t"T") . .:. " '" :3mCTrjnMa(w i 4' f'vi if l r ir i M & ; - . r ; s-t -. 4 IMVBO BTMT FRIDAY, T CLAK.KE &. CRAIG, rvauiwnuM and ntonuaroBS. H. A. CLAHatK. D. W. CUAItt. Terms or Sohcrlptlon. One roDT. erne Tear (M nnmbcreY .$2.80 Oooeop;, fix month (SB nntrberf) 1.36 One copy, throe raontliK 03 nomberrt "i SALMM, FRIDAY, SE1T. 20, 1878. BATE OF INTEREST. Wo nro pleased to see that members of tho two houses seem generally de termined to pass somo act which shall prescribe a lower rate of interest than has prevailed the last slxtcon years say 'eight por cent, legal interest in stead of ten, with ton per cent nermlt tod on special contract instead of twelvo por cent. It Ib simply truo that great enterprises cannot thrive in onr Stnto when twolvo per cont. interest Is charged, and Jit is doubtful if any in dustry or buslnoss in tho Biato will wnrrar.t payment of such n high rato of Interest. It is timo wo left tho spec ulative era of Oregon llfo behind, and iKigan to do business upon sober and moderate ideas. The argument is oft en urged that usury laws aro contrary to good policy, but tho peoplo of Or egon do not think so, and wo can easily reallzo that tho arguments that aro sound whero capital seeks investment In groat commercial centers and com IMitos for eraploymont whero good se curity Is abundant, need not apply here, whero tho world Is comparative ly new, business unformed, and capital not yet abundant. In this connection, wo may miggest the tni iry whether It is advisable in this Slato, at prcsont, to tax money, nolon, t nd accounts. Wo must all per ceive that this spoclcs of assetK Is not fulrly returned, and wo mustcomoto the unpleasant conclusion that the inu"v lender and creditor often evade tho law. Dues It not then seem almost useless to attempt toouforco it? Then, again, wo aro near the grout gold and jjllvor-produclug region of tho world, where money Is becoming moro and more abundant and interest cheaper each yoar. Money is so cheap there that tho bouaimi kings invest it in U, H. -I por cent, bonds, and gilt-edged se curities get loans for six por cent, or li'.sH, and wo may well beilovo that if Wo do not tax capital thatsceks Invest moni, wo will rocoivo compensation in tho form of moro abundant capital mid cheaper money to favor tho producer and tho manufacturer, and wo will ro movo tho existing temptation that causes ho many creditors and monoy londordto ovudo the law In fact, of fers a premium for perjury. ROAD LAW. Auiuitciulmcnt to oxNtiii,,'roml lawn li tlwirublu anil uracil hy many, on tliu ground tnnt Uio oxKthiK law Is In ionttlvo in many tlbtrietH and tho rotintry ikhxIs and tOiould havo an tilll cimil coHoelitm ol road tuxivt for (ho )iuroso of hocunng roo1 roads, which In a measuro that imrtlculirly eonourns tho fturalnK imputation who im tlio roads and havo need of tho best tho country cuu Afford. It is truo that road work Is not woll done in many diHtrK'K while In others jmoiIo take yrlde in doing good work ami ofton work over Umo, What wo need U nimbly to havo road work well dono by thiwo who owo It, or 0N0 that thoy l.y Uio money w that tho HiiHrvNors e.ui employ outside laltor to do It. One 1lnu iroKd is to collect the road tax in money, as other taxes are collected, and have tho .same onforc2l by tho ordinary tax collector. It is claimed that It would work hardship to havo to pay money, or iart of money, and wo hurro-i ,,lUt ,nlH ohjectlo.i can be obviated by ponnlttluK tho Sopor vlnOr to employ lalmr and rIvo certlll cates for Mich labor when performed, which can bo returned to tho tax cob lector In lieu of coin. It is truo that the preiont law could bo otrectivo if UmrouKhly enforced, but in many canes it is not well enforced and this makes the dllllculty, therefore miiiio change Is needed to r-eniro greater elllcleney. AVeMiggest that tho Supervisor secure 10 hour's luUir for a day's work, and bo required to recolvu K,ll ww' ,,r ,,ot employ tho lalnir. This would do nuiy with tho Imposition often inii tlrwl by jKHipIo who iu'uoro tho notices of HuHrvli.ors and never do work, which FupervUrs often permit, because they lo not llko to qu.irrul with their neighbors. Whon Mich iurw)iiH liavo no certificate of laU)r imrlontatl thoy inutt jniy Hherltf. coin to the We nwd homethlng to give efllclen ey to the collection of road taxes and performance of road work, and ab,Uio matter appeals directly to tho mosses In tho country, we hope to Beo Borao measure adopted that will not be un reasonable on thoso who pay road taxes and will insuie good road work and good roads. Col. Chapman's Bailroad Speech. Monday affcmoon nt 3:30 o'clock, Col. "W". W. Cbajiuian delivered an nddresn in tlio Opera Iloticc, Snlem, against tLo Northern I'ncific Itnilroad Company, with n full recital and de nunciation of its plota againat tho government and tho people, ita schemes to Increase ita land grant gulmidy and its rcfuflal to pro-rato with Uio Salt laho road, or allow tho Halt Loko corjiorAtion to build Uio road from Umatilla to Portland, Most of tho audienco lurrocd with Col. Chapman that whichever company won first wiling and able to build the road west of Umatilla, should bo allowed to do go, and that this portion of tho road should be need by both companies, but they disagreed with him when he claimed that tho peoplo of Orccon were unanimous in favor of his bill to aid tho Co lumbia river and Salt Lako road. There is u unanimous sentiment in Oregon favoring tho construction of a road from the Columbia river to Salt Lako; no doubt of that; but there was a bottled conviction among many, probably n majority, that thciti was no cub stautial monoy-powcr behind tho bill favored by Col. Chnjiman, for aid to tho Halt Lako road, that if tho bill could pais as it was framed there wan no security that thu road would ho built, but a great probability that thu Halt Laku feature of tho bill for extension of timo of Uio Northern Pacific road was intended to in jure that enterprise, deprive it of n portion of its laud grnut, and create tho possibility for tho conutniction of a rival road. It vas be liuved that these measures were in tho interest of thu Union and Central Pacific roads, they aru of course anxious to delay or defeat thu construction of anv comoeUnc road, which the Northern Pacific should surely be. Such was tho feeling of Uio people, who considered that the surest guoranteo thoy could havo for tho construction of a railroad to tho Kant 'was the fact thnt tho Northern l'aciflu road wai welt commenced, and had a laud-grant that will af ford asiistancu in continuing thu road. Many of tho facto stated concerning tho in trigucs and maneuvers of tho N, P. It. It. Co, may lie true, and Col. Chapman may have Iecu earnest and mucero in his eH'ort, but that docs not alter Uio comparative value of tho two enterprise1). Wo want the Northern Pacific road liccatu'o vtu need it1 and recognize itai tho Mutest mentis of connection with the outiido world, not becauso wo approve or countenance tho Nvhemcii aud eiToits of its projectors. FINE STALLION FOR SALE, A Black Stranger Colt. 'l MIIIKK VWI'S OU, HAY (XU)H, M'lM)ll) anliiul. if 1 iu iivii, onu miu rioiMrtiont-Uc Ttt Hue anliivtl uu l msmi at BAU IM. or on the Mt- Culr v'ruuudt Juilnj; Mr nl Kor niruior vir l' IU VIUO.N UviiUn unili li KIui, KriU H. l(7 0 l.tllMIOVKU TllnltOHUIIHHKD Esses Swine! IVuni liii)orlrl Mivlnl Ut purtvt tfH;n' 1'IUNCK AUIIIijT UnJat the IhwIvI my ho-l, hkh hl Ixiiom cMiiiiH'iilliut 41 ino huu ruir ui ikioint nui, hTOOK IVK HAI.K lVrri"iliin' i"twit.sl. 1JVH. M'Utl Guardian's Sale. NoriCK IS IIKUKIIY OlKS THAT. Vl'KSUA.ST touiorUrrtl Oiiiunt) (mrt vt Marion cuuntjr, Oivgun, iu.lut llNpliolxr, lT, term. I utU tl,t for ailo t i-il.lk iuUofl n MTOIUUV, THK ISTII lAY OK (H.TOUKIl, ls7s t lrn oMckX In th fon. nui of mUI lUv, kt tho uit huu Jxr In Ot. city ol NiWtu, llukvii cviuiit), Onct'n, Ihe undniJ.xl on-fourti) Intiii'.t it Joo'vh Stone, a minor, In anl to tho tallow tn; ili-vill ii 4l r.l4te. to lt A Itut W tin- ilu4tloi Itiul clftlm vi rltbltn MIoln oJ iK, In T. t S, It. S W. l th WUUiurtle mfrl.tutn. KhjiuUI by U'i,Htiu!nff SI ihnlnoicivhl'iu' tut c4 Uitf Kuthat turner tit kvM iloiutlon Uml rUtm. ukI runnlnj; thrmv X. T'W 11 KJ.hliw: Utaam.S. KV W, S.VT3 tUlu; Ohn. H, r W , W. & i balia; tlwK- S. S.V ivy U 5tt.K, t b:n to Iho rlwo i NUiuikjr, U.J nUluUitf SiW uwtl lwiLiitrvorU- (I f UIU'.C.oDu; UavdUn. Villi, rui,Nt 13, lTi4 o j3 1 A 5 ? I 1-3 o I III fro C Sm g 5 ft -m R3RhS so- S M 38 5 ? ? S i WILLAMRTTE FARMER. INotloe. "IN.'tlit 17th tbr ot July Uat, T. Cunnli csun made la eredlton. J an Mnlfrnmtnt to u tor tho benefit ot Icavirur In our poatetwlon, at various ptacea In thl raUer, a quanUty of HKADKIW, DniLUS, bEEDKRS, CVLTI VATOtlH, I'LOWB. and otber agricultural Implemtnta, which mutt be sold, and an offered at very low price. All peroon having claim aralnat the said Amljrnor trill pteoM prenent the huh. duly certified, at thU office, and all partle Indebted to him. whether by note or ac count, are required to make Immediate payment of the somo to the tuideraifrned, and save the coot of collection. OEO. I1KUT, WJf. CVNN1N011AM, Attlg-neu) ot T. Oannlnten i. Co. Kahm, Hrpt. 2, 167s. BOml A. T. & F. N. GILBERT, (With C. UrataviHre,) CotuuicrcJul 81., - - - Salem. A0HJVTJ 0 Uoyal and r.nnenhlrr. Fire Innuranee Compatile, Knslnul; CASH CAPITAL, t30,CO3,00a Adorn reft WllUmetJe rramtportallon & Lorks Co. GBMKE1L COMMISSION MKKCQAKTS. OulIcotiouH mndc. KIOrlBT TO LOAN. Good negotiable payer boMr,It. wfm3 CunsCunsI BENJ. FOR8TNER, Huloiu, Oregon, TT-'W A WROK STOCK OK C11KAI' Military Breecli-loadiiie Riflr?. mKh m the 6PKNCKII. HHAKI'K. mlNUTON. and WINCIIbfTKIU Abo, a full (kuortmwit of I3rooohloAcUns MtOT-GUNH and Bl'OltTINO H1KLE8, of all standard malieti. A full line of rocket I'utlerr, Kalvea, Rasora, avd BCIRbOllH.dlrect from Knffbnd. A1m PlahlBK Tucklo Will Mil aa low aaaaybodr. Tor all kind of trattJ n. .MBS I...W ttd l.l en, toit, MorUtanvt J Hand, tic. ami ala Bormi) for Ol n tilt. rubate, Uranly anil Jnntceil UIIUI. IU( siri1lll. J lUMlTi VU...J vi.i. wi.n ."JUIII..W IUI IIUU. atl . VU (lu.i.v. WHv...v..tn IllUnk llook.oriorth!n In the 1'rlDtlnfi nr Honk. 1 ... . n Hoik . I.L Ilrinlln. ILu.lMnIIH fi'inuini line, Kenj to it. n. WAITK. Htrni Ilok an,l MADE Job l'rintcr ni iiootMMrr, r-wie rurci, ni lxw, vngvu. FINE RESIDENCE arox isnio. A ik-'ltftblo rclllcnco on Corantrrlsl etrcct In Nn Iciti larve, nd well flnlrhH, with Rrourda finely Improved, ftwl f 5,li00 will (! aoltl for 13,(00 (Arh, or half dun n end balance en tlmi-, villi lnierrt. Apply to t,I!t WILLIN, auiSnid nt hi llock ctoic.rltatc i"iifct. 33x,xoixia, Vista POTTERY. 1 FTHIt A PKHI ID OP IDI.K.VK, OP Wl.K.VK. TIIB-K vn V hive no fnr revcral rDiinilm (Ken In full oiirrat'.ou manarkcturluz a rnu-rlor and Imprxvi'd article, which 1 am ablo to offer to the tnJo a of My prcetit rtnek lif rnperlor to an j thins nunnfic tuml atlltlo Tottery for five yeArn paft, and In etjaal to bfft cjirthenwaro fur Plrtnth and durability. I csunrnntco NatlMfactlou. Urdr. or rivjacot for informal lun in to arlcoU't, rionld bv hddrrMd to A. M. SMITH, flner.n VlU. Au. Ui- If lrvrlitor. Humphrey's Ferry. fltllH WKM -KNOW!! l'BUUY HAH NOT UKKN J lu ortenrlnii for wnrsl year pat, tboch It I iinlhx iiUv.l anil rhorteit Md belwern Batotn and C.irvlli-,9 inik'-foulU of Halem and 4 mllim from Iluena Vlrta. After rtatardty,Hrpt,7. 1 fhi!l bava It In rriruuir operation, lf tackio and a new and Cr-t-iUr ferry-boat nutdo by two of the bert build orx In IMtV conniy There are yod rcuU on both lileof therUer. Olv mearall. UamphriyV Ferry. Au, auaui It, V. UIIOWN, Notice to Stock-men. milK UNDBIWIONRD WOUU) HBIPBCTFUI A. ly announro to all whom I' may concern that no iKuiaVlne tho (1KI.U1NU of Horae. and eepeclally that of KUIUKLINlltl. and 8f AYINU CJATTLK. rxclaltyln thu Veterinary practice, llo oiTjm to piy any uiau now living ou tho Pacific dope $500 t j meet Mm ami do tho above work m well, ny lime lulbTS. llofruataite4 tl. faction In all caacf. or maeii no chre, tho owner of the lxa to be the luiuce. of tho wo.-k. llohaanot lot a elnule ltl3o llOK llorru from Ibo operation for noar three yean. us iiiiinwin an) my appoinieu uiwvi, .... afu-r which any Mtlle wlahlwr my ervK will pKae addreea WM, lillK, V. ., Te ataUca, Or. AshianJ, Jrtcknon Co.,8pt.2& to Si. .iHcks.mvlllo, Het. 'JO to Oct. 'J. UanyouvlllH, DouRlat Co., Oct..1 to 4. ltoburif. Oct. S. (UkUiHl, Oot.O, KiiKetio Cltv. Oct. 7. Junction, Oct. 8. AltMtiy.Oct.10. Sjitlftu, Oot. 11 to 20. l)rvikllN,Oct 21. IUIIm, Oct. 23. I.HfrtKttH, Oot.25. HIINboro, on. ai. rortUml.Oct. 28. Orri;on City, Oct. 2). Vancouver, W. T , Oot. 30. St. Helen, ColuimiU Ot., Oct. 31. T DiirlntSute Pair week I will b t (lalnea Pleb er' ptable on Commercial etreet, HALBM. At POitTl.ANU lOv-L ifc), I cn ba ftoJ at tho Nailontl Hotel. . Cln.-ttlun'. xtvln letlnxmlaU from woll-rnown tKk men for whom 1 havo operated, throcsh Or fuonaud U'i.KIljiou. will be rent IKO ub aiullca. Hoc. a mom PELTON HORSE POWERS FOR SALE AT COST. Two Firht OIukmTXo. Tol- ton llot-NU PoworH. Inquire of W. F. BOOTH BV. W. H. PULTOM, alea,OrOB. ONEY IP,1 'rawi- ' JOHN VT. &ooi? ,AJNrX 3 rtbHt.-w iratr; MEBCTSEMMMMaMKa5a LADIES' FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. AliL GOODS DIRECT UNION BLOCK, COMMERCIAL. STREET, SALEM, OHEfiOSJ. nulCtf IF YOU ATTEND THE BUY -AT GENERAL STAND, No. 31, Pioneer Will be served daily. All can have their HOT BREAD FOR BREAKFAST. In connection with this, BTliONG & MAIN will lmyo a "Whero all can get HOT 0ANDY, or anything In thnt lino. REM EM HER THAT Our &XrtxxcL is 2STo. 31. KcptcmiHir 20, 1878. The HighsstCash Price Paid at All Times for Oats, or 8toredv if Desired, by SALEM FLOURING MILLS CO. aolotf Willamette University. milK NKXT TBKM OX THK LITERARY Wt- X rumcnt, win beirlu Mendajr, htpt. t, lS. llh tbe followtn Inmruetorr: T. M, Oatcii, lrviHrut; liHOKA 11. CoLaiiR, Uatliemtltc and Nat. feience: Uiun CnxJiamaiM, PrMeptrere; Ku, Join-u IIouiax, AcllcllJcpirtJueut; aud Ella M. AL lms, alt. Kor fall Information aiUrera tbe rreeldent. or J. A. 8TKA CTON. Jnno 98. IMS U AKnt, tfalem, Oron, SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON, Artist, Ottr Willi' Hook itore, BTATEST.. KALKM. IJUrrUURS TAKKN IN LATEST 8TYLE3. ftcm . Miniature pld nre to L.fo tilt. CXri'lHrt UNLaIUIBD to any lio desired. UanblMOTMf FREE r THE ATS OATS! WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received tho highest awards at tho Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machinos. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States than tho combined sales of all tho others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing; all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. SRf WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 7 S29 B"adway, New York; New Orleans, La.? Cor. Slate & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco. CaU B. FOBdTNEtt, Gunsmith, Agent, Balem, Or. GILBERT, THIS IS THE FIIOM FACTORIES. YOUR , efts JEvxLXtm Till -OV THE- Bakery STRONG & BAIN. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, IW Carriage aud Wagon Mm. Salem, Oregon. HAVK ON HANI) A C1I01CB LOT OP HOUR HprlnR Wagons, Carriages, &. Buggies, of their own make, Manufactured of the 1IE8T iiimltty of Jeuej Hickory. Olve na a call, and examine our vera, aitd Judx for youreelte. All kind of Repairing and Genera) JoVSltj doc at abort notice. Je7. J. B. PILKINGTON, M, 1)., Lata I'rofeeror of DUearea of tbe Bye and Xar la tlie balem (Otfpoo) Medical College. flMce. Dckuni Block, Portland, or., All SurftlcM Operation forDI(Haoltbo NOSE, AND THROAT SuLLruixr vkhfoiuitd. CATARACT extracted and fltosa hVKj ttralcbtrucd. ArdflcUl Sjtt a large a eorUuent of tbe U ft rrcccb maLafactnre, ou band. Deafoere, nd all diKha'cee from tbe Ear, asd Na. Ml Catanh, rJtlcnlarly tnated. My b. r. IUUD1NO. IIAKDIXG J. A. rTiUVTUN. & STRATTOIV, Attorneys at Law, SAL. KM, OREGON. Office on State Street, oppoelta tbe Bennett nate A VALUABLE INVENTION. WORLD RENOWNED -'..i...........,!,.,,,.. nwMiiBMmi.nni,rw.1wriTn.-t,.,l..l,frrl..1.IT,..T,11 r-1-vnrirni-iin.imfcaawmiwiaieMi