Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 30, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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Sam:m, August 22, 1878.
Mil. KlUTOit: In this Statu wo have at least
throo ilistinct classes of iiulividiials, workint,'
men who labor for o much per day, week,
month or j car; working men who own farms
or shops, and work from .January to January
for juit what they can mako; ami capitalists
who l,hor mentally every moment to inertaso
their number of dollars. Kaeh class h essential
hi iti place. A iliwraity of labor dcmnntls a
diversity of luborcis. 'I'lie man who "hires '
himself for to linirli a day cannot .a to his
'Stmpl'tyr "1 have no nurd of thee."' and fur the
?iftnilo ronson that the food Which kcctis him,
liUwifoaiil little on, from starvation m i-.U
looked in the handt of hi , ciriii.oyor. Wor can
thn employer :. to his hiied man "I haVo 110
uoiil of the," and for tlicrcvjon that his sticcc-n
depends iihju the labor of other IimuIb than his
own. And tlio same i true roapectin;,' the ro!a
tirjit v hi ih eista batween tin. fanner, or shop.
kftjH.r and lac capitalist. 'I'ho onu cannot liio
indiipundiutly of tho other. Tliis triutio con
stitutes 11 co'.imunity of intcicats u e.i'cutinl
that tho ilostt notion of one not only impairs,
but abtolutoly ruins the whole.
Hotucun thesu classes there should bo no
wtrife. but harmony, ta:h in its placu ruilnorv.
it the interest of tho other. The foot cannot
eriiuitfu itielf into tho hand. Only as a foot can
it do it ordained work. The hand, though to
wondeiful in its muuipulutioui, cannot change
iUrjlf into an oo or pi 'form its functions. Only
when all tho hciu-cs are peiftet, each doin its
special work Is tl-ro harmony. A man divoid
of tsiyht is not only an object of pity, but a tie
pendant and no when tho man who dcpeiwln
upon his daily labor lebels nyninst his lot, ho
diHurg.ini'"! Miciety, and becomes a dojiondfciit
not upon charity, but upon theft. And .10 of
very dim. It Is thus that nation ate wreck
ed, onu olu-w following in the wal.o of another,
until mill cnjnilfs all. (eitainly we would not
aiiiumo to aiiiu men to the classes to which
they belong, and fortiinitcly tluio is no nred of
tliin. livery 111311 nuturally llmls his place, and
the only tioublo he has with himself or that
hii fcllnwti mid others have with him is to keep
him 111 it.
Tliero is but onu tiling that will elevate 11
man -lift him from a lower to a luln r place,
nod that one thing is l.ihor.
Ivvery man should he "a hewer of wood and
11 drawer of water," mitt' his own laboi ruliwr
him. Labor is t!iu only tiling that can iloviloii
tliu niauhooil In a man. With this all tliingi
urn possible, without it nutliin.
It is folly to think of lfo,hlalin men into
prosperity; law ran protect him in his nx'its,
and that Is ail, ami his ric.hU in property must
nlWnya bo tin tiiniunlMii by his ponsessioim. No
legislation of man ran ihanu tho ilostluj of a
hiimau bcinai liied by the unalterablu law
of Deity. Whit Ood litis douu man cannot
undo; and mi a man must l.ilor in his lot, bo it
ever I'll hiimbhi or even liiirweusome, until his
own lubor redeeim him.
Hi nee, wo hold that only Mich legislation Is
now needed in Oregon us will prevent onu cIiwn
from trampling iiou the rights of another.
What wu need is chs.i legislation. If you auk,
do wo need this for the day laborer? wu answer
rmphaticully, no: His ever) light is now noun
dantly protested. Kvery man who docs a das
work gets his pay for it. 'Jetting thu pay for
labor is not the trouble, the trouble u to get
the lalhir. I.ibonug men talk 11 c,rvat deal
about wngei, but very little about work. There
in now far more or!. n"lil than ready hands
to perform it. The trouble is, a great many
men are not uillir; to work; somu will not
work at nil, and lu'iico depoinl on "tramping,"
which is only au.ither i.oril lorstciliiij,'. Others
object to thu I'm I of work ollered, not l'uio
it is dishoniirnlile, but because it brni';s the
Mwe.it out ilpoa the bpiw. Wu repeat, this
cl.us needs no kj.:i'ation for its pratci tien.
Only one tbug u teidid for this class, and
that must nuiie from within, and that one thing
is labor. It is aitou'.hiug how tho members of
this class who ! 11 'thing, not only 'iivj, but
cursu those wbi'te ial or hii made them intl.
H'lideut, raising them al'W manual toil.
f-ct me j.iw tw iiisUncof with which all our
people are fami'.i.'tr, and these illustrate thou
ruul.i of otl.nrs. To-daj diaries Smccj1o is a
man of wealth, wIvj.' accumulations have m
Ironed him from 1U1.) toil. And yet it is only
a few brief jura anion he was poor, and toiling
toth arly and late Not one dollar eer fell
into his hands b. inheritance. His jiosmmmoih
arc the noble f.-uu of honest toil. Thu !irt
miuiey hu e,n ) i.iuoil was nude by cultivating
the soil, Ld.r made him able to loin iiuuicj.
l.ilior hu 11n.1l. him imloiHiuUt.t, as it wou'tl
' mado thrujatid of others in Ongou if
'"feli ha done more hard lalsir
'la cauig to Omguu w ithout
! ling ditcliKt, ilrovo
it would mako mi
' 'a lalstr ha re-
''r has he
The Marketed
Hai.kM, Aug. 20, 1878.
Tho whoat matkot romalns without
chango, 80 cenl.i beinit paid for unsankod
whoat horoatSalom, whilo wheat ready Tor
Bhlpmont Is tlrtn at 91 65 In Portland. Cable
gramH from Llvorpool publisboil plsowhoro
hIiow a firm and Improving condition of thu
grain markot In Oroat lirltuin ami on thu
continent, and appearances Uvnr tho Oregon
prodiicor from Mm furtbor fact that freight
foincortHln to ruin low, IhotnntinKx in. Ssn
Franolxco being hi t-xicss of (Imuonrlx, Hti
tlmtadeollnolr.mi pressnt low rales pes
slblo. With good conlliioniHl dninand nnil
abtindunttonuago wocait look for nl Icafl a !
fair prlee for our broidUiilI' mid It Is pofbl
Old (hut ns tuo l.urnpiati nml Aiiioiieuii Iter
vrtHaro ooiuplotod nnil tlio grain supply
can bu doleriiilned with accunioy that u do
Hijtuniy may ho anjortalnod tlmt wllleiiito
an advanco In tho grain inerkol. 'J'herols
no possibility to Ibrtell what tho grain mar
kot may develop", fur It Is one of tho most
liiNcritliblo things e)iinoo"o.i with tho world's
Wo havo a fair crop and gHiieraily a very
excellent finality of grain, rather butler than
for feuvural yeiiris past. Thu Into sown spring
grain Is generally biting cut and by tho last
of tho preconl week by far thu groatest pro
portion of our harvest will havo been com
plotod. Tho yield vmms not to hi In any
ItiHtanco at great as thu bust of other years,
as wo hear of no holds that glvo extraordi
nary llguros, but thu yield Is generally ic
iiumorutlve, though wheat farmers cannot
commit much cxtravagtnco at presout
Tlio prlco paid for wheat horn at Salem
Mills mid Fannora' Warehouse Is oxcep
liniial, being couslderably morn In piopor
lion than 1'orlliiid quotations warrant. Tho
highest llguro-) tlioru are olfered for what Is
UModed to complotu cargo of ltrltndi Dark
Viola, Jl r7,'i being o tie led to Heciiro what is
uouil lor that purpiHo. Tho Saluin Flouring
.Mills Co. nronlwajH at thu top of tho mar
km, and the hhiiio may bs said of W. J.
llorrou at thu Farmitrs' Waruhotiso, Mr.
Kinney recognizes that to bucuru what wheat
hU mill iio'tds hu must piy enough for it to
Induce furmoris to tiring It to daloin. Ho
olimns it purlemly and only pays for whoat.
It lathunauio with Mr, llerren; IiocIosiih
his wheat ho well that Ills waroliouso has a
reputation tint Is worth thousands of dollars
toll paiioiiH, for millers kii'iw what they
will got when thoy order, mid thoy pay more
than thoy would fur wheat from other ware
Mr. llorrou Informs us that hu sells to
millers and tills ihnlr order, not soiling any
grain as m for Mhlpiii'.ul; In lant ahlppurs
can no', allord 10 pay t0 cents at Salem for
whost tins4i!kinl and subject 10 warehouse
charges and Irtdght,
It Hj),-.eurs thou thai Salem Is a better mar.
krt than any (iiIiit town aliovo-l'ortland, for.
(ho roaaonHfttateil. Thu prlco pa il hero now
Is no criterion of value of wheat for ulnp
ment to foreign markets. If whuut Mold
hnro was Intended tor shipping purpoups the
price would fall to 7fio to 77o por bushel.
In thlsnounioiloii wu call attention to a.
circular .sailed by tho I'orlland llianl o(
Trade, that shnwa what wo lose by send In
ourgraln to miikot In poor couditloti, and
urges moru attention froui farmers to this
Important particular.
Tho wool market Is quint with few trans
actions Hint no Intercut taken by buyers, as
tho hulk nf (ho late clip haa loft the country.
Oats hrlng 10 els per litinli to aupplytlo
looil diinsiid Ihtough this prlco could not
ho malutaluiil against lario olferlimw.
t'aleiu Flouring Mills putuhaao nata for
shl(inent (o California or n'.uro them ll
tbialred, hulclalm that.'laj which they oiler
lo pay, la (he very top of tho inarkot lor
shipping puriMises,
Up to this time over a hundred thousand
bushels nf wheal must havo been hauled III
in thu Salem WitiolioiiHca, ami small lota of
new oata also. This la fr hi udvaneo of
ordinary years. The llelda and forreota
wear tho look of September Instead of
Our local markets rulo as follows: ItutU r
Is K'urro and has advanced to 2.0 fver lb. for
ohnleti rolls. Eges remain at 20o per ilor.eu,
rotatiaM 7.'h) rer bushel, though when farm
ers Unil time to t-upply the market tho price
will drop tn CO iMiuta, Apples ;7'io per
bushel; llirllett (-ears f0 cents per biibhol,
Hog produols range aivord lug to appear
ance and quality as tullows: l.srd 11 10 1'J'j
nuita per lb.; nUles 10 tn 11 ctnts ;mr lb,;
-houblers" 10 l cants Hir Ih ; hama 12 to lit
oi'Uia air lb.
Ssn FranolMsi, Ann VI, Wheat Califor
iU iiililln.', no IrrttiMietloiis in da. ; biyeia
holding ill hoping to obtain o inoesMlonx,
snl bnldluu lor; eloilco quotabbi at f I 75,
California 'Mpn'nu Among the aslos yes.
tordav ern M.Oooolls oholeo at fl 7JS l 7.".;
lo dav bikers bid lownr, anil there la no
koHuV iri'""iro. Ssloofgood WalU Walla
al fl 70l 77'i jeaterday.
Flour I'oonamied,
Wool Mai kel dull,
San Fram'i'co, A""
thins vnrvNiunl'
J11M Blilpod -17s nearly duo, 4ls rkl; Ch. or
Mil,, for ahlpmont daring presout inonih
and followinx ono, por 480 lbs, Am. torms,
-llf 01.
Liverpool, Aiiff 21 Whoat Fair tooholon
ehlpplngcallfornla. per cental, 10s2JIOsOd;
Knot slow but Hteady, liold higher; Talr to
ciiilco Hhlnplnt? club, pnr renUl 104 0d
Ms 111.; rod Am. eprlnif, No "i to No. 1, 0i L!d
Eoaiish country tmrkoti Flrm.unchBnf?
od: French country markotH, unchanged.
Woathur In Kngland Hnavv rains.
Accii'cnt and Amputation.
On Saturday last a actioi'.g accident bcfeil
IM-.-anl. the thinl son of .1. K. Ilcgg", win li
nceramt.it 1 f-.t ninputr.tlon of hi til.t leg
l,cM'cn tl .- l:ii.- nn.t anhle. lYoni what wv
Pim KlM., It i.-enu that While cviiped near
I i,v..,i ti.UrvV U-t, ,. f... ,iin. i.i.,u- H,1:
I'omt, Mllis, an elder brother, had occasion to
take a ahntpmi fnim the wagon, aiid.'indcrth'
nplHuitioii that it wrU not loaded, handled it
ratliur carelevly nud in such a manner that the
I'harge exphwleil mill tookeHect in Nud 'a right
fon. So heiiily wan tho gun charged that the
lead tore the loot nearly off and ground sever
al of the bones to jsiwder. Dr. Aiken was
Mimmoned by telegraph, and made tho sutTercr
as comfortable M posaihle until he could bu re
moved to town. A thorough examination was
made after his arrival here on .Sunday, nud it
w a aiccrtaincd that tho injuries were of tueh
a nature, ao to lender amputation uecesiary.
Accordingly, Dr. Aiken, moisted by Dr. Vroo-
j man perfermed the operation that day, and the
boy is now improving, with probabilities favor
nblj for his ultimate recovery. -.lacksonvillo
A Sock Hand 31iot.
Liit Saturday ciening n tragedy occurred 011
board the steamer Spokane at t'elilo. A deck
Land named Whcatou went to tho cabin loy
alid asked for sotuu soap. The lsiy told him to
go to the steward, which appeared to enrage
Whcatou, and he had a dispute witli tho boy.
The Captain, Kph. Ilaughm:m, hearing tho
noie, horridly went to see what tho trouble
w. I lu onleicd Whcatou to lc.ivo the bint,
which he refused to do, nud in.idc Borr.o threat.
Itatighmau went away ami procured a gun,
an I Wluato.i secured a bar of iron. On to
turning, the Captain uecing Whcatou, ns he
thought, make a motien to ntsuult him, tired
and Killi'd M hcatnu. (ircat excitemcuf pre
vailed auieie; thu deck hands against the Cap
tain. Another story is tiiat the dillieiilty 01 ig
mated Is'twecn Whcatou and a Chinaman, ami
that Whcatou, when onleicd oil the itoat, de
manded the wages due him, ami that tho Cap
tain told him he would get them, ami then got
his gun and shot Whcatou. llaughman is un
der arrest ami in jail at Tho Dalle..
Ldquor and Tobacco,
The number of gallons of upirits returned for
fixation for tho year ending July 30, was
50,701, ISO, against ."8,5l,1,af0 for tho prcced
in, year. Tho llgurca a!o show a loss of nearly
-?t, 000,000 from tolaacco, and about 100,000
from banks and li.inKcrx. u liicrciuod con
sumption of fermented liiitiors is shown by
nearly $."X),00) incrrato in thu revenue. Thu
loss in the revenue from tobacco arose from thu
falling oir of receipts from manufactured tohacce,
while from cigars and cigarettes there was an
increase of $o.'i7,.M!, Tun million two hun
dred and forty thousand barrels of fermented
liquor, or over sucn gallons for every nun,
.woinan and child in tho country, entered into
consumption during thu year. The number of
cig.iM, 11 which a tax was paid for tho jcar,
was I.M.Wtf,;..'!, exclusivo of lt,lMI,.i!)
cigan-ttcsl Thii would give 12 cigars to every
inhabitant. Thu numlier of pounds of manu
factured toh.v:io eoiisumed during tho year was
2,:i2l,l).'l.'t, moiu than half a pouud to every
poraon in thu iuutr.
Valnbio Farm Sold.
T. It. Alhii of this city has .sold his fine
farm hying lictwccn Woodlmrn and fiervais,
eniitaiiiing alsnit 27.") acres for tint sum of $12,-
IXX) cash. The purchaser haa lately come from
the States, Mr. Allen thinks of moving to
Sail Joie, Cal , tho garden sput of thu l'acitlc
Coast, soon aftir the fair. California.is Lave the
knack of inducing capital and the best class of
coplo to mako their homes in that State. It
Uwith regrut wo part. with such citiens as Mr.
Allen, who none of thuoldpicncers of thisState,
como hero when a boy, in IS-17, and by indus.
try and itcracvoruncu ha accuinulatesl enough
property to placd him in an independent posi.
tiou. Wo hope Mr. A will Had his expectations
realized in California, and wo congratulate tho
city of San Joso on tho acquisition of Mr. Allen
as a citizen.
An OutrtiROoas Crima,
Vetenlay alteroo)n a lady by the name of
Mrs. Waulu camo to this city and sworu nut.
before Iteconler Howie, a warrant for the ar
rest of one 0. I), fttot'ar, cliariu;; him with
haying, on thu 2lt of thin mouth, committed a
rape on her httlo gir.1, ajed ten years, while the
man. her undo by mania:;0, is aUnit thirt
live. Tho defendant was arraigned la-fore lie-
Uh1o this innmin, and waived and e
.daa tixeil at toCO, but
had not Wen given, A
show isl that tho person of
.t rased, but as only one
t l.vun heanl, wo refrain
comment at this time.
or Thin.
o'clock, Mr. Smith, c'.erV
ktore, w.u aroused from
v a fearful hammering at
Jtv. On answering the
1 rather rough looking
1 hail a larjjo gash cut
tho right eye, w hich
1 by falling on the
a thiu story. Mr.
wouud, however, and
Health and Wealth-
Both may be oaally attained bvany one In
heeding nature's warning and keoping a
close watch oversyuiitdtiiH that may appuar
which Invariably are tho lndicatlona of an
approaching Illness. Many dollars can bo
saved and a great deal or Buttering avoided
br a llttlo attention to the rollo-wlng symp.
to'ms, whlohnroasuro Man that oither the
hlood.llvor, or dlgttlvn organs nro out of
order: Constipation, ludlgeHllon, fullnesB of
blood In tho hesd, Mur stomach, coated
1., t.n.i inuto in dm mouth, and ouon-
lvo broath, dull, drowsy, and debllllaled
feollnz, frequent lioadacho.poorappetlto pain
in thu aide, cheat, and limb, uto , oto. Tho
highest medical authorities declaro that over
iwo thirds or all (Useaxfu uo eausod either
iv on impute Mate ol ti.e tbod or onl tle
rxi'gomen'olino llvr ard r.-riiiv ' oi-,tIw
v i.en the blood Is pnrp,th-IUo.- In proper
iicilon, nhd the 1"m1j r-aol r, no nn c'l'i
river ln erloii.l 1 r d.i r i.-.JV 1.I1 1:. To
iur,f9 it o hlnuci ami t roughly innovate
Iweliili-o biiinan .ysielii, lio'lli g has over
rt eelvril moiv lluilriugivrtitl.'ateMttiiii Ore
con's hot ri;eiiblo pimiuctlou, 1'rL'Mni.iii"
OlIKfio.v UUiol) r'UiriB.t. A Plnglo trial will
"mvlnt-e any one that It Is tho most roliablo
fimllv rnmody over offered to tho public.
Forsaloby nil druggist. 1'rleo, ono dollar
Principal Depot end Maniifaetury, Win.
I'funder k C't , l'orland, Oreiron.
Til ,ntaur-I.lnlniiits arc of ti kind'.
Tho Whlto Is for the liarasn family: the Vclloiv
Is for hori-cf. sheep, and other animal;. Testimo
nials of tho effect prodaced by those remsrknlde
I'rciaratlons aro wrapped around every bottle, nnd
may be procured of any druiigtit, or by mall from
the Oftlco orTiiBCasTAi-nCoMi'ANV, l Hoy Strict,
Now Vork City.
Ur. Mlntlc'ri VvRetnblc Xcphrctlcuni.
JO' H l Into'idcd for llUtnier nf tlio Klilnc)
S n,,a Hlfiililf.1.. Thl vront Timln suiiulles 11
u'.im lnn fvii hr n rittiln rl.i' of sufferers, and Is
taking a hlsli rank araoni: remedial anriits In this
roiintry. First. llHeause It ! mado IriPKOlaLIA for
Kidney anil Illaddcr comptalntr, tho different
luirrcdlcnts or wnleh It Is tompoeid acting conjoint
Iv iimin th mnriil.rnnil niurnus coats of thee or-
ean Second. I hu comblmtlon Is tho result nf
lsro experience nidrurefu stmlv, nnln or the nr
'.sns and their dlpeajfs. Third. Tho bcit material
(which aro purely viyellblrl are selected mid tird
lu It miiiiirariurL, In ainto Iniliminatlon of the
Klrinrvsor lllaildcr, pain and liesilnrsf In the back
nnd lmn. wlili lriiw"lnp-' an 1 f.-ollnir of tancuor.
Ihn N'Iirrlleiuti will she ImtniMlntu relief, ami
a free ue s perlec' rirc, by strictly following direr
lions, rrlce, tl.M't.
Vr. .Tlliitle'ji ICiisHmIi Dandelion IMHs.
HO TIIKY Ctttc: KVHIlYTlllXh .' ,
Nn Tlier aro In.uuilfil lor illfusuis thai ivsultfrom
M-'arlal Poioii inula lii'Mtured l.ivcr.
Kymptomsof a dl'onluriHl llier Dull pain In the
side and shoulders, less of supo.lie. rnstel toniTJe.
cofllve bowels, lc' heartache, tin wlncn, welulit
In tho stomach, o ten nrtltut vvllb ncldlty and boloh
Inc tip of wind. low plrl s, lo-j or energy, untocla.
hllllv, nnd fiirehitoliii;- of evil.
Many of the leading cltlr.ens of Portlniel. from ex
perlf lice, will vouch as l ilia snpnrlor ilrttio anil
valtiooithuiitw''.fpcclalip'. IM10.U.1 cents per box.
To bo obtained of alt drucxit.
Eotray Notice.
hinns hlh.ll v.arsiM, half dollar o-ol-1 tn
rtuiit shoiiliti-r. placed thrH 10 niti sweeoy: lrftihe
pr.nil' of the uiider-lcii'd, two ratio from the,
Ulstn frrrv, In Polk co'i ty. nnlho 1st day ol July
IMTH. and hs nt been lu-a'tl nf tlnce A liiernl re
wird will bnalvuii 'or her return, orsuv InforiiiaMoa
rcMrdlnii bofvlicnabotits. JANK URCKbT.
Hal,Aub. ID, IMW -ll
lmiJ aticucond lirmlnV land, well tlmbarrd
snti watpred. sllnated I miles wot and 3 miles oath
or Wheatland, all frncrd, wltblballdlnirs thereon.
Inaalro on Inc premises 01
Jnno i3 1 pd.
Also Manufacturer and Dealers la
Sash, Doors, Dllmls. Mcu'dings, Etc.
Aho make a specials of
V. r. IIOOT1IIIV, .irrhltcct.
All Order frota tho Country promptly tilled,
Corner Tront and Stnto Qtrcotf,
sprii. tl
Jl il
amii a. aiiTss
IVo,'( Kuble, Halxm Oil
IT lyiralTlawa work done, on abort
nolle. May 11 tf
. FKIUII.11 4,,
Auctioneer, and CommUslon Jlerchanl,
WILL 118 rOl'MD
Oppoilto the lUnk, Silem, wlt a good as-
IlatM und Cm-i,
llootN und Him cm,
Too nntiK-rona to meutlo.i.
Salem, Juno 13, is;t. l-Jstf
Commorcial 8treet. : :
,, . . Ittej
Maokerol, Ton.
I'odFlih. Cotlee,
Whlto Vteh, Illev,
Sulmon, yugur,
liOhstors, Suit,
yyters, Flour,
SanUnod, Daion,
We call particular attention
Tot7v Yorls. stone-waro,
run itgsr .v Tim womm
Also our :-.. Y. SYUUP, dlrtn?t from tho luctory, und superior to anMhluff ever
introduced In tho market, and our w TEA noue better.
W PmOcsIm hhisctmtt & n rtht j tavtrn lhti woi by tU tKkc er U Ktr leSSaA
Mills, will cnotlnnn the msnurrclnro or ltaw
nd DolUd Mnsued Oil, Tow und Meal. All oils
wnrranted strictly pure
Salem, Oregon, Anc, A, 1878. -ml)
C A. IUed. Notary I'nblic.
T. '. Cox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Leans ncgotiatod on Pnvoralilo
Buy and Sell Gold and silver, Stile, County,
cud Ci'y Van-ants.
AcoRts let Hced'o Opcru IIoosc.
tiVOQlce. t ths corner of Heed's Opera House,
tea salest, on. ran
.3MiAi.riPLtrtiiiH.V&r2itl-;"tl) TOV"l riti. erf
hold on t-lal ami rilirantcit cheaper at Its price,
.inn any nthir Itov press ns 0 (filler 110 sale, imn't lio
inlmlli.,1 by IrrcriHinnlhln iiia-nif.n-lurrra or Infrlnslnir
ii-!itNP,rslhniuirclii'rls ll.ill. It rots no moro
fnrn pood press tlnn rn Infrrlor or xinrtnlsM one.
Addrrti. V. K. uaiiKIIICIC & CO..Alhany.h. 1
The beitTr.np InlheM'orU for CA'h1r
Twenty rish.
Na a.ror Unto luti. mink
a. inuAK.-mu, &c 7u
Blbrou.l. J. DRIDIT A. CO..
Mfii., 99 Broadway, HxwYoik.
BuA ht Cs'.dorss of usM dotcIUm sad ?xalloa Oats pswr
The Averill Paint
Is Prepnrcd in Liquid Form,
JlT IS 0
AND 0FJANY 8HAnE;01i C0I.0K.
It li composed of I he
Kuown to the Trtrtf.
Puro ZjIiihoocI Oil,
Procurable for Tinting
W.iicli, by our rullur nrocta nf nmnufacturc,
lira so thorouclily united tbut
Hence It will novorchnlk.i'rHck, or peel oft; does
not run from sciiiiih, or null h lea;
una for nuiM.iANor ok i:ni.ou
Put up lii , J, 1 mid .'1 KiUInn Packages.
Wholosalo and Rotail
ncALKits is
OliiMM, HriiMliiiH, Etc.
agents, sAT.:r, ognt.
OaII vu.cl Ooo Unsnploa.
hiiU Itrtatl
Saloui, Oregon,
l'i'arl lktriey,
Tof Sale
Tuhlo Cutlerv,
Wood ui ware,
to our dlri-ot lmitnrlil1i of
.5Yr-rl:iliWl m&7ZZi&ZSZ3t
4 i-n
v -
I J.