Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 20, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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IkietM, Sept 11. The8tatoOonveat:on of
Massachusetts tnot today. Nearly ono thon
and delogatca wore present, among them ono
lady, Mrs. Josephine R. Stono, of Boston.
Gen. B- Batler m nominated for governor by
a rising vote
Portland. 11.-2:30 P. M. Returns for tho
honira stand 69 Republicans, SI Democrats and
fit GrcciiWlcors; 7 to hear from.
Fraud alleged in 4th wan!, Portland, will
change four Democratic rcprcscrativcs to Re.
publicans, and that nwv chance thu legislature.
San I'rancnco, Sept. 10. Well Far & Co
to-day issued a circuhr aliuwng tho amount of
money forwarded through the m to the yellow
fever snflorcrs, agnrepating S10,3rt6, with S17.1
remaining on hand. These amounts liayo been
received from citizens' committees, Odd Fellows'
lodgea and other organizations in the interior
towns of California and Nevada, which, added
to amounts forwarded by tho citizen?' commit,
tco and in other sources in San Francisco, make
a grand total thus far of over $30,000 in round
Total premiums received at auction this after
noon of scats and boxes at the California Thea
ter is nearly $1,000.
School Director J. A. Lavcn this afternoon
deposited with tho treasurer of tho citizens
relief committee $3,000 received from public
achool children. Sorao largo schools yet remain
to bo heard from. Fivo thousand dollars was
forwarded by tho chairman of tho relief commit
tco o day 82,000 to New Orleans, ft, 600 to
Vlckslmrg ana an equal sura 10 moniinw.
Jaeikson, Sept. 11. Tho fever continues to
increase at Vicksburg. Nearly 3.000 now
Great excitement in tho eastern part of tho
tatc in consequonco of fovcr at Lako and Law
rence station, on tho O. k M. R. It. has resulted
in tho ntoppago of trains on that road cast of
Jackson by quarantine regulations. Travel is
almost impossible. Tho Legislature cannot
assemble, and afflicted communities must con
tinno to rely upon peoplo at homo and abroad
for support. ... ,
Memphis, Sept. 11. Weather clear trot cool.
Two undertakers report 60 deaths up to noon.
Now Orleans, Sipt. 11. Wcathea cloudy,
cool and windy. New cases, 243; deaths, 00.
Baton Rougo, Sept 11. Ihlrty deaths from
yellow fover havo occurred to data; 88 now
cases aro reported for threo days ending yester
day morning. At least 40 moro will bo added
this, morning.
Cincinnati, Sept 10. Wellington Blazer, at
Gallipolis. Ohio, diod last night of yellow fovcr,
contracted from tho steamer Porter. There- aro
a dozen pcopln sick with fover in tho ncignbor
hood whero tho steamer Porter is moored.
Imdou, Sept. 10. Tho mayor of Manches
ter lias received a to!cgram from thu British
consul at Now Orleans, asking help for yeliow
fever sniforcra.
Chicago, Sept. 10. Tho Times' Grenada
special says: Tho ravages of the fovcr havo
loft our city without a government or proper
officer to protect the property of absent citi
zen, which is now exposed to tho burglar and
thief. Thohouso of Gen. Waltham was en
tered by thieves last night anil despoiled of
property to tho valuo of $500. Several store
tilled with large stocks havo boon burglarized
lately. Tho Howard association cannot carry
oo tho city government, hence wo may expect
similar acts to occur more frequently hereafter.
Our city has been provided, liberally by the
ympathctic peoplo of the country with lands
and supplies of every kind, and we are, indeed,
-thankful. Whon our relief committee ran
away they deposited about $5,000 of Grenada
MufleronT money in a Memphis bank. The
money cannot bo drawn without their check
awl they cannot be found. There is aim de
posited here in Lake's bank over 90,000 of the
Grenada fund, but because of tho sickneas of
tbo cashier tho roonoy cannot be drawn. A
touching incident has been related illustrating
the lovo of animals for human beings. A promi
nent chizen, Mr. Hughes, after a sickness of
tome days, died of yellow fever. He owned a
aetter dog, and when tho body of its master was
lowered into tho earth tho dog stubbornly re
mained at tho grave, and although tempted by
food, refused to part from the spot where his
master lay. After a few days the dog was die--covered
lying dead in the vicinity of the grave.
Cincinnati, Sept. 12. H. W. Blitz, of Mem
phis, who was taken to the hospital on Sunday,
died tat evening. It is stated that a very
malignant typo of fever has broken out at Now
Hiehmond, Ohio, 20 raileB from this city. Of
six or seven persons attacked, five have died.
Patients turn yellow, and before they die,
present peculiar symptoms of black vomit,
fbyrficians pronouueo the disease bilious
" New York, Sept. 11. Reports from all
jwints Bhow liberal contributions for the yel
low fever eufferers. The Masonic contribution
in this state is 90,000. The Wenham Ice
Company, of Beaton, is sending fifty car loads
of u-i to Memphis, which all railroads carry
Bozoman, Mont., Sept. 11. A Courier extra
uys: From Capt. Drowning we learn that on
Suuday last (Sen. Miles had a battle with l!an
nacki on Soda Butte crook near Clark's Fork.
Thirteen Indians were k'lled, and tho whole
jiarty, Jiin all, captured. Milts' lcises were
Capt. Andrew S. Bennett killed, and one
xddter mortally wounded. Miles' forco num
bered 2 1 men and a few bcouts.
Bojton, Sept. 12. The Greenback conven
tion, after the nomination of Oen. Batler for
governor, left the matter of placing candidates
in the field for tho other state oflicers to the
Greenback clubs. Tho committee apiiointcd to
wait upon General Butler and notify him of
Ins nomination, reported that ho was engaged
in the supremo court and could not attend tho
convention, but would make a reply at an
curly date.
Memphis, Sept. 11. The weather has bctn
too! to-day which was unfavorable to the sick.
The official report of the board of health bhows
J04 deaths of which 19 were colored and 63
new cases of which 12 were colored. At this
nJate there are 3,ft00 sick to provide for and
J 0,100 well people to feed. The average in
crease of cases U 100 and the average deaths
100 per day. The total daily expenses of the
-Boward aaaociittan and cit'iew' relief com-
mhteo aro about $11,009. If tho fever con
tinue one month longer m is likely with 1
gradual abatement im that time, Mo city wilt
need from $150,000 to $200,000, and about 300,
000 rations.
Memphis, Sopt, 12. Tho thermometer last
night marked 60 degrees, but a etiff brceeo
dissipated all hopes of front, in which lk our
only hope.
Now Orleans, Sept. 12. Weather clear, cool
and windy. Now cases 212, deaths 57.
Now York, Sept. 11. Tho Philadelphia citi
zens' committee collected to-day $0,000, mak
ing a total of 503,000.
Now Orleans, Sopt. 13.-Dr. C. L. C. Uou
don, aged 40, who died to-day, was formerly a
Mtrgeoii in tho U. S. army. Ho complained of
feeling ill Sunday morning, but having 50 cases
of fever under his treatment as u volunteer
physician of tho Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation, remained on duty till 6 p. m thereby
greatly lessening hln chances of recovery.
Vicksburg, Sept. 13. Tho wcathor is cloudy
and very cool. Among tho deaths to-day aro
Dr. Potts and Dr. Boshcfoldt, of Chattanooga,
who camo horo to aid our" sufferers. Two
doctors, Boahcfcldt and Norris, with ten
nurses, camo from Chattanooga. Tho two
doctors aro dead and nine of the nurses aro
sick. Deaths yesterday, 42j to-day, 31. Now
cases unknown, but it is generally thought by
druggists that tho fever is decreasing.
Portland, Sept. 11. Tho house stands now
63 Republicans and two Democrats supporting
Republicans, 21 Democrats and 53 Greenback
era. Fivo are not reported, of which two aro
known to bo Grecnbackcrs. This makes 07
Republicans to 81 opposition. Somo of tho
bacd monoy Democrats may affiliate with tho
Waukesha, Wis., Sept. 11. From Madison
to this place tho presidential guests mado
several stops, and were everywhere warmly
welcomed by thousands of people.
Milwaukee, Sept. 11. Tho president acd
train arrived horo amid tho firing of guns at tho
Soldiers' Homo, and an almost impenetrable
crowd welcomed thu party at tho depot in a
conlial mannor. An imposing procession was
formed, composed largely of muitary r.ad veto
ran, and escorted tho president through tho
principal streets to tho residenco of Alex.
Mitchell, whero his party will bo guests during
their stay.
Augusta, Mo., Sept. II. Returns for gov
ernor from 2S4 cities and towns received at tho
Jourual'office show in theoo towns a total vote
of 102,968, giving Connor 47,278, Garcelon
22,754, and Smith 32,803. Tho same towns
last year gavo Connor 44,998, Williams 32,073,
and Mansoti 4,932.
Hllsworth, Mo,, Sept. 12. Republicans con
oedo tho election of March, .Greonbaokor, in
the fifth congressional district by GOO plurality.
Chicago, Sopt. 13. Tbo later-Ocean has a
special from a reliable eornwpondcnt with Gen.
Miles, dated Mammoth Springs, National
Park, Sept. 9th, which reports a fight with the
Bannaek Indiana on the morning of tho 4th, in
which Miles with 270 men of tho 5th infantry
33 friendly Crows, surprised tho Bannocks at
daybreak and after a two hoars battle in which
Capt. Bennett, company B 5th infantry, of Lit
tlo Rock, a French scoot and ono Crow India
were killed of his force, 13 Bannacka were kill
ed, 34 Bannaek men, women and children were
taken prisoners and sent to Fort Keogh.
Twenty-two Indian homes were killed and 200
Constantinople, Sept. 12. It id xaid that tho
Russians at Kutstcndji on tho Black Sua aro
again armiug batteries which they divmantled a
month no, and that orders for fho departure
of RuAsian troops havo boon countermanded.
Soralin. Sept. 11. Ruwia has odvined the
Servians not to diaarm, and promises to con
tinue her subsidies.
Roumania has reserved for boparato decision
the question of oocupying Dobrudscha, the
jwpulatiou of which aro reported intensely
hostile to tho Roumanians.
A frightful colliery explosion occurred to-day
at Abercorne, near Newport, Monmouthshire,
Tbero were 371 in tho pit, 80 of whom have
been rescued. It is feared that no others have
survived, as the pit is on firo,
London, Sept. 12. Tho full extent of tho
terrible diaMvr in a cool mino at Aboreoroo
yosterd y is now known. At half.paut two
this afternoon flooding of the pit was com
menced. At that hour the firo was within a
short distance of tho bottom of the shaft, and
all hope of further roncoe had to be abandoned.
When this decision was announced to tho rela
tives of tho 251 men still in the pit, thu scene
was terrible and beyond description. Thirteen
additional bodies of the viotims were recovered
bifure the Hooding of fho pit began.
London, Sept. I!. Tbo lews of life by tho
colliery diw-ster is unprecedented. There is i o
hopo of becuring any more alivo as tho work
ings of the mine ore very intricate, and extend
over threo miles. So far only about Mvcn
corpses have been recoverod. Tho uxplosion
occurred soon after uoon. Thaw on the bank
kuew it by thu rumbling noino and thu a-yxut
of vast volumes of dense smoke. All tho jo
pie in that district rushed to the pit mouth iu
consternation. Scenes of dUtress aro indescrib
able. According to tho latest advices tho pit is
still burning, and the managers are dihcuiuing
the propriety of Hooding it, as it beems certain
all the men aro cither burned to death or suf
focated. Flooding will probably bo briefly de
layed until tho last hopo is abandoned.
Ten more miners badly burned have been
rescued. The body of one boy was recovered.
The fate of the remainder may be judged from
the fact that explorer found fourteen dead
bone only few yards from the foot of the
shaft. The air in Dm mla is very imfmt9.
' . Aaffi" " Atertoit Cattle.
Is it possible, nay, docs it not look probable
that, judging from the result of tho Paris ex
hibition, tho Short-horn, hitherto regarded as
tho royal brood, the unapproachablo breed,
may not havo to acknowledge tho eaqual merit
at least of tho Angutt, a breed which only yoa
terday had tho advantages of a herd-book?
From tho cxccllcnco somo of tho animals of tho
breed havo attained under tin patronage of
that eminent breeder, Mr. M'Comliio, it would
seem that time, and tho continuation of tho
Mine caro were alono required to givo the world,
in considerable numbers, nuiinaU of great
quality of tho now ulinoit unknown breed.
Wo suggest to tho breeder) of Amcrea, in
viow of tho sui-cos attained by tho Angus cat
tle at tho great Paris Exhibition, to cousider
whether tho v may not be pro'JUbly imported,
and bo of advantage to American agriculture.
We find fho following in a nport of tho live
stock department of tho Inhibition iu the
North British Agriculturist!
"This is, indeed, a proud week for Tilly four
and the polled Annie, or Aberdeen breed of
cattle, Mr. M'Cotnhio having lwcn adjudged
tho jCIOO prize for beit group of cattle, bred by
exhibitor, and reared out ot France; and tho
100 for the best lot of beef-making animals,
broil by exhibitor;!, mid reared and ted iu any
couutrv: beside over 100 inoidinarv class
prize money, and several gold and silver
medals. That U no doubt a great honor t'j
ScotUuid.a 'cattle king," and gratification to
breeders of black Dolled cattlo generally: but it
is not all that has to lo recorded to the credit
of the 'black-skins,' Mr. M'Combio's success
ful group numbered six animals, and other six
of the bamo breed, from Ballindalloch, not
merely rank second in tho cotitost, but in some
respects had prior claims to Mr. M'Combio's.
Tho distinguished appoaranco which black cat
tlo liavo mado at the exhibition may !o im
agined from tho fact that of tho fifteen shown,
twolvo were tho beit of all tho foreign broods,
and tho remaining threo included tho first and
second prize cows; and thu second prizo aged
bull. Whilo there is thus a good representa
tion of polled cattlo in every class, there is
nothing approaching 'a weed,' which can hard
ly bo said of any other breed of cattlo. r.vory
i:i-.l. ...if... i ...I.--, i ?.i...h r - ..,. i:...l "
iliac Amuu nuuuui una uvnub ui dvjuiu iwuu
Scientific Fanner.
An election 'to Parliament in 1-lngland and
IreUud is n very oxnensivo luxury, which ouly
men of wealth can atlbrd to indulge iu. A re
cent London letter to Tho Nation cays: "It is
calculated that a acnernl election ixwts some
thing like four million I sterling, and all this
oxiiendituro, except tho comparatively incon
siderable sum that comes out of tho Tory elec
tion chest, falls nnou tho candidates. Boroiiuh
seats cannot bo contested except at a cost of
from fivo hundred to fivo thousand pounds fur
tAoh candidate. County scats may run up as
hbh as twenty thousand pounds per candidate,
.J1! 1 !.. U.. IT1.I IT.' I--. -. I...
anu no county iu wiu uuiivu j-wuiuuiu iu u
fought under ono thousand pounds to each can
didate." A general eleotion for ruombors of
Parliament must put much money in circula
tion and mako lively times for the voting popu
lation. Tho fact that no man can bo elected
on his merits or tho claims of his party, and
that no largo an expenditure of money is neces
sary, reflects very unfavorably upon the politi
cal virtue of British voters, and shows that the
voters of the United States aro puro in com
parison with their Knglith cousins. In Eng
land the party having the most monoy is sure
to win, and nonce tho ad van tag o enjoyed by
tbo Tbries, whose party embraces thu greater
port of the rich, faadholding--amUk. It is
proper, in this connection, to aay that the letter
from which, we quote does not include Scotland
may so call them, tho credit of being "pure in
matters of election." It is only in Kngland and
Ireland taat Doroogos aro Dongnt aua sow.
-Phila. Record.
wiirrnu ht iujon-oiLVBUXL d.w. r.TiiOKrorf.
Vrocmon, arouse! defend your state;
The pagan hordes aro at onr gate.
In droyesthey come, our protest) mock,
While rulers wait, and parties talk.
Countless in number, rite for spoil,
They crowd us out and curso our soli:
Oar mines they rob, oar trade they take,
Our labor seek, our paupers make.
Awakol and hold these golden lands
From hireling hosts, from heathen hands;
From aliens, heartless, lawless low,
Who know no friends, nor mercy show:
Whoso loathsome ways nd leprous breath
Shadows our happy homes with death;
Like rushing titles, they overflow
Our peaceful va'es with wavcB of woo.
Patriots, parties, bold and brave,
From swarming serfs this nation uvo;
Let human bondage never moro
Make war and stnfo and seas of gore.
Billions of debt and countless graven,
Must not be caused by coolie slaves.
Your country guard from dangers, all,
Tnough traitors tlco and tyrants fall.
Proud veterans, "bine and gray," unite;
The invadont halt, and has their flight.
Their subtle leaders long have planned
To hare and hold this sunny land.
By every ship their troops arrive
For aid and arms ihey eager strive.
Strength let them gain and we shall feet
Their secret shots, their stealthy steel
Some selfish men, to ssvo a dime.
Employ these slaves a sordid crime.
Our goods and lands, rents, profits fall;
Swift judgment wages govern all.
Our workiDKmen this nation made;
On war's red fields their zeal displayed,
loyal and brave, they'll never cower;
And woe to those who test their power.
Dreaming, I see in years near by
O'er towns and forts the dragou tly;
Our country's tlag for bribes ititra,cd,
Our honor lost, our progress stayed ;
Our henna destroyed, our hcroeidead,
Our cities sacked, our kindred tied;
Our splendid states, onr riches rare,
Captured for China' clans to share.
Walking, I hear from hills ami halls
Tho people shout, liko buglu calls;
"No feudal lords, no foreign slaves,
Shall live where freedom's tanner waves;
Her e rsnk the wealth mutt not oiiikizo
'Hopo man's rights, increasu his woes!
Slave-traders, go! down, schemers hold!
Boiiilmen, away! thebu shores we holdl"
"Peacel" capital and cowards cry;
There is no peace- the conflict's niyli.
Where factious statesman trifling stand.
The masses move, their rights command;
Rouse! gallant freeman, show your might;
With fearless ranks await the fight,
When all these servile hordes shall flee
Far from our sight, far o'er the sea.
San Fraucisco, Jane, 1878.
P&rmr-) have learned that it takes
the beet e toll to rube a mortgage.
BncwvuA, BaLortm, t
Aug. 15, 1878. I
I havo been for tho last week, andwould
Kko to rcnuin longer, in tho city of BrussolLi.
It has been called a minature Paris, and in tho
number and magulfioenco of its public edifices,
parks, and monuments, as well as in tho
breadth, extent, and cleanliness, of its boule
vardi it has a strong resemblance- to a smaller
edition of tho French capital. Tho bnguago
spoken by the higher cl.mcs i. French, but the
ttonirn clature of tha stroolii is not much liko
t'it of Pari". The hotel nt which 1 ant stop
ping is on tun "Rue des Douze Apotren," which
in plain English is the street of tho dozen
ApostluJ. There Is another street having tho
namo of "The street of Good Herbs for Soup."
Belgium has not a long Hit of battles and mili
tary heroes liko Franco, so uho U compelled to
uso commou names for tho streets of her capi
tal. In Paris nearly every rue, nvenuo, and
lioulovard, suggests a history or assists to per
potuato a fame, as tho Avenue Wagram, tho
Boulevanl MalesherlMM, the Rue Voltaire. I
said tho French language was spoken in Bel
gium, but it is a very diUcrcnc rrenco irom
that spoken iu Parts. Tho working claarea
speak a French patow, but their vernacular
seeimsto bo Flemish. Tourists.do not usually re
main at RrusHells much longer than may bo
necessary to drivo over tho city, mako an ex
cursion to iho fiold of Waterloo, and buy somo
of tho famous Brussells Lice; but there is muoh
hero that will repay a longer and moro careful
study, Somo of the most renowned paintings
in tho world are on tho walls of tho Brussells
galleries, and tho works of tho great masters
are only less numerous hero than iu tho gallery
of tho Louvre. But it is not my intention to
write about tho t-alleries. monuments, and
architecture of this city, there is a moro inter
esting subject: Dogs I Hero I havo learned
tho meaning of tho expression "to work liko a
dog." Tho canine species is hero nsed for tho
purpose of draft to an extent that I havo never
heard of tholr being used oltiowhcro. Thoy aro
ussd iu this way to a limited extent in Switzer
land, Bnd to a greater extent in Frankfort and
Cologno, but in Brussells thoy aro a very im
portant factor in tho economy of transportation.
It is strango that moro lias not beeu written on
tho subject, and that siuco thoy prove so capa
ble thoy aro not nsed for light draft in other
countries. Tho loads thoy draw aro greater
than would bo supposed from tho weight of the
animal, greater, I am un iu proportion to tho
weight than thoso ilrawn by horses or male
but they aro usually employ od only m auxilia
ries, ono dog being harnessed under m cart tho
shafts of which aro hold and guarded by tho
owner. Tho axle of tho cart is arched in the
middle in order to enablo tbo animal to stand
erect. Harnoiwed with a simple round padded
leather oolUr, a pair of traces, and a book
band, the aaeistanoo ho gives his master, who
does little moro, exoopt on ascending ground,
than guide tho cart, is vory great. Usually
not moro than ono dog is attached to a cart,
but I havo seen as many as three, and tho
American consul told mo that he had seen six
and eight to one wacron, drawn in from the
country, loaded with wood, with tho driver on
top. In Brussells there aro many shops for the
manufacture and Halo of dog harneM( and is
them you may buy a plain set or quo ornament
eel with polished brass. There is a dog market
held every Sunday in this city, and hero every
variety of dog is bought and sold, tho buyers
and sellers being usually market and milk
women. I was particular to inquire of tho
American consul in relation to tho species of
dog preferred, but it soouts that thoy have no
particular brce-d, ami that no systematic effort
iias been inado to improve thu breed. I ob
served that tho dogs in most common use were
curs, of medium size, aiid of all colors. They
mm to 1h very enthusiastic pullers, moving at
the speed of a brisk walk for a man, and they
never balk; but the moment tho wagon stops,
the dog lies down; he is always tired, or has
been taught the wisdom of conserving his
To all appearances tho dogs of Brussells lead
but a dog's life, and all of thorn havo drooping
tails, and a dejected hang-dog olr; but bow
much better it is for them, for their country,
and for their posterity, to bo oogagod in hum
reapoctable employment, earning aa honest
livelihood, than to be killing sheep, gnawing
bonne, bayiothe moon, or rushing about the
streets with a tin pan to tholr tails, as in the
custom of too mauy of our free American dogs.
In Paris the white woolly spaniel is Lndispen
Hablu to a fine lady's toilet. Tho fair ParUitune,
whe ther she bo of the beau mondo or demi
monde, must havo her dog, and sho k-ads him
by a small chain when sho promenades, or
takes him iu her carriage when she drives. She
would no wore omit the littlo beast than phe
would forget her boots. There aru dog barbers
in Pons who earn a livelihood by trimming
theo littlo pots; the stylo for dogi this heasou
is to leave a girdle of hair around tho body and
around each lejj above the knee. ('. A. S.
Pknitimtion ok Eoone, Mr. Foote, in
Mahjiachu-ietts, has traced the tap root of a
common red clover plant downward to tho
depth of nearly five feet, Tho Hon, J, Stan
ton Gould folio wi-cl out thu ret? of Indian
corn to the depth of eviu fret, and states that
onions sometimes e-xt-nd tluirioot downward
to the depth of tlueu fe-e-t; lucerne, fifteen feet.
Hou. Geo. (iuildei M-nt to tho muamiin of the
Now York State nociety a clover plant that hoi!
a root four foot two inches in length, Louis
WalkotT traced thu roots of a beit plant down
ward four feet, where they entered a drain pipe.
Profensor Schuhart found the.rooti of rye, beans
and garden peas to extend about four feet
downward; of winter wheat, seven feet in a
light mix-oil, and forty-seven days afW plant
ing. The roots of clover one year old were
three and a half feet long; those of two year
old plants, foor inches longer, )ScitU4o
Largs yi. Small Htgi.
A orrcspondent of tho Kansas Farmer ar
goes in favor of largo breeds aa follows i
"I assert that a man, can havo just m good
breakfast bacon out of tho Berkshire or Poland
China aa ho can from any smaller breed. It
you wish to butcher your hogs at home and
market tho beacon, kill nt uoven or eight
montlis old, and I will guaranteo as muoh good
breakfast Won as any ono can gut out of a
smaller breed.
Whilo tho Eisox, hit favorite, is n good feed
er, aud lays on fat very rapidly, aa a matter of
cour.io, the sidc.i will not measure bo large, but
thoy will be f.ittcr and thicker, and I claim I
have the nice.et when cured n streak of loan
aud ;i streak of f.it all tho way through tho
I have always made my meat for homo use,
out of spring hog.i butchered nt about seven or
eight mouths old, nud havo novcr had n
croccrynun find fault with uny lmcon that I
havo sold, which 1 had loft over; and my ex
perience lead i mo to think that the farmer b
tho great com valleys of IvniLwi, makes a grand
raistako when he adopts a smaller kind of hogs
for profit. Farmers do not want to kill their
hogs, but feed to soil on foot, for profit, and a
good, smooth lot of hogs that will weigh 300 to
400 pounds, will sell with any that fall below
that average.
Tho Cincinnati Enquirer gives the following
account of tho killing of Major Andrew Sorog
gins, of Charlotte, N. O., by his father-in-law,
Rev. Dr. Wado Hill, a Baptist preacher:
Major Scroggins, in a passion, stripped and
whipped his wifo's sister, tho vonngest daughter
of Dr. Hill. As soon as tho fathor heard of the
affair, bo wont to his son-in-law and demanded
an explanation. Major Scroggins said he had
acted on an impulse of tho moment. Dr. Dill
replied that he had no right to punish the ohild,
From words thoy went to blows, and tho minis
tcr had tho be'st of it. Major Scroggins woat
home, and after consulting with his friends,
sent a challenge to thu minister. This was im
mediately declined. Tho son-in-law armed
himself to thu teeth, and threatened to kill tho
parson at sight; and tho latter also bought a
revolver, trao day thoy chanced to moot on
horseback in the road near the minister's honsc.
"Aha! "cried thu major; "I'vogotyoul Ten
minutes to my jour prayers!" "Well, air, I'm
ready." responded Dr. Hill. "And so ami,"
said tho major. "May thu Lord havo mercy
ou ns both." Thereupon ho fired twice, neither
shot taking effect. Thu doctor then returned
tho firo and killed his antagonist jrurtontly. Ho
then todo home, told the awful now aud sur
rendered himself to tho village authorities.
Tbo Now Indian War In Oregon."
We were to-day shown an Illustration of oar
late Indian war iu a Paris ptotorial paper. The
illustration shows tho Umatilla chief ansembling
his warriors by tho mirror signal. Tbo French
idea of onr renegade Inditns is quito laaghable;
it pictures them as "all decked" out iu feathers
aud other Indian toggery. From tho appended
account wo find it to bea representation of
Capt. Sperry's tight, and poor Lo evidently
never oxpecteel to tw so pictured on tho ether
side) of tho world.
A short stop was mado on tho work ! tha
Dayton narrow gagne railroad ou Uvrt HaWrday,
at lion L. R. Itarriseas farm, by Mr. Dam
son, Tho difficulty was amicably settled alter
a short delay.
Dea't Parget it.
If yon are troabM with nerronanfSMi, are
disheartened, llred of Hie. fear death er leal
oat ofnorta aa the aay Inn la, yoa may aafcly
ooneludo that too have the Dyspepsia ar
Liver Complaint, Tha liver la very apt to fee-
ooroe lorpra row season or toe year aa aoia
onn arising from stagnant water or decay tag
vetfeOtkyi are moro numerous and are
through Inhalation taken Into thu bloodr
Union the liver Isnirongand aotlre.aad fur
nUbca a kuppty of fresh and pore blood la
hive out the Imparltlwi. the above menuoa
ed symptoms surely follow, aud if not heed
ed, end In more terrible dueaaoaaud death.
Whlto'n Pralrlo Flowor provos Itself tho Ureat
Liver Panaoee. It action oa the liver la
different from any modlclno ever compound
ilmi. ItH cures aro truly wondortul. Try U.
Prloo twenty-flvi) cents aud sevouty-nve
TlHXVaT I.UOoL, htteBurireon U.H. Vohntoera. -
Otto. DnrMn fctoek. id stair.
Between Portland and San Francim
Can be UKhai at the principal Buttons sf tha
O. A O. It. It., at
an.ocaVii.oocl. XsLffctoaav.
nUtBcrs leave both Portland aoel Han Ynocieco beat
Every Firo Dayi,
rarniai raMnucrs and Hrelittt at the LOWMTV
HATHH. It Is th. only llo currW Iho U. H, HAMS
and WKLLH, ITAHOU CO.'rt KXl'MBtttf.
To Hle-mAip of this Oonipsny are rslod A t, M
an daw, tkKsul, sad cooplvU In ever (wrtkialaa.
and consist of Um
State of Oregon.
(New.) a.OU) tous burden,
George W. Elder,
(I70O tonr,)
City of Chester,
(VJU) toim,)
AJaX, (l) tonO
Yot (rrlxht or pite, sppljr si thu CompssyV al
flc, fotUKt Y sod Front ,Uot, I'oiiTLiNn,
io3l (IKO, W. WUIIiLMt. Aatmt.
Awudl MiKmi ;j m Ctn'ranUl IlipMltloa rvr
" of mMI; mJ jlowitlng Tha Iwt Uiuum,
V,r mvl, A rnr tltM tlftp IrfcUm.ik U tUmrh
mlut-t mi luMlor iwi,. m ih.l Jitrln't ttmt it
Ptu. Hut It Kit UMl.ra. Hii'l htt MJnl-,
flw, lu V, 4. Jicuos A Cvx, Hli, lcint,(, V.
I. i: Wcrltif liuer. Ai;t, rlsu fimtlKO
Buggies, Carriages, Hacks
IM,VIIJ TO oitii:,
All TeblcleM HrpAlrcal ua Ntierl
aad new, or hava a trrUio msda Jut lo joar no
Uoo. irira o a call, and roa riiall have Jof what
yoawaot. If tha eurrUo yoa have needs rcpalrta.
wa tan do It to koo4 abapa.
alaaa, Oat, 91