Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 20, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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Matter-John T.Jovc, Bartan. Phillip. Ark.
Uichrt1er Woodnun, pvr Pw"Van Barcn,
Lxturtr-K. n. Smedley. Crcseo, Howard, U.
aUioard-A. J. VauRhn, kerophli. TeooT
Au't SUuani-ilommer Whitehead, Xlddlebssb,
Domcret. N.J. '
tVwpfoto-S. II. Kills. BprtoRboronjA, Warren. O.
fJ2iV-O.H.KeUer,UinIilfta.k. '
af.Artr-0. Dluwfddle, Orchard Grove, Ind.
Ons-Mr. John T. .lone. Usrton, I'hlllLus, Arlc.
Flont-Ut. Samuel E. Adams. Monlioello. Minn.
JKnnow Mr9 Harvey Ooddard, North Oranby. Ct.
r Lai,V.tl'tWant suMri Miss Caroline A. UalL
Louisville, Ky
D. Wyatt Aiken, (Chairman,) Cokesbory, 8. C,
K. It. Bhank'Mid, Uubnque-Iowa.
Dudley T. Chase, Claremout.N. II.
Alonto O Met, Itock Fallji, Whiteside. IU.
W. IL Chamber, 0wecheo,Hussell. Ala.
it&kr. A. K, Shipley, 0wco, Clackamw County.
&crttary.H. W. Itandall, Oregon Clly. '
Trtcuvrrr. David Htnllh, Lebanon. Linn CoantT.
NxtcvUo Commute. A. R. Shipley. Oswero,
CUckama County; u. W. Hunt, Hablimlty, Marlon
County; A. Holder, Corvallls, Denton County.
State Grange Deputies for 1878
Pott Offlot. Bxprtu.
A UaMcr ConraWs...
0 H Waltc fisnby
Tbomis Hralth Baker City
W II dray Astoria....
JN TMUlcr Jacksonvill Jacksonvill
Joseph I'ol ock Lclanrt
Tot con Kuoz Crou'wel'..
AUeu Band KugcnoCity
T W CoWln
PlymptAn Kelly East Portland... .Bart Portland
Jacob Jchntnu ' " ' "
J W Batch. Idcr llnttevlllo
Wm M Hlllcary 'lurnor
T A Klchardson Tualatin
J W tiapplni(ton....Ualon
II R Lauahlin North Yamhill
wasiuxotox TBiuiironr.
W B Thomas.,. ...WsJlt Walla
Thomas Thruttell... .Dayton
Home Musical Library,
contains nearly all tho really cood sliert music ever
published convnlrmlr bound In Thlrtr"! wo hand
some volnmt s. Kach uook lsijcilto Independent or
thiolhuis, I Mild winrntily, BLrt contain tbolar;o
quantity of SOI toVW pi(s, sheet rautlc slxr, of
KKd mu'le, and each booU la cold for
2. SO In Ilonrd; A3 Clollit. t Gilt.
There arc 15 Collection of Vocal Mnile, of which
the three mott recently lrued arc:
'f liu voais are by the roost pupal ir authors.
TIIKWOHLD OF.NONO. (JM pices.) Afireat
vailety nf soars by the bed couipoicr. native
and foreign.
UK.TIM Of KNHI.ISH NONfi (Sll Pcvl, 73
HodW, Daots, Ac l Wonderfully line book, At
the Unto of 1th publication conrldcrvd tbo best.
There are 17 Collection ol iMlruuental Music. The
most recent one n are:
(ItriTKItOHUKJIS. (i37pCf.)
Fine piece fur "vauced plavers.
(limn OP fllK DANCK, (i.U paseM
Thenmeslcoiiponltlonsof btrauis.
s2i:itHosr N-rir.nsH. dni;eo
A hundied or more of tho works of this moot
brlllltut ol misltrn.
Heed for Catalogue, and Content of tr.e II book,
Hr"LooU out fr Dllson & (V New Weekly Ku
slctl Paper. Appears lit Sepumter.
. XI Dltxon A-Co., J. i:. Dltaon A'o
813 Broadway, N. Y 911 Chtnut ftt I'hlla
At the ralr Hround. In October, also gradr boek and
owes that hae been well bred. ,..
SumiDAK, Oregon, Auz.SO, 'TS.-tf
Administrator's Notioe.
J...4.n ha, uun thUflmv SDDOlnUMl DT IAS
County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, admlnUtra
tor of (he tsUte of Amelia David. n, deceased. All
cersons nannu cuims aiui rm !"
quired to prent them with the proper vouchtw to
me In Hafero, Or.irou, within lJn"lbJ,ir?u0H1110
date of this notice. A. V DAVIDSON,
Administrator of the Estate ol Amolla uarldion,
Dated Auru' 3t.1873.-w4w
On Salem prairio, at tho reaidenco of tho
lirido'rt father, Septt-raWr 12th, by tho Kov. A.
W. Bower, Mr. Win. W. Woodworth, cf
irowell lVairio, and MUa Alida K. Knight, lato
of Montcalm county, Michigan. Joseph M.
Woodworth and Miss Hnttto N. hnight atven
dants. Compliments of tho parties received.
At tho houne of IT. M. Clark, Sept. 10, 1S"8.
by Rev. H. M. Clark, Mr. Peter Laforo and
Mihs ilattie Kayg, all of Mariou county.
Sept. 10, at tho residence of Leonard Judwn,
Mr. John Mclntire and Mis Judson, Com
IiliintllLa received.
lArgo Ftro.
Friday night of last w cek a destructive- firo
occurcd at Forest Orovo which will prove a
heavy loaa to that commuuity. Some time
during tho night two largo warehouses -oco
Mouging to W. V. Hoxter and tho other to
Mihare. Hiuda 1 Ilurkhardt caught or was
et on tiro and consumed. About 40,000 bush
eh of wheat were stored in tho building, all of
which was totally destroyed. The grain was
stored in tho warehouses awaiting shipmtnt.
It principly belonged to tho fanners in that
ieiuity, on whom the low falls heavily. Tito
loss will scarcely fall abort of JSO.OOO. The
tiro is uppotdtoiAjthoworkofanujciudury.
Wo are unablo to state whether or not tho prop
erty was insured.
Tho location recommended for liht and fog
sitfial on 1'oint WiUou has boon 'approved by
tho Light Ho-iw Uwrd, and tho un-ey of the
ground UK process; tho land will bo pur-
dialed f "ccc.
ev. Robert Collyer, cf Chicaw, m Uu
nre-whing to largo congiesatwos tt Uvd. Kaj-janl.
Salem, Sent. 17th. 1878.
A special Grango mooting wul bo hold in tho
4th degree on Friday evening tho 20th inst., at
7:30 o'clock p. m. in Grango Hall, Salom, for
consideration of questions of general interest.
All 4th degree members are cordially invited to
bo present, especially thoao from abroad.
Dan'l Clajik,
Master Marion Co. P. O.
Multnomah District Pomona Grango will
meet on tho Third Friday of September, at 10
a.m., in their hall in East Portland. Fourth
dofTTOrt mnmluirrt in trntu nfntulitirr Ant fnr1n11v
invited to meet with us, as important business
win do in nanus. A. K. HinrutT, Master.
Manon County Pomona Grange.
Marion county Pomona Grango will hold n
regular quarterly meeting in Salem on Friday
tho 4th day of October next beginning at 1 1
o'clock a. m. Tho election of officers lor tho
ensuing year with other important business
will bo transacted at this meeting. A full
meeting is important. Dan'l Claiik,
Salcin, 8cpt. 7th, 1878. Master.
Liquor Drinking at the Capitol.
On Saturday two resolutions wcro introduc
ed in tho house calling for information as to
what authority has pormittcd tho opening of a
liquor Belling room in tho SUto Capitol. It is
n fact that a liquor saloon is opened thcro and
is extensively patronized, much moro by out
siders than by mcmlicrs, indeed it Is truo that
most of tho members nro not drinking men
and do not patronize it, and tho resolution
passed by a unanimous vote. It is very
proper that refreshments should bo convenient
to members and others, and a tho Capitol is
situated at a considerable distance from our
hotels and restaurants it may bo proper to
allow somo ouo to establish on eating room
there, but tho general sentiment among tho
members seems to bo that thoy do not wish to
bo rcsponsiblo for liquor selling at tho Capitol,
which is an indication of sober intention and
good moral sentiment on part of tho members.
Fresh Bread on tho Fair Grounds.
Klsowhcro wo publish advertisement of
Messrs. Strong & Haiti, who givo notico that
thoy will, during tho Stato Fair, keep at their
stand, No. 31, fresh baked bread daily. They
iutvnd to have nn abundance, and campers
can find thcro also a full supply of other
needful necessaries in camp life. Thoy will
have in connection therewith a candy manu
factory. Wo commend Messrs. Strong & Ualn
to all our farmer friend? at rcsponsiblo businau
Tho Plammcr Premiums.
Wo call particular attention to tho fact that
W. S. Plummer patentee and manufacturer of
tho Pluramor fruit dryer, is oflering, as ho
says, four beautiful premiums for tho best dis
plays of dried fruits, dried by tho Plummer
Proceu. His card will bo found elsewhere,
Ail ho intimates in this announcement ho will
build n neat pavilion of his own on tbo Fair
Grounds, for tho cxprost purpose of exhibiting
theto dried fntits und to xhow tho operation of
his drying machine;!.
ThoGrat white settler in Polk county, Mr.
C. D. Kmbree, of Lixie, ha.i bought a Plummer
Fruit Dryer and thinks it is one of tho best
investments ho has tnado jet for making
money. Ho says it is Utter than represented
to him by tho agent.
Col. J. W. Ncsmith, of Dixie, has two
Plummer Fruit Dryers in full blast oti his big
fruit farm. As soon as fruit is ripe they will
run day and night.
I offer four !oautiful premiums at our
noxt State Fair for thu largo.it and best display
of dried fruits dried by the Plummer Process,
packed and exhibited by tho manufacturer, to
bo exhibited in Brand tiaviliou built oxtiresslv
for the purpose. I wish all who own Plummer
Dryers to participate, as tho State Fair prom
ises to bo a grand display of Oregon producti
and manufactures, and there is no doubt but
all that participatu will bo greatly benefited.
W. H. Plummkii.
Favors a Dog Tax.
Oakland, Sept. 12, 1S78.
Mlt, Kditoi'.: I was pleased to notico an
notico an article in your paper on a dog tax.
What wo need is a tax ujion all dog to tho
amount of five dollars on each, thu smallest
ones aro the w orst of all in enticing others.
Also a bounty upon bnars of $25, panthers the
same, wolves $50. and wild cats $10. Last
wook I found liftoin killed in ouo place If a
dog can't pay his way kill him and keop a pig
instead. Another law wo no.'d as much at a
dog tax, is a law to make overy onu kotp his
stock upon his own premises. I tirul it an
oasy matter to keop btook in an enclosure, that
is tho quostion, and a difficult one but
to keep others out that are half starvod. If
Bomcthini is not done to protect thoso that
keep their stock enclosed, there will bo xerious
trouble in Douglas county before long. Making
lawful fences is pUyed out; if tho stock can't
make a gap thu owner will.
t. HALL, .Senior
Maa Caught, bat not Johnson.
On Monday Chief Dtsscr, of Portland, re
ceived a telegram from Shedd's Station, sayirg
that thu notorious Juhnon had bout utught,
and askiug for instructions. At or.co tyie
stickers on tho city papers v.ero put to work
making up sensational head-lines, and the re
port went out that tho real inau .Io)inon Lad
lxn caught; but on arrival uf thu officer at
.Shield's Station, it was found that a man bad
lin caught, but that man was not "the follow
who caused so much trouble and uneasiness,"
and consequently he was not taLcnto Portland.
The 0. S, snag Iwat is at Duena Vista Par
doinj good kervitij; it will reach Salem this
wtvk, and then drop on down the river, moving
aniss Iwtwceu this city anl the Willatnetto
Oold la AtraBdoaoc
Tho Standard of thu 10 th inst., contains tho
following: For somo months past parties have
been prospecting along and near Skyhomish
river, bebeving that thcro wero valuablo dig
gings Bomcwheto in that locality. At ono time
diggings paying two and thrco dollars per day
were discovered, and somo of the prospectors
were content to work there several months,
but others wero not so cosily satisfied, and con
tinue! their search for tho hidden treasures
thoy wero quite sure would reward their per
severance. And tho report comes from Snoho
mish City that thca fortune Beckers havo been
rewarded in finding diggings about 30 tnlUo
from Snohomish City, in tho river bed, that
pay twenty dollars per day to ths man, usifig
only p.uis m cleaning. Tuu discoverers, Messrs
llarrctt & Co., went to Snohomish City uud re
corded their claim. The ut 1.-0111 of that little
city were so elcctrilicd by the news of tho dis
coverers, that rcjHirt says thttt many promi
nent men of the city left their business and
proceeded at once to the dlcging to locate their
claims. Our infotmant, who arrived in this
city last night, says tho news wero brought to
Li Conner from Snohomish City by gentlemen
who are perfectly reliable, and tho rcpoit is
believed at La Connor. If tho report is not
exaggerated, and tho miners aro actually taking
out &!0 per day to tho man without miuing
machinery, this will doubtless prove one of tho
best paying mines on thu coast.
Death or a Former ClUxen.
Again are wo called upon to record tho death
of a former resident of this citv, after twenty
llvn years of suffering, having for that length of
time been afflicted with a cough that would
only givo up its victim when the nugcl of death
bare tho spirit of Mrs. K. Kllen Ilobb to its
haven of rest. Mrs. Ilobb, the oldest daughter
of Mrs. Parish, sister of Mrs. S. A. May, of this
city, had a largo circle .of warm friends,
who will hear of her death with regret; during
all these years of suffering she bore her alllictiou
with truo christian fortitude. Tho funeral will
take placo from her late residence, West Park
street, between Morrison And Aldor, Portland,
to-morrow at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Friends of tho
family ore invited.
Wonted t Hcr,
ShonfT Baker Saturday morning received tho
following polito petition from thu prisoners in
tho county jail:
To the hcnorablo citizens of Salem Mr. Jo?.
A. Uaker, Sheriff of Marion comity Dear Sir:
We, tho undersigned members of tho "county
jail," Salem, Oregou, do hereby risk permission
to attend tho trial of John Whitney, in tho said
city of Salem, 011 Saturday, Sept. 14, A.I). 1878.
Yours very respectfully. CriAH. KiNfioLD,
0. I). Stotlaii,
Jas. Sullivan.
l!y James Sullivan, chairman.
Tho request could not lo granted by the
Moil Xtobbora Arrested.
Tho OrcgonLui of Saturday Hays, Mr. Goo,
A. Steel, pontal agent, received ft dispatch
from the sheriff of Siskiyou county, California,
which convoyed tho wolcorav information that
tho mail robbers havo been captured after a
long and vigorous, search in tho inouutains. Tho
names of tho gang are not given. Thco nro
the s.vno fullnws who attempted to rob tho
stage near Yroka a fuw days nxo, and one of
whoso number was killed by Wells, Fargo &
Co's ir.ussngcr, Mr. llcynalus.
A Fonoinr AppoLufcnont.
Tho appointment of Miss Norn Simpson to
lo Enrolling Clerk of the house, gi es general
satisfaction. This is tho first appointment uf
tho kind wo bclicvo,cvcr given in our legislature
to a lady, ami tho practice being initiated .wo
hope it will bo continued, bo that young ladies
can receive their share of employment freni
U10 Stato.
Death or an Oregon Flonecr.
Old residents will recollect illtitlcr Ander
son, nephew of Gen. Adair, of Astoria, who
came to that placo in I850,and afterwards lived
on Pugut Sound, and was always much ro
spocted and had many friends, holding different
public positions in both territories. He re
turned to thu South in 1W5, and resided hut
in Grenada, whero bo recently died of yellow
Succeaaral Operations with Hone.
Smuii. Sept. 12, 1878.
Mit. Knrmit; In order that fanners and own
ers of ridgling horxos may know of my success
ful treatment of ridgling, I will refer briefly to
a few men who havo lately tried my work,
which should scttlo at least thrco questions:
First, that ridgling horsed, by Miles' now
method, can ho gvldcd as safely, and tho or
centage of lowi by death, from the ojkiration,
no gTcatcr than common stidlions, under the
old itylo of clamps, fire, cords und pobon.
(See Spirit of thu Times.) Second, that it
matters not whero tho uigu is, or tln'i season tf
thojnvr, so tho work is done right. Third,
that exercise at work or under tho saddle is
absolutely necossary after thu operation, es
pecially ridglingj, oh tbo following certificate
will clearly ihow:
Hklmivikw, YAMinu.Cu.,Ropt.ff, 1878.
Mr. Ixh Dar Sir: Yours of thu second
in.it. at hund. I am well ploxicd with your
work. I worked my hor) in thu thresher and
to a header wagon almost uvuiy day. and am
C0.V hauling grain to Dayton. Then) has been
homo inquiry aa to your whtrcabouty, for there
are others that bavu worked for you to do
since they have wm.ii and heard how successful
you was with my horse.
Yours with rvapect, Ayniww J. Dakku.
Mr. I). C. Stewart, of North Yamhill, Or
ogiin, nays the ridglui" I guided for him, Aug,
Utth, wall right, und in fchort he has douo ex
ceedingly well, and hu i.i Mtisfied with thu
oiratiou. Mr. N. McPeursifull of Mil'ers,
(hugon, Hays: "Dr. lx.'o guided a ridgling
lion) for me; I worked him every day just thu
name ta Inifore the operation. He has doubled
tho valuu of my hore."
I cannot attend to nil the work offered ou ac
count of it boiug m saattered it wuold take too
much time to go to it, (time is money.) I will
try to fill promptly each appointment adver
ilvol in thu taper, so that ail -no mutU-r bow
far jou may live from yorr country town ca
huvuyotir work ticrw and w oik your howe
home. Wu. Lki;, V. S.
Offer for Sale at tho Lowest Possible Prices.
MMri TTAnnnmi
A WW ilAAAUWi)k)g
Wc have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save such,
as arc really the "neflus ultra" of their class, believing the best are notonly tlic
cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur
nished on application, and we sell no goods that we arc afraid to guarantee. Wc
would call especial attention to the
Deere Si; Flow,
Iipik 1 flfin ffnlrl In flrnnnn nnrt
UI T .- 4i. Innt O
rr. 1. 111 iiiv iuol uiuiwo.
The jxeulUr arraniranicnt of this unrtvilcil
t UUxL Ask ) our neighbor wliat I u thliiks
about It. No eumptlcntlon of levers. A txiy
rui tniniM It, an J do Utter work than an.An
with milking iilow, anJ tslro tlio qiuuUty
linpKtncni necus oniy 10 cc Ken iu ve mrc
1vr usy. W 0 Iive aM e hxm1 regar J to tlio
mnn.niMit nf nur lmnlrmi'tif a atkl wn olilv
tmprociucnt cf our implements ik! wo only
import tuciiasiiAto 1110 tty uteu improve-
mtnu tiki Let itvlm As ourllne Is too oxtendea to
bDjiort michaslisto tlio cry Uteit lniirure-
DEERE'S MOLIHE PLOWS, Randall's Rolling Cutter Harrow.
Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Flows
Farm, Grist and Pood Mills, Wood-workinB Mnchinory; Bolting,
Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
With th Now TRUIiliENOER Pat. BRAKE, the Latest device,! No Brnli
Bsvrn.cd: No hoii to cr oat tiros, wlllboliln wnROii wiywhore from
IxtcJdntr or Rolnc forwnrtL Wo nro rtlo Solo Agonta for
STXJDEBAKKB. -C72LCOXTS. With Fata! Holler fab,
Too vrcll known to need commont.
OAVX7A7j STCC3E, $100,000,
Are now Prepared to Furnish tie
At very low lirlccn, from 43T.O to $700.
Tluit;.l, l.tiNk A: Com puny nnil Luke V,
NeNorvleli Compuii)', ol tmu l'ru
(Itco, iironouuers
"Tho. OTAI.TJB?. tho best t'ryer
now in ujc."
BiiisiDs made in forty-eight bonrs,
Applos dried into and one-half hours
tlALL at our oilier. 418 California Nt..
J an f ranrUro and aen tho beaullful
fruit oVItxl by lltn Waller Uryer.
JL sdrsLei upon all fmlt cured j Ibilrprucvrr,
Office 418 California fit. H. Y.
IIKAHINtl IIIMTOIIKI). Orest Invention by
una m t.o di-itl fur stl )ir. 1 1 nil rlsiup fur sr
tlinlar. Vaimv ib IUiii'en, Lnek Iluz M), Mxllnon,
IstlUn. saVfJ
KiifitJ. ffrafcit:nirior
los.i tiJra M. A, UIUNT4 U,
. i, 6 (Wo Hi , UfacWAtU, U,
nattKii is
Head-Stones & Monuments
micurtu in
Italian and Vermont
Ilranch Mhi. ut Albany.
Addreu; A, hTAKJItl, .tlliuuy, irrKr.
Alto, evi rr varleir of cuM.riitrv ed oilier store work
do'.o tkII alunilo ilr.n ! oruer fiom all
Etri of ins ut- ar.d M'.I,(iiUiii Teitory ncelvrd
y icall n- otheiwls-, aud pionipily fiiiuardtt. All ,
wuk wsrrsctcd. Apr U "8
in part of
,.,,,.,,,. ,iitti-it...
tarUcuUrUe, we cultl elt attention to the following Uit:
Said for Circulars and Price Llntn.
HogunL, H st.v Cuvk Co,, Nov. 04, UT7,
Masri I'uiicu .V Hon.
l''oiili'turi Manmllc Klssllc Trnst;
(lnt- lieitlmtvii to Klvrt you my tiuno'.lrllcil tc4
tlinuuy ltli nystd to lliu elllracy or your Tru In
iiroituilnr. irfect cure. IlnviiHiini onn wlilch I
lioniilof you Hlmut 1 riiy seo, Nhd I ll nl mmlf
atllil tn 1'KIIKMTI.V Ultlil'. TlisnUlnit y.u
lor thuHihiroyou uaxtkinl the lemlth iroJucid )jy
jour Truss, I reumlu yours, ctr
A Remarkable Cure!
Han KOANClsro, Nov. 17. IliT?.
l)u I'lsiice-Di'sr Hlr: On thu .tuih tUy of Jute.
IHT7.I iiunliastil onu or jour I'ntont Mniiiiillc hlt.lln
I'rufH p, mIiIcIi I havo uorn conmnnily. it rordlM. to
lio illn-clloii von uavw. slid I now find It tins entire
ly cured tuu of It. p'liro, TnU I consider rwnsrl.
bli'.n I mi ntoily Hfiy jmrsnldand Imvo worn i.
u 'I rursvi, IncludliiL' llr, Hliirmau'r, wlltJoat ie
ulvlnir Ibu lct lieueQI; In ftel, thu louver I worn
hem tho womo I bvesmr. Yob msy uhllnh thl Id
or. If you deslh), and I iiopn Ihtt others sLtli'ttU
tlth Hernia who read Ihts Mill lv yi-ur reiuiNly a
rial. 'Jbtnkliifyou Tor iho criat bentflt you Ltva
J0110 mo, 1 reuiatu. truly ynur.
33V Hitch Mrett.
The Latest Cure! .
HN fnAMcirto, April 21. 167S.
This will eerilfy that by wearlmr 'l): riartn'n
MaunvtlcKlasllcTruJis'1 about KUIIIT MONTII.H,
n luh t and day, I havo bnen c mpleloly cured of tlo
Kupturo with which I have nurtured during thu past
My Ituptaru was very bad.eomlni; out a larxoaa
m two fl.t. caurluir viest pain and annoyance.
rtu 'Mskiii-IIc KUslleTruM" knpt my Kupture In
pluca stcurely, without csuslus mo thu least pJu.
Inca the Truss has cured nu 1 lavu kudo without It
for many day at a time wltho.it any ludlcatlooa of a
focurttiuen. thiiUKh wotllui; hard all the tlm, a.id
theruforu I thru wystll a wtll man.
Fireman In tha employ or the U. I. It. It. Co.
IF !tltTl'KFi7Nnd nt onro fur
our JVt:U IllnNfruftMl lluuU
und lrlco 1.InI.
WJHAcramcntost., HAN fIANCHCO,
Juno la-Cm wwSy
Kormeil lit J)urhlr.n HUxk, ha junt ojeucO i Lxt
Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings,
Houho - Furnishing Goods.
N.-xt to lUlryuipltt t llrown,
Vr.tltKf.V'H IILOCK. NALt!.TI. Oil.
Lowest Cash Rates!
U 11 u mure ,11I!TAL
Til hiKM. No mu'H edurtiu
imui lrtn h ops tr steel rpil. kI
i'teri'v'' I'Htent jTlHUtietlu
I'.IukIIu Triua
Nwnrn with ease and cou'orl
MtlllT and HAY. am 111 mlt.
fvrn'anl.al ..uu viuu nil nthera (all. Iltajtr, If
ru.ta'ixl Iryine anil juti w lneerrtfret It Km.J
for II .iratwl lloox am I'rlro l.l.t MAdNtTIO
M.Ani If ii.rK CuVI'Ax. 0ll)Merii.nalosL.
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