Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 13, 1878, Image 1

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W V W-V-
$2.50 per Year.
Salem, August 8, 1878.
According to law, tho tenth biennial Bcwion
of tho Legislative Assembly commenced to-day.
The House mut at 11 A. M.. and was called to
r- order by W. L. White, Ksq., chief clerk, of that
body at its hut session.
Nominations of Speaker pro tern being in
order, Mr. Gate, of Wasco, nominated J. M.
Thomi-Ma, of Lano countv; D. P. Thompson,
iif Multnomah, nominated L. 1). Stearns, of
that county.
lldl being called, Thompson received S3 votes;
Htraai', 20 votes; and tho former being elected
took the chair, and nnnouncod election of chief
ulcrk iro tern in ordtr.
Mr. Galloway, of Yamhill, nominated W. L
White, who received 23 votes; Mr. Scott, o'
Mario'i, nominated James Walton, who received
vot-i; and White was doclarod elected.
Mr. Walton was unanimously elected nssist.
ant elirk pro Urn.
Mr. IXirris, of Lano, nominated P. K. C&otlc.
nan, of Yamhill, serjeant-at-arms, who wu
unanimously elected.
W. H. Myrcj, of Washinston, and Robert
Smith, of Multnomah, being placed iu nomina
tion, My res received 30 votes, Smith 19 votcsf
uid Myre wai doclarod elected.
On motion, chair appointed Messrs. Hughes,
of Denton, Kahler, of Jackson, dates, of Wasco,
Reed, of Marion, and Ualloway, of Yamhill, a
uoinimtteo of live on credential, and then ad
iourmd to half pant 3 r. x.
House met at 3i30 r. M. Committoo on cre
dential reported. Report adopted and mum
here rvvorn in.
Permanent organization wu effected h fol
low)! J, M. Thetsapsea, el lAacytivalM
Ua fr Speaker, aglnst S5oaat for D. P.
Thompson, of Multnomah,
W.i. White received 31 vote fur chief ekrk;
uo opposing candidate.
L. Y, Williams received 33 votes for assistant
clerk; "4 being cost for J. Henry Brown.
Speaker and clerks were then sworn in.
P. 1 Caatleman received 32 votes for scr.
uoont-at-arms, against 27 oast for W. A Barker.
W. If. Myers rcoeived 34 votes for door
keope", against 25 cast for P. J. Loosen.
J.;n- Dougherty and Dolcvau Smith wcro
elected pages.
House ad fourued until 10 a. m. to-morrow.
Ttriday, Sept. 10, 1873.
House met at appointed hour. Minutes read,
-ami on motion of Thompson, tho House adopted
mien of last session.
Galloway offered joint resolution, which wan
tdopicd, that joint convention bo held at 11
a. . to day to canvass tho roto for Governor.
Thompson, of Multnomah, offered resolution
that joint comrr.itteo be appointed to wait on
Gov. Earhart and inform lain that the Legisla
ture is organized and ready to receive any com
muni cation.
Galloway, Gates, Groen and Dorris opposed
the resolution, den; fag that Karhart is Gover
nor, and asserting that Chid nick holds until
Thayir is installed.
Thompson, Reed, Ramsby and Starkweather
favon-d tho resolution, claiming that Chad wick's
Unn as Secretary of State limited his official
term as Governor ex-officio. By a strict party
vote tho name of Karhart was stricken out and
that of Chadwick substituted.
Kci)lu:ion was adopted for joint committee
to invitin-ato penitentiary affaire,
GaUu aud Hewitt gave notice of intention to
introduce suudry bi'.U.
Speaker announced McMrs.Gates, Hendrickr,
Tboaipten, Kahler and Stratton Ho"bo rncra
born of tho joint committee to examine penitcn
nary arfaini.
Oa motion of Stearns, that twrfltAnt-at-arms
ordered to furnish members 4 dully or weekly
pnjw rs, ft-i they may bclect. Adopted. 50 to 24
votes, .'.(tor considerable discussion. The wrnie
conrtoy was also extended to the olEcerj of
tro Hoje.
According to concurrent resolution, Gallaway,
CamplK'U and Stearns wero appointed commit
tee to wait on Governor and notify him of
Ids election.
H. J. It. No. S, To meet in joint conven
tio.i Sept 12, to hear such announcement as
Gov. Ciiidwick may choose to make, and listen
to the .r-vujjural of Gov. Thayer, m adopted.
Meu-iUn gave notice of iutention of intio
doein fandry qilU
Hooms Bill No. , for an act to authorize
the cutmctioo of a bridge acre tiko Willao
ott at rrtlattd, was read fiwt titoe.
September II, 1878.
AmaiNOON hrwion.
II. B. No. 2, by C. A. Reed, to protect gamo
from November to July; read first timo,
S. J. R., to appoint committer on Insane,
was concur retl in.
Membcni voted thcrtttclvea $3 worth of post
age stamp.
H. B. No. 4, by Hewitt, conveyances real
If. B. No. !i, by Thnmpoon, amending Port
land charter. "
II. B. No. t), br Gates, irnthorizinK lallcs
City to dispose of certain lands.
All Vfccro read first time.
3. C. Krniuiring precnt board of Stato
Ijind ComniifioucrH to mako report of condi
tion of fnnds in their keeping wan concurred in.
S. C. R., appointing committee to iit deaf
moUi bchool and rejiort what aid is needed from
tho Stato was concurred in.
S. C. It., to uppoint cotnmittco to cwimino
books and account of Stato Treasurer, was
concurred in.
II. It., ordering 1,000 copies of Governor's
mwiago printed, m paescil.
H.C. R., Board of Stato land Commissioners
to report full particulars of lauds sold, mooej
loonel, money on hand, money lost, expcnri
of board, ite, was ndopUd.
II. 11 No. 7, by Thompson, to provide for
sale of swamp lands.
Committee on Inwino Asylum IlewHt,
Green, Starkweather.
II. It, No. 5. by Stearns, committee to rvnort
ra)(rt of order; adopted,
Honse members of committee on dot! mute
school Gilbfirt and Chandlir.
xIoqk member of committee on State Treas
urer's ftooounte Galloway, Stearns, Grant.
. "-r.-r -- -- r
Whiteaker.who annotinosil temporary organiza
tion in onlor anif placed in nomination Senator
Brown, of Coos, as temporary president, who
was) elected viva voce.
Tho following officers were placed ia nomina
tion and elected withont dissent, to perfect the
temporary organization; Syl. C. Simpson, chief
clerk; Baker as-Histaut; Martin Angel, ser-geant-at-arms;
O. P. Wren, door-keeper.
On motion, chair appointed Ilaloy, of linn,
Myers, of Clackamas, Cochran, of Lane, George,
of Multnomah, and Watts, of Washington, a
committe of tivo on credentials, and tho Senate
adjourned to 3 v. m.
Senato met at 3 r. it., and committee on
credentials reported tho following Senators as
holding over: J. S. Palmer, and Jolin Burnett,
of Benton; John Myers, of Clackamas; A. G.
Brown, of Coos and Curry; O. W. Calvig, of
Douglas; Dan L. Green, of Josephine; J. Wbit
oakcr, of Ijuio, S.D.Haley, of Linn; T.A.Drvis,
and M. C. George, of Multnomah; I Bently, of
Polk; M. Jasper, of Union; S. G, Thompson, of
Wasco and Lake; A. S, Watt, of Washington,
and E. C. Rradshaw, of Yamhill. Members
elect I. D. Haines, of Poker; J. T. Apperson,
of Clackamas; C. W. Pulton, of Clatsop, Tilla
mook and Columbia; T. Davidson, of Grant; J.
K. Ross, of Jackson; J. II. Smith and W. R,
Bilyeu, of Linn; Sol Ilirsch, of Multnomah; W.
P. Lord, Wm. Waldo and J. W. Grim, of Ma
rion; S.M.Piunington, of Umatilla; C.lI.Burch,
of Yamhill; and R, B. Cochran, of Lone, who
wero duly sworn in.
Kleeticn of permanent president btiug in
o-dcr, John Wbiteakir, of Lane, aud M. C.
George, of Multuumab, being iu nomination,
Jjhn Whitaker reciitid 18 otts, anil was
e?ndcctel to tho ihair by Messrs. Georce aud
Mytrs, and received tho oath of otiico.
Syl. C. ?imiMn and Sain C. Church wirn
numimted for secretary of Suiate; Stmson was
J, W. Baker and J. W. Latourctte nominated
for asMstant secretary; Baker elected.
M. V. Ancel and John Minto nominated for
crgeant-At-arins; Angel elected.
G. P, Wrm ami P. Runuy liomuiatcd for
door-keeper; Wnu elected.
On motion, pmddent was authorised to ajw
point paj;., as many as nectiary.
The oflicrrs tleet having received the oath of
office, tho Stuate adjourned until 10 A. M. to
morrow. TcrapAV, Sept. 10. 1S78.
Senato met at 10 a. m., and afU-r minute
were read, adopted H. J. R. No. I, that joint
couvention l held at II o'clock, to canvas vote
vote for Governor.
lrtident appointed Iuac Bteinhizer and
John Juuis)ga page of the SextaW.
On motioa U Brvwn. Senate adouted ralta of
II. J. R. No, 2, for joint committe'O to wait
on Goxornor, a concurred in. S. I). Haley
and Sol Ilirsch were appointed as said commit
teo. Resolution was adopted inviting reprosonta-tivi-a
of tho prevH within the bar, and to furnish
thora with stationery and dosks.
Judiciary couunittco wn authorized to elect
a clerk.
Senate concurred in H. J. R. No. 3, to ap
point committee to Investigate pinctentiary.
S, J. R. No. I, To appoint joint committee)
to examine management of tho Insano Asylum,
and report 2ftth of September, was argued and
laid on tho table.
President apKiiuted Palmer, liair.ee and Col
vig, Senate members of joint committee on pen
itentiary affairs.
On motion of Brown, Senate oted oich mem
ber three nowstopers, as ho might f elect.
On motion of Mycri, concurrent resolution
Man pofd, npptiiiiting joint committee to wait
on Gov. Thayer, inform him of hid election and
learn when ho will appear and the official oath.
Myers ami Grim wero appointed as such com
mittee. Senate voted J5 postage to miunbers on mo
tion of Ilirsch.
Motion of Col vig concurrent resolution passed
to appoint joint committee on fishing interest,
and chair appointed Colvig and Bilyeu tuch
committee on part of Senate.
Committee from Governor oloct reported that
he would wait on the houses any time that
would be convenient to them.
Mokpat, flrpt 9, 1S78.
Armut'ootf wbsjom.
Senator Brown gare notice of MrenJ bilk.
8. C. R., by Colvig, for joint committco to
visit deal isaU school -.rMrkWtJ4 WM
lrttjren-ineritatc, Xpi4e7Toair'ap
pointed Colvig and Davidson aa web com
mittee. H. C. R-, for joint commit toe to examine
book and accounts of State Treasurer, adopt
ed. Apperson, Smith and Buroh, cemmittea,
Pnltou gave notice of bills to bo introduced.
Bilyeu gave notice of bills.
8. C. It, No. 7, by Watt, calling for report
from Board of State Land Commissioners, was
S. B. No. I, ly CoU-ig, amending code, read
Crut time.
S. B. No. 2, by Waldo, amends section 2,
chapter I, genoral laws.
S. B. No. 3, by Pulton, redistricting and ap
portioning tho State.
S. B. No. 4, by Burch, prescribing duties of
State TreAsurcr, wan road first tirnn.
S, B. No. 6, by Burch, relating to election of
justices of eaoe iu Yamhill couuty.
fl. B, No. 6, by George, relating to collection
of claims against the State.
8. B. No. 7i by Pulton, regulation of aalmou
H. B, No. 8, by George, for renstruction of a
bridge at Portland across the Willamette.
8. B. No, 9, relating to oaslgnoe and credit
ors, H. K No. 10, providing a short hand re
porter for civil oourta.
H. R No, II, by Htnch, reUting to Yith
Commissionerii and fish culture.
S. B, No. 12, to iotoet remains of deceased
jwrsous, read first time.
S. 11. No, 13, Incorporating the town of
S. B. No, 14, to establish uniform tuurbeof
pnblic instruction.
A II No. ir, amending (Jeaeral I jwi relat
ing to attachment.
A II. No. It!, recovery of real property.
At a naucuu of Deux'Cratic memticra of both
honwit, held at the State House last vvcuiug
(Monday), at which all but seven of the Dcmo
cratio membcre vetro pres-nt aud voted. An
infHrmaj Icllut was taken for Senatorial candi
dates with following result: Kx-CngrHsinaa
J. H. Slater, of Kmtern Orceon. It votes: It.
Htrahn, of Albany, 9; Governor Cliadwick,
J, A Smith and Gcnvnd
I.tnu each rectivtd 4
vntes; John Burnett, of
HcnkJii, Jud
iro P. P.
Pli n, of Jaeksouville, each 2 votes; JuiIl'u Me-
Arthur, of The Dalle, ex-Senator Kelly, of
Astoria, ex. Senator Neemith, of Polk couuty
and A. Bnsh, of Salem, each 1 oU Mr.
Slater's vote reprcaeuts nearly the whole vote
of Kaateru Oregon, anel Judge Ktraiin rolhly
reoeivtd the seilid vote of Linn eeunty. The
result has no eepeckl signiirance excpl as in
dicating that with eleven ca&Jidatt turned in
the start ad neaiiy as maay more in iUns
waiting far Um water to more iu their favor,
Uw rem tees for Bcoatormay be lofij! pre tracted.
13, 1878.
Houso mot in joint convention thin morning
at nino o'clock, and Gov. Chadwick delivered
his retiriug mcwiago. After detailing circum
htanceaof Gov. Grovor'n resignation and his
own accession, congratulates State on blessings
of health aud prosperity, no state more favored,
financial condition uninjured by conditions of
other stated, although nomo eastern counties
exposed to ravages of doiolating Indian war;
dovclopement of commerce steady; iudustrios
manifest hoalthy activity; material resoMroea
furnish solid and emduriug basis for enterprise,
ami Statehood, not elependonton speculation
or adventitious causes; no overgrowth but
healthy and steady progress.
Balances in Treasury at close of Gnanclal
year ending Sept. II, 187(5, wero $83,8M M.
rcoeived Binco into tho treasury, tho mim of
8928,601.01. Paid out of all funds 9770,6AX)..
81. Leaving fund in tho treasury Sept, 9, 1878,
91 12,89o.G0, Liabilities of tho State bearing 7
'per cent interest;
Soldiers.' bounty bonds $20,400 00
Soldiers' rvlirf bonds 7C1 00
Canal and locks bonds 100,000 00
Modoo war bonds 132,858 7lJ
Wagon road warrants 138,fiOo 00
Outstanding warrants 192,075 62
Total liUllitii 3051,593 48
During two yearn, paid on account ol out-i-UniKng
warranto ?S2,6W 23 principal, 42,.
07l 13 interest, from proceeds of special tax
for that purpose. Abo, $1,728 77 prinoipaL
$2,411 interest, out of tho general fund. Out
standing warrantd to amount of $4,461 23 are
advertised for and not presented.
otatm imrrmrnoKa.
Oommeadii tho question of tho Iauase and
Idiotio being taken under direct ohargo of Htaae
Burch, fiupt. of the State Penitentiary, haa
been economica) and prudent; with limited
appropriations, and unprecedented increase of
convicts ha been able to make substantial and
valuable Improvements. During the last 18
months administration of Stato Prison havo
been cheaper than for any former period.
United States Attorney General complains that
price $8.00 per week chargod for government
oonvicts is higher than charged elsewhere.
Coudition of State Capitol building remarked
on, and necessity of tax of one mill rccom
inendod for building pnrpo-tos to complete if,
Tliis matter has not Wu neglected and early
foundation laid fo: w Uo school system. Public
schools in Oregon will compare well with same
gradoin sister state, nystoui is all well support
ed by tho people. Steady and rapid growth
cosunou schools during last six years, attend
anco increasing and more regular, teachers
more utlicitnt methods, moro thorough and
systematic, and supervision clcur and vigor
ous. Teachers' Inatitutesmore popular. Must
be careful not to pass unwise legislation to
injuro tow gooil system. State Uruvcrvity and
Agricultural College said to be making satisfac
tory and steady pmgrens. Muto and Blind
Schools doing Kooel work. Not many of theve
unfortunate, and tho Stato aid proeVactrve of
The tacMam reciter tho facts of the war with
the Nes Peru's in lH77.nd tho Bannack-Snake
raid of recent date, and the jtart taken ry the
State under Us direction, givuig full particulars
of his own interest in tho lata campaign. K.
euseti of war not large ho fur as it involved this
State, recommends tint aocounbi lo auditul by
militaiy lward. Sjxviks of exitting tnutiis
with Oreuou Indians, aud tho aid protnbly ren
dered thu hoetik's by Indians reputed friiixtly,
ana rwiiuveri ilia; yutinx men are gmurally
willing to light when oota.wni oflers. At i lie
tiuiu 300 runegaile's witli original baud of hos.
tilt-H. Dicisivu inraiiuivs iit-ottxuvry to coint-l
all ludiaus, if uocsury, to nuiuUiu gol faith
and ainicablu relations. Teaching art of agri
culture to Indium with arms iu their hands ii
a fntrful alisurdity. In Washington, Oregon
and Idaho, alsmt 27,000 Indians, reservations
iiicludu 17,000 i.(uaru miles i.ul tn million
acro, 370 acres to mch Indian, M.'I.OOO acres
reported tillable. ItccoiiuiKnids liisarruuig In
dians and placing them under direct nriuy eon.
t.-ol, with a strong furco closs at haml. Me-m-tlin.i
recommend M"(uu 1 0 dcwe I by which
hjttlurt can lie nrnic I and in tunu of danger
brought into immediate survioy.njid that govt ni.
mtnt remove all Indian tnlx-s in the' North
I'rtcifio to oue nervation. Mihsa:'u gives par
ticulars of recent lhnntilU council.
Necessity of immediate action in liebalf of
thu tishing interests, which have Uoouie a vol.
ualdo broncli of induttry ami hailing hdurio of
wualth, employing huiiilrwLH. Its ina(nitud
must Ik) nreunil by toina leirislutieiu to pre
serve auu propagate tin) lUh. rish C'oinmisMiou
recommended Lo will taku thi whole subject
under control and provide for the intmductton,
culture a'd propagation of dssirable spocksv.
Catch of 1877 was rained at 1,370,000. U
Volume X. Number 31.
two jxsra canned salmen has decrcswrd 23 tver
The rucwage reviews tho dlfforoni harbotti on
this coast and shown how the bars shift, rea
elering it necessary for evory effort to be nudo
to HOCUrn nf thn urniiinl r-J. t -!J t
their improvement; also that river narWatiou
rtdiu It,. ib. A Ik. tl .. I 1
"" o" ivuuuuuujf improveei,
Urgent noeel of additional legislation rela
tive to sale of swamp lands. Present law ru-
ntlinvt flminmrn whti-h In mum ..u. : t. i
rurious ta the Unit. I'munt w-.- --
ate to prevent disposal of such lands. TIk
ii nas aomuuie ownership, lettered by no
conditions; further timo should bo jiwa to re
claim lands ,-vnd definite regulations made de
fining reclamation. Salon should he neade ri(.
rect, without any embarrassing restriction. ,
Deure'wsion in other HtjiUa .nA l- f...
bring to tho State trainps and vngabcBdn, who
become a nuisance. There is an inert ef
crime all over thi fitixtn .U-; ,
fronuent. IVompt and decwivo measenw are
noedcsl to nlialo this naUanoiv
Natural IllntArv H-!..fu nr rv,. :
IhvhmI larfvlv nf Iaii.Iiapu nn.1 .l..-.t:jt.. .
Object, to collect Hpceimena of natural history
and form a Stato cabinet Golkctiona aro
rapklly increasing and Aro valuable. The Stato
nhoahl ht up jtcrmanent rooms for ite occupa
tion in the State CupitoL '
The Imnlcn of toxah'on is nneqnal and efli
ricnt measurea for equalizing assttnaaeatsj art
noedtHl throughout tho Stato to pre r oat loan of
public revenues.
Thoraeesago concludes with a mrenmoe to
the exhibit of this State at the Paris Kxpesji-
fcifmt imnnriAinvt nf Qoiiarn41 l.. ...j7
f-'-f--" " kiwwi 4a 1'iivMvn iMifi i:x"
premion of acknowledgnvent to A. U. BrowD.
"M,lu 'i auu good wisnesi lor au.
The following to a Mat of the tuombcrif
Inrihidlnir MitimtrtM hn!,u,. .. ikl.L
tamrktii with a sur wero elected In 10
Clckimsvij.' T. Appenwrti
f:;fk!1P' Oolumbl nud TIUmoli-t7.
W. Kulton.
DourI-0. W. Colvlff, Ju, Appla-
MnlUiornah-BoL Hlnoh. M.O.OenrM,
Mrloii-W. l. Lord, Wm. WtOdo, i.
Wouhliiglon-A. H. Watt.
IJahur L. I), Ilalticn,
lltiiiton J. H. Painter, John Hornets.
Ooo and Curry A. G. Hrown.
Claokuimui John Myoro.
Grant Thorn us DuvIiIhoii.
JoHophliiii-IUn. Ia Grt'en.
Lano John Wlilteukur, it. II, Goh
run. Llnn-H. D. Ualoy, J. H. Smith, aad
W. H. Kllyeu.
Multnoinuh T. A. DavlH.
Uaiatllla-H. M. IVnnlngtoii.
Union M. JiiHper.
WancoanO Lalu (leorgo ThrmnHi.
Yainhlll-K. 0. Hraehdiaw, O. II.
JackNon John K. Hohh.
Polk-L. Uently.
HepresenUUvee, -v
KWDIlMOANfl iio.
Ilflnton 'l)Hrt Carter.
IMIk-J. D. .
Yamhlll-I). O. Durham
Cluokamait-W. II. Will, K. Korber.lt.
lirmiiey ami w. , marKwuiiinur.
I.iuie-II. 1'. stratton. Oeo. Ullbert,
Ooew and (Jiirry M. Itllu
WnHhliiKlnn It. II. Taylor.
Columbia N(Imoii Olu.
ClutHgpaiidTilluinnok J. C Howloy.
Marlon-C. A. Heed, K. U. Hmlth, I.
H. Hoott, II. C. HauiHliy. A Hholburp.
MultnnuiHh- I). P. Tluini)Hou, I. Vrnt
liwul, Ii. 11 HloriH, P Kelly, Josoph Ar
ton, C. 11. WlnUiiii;urole, Jumerf Hiav
nutt. JIIIMOCIIATri 3.1
Hafcrr-C (I.ChanilliT, W. It. Crtl.
IIcntoii-JnliiiT. iliighe-H, II, (Jrcoii
Coon J, II, Hchrnilor.
DnUtcla-e J.ih. Cliciiowi'tb.A.T. Cinisi
beil, JnliiiHtcwnrl, Iffiny Ilcokly.
Grant M. I), .lulnmoii.
JohepliliK-. Ciililwtdl.
L-vl;o (!. V. lirnlmck.
Ijxiio J. M. Thompson, I). I'. Dor
rln. Llmi-J. A. Hchoolimr. ('. II. Hewitt.
F. (' Ilsu.inl, Jd-i;iIi lianillton, Jovtim
Wln'ehr, Juuon Kswimiii,
Mnrion-F. X. Matliioii.
Plk J. It. Grain, IraTowiift-nrl,
Uinatilla-J. H. Wlilte, -HvarlH.
Union -J. II. Itiuliuart, Dunhatu
Wawj,-N. II. Gates, A. U.WeeluVII.
Washliuton Wm Ilueve-H, Ira F. Pur
Ion Yumhlll-M. II. Hendricks, Wm.Oallo
way. IMOUrM(UKXTd-2.
Jacaoa-W. Kblor, M. Kountate.
, 'M
mS "
"'-' .-V
S s. .