t ?ftMMMM iwMFMkS33A?.i SttUBfeKffittffiKCfi w T X ! ii A 4l a h ' '& WILLAMErfTE FARMER. BY TELEGRAPH. Cairo, Illn., Sept. C Over 30 now cased ro iwrtcd at Ilickniiii thin morning. The near new of tho fever baa crested considerable alarm in CWro. Hrcnwln, .Sept. B.T. (I. Fountain, Honild torriKiionclcnt, ami A. V. Hall, railroad agent, wtru Htrickvu to-day. Since laijt rejKjrt there hiwo Imjcu 8 dcatliH and 4 new owci. The m.v lifjnity of tho fever mirvwucs anything in tlio uxiatienso (if tho oldust physicians Very few oHcnrw who are attacked. Urenada it no lungor ;i city it in n morgue. V .j'.-liur . ttont. H Wntlr fair; very w:ir. i tlii.ii.im'.!.ur !''. Tbu f'jvor ront mien incrcasliij; in tho na iw proportion an ilnrm tho Hie pi-t weciL. ft w c.ti.ualod that fully U,310 .on) do-vn Hiuk. Death i to-day, .'II -!21 xhilca ntiu I ) lilnolin. Wiwhinton, Bjpt. 7. to-day isjiiod ord jr.t to lor no vim cuikiroii in Asylum, M of whom fov.r. Nadiville. .'lent. 8 The iicrcUry of war foru.ird 2).")l)lankctH fit. Vincent' Orphan uru Hick with yellow Tho (irand I)d70of Odil Follows of Thiiuomco hivi addrcst.'d n liUsr '.o tint 'r.uid matter of several grand lodxtftof UiD united HtatoM, iwkinj; aid for McnphiM. CSi H;intij;fie.M, 111. i Hopt. 8. Coventor Cullom In ilny iwned a tiruoLitmtioii urging tho iiccon Mity of further liberal contribution for miffer ing Hiutliom oitlon, and particularly rucom minding that cliurcboi, oh.intablo institution and fraternal HosieUoH contriliuto and forward to romls wburo there ii the reatoit need. Mtniphis, Hopt. 8. Tho uitir-uw are reduced to a doijieraUi strait. ItMxim utterly impoi rtible t4i hoeurn men onoilL-li to burv tbe (lead iprotnptly mid to burn infected clothing and, ditu'ifeet prumuui. Tho mayor ban beou down ptevt i-nJ days. Thnro is but ono officer of tbu city frovunimuut on lih feet, and the I ward of heaHb, on account of mcknw of its inomberH, is mialilu to gut a quorum together. Promt nont momlwrH of tho Howard association to lny called upon Major Win. Willi.) to tako tho hi u.l of affairs iu the city, which be refiiHed to do, but pledged tho support of himself and iltlem' rulitif committee. Casey Youne has taken in band thu job of thoroughly fumigatiUK tho city by miianx of liumiug ttirpmitino anu urimestonu. Ohiof MoKaddeu. of tho firj do- partmont, will ptaco hid forco on duty keeping up IxmSrcii, while as noon an artillery nont for Airivett tho concussion tent will lo applied. Minno.iwliM, Sept. 8.- lYusiilmt llayoi and party arrived at 7i30 thin moraine from Kar,'o, a'ld ilespito muddy HtreuU, itowiLi were early aotir to welcome tho I'ruiiilunt. Tho party drove to thu NieollU Iloune.whcru. after break fast, tho I'lvdilunt and Mm. Hayes recluved a few ptrconal frimiiU. The mayor and few iiromltioul citUciii then took the 1'ninidciit out for a drivti among thu mfltri nnd other objecto of intenvt. Theucu tbuy went to Airricultural Ha'.l, wliero tho fair takes place. Unwnnln of twenty thnuKiiml people gathunxl in thu ainphi tbttr, whoie applatno cianod m tho mayor intrifluced Uie 1'riHMont. The rn.ililuut rt) l'!)''Wd and made n Ion? upv'eh on the pro putt'i of thu country and fin.mcw, repoHtuig tho remarXH no maiiu at M. I'aui. MtmnhiK. Meiit. U, The condition ot our fit v L'rowN morudiwrwratuevcrv hour. Of new iwici it iri iiHoleitH longer to lueii count. Whole families are Htrleken ihwn within a few hourn, ami tho call for ntirwi ii( uriut'T Uun eiva txi miimliod. Yi'ytonlav thnro wuro about 100 ip-uth and .300 new ram, and to-day up to noon, innenty deathn uro ix'iwrtvd and tho dun th nito to-day will prolably uxcivd that of any preWouii day. Amoni tho death n-portod thin iiuimlux aru Dr. K. C!. Slater, pouter of tho Metbodint church, 5iHtr Cthnrin, of St, NlaryV, Win. A. Hubb, Jacob Loeb uixl Dr. M.tum New OrloAiu, Kopt. 0. Xow c(Hti, lH) KathK. 87. WaiLinuton. Knt. 0. Tbe ttocrttarv of war. whlk vxUmhIIhk rovurwnu,Mt M yl'ow fever milTen'rK, ban rcpoaUully declared that ho wan actuated by no other law thin that of hu inanity, Imt ilfpcndwl on appro-al of tho entire (ouutry furhta uction. No one hero donbtn that ho will havo congrtmioual Mnction, but in ord r to i o Nino a-iiuranwH, Col. McAnllo, of Vickntrtirg, who camu hither on Ixihalf of yllow ftver MUtrerern, addriwm'd a letter to lU'pnwvntativej lllackhuni, Ktlii and Oibnon tin tlio cubject, who replied that if it nhould lKroiiie iiMtmtary to ikem hwi alidatiug and ratifying tho Mivrvtary'ii Mtiou, it would cvr tiuuly mett their inont oordial Kupjwrt. Hew York, Hept. V. Tbo lVnnhania Uiiilrviwl Co. ttunounceH that it will carry froo Miiiplien and other eontributioui for ndief of yellow fuiir Huirirvrn. (Iiirni, Kept. It. Tlio following diipakh Irom Vioknburg wn rvceived at midnights llidhon Kldem' condition U very critical. No iHijnHiim entertained of hi rvcoery. lliitbop lAtniy reached him la.it night. Total contribution to d.ite received by tho it wiii committee. $i:i.til: from other ur , .S,rt7 Is total, SI'-VAH. MemphiH.Sept.ilO. 1'byHiciMnoftbu Howard (orpH reirt ill new cam for thdutit'J-l bourn. TboHitiiitioii of thooityU mmply frightful, tin to am iiiutv idckthnuci Ui atU'iulisl to. In ttm 7th, 8th, Dili and 10th ward, tbe roost tbl(J(ly bottled jiortiona of tlio eity, thoro in uot u nitilu drug torv optvn and gu-at dillleulty in rxiHTiiuicod iu getting proscripticnw rllle.1. Niudivillo, .Sept, .-HUU)Tnimn)r Xtanh T. lVlk, by nlvnco of Governor l"ortr, ha (K lerminod to nwuo pnmiou to the oiU'nt pf $tHK) jnr week to fever miQcrvr at Memphm. HaMing. Mbui., fnpt 0. lVji't lUyo and rlyKft St. Paul thu afternoon and arrived at HaxtlngK at 1 o'clock, Tlie Kpwo about tho ibnir wan ik'inKly packed. A Urgo delegation ot promiuejit uivu roccivl tho dU'.inguiihed gueU. Tho jrty tinik carriao to Vorinilliou f.j, and from tbero to thu rvideiicti of Oen. U'due in the Kuburln, Mn, 1-duo wrxed .ui tlogaut lunch, will komu time w pinA'd in an infoiiiul nud cxtromvly wcUl uwuiuvr. At 3 o'elock an inooit of uteran inldiers, firxmen, tet.iiK'nuHxi iHK'iitie uiul ntir.ti wlt br.i Kuiil ftveo'np.uiiHl tho party to tho eurt lH)ne, Ik jo, on .. platform crvctl for tho prpoo and ...liuUimcly ilecoratcd, Vrwiidjnt Hvw m.ki nunwil tiv thouandi of rwiln fnnn the city and country. Timo waa ihort and tho Pi undent only brMly oxttuded tkiniw, lallmg oil ifx'uerii i;eii", miuiwj'Hvnriw, -" loir I btully to nollt.cticw of MmnoMjta Hol.tiCM dnrini! tho wwiui I Mid Iw vru plil to meet ..jM'n " tunc of sjm nrul comj.ru tho tliwigj Hi tho condition of atf-vim. At tho Unit of w ir for iiulcjvjii.U'UiM a groat wiKUr iiuunioril Iwtwwii hJtv and th" cut. State now, grvat xtatot, npnvid over thj couutry ""! beyond, Wo kwu crowned it m tho inme o( liburt), blcrty inttod bj hw. Mere ili criptun cannot doiimtUv to thii iT-t noith wmUhi oiniuro. Uu ba-l vmitod rvgiou vaster tba-i ho bad oer dreamed ot tat win to um maUly h oplid by cvuntleK mllliono. What tttr it wmlth and iowvr let it nobleat growth be nu and kouU, (J. Yauwy of Cworgu, dooaently kjoke of tbe gool Inlwijt nhibUl by tlo aorth'Woat to U KitLrubrthJr. (. H. H. ftbloy ' tou.. tbe lVcaiikiit in tbo taoao o! tho IVm. ocr7 of MLaattOtx FOEEIOB. Ilucharwtt, Sept. 7. Rinderpest In rapidly extending throughout Itoumania. The author itiefl neglect to taking precaution to prevent its npread. St. Pcterubnrg, Sojrt. 8. Ituiwianii occupied Datoum Friday morning. Tho entry was per fectly icaceablo. Dervish Pasha iu arranging for embarkation of tho few remaining TurkLih batteries. Gonstiutinonlc, Sept. C It ii wid in IJus Hinu military circlei that in "!ew of thu diffi culty tho AtiNtrinnu meet with in occupation of IJoinin the forco of GO.00O men flxid by tho treaty of Dtrlin for occupat'Oii of K.utrrn lloutnnli i and Bulgaria is fpi.to mvlxuat . An olliccr in iiiih i-auk ayu tlio HuHjiani hid al ready decidod to Invo lit leant a hundred tliotiAMil ln)0n in theso provicccd. Ronw, Hopt. IS. Signor Avugancr, mintitor of war under tho Homan republic of 18l!, mado a iipewh at Torre Mnygioro urging pre piration for war with Autria. Oarilmldi baa a'jiin written a letter to Popoli urging the name (mention. CoiiHt-intiuoplp, Sept. 8. - Mchcmct All P.vna, who wai cnt to picify AllMini.1, wax mobbuil at Yaconu. Ho Hud and took refuge in a ntuxl, but wan punned by tho Albanians, whocallid upon him to oJganire nn attack asraimt tho AuirtrianH. Ho refiwcd, and wm with twenty members of hid wuito mafwacrvd. Vinna, Sept. 8. General Szapany telcgraplm that be defeated tho iuhuramt on Thurmlay. They dixperKwl in vnrton direetioni, tho mam Ixxly taking the direction of Tuzla. Auntriaim now hold tho ro id between (Jranlcn, Tncbnik and Maglai, and aro fortify iny their positiom. Coneral S.ipany tclegraphu that two of the inrwt import-mt outworks of lliliia.1 bale boon wipturwl, after ohitinitu lighting, but the pxitiouH beforu Ii!h left wing ard Htill in po.i sweiion of tho imuirgenU. CALIFORNIA. San Krauciitco, Sept. 9. Uichard Smith, agwl 9 yeare, an inmato of tho abnH house, waH drowned in a pond lietween Lake Honda and the alms botiuo, while bathing Saturday afternoon. 'Hiu Pioneer aro celebrating admission day. Tbuy awiumbled at their hall this morning and marched throngh Montgomery and Kianioy streets to tho corner of Bush, whoro they took the cant for Wood.ird'H GardoiiM, wheru literary oxorciw wcruhold, .fudge Z. HastintM presid ing. An oration was delivered by Charles 1. Travers, and a poem by Daniel O'Coniiell. Kov. Albert Williams olllcfatod as chaplain. Amount received up to date byex-Oov. Low, treasurer of the citiw;iiV relief colnmltU, ?l'-!-li!fl.t,". At tho H.1I0 of sc.its to-moirow for the lionefit at the California Theatre Thurwlay afternoon Mrs. Scott Siddons, tho tho actre, will auction oir tho buxcit allotted them. Tlie Ixmelit promises to In) 11 great success. Virginia, Sept. 8. young limn named Parks, in tho employ of Porkini, Druggist, was found dead in bed in tlio Arlington lloitso this morning. Ho left n note stating bis life wasa fmliiro and ho bid taken priiMic acid. No cause is known for thu act. Victoria, Sept. 10. A tumble ten year old child was before thu police magistrate yixtor day. It was proven that ho hnd lieen in thu hliit of cutting thufcetolV ehlckuns and pick ing their eyes out Kith a pin, of cutting ifurks feetotTand ma'iing t.i i w.ult on tho bleeding stumps; of tbrvnt;ning to cut his sisters hands oil", and standing ovc hf w.th it knife almost cutting her thro it: of srtfng tire to houses and in short always doing somiithing outrageous and cruel. He was comitto I tojnl preparhtory to tsiing ent to thu luuitio atylum. OOV. TUAYZXn IXACODKAX Now AdvertUen. llawley, Dodd h. Co. aro m usual first in tho field with their Fall advertisemiut of plowr, neiMlem, wagorwi and all kinds of farm implo mvntrf, and as they koep up with tho times and are arways able to supply tho latest improve ments in labor saving machinery they deserve their well canted business, patronage, Mosirs. K. J. Nortbrup A. Co., advertiso tim Iter, spokes, bulm, and material for wagon and earring" building in geuerul, which Mr. North rop now makes a specialty. His long and sue cvrisful buniurtrj career and fu!loc(maintoucu with this line of goods will Im toadiuutago of his customers. Ill health induced him to leave the larger huino field nnd its pressing cares and duties and ountluo himself to tho wagon tim ber trade. Mr. Holwm, of Yamhill, ha thoroughbred Fz-sox swine and any person w idling to unpne his brel of bogs, will do well to ko thuM or corriiotid with him. It is a snrprio to 11s thit stock linHslerw gonerally do uot advertise, and when ono has thecnterpriho to do so pat nmlio him. V. It." Wilson, of Salem, otTers for sale a f plomlid thno year old Black Stranger stallion, out of a fiue man, bay coVor, stands lf J hands high and well put up all aronnd. For speedy rostUters and good working ability BUwk Straugor's ooHs have no sueri(rM, as ho comes from tho boat families of (vistvru trotting boi-m's and has sUo and magnificent develop mi nt. MAKRlKlh At tho bouso. of bride's paronU, Seit. th, IS7H, bv Hev. 11. M. CxirV, Goorgo Billington of Yamhill county and Miss S. .1. Hodsou cf Marion county, Oregou. At mytn. ilrriiin, on Humt-iy, Hepl. 8, lR7rt, liy H v. Wm, J eler, t ihn nli(ene f I lie tirlito' tirolhsr, A l. srlicr. J I, Cr.it'trcn suit l Mr. (. Htiylon. isiitiler of Kov. A.K iltnlu.r, of lino rouiity In tho declsration of puroo of the Nations gringo, wo find this sentence: "Wo shall d When Governor Chadwkk finished the de livery of his message, Jndgo Boiso adminis tered tho official oath to Governor Thayer and ho delivered his inaugural, which waa an excel lent troatiw on Stat polfoy and public morali ty, and was highly appUuded and commended. His. party platform advocated oimnle govern ment, honestly and ccoionncally adminloterod, which principal ho acefptod with his nomina tion and should nUend to. Public economy 0 giibicrvient of p-iblio morality. (lovcramcnti tiro instituted for tho scanty cf tho governed. Prlvato interests should net thrive at public expense. A will dofinod code of liws ij ccn- till ,iod lawfnl authority nhould bo Aascrtoii without foar or favor. Taxation should lo cmnl and all property boa tho burden, being aCMcd at its full value Tho prcient nystem of dc Incting indibtidncsii ii defective. In many instances false return .f ili bl ani mado. Fore nn corDoratlons stiouii! ... .t-n.1 U...A .ihWIfinrf.i in Virtiinpjtn dnm IMY n ru'm nun. i.u..wni w "' - hire. Trust funds of tho State should Iks care fully protected and administered; lands should be sold iu small parcels to good advantage under a Bimple and uniform inodo nt tho least poiiimo oxpeinc. owampiauuoaiu uun ., ly purchased by speculators. Discretional1 poutra of tho Stato Board cannot constitution ally bo delegated to local agents. Kxerciso of legislative power in making np propriation is liable to abuse. It is not right to favor individuals or localities nt tho expcn-icl of tho public. Taxci annually collected for current ex t msts cannot bo otherwwo diverted to othci purposes, unless iu excess of amount requirci for thoiio oxponses. The Governor h allowed by low extra paj for extra services rendered, but his cxcollcncy considered tho legality of such extra compen-l nation a matter of donbt. Tho different acts providing compensation for clerical aid In tho otTiooof Secretary of Stat should bo rettoalod and spocitlo compenfation providid for such clericxl aid, and Assistant! HeereUrv cannot, undtr tho conetitution, ex erciso tho powers of his principal. Tho Statu is tho parent of tho ptople nnd should nroiido education for tho masses and. proper supiiort nnd instruction to tio impotent, such ns deaf mutes and tho blind. Penitentiary management nhould Iks r.s eco- nomical ai domsIUo and mado self-supporting at an early day. Convicts fhould not bo rcstorvdB to citiwnsbin unless showinc cvidonco of reformation. Impriwinmont nbonld lsi clFcctu al punishment, oitu while aImiuistered wit I Immunity. s Fishunoi aro imtvirtant inU'restn that need legislation to protect, propagate and encoumge. them, ltoad tixes do not make cood roads. Tho income is small and labor is often insufficiently rendered. Taxes should bo paid iu money and that well expended. Tho State na'vs ten nor cent, interest on out standing warrants, while six per cent it a fair rato under tho circumstances. Stato funds should bo protected by most careful legislation and euardumshlp. Th Indian system that rocognircrt tribal sn.l promacy was criticised, and compared with the' efficient management of tho Indian tribe by our British neighbors. Tho Burlingamo treaty should M amended to prevent the evils that Chinese immigration is nuking. Tho Governor cIosnI with an cloqncnt de sertation on honrit legislation as conduciio to pulilic morality, anil oxpnssed high contnleneej :.. .1... l.tl!... I 1... !... . .! .f aL.I 111 iii'J amiity .urn uucgniy oi niiuivn ui present Legislature. Mrs. Margaret ltobinson, who crossed thi plains with tier husband, C'apt. John ltobinson 111 icmo, men near sonants on 1110 ,wio Alienist, aged 87 years, 7 months and '.'3 doyi. tier luislmna ilieil anout live years ago, Healtli and Wealth- Doth msiv be ewlly tulned bvany one to heeding naturo'n wrnlon and keeplnsj oloso wntoh overymptom tbat ray ppear which iDvarlably are tho Ind oatlone of au Hpproaohlnn lllnecs. Many dollars can be saved and a groat deal of uutTerlnK avoided by a little attention to tbo iollow n(t ymp tonia, which are a suro nln that either the nlood. liver, or Ulgitivnorgana nrn out of ordor: Constipation, Indigestion, fiillnesn of nlood in tho hod, Pour iito-iiaeh, orialed ongiio. load UhUi in tlio inoiUb. nnd j Iijii iva iireMtri. mm. iimwHv, i.uu " ....... -v fooling, feauontlicadiielio, poorippnilu) pain ill tlio nde, elieht, KIlU limbs, Olw , O'C. I tift .!i-bet mud 11 11I rtiitborltlm drolaro ;ba' over wo tblrdiof all ii .o.ih ur ''W6 clttini by mi Impure 8tnt of tho blood or noitin (Jo MnKOfiiHiiiortho IP cr itid ilUosilvu orHiis iVIien thu blood la puro, Um llwir in proper iPtlOM,niidlhb'iol,Jr'iiUr, no ono en; nvi-r tin f-orlotiHly nr daiig(r-ul.V -bK- M ipillUlllV imiuinnj nurlf tho blood nnd PIONEER OIL MILL8- G. TV. GRAY -ivTwri rTriifTnAaitri Tim XX Mills, will eootlnns the mtnufsduro ' and Boiled Unseed Oil. Tow .warraoud sincuy puro Hxltx, OreRon, Aug. Ifl, 1678. tn J St OO. AB0V8 KAMBD ud Meal. All otln I National ino, wo linn mis sentence: -no snau an- Viuru tho caustt of education among ourselves .md for our children by all just moons within o ir power." So tho grange must help to edu c iUi our women, or fail in ono chief part of its minion. I.ct her till tho office of lecturer, and jj riMii'rvd to nrvseut some matter of intercut an.l import vieti at ch meeting of thu grange. Ut her write for the "grange ip.r, -tliero sh iu' 1 bo one in e erv gr.uige, And let her ex pre bur ability and knowledge to fulfill all the rvulremoats nude of her in lur manifold bemo relations. ... in. Yaicer, aod Z lied suddonly in Yarn VI .ioi.t tn 1 miles from MoMinimllo on tho lib, U wiw early in tho morning, and bo was buiun Haio brush imir tho liouso. Ho bvl owned a iiuckct to proioci a piio raur. iVwntlv bl" ifo wont to call him to brvukfiut .ui l found lifin lymg ioat. it wis Heart ins cue. Mr, Jmm Hendershot, of Uiuo' county, in forms iu Uiat it U now Ulievcd that Wilson, hi old man who was so brutally murdered near Wallow alloy, w actually killed by Indian. Mid tfat UU KHi-uvlaw, Mmw, i innocent of tbo dxL It ia to U hoped for the sake of hoaahy U this theory will prove trne. TlJE fl!yrKEJS. The Markets. TnriUr.Y, Sept. 12. Wheat has droppod aud tho market is tem porarily depressed. Uvvqiool quotations show a falling oil" in spot quotations and wo Ioaru from private sources that floating cargoes have dropped from fils 61 per MX) pouuda to 4& 6d, within little more than a week, and cargoes for immediate shipment show a similar decline, being now quoted at only tfti per quarer of fsDO pounds. Soveral caustm combine fo produce the decline from 80a to 76c per bushel that has UktM place at Sdem. Ono is that millers, who have been tho recent pnrchasers, iarj drawn out of tho market aud the low state of water makes it impossible to transport any con siderable quantity by tho river, ond draynge and Wo per ton additional by rail scorn to pro hibit transactions at over 75o per bushel. Freights on tbo ocean continue low, and Portland quotations are 31 SO toil WJ per omUl for wheat sacked. It may be tbat an advnuco will take plico when thu river risos, and again it may bo that rates at LiverjKiol will drop. A friend of ours, who lives near town, did a wise thing whon ho hauled in his wheat and received SOo er bushel for it, wj wo think, but ocry man mtwt think for himself. Oats aro oi Iviforo: Mr. Herrcn has p.ud 37Jo for local trade, but now has his storago opacity tilled and is out of tho market ai a lui) or. Niiem riounug ,-uiiis jay m c-vh mr gixvl oats for shipnunt, which all the market warrxiUou pnwnt showing. Wc do not hear of many trancsctiors at that tiure. I'W.sini ns utik o. wrj will bsKlren lor faor rotaru. t ... ....w.....m reoirUUiR her rherools. JANK 11KCKET. Haum, Atii. 18, ItOS -'J EEVOLVER PEBB ,52"i3!?f?SRSK AdditM J. 110 WW - tON, 13S - Ul WeuJ 6t, I1uluri!i. V- BOOTHBY & STAPLETON, CONTRACTORS. Ah-o Ifanafsctorers and pkrs la Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mcu'dtogs, Etc. Aho nuke a speoUlty of BEST IMPUIITKD PINK DOORS. W. F. BOOTIinY, ArcbKect. All Ordvw (torn tbe ttounlry pruapti ilUrd. omcK and"makcfaotobt, Corner Frost aat Stat Btreeti, UMMEML, BXOOM. sprl II O A. IUkd. Notary mblic. T. H. ttos. RJEHBD & COX, Real Estate and Insurance Loans negoiiatod on Fa orablo Tormtf. Buy and Sell Gold and Silver. State. County. &m) Cl;y Warrants. Aacslt ttr Et-C' Opera Hoose. C5TOI3. t tko ecnwr o Rewl's Opera Ucuoe, fott CALBX. Oil. fl rvTJUVtirSS D'i. 1-UjiT nmritaiaaj S-osotn-wv i n& nXSk ixCruKUL -r3iiriA'Mi irii. 40 'jrr""?.?."'"- r..jii..... .. iuoriM. itmnsnyiiUicr IIayroMtuaglfiir no 1. '.'SSiS .strdlefl by lrirponlblo manu.J'SjJlgSK ,1 tcbtors. the nnrthtin-r Is llahM. I oots io uwro isr a ffsed pr tt.?u f r U W.,WSB.i5l. T. d(rr. r. k. The Averill Paint b Prepared In LlqaldJFornu READY FORIUSE. rr is o Xt7fL3EI -W XKXTJB, ANU OP ANY SHADK OB 09L01L It Is composed of the BEST MATERIALS Known to tbo Trade. Ptiro LlnNuod Oil, STRlCiLT PURE WHITE LEAK, 3ETT isxsro. AliO THI- PUREST COLORING MATTER Je ProonraMo for Tinting WtUoh, by onr renltar process of maufalars are so Uioroouly nailed inia THEY CANNOT SEPARATE. Hence It will nnverchalk,i-nrk,orpelia;dois uot rnn from seams, nr null b lost ami lor 1111rLt.iA.Nmr np oox.on and KKAirm XKiNiHii.rr IS WtTliOCT A IUVAI- I'ut np lo i, J, 1 and fi gal Ion Packages. WEA7HERFORD & CO.. Wholesale and Betail DEAJ.KH9 IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GIuhs, BniNheN, Etc. AGENTS, SAT.T3M, OGN. Call jStTisri a 00 JBaxxi leVflad CO. E. J. NORTHRUP & WUolrsaJe aad HctalJ P.mlern la Coach, Carriage, and Wagon Material, HARDWOOD LUMBER, SARVEN WHEELS, ETO Cor. 5lula unU FlrHiSts.; PortlnBd, Oregon. Ihrmi trt rJ nil eoniKctloa wtib tho 1U Hrm el NoTfltrr A Titcxrw, crOr iihouM N adimwdsa IwISmSJ Ii J. NOhTHRIJP. Swe. D. XrCOLLY. A. N. WUIKKT. Auctlonwr, and CoinmlMlon Merchsnl, iu us rot-M Ojipotlto tho lUnk, ylnn, wltb Rood an- Hortuioct of Clothltijc, Hat mill Chip, IlnotM nnd Nlois LADlf.'? AST) GKSTiT VNDKRWKAR, AHO NOHONS AND TKSCY A0OD9 Too aBCDnnuis) to MBt)oa. ttelow, Jbm W, 18T5. WJ.-tf McCXTLLT & GILBERT, Wholevcli- mill U.lnll Coininexxial Street, Mackert'l, lnl Fi-.li. Whlto Fish, Salmon, Iobstrri, O.VHtors, Sanllni, Ton, (Nitroo, ltlte, Kilt, Flour, liiu-on, liird, ilam-i, Svrup, N.tllrt, Table Cutlery, Woodenwiire, (la-HSWiue, Salem, Oregon, Tobacco, ClRnw, Mucctironl, Wrnilcolli, IV.irl Ikirley, Tiiploca, tiago. We caJ) particular sttsntlon 10 onr dinnit Importation of arexr "STorlak. 8tone-"ware. ran bsst .v run nvni.ui Aluo our N. Y. BYHUP, direct from the fuctory, and superior to anything ever introduced In the market, and our H TEA none better. tf rartteakr la4Ma.t stss (! paKAMls Umm es bj tU rct or at ittau. t I !kd&J!M.iM .iijik.'.