"lMKJIWaiCiS .reft&iCeg 7- - ASfcH 'I 1 WILLAMETTE FABMEB : ; w' I r v 1 tmvwo stmt itudat, ar OLABKU to OBAIG, rnunttii and rsormnroM. H. A. CUBKB. D. W. CUAItl. Tenau of Rabaerlptloa. Omci7, one jTwif(5Snnmt)CT) .....tB.SO Om of7, nix moiiUii (M nairtorr) Ui e eop7 Uiroa month. (IB ntunbnre) .7X HALKM, FRIDAY, SKIT. 13, 1878. WHO BOALli BE SENATOR? A permanent organisation of liotli liouxca of tho LogiaJaturo having been cflcclttl ycfitcnlny (Monday) According to Uw of tho Unitod Btotop, tho Irtllotmg for U. B. f&nator will cotnmeneo on Tuomlay of noxt week, Sorilcmtar 1C, and eiporionoo of pnt BcmionB nhown that no hnni ncM of any conaoqaenco in over tranMctod pre vious to the Senatorial election, Tlie wock to corno will bo occapiod in working up tbo claims of rcpocivo candidate, and an Uicnu aro moro nuinttroiu) than lura.ol, and many conflicting in trcU an involved, it is prolablo that another woek will bo occupied in balloting, and tlio contest may involvo n very important riortion of the nbort nuHHion of forty lny. Candidates abound, and nru most of thctn on hand to ntb-nd to and foster their chances. Mr. .1. H. Klalor, of Union county, is here, looking very robust and Hairing no effort to win. flo was in Congress a few years np, and would like promotion to tho npjicr house. Ho has H'tina jwsitivo strength, say ft dorcn volra, but it takes 40 to elect. ludgo McArthnr is named in in thin cornier, tion, hut his official oath is in tho way, as Ho nworo to accept on other ofllou during tho tenn for which ho was elected Judge. Many think this bars him out. At Portland wo hear of Dr. Hawthorne, who would imulo Homo of them if ho vero a candi date, but hu assures us that ho is not. If ho was a eindidato tlieru would bo lively ork, but ho I as too good a thing at Hast Portland, an I v-riie.1 his Iiimiio Asylum too highly to oven want to go to tho Senate. I'crhajm his uxpciicnco in ono wnnld qualify him Hnmculmt for having control and tnfluencn in tho other. Ciil. Fllinger is talired of, but ho it probably ml a erndidato, or if ho is, prefers tottUlk in ns tho "dark hooo" that will finally win. Tho fonnidnblo man from Portland is Hon. .1. S. .Smith, who will no doubt li-vo gtr.it strength, and will give oilier catiiliriatcj Homo trouble. All nniust him it hii fccblo health, but since tho Kcnatotiul question has recti ted tho air Mr. .Smitli li.ii elimliotl up from tho borders of tins grave to bo moro than a looker on, and an election will no doubt cnmrL'lo tho niiraolo. Certain it is that no mvi in Oregon can do his party moro honor than Jih.S. .Smith. (Ifiioral )o l.ino is hern with us, and pro. junto to ht-ny long r nottgli to tnn.hu an vfTurt to ruprexeut us onco morn in tho II, M. Scnato. Tlio tiamo of Jh Umo has kut still, oven if thu old man is now over 78 yearn of ago. If ho was a dnren years younger, and Jo .Smith wrro n utoul uml hearty man, thero would In) a lively tir.in, nud ono of them mifjlit Ik tho winner. ICx-Senalor Kelly is also willing, llcitig in thu Sonato oneo hoviiis to vuit a man so well that thoy m seldom kn.xvn to stty away of their own accord. Col. Kolly is a genial gen tliiuisn, and never did us any dittcredit, and was much riHi'toil in Washington when tlicrv. I lent in Solom wo can Hwro n IW, if high olliciM iuhnI (illing. (Inventor Chodwick will enter tho field with h gsJ eight yoars rroord, and his Into prompt action in behalf of Rutom Oregon during tho Riuiioek war is reriainly nothing to his disadvantAgo. Chadwick will makn things lively, and the very fact that a Utter warfare is agninH him in certain quarter.! is nothing to liU discredit. Judgo llonhvn is Mid to Iki in tho lii'M; ox-lwiator Nceinttli in tiaid to lw out of tho gnmo lilinmOf uud doing all ho can for his friend Mr. llu.h, im are rertaiit othem who liavo lxeu a long tintn intimately conrxKtod with DoinocralM politics in this vicinity. K, iS. tStrnhn, of Albany, is here, bxil.ing wUnt enough to carry away tho priio from all opfkinontii. Hois jiorfivt in lOiywieul appo.tr niicv, and with thirteen voton to start on has hotter nhow to 'hold tho fort," th inmost of Lis oomHtitoni. Judgo ll.ildwin of Albany is also hero, s.iid to Iiavc a vartut Sentorvhiti in liu eye, but ho ha!'t Strahu's Kl otisfora ktarter, unr tli.vt geutUvman's tnouutaiuoiu Mid noil fed loolt. OutSiMith wc hear that U P. l.Mie, is will ing to go to tho .Hviuto jt.tte.td ot hu f.tther, or any other man, and still furthor South Judo I'nin is ii.oiicd, but wehavono poMtivo evi deuctt that tho Judg is rmlout for it. We may h.wu onuttod nomo of tho nuraonnn aspirants, but w havo iiketehod aixtocn, uioie or lei, who aro sluulorod if they ro not candi datist, and our nadors ran havo tliat iimrli lulonnation as to who Is In tho lioM, and i.m font their own coiichininiiH. tlio SonatorUl Wtvtlon will for a whilo bo an alitor) mg lopio through tho Sl.tto, at woll an at tho SUto (.Spitol. U cannot bo ected th.. all Uie.to ronilicting iutisxtH will hainionito rv-vililv, and wo may exct a itrmg f.n't, ovut if it ii tdtort, sharp and docuivo. w,t Uhj Dailos-portago (from tlio Dalles to Oolilo) and not acrose tho Cascades' portage. I am not in favor of tho Btato building at ortago railroad at tlic Cascades. Wo should instead, maltoevcry endeavor to secure appropriations to bnild tho locks and canal as soon as possi ble. If sufficient appropriation is secured it will not toko more than two years to cointJets tho work, and after tho coraphtion of tho locks and canal there would of conrso be no need of tho railroad. But oven now tho distance which is necessary to tranxtiort tho freight from ono boat to another is so very short the carrying ran bo dono nearly as cheap on wagons at by nil. Tho disUnco is not moro than one and a half miles to two mile at the forth o.it, and if it ii proven as I think it will be -that steamora with good tower can at all stages of water roach tho point which the Wil lamette Chief roochol in 1875, tho distanco octohs will to reduced to three-fourths of a mile. Hut si'neo wo cannot hortu for on hjijiro priation f( r tho Ia:ks and cinal at tho Dalhn tor souio time, nor yet for tho necosnary im provement of the river between tho Dallow and Oolilo, I suggest that tho Stato build this clicap narrow guago railroad there. With proper rwtiiction as to thu rates, wo certainly would baro tho Columbia oh froo as tlio Wil lamette. Wo enn thank a Democratic Legis lature for giving ub n froo Willametto with tho completion of tlio locks at Oregon City. With a Democratic Legitilnturocan we not rcawm.ibly expect a froo Columbia? Not only in justico to Eastern Oregon, but in justice to Western Oirgon, Uiat wo may retain tho trodo of tho Columbia river basin that rightfully belongs to " Auo. C. KiNKnr. INotlce. OVthe 17th day ot Julr kwt, T. Cuontnctum nuul an atotrnmtnt to u for the benefit o( hw creditor, loarlnfr In our pcMwuhton, hi nriou places In this valley, a quantltr of HKAIIKIW, DniLLH, HKKDERi), CULTI VATOI18, I'LOWH, uxl othtr stovniHurol Implrmcnts, which murt t Bold, and in offered at very low prior. All ptnoni harlae ctolnu opiln-t Um said Afwlnor will ptoaw presrat the kudo, duly certified, at this otflce, aod all torttcs lndbU-d to hlin, whether by nolo or ae eount, are retfuln-d Ui tnnkc Immediate payment of tbo vunc to Uw uadendgned, and witc the cuit of collection. JAt)D OOLE, WM. CUXNIXOHAM, Andfpiecn of T, CuunLrmliatn k Co. BaJem, Sept. 8, IfiTS. Soul Flax Manufacturo. Mr. AIox. Humphries, who tins had long ex jicricnto in flax manufnefure, is now in San Francisco, whoro ho has been laid up by on in jury received last June, writes f)r. Pilkington, that if ho con ! made to sco that tho Oax of Oregon suits dressing for tho manufacture of linen goods, ho will start at onco for our State. Ho snys ho has orders for thousands of tons of dnwnod flat, and has lraeleI through all parts of California where flax is grown, and has re ceived dimples which tho growers pronouco good, but in his opinion it was worthless oh far as tho fiber in concerned, as it was from IS incliM to SO inchen long, mid very much branch ed, then? boing from ;j to X stalks from oao root. Ho says: "What suif.i mo .T to 4 feet long, or longer! middling fino mid only ono stalk from tho s.imo root. No crop that can bo put in tho ground pay.i letter than flax, if propurly inamgeilj and nono pays worio if cul tivatod in tho slovenly Nwjy they do in Cali fornia, "l'rom Kiissi.i atiina, upward)! of fifteen mil lions of dollar wo. Hi of tlat won iniHrtod into (iiv.itllrit.iiii hit jnr, I widen that received from other cuunttKv. A. T. & F. N. GILBERT, (With C. UuUuvDgr,) Commercial HU, - - - Saloui, MKST tOfi. Iloynl and Lmicaahlro Flrr Insnrance CortipnulM, Itnclnd( CASU CAPITAL, f00,CO0. aoctts loa Willamette Transportation t Locks Co. GENKBAL CMMISBI0. MKUGHANTS. Collootionw miido. MOf(BT TO LOAN. fiood neaotlable papt r boaclit. M-0m3 Guns! Guns! BENJ. FORSTNER, Hiilottt, Oiipon, TTA8 A LMMK STOCK OK CIIJU1' Military Breecb-Ioadinsc Riflr?, inyh M the M'K.VCi:U, WIAIirK, I1KM1XOTO.V, and WI.NCIIISrmK. Al3, a tuU u.rlrociit of Broooli-loncUiiR HIIOT-flO'S and SraitTLVn KI'I.W, cf all tand.ird Uiaki. A full Und of I'oelcet Cullerr. Knives, Kaznra, nvd 8ClSMlt,dlrvct from VjnglanJ. AU Plsblntt Totklo Will aellaa low aaanybodr. '-" JOB1T W. GILBERT, ttOOT A.NJD I93ZC3X3 B.A TtTltt. THIS IS THE XS lBBBBBBBBBBUBBBBBMBBaSalKSBBBBBBW (tiHtwN- j'ta Holbrook. db laiidlox" LADIES' FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS DIRECT FftOAI FACTOKBES. For alt kind! of Ltnit llUMtl. inch M li- , IKvda, IortBagi', Jlonlii. etc.. and sli Ifunm for Cirriili, I'robnt, (imoty and Jutlttn I""IIII-iUr IVr 1I7K RIM TVU i IIU.IUM, IM'UMUIItlJIUH Ilium llooli, ornrtliln? in tho itiuuhb or liwit. liiiKimv luir, ivimj id tm ill. IWAITK. Htem Itonk in I lloti 1'rlnWr nd Book binder. I imw nrvti, tUilil, UIYCOI1. ONEY for Cirriili. I'robnt, U.VION I1LOCK. COJIMERCIifi STREET, SALEM, ORECSOIY. nulOtf tho ITlutlns ur llk- MADE "I'leaso aond iMniji!.-i n,i noon ns wsnbto to Oregon Iiniiiigrut.'tioflifu, MM lottery rtreet, S.m I'ntirUco, V-.ICJ at CM. Tapjuit, manager, and ho will sftnd for mo V. vuw. Mr, lluniphnes vu, lut v.int'ror (.nrincr. several roninaiiii.M'.-.oiii l.i tho P.tniti.ii, and wo suggest fhaf tho-m eu;;i'id in growing flux for liber rhuiild jmt up Mii'vi-H of the bint they have and i,v-nd thuin tofl. 'IV.ppan, Oivgon lo.vrd of nmii.Tul.'oii, .VI Itittory St , Snii Pnuicitoo, and n H.ich paok.tg.ii aro left nt any railroad dupol in ttii.i v.illoj, wo vooturo to Kiy tint tlic) .wjlj.be fu;w,i;dud.lu thoirdiutiikAtuni f rw of cn.trgi!. lulu wo i.1ia11 Ihj b.uolitoJ by hiving Hat mvnifavloriflu osUb'.iHho I nuioug in, wo iihii-I bo ,Ia tlinxtty Iwnoitcd by bav in,'; tho owH.-tiej of our lhx o i'.iUilicd nbro.-vl. ltstriI;o.t us that Mr. Iltunphricjci.n find Munpleii of Orotjon llax on oxhibit.on nt tho oflii-onf C-1. Titpjitn, Sin Kntnoihos, and his mind cm easily 1k Mtufiel nu this xubject, if ho will ooiuo to Oregon, vrliHo plenty of llix is now to lo wen in thu field i ready for in. Snlts Inetitctod. Tho fidlouiiit: nddilinu.d suit.i havo Iecn ooinnieuccd in thu C rotut t'.mrt agnintt tho P.toillo Thn-shing Alaliino Couiiniiy since our r.iort last week: Tliompton. lVihart k Co., 8100; .S Pelton. SI.NU); H. P. r.ito. 3IS iJ; We-itherfonl V. ti J?iV.J Wlj lmU Savage, M,(;0K; (hsir,:o Tillots n, 67l:it Thomas 1 lid. man, fSM; nuking in nil (hi sum of$).77'J 7l. This, topulho" with tlio (unontils of tho two suit filed lsst wook by tho Cnjiital l.uinlsiring Company, of t lii-t city, nnd llawley. l)old Co., of P.irtlan.I, nuko a t"tal of 5ia,'.'7t) K0. Morion County Poiuoua OrRnjo. Marion ivninty 1'onion.i flr.uigo will hold a regular ipiarterly mMirig in Salem on Friday tho 1th tlay of Odolxir next Ivginuitig at 11 o'clock a. m. Tho clivtivin of otlkors for tlio eusuinx year with other iiuport.int lumiioon will lo tr.ins.icte.1 at, tins inwUtic. A full mo'ting is tmiort int Dan'i. Ct,i.k, Sjvloin, Sv.pt. 7th, H7'l. Mrutcr. FINS STALLION FOR SALE. A Black Stranger Colt. (IVIWK KKJf l.', W C ".Ot. A H'PK.Nll anuutl. t .i Im 1 l, , .n I Wf 1 1 , innnnvJ TUHItui Mluil i.v U 'i v. NUJvM, er on lh Ht.t l,ir(-n.,u'iJdaiin: l'tr k . fvt t ali.-p .u FINE KESIDENOE ZFoxr Solo. A dvlmbltt r(rlrtcnc on ComraerrUl rtrtel In Nn-lem-Ursrc, n1 will finlthrd, with Ltonrdu tliiciy imiitovod. CoM S,000- will Ii? Hold for Jl.fOI ( n fli er half down and balance on time, with Interest. Apply to MtO VII.I.IN, tc'Jmfl nt hl lluol. f toie, Htute lrcet. 3l3.30. Vista POTTERY. Attku rr.niin op incExiw. tijehr wo k' luvo now f.ir rcTvral iiiomti4 tcn In full onerntUin nuiiurnclurlin; a rimorlor ond lintirtviil article, which I amebic to offer to ths tnlo ait of .My rro'rnt t(xK Ir cicrlor to n) thine innnfc liu.U ki M 1'olUiJ" tot llTn rnr nM, met I njunl to txt,t'4r:limiru fur nmeglh nul dnralilllty. I CJuurmWeo rtatlNfticlIuu. CnlT, or rwjntut tot tuforuiatlon ai to jolcc llt, nboidd tie addiuow! to a. m. aariTM, Uacna tta, Am. 3-lf rroorletor. Humphrey's Ferry. fBMIH WKtt-RXOWN FKItllV HAH NOT IIKHV L In operation for povcrnlycarx pent, thui;h It In niitlinoMot ni thortott Ri lieiween Kuk'in nnd OormllK C mlli 0'jth of Hnlfra ami A mllit from ll.irnaVIMi After tatnrtIy.Spt. 7, 1 tiill liao It In rtvnUropmtlon, will nfd tckui Hiid n now anil ilr-t clai fiTiy-biuit rnndo by two of tbo Wtl l.uild n In IVlk toanly There nro koJ roiiM on both rlil of tho rlvi-r. Olvi me a cull. Ilninphroy' Krrry. An. Su-nJ IC, V. IIHOWN, CHE WALTER FRUIT DRYER MANUFACTtJItlXa and TKaTJINO CO. OArXffAXi DTOCK, $100,000, Arc now Prepared to Furnish the WALTER DRYER At very low price, from 350 to 700. AT OAT FRUIT GROWERS, TAKE NOTICE TlinO, 1, 11 nil A:Conipnuy nml I.ulic C. -NeMirvleli A. Compunj of Kan I'rnn elNco, pronnnurcN '2Lc WASCaR tho best dryer now fix use." Rwius made iu forly-cislil lionrs. Applos dried in three and one-hair honr?. rflAI.L nt our oflleo -118 Cutirornln St.. H sun I'rniielen nutl wee Hut lieuullllil fruit dried by ilin Xl'itlter Dryer. J. HMAYNARD, Secretary. u?mf l.tiilA'a kDr.lt t, MVfu, Nu V Xili U iTit'iiuvur) ti V tt. UIUSO.Y I'Mttlt (ilUlllhll I m a rORTAGK ROADS ON THK C0LUM11IA. Tlwi following romiuuntcati)n from Dr. Aug. ('. Kiuuo)' to tbo KUml.irvt, in intuirtiiig.v tbrowin li(;bt on an inivut.int itubjrci. Wo aro tronj;ly of tlio ojmuon tint tho Stato ho-i1J fnpl nomo way t- al tho woplo of KuUmii Or.-ou by loatiinft oot. of tranjMft tion on thi OolumbU river, wbicb ran Ki moo'. Htit- artXMalUi.l by ixitwtructioa of u.niw irAeL. rvu.ld at l-oth iort.v-a if Itnnon HriNtuutw In noticinc my com runniratrou oil tbo narrow pia-jor lrMl, you are miatLii in tb point at vh'oh it hji mis. fc-vUed tin Statu 4,uuU bd.U tbo nilrva-J. It oni lipn..l llt.- w tN purM ttnin . l'ltlKpK alumni ..b.ii imi ijiiui riy !.!, uiii.n lul wm tmwuwn i i:w hu m 1 111 vvt ttur n.t. I.TOOU 1MU 6U t.rivvivt,Kv 1 iUit -J A.l.tro, L.WI'IU. uor.so.v. wlW Kv-fV.v, VwntiUI IX., l)nfri. Guardian's Halo. Ttmou is iirosjmv r.ivrv tiivt. i'I'ivsimxt IV to rtn!.f i this l"k till ( i,rt .f ltvrlM eoontr, 0-vcwi, i.u-t tt IVt S,iUm,, r, tsM. tn, I wl oil.f f.-Ji t eiikllc ai-lu rn HVIVHUY, Till; tilll n.kn4 rnUilty, tt tM .,n U.XJ,)) ,t,ir in Uia cityW Kil.-t.-i, Mwin runy, 0I3, lit imaM.i-l itt lurth tut. iMt cl Jwirfi t-v , ml.m-, In ao I . 1 ho (nti jj.j Art'nUl txMl eilt, t-i tt: A ivrl of th JhuiImi IuU cUUn c fSlm ll:i aJ i, ti T. t S. K. S W. et 1I..1 WlV"Mt i4Ula, t.uw.t.t ly Svlimln; Jl e"iia n rti T' tV 1 U ia ullit; ivf..vr if wit d tuVcn lt,J tUlm. i. iimili; tSnv h rV Ii W T fh.ii.j tlvn. N. KV Cir . SvW iAl.; tw . r or C M-1 iv1i; tl.v H. M" W K. S.-. rijL-K t lhiJivJ UvUulo;, m.t niitAirifcw Ut l ?i4ef nn 1. ier lid. y, fc, ur.ti)i;..T, UAUila. Mlnr, Sri. JJ, lETiMl Notice to Stock-men. mint u.vnKB-HiriNRn would lutsrKCTi'OL- JL ly iiiih-qoch toJI wh-m I maycoucciu th hn UmnVlm; th (lCLUtNU ot llorwn aa-t eftxxHIly tbt of UtliUKMN'Od. and HrWYINU "ATTLK. Piiclltylu lh Votorlnary practlco. Kit offim to )uy ny nun uovt lirtiii; ou thu 1'icldc bpj $500 1 1 itvrt bin inj ila tho abovu work a woll, ituy umo In 1W. lie (n.iiilrf4 Jtwra'tlun iu all ei, or mki- nrhtrr, thtfownor of tho itic to bo tho iu ti-ouf tho Ho.k Huhmnot lut a ilnlo Kldee IIuk lloro from the opr ration fur near three r, 1 tio Mliwln? ara lay apptiln'raoDtit u; luOct. 31 u after whkt uny pttle wlrblnK my teivicea will plM0 Jilrr .11. Mtl V. K, The Iullt, Or. AnliMit, Jnck-otl Co , 8opl, 'Jftto 28. JckHunVillH,atipt. '-"JMoOot ii. IMnyntivllltt, Douglas Co., Dot. 3 to f. H lit bnrtt, Ooi. 6, O.ikluiul. Oci. 0 lliinoCitv, Oct. 7. Jiiiiuiloii.Ojt.S. Albitiv.CK". 11). S.Ikui. Oot II 10 20. (.'orvitlll-, Oet 51. 1iIUi, Uo. U3, lfitr, Oat. W. Hlllaboro, n.l.'Jd. I'nrtliint.Ot JS. Or, Wu Ciy, Odt . Viiiiw ttr, VV.T, t).'t.30. Ht. litilHtti, CultiiuiiU 0. , Got. 31. DnrlKcSHtol'trwrekl will U a; (iln FUh rrV-tlili-011 Ciiuji.tcUI uroit, SLS. At l'DUTl,Nu (Oct. SS), t cm bj fenui at the NAIInn.lllorl. t!'iCiiUr. Kt1nj tllnouUl frwi wnll-Vnown rtnek mm for whom I Iuth iMrausl, through Or-i-r uauj Wi.bliiKtJo, will bo tout rua on aiipt'ra. Iiou. au3J3 PELTON HORSE POWERS FOR SALE AT COST. TwoFiPht OIuhmINo. -1 Pol tm IIro Powers. PATENTS Ob'alnrd for InTcnori, inlbo UntcdHtater.rarada. ami Kiimpe, at redaritl rnttr. With oar pMncltnl 'fnev located In wiihln ton, elrectiy opnotlto the United Mate l'ateut Office, we aro ablo to att rd to all I'atent btnlQtPi with Kret-r proinptuvM and do tpuldi, aod Icm co-t, than other patent attoroein, who are at a dUtanco fron Wathlnuton. and who hare, Ibrro'ore. to employ 'nnitlntn attoruoy." Wo make prllmlna y examlnatloim and farnlrh opinion a to patinttblllly, rreo or charge, and all who am InteitKti'd In now lnvcntlonn and I'u'inlK ar- Invited to cnd rora copy of our "Onldo ler oh talnlni; I'atcnt," which 1 ent free to auy addro p. and contalua Nromplito In.lrurtlouf how to cbtaln l'tf ntp, and other valaitblo mittar. We refor to the Herman-American Natloi.il llank.Waahlnfrton, I) C j tho ttoyal Hwedipb, Norwecian, aud Iianlrb Leva lon. at WatMngton; Hon. Joseph aury. late Chief Jutlc of the Court of Claim- to the OuteUln of the II H Patent DAlce. and to benatora aud Member or Conirrr rrom ev ry t lato. Addrfi: LOUIS n.tJ(JKII A: CO., Pnllclt. orv of I'ate ntii and AlU.rniy. at Law, Le Droit Ualld Itiff, Waahluctou. O O 'or Sale. A Second-hand WHEELER & MALLCCK The Highest Cash Price Paid at All Times for Oats, or Stored, if Desired, by 8ALEM I LOIRI.VC; MILLS CO. anlfltf J. B. PILKINGTON, M, D., Lta lrofcaor of Ulrapc or the Kyo and L'ar In the tjalvm (Orrjrou) Medical Coilrco. Ciniee. Dckunii Illoelt, I'ortlnml, or , All Surreal Operation forr)lecare ol the NOSB, AND THROAT 8Lturru.T riiiiroitMCD. CATAItArT exlractc anil Ultld hXf.A Pttalchteiied. Artificial Kh k lari.'u arforlment or the bert Vnuch mauultctuie. on hand. I)eafncp, nd nil illfcbarRe from tho Ear, and Na. pnl Catnrih, paitlcalarly mated. rely SALEH PEOTOGEAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON, Artist, Orur Willis' Iluok itortf, STATBHT ' . . FALKM. piCTUnK TAKKV IN LATEST bTYLBfi. from J. Miniature plcmre to l..folic CCJ'IKrt KNI.WlUkI) to any alue dcMrtd. March IS, lKitf KELLY & UNDERWOOD, rci Separator With Endlosa Chain Bailroad Twohorao owov. Both noarly nrw, and in gcod repair. For lo VKRY CHKA1 Mr raMi.hut llm will he riven, IJ delrr d (It a pair of JlOhSKS tr MA11K3 w.ll b lau'n at their value. Arply to U.tNU ri.&IIK, rieaant Toliit Kaim tuarbalcui. Or. Carriage and Yfagon Mm, Salom, Oregon. nAVR ON HAND A CHOICK LOT OF POUK oprlnc WagonH, Carriage, &. Euggies, of thoir own molco, Mannraclnred ortho HKRT quality or Jrretr Hickory. Cllve ua a call, and eiimlueour viotk. and Iodic ror yonrelra. ' All kind or lli pairing atd Otncral Jobbing dono at fbort notice. jr, FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. Flrt and Alder at.. POnTLAAD, . - - OBUGOK, Have the MOST COMPLETE STOCK Ixau Oregon, oJT FORHISHING OoodH, -CLOTHS, ANU 7 Hab & Caps. Ordera Mllclte1, entd Mlefactlon KtiarantctJ. SumpU and rule f jr nelf-inmniHm&cl mt fre of " MaY3-mS m&w UliUllXC. HIlSTOItllD, flrfat Inrrrtlon by inAaM 3K"T ,U,UEU. let ". M.dlioe, Iuqulro ul W.'I. UOOTKIIY. V. 8. ritlTON, talw, Orfsea. asUtf EPAJAU!Aiffi"INtfENTI0S: iu2ll THE WORLD REWttWMPn WIIM SEWS10 MA in workmanshlD is oaunl to n ChmnftmA!. uit.!. . as clogantly flnishod as a flrst-class Piano. It rocoivec tho highest avYards at tho Vienna and Centennial Ewo oltlons. ITSEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than otiw 5S?LSi50MiSuO.?R?5,ty ft "nmlted. There aro mSre WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States than tho combined sa es of all tho others. Tho willow aaf Wilson mwm mmim m Cor, state & Madison Sts., Chicago. Ills.: and Snn Francisco. CaJ, a. 'OK&Ta,t, liunsmith, Agdnt, calom, or. m tin 1 ii --- A -1i.A.Jwt