Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 20, 1878, Image 1

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    $2,50 per Year.
Volume X. Number 32.
Monday, Sept. 10.
Invitation was received from W. W. Chap
man to attend at Opera Houbo at 3:30 r. it. to
1 1 car address on tho railroad question.
Petition for running lino between Grant and
llakcr counties bo run, was read again and re
ferred to comtnitteo ou counties.
Petition forcharter for Independence waarcad
and rofcracd to coramittco on corporations.
Memorial for protection of salmon waa read
and referred to committco on commerce.
II B 28 by Steams, to regulato water rates in
cities of 10,000 inhabitants.
II B 30 by Green, amending corajion school
II B 31 by Kahler, to amend incorporation
of Jacksonville.
H B 32 by Thompson, relating totonnago on
Columbia and Willamotto rivers.
U B37 by Chcnovotn to amend laws on
public road.
II B31, Hazard, to incorporate Lebanon.
Communication from .Secretary of Stato Ear
hart that ox-Socrotary of Stato Chadwickhad
naucd permit for a lunch room in tho Capitol,
but not for a liquor room.
Tuksday, Sept., 17.
IIB No 1, for leave to build Portland bridge,
was favorably reported for select committee.
II B 35, by Gatos, appropriating ?5,000 to
pay oxpeusos of Centennial exhibit.
HB30, by Reed, to regulato corporation?.
On motion Chief Clork wan authorised to
employ reading clerk.
IIB 37, to project' bridges and regulato
travel over them.
II B 38, by Reed, to rcguUte foreign corpo.
H B 30, by Campbell, to regulate mining
H B 40, by Campbell, relating to contest
for swamp lands.
IIoubo then prooeeded to voto for United
States Senator with following result:
For J. H. Slater: Beckloy, Chandler, Cur
tin, Cheneworth, Campbell, Caldwell, Dorris,
Kvnrta, Green, Grant, Gates, Galloway, Hewitt
Hansard, Hendricks, Johnson, Matthicu, New
man, Pnrdin, Roinhart. Reeves, Schroder,
Stowart, Townsond, Wheeler, White, Wright,
Wodell, Schooling Mr Speaker. 30-
For D. W. Hare. Bowley, Carter and Colo
For J. N. Dolph. Acton, Sterns, 2.
For J. II. Mitchell, Bennett, Wentxingcr-
odo. 2
For R. P. Boiso, Durham, Gilbert, Ramsby
Smith, Scott, Tyson, 6.
For J. W. Nosmith. Fountain, Kahler, 2.
For W. C. Johnson. Forbes, Kelly, Stork
rather, Will, 4.
For A. J Dufur. Fretland, 1.
For Capt, L. S. Scott I, 1.
For J. F. WaUon. -Riley, Thompson, 2.
For Honry Failing. Reed, 1.
For E. R. Geary. Stntton, 1.
Blank. Bradley, nughes, Shelburg, 3.
Absent. Brotack and Hamilton, 2.
II B 41, by Campbell amends goneral laws to
ire county courts jurisdiction in habeas
II B 42, by Kewman, relief of John Cochran.
II B 43, Stearns, amends law, relating to re
demption of lands sold for taxes.
nB44, by Hewitt, to provide a fund for
internal improvements in Oregon.
H B 46, by Kvart. to prevent certain ani
mals from being branded on tho range.
H B 47, relating to cktrays.
H B 43, by Tyson, reducing rate of intcrctt
to 7 per cent.
II B 49, by Thompson, of Lino, to regulato
common carrier.
II B 60, by Thompson, of Line, regulating
ilc of sjJrituous liquor.
H B61, by Johnson, relief of Grant county.
September 17, 167S.
Report of the centennial commissioner A,
J. Pufor submitted by the Governor read and
referred to special committee a follows: Hughes
Bradley and Reeves.
H. B. No. 7; providing for the sale of swamp
ad overflowed lands of the state, Thompson
caored to nfir to committee on public lands.
Mtos-se from the senate announced S. C. R,
No. 7, had been concurred and houso concur
red. U. B. No. 8, authorizing Dalles city to din
pose of certain property was road.
Gates moved to refer to committee on public
lands; carried.
If. B. No. 9; to provido for tho election of a
superintendent of tho penitentiary, Galloway
moved to refer to special committco of three
with permission to report any time. Campbell
moved to amend by inserting judiciary commit
tco; amendment lost; tho original motion was
then adopted.
Tho speaker appointed Galloway, Green and
A message from tho Senate announced tho
concurrence of tho Sonata in IL C. R. No, 4.
H. B. No, 10; to prevent tho imploymcnt of
Chinose on public works: Acton moved that tho
bill bo ingroMcd and read a third timo to-mor
row; carried.
II. B. No. 5: to amend tho charter of tho city
of Portland, on motion was read a second Utno
by titlo; referred to a committee.
II. B. No. 12; to punish persons for breaking
tho peaco; referred.
11. B. No 13; to protoct game and fish; refer
red to committco on military affairs.
II B No 14; to amend tho codo relating to
judgment debtor; reforrcd.
II B No 15; to amend tho codo relating to
school law and fixing tho conditions necessary
to draw school funds, refonod.
n B No 10; to amend tho codo limiting timo
of commencing suit to recover real proporty;
MoKsago from the senate announoing the
adoption of S C R No 17 appointing a commit
too to visit tho State University; houseconcurred
and appointed Purdln, Reeves and White,
II B No 17; to amend tho road law; referred.
II B No IB; to protect stock raisers; ordered
to be engrossed sod read third time.
H B No 20; relating to assessors; referred.
H B No 31; to amend the charter of tho cKy
of Jacksonville; referred.
fl B No 34 ; to incorporate tho town of Leba
non; referred.
Message from tho Sena to announced that tho
Senate had adopted S J R No 8, appointing a
committee to examine tho books of the canal
commissioners; houso concurred and appointed
Hughes, Starkweather and Wendell
Thompson presented a memorial for tho city
of Portland requesting an amendmont to the
bill now before tho houso providing for tho
water supply for thooity."
rirrmoNH axp mkuojiiaia
Punlin-H B No 82; to amend tho codo relat
ing to tho school law.
Bradley II B No 53; to fix tho timo of tho
meeting of the legislature of tho stato of Ore
gon. Smith gavo notico of a bill to rcgutato tho
interest on money.
Chandler II I) No 5t;todofinotho boundary
lino betweeu tho counties of Grant aud Baker.
Chenoweth gave notice of a bill to grant the
swamp laud to Cooao and Curry for the con
struction of a railroad.
Stearns gave notico of a bill to fix tho time
of commencing action to recover real property.
Kahler gave notice of a bill to protect stock
men; also in relation to fees in general
Shelburg gave notico of a bill to prevent hogs
from damaging grain fiolda in tho Willamette
Bewley gavo notico of a bill in relations to
school fund.
A message from tho renato announced tho
appointment of a committer to enquire into the
businetts of the office of tchool superintendent.
House concurred and apjxiinted White, Stark
wcathernnd Lee.
llewly gayo notice of a bill to amend code
relating to annual mooting of hchool districts.
S 11 04, by Watt relating to care of insane.
S H 65, by Brown amending law fixing times
for holding Circuit Conrta.
SB 6(1, by Cochran, to define and'fix com
pensation of Stato Printer.
S 15, to regulato salmon fishing on tho Colum
bia river.
S 11 03, by Hindi to regulato and tax selling
goods by sample.
Senate received and accepted invitation
of Houec to meet in joint ((invocation at noou.
S It 09, by George, to i-tftablinh houtcs of cor
rentier with discipline therein.
S B 70, by Braishaw, to amend laws provid
ing for election of Justices of the Peace.
Ski-tkxhkr 18.
Petition from citizens of Baker county for re
lief of Henry Griffin, early mining prospector
of tbat county, was read.
Petition from Portland for act relating to
water supply of that city. Read and referred
to Multnomah dclogation.
Galloway, of special committee on H II No 0,
relating to government of penitentiary; reported
dills UK.U) ruurr tjmk.
II B 57, by Stearns to provido for notletfof
action to recover real property.
II B 58, by Smith, to limit timo to commence
action to recover real property.
H B 59, by Wclslol, giving validity to deeds
heretofore niado to purchasers in good faith.
II B 6, for relief of A. Wing, appropriating
2,000, expenses in arrest of O. W. Hawkins.
II B 01, by Kelly, amending laws relating to
assessors salaries aud per diem.
II B 62, by Bowley, relating to payment of
Stato taxes by county treasurers.
II R No 18, inviting Senate t convono with
Houso at noon to-day tocanvass voto for United
States Senator. Adopted.
II B 63, by Reed, amend 1,4 r act to incorpo
rate city of Salem.
II B 04, by Kahler, providing for exposing of
hides of any animals ki led. j
II B 65, by Dorris, to regulato duties of
school districts in purchasing apparatus.
II B 60, by Johnson, giving Samuol and C.
N. Berry tho oxcluslvo use of Canyon creek,
Grant county to raft wood eta, on certain con
ditions. II B 67, by Evarta, Umatilla Flumo Co., to
havo oxsloalvo use of Umatilla river for certain
At tho hour of twelve, meridian, tho two
houses met in the hall of the RprseuUtvcs to
canvass the votes cast yesterday In each houso
for United States Senator. The Ssoato baring
entered and bees properly received the Fresi
dent of the Sttoaanoiil;Kl;y object of the
eoventfou and the net Sf Xrois regukUng
election of Senators was read by Us (secretary
of the Benate.
Minutes of the action of tho Senate on yester
day were then read showing slootion of J. IL
Minutes of action of the House on yesterday
were read showing that J. IL Slater received a
majority of tho votes cast.
The president of the convention then an
nounced that it appearing that Hon. J. II.
Slater has received the majority of the rotes
cant in either houso, he declared him duly
elected United States Senator for six years from
tho fourthof March next
Monday, Sept. )C, 1878.
Called to order at 2 p.m. Prayer by lie v.
Mr. Chambers.
T. II, Canu, agent Stato lands commission,
sent in communication Hut his report would
be ready at an early day.
S B 51, Beiitly, to regulate raiting log, lum
ber, etc.
H B 52, Ross, for destruction cf noxious
SB 53, Grim, relative to incorioratMn of
H B 54, Myers, warrants payable from pale
of swamp lands to bo received in payment
H B W, Iiradtthaw, to create tho otlico of 1 1 rk
of board of commission) is of State lauds.
M, U. No. 3, by Fulton, rodltdricting and ap
Hrtioniug tho Htato, refomt to tommitUo en
Hinitli of Ijiui and Iinl of Marion apKiintcd
ou committco created by II UP. 6, rchtivo to
change in constitution in iclatinii to thu oCivo
of Stale Printer.
TviMY, Stqit. 17.
8 It. 4 Relating to dutiw of Htato Tieavurer,
referred to ways and means comrnitt'0,
S B 6, Leag-ilUinj; eliction in Yamhill, rtfer
rjtl to Judiciary.
S B C, Adjudication of cliamn, uforrwl to
S II 7, Relating to fiahciUH on the Columbia,
referred to committee on commerce.
S It 9, Relatiug to divixion of lotaf of
debtors who make an assignment, refemd to
S It 10, Short hand reporters fur courts,
n ferred lo Judiciary.
S B 11, For Firo Commissioner, referred
to committee on commerce.
H B 12, To promoto meJical bc'tn.-e, referred
to Judiciary.
S B 14, To cktablish uniform conrse o' pub
lic instruction debate-1 at length, ansndtd and
referred to committee on oluy.tiiiu
S B 15, Relating to attachments, reforrcd to
benate then proceeded to election of Unitcu
States Senator, and tho voto stood as follows:
For James II. Slater, Bilycu, Bradshaw,
Brown, Burch, Burnett, Cochran, Davidson,
Davis, Green, Haines, Haloy, Jasper, Meyers,
Palmer, Pennington, Smith, Thompson White-
akor, 18.
For L. L. Rowland, Applcgatc, Colvig, 2.
For Harrirton Kelly, Bentluy, Ross, 2.
For W. D. Hare, Fulton, George, 2.
For N. B. Night, Grim, Lord, Wadlo, 3.
For J. N. Dolph, Appcrson, Hirsch, 2.
For Josso Applcgato, What. 1.
SCKNol, waa adopted,
Empowering committco on Ponitentiary. to
employ a clerk.
SB 13 To amend charter of Albany, read
second timo and referred.
8 B 34, to amend cliarter of Marshfiold,
road and reforrcd.
Smrnunnn 1".
II C R No 3; to appoint a committco to in
vestigate tho stato printing; senate concurred;
committee appointed, Haloy.
Goorgo S H No 35; reported from tho com
tnittoc, ordered engrossed and read a third timo
BrndflhiwS B No 13; regarding tho charter
of the town of Lafayotte; ordered engrossed
and read a third time.
Fulton Petition for a road from Nebalem
river to Sarrmor house, on Clatsop; referred.
Haines presented a petition from Baker
county for settlement of war claims; laid on
the table.
Committco on federal relations report S J R
No 1; to provido for joint committo on war
claims; adopted, committco appointed Thorap-
oa and Lord.
Committee on judiciary report the appoint
ment of V R Hyde their clerk.
Myers C R No IS;, to appoint a committee
to inquire into the canal commlsioners; adopted
Myers and George appoiitcd.
H O R No 13; to appoint a oommitoo to visit
the Stato University and report on tho same;
committee, Brown ami Fulton.
Burnett presented J M No 1 ; relating to
Chinese immigration; remonstrating against tho
imporation of Chinese coolies as a violation of
tho Burliugamc treaty because it is not volun
tary; referred.
Burnett J M No 2; praying an nppropria
tion for funds to build a harbor of refuge on
tho Pacitio coast at Capo Foul weather; referred.
H C R No 14; for a committeo to examine into
the report of tho State superintendent of public
instruction and report tho saino, adopted, com
mittee appointed, Myres and Jasjor
Ilrown S B No 50; for the relief of Jolui
George S B No 67; bill to provide for equal
and uniform taxatiuu.
Fulton S B No 68; a bill to amend the rrim
inal code.
Bradshaw S B N" 69; to provido for the aid
of internal improvements by the sale of swamp
Burnett S B No 60; bill to amend laws re
ferring to the stato treasurer's duties.
George 8 B No 61; bill to amend laws re
lating to attachment, etc.
ApicrHou S B No 62; bill to amend the laws
relating to aetntiits of projierty and collec
tion ol taxes.
Hfjtwiukh 18.
llilyeu, chairman of committee ou corpora
tion rorortd itinmduicntn to thu 8 It 63.
Cochran, chairman of cuimnittco on printing,
reported amendment to joint rules. Adopted.
Jaitper, from Committee on llailroads, re
ported S It 1, without recommendation.
iiiu.1 kmh vimr tiuk.
H It C3, by Huntley, relating to kins of lalior
ore ou pervoual property.
fenator elect froin'Oreon, was bom in .'-an-gamon
county III, in tho yctr 18J7, and is now
ast 61 yoa-s ef aje. Ho caino to California in
1819, to Oregon in 18 A locating in Itentou
county, near Corvallis, whore ho tauylit school
18 months. Striving Uw meanwhile, and
oommtneing practice of Uiat piofcssiou iu lb58.
He was tbtor oi tne Oregon Weekly Uuion, at
Corvallis, about the outbreak of tho civil war,
and took active part iu politics as a (cinocrat,
representing Benton county several times in the
territorial and stati Ixuislatures. He removed
in AnKnra ti&kcr ronntv. in 1 astem OrtUOO
lia 1803. where be practiced Uw and worked
hard in his in his mining claim, not striking it
very rich however, Ho removed to Grando
Rondo valley, Union county, in 1806, where
ho varied the practico of Uw with caro of a
farm. In 1S70 ho was elected to Congrats, and
made a vory correct aud hard working member
Tho most norious charge against him is ho tool:
back pay for congressional services. In finan
cial matters ho U ia fayor of doing away with
national banks and sulstu ting national currenoy
for their circulation. Ho is apposed to infla
tion and belioves that government currenoy
should stand on n coin basis. Wo consider Mr.
Slater au honest man who will do his best to
advance tho interests of Oregon.
Our Contonnlal Exhibit
It is beyond question that tho Oregon exhibit
at tho Philadelphia Centennial Ki position was
a great credit to our Stato, and was very in
fluential in making our resourcos known
through tho world and secured a largo immi
gration for our Stata. Ill monoy value cannot
oasily computed, but it was worth much more
to Oregon than tho $1,000 appropriated by tho
Stato to pay traveling oxpenscii of our Cen
tennial CommLuiotior, or than tho four thous
and adilitional tho Stato will bo out if it pays
all tho other oxperutos of tho exhibit and a
reasonable sum for tho timo expended by its
agents. That wo were nblo to makn auoh a.
praiseworthy showing was duo chiefly to tho
unremitting and very aide. ofTorts of Andrew 1.
Dufur, our Centennial Coinmiasioacr, who ex
pended liberally both of his timo and of his
money, to havo tho Stato of Oregon properly
represented at tho great world's exposition.
Mr. Dufur has inado a report of Ida pro
erodings to tho Governor and wo hopo too
subjeot will receive tho earnest and liberal At
tention of the members and that they will
fairly oonndsr tho value of tha tisao oxpeadesi
by him, and the various oipwiw iaearrod, Met
will not hesitate to appropriate aufioleak
sum to discharge the obligation, for alt men ef
judgement, and with litieral views, must roe
ognizo that tho Stato incurred a heavy obliga
tion when it permitted a private individual to
do so much towards carrying this work ajoag.
Let us refund hint tho money expended with
interest, aud also pay him a reasooablo per
diem for tho timo ho so generously and foal
ously devoted to advance our common interest.
The following letters are only two of a scorn
that might bo inado publio, giving tho unrari
ing opinion of oininuut men, as to tho valno of
Hon. A. J. Dufur's services, both to Oregon ami
to tho United States, during tho time of tho
Centsnnial Kxposition.
Mr. J. I Campbell, President of Wabash
Collego Indiana, who was pormaoont Hoc rotary
of tho Centennial Kxpositiou, writes as follows
to W. S. Ladd Ksq. of Portland.
1'hilidelphia, Aug. 27th. 1878.
W. S. Ladd Ksq. Dear Sir. In reply to your
letter of July tho 30th., juet rocoived, I tako
very great pleasure in relating what I havo
heretofore said in regard to the service by Hsu.
A. J. Dufur, in tho intercut of Oregon, at Phil
idelphu in 1876.
The attractive display mado by the stato waa
due chiefly to him, and duriug all tho months
of prearation and the ooutiuuance of tho ex
hibition no one devoted hiinsulf more earnestly
aud Hiiocensfully to his dutiin than Mr. Dufur.
tlo won always at his xiit, ever ready to g;vo
iufonnution as to tho leviources and capabilit!
of Oregon, nor do I doubt but inirUnt, sub
aUntinl good has uuuo to jour state through
his rlliciciit labors. Very truly yours.
J. L Camiikll.
Sir, U. H, C. (t.
M rim following letter is to Mr. Dufur from
Itr, U. H. Senatir Nyo, of Maine who is now
lnsiiranco Comiul&sioui'r for that state.
Auousr.v Maine, April 12, 78.
Hon. A. J Dufur, D.urSir. Your letter just
recti veil aud it gives niu great pleasure to read
your lutter after having bum prewnt during
thu whole of t.iu Cuntuuniul lixliiditiim at 1'liil
idelp)u:, in 1 h7J. I an truly say that in my
opinion no state was liettvr represeutetl than
Oregon in tlio presouco of youaiolf. Yeu wm
always at your Hst from iiioruiuj till night.
Vim was iu honor to your Mate as well as to
thu ltoanl of CVimmiiwioiii ru. Oregon's exhibit
was one the finest in.vle, aud was the aduii
ration ol all who haw it. I aluut feci as if 1
should be billing to havo luy home and go to
your state to rind my life, and if I was not
more thin 40, 1 uouhl do so. I hope to mm you
again sometime. I am well and look bok upon
our nc jrminteitcc with groat pleasure.
Vera w truly, JosuvaNib.
. '.