I m. -WILLAMETTE FARMER. ihi T OPnOBUefttt NATIONAL GttANGB. 4t?r-Jc!,hn.T-,i0IH Barton. Phillip. Ark. mST"' Wooteun, l'w law, VanBaren, ft"- ? Snwdley, Cwieo, Howard, U. Steward A.J. Van.rhn Mm.,hi: t-m M 8omoi5?JiMortlmcr Whuh"d Mlddlcbnib, Viww. CVtY Mr. Jnhn T. Jnnpj. It. Mm. tn.Mii.. atr Jwu-Ur. twunuol B. Adams. MontlosUo, Minn. tortma Mrs Harvey Ooddard, North Uranbr. Ct, iaAWaft( tffa-ininl-MIss Carollno A. Hall, Loulsvllit, Ky, XKCOTtTTl COMMtTTBB. I). JVy AUtcn. (Chairman.) Ookwbnrr, 8. C. K. h. Hliankiatid, I)abnnue- low. Dailley T. C'haso, Ulanjra'.nt. N. II. A loo HO (I ilder. Hrmk full.. WMIaMi. tit W. U. Chambers, (Xveccbea, HasMll. Ala, OPfriOBO-H OttEOONTATK ORAIVOK, ttitUr.K. K, Shipley. Oswego, ClAckamt County. ecrrUtry N. W. Itandall, Oregon Clly, Vrtanrer. David Bmllh, Lebanon. Linn Ooanty. KnecwUw OommUtt. A. K. Shipley, 0wnro, Clackamas Coanty; a. W. Hant, bubllmlly, Marlon Cosaty; A. Holder, Corvallls, Benton Coanty. State Orange Deputies for 1878 Int OJflot. Sxtxit. niirrow. A Holder Corvallls... CLACK AJIAt. O N Wallo Omby nAXittt, Thomas Hrulto Dvker City CLATSOP, W U dray Astoria.... .Corrallls .AtlotU. JACK-OS. JN T Miller Jicksonvlilc Jacksonville JixuniiNt. Joseph I'nl ock Loland LANK. Foscoo Rnoi Crcavrelt,. Alien Band EatrvnoClty LAxn. T W Cnlvln KOLTMOMAIt. riympton Kelly East Portland.... Eat rorlland Jacob Jrhnsou ' " " KAHlOtt, .1 W ItatcocldiT Itattevllle ttm M unitary 'turner T ASIirIOTON. T A Illchardmm Tualatin , I W Hspplnirtnnl...Oton YAOIIILU It II Uajhl.n North Yamhill witiiitfuTOK rainironT. WALLA WALLA. W B Thomas WalU WalU COLUMBIA. Thomas Thni.scll.... Dayton DIJSON fc GO'S Home Musical Library, cnrtslas nearly alltho really cood sheet mualc ever pulillshnl cotivi-Lttntlr bound In Thirty-Two hani rooio rolnm, t K.tli tiook la qnlto Independent of thiohr, Is sold r-rp.mtcly, sit contain tholartw qmutlly ol Ml tnl.Ml pairrs, sheet tnuilc slr.o, of jjiw-l mu'le mid iicli hook la aold for fi.r.o in iiouriiM eu oiotin $1 nut. Tberi irs 1,1 t'otloctlrm of Vixvtl Wuilc, of which the thrco moi recently liuul n:e: TIllCSUNMIINrtOIfSONO. (Mrt pp. GO onc.) ltio rO.s are by tho mnt potitiiir author. TIlKU'OJCl.n OK.SONC. (rOpnce) A cnt tkilety A runi' by tho be.t (.omputcry, lutlvo a:il foreign. fiKITIK OK t!?l(iI,IMI NUNC (7.13 rVM, ?3 huo'i', Dj.ic. .;! Wondoifullr una hook. At the dtta of It publication conrldcrtHl tho bcL Theroare nCollccllohnot liiUramn.lal Mntlc. Tho motlrocentonfaartl )MiTi:it ok mui.s. (miue.) 1'lnr pitc a fiir ' vjn&id pUvr. i:nsoviui!D,u(!K. (ticci. Ti) trjM-cotCDupoitlou of btmnivt. ii:t3koi'.stixaih, fiM pnct-.) A liau.Iied ur muru of tho norlt of thla aott hrlllltiit ol taiHiers Fond for Catalog cii itcd ConU-nta of tho AS hoola. tXTLook out frlltain& IW New WccUy Mn aleil i'aprr. Appvara In tiepUmhcr. OLIVER DITSON &C0., Boston. O, II Dlt-.UI & Co., Hit It.-uiJwij, N. Y J. K. Dltaou ic )o., tit Uhctnuit, 1'hllu ANGORA GOATS FOR SALE. T SHALL HAVE A DOKBN OR MOUC PORC BLOOD ANOOUA IIUCEiS At th Pair llronad. In Oelnbr, aJo (jrd bockn aid owe that baru been well bred. . V. VOCC.tl. Hiiibidam, OrvvJ". AW- SO, "S. tf Administrator's Notice. TWTOTirK H nRRRBY oivnN Tn.TTn vs- Lnladar aooolntcd br tbo ll dtntno" h itftn I'niinir I'oor t of Marina foanty. On von. adralnutr. tnr or ibo oatats of Amelia ItaTlrla rn. dcX'a-d. All teiona havmjr dtlma iu;atnt raid ertno a'O ro nnlnxl to prent theru with thpnper tooehtrxto mi' In hafeu, )ntvii, within fix month from tho dato of thl nolle. A. V DAVIDSON. idmlnlrlralurof tho KrUte ol Amelia liarldion, dwrnm-"!, DatrJ Anjna SI, tT3. w4vr Dostruotivo Ftrc Mr. John (Jiiy, of Auror, infonns us that tho provallin;; finw Jiavo ilono criaaMcraWo daiiue, m lit) saw fences bunked alon tho nulro, nnd heard on tho car that ciht hun ilrol conti of wool Ixjlonin to tho railnad at Slilwaukoo wcro totally destroy orl. ITwbiuoLo iti tho valley dense, weather stifling with hest and nmokc, and tho grent ueod of the country in a o.rf, Noolting rain. Eocctvotf. We bckuowlcdo tbo roocijit of on invitation, accompanied ly a complimentary ticket, from II M. Wiiite, Socretary of tho SUto Agrknltural Soctoty, U attond tho Eighteenth Annual Kx hilit'ou of Uio Orc;cn Stato Agricultural SociUy. Mr. Waito is ondcuvoring, ftllin hla vower to ruako thia a suoccuful exhibition and hU vfTurU aliould lx onconrAl by all. Fires ta Polk. Ouo evening Lut week Mr. Whito, about 3 mile west of town liad aUmt hi en hundrtxl roil in fcu: lniruo.1 by tiro gttiti in U)e ta tnro grui. On MouJay Lvit Mr. Glenn t firo to a amn'I patdi of bruah which tprcad beyond hia control and ran tome jistanco burnuifeuocian.ldoiug coiia'deriblo dima,;?. AalUo Uro2:cn. T.U momin whilo trying to catch her littlo pirL Mr. Black, living on Tioty hill, atcjtpod on a snull ri:k hich ca.ci tho foot to turn vtry nuddcnly, brcakiugouo of the small botxa oi the ankJo. Quito recently the U?u was V)pod co;r Yrvka by tbjiss robbors who orJord thf cxprw ntan;er to give up the box j tho manager opened tirv, Uillnil oi.u icJiUrr, tho Lore tok fricht ami runaway and got clear, though tho robUra fired oa tho horses injuring oao ttat fell dil when they wire out of reach. wwpfim- ii kiiu BprtoRhorowrb, Warren. O. rtary-0. II. Keller, Louisville. Ky. From tho Dlly Rwm), Sept. 11. -VUU.DKSL MOST rOOL." Yostcrday morning nows reached thin city that tho body of a man was found doad in tho road near Bilverton. Tho body proved to bo that of Oliver llibcrt, a French Canadian living near Silver Crock Falls. Tho body was found about 6 o'clock Monday evening. Indications went to shew that ho was shot by nomo ono ou foot, with a rifle, ho being on n horsu at tho timc Tbo ball had entered his neck on tho loft side, pretty well back, and camo out on tho right sido of his chin, ranging upward aud severing tho juglar win. A shot wa.i heard in tho vicinity about 3 o'clock. Shoriff ltakcr and Coroner llrowu Btarted for tho ccnu of tho mnrder iriuncdlatoly on receipt of tho news to investigate. Coroner Dro n re tamed to this city between nine nud ten o'clock Inst night ami ltirnielicd tbo following par ti truism: Upon his arrival at Hilverton ho snuirnonod a jury and examined quite a number of uit- nesscs among whom was tho alleged vifo of tho murdered man. Sho stated that rho was the wife of tho murdered man, but refusisl to state when, whero and how long they had been mar riod. Otlicr witnesses wcro Bwom as to the finding of tho body. Tho wife becoming alarmed nt her husKind not returning from Hilverton, wheto ho had gono to do some trading, lad started two neigh Iwrs toscrch for him, wlto wero met by others conveying tho i-tidligcnco to her. In the tcstimony.Btispiciontioiutedsostrongly to a man by tho name of Whitney, that tho fol lowing YKHDICT WAS RKTrilNnnt Wo tbo jury summoned to inquire itto tho death of Oliver llibcrt, whoso lody lien leforo us, tlnd that tho deceased camo to his dcatli by h gunshot entering tho back of his ncjk eloso to tlio body and rawing through tho neck nnd pausing out under tho right Jaw, causing instan taneous death; and wo believe from tho evidence that John Whitney thereof is guilty of the crime F, Mclani:, CitAi. Mulkkv, Jno. II. DllAKC, A K. Smith, A. F. .SlMUtAI,, J. M. linow.v, Jurors. A warrant was immediately issued nnd Whit ney was arrested by Sheriff ilukcr and placed in irons. His examination took pl.vo this morning nt Filvcrton. K. J. Dawne, Deputy l'roeocntor, went out last night to work tip tho caso; J. A. Applegato accompanying him M assistant. J. A. Stratton has also gono out to defend tho prisoner, nt his request. ANOTHER riUIB IK ronTLAND. Il'roin tin- r-tumlnnl Yesterday nftnux.n nt alout 1 o'clock au abnnof lire m turned in from box fourteen. Tho dense smoko nrising friim tho rear of n wash houio owned by Sing Kco, mi Front street, three doors below Ash, and immcdiatelv in front of tl.o 0. .S. N; Co. 'a dock, showcil plainly that tho devouring clc:ucnt wua under tall headway. In conscijueiico if tho enginei hanng foiuo distance to run, the llamos had galnoi tho roof and wero leaning high into the air iK'foro thoy wore in woikiug onler. Inn few minutes tho tin? extended to tho rear of tho fodii works, and tho Kittle went on in lively carnctit. Kotwithstitnling tho ellorts of tho llremcn, tho .lames continued to spread. Tho urcmen, uio names conunucM to nt llremcn fought their way Into tho n hcaro n voico calling, "For find's mo out, I'm burning up." Kevch wn uitoner, iiuii a cake, help tin." hpvcli Mas made and a man known an " Doublin" fmitid wedged in notween uio two uuiidings, with tliu ll.imis curling round his head mid feet. An nx was bronglit into play and tho fellow rescued, but not until hU neck nnd breast wero literally roasted; aud all that saved him from a horrible death was the spray from tho stream at it struck the wall near his he-id. When tho uugiucs drew off, all that remained of tho wooden row was charred aud blackened rums. Sovcral other buildings caught firo from siuders, but wero extinguished v, ithuut damage. Total loa( Sll,.r).VJ; insured for $.",: IBO. Duty of cvory Monibor of tho LositLiturc. There are now in tho city, some nix or seven candidates for tho ollico of Statu Librarian, r-omo of whom aro old, somo are young, some aro in moilerato circumstances, whilo others aro making capital of their ikivcrty, nnd aro using this as a lorcr to help thorn out of tho mire, to n position of caso and profit; but wo ought to remcrolicr, that the Statuhouso w.-u never intend od fur n poor house, and it is therefore the duty of every member of tho Legislaturo, to Know who they aro voting fur. If a man has not a clear record, if ho has ovor stolen any monoy by any chicanory whatuver from tho Lix payers, that man ought to bo politely informed, that tho state could get along without his ftcrvkcA. If ho lo a man of viscious or gross immoral hah. its, ho ought not to bo placed in this important ponition, and wo suggeot that somo of our good men whobavo a fouling of duty in tho matter, tiku a list of thorn and go through tho record of Marion county, tut tho caudidatcs aro so numerous from this county,) ami see if any. thing crooked can bo found there, and if . then expo- tho matter to tho Ix-gislaturo, and send such an one homo empty haudod. Orcnlor Adurcza. To thocitiwns of Oregon and tho neighbor ing Tcrntoma: Tho duty wiporod on this o inmittco appointed by tho citircns of Fort land to solicit subscriptions for tho relief of our suffering countrymen in tho south was intended ti lx) local in its uaturo, but inasmuch tut the ccinmittuo has received suggestionb from other localities tb&t it uiiLrLt cxtnl its appeal ti thoo outside our city limits, with useful re sults, I deira to givo notico that thoconimltteo will cheerfully receive aud remit ilimntions of money doaigncd for tho relief of tho Mitfercru from tho puitilenro uow prevailing in thowmtl). Such doattions, who, her from towns vouutici or individuals, will b acknowlolgud by mail and through the ublia press, and rent to nny desirud point whero thereisarcsponaibloofiiccr or atx;iation to diaburo tho same, Hcmittuico ran lw mado to any mombur of tho ooininittoo ar to tho treasurer, Ilou. Kenry Failing. W. jATKm.v, Chairman Com. Mr. Ti. P. Smitn who livoi twelve miles frrm rUxkihurg and camodown to-diy , s-iyatl.o.Stegi) driver from the bouth told Mm thtt wlmi near Ijvcn's Station, beyol Itoseburg.aemisncom mittrd suicide by shooting himself throULh tho heart; the stage, returned to Ixivcu'4 villi tho eorpie, CoL Cann informs ns that hu lu an. that tho telegraph operator at Drain's was drowned yes-dsy. From iMlly lteoord,8epl.9 FOR TSX SOUTHERN SOYFERERS. In accordanco with tho announcement ih tho daily papers of this city, a mass mcttiug wan held at Marion squaro yesterday afternoon for purpose of raising funds for tno yellow fever suilerera of tho South. On account of tho tiro alarm just at the time when people were about to start for the square, many wero prevented from being in attendance, though considering this, and tho fact that no bills, or dodgers bad boon issued tho meeting was very well attended and much interest manifested for those in dis tress. Tho meeting was called to tinier by Kldcr S. C, Adams, who stated tho object of tho meeting. On motion Prof. T. M. Gatch was elected Chairman, J. M. I'nttersouSocrctary. Mr. Loo Willis, being from tho Bouth, and hav ing seen somo of tho Bufferings caused by yellow fever tho past four year?, made somo remarks nnd gave some information in regards to tho dreadful scourge. On motion a committee of ten was appointed to solicit aid for the snQbrcrs; as follows. Mrs, I. N. Gilbert, Mrs. L. Willis, Mrs. A. W. Kenny, Mr O. V. Qrny, Mrs A. J. Hioly.Mrs Louis ltyrne, Mrs lkn Fostner, Mrs 0. S. Woodworth, Mr. William Kuglaud and Mr. 1 S. Hates. On motion I.. S. lhtes Win. Eng land nnd I. It. Moorcs were apjKiiutcd to take olljctious of tho nudionce which wosdono with tho following result. Cosh, thirty two dollars and seventy llvo cents, subscription seven dollars and a half. Mr. A. Bush was then elested Treasurer, and instructed to make such disjiositsnns of tho funds as id mado by tho Fortland committee, On motion the oftlcers-clected wero made tcr umnantwith power to call meetings wheuever necessary Tho committee was called to meet at tho residence of Mrs A. . Kinneys this aftrr. noon at 2 o'clock. INSTRUCTIONS IN SZNDINa REUET. Tho follow ing will explain itself to all who wish to aid Uio southern sufferers : Wells, Karoo it Company, Kxciiaxoi:, Ua.vki.vu and Kxpiiimi, Sax FiiNCfcco, Sept. 5th, 1S78. To Agents Wells Fargo k Co. : Holer ring to our appeal of .list August, re. spouses to dato have enabled us to roinit 81,000 already, but the urgent need for continued nud i in in rail into contributions nnd remittances is shown by tho following telegram, indicating the horrora of tho plague in Memphis, ono only of twenty cities nud towns now scourged by it: MlUtMIISTRXN., Sept. filli, 1S78. To J. J. Valentine, (Jcu'l .Sunt. Wells Farm. .V.Co., Your telegram to Loup reeeived. Will disiioic of funds as yott direct. Situation ap palling here. Two hundred nnd eighty de.iths in tho uvit twenty-four hour. (Signed), WILLIAM WILLIri. All contributions throiuli Wells, Fargo k Company must bo addressed to Aaron Stein, Smi Francisco, with advices, and will bo remitted hy telegraph frcouf any emit to desti nation. John J. VAUam.?.:, Gcn'l Sup't. Gen. nor.'ftrd MvVCnlsr.riajcs. I'ltiKriifl' lUrim, Hept. 3 via Umatilla. Sept. 7. 1078. Tho steamer from WalluU nrrived hero Aug. fllstuitli Gen. Howard and stair mid t'-reo compauici of thu-lt!i infantry, with ono pilling gun, nud throe companion of thu Slh infantry uutler command of Col. II. It Miancr. dipt Miles' column that left Walla Walla is sixty miles from hero on our right, cnmpu ' on Crab crock, (nit. I Iownrd dispatches messengers to Moses ou our arrival lure. This mornlm! n. noptiew of Moses arrived with intelligence that till I I 1 1 ttfj f !( tLAlllit 1ti lina lt 'fl.taaj.l'tat Tho council will tako jilaco on his nr rival nnd probably continue two dns. Tho conferonco will bo the means of averting u proloiigc'. war next summer. .Moses is desirous of meeting wun representatives oi tno government anil set tlu all diHercuces that may exist, and thntiuh not a resorvation Indiau, give earnest of his friendship uud good feeling toward the whites. Tho command is encamped at tho foot of Priest's rapids. Tho confurenuo will tako place here. Think wo will havo a eaccfiil time, but aro prepared tor tnv worst. Treed by a CUImmnn. Tolay, nt noon, somo boys rlnyiug near tho Methodist church, said or did wiuiethliig, to arouse tho lion in thu breast of a passing Chi naman, who at onco started on tho war path, ami mane uio young imsciucM enmu me ladiier in tho church scatrolding, in double-quick time, John Chiniman then, with naw over hisnnna rock in one baud, and a club in the other com mauded tho boys to como down; hut thoy would not, until protection -van granted by pxira by when they came down ami mado for tho school acnvM thu street, leaving jKXr John to nurwi his anger and aetlc somo other way of settling hU roenge. Fuubtnf; AtcaO. Tho D.iyton Grand Hound nnd Dallas narrow gague railroad is tic ished to T. It. Harrisons f inn uliout 1 i milcn south of Dayton. Thuroml m duing n lively busincsa cairj'ing grain and othir freight, a.1 well .vi p.vncjigor.i. Tli't loatn of Ut it. Scott, connect at Dtyton with tho railrovl and rsrry freight ahd pais?ii3urn to Portland. The narrow gaguo has proved asuc c(i and of great Unetit to O.o&cctionof oountry through wliioh it ninr.. Tho ubovo wo Issra from Hon. J. G.vfiton, of Washington, who has so r.ucccwifully inaujged ths tnfcrpn.ii. Hcflpirlaa Llttra.-y Eoototy J.icot'.an. Tho following ofiic!rs wtro olecto I for tho tenn, by tho Hrsporian Literary facility of Willamette Unlvcnity, at their rogu'ar ineot hg on thoCth ii,s .. Prwii't.n', Whitney Itoiro; Vice President, VA. Harrioii; Secretary K. F. Chotlwick; Tnn:inr,Iiring Adam Librarian, J jbnShaw; CciiM'ir.Doldou (.'. racll; J-arj-uiut-U-anus Jwpcr I lew it. Otccru IHoctc-J, Tho foIKiwinj olhccrs wcro elected by tho Alka l.tejary mtftty, of Willamotto Univertity at their last regular mc.tiug, SeptcmltrCths H. Hsrri'-on, President; A. F. McClain, Vice President; T. P. Oirnoll, Secretary; Colklgi, T'otkiiir; If, Harris, n, Ceiiuur; 0. 1). Ford, l.ihrarkn, Glv. U. IIm, Scrgeaut-at-armj. HAlWXiXSlT, DODD c CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Offor for Salo at tho Lowost Posaiblo Priccp. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL Consisting rims WMiUhks. We have been particularly careful to recommend no implements save sicl as are really the "tieflus ultra" of their class, believing the best arc not only the cheapest but safest to both to consumer and dealer. Our price lists will be fur nished on application, and we sell no goods that we arc afraid to guarantee. We would call especial attention to the Deere Sulky Plow. Over 1, 000 Sold in Oregon and W. T. in tho last 3 years. The cctillr arnuiA-nif nt if this unrtvalt! lniktnciil need) only lo K een to be apprc cbuil. Akk Jinir ndcliKir what he thinks nboutlt. N complUiitlnn ef hwr. A ly ran tn.ttuvv it, and do Utter wntk than uiimn with a walklitff plow, ami tnlro tho cptantlty lwrdy. Woliatf ialilvai'UI rrpinJ to the Improtcmctit of our linplctiu'iit and keenly InniArt Bit. ill nalintn tltA .! Inlrai tiiilirnlfn. menu u.n.1 Ut t)li. As our lino la too extcndM to lurtlcularlie, we would call attinllon lo tho foltonltvt lut: DEERE'S MOLINE PLOWS, Randall's Rolling Cutter Harrow. Buckeye Broad Cast Seeders, Deere's Sod Flows DEERE'S CULTIVATORS, CITAMPION PANNING MILLS. Parm, Qrlst nud Pood Mills, Wood-working Muchinory; Bolting, Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons With tbo Now TRUIiliENOER VnU BRAKE, tho Latest doviooi No Bralta Br ruiod! No shoes to wear ont tlron, will hold n wnuon nnywhciro tVotu hnohlne; or roIiic; forward. Wo nro nlso Solo Agent for STT7DEBAZEE WACOITS, With hH Mlil ElllM, Too well known to need comment, Send for Clirutavtt ami J'rlre List. f JIAWLEY, lODJ .0 Ctt PACIFIC UNIVERSITY AND TUALATIN ACADEMY, u'osu:st :itc;vt:, oztsu-o.v. rEltin ACADEMIC Yl'.tlt IN AU. DI'.I'MiV .fi. inci.tunr this liutliullo'i l-illvlilisl Into thiu term, Im'l'Iii Inc mi Him Hrpt Wt-ilnixLiys nf Sep ti-trlicr, Dervmhi r an 1 Miri'h, nl il cl(f mi t'tu tlnt V.'i'drcsilny n Juun, Tluru Ii n vicitlou nt one vock curlnj; l.'io Chrintmta holtilarr. "' Tumox: In !ollci;lutc Mmllrn, iirrtertu la Acudinilo " Payable In Advance (15 i10 IiOAHP, laclutling furnlslicl room. 13 W) to fir.) per MtvU. For cntAlnirtios or further Information, .apply to l'rof.J. 1). lUuii.nrlii uiiv. h, it. mtitsir, rnrlU'Ull. U.auUT. A. Aucttr.I FRUIT GROWERS ! TAKE NOTICE J mHATTIlK WALTRIl rOMI'ANY MAKROAHII X sdvuicta iipou all hull cuud by lhlr procin", J. II. MAYNAIII) ..- HKCHETAItV Ufflce 418 California HI. H. F. Acaiu Willamelte University. rniiK m:xt tki.m v tiik i.itkiiai.y Df 1. p&'tiutul, trill hiKln Meiiaay, pt V, IMH with lhn ri'iiiMiu. Iiiirriiirii 'I' At. Haicii l'rtl-lti,ij droi-QK II, ( nLiiitJli Vallciimtlc m' Nat H'iiiioi Kil.ih J riiAUHKULiN, I'riTepIr rr; Mil, Jci.Kfli M0L.MAN, AMUtlullSl lltiartuiiuli ai.uItLA M. Al. I.I.N, U.IC. i-or full It.f i milieu ui!dm tlu I'ritliliil or J A hTliA'TO.V, Juue M. K7i If Act u, l-u em. 'n pen, , r. UAiiniNU hi iicuivc; J. A. fTI'ATTON, &. sTii.noA, Attorn eyo at Lav, HALKM, l)'nHs()M. oniri Hialertrict,(iipolii the llinntlt Unas . KtflHry t'ltSaWlLtAllAtUsr l,xu-t l'nuwititMi t.w jr- lt A IsHNT CU-, , 4. U 4 litiust b- Cs4yiusU O. m& HALlOr MAIiBLK WOJiKS. WM, STAIGEE, UEAI.Kll IS Head-Stones & Monuments KXtCUTkU IH Italian and Vermont MARBLE. nruncli Mni 1 Albany. AiUn-: A. hT.ii(;mt, AiLiHiiy, o.-ftrou. AIo, rrsrvvarlfly of eniflryard other slone wi.iU rto-e r-prclil alimiloi i Win lo rVr frcm alt i.art. "f tiia tt and Whlnuin 'rrtry h:Ivm1 hy in. II or nlhorvtl', and pi tin July faruaidnl. All wtrk vrirriulod. Apr 9 Ti mi in part of O U fit ItS I "-PERFECTLY CURED.'; " Hotjur.i.. H NTACi.ur.ro,, Nov. at). IsfT, Messrs 1'imici: ,V Hnx. , I'ltipilvlurs Mxuinttc P.'.ni-llr Trnsa; Omil-i bozd'avK t'lglvo rntl my un-ollrllct tv. tlninny with retriitl to the i lllcary of jotir Tin- In prtMluilnr n tfif.H't cure. I lun worn one whlrli I lioiiixmof yni nlKitil iM'jrsr aeo. siiU I Hi it nivrclf sttlilx nt'i I'KIII'Kn'I.V ruilli-p. Ihsukliift ihi for the urivirn you wave anil the iiriilU pioCiu'ol hy your Truss, 1 rt-malii yoms, i tc. TIIOMAH MILI.tJU. A Remarkable Cure! His IVANCurn. N'nr. IT. Iiir. I)ii rinitvK Di-sr Hlu On the .-lOtli ilsy of Jnw. IH77.I purrhisrilniionr yi.nr I'aKnt Alsenrtlc Ki.llo Iru.n i", wlmli I hit om ronnnnily. a rxirJIssr to Hit tllriflloii vim L'nvi', anil I now ilnd It luis wtoo I w cure-l mi nf It p nro TliU I rnldiT remsiVa. Iile.a. I sin iirntly lllly jis'sehtainl haw wotu stl him 'I rursus. Iniludliii; Ur, Hhrnnan'r, wllliMit tn. rplvlni; lie Ira.l iivmill; In fart, the lonvrr I wont them tho worrii I dreamt. You may itilliah thl let ter, tr you dmlre, and I Iiomi thtt others silUrnt with lliTiita who rail this will irlto y.nr ivmf.'y a I rlil. 'llisnklri)oufiirihn j-nat luneOt )ou Uin ilouo uu, I lomalii. Iiu't yi ur-, Al.K.VANIIKU HKAII, SIKUItrliMrrt. The Latest Cure ! IUn I'lUNriroo, April SI. MM. This will rirtlfy that hy weailnir I)-. PI.uv'h MarncllcKI.lleTrui'a ahout KfilllT MONTHS, nlBhl htid day, I liavn hc nc inplrloly cnnM of tho Kuplure with which 1 liavu rulivretl during U.epil twi.iiiy.iix yfs, My iiuiitum has very tsd.romlni: out as law mtwn fli.i, raunbw trust pain and anr.ojanr. -1 hs '.Maimtlc hit.ilo'lrtia" kent mv Htminm in p'acn turflr, wltliont mtirlnt; tue tho trsvi pilii. iiituin" ir.i. nji-rnrm ue l hao jrnnfi wlthrxit It fur rniiyii)nl s limn w lllin.it any lodlralloii of a mvutlvhlt Ihnuifh wmkiliL' haul all Uiu tlmi, suj tliitefuin 1 K'D uiyfill a will man, IMMIJI, K.I.NtlA(JII, Ptriraa! In tha nuipUy or tho if. 1. 1L U. 0s, II1 l.l.'TC K!'irtiHl nt onco (oi oui'MW IlIiiNfiati'l i:uuli ami I'll f I.lnl. M.IU.VKTI0 KLA8TliT"TmiBS rOMPANr, OiOHirranijutoat., HAN I'KtNCIHfO. Juno 13 3rti oiwsp JOHN CRAY, I'tnserly In Durlilu'a llli'-, hit Jndt orcr.cd a'trcn fciiii toini'lctu block nl J Carjicb, Ollcloilis, Mailings, AND Uouso - FurniBhfng GcocIh. H xt to lnr) inplc fc Itrnwii, vr.ui;i.Y'N ki.imk, . . hA7.u.i;. unit. WHICH WIU. MM f01.il AT Lovi'eot Cash Ratec2 fl'lHt ISUPTUKE V no morn tilti'VA,ft Tl rhi. ho iii lotlfrnai; I'lom In ii Ii ou r tt-1 rpil rut w I'lrrri. I'airnl Itfuciictn ItlUklld Tlll I ii. vlth vfe ct. I c?mrurt Mil ll' i il i t ami will i.i'- rm a I a .ii' wun all dliix 'l. Ill .hit, If n I nrioJ try in kidji'iiv. I in 1 1 Mini It hrn I . .Mrslwl Iki..i ' I' us i m v.MJNKVIU I Ahllf -ii V ' I'HM, (up Hfiii'-int., ;.' rifAM i . -I. t rui t in u u , ..v. . u i mi.j j : iucliu A