. Jinh) (I, Baldwin forOovenor
fiao -al lw WolUc, of Indiana, haa twra
appoiat U Oorruor 1 1 Nw Mexico,
TlfB ffl.rKET8.
Tbe Xarkato.
t TiHTKaDAr, Sept. 18.
Vhcat 19 duller, for while prices remain un
changed ot this point we hear of rocent declino
in Liverpool and an unfavoroblo featuro of tho
Knglish rnarkot is this: that whilo spot wheat,
Pacific Coaf.t club is sold say at 10s Cd tho ctl
100 lt, ordera for wheat ready for ohipment
'.1 this poiut nro only 40 1 tyiOa Od per quarter,
i f00 lli, which pSinly chow that liiey bid
. !. - v heat to arr.vo in 3 to month?, from
,ir r li.r'.ri will dcclico. Ye"im njo quo-
on i foi wh"al to arrivo w. ro nil tho scaion
h';!nr t.'.an for spot wheal, showing that
t h-at buyers in Knglnnd hid groat coniidenoo
th i market would improve Such confidence
do-s not now exist, but wu Invo tho satisfac
tion of knowing that shipping prices nro al
ready rated in anticipation of futuro decline.
Dilllculty of eocuring transportation haa
something to do with tlio prosent depression, ai
the river is very low and boats cannot carry
much wheat if thev wauld. Railroad freights
aro a triflo almvo tho rivor freights nnd cartago
to tha del ot is still another tax.
Ocjati freights continno low, as tho farmers
goncrally refuse to Bell in Largo quantity nnd
vePHtli cannot readily procuro cargoes. This
loaves ocean freghts at tho lowest possiblo
figure. Those who hold hoping for futuro
advance must bear in mind that an odvanco of
wheat abroad may bo offsst by ndvancoin
Moro wheat has been received at Salem Mills
and Farmore' warehouso than ever was received
hero at samo dato in former years. It is
thought tho aggregate of production in this
vailoy too present year; with increased acrcngo,
will not exceed thu total of last year. Cali
fornia has claimed 30,000,000' bushels surplus
for oxport, but recent estimates say 20,000,000
IiuhIium will bo nearer tho figure.
Production in Kuropo is placed at only n fair
yield with a heavy margin to supply from
America for Hngland and Franco, but authori
ties agree that whilo thcro is no over-production,
there is no scarcity, ad tho yielu of tho
United States is Considered ample to meet all
Wo havo given these features of tho market
so that producers can judgo of tho proprioty of
holding or selling. Our present prices aro based
on expectation of a declino from present quota
tions within four months, iu Kngland, of fully
'2.1 cunts a cental for spot wheat, bo wo havo
that margin to go on.
OaU aro unchanged, Mr. ITerren is not buy
ing, as lita warehouso room is nil filled. Salem
Mills oiler 3fo for shipping purposes, with
light purchases; 37 J to 40 cents may lw occa
sionally paid for what is needed for local trade.
Local markots aro without especial clunuo.
Butter is in moderate supply, worth from 18o
to '25a for rolls iu brine, nud nice fresh rolls aro
bringing as high as 30c in trade, though a cash
price would lw less.
Potatoes, 75c por hiuhel innrak.
Onions, Tlio por bushel.
Apples, !!A.'t7J cents per box.
Tomatoes, MX) per bushel.
San Francisco, Sept. 10. Wheat 8a1m of
choice Cal. milling at 01 71), and of Cat. choice
shipping nt SI 70 nlougsido; superfine Cal.
milling, 91 fiO. On Saturday somo Oregon
choice milling sold for $1 72).
Flour Demand is mostly for export. Local
buyers manifest somo indisposition.
Oats Clioioo to oxtra choico feed; moro in
quiry from buyers i sales to-day at 1 W,
PoUtoe-$ltVl ).
Bacon Oregon moves very slow at over OJc.
Hides Dry, over 10 lbs, and dry kip and
calf aro wcakt nil others firm.
Liverpool, Sept. 10. 3 p.m. Wheat market
on spot, quiet but steady at tho following quo
tations! Fair to ohoico shipping California, per
contal, 10iIOs4d! fair to choico shipping club
per rental 10m 4dll0ii 7d; red Am. spring,
No. '2 to No. 1 9s 4d(tt9s lOd.
Annonnrement for tho Fall Trade
from . fhusdmas.
All xirsons aro invitod to como and sea what
elegant DRKSS (JOODS I sell for ono bit a
yard, Como nnd imi my 20-cent DKtJSS
(JOODS, my bit a yard WORSTF.D CHKCKS,
ondmytiiio 8-1 BLACK CASIMHltKS for
ladiej, my FANCY FIGURKI) OOODHntouo
bit a yard in assorted colors; my $2 SO BLiVCK
BKAVlUt, my 10-cent LINSKY; my beautiful
assortment of 8IIAWLS; tho cheapest ladies'
andgentj' UNDKRWKAU ever brought to
Salem; my fmo lino f HATS and CAPS,
BOOTS nnd SHOK8. Como see my fmo SASH
RIH110N3, 371 cent a yard; my OROJ) GRAIN
RIHIIONS at from S cents to W ccnU a yard.
HMBROIDKRI, all hand-nnde, from f
cents a yard up. In LACKS I havo n fino as
sortment. It will pay you to buy HANDKKR
CHIKKSandTOWKLS of mo by tho dezen.
In TABLK LINKNS I defy competition.
I havo OIL CLOTHS and CAR PETS; como
look at my tlno TWO-PLY CARPETS at SI a
yard, my oxtra DRUSSKLS CARPETS at ?1 a
I havo a fine lot of ladio's CLOAKS, cheap;
also VKLVin'S and VKLVKTINKS nnd nil
good lino of KID CLOVES, and BERLIN
C.l.OViy. (let your WOOLEN YARNS and
KNITl'lNT, COTTON of me. Miuo is tho
cheapest pi wo to buy KN1CK KNACKS,
KS. Buy your KA(! LK TINS of FRI EDM AN.
All you Miiokers, if you wnntgood TOBACCO,
(ioiitleir.cn, your head -covering must como from
FRIEDMAN'S, for ho haa the best rtock of
hats in the city; your understanding should bo
got of him for his ttx'k has all, from f no
1 havo mw a stoo (f CLOTHIVO ior largo
pen-ons as well as sirall, in CASIMKRE,
It pay you to buy all kinds of SHIRTS (f
SHIRTS at from 00 cents to $2 t apiece, and
an excellent assortment of casimero shirts,
I wi.h to close out a lot of WINDOW CUR
TAINS, TASSEUS and CORD very chwip.
It will pay you to come propaivd to lf.y, as 1
am a poor b o.-keeptr, and it is rash 1 ont
for my goods.
cVox, Spt, SO, J87?.
Both may be Maily atulned br any dm la
heeding nature' warning and keeping
close watb over eymptoma that may appear
wbloh invariably are the Indication of an
pproaoblnir Mines. Many dollars can be
saved and a great deal of sufTerlng avoided
by a little attention to tbe following symp
toms, wbloh are a snre sign that eliber the
blood, liver, or dlgeetlvn organs are out of
order: Constipation, Indigestion, fullness or
tilood In the hoad, nour stomaoh, ormted
lonnue, lead tastfl iu tbo mouth, and open
lw broath, anil, drowsy, nnd dobllllaled
feollng.fioqiienfaeadaoho.poorDppolllo imln
uitlioiidit, chest, mid limbs, eta., etc ino
lilKhot medical Biuhorilles deolaro that ovor
two thirds of nil cIUohsoh are oaused olther
by nn linpnro stRto or tbo blood or nnmo do
ningomenniftho llvornnd dluestlvo organn.
When tho blood li puro, tho llvor In propor
Kotlon, ntirt tbo Uowois reiiir, uo onu cn
over b sorloiisly or dangerously Mck. To
purify tho blood mid thoroughly renovate
tbo nntlro human nystom, nothing bss over
received moro llAtterlntceortiaoatr than Ore
Kon's best vegeUblo protlaotlou, Pfundhu'h
Oiuuiom IlLooa Poiwkb. A single trial will
oonvliicoHny ono that It Is tho most reliable
family romody everoffored to tho public.
For eslo by nil drngKlst. Price, ono dollar.
Principal Depot nnd Manufactury, Wm.
Pflindorte Co., Portland, Orogon.
Tke Centanr UnlMfHta ato of to ktodt.
Tho While Is for tho hutntn hmllr; the Yellow
I for horscf, nhtep, sod other sntmsls. Teitlmo
ntsln of the effects prodaced by theie remitksblo
l'rcpsrstlone are wrapped around CTery bottle, and
may bo procured of any draajrlft, or by mall from
the Office of Tua CarrAun Conr-Airr, 40 Dey SUect,
Now York Ctty.
)r. Mlntlo's Vegetable Xephretleuia.
NOI It Is Intended for Dleetsef or the Kldaey
nd Bladder. This irrcat Tonle supplies a
want lone fr-lt by a certain els' of sufferers, and Is
taklncshlah rank smone remedial tfnti in this
rnnntry. First rtrcaaro It Is made HI'KCILLY for
Kldner and Bladder compUlnU, tbe different
luirredlents of wbleh It 1 composed actlnc conjutnt
ly upon lbs maecaltr and mnr-ons coats of these or
Kn, Second. Ths comblnttlon U tho rwult of
lsritocxportrneeardearcrtl study, both or tho or
stnsandlhfllrdlicsscs. Third. The beet material
(which aro purely vcijcUblf ) are selected and ued
In It mnn'sctare, In scale Inflammation of the
Kidneys or Illadder, pain and beaviocer In tho back
and loin, with drnwrlnes and frf linn of laoiraor.
tbe Nephrellcnin will slro Imroedlnto roller, and
a froo uo s perfect enro, by etrfcOy followluic dlro
lions. I'rtee, fl.SS.
Dr. mintle's Itozllati Dandelion Fills.
No Ttievareliiiendul tor dlreans that result Irom
Malarial l'olon and a Derantrcd Uver.
Bymptnms or a disordered liver Dnlt patn In tho
Ida and thoulders, e, of SDpeille, coatoi t'.nirus.
enstlte bowel, sick headache, drowlmrs, wehtht
In the ftomaeh, n ten acting with acidity and boch
log np of wlud. low r plrl, loss or energy, uneocU
hllity, and r.irebcstluioi of evil.
Deity te dangerous.
Manr or the leading citizens of Portlsnil. from ex
perience, will vnneh a in ihn superior virtue anil
valued the'o twepeelallle. V ice, 25 cent per box
To bo obtained of all drueji'lu.
t'o.'s Htahle, Haum Oh.
fr- inrat-elaM work dooe, eliort
ollet. May ll-tf
. Twenty .
na.a.NfflffVMB,HUM,aiaawa,M- Tr
famVtU. O. BRIM A OO.,
at ft,., io; Broadway, N.wYott,
Ettray Notioe.
hand hlirh, II vrareokl, hair dollar (cnl-) In
rleht s'loalder, placed tbxra lo mre tweeny: lefliho
prsmUus or the nnderli;nd, two mtln from the
Salem ferry, In Polk eon'.ty, on rho 1st day or July'
167H, and hat not been beairt of plnco A ttioral re
wird will be Rlen fur ber retarn, or any Information
reading her vher's'iooU. JANR 1JKCKKT.
MAlsa.Auif. I. 1T8 If
TJTTfrtT TfT7T TTOfli sxTMnot nrroivva
iiXiVUJJVJblt XaJUXi wiia mix caiituhkls
JuUnn J.UOWSh HON, US a US Wood bL, VMu$h, ly
Also Mannfactareni and Dealer la
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mcnldings, Etc.
Aleo make a rpWlty or
W. F. noOTIIIlV, Are bit ret.
All Order from ibe Country pron.ptti OlltdX
Corner Front and Stnto Streets,
5&L1M, OKXOOlf.
iprM tl
Wboleaaln and llelall Dealers' la
Coaoh, Carriage, and Wagon Material,
Cor. Itlnlii atul Flr.st 8Ih , Porllnntl, Oregon.
N, n.-HavlnjKYeriliry ronmxtl jn m-ith the Ma Ann ol Ncamatr & Tfioun-Q, crJr houM ho addmedkt
aVitw. (.J3ro3 li J, .OHTlIRLT.
n. MrCL'LLY.
Commorcial Stroot,
Coil Fi-l.
Wliltrt Fish,
Wo rail partionlar a'tenlion
TVgttv "5Torl3L Stone-Tare,
Also our T. Y. SYRUP, direct from the factory, and superior to anything ever
introduced in tho market, and our .? TEA none better.
W Partkolai laaeeaMaW ataa rtit pwhatto
T. n. Cox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Itoans negotiated on Favorable
Buy and Soil Gold nnd Silver, State. County.
atij C!y Warrants.
Acuia tr Eiccd'c opm Hocf,
15?" OtHzt, t the eajitr or ttetd's Open Itoute
reffl AtXi'JT. OR. Mil
. mzj.1.9 I ji riiaJ1..!
ns.ctntnren&ca iixf-iv
Wi)AiMrDiBouK.,teic-'in'rt3iiriN'7'cii. '
flftlfl nn trill an4 -TlftMinfaftflrfi..finp nt lt nrtr.
thnnnnjrfithi-r Hayprc.aaanRlftor tin aalo. Don't bo
iMndhd by Irrctnonlbln moniifactuirrs or Infrlndne
nmchlnrii.etthaporchnjrrls liable. It eo-ta no mora
Addnwi. r. 1C DKDKUICK A CO- Albany, N. T.
Gr. W. GRAY &z CO.
Mill, will oootlnue the manuficluro or ltaar
and Bollad Linseed Oil, Tow and Meal. All otls
warranted strictly pare.
Haj-bm, Oreiron, Anc. Ill, 1B78. m3
The Averill Paint
Is Prepared InLlqald.Fonn,
it is or
. perns xxrxxxT'xi.
It iii oimpoMi.l o Hip
Known to tho Trade.
Puru IlnMood Oil,
3RT7f&:n 9SXJNTO,
Procurable for Tinting
Wnleb, by onr -collar prtMieaa of manufactnrra.
are ao thorooghly nnlted that
Henee It will neverchalk.onirk, or pl of; doaa
not rnn from aeunia, or imll h leu;
and r.ir iikh-manlt ok rotiu
Put up in I, J, 1 ami ti gallon Packages.
Wholosalo and Retail
OIunh, BruMhoH, X3to.
OaU azxel Moo 3.saaxloas.
Htid llctall
Salem, Oregon,
J'eiirl liiirley,
! Bale
Itiiilo Cutlery,
(J lam ware,
Iu oar dlreot Importation of
laeea io4 ty Ike paeaaft er at retail
C- A. Baas. Notary Fnbhc,
tUfHf"" '" ' ' n