Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 13, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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si- jupinin , ij lilWff.il.'
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" mum mart ratntY,
rmuxnEM axd rsonuvroaa.
Trn or (nferlptUB.
Oaoeopy, one yesMW numbers) "f'SS
Oneeopy, six months (tenuirber).. 1.25
Oo etmr. Wove months (in nmnhpm ....... .7
HAI.KM, yiUDAT, BKPT. 13, 1878.
Btmorcix UETTini.
from our iciiulur rorrn.oniIfT)t )
Biiukihih, Aug. 7, 137H.
'JWu In a liuliuf in our own ountry tliat
tlioro Li warcely any dronkeanerw in Kurope,
and thai this plaguo in peculiar to America.
I have road an inuch in American papers, and
in lettors o( toarieto, and 1 have hoard Amcr
icaan on this mdo assert that they have never
noon a drunken man Lo Kurope. 1 cab only nay
that thoso Americans who lave not wcn a
j;riat deal of inebriety horo have boon almost
rrorooolowily proBorvod from a sad and disgust
ing, bat very common rpoctaclc. There may
net bo an many persons found dead drank, as
tho saying is, here wi in America; bnt a inuth
larger proportion of thu people arc always in a
state of oomi-intoiicatfon, or it iniy bo said,
. never quite Sober. Hot it is hard to under,
stand how any otio can have lived in Kurope
for oven a short time and not have seen men
dead drank. 1 lwvo socu thorn in I"ari too
drunk to keep thoir feet, and while in Frank
fort on the main, Inst wook, 1 saw iff tho irpaoe
of five minnlM two men carried to the lock-up
90 hoIploMly intosicatod that they oould not
lift a hand. Tho manifestation of drnnkeunons
. in Karopca and America is very different,
aud the infroqnency of crimes arising from in
tosioation horn, Li ono reason why it is thought
there is less of tho vieo on this than the other
side of tho Atlantic Ho tWotiKhly have aflis
of nppruiHion nnd rigid subjection to law trained
tho European nature that in momenta of tnaU
duet oiullunont ho never forgets tho terror of
law. Thin, I think, is not inconsistent with
tho fact that a larpi proportion of our criminal
population is of foreign birth. The iiiddm
transition to u new country the elevation to
oitivtonship no utterly confounds hto iiiijKjrtc-d
Ueasof political and social relations that the
reoiiil of ays of dooputiam falls as it wore, upon
tho liberator.
It ha i boon frequently said in favor of Prfiri
mvui institutions and liablts Uiit thuy have i o
Uirs, nor tho vito practicu of walking c? nnl
drinkio;; utndar; but have, innknil, jjanli I s
uit'l wiloonn, wheru they f," with their families
and dunk nt leisure. It in dillioult to see
wln'rciii the superior viilui' (if tliu Kiiropoan
utmtorii, row largely introduced in Ainuriai,
'ooimisti. If a mmi must drink, it would ikiih
'that tin Mxiiicrhu nan'.lown it down and j;ci
'about his bnnlmiM tho butler.
I U'llcve if tlioro oould bo r,oi;iHed necimt
(fnfl'iltlimriXii li jt'lTirouijirnoiua iliijioailblo in
totimutor that would preeimly Kaumi tho
ainuunt of inebriation, ho lU iiinnifoKtiktinii in
'individuals oxtrtmo ur mild, it would bo found
'that there ii n much hluher average according
to ixipuUitioii in Kun) than in America.
Tho tirual niuuifiHU'tmi of uitoxiciiUon in
I'uriuuii counlrkM is loud oxuited talking and
ScHtiuoUlion, mid raiual olinvrvers, iguor.v.t oi
iiu augu',ani apttonttnhutu this u nutional
habit, viviu-ity mid hoikI humor. Hut tl.iuio
nnpiaiuUtl with tho dcumu dinH.n other Hinti,
kuui i(;nri ai would eaiuwi a lawyer or phyKiei:in
to lo.to hoiik) prn(.tUo in America, -r uml.o nhat
is cidlcd a "marrying man" Itum vlipltle iu thu
o)' of prudent pannU.
Winn bihin; unl Kwir bib'ui ii a universal
habit hi I'ruueu, (Jinuuny, HwiUerland arxl
tel(;iuiu. Wiu, wonn-n and children all drink,
and Mimn of tlMui drink nearly all tlir titno.
I do not think tlutt Ue ,Ti'4it Uhji nt lI'idnlUrg
wxhiW iMttome ix'opUi a K'-t while. In l'ranco
wiivo is the uinvciTjil bevirato of the rich and
tho poor, kitd 1 do not think that it is an ex.
atruUon to hay that tho KrvjiUi drink iiioru
w iihi than wulur, Auiericaits, no matter what
may have Ut'ii thoir pledjr, as a mnal tiling,
take to uin and bwr driukiac as boon us they
have Ik n a raimth iu Kuno. It is said that
the wutur of many KuruMau citim, anil eK).
idally of 1'aris, U iMit K00'! 0,lt' ullr cuautrv
mwi and eoiuitrywomeu jjivt this as on cxctifo
for their (:l (rum nlitiuen(. Hut I do not
think thim is any t hint; thu matt r with thu
waUr, cc'pt a lack of ice. Tbe waUr iu I'urii
a jH'rftctlf clear, sweet, and uut very warm
vi's in Um botUMt wither. C 8. A.
Erongollcal Conforeneo.
1711 litl IUT MOHNtmi ttmiio.
Omfvrenoo oprnl in tho aaual form with
Hishop in tho chair. Minutes of trUys
Nwiion it J aod ikIUh1.
The cvniinitt a !umUrun aud Sunday
KcIkhiIs, nitulo ri'Hkrta whlih wire adt'pw-d. A
nMivlution fiivwinj; raising at luit ono dollar
per liMitulsx for loistionury )uronii was adopt
d. On motion the tnwuwirt waiiiKtnxt.xl ti pay
into tlirt 5ontary of the roiMou.u'y societv the
Mtim of siitj .nine dolUm A roinintttic on iw
biutuktuva i-as kppoiuU.l. d, lWixitvix was
docttxl by lxvllot,trijjiurtj of the vtifcrt.mv lor
tho eoounj; y I'Ar,
AfVtr m'oic, and pray r by thvlluhcp im
fuijvxi wilji.iru(l to iuct at '2 ' m
ithjuihih hiniiK
Oafrnnco cxMitl with rtadin iJ Scripture
by tho ltinhop and pr)r by J. ltoirit, JUdl
tulled. The following vtuluitti,s Uiiir ealhtl
on main n rUk, cvtnmittvo ou ihureh rtport
aud thurrh aifIrv, whtrh wtor sdoptL
A)td'itiontnb.iinj;tr.aiiVw to thecitmnsol
S.OouiwJ (othoO O.K.lL(V,waivadatd.viop
Iltr- Mr Shr'r of th Anntitun Tract
SiMKty of Ku KranciMX), im lalWnl upon aud
mult hoauo uUr-tuit( mnaiki upin work of
wwi t j,
A lt4utievi u otferxl and adopted tend
ing to llohop lkiwmxn, the thanks vf the cvn.
KtomU bui-vUitto HaUm, ami the abl tnd
imrUal tuaoncr la which be Uvl MdtcU J
the latM of the ooeJvrvBxe.
(.Vmfere then adjourned.
(From ' Dm Itt-ro it, Wept. 7.
This morning, at an carry hou'.the citizens in
tho ricinity of Fisher's livery stable, on Oonv
ncrdal street, were startled by tho intelligence
that in this quiet and pcaeefnl port of our city,
last night, a man had wait n bnllet through h's
bead, and thns put an uid to bli existence.
Wo hastened to tho scene of excitement, and
foand the deceased lying flat on his back, with a
wound jost below tho right temple, where tho
bullet that did the fatol deed had entered, com
ing out at tbo left ear. Tho right hand lay npon
hifl breast, and besido him lay a revolver, imp
poicd to Jiavo been tho ono that sent tho piete
of lead on its mission of dnatli. Upon inquiry
wo gathered the following facts:
Tho decked, B. If. Zimmerman, camo to
this city from Hhcnld's rtation, and er.gaywl
board at tho Cliomekc-ta hotel, in the evening
he went to his room, but abont 10X10 r. m
came down stairs and went out npon the street'
This appears to have beta tho latt any one saw
of him. This morning, about 6 o'clock ns
James Barker who rooms in the old honeo just
south of the hotel, started out of Urn back dcr
o gut a irail of water from the water plug, in
the rear of Gaines Fisher's stable, saw the dead
man lying in the rear of thu honsc. Ho told
tho Iktvs at tho stable what ho hod recn, and
immediately Coronor Urown was notiGcd, who
Bummonodnnd empaneled a jnry, andaninqaest
wai hthl over tho lxdy.
Dciwod was well dressed and had one
twenty, and ono ton dollar gold piece, together
with somo silver chanpo in his pocket, making
in nil something over thirty-six dollars. Noth
ing was fimrid upon his person from which nny
cine could be gainxl for tho cause of the com
mission of thu raih act, which must have token
place about 11 o'clock last night, as several
persom living in thu neighborhood btard tho
report of a pistol nt nlxmt that honr.
Wo tho undersigned jury rnpanclcd to in
estigato thu catiho of the death of ono N. II.
Zimmerman, who uns found dead in tho city of
.Salem on the morning of Rcptcmbor 7th, 187R.
and nflef hearing tho cvhk'nco iu tho case, wc
find that tho tttid Zimmerman, rams to his
dtath from n jrittol shot tired by his own hand.
William 1ioamt, Foreman.
WAU.ACJ". Mauzisy,
V. II. Waltkii,
(). 1 MAnKKY,
D. F. iMTAUiurrrn.
J. J. Oooi'uiu
T7oo)ou PHUa lliirnod Ec;irj 1-ocj,
Ilutwcrn lOnnd II o'clook last night, the
Hot iury building nt JiuTenioti iimi totally do
stroyed by lire. When tho flro wai first dii
covctt.d it was breaking ont through tho nof,
anil I'd rapid was it I pre-id Uirough tho entire
building that bnt litthi opjiortuuity wai given
to navu anything. Mr, Win. Hl.cllon, thu lri
loo, with thu nsisianco f others, saved n
lianiL No time wai given to have
any of tho machinery. Tho iiro
originated in tho nccoud story, ami it iu not
yet known uhithcr it wai thu work of an in
cendiary or not. Tho' value of tho property
was 1 vtvvoen 5,000 nud Ttl.OOO, and lxtlflngol
to A I.tttiimnn, of this city, lnsnr&noa 1,000.
Wo If.vrn thnt Mr. Htineon had tnvlcd tlitu
proiHTty to Mr. Hnondun for h"s iutorvst in tho
spriiigrt in lVniglart county, and iletds won) to
! okuhaaged on uojkt Muuday.
Inhntnnn Xiumnn.
Yisterday morning in the nbiioneo ii Mr. (,
Ls Fisher, from hi livery vUblo on Ceiumerrul
street, oimi of tho men in bis emplvy Uiought to
try ono of Iiu brutal luperiiuvnts for breaking
a borne from jiullmg back when hitched, lie
took n three quarter inch rope, made u draw
liop, pliiaj.l it in thu horsoV moath ovor tho
tongue, tht n fastened Uie end to a ludtir loip
in the mull, got n piece of iron nbont mi inch in
diameter, nud about three and a halt feet leiif,
plaood himself iu front of the horso aud made
motions u ith Uiis piece of iron, m though he
would striko him on the huail with it, caudnj
tho horse iu his fright to jull lnoli Mith groat
force. This was related Uirec differvut tiines
Mhen thu bWl burst fro:u the poor auimal's
month, and tho iuhuinauho3tlerlKcaineaUrm(d
and oooiied his brutal experiment. Upon exam,
mation it was found that the rojo had ulmott
tut tho touguo uir, haxitig only a wry
thiu parlivls nt the bottom m hich was pruttvd
by the iawH. This would Ipo bottler nud horwi
trainer, tl i n lcotight tho reit f tho Itojuabout
tho (table not to tdl tho priqiriitor, iu hoito
that tho larmi milit )m lot out to soinu ouu
dining tho day, when two miKchief coukl le hud
ihi to some one t W sluublcrs. Hut Mr. Fihcr
on bis n turn Uiui uifotuu-d of what had ttuua.
pirtd, and tho nun nt ouoo roceiied hu iii
charge. lWsldtu the sutTcnng the huiho tnwt
endure, Mr. Hahcr will hmto tho uso of htm
during thu busiest kc.isoii of tho Jiur. if not
Uxtonalvo preparations.
Tho Oregon au Califoniu Railroad Com
Mvny aro inaktugexteniivdpreiamtuui3 touuet
tho domaud for cars to move tho present h.ir
vedt. Tho nvid h.u Ikhmi overhauls! .nd in
many plaoe renenivlj their oxteuio dk and
wanhoifu eulargvl, aud yostvnlay i'htcu
now Ux ears oro brought frui tho ihoi to
thu l'.ut Portland yard to Ki ditrikutl uloLg
tho route to rrceito thtir cargotM of n.u.
Autitauc ataralial.
IKivid D. I'rvttyinan, of Fobi cmuty, has
Uvn appoieted Atxittaut Mankal at the Fair
Ground is by J. Henry Urown Cidvt Marthal.
This ii a gcod apiiutmrnt and ono that Mill
give NitiKf.kctkm to thooo iutrretrl. Mr,
Pretty man has berved in kiuo Htition at every
Htato Fair hel in Oiein, kiuj the organiza
tion of the fociety, ex W t the Crt jear. Ho
a attcndtnl ever- fair held.
FfOin ihtlly Keooid, Sept. 0
Karrew Eaoapo.
Ist evening the northern bound train had a
narrow escape from being thrown from bridge
No. 9 to the bottom, a distance of thiry feet.
Yesterday afternoon Frank Sprognc, of Marsh
field, a few miles north of Oregon City while
out walking discovered bridgo No. 9 near that
place to be on fire about the middle. Ho lost
no time in running to a house, getting n bucket
and wator and extinguishing tho flames. This
was not done however until after tho end of tho
tic bad been burned off so that tho raili were
unsupported, aud had tho train coma along
would huvo ben hurled down into tho ravine.
Thu young man knowing tho crcnins tram
would boou be there, run as speedily ns possible
up the road. Ha hail not gone but a short di
tanco when ho heard train coming, and dis
playing a rod flag which he hurriodly had pro
cured brought it to o halt aud told them of the
danger. Hands were soon at work, and after
a delay of about two houw it had been repaired
snfliciently to allow tho train to pass over.
Some of the more timid pcrfcred to walk over,
which they did, and were picked np. A purse
of money amounting to about rif'een dollars,
was raised nmong tho pawengers, but tho boy
refused to receive it. It wai decided to pro
curonhanksomoly engraved medal, appropriately
inscribed aud forward it to him ai n testimonial
of the gratitudo of tho passengers.
Territorial Pioneers or California,
J. Ilenry Brown, secretary of tho Oregon
Pioneer Association, shows us n beautiful work
of art just received from tho association of Ter
ritorial Pioneers of California. It is a certifi
cate of membership in that association, and
consists of ft collection of elegantly engraved
views illustrating tho epochs of life under the
Indians, the Spaniards, and American rule,
with picture of Sutter's fort, Sutter's mill, the
raiting of the bear flag at Sonoma iu '40, tho
railing of thn American flag at Monterey, tho
arrival of Kteaum with news of tho admission
of tho State, celebration of admission, immi
grant! snow-bound, and different nccncs of life
in '49, nil grouped together and making a very
beautiful memento for tho families of tho Tcr
ritorial Pioneers to preserve for all time. Wo
should like to kc fometliing like it for Oregon.
A JLHUo Mistake
A correspondent of tho Dallas Itcmizcr writ
ing from lluona Vista says: A fownighU sinco
a oouplo of strangers wcro jmt in tho name
room to sleep, at our hotel. Oue of thorn over
cautions, put his pauts nndor his pillow for
svfu keeping; during tho night his purse, con
tiiningJWor ?W, worked ont of Iu'h pocket
and into Uio tiok. In tho morning tho money
was miosing and then was trouble in camp. A
warrant was promred for tho nrrost of stronger
No. 2, Dr. , but wai discharged from em
tody, evidence being iimuKicltut to bind him
over. When the money mom found things llat
tcnodoulBorccwli.it. Hootagoa.
Hayn tho Standard. Parties who wcro pron
ont aStho council informs us thnt when Oeu.
U ... .1 ..i:,,.. . ..tt ..! ,...-w .--
Indians were tcrriheJ. liven CoL Coranyor,
whuai m usual with agents, wai in sympathy
with the Indians, was astonished, and as led if
tha "hrita;rii were to bo hnngl" Oon. Howard
v ai not in temper to parley, and demanded an
imtiUHliatu sarroudor, remarking that hu had
foroo enough on thu ground to carry out his or
der. At thid moment tivo coinpunim of triH)ps
runouudetl tlio council, nvwly at any moment
to uhaigu upon the Indians.
CliUdrcn's Ala Bocloty.
Tlie annnal meeting of the Orecou ChiWrcn's
Aid Society was held Thursday ofUrnoou in tho
M. It Churcli. Tlio following otticcw and
Hoard of Managers were elected for UioeiiEuiug
yoari Prejideut, Mrs. J. II. Moorosj Vice Prcs-
Went, Mm, If. Carpenter; Secretary, Mrs. A.
W. Kmney; Treasurer, Mrs. O. W. Oray.
Board of Monaccrs Mrs. A. A. McCnlly, Mrs.
I. N. OillK.ii, Mrs. S. C. Adams, 'Mrs. O. O.
Van Wagner, Mm. J. Miuto. Mm. S. A. Clarke,
Mrs. Ixslie, Mrs. D. A. Miller, Mrs. T. McF.
Dcotla tVxn.lC 11 Helnlnger.
Kllen 11, wife of Rev, S. Hcininger, died at
Dayton, iuYarahill county, last Saturday, aged
'JO years, 10 months aud 13 days. She was
born in Michigan, where sho shared the lot of
an itinerant's wife for fiyu years, and then moved
to this State three years ago. Her remains was
buried iu ths cemetery near Wheatland, and a
lu-o concoutso of people attended the funeral,
which was conducted by ltov. Bowersox, of
Temporary Post.
Wo learn that Gen. Howard has ordered a
temiorary post, to consiit of ono comjiany of
iu fan try and oue of cavalry, to bo eatablinhcd
on tho Umatilla reservation. Tho post Hill be
about midway lotwticu the agent's house aud
the town of Foudleton. These troops will hold
b.ul ludiaiu, and equally lad whites in check.
Altogether wo deem tho actiouof Geu. Howard
einiui atly proper.
Nominated for Congrosa.
N. T. Caton, of Walla Walla, has licen nom
inated by the Democratic Territorial Conven
tion of Washington Territory, for Delegate to
CongroM, by acclamation. Mr. Caton Mas
fonnorly n n-sklont of Salem, and M-rved a
term at clerk of Marion county. He is a
lawyer by profession.
Bosoercesi of Oregon.
Wo are in receipt of tho "Resources of Ore
gon and Washington," tho neatest paper pnb
lishcsl in ths State, It is full of interesting
t'.vtug matter, and general kuowlvdgo of this
Stato and Washington Territory. Subscription
urivHj 1 M) per year. Send a"numUr lo your
Invndi iu Uio Kant, if you want them to gain
information regarding tho resources of Oregou.
Tho Capita) Lumbsring Conqvuiy, by its
attorneys, Harlinr .V Stratton, also Hawley,
DoM X Compaay, by their attorneys, Shaw Jt
lUruatt, Oviuiuieucetl suits iu the Ci.cuit Coutt
this iuor:ui against the Pacific Threshing
Machine Coinpviy j the tirt suit is for 1S$0 ii5,
and the etixr for $171 t8.
TtajeoadPUoo offllng or SUta fair
for X87S
Indiana, nt Indlannpollfl.BcpJcmbor SO
to OotoberC, Alex. Heron, secretary. In
diiitinpoliH, .. .,
Ohio, nt Columbus, Beplcmber 0 to 13,
John H.KIIpiart,8corctury, Columbus.
IlllmK nt Freppor. September 10 to
21, P. D. KlHhor, seorelnry. hprlngfleld.
MiSHourl, nt St. Louis, October 7 to 12,
G. O. Kiilb, Bocretary, 8t IyjulH.
Mlohlttmi, at Detroit, September 1G to
20. J. P. Thompson, fourctury, Detroit.
Iowa, at C'ednr Ilnpids, Beptember 10
to 521, .Tito. It. Khairer, Kecretnry, lair-
Nidiranltn, at Lincoln, Foptcmber 2,1 to
27, 1). H Wheeler, necretary, Plattu-
mouth. . . . . , ,
Oregon, nt HnVm, Oftolior 10 to 18, K.
M. Wiiltc, peerelnry, Bulcm.
Wlhconslii, at Madleon, rfept'mter9 to
in, Gfo.E. Ilrvant, secretary, Maillsnii.
Minnesota, at St. Paul, Beptombcr 2 to
7, It. C. Juilson, wcretary, F.irmlngton.
Califoinln, at Bnernmento September
16 to 22, Jtob. Beck secretary, Sacra
mento. Vermont, nt St. Albany Bepiembpr 10
to 12, Hftirv Clark, wjuretary, Itiitlnnil.
Toxiib, ntJIoUHton, October UltolKlJns.
F. Dumtile.Heeretary, Houston'.
Georgia, at iMaeon, Oetober 28 to No
vember II, Malcolm Johnson, Hectelary,
Puiitihi-U-nnln. nt Wrln. Kptlf otllbir "fi to
27. Thwi. J. Kilge, Hi-cretuiy, HiirrMitirir
New JiThoy. nt Wavorly. ncptember 10
to 21, V. M. Force, secretary, Newark.
Kiiusit. at Kanwis City, September 10
to 21, D. 1. Hall, secretary, Kansas City
Central Ohio, nt Mcchanlsburg Sep
tember 8 to C, J. E. Shepherd, secretary,
Colorado, at Denver, Bopterabcr &J to
28, Jno. Armor, secretary, Denver.
Southern Ohio, Dayton. September 23
to 27, J. A. Miller, secretary, Dayton.
Bcspoet tbo Name of Woman.
The follnwong admonitions shnulil tic
periodlnally reptibllshod in every news
paper, in the onlertliat thoy may belnef
Incllily Htampe! upon thu memory of ev
ery young mnn, ami every one dno nccnu
tomcil to make light of a womun's nnme.
which "hnuld bu tho "iminodiate Jewel"
of every one's fouI:
Never uho alady's namoln an improper
place at an Improper time, or In mixed
company. Never mako assertions about
her that you think untrue, or alluvions
that she Herself would blush to heir.
When you meet with men who do not
Hiiniplo to ii ii' woman's name In a reck
less manner, shun them; they aro the
very worst members of tho oommiinlty;
men lint t' ovt-ry hciiso o' honor, overv
feeling of humanity. Many a good and
worthy woman's character has been for
ovcrruineil, ami her h art broken by a
He innuufactureii hy homo villlau, and
repent eilwlien ithhoubl not have been,
anil in pro-ioniiii orthiHc wliiHtt Judge
meul ooulil not deter them from clreuiat
lug tho foil I and bragging rerort. A
shinier prop.i';uteil, omi of the smallest
tiling dcioiitory lo n woman's ell iracter
magnify us It circulate, nutll Its mon
strous weight orn-lio I the poor tincon
sidous vlot tin. Hespuct thu uumo of
wnmuii. Your muthur and sl.ster.s are
wo'iiin, aud as yoi would h.ivo their
fair iiameH uutnriiirdicd and their lives
tnieinblttered by thu Hlautleier's bitter
tongues hucd thu III your own words
m.iy bring tin in tho m itheTr slater or
the wl 0 of some fellow creatine.
WOODIIUHN Aug. 80, 1878
Mil. EniTinc-Tliis pluco has boon of
such importance that I think It deserves
particular mention. Wo have shipped
up to thu present time, this month, fully
three cur loads or grain to Portland. I
think we have done more bnlne."s in the
lino of sending grain than any four sta
tlonson the road. Our receipts have been
over thirty wagon loads per dny. Our
largest warehouse Is full to its lastextent,
and we have been obliged to make en
gagements to store in Portland. There
will not bo over two thirds ad much
wheat for oxpirt from this section as
there was last year, but tho quality is far
sujwrlor to that of any previous year: in
reality It could not be any better. Not
withstanding that the average of the oat
crop, Is more than hist year, thu surplus
from about here will not be mora than
half that of last yesr. Tho unusual dry
mouth with us hits not injured tbo qual
ity, but in this neighborhood tbo yield
or oats will not be more than 26 bushels
to tlio acre and Unit of wheat has been
twenty-two bushuls. A.Matiiiot
Has n man a right to kill himself?
Judgu Smith of New York says lie has.
In a recent case ho told Henry Daniels,
who was arrested for felonious assault,
that hu hail a perfect right to kill him
self, but hu had no right to attempt thu
life of any ono else. A lawyer writing to
a Sow York p.ier on thu subject says:
"A schoolboy oould scarcely display s.i
complete ignorance ef law as thu above.
Noiiorson has a riirht to take his or her
own life; on the contrary, tbu attempt to
take it is a felony punishable by a term
of years in States orison. J f such nerson
siueeisls iu taking iris or her lire, of
course uopuuisumcut cm men tie mulct
ed; but any person who kuowiugly ald
si or astlstetl such suicide iu taking his
orherowh life, Is by common law guilty
of murder, and can be punished accord
ingly." The women of New York have undertaken
the herculean task of reforming tho voters of
ttiat MUte. "lAiitco was served at the (tolls in
U.ica at a hto election. The ladies of various
Christian tempcrauco associations labored un
ceasingly iu every ward, scrviug rotrvsktncntj
to candidatcd and oters nawsaudMiches.now
bowuiusnow take, now uie. now cracker aud
vheoo, always coflee, and never whisky or beer
At tho various illin' placed 5,725 cups id cof.
fee were handed to politician and voters dur
ing tho day. There was good order everywhere
aud very fow casesof intoxication were reported
iy tne police.
Miss Mattio L. Powell has fitted nn the
church ou l'iety Hill iu rjikndi.1 style for htr
pupils, making it attractive and pleasant for
mem. iter scnool opened with twenty puj-5
In atteuvkiAce. ""
Asother Narrow Oango.
Artloles of Incorporntlan Lave beea
signed for tho purposo of building a
narrow gaugo railroad from Jackson
ville lo the coaBt, with the following
named gentleman ns incorporators: C.
C Beekman, Alex Martin, E. D. Foun
dray, John E. Ross, Jacob Ish, M, Han
ley, J. M. McCall, R. D. Hume, J. N,
T. Miller, John Orth and N. Langell.
Tho capital stock of theenmpany JsS2,
000,000 divided into shares of $200caoh,
and it Is proposed tn build tho road
from this place to Ellensburg, at the
mouth of ltoguc river, a distance of 90
Moro Soldiers.
Or tho steamship Oregon arrivod Col. Perry
and 150 soldiers, fresh recruits from Govern
ment Island Now York. Thoy wero taken to
Vancouver and from thence will go to Lapwai
Fort, where they will bo stationed.
prparBtlou has ever performed suuti mar
vellous euro', or maintained so wldnu ropu
tatlon, as Aykh'm Ciikiiiiy FixTonai., which
I Isncogn'xMlHH tlio world's leuicuy lor an
auiiilnuxd series of wondortiil euros In all
ellmaies hsn inado It universally known as a
hI hihI reliable ugont to i niploy. Against
ordlimrv onld", which fo the foreruniiflrB of
iiiurn sflrinus illsordrrs, It sets spexMy and
surely, ulwuys relieving nullerinir, und ofton
srtvlint llf The protection it HtTiwds, by its
time) v list in tho thrust mid lung disorders
ol children, niMkis Itsn linhluaule. rmely
tobn kept alwa son band In ovfry homo.
No person can Btrord to b wiiboiit it, and
thoiowho have onro need It inner will.
From llielr knowledge of Its rouiposltlon
and ellvls, Pbvslclans uo tbo 11GRH
POTOiiALetenMlvolv In tbelr prseiloe, and
Olerxyineii reeonitnend It. It b absolutely
cortslu In its reino'JIal elToats, and wlllat
wayn euro whore euros are possible For
sslo by all dealers. jf
H.itrnl Tornin!
Tno Oregon nntl t'nlifornla and Oregon
Central Kallroad tympanies
OKJ'KJt Ihwlr Unilr for tsJcupnn Uio Inll.mlnellhc
ml lermi': Uiic tenUi of tho nrlrc In c h; tutirrvt on
the bslMTicuot thu rs'u of retell er cent, one year
after mlc; hikI tscli folluirlui; ymr irelinlb of tbo
principal niul Interest on tho haknre st the rnto o'
wtcii i-r cent ocrnnu i, ltnth irliiclpslajitllnter
wt aablu Iu (I. U. Cnrrrnejr.
A rili-roiiiil of tun ht C'lil will "o sllowH for rah
VtT UtUts lo he sddriisl tn 1. SUtlUI ZU, Liu
AbuiiI (I. .. 11 It, It . I'oitUiul. Ortvon.
Trost Iuvesiment Company
riTIIlH CnmiKiny tf rri'irisl to nr
rmtlslo biur-n It.
re over 1UPUO
. i i.anim t.-
Uiett perhnlsi f jesis.orroiwjshlo by habfyuatly la
susueuls. For tenns, apply lo
notltr ) Ktrt Htren lntin
Payn On rli i'ov
Hides, Furs, & Pelts,
stUI roniniorclol st., SALKM.
Willamette Nursery
Oswego, Olaokamas co., Oregon.
Xlio Ittlluu Prune, ,
And tbe best urttUis of
Nut and Shade Trees,
8end for Descriptive Catalogue.
aiuuu.st or
f HAKES jrlraoio lunfferint; to tba WooVOrawsrs of
a urevon aud the dilpln? Terrtwris tLe c&aace
tl-nrebr TIlOltOiruilBUKD MalUMti, aarl si
rariuj; pvtte lutcmttd ilul tbey can, sad wlU es
darur to. Mil Mn-p uf th sftae cnalttT anl value sl
MUCH aiKAl'Ell V(ATK8 iWi'ciTrSDr
be tmporti'd. IlimUnUun tul ccuuuImiu wtta oU
r tej tttni lo tas market r coirtll)y luvtttd. u
, Addrew JOUK JUNTO.
K. B. Tbo Kite and Ram Lust ol tb nork can
be Ktuun tbe ISLAND FAlUt, adjoitrtcjf hle-.
HILL FARM (oar sad a ball mile fritU. of tbo dti
.'Jv.'' f