Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 30, 1878, Page 6, Image 6

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PiiJtUCi LiiVi'jLJKJtt.
Scconu-Hna lotunla m ParlaTho Cromt s
That Fall Irom Rloh Man's Tables Thoto
Who Collect tho Crumba and Thoao Who
Eat Thom Tho Hallos Contralcs and What
Can bo Socn Thoro 10,089 Woll Crossed
People- Who Llvo on Garbage
from our regular corriomIinl.J
Paiiih, July 2f, 187P.
Among tlio curhuitirx if Paris life aro the
jinall carls that call at th back gate of thu
innlKis'dcs, palaco.i, i4oluurxnts, hotels, and
jrcat houses in funeral, to riicoivo the remains
of the iliiuiurs left, not by tho upper Ion lliou
Hamt only, but likewise by tliuir servunts; nnil
mihl every morning by the oohs to tho emls
caries of a race of coxUmiioiijjom whoso fetalis nt
the (iru.it inarhuU aro furnixhod by tlicso stnlu
viol unit, which have tindu their dehiit on tho
table" of tho wealthy. These earts aro cloned
in, 1 tit recognizable by a 3'rt of chimiu'y in the
lop, which admits of free voiitillation. Tho
n-cnnd-hund vitudx are thrown pell moll Into
this cart, and aro paid for by the weight. Ini
nfinn tho appearand) of thin pnot-pourrio called
"arlwpiiin" when it readies the stalls of tho
market. The llrnt protein it tho triage, or
sortinc;, a work of no small dlllhiiilty when por
tions of lobster, hcsincarrd witlt soup, have to
Ik) extracted from tho romaiin of fruit tarts, in
which they aro luibcitdcil. Tho most presenta
ble morsels aro pared, cleaned and laid on a
dishs this process takes place in some remote
corner out of sitfht, hut the selection is noon
completed, and, strange to sty, by twelve
o'clock these scrap i from tho plates of tho rich
nro eagerly bought up by a certain clasi of the
poor who prefer their savory llavor to more
wholesome, simpler and cleaner food. What
ever cannot be siitlleiently pared and arranged
for human fool is disposed of for pet house
dns, Italian grey hounds, and such like aris
tocratic ipmdrupcils, The bones, however,
found in these deposits, are laid aside and sold
to tho maiiufactiir'TS of concentrated meat
locnges, and by them, after having been ladled
down, aru got rid of to tho ooUiMiuudehl of
uiiinial black, so mueh in demand by painters.
Hut to return to the nrltipiinv, this tradu of
liny in f the remains of dinners is by no means u
had onnj many of tho-e who purotiu it retire at
tho expiration of a few years on comfortable
little incomes of four or live hundred a year.
To witness the prepiratinn of food ilcsurihcd,
us well as similar manipulations no less curious,
it will ho necessary to go in tho great markets',
or I lalles Centrales, between tho houis of four
and llvo in tho iimriiiin,'. Tim great market
place is opiNisito the celebrated Church of St.
Mustache. Tho cellars are well worth Hcningi
they aro tho receptacles of Incalculable ipian
titles of fish, fowl, meat, game, cheese, butter,
to., and may easily Ih visited by application
to the overseer's lodge.
Tho next branch ol this trade Is tho bakers
en vieux. It is also quite remuuoiativc. To
collect the crusts thrown away by school Isiys,
or dropped by these earelu-nyoaiigstoM in their
pluy ground, trampled oil, ami, oftentimes,
bespattered with ink or ni'id, has proved to be
a lucrative occupation. Tho hast il'.thy of there
ooilod and uniuvitlii fragment) arc bought by
second elans baker, who, after having Ihcin
dries', in an oven, mil them lor the "oro.ito nil
pot," witli which soup all familiar with Kmiich
cookery aro acquainted. Kurthrmiori, thee
thoico bits of old local are . ut up into three
cornered morsels, which, filed in butter, adorn
Mine of the vexetab'o dishm wo enjoy at the
grand restaurants. Hut there yet lonmitis a
max of inud-stninod, de-t soiled scraps, which
once were bread. Thiwe, worked up in a nmi
tar mid pulverized, aiv h Id aa iliu "uhniKtluni
blanche," with which riitleU.'.ivdrtM'icd. There
htlll, howevor, ivmuiiis ! ut, which it has lioun
iuipotadhlu to work tut this fi blaukuiied in the
oven, luluiod to an li.iiulj able powder, iiiimM
with lioiiey, to which added after drop of
)epwnuiiit, and Md I as ai minlliUo euro for
tooth-aolm, for wlitwJi a ;i., t i id to be
ipiitt m etncki'luiK a ii'iiihinj ivcommeiiilal
by thu "faculty."
Many of tho mint delicate cllilun found at
the touunimablo rvata'ita.iW nro iftiicuJtciI of
tliliOH wo would IX)lHlt ah j.Mrlgo. TllOS.ltlp
'specially, of whioli tfiwo iito as many vnncUos
as ttaitrtiiieiit ' I'' . aw cmnpo and
cl of materials wliitth w' M never dream ol
ntilUuiK lidiwl, tin . ' no wi f nn i.tiinml,
borsM, iftt, rat, jpt, -i , from which cur
tain ixwItt'i-niitH in IV" will not hi'uyou
Mvory diili, rmtiriutf you. of course, thatyoar
lionw atoak in thu I t 'i of Uef, that the cut
is Imio, a.id that too . . w t igenu.
Alsiut Mt.'KKI ( Ue ihImImmhu of thi gay
apitil ri'o in tho morning wltliuut k.ui.vtng
wheio or how they are to jpit a diuiwr. These
HHr r;t.;hw, w.m, f-rt:i renter part, have
no ri4,ulirMplti)mmvi, in tinfn to drew U
cen'.l, iwxo'ti '' k"J i r.pp'artinccs,
and, Uitweeu l and 'v A'oJojV, yon will
find liem ted at soiuu of the cheaper rstau
rnuty4, enjoying the lumy of a tucnty-!ic ui
ilium i.
lb ii way to tlr r! cxlubito of the
norl I, Iw wild il t . A rcu'taral Itistauraiit
injuria by ass in 'j wi'.hout iiotivo. It
in on tUo t'oul .f t o n ie, di bghtfully cco'h
all itfii'tdiinents el.tar, raid a gypy ouhestja
that will ie jici tin ic i. id pleasure tlaii ui;y
intiirimiiotial is-uh-i. i'.s at hand is the
Hani.o au.inie, ntn Which trvsh salt water
is tl lily ) uuipcd Hum a ships thu tlvninens are
chii'lly oysters, ihiij1, s).rimps a few teles,
omi?loljuJii that do duty ai iidiceun n, and
raWiMJgMit IhIIvnuu habit"'. The tcrUiv.
ilecp i!loh irr.niing.
A capital totu-istiiig "ot it the African
Tregien of the rYi.vl ii lore the Aral, a
itulolcut m liwanuil, ly slrttchcd ut lull
kui;th, r croitchetl up 111 oM crenis, or
rciuvmii liwjww,, aii.oking tnd drinking coffee-grounds
included; it is a bovcrago theso
Orientals livo uioi!. It may not bo generally
known that in tho French Antilles' tho coffee
plantation.! havo been derived from a singlo
plant, acclimat'jd in Pari.e and forwarded to
Martinique on trbl in 1720. Hy tho by, tho
cxliibits from Martinique aro very curious all
cicolu and truly colonial; eticoanuts pineapples,
bananas, whose tasto recalls brown Windsor
soap, and li-li punch, composed of milk, vanilla
and kirech. lowering above all i.i Helena, the
Iir maid, with uyes that would moot an ico
1t;;; a yellow turhati, that would clothe a
whole in gro family, lllled witli tho contents of
an imitation jewelry shop. .She sjieaks the
p'ireit Parisian French, snggestiio that slio is
the product of suburb in nlio.vs, anil has boon
brought up on gingerbread.
.Nearly all tho countries, colonies and islands
of tliu civilized world aro represented in the
I'ApnMtiou hy spedmens of tho diHcruit varie
ties of edible grains that arocultivated 'tctwecti
the degrees of .'IS" south ami 70' north latitude.
Foremost in tho edible grains, and most tint
ii nil to human sustenance, is wheat. Its his
tory runs tiarallcl with that of mankind, nud
its consumption in fotm of bread has over in
creased and gone hand in hand with civiliza
tion and refinement. Tho cereal products of
the world, though alwayj probably htillicient to
supply the hungry mouths of its inhabitants,
seem, like the population, unequally distributed;
hero a surplus, there a delicicncy, and again a
positive want of bread. In many of the densely
Nip'ilated jiartsof Kuritpo tlio product is barely
siillieient to supply the consumption; in others,
a large animal delicicncy must bo provided for.
A short crop is often attended with tho must
serious commercial ami political dillictilties;
hence tho question of bread becomes vitally
important. There is, h iwever, always a com
puisation in the stirp'iis of other count: i m, as
it is rarely or noior t!.o case that universal
scarcity or famine prevails in all thu food pro
ducing countries at thu same time.
Tho countries which may bo consider) d ll o
great producing sourccaof supply are thu United
States, Uuesia, Cermauy, Dciimaik, Tin key,
I'vO'l'tf I't'uucc, Austria, .v.paiu, Italy and Port
ugal. Theso countries ixport mow or less in
seasons of plentiful crops, to their neighboring
nalioiiA in Kuroe, but some of them aio fre
quently comjicllcd to import largely for their
nun use. Kugland, with her prolilh fields ami
splendid system of agriculture, has a positive,
eruianeiit and increasing delicicncy of supply.
In tho department of cereals tno United
States should have equalled, if not excelled, all
other nations, hut it 's to ho icgrettcd that
there nro hut comparatively h-woxhihiti'.which,
however, in qua'ily.dcinciMtrr.'e t!ie ipcriority
of the Ameii an u aim.
('ana la surpasses I'.er American neighbors i i
thu tasteful arrangement of her cereals, The
specimens embrace many oxccilent varieties of
red and white whiter wheat, and some very
lino specimens of spring wheat; also sumo very
good specimens of oats, rye, nud barley, all
giving evidence of an excellent system ol culti
vation. Russia, through her minister of( agri
culture, contributes niuru than livo hundred
s toi'imci.v of cereals, from her extensile grain
producing districts, r.tiijin; from St. Petes
burg to Siberia on the iia.'t'., thence xoutuward
through thu fertile . -dli-i. o; tlio l.n, tin
Dnieper and thu Dniester to tho P.lack S-a, and
through thu great valley of tlio o'.ga to the
tr.1spi.1n. Throughout tins widespread re0'ior,
' . " ,. ., 1 1 . 1 ,1
iio0iwiiig great diversity and adqita Iriesa c.l
.. 11.. 1 . . . 1 1
sou linn inmate, noeiiw v'iu, ni, iju .him
Ixtrley aru succiMsfully cultivated, producing r.
largo and ami a'l niiirwulivs-irjilmf . ort,
siitllcieut, in the uniii'-iii .1 "mo pino.s.
wero thu iiiumii of tra.ip.rti,io.i U'i.tc, to
siipily thu ilotljuncis ol iCurofH-.
Miypt tho au int m:cry mul miaice of up
ply for tho natiiiuB ( Kimjw, cntirri'mt.
n.'l mruifl and ii.Urvnlu a;nty of im
mens, 't'titi itatiw vaiiuu rf wliiU arc
.1! tho iy,H piwiiw- t tMit CMUiiiry lori.1?,
i.'U!i, and -.limy, liiUy i'ml, ami iiftssUi.
i;.i v.eovil, i'Ut:vit on uupHtkvt hnsiwrnlry.
'!'. 1 U-,t speoiuieu m ta cillecUna eouir from
t'lqaT Kiypt, loMlo ft.vuuiilatoil" B..d
.n.u l.imioie of tie Imt vdriotivs which
u:,.i.vul mltJatoi:i tat j.r.Jaewl 111 Italy,
r'lA' mJ r!u'."ll ootHi bh h oiua !
tanioii their Mii!iM Inwitl pfxJu'i" delta of
the Kile.
Tho sncvliiiciis of corn are of tho ordluaoy
lonnd Ilint variety. Tho satnplivi of barley,
ryu and ot aio ot fair qiiaHty, but aro badly
In every ilujinruiitdkt thu pfiluet of Ansttia
are dUpkiyoil m Biagiiiikinit profumiiw. Tbu
rHjricultural intercuts re tvf.illy reprowntml
huiI the iqHKiuiUM oi .ixl'j aru uunwnms and
nrmyl with (jotl IahU. Th iumpJoM of xrhwit
toatitlot rwlaml nhlte winter, i!o weinii'iii
of spring I viiirf d -utsl wi Um ulUot4iu. All
1 1.: 1 xt'tflUnt q'tu .ty, win nig hh,!i utatu ol
.;'. j.a'icHj l of t..u vatretiiv, it u
..ii-lufH I utto t'e t' ,l "HV.W. himiM un-
;. nt,,' juoxa n v'"."!" piuta to !U
a . .1 ! iaturrkw.
('im i uuirtirtiMHkl ;u Wo iwatncBs and
ii.-. it ,vi uln.n'. uVitu.irou 'llu
iiuii.i.ttt .-.nit aduLisliiy nrrr.iiswt pmai
u 1 1 r Mij tfiusr h la'.h'txi of min uive cvideu s
. f. c .oj'.i Mine uftH tivat t-i.V iM.uiSry ha
. . . .1 si niidi th Iih:o.iuj sic t it a0,,-r"-
en? hmt t'c at ibty f ' a-l "'i'Ma'o t- pn-i..-
the Uwt v.irietusi illi'lstt pisil.niiou. Th
pt i,ies of winter when nut, white ami
,ri 1 rotd cicvlU nt 'harater, pltiaip, thin
hUiiiihiI ni.d cis'it i i!or, iHiiwsiuj; properties
uci'oviry to jivhl the Uir.cit quantity of u.
srior tlour.
Norway mid Swcedvn excite xmic .uprlplY
their well arrangcl and excellent display of
ivreols grown between 63' and 70 north Uti-
Xvea in th hiuk UtitudM th commo
cereolt or cmltt?Wxl to oin null exWat, bat
tho crops aro unreliable, and tho product sup
plies only a small portion of thu requirements
of tho country.
itarley is successfully cultivated; oven in. lat
itude 70' tho specimens aro of fair quality.
Kyo and oats are cultivated to considarablo ex
tent between (iS' ami 70'. Some very good
specimens of corn of the round Ilint variety arc
not'eed. They were grown in latitude f'J' RX.
The agricultural department of Spain, is dis
tinguished by its elegance and tho variety of
its products. Tho in-ciniciiH of whcaX, with
the exception of a few of suporhr quality, are
of tho usual typo of Southern Fitiopo rough
and thick skinned. Tho (specimens of- cut',
lurlf-y ilnil rye aro t'tiifrally good. Tho speei
mens of con- are small and llinty. 1 T:!:i:.
School For tho Dor.f rind SainS.
We have received from Kev. P. S. Knight,
principal of the State Institute for the instruc
tion of Deaf Mutes, the report of thi.s school
for two years past, and gather tho following
fatt.s from it: The teachers amlollicca ore Itcv.
and Mrs. Knight, Mr. ami Mrs, I.. C. Tuck
ami Mrs. Mary I. Cooper, matrop. Ihcro are
tlurty-ouo pupils, from eleven diflerout coun
ties of thu State, livo of them from Washington
Territory and one from lied Itlttlf, California.
Thu total amount of expenses for the two years
has been ?ll,M:i TV, and tho report shows that
while the number of scholars has lievn small
very small in comparison with tho niimhir in
similar institutions in other States, tho expense
to the State, per capita, has been very much
leas, ai will be seen by comparing with tho fol
lowing Statin; Now York $284 .S3 for
each scholar, per annum; Ohio $1112 t(i; Con-neeticiitS-MT
"l; Minnesota S'.OI .'It j Nebraska
.-.'iOII h.'i, while ill Oregon each scholar has cost
tho State but $IS." -- per annum, which is
satisfactory showing, more so aa thu older States
have tliuir Deaf and Dumb aiiylums elected at
the cost of the State, while in Oregon the Statu
has had to rent buildings for this purpose. Thu
r.'port also shows that in IK7-7 alargocxpcti.su
was incurred on account of sickness, owing to
1 10 pre.i3iiccof diphtheriai'i thcschool, of which
N0IN0 Davi. of Silverton, died. Tho repoit
speaks very favorably of the services rendered
Pie teacher, by Mr. Tuck, who in a graduato of
I Inst cm Deaf mute institutions and been very
Winhiugtou Territory is anxious toco. operate
with Oregon in Hitstainiug such an institution.
During a lato visit to thu ICut thu principal
visited many institutions of thu kind, and
upraks of having seen nearly '.'00 educated deaf
mutua who aru now teachers and t'peaks of the
intelligence developed by this system of public
iiHituction and thu groat good accomplished to
thi 1 unfortunate diss of citizens. Tlio princi
pal makci suggestions ai to thu course to ho
pursued by thu Slate to secure greater clllcicucy
iu thisdepartmunt. Mr. Knight has takm great
interest 111 thu succeis of tho Oregon Deaf Mute
School, and bla exertions barn tended to ad
vance tho conditions of its pupils, as wull as to
enlist a general interest on tho part of citizens
generally, and mure suitable pnivitiou from tho
legislature for thu maintenance af thu instlti
tieu, which has also had thu warm sympathy
of (Sovenior Chadwick duriiiu'his otlic:ul tcrmr.
Now lat02.ti.
Tho Mining ati.l Scicnt.ilo Picss Patent De
partment has received oillcial notice if thu is
sue of tho following pitcnti to P.ie'llo Coast
tSUSJ 11 till) ll'll""
i i.ontors, fof the week
V'lvtt Amos ltnwan, S,
jndiit; duly 10, I6S,
an I'ranciico, railway
tracks; Win. II. ( oUier, San Diugo, Caliioruia,
ixiuii stoves; Abraham Hrncg, Forct City,
i.'alifomia, automatic watei lifter; llyron dael.
xiit, Woodland, C.Jiforiiia, uraiu Ihriuher ami
siqiamtor; Hugh IV .lory, Salem, Oregon, bar
iiw hinges ;Sigisniuiid Kutnow, i-ati I'mucisoo.
anip!o oanU: August Mentha), S. P., glovot;
Aldun D. Killsini, Oaklatid, California, oil
ip; r!amuol Uainey, San I'ranolsco. tlna by
i.aut. Trndemarks -lluiuttll ft Simpkiiw,
a.l Fmuclhjo, ale mid porter.
Uarcntt b thi OiuQ'iltn of nn Arwiry.
tomoUmo a? 1 Ml. Cartrlght had a tumor it
movod froii his arm, the arm appon-.tsl to W
ifjttin along as we'l .-.1 couhl bo oxpoetod.
This iiiornin ; about f.iiu' o'olool; ho disciivoro'
that inn) of the small arteries had spr.mg a leal
and thinking that he wis bleed in ; t doath, h
mised tho alarm, Mr. Dvii ('. PiMtvon, who
wis in n:i ad)luiii: Mini h.'inl thoalaim aid
w -ut into his unw, hi fonu I tin bheid thiw' g
frnin Mr. Cartright'a arm pr.ifusds'.andafsitcd
all ho could to step tho tlow of bhunl. Di.
Jluyiiolds wax sent for ami m out n st-p to
tlio bleeding, and rxqiort Mr. Cnrtrig'it nsting
From tho Dilly Uncnnl, iiir. 'Jl
A. O. V. W. Orsanlscd,
Mr. P. ti. ('liver, of lint Oakland, Califor
nia, 1. S. M. W., of tho Ancient Order i.f
L'nitml Workingnu'ii, lRst uiht instituted r
Jo.li,'0 of that order in thu citv at t'oisl 'IV m
,'nr hall. Tho fotlowtn; olHeer v.oro ctivto.'
and iiwtnlledi A. U Sanson, P. W. M.; D. U
Cmii, W. M.;.l. P. Oiluiore, (I. P. .fobn Hot
iiutu, 0.;M. ft. Ilxrvanl, ft.; A. II. Mason.
P.ceordor, J. S. lm!tf, licouivor; T. .1. Moiri
m, 1'inanoieri II. C. Jnskti, 1. W.; K. D
Whitlow. O. ; and !r. It Holiuan, Kxam
ning Physician, t he lodge wilt uiiH;t Ti.eday
c: An taor llo.cc.
Sovcrat wiwks siiu-e a valuable horse lwtong
ng to Captain I. S. Seott dietl, it is Kilicud
frmi tho t'lleet o baing sprained iuwardh
whMe attacked to one of tho tiro enj;iut at the
time HiWoA dry housn hm burned A day
tir two siiiv'o another xalnablo horse lielengiui.'
to the CaitAin, (one cf a tuam valuol at 100
wan taken very iek, and last eveuiug departei
this mumUae sphere. The combiiusl Un oi
t the horse U Miwly fH by the V'aptxiu.
After 11 o'clock last evening whilo Special
ofilccr Gwyno and another man wcro scouting
below this city in tho vicinity of thiwTerminua
saloon, they camo across two men and a bay
near the forks of the road. Tho partios an
sweriug tho description of the rohbera, tho two
men attempted to capture them. Tho two mm
aided by tho darkncs3 made their cacapo, hut
thu iKiy was captured. Tlio !xy tslU hrietljr
and substantially tho following story:
His ago ii lOyeara, and his (initio is C'hrrlo
Schwartz. Ho aamo to thia place on tho ship
(leo. F. Manson, from Philadelphia. Ho loft
tho ship doon after alio reached Astoria. Soon
after, ho became iicqlotnled with two men who'
were stopping at 0110 of the hotels in. tho lower
portion of tho city, Tho tucu aikod him what
hu proposed to do now, that he had left the
vessel. He said hu intendod to looLabout and
see if he could gvUany work to do. The names
of theso men, young Schwartz, aaya, aro John
r,on anil llrown. lloth men told him that ho
was too good to work and that ho had bettor
go with them atil'he could do bettor.- Schwartz
says that ho anilMohnson went up tn Oregon
City to look for work, hut failed tn. Unci any.
Theso men seemed to tako a great fancy to
him, ami paid hbdloard at tho hoUi for a time,
While they wuro stopping at thu- hotel, ho
heard Johnson nud Drown talking about the
pawnbroker shop. Theso men went out almost
every day to look for work as thoy said. They
often brought hack apples, but failed to got
work. I lu said they camo back cursing every
time. On Tuesday morning they told him to-
stand at th j curlier of Second street,, whilo they
went into the pawnbroker shop. Ho stood
there a few miautes, nndraw them enter. Then
ho came down and went in. He- left tho door
a littlo ajar as ho entered tho pawnbroker shop.
Olio of the men told him to shut tho door, but
ho said. "What is tho nro of. shutting tho
doort" Tho man camo, and shotting tho door,
tciid: "Wo do not want evcryhudy to sco no.
Soli wait, aaid then llrown and Johnson stiuck
Mr. O'Shca outlio head, and one went through
tho safe whilo the other took the jewelry.
When they wt-ru t'et.: ted and the alarm given,
tho men told SchwurU lie must run and make
his e-capo with thom. Ho told thcin that ho
had .nothing to do with tho crime, nud that he
did not intend to leave. They told him ho
must run away with thcin, lor ho was aa deep
in thu crimo as they. Hu then started and
mdu his cscnjH tlrough the. back of tlio shop
ami out through tho store. After yetting away
from tho city, tho throo took to thu timber and
thus effected their escape,
aynutig SchwarU wa evidently pretty badly
frightened. Ho hi not villainous leo'ung by
any moans, ami dozens ot 1m.11 and bo,, s who.u
we sue on the street daily, l.au much harder
countenance than ho Ilia manner imiiettea
that h-U telling tae truth, and tho circum
stances of Ins youc'i mul Ids general appejr
linen d ir.ng our brief interview wi'h h'ui, pro.
diiced tho Imprussio.i tS,. hu has been led by
tho 1 ii'ii men into puathm in crimen that
will blast his whole Vi!o. Hu taiKs freely and
intclligeiitlv, nud hut for thu criminal asxiuia
tions would not impress any observer as a hard
Olhcers Hulson, ftrviie, and others, at once
started for the sccno of tho hoy's capturo, and
tho two men will bo followed up with all possi.
b!o vigor until they ,v caii-tht, which wo hope
or jtuticu'b take, and bo'iieio will not bu long.
A 1-vno riro.
On Tiiursday of last week, Mr. ?n.Ith, who
.ins tlio hunt ophite the two bridges lietwcin
;i'eii) Praiiieaud Howell Prairie, set lire to a
p In fcf brush about 100 yards north of the
bridge. Tlio wind was heavy frun tho north,
and t!ie llw spread rtpidly southwarl. Afur
dark it loaned thu road and caught in tho dry
imish of tho tlr trees, which had Ihicii cut last
",mi'i for tan bark, and spread furiously. It
I't.Twardi loaned over tho crook. n.l caucbt
!n forty r.orea of slashing which v.w soon
iitrot over. It then approached towarda
Wuoilwurth ft Hwmti'a stsam mill and oaiight
in a lar.'o lot of out oi'laud for sxw lo,;s at.il
W '.111 '!!. T.i m;ll l-a . t'ti .11 f-uirdajs,
bat Mr. Wo.Mlworth raised stcr.m quickly with
pit ii wool, i-nd in tweii'.y minutes, tho shrill
cry of tho whiitlu was hcird in thu settlements
around, and in a short time, about goveiit-iivo
men wero 011 tho ground. They llei'ainot
thu wind ii:hI by '. "-l toil all Mj'-t, .' it
thu lumber and other property nt fh- mill.
Sumo tan bar was burned, but otho'ni', 11 jt
much damago was done.
Howards OtTcrcd.
Tho Common Council of Portland has olfcrcd
a reward of $1,000 for tho apprehension of tho
men who rohlicil O'Shea, and also shot and kill
ed the boy Joseph in that city. It is also stated
that the county will oiler "rl.tHO and that a
purso of another 1,000 will bu inado up by
tiu r.iurclnut" of P.-.'.and, nuking tho tott.
ratvan'i ot'e'i il l.tHW. Tln.ro is but littlo irna
iibility i: tneir esuipu. a-s tho route thoy l.avt
taken i pretty wull knowr, and tiie ot'.ieers an
on the alcrr, closely watching tho . Movement
of all suspicion characters. Perhaps assa'iitis
and thievea will tlud that thoy ea.mot oponlj
and il.irinsly commit such outnges as that coin
mittcl in Portland without leing arrested and
summarily dealt with
Flro at Albany.
PetweenOand 10 o'clo.k last ' v.' niht,
say thu Albany Democrat, tiro was discovered
in thu rear part of Wru. Cannon's residence,
opposite the Democrat office. The tire-etitght
from hot ashes set away in a shed adjoining the
liotue, Imt was soon extinguishes! by the prompt
action of the lire department
Narrow Oa ijj lallKo4.
The Knterprise wants s narrow gsage rail
road from Oregon City to MolslU and Silver
ton. It would be a grand thing for Oregon
City, lint what of Salem? will ihe allow Ore
gon City to git thi itart of her ia that import-
Tho Desert to havo a Steam-Wagon.
Tho contract for currying- Hip ilnlly
mnll between Yuma ami Sun Diego lint
been Intrusted to Utisklll Brothers of
Campo. About 100 mile of the rotul lien
across the California Desert. Across this
stretch mnll nnd mHenpers are soon to bo
curried by.steam. Messrs-. Gasltlll nr In
dustrious ttix'entors anil lmv nbtiilnetl a
number of putents. One of their Inst In-vuntlnnsiaiiHtetiiii-wiiiron.ilFsIrxneil
particularly for traveling level iinilsainly
roads. A working inoilol litii been made
which fully demonstrates the practical
value of the invention. Ono'nf the broth
ers has jusj piirt'linsMd a mltnhlc eiigiuo
mid bolter ut Sun lrntisNco. of about
two horse power. Tno within will ho
nititle In their shop at Oampo. I' will
liavo twodrlvo wluels of seven feet lu di
ameter utitl twelve Inches wUIMi of tire.
The whole apparatus will weigh about
two thousand pounds, when supplied
with fuel and water and ready for htis
liies. It is Intended to make au average
speed of elicit or ten miles per hour, car
rvliie; (lvoor six persons and a moderate
welghtof baggage and malls. It will con
sume about ten gallons ofwaterperhour.
There is plenty of fuel lu the mescmlt
uroves on the desert and among- the wil
lows and cottonwoods on New Hlver and
the Colorado. One man can manage thu
whole thing. Messrs, Uasklll propose to
have ilio now nuiehlne milking regular
trips acroM the desert by Dumber lsti
A Narrow Zsonno.
Olio day lat week, says tho Dallas Uemizcr,
an old gentleman named TColaon and lib wifo
wero passing tho hottso of Mr. N. Lee, when
the old lady-a dress caught liro from a pipe she
wai smoking. Tho dress, being calico, was in
Hamcs in a moment, and being in tho wind. inado
it burn tho more rapidly. Ono of tho horses
bocamo scared and tho old man had liinhatid.
full trying to subdue it. (leorgu Lou happuni'd
to bo out milking, and seeing thu statu ofalfaira.
succeeded in beating it cut with his hat. Thu
old lady'a hands wero burned sovcrcly; tho
llcsli wai charred in somu placcJ. Shu wa.v
mado a comfortable m possible, but was in
great pain. Wo have not hiard fiom her since.
ltctumoU AU Ittaht."
Mnrr, ?.rown and his eonip.iny of volunteers,
have arrived at Albany all tu good spirits, and
able tciurtaku of their daily rations with a.
good relish.
Josh Hillings sayii lie known puoplo who nro
so fond of arllinei.t, thai tlicy will stop ami
"tiisputu with a iiidu-huaril ulioul thu ibstauco
to thu next town."
ltoolutloii or ilio Niuto Jr4vu,
VThirns, ttm order ot I'stroiM of lliibaudry or
tins Jtirtsilii'.ilon i.uu 1.11 iltlrliiit uilvou.it' i It
irli.ctpli'S, iiuvnivd o H'u li.icrml- nf ..jrrnlnir. .
iiu wiiereiis, tlie tVil.i.AMSTrK rAiin.n. iii.iiur Itx
orin'iil in inuoneiit, I 0111 It. II r 1 xi-ii nee ul our
Holer tu tins siHtr, lis i.uiimiI Willi li tnony ai.il
cousu'vi.ey lositi'si cc iirolijiitr-.il it itii.uiili ; U
.Ii oux'ily liloaiulul iltli I'm tmererts 01 nili:iil
l.l v. u nt fi)irl-' in lie oji luslllou to iiiiuniHi;i und
stl Imp-icr uric.tlni, in iu.itsl: linn ft ru
KumiIviI, 1 tin tun Mnh iirji.,'i Mil jit ImWiL-
I.IMKTTS KsHMKIt ils liRti'.i'll Ol-ll , bltllL' IIIO
111 it ri.ll i'xii iiiWi cat ii ol uur m cIlii'i- on ilio- JuiU.
diet ton, neiiiniiifnulni; 11 wiiffil j.lr. nif.; In die
put of inumburi. oi tlnMlidur thai i-l)t!l mslilu It
iniirli't"r st nn nir y il.iy to cularxe 1.I1J Iiiisti v
Ihiirjuiirnsl. ss we nmtertlil.il Is limit InUallon.
( VHuuteJ wlOiuut 1 l-Mii.t )
A EeniarkablQllosult
It makn no diltv-ri-i u- hovt iimhv Pl-yslo-Iiiii-,
ir laivt union homIioiiio yon linn, irlnl,
ii In now nn 1 h nlililn il isic lion lliriusn
Jyiop UlluMiiily ri n.nly w lih'li tin-ulven
1 Ollpb III SHtlHlHI'loll It. ll'.. (HM III 1, 11 n
(mi .i-ts. It Is liiii' thi if mo x-i ili ih-hiiiU
of pttr-Miis win r. pr.di-pp'iil HiTiiim. hint
LlllllClltfiClh II, I ll'l-IMI'li fun, HellKHfllHkl H
V-lliHil, oiVtiro "iild-i-iih mi id,. tn"-st,
Pooliiiiniii.t WI-xi'iMiix Cinigll. .Vo , wiiit
OhVi. HO i.isiiiint )iiiAli'ili it HkiIho'h
! IlllHII p'-llp. Ill SHI'll u .MHll I KHV Mint
fill ono i . 11 wcr.'.oM l-hi oir u ill out ono
Kiiupl 11 11 . Ci.ni U1 1 ill w.m i ji-1 in 11 Imi.
1I0. Hi'ii'srk y. 75 ctii h .n.,.i in u) l)ii.
J Ai '!' .
Buggies, Carriages. Hacks
OV II X11, .'.MP
tit Vehicles iUudlnil m Miort
."VoUcc. .
t 1111 1 new, or lm- a ciirl'iii- rn: Jut 10 timr no
llun. nlvuii a ra !, -n. v.u .lull iiio J,it wlist
iiil msiu !' tl ii 1 .rrli;ij)iiu luii; iitu:. njislrllK,
ivu can ilu It lu iri U stuoo.
K ,v t G uT
Salotn.Oct. 'JtM'
Between l'ortluml ami Sun Francisco.
Can bo iiiucluml nt Ilia urlncleal Station of the
- .o. .tu. It. it, m
Xloclxxoocl Xtcvtoei.
titeimcrs Icxro txnrt I'urtUml and Sin Krsnclrco aboat
Every Five Says,
rmvlnv' IM'stncrs ml Kirlch' t the M)WET
lt.TK. Il istUionly lliMrir)liijlliB W. S. MAILS
Tli'i Mcasirhlps or Un C'omtixny sie ratril A 1, aru
m i.cH-, clti'siit ou J (oniplito la evtry particular,
ami .oiiUl i'f the
State of Oregon.
(Sew ) S.OOU tuns burden,
George W. Elder,
U7K) tous.)
City of Chester.
(ISM turn.)
AjaX. (IU ton.,)
l-'-r T-1'h' or ix-., ml at lhOniiianT' ot-
a e, corLr Paul Kmri ijiiie, Coi-.tljimi,
t'-'ili MKtl. W. WfHILHt. Acent.
.trJiJ Xijkmt f-u. at Cnlnaltl Kipcllloo fat
4 tJkltim antltm &n4 mmnmm ul lulu. '
tS V lMi. . jitmif, T! txtl lUU
ir mvtc A or Mh Mti. Ir4-iwik U (IomIt
Mltvrl trrtnr twtt. that -- ami it
; vntjit. HuM fcy all !.. 6m4 for nmtx.
l WvrkcUBr. AtW, SaarrSAdM
.T. c;
ursr u.oi., uu
'?. H
22h II