Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 30, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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PATWfsor Hsbdy.
Jtr-John T. .Tonci.. Barton. 1'hllllp, Ark.
Mich"" oodman, I'aw IMw, Van Uoron,
Lfctunr-A. U Smedlcy, Crises, Howard, la.
auicpnl-X. J. anEhti, Memphis. Tctm.
Som "lwy-MoMlmCT Whitehead, Sllddlebusb,
j7nj;rfan-S. II Ellin. HprloohnroaKh. Warren. O.
TriMMtr-V. M. McDowell, Wayne. Steuben, N.Y.
AWarj-0. II. Keller. Loulslllc. ky.
Cmm-Amot-O. Dluwfddle, Orchard Grove, Ind.
VJ1'"-1.-John T- 'onus, lhutou, l'hllllps. Ark.
Mrii-Mrs. Sarancl K. Adams. Montlccllo, Minn.
ronwna- Mr Harvey ClmMard, North Granby. Ct.
Lady AuMant SUtcai -Mls Carollno A. HaU,
Louisville, Ky
I). XVyatt Aiken, (Chairman,) Cokesbury, 8. C,
K. It. HhanVand. Dnbnquo- Iowa.
Dudley T. Chase, Clsromont.N. II.
Aloneo O ,der, ltock Kails, Whiteside, III.
W. II. Chamber, Oswctehec, llusctll. Ala,
Mivttr.A. II, Shlp'ey. Oswsiro, Clackamu County.
Eecntary.X. W. llandall. Oregon Clly,
Tntuunr. Dnln rlmltb, Lebanon. Linn County.
KttfuUct Oomnltt't, A. H. Shipley, Osvtesro,
Clacktnr.s Coanty; U. V. Hunt, Bubllmlty, Marlon
Connty; A. Holder, Corva)lti, Denton County,
State Grange Deputies for 1878
Vot l OJflci. Krprttt.
A Hsldcr Corvallls Corrallls
0 N Wallu Oinby
Thomta Smith Hiker City
W It Uray Aa'.orla Astoria
JN T Miller Jacksonville Jacksonville
Joseph l'ol ock ..Lett ml
Foston Knox Crcswcll
Allen llond Kuucnu City
T W Cnlvln
riymplon Kelly Eact Portland. ...East Portland
Jacob Jrhusnu " " "
J W lUtcMdur iluttovlllo
Win M Ulllcary 'lurner
J A Hlchardson TnaUtln
J W Happlnctnn... .Gaston
U H LaugUlm North Yamhill
wasiiinutom TEiuiironr.
W II Thomas Walls. Walla
Triors Throscll.... Dayton
Thu townsnlonirtlio lino of the Narrow
ton coiiBldenibto extent, bullilliiu; ware
houses fco At I'crryilulo McG row's ware
house Ih eomp'eted and Ih receiving Rriiln
while the next Important feature (?) Ih n
Kaloo.i, will bu running In full blunt inn
building now liclng erected for that pur
pone. At Dalian, the present turmlinw of
thoMHul, tliliiKnlmveelianKcd to a remark -nblo
decree; business ncemH to have
crawled outof the channel which have
been holding her progress In eheok for
years, and in new life has Hprting up
whluh blilH fair to leave the old time
liabltM mid thlngn of the pant. A'umt
iwontydwollhigs have been and are be
ing erected; a large depot building near
completion, and before many day havu
elapsed Kovvral business buildings will
have received the "llnbihlng touohes."'
l'oor MoMlnnvlllo mid Amity! they win
to bo totally proscribed from the Held of
commerce, compared with surrounding
towns. And what Ik the reason of thlH?
Again we repeat: "The gods help those
who help themst'lvH." Reporter.
Article or Incorporntloc.
Tho following nrtlcIcH of incorporation
were Hied on Friday in the office of the
County Clerk In Portland:
The Columbia River Portage It. It. Co.
Incorporators U. H. ft'eutt, ',. J. Hutch
and H. H. llrown. I'urpose to build u
rnilrond uround the rapids of the Colum
bia river on its left bank at tlm Cascnden
and Dalles; capital Htouk, $27.r,000. KacU
share, $100. Place of busliies, Portland,
ThoOregouStaatz Zoitung Publishing
Co. To publish a ncwsp:iier In German
and English language, in tho City of
Portland, Oregon; capital stock, S5.000.
Incorporators, O. P Mason, J. Folkmen,
Henry Heschelnen and Geo. Herrall.
Prisoner Brought Up.
Shwr'tlf Twilight mid Chiefof Police llarrj'
came tip from Astoria laat evening, having in
charge three iwrson who w cro convicted at the
Iiwt term of court. They aro Nicholas Klnrcn
tine, an Italian fiuhcrinan, whogooa to tho pen.
iiitcntiary (or ono year on a charge of larceuy ;
II. 0. Keuman, for three years on a charge:
of an0D. Xvuman was n Iwker, and gavo m a
reason for the act, that if ho Lurucd out Mr.
Kinder there wonhl heonoltakcry lean and huci.
ncaa with htm would improve. Ho was gteatly
exercised lxcauso lln, 1). had declined his
offer of marriage. And Ah Sing for ono year
c a charge of larceny.
Tho VeiocJpcdo Nutsanoo.
The running of velocipede. in this city has
got to U a uniaance. The City Marshal has
done all in JfiU jtoucr to prevent this in the
banitir s par of tho city, but thcro is nothing
to b tek him in it but a resolution passed some
years ago, and the binding force of which is
miw brought into question. I.-vst Friday one
of these vehicles passing a team hitched' to a
t'no rig fn Liberty street came near leing tho
caute of a very expensive smash-up. The
hones Lecamo frightened, and in their ttfnrtt
to get'away ono of them was thrown down, but
fortunately no serious damage was done. The
City Council ought to pass an ordinance pro.
liilr.ting the running of these things inside the
city iuuits, and making pareuts responsible for
all accidents whicliniay occur by theufcoofl
VViocjjHxies in wuiAuoii ui me uwororuiuance.
Tlie ninth annual fair cf Union county, talcs
place October tie 7th. It u. expected to le a
grand luccess. j
PBosPERrrv or the united states.
Facln and figures show that our country is
rapidiy overcoming thn losses ecciiioncd by
the civil war, and the balance of trade from
being generally against us, has changed to be
largely in our favor.
Itecent statistict from the Treasury Depart
ment shows that during tho year which terniin.
nted June 30, 187S, tho cxiwits of goods tho
produce nnd manufacture of tliu United States
exhibited n magnitude never before attained,
tho valuo lieing SO.CSS.TIIS, Mhich, added to
the value of foreign products, 9M,'JOO,-(0J, "B
gregated $JW,S4H,20O. The imports of foreign
oonimoditics during the same period fell to
$437,051, 033, showing an excess in thu value of
cxiwrts over imports of $257,8312,007. As com
pared with the trado in tho year immediately
preceding, the changes were as follows: An
increase in the valuo of domeitiu exports of
S91,013,A74, in those of foreign production of
31,3li.Vi0t - ct increase of $11:2,(03,080
while in the valuo of merchandise imported
there was a decrcone of 14,'J71,5'.3. Tho -cess
of exports over imports was therefore
greater by 3100,OSO,573 in tho year 1878 than
in 1877. Of sjnjcie and bullion tliu total exnorts
were $33,733,2,J."., nnd tho imports ?I2l,8:21,313,
an excess in tho exports of $3,011,11 112. The
total movement of merchandise and specie dur
ing the last flcal year was ns follows: Exports,
$7i2S,tll7,-l'J.'i; imports, SICO.ST'AWtJ; excess in
exports of $2ill, 744,571'. As compared with
1877 thu cxiKirts wero greater by .V.l,07t,y(,
the imports less by $'-2."i,2,J4,li94, nnd tho appar
ently favorable balance greater by $!)5,C04,lt!:2.
We arc therefore in the favorable condition
ns n nation, balancing our accounts with other
nations, of possessing nn income imrc titan two
hundred and sixty millions of dollars greater
than our expenditures. While, no doubt, the
increase of wealth nnd property created within
our own borders by successful trade production
and manufactures is fully tip to the same
Our country is not only becoming independ
ent of other countries, as a manufacturer anit
producer in all branches of trade, but wo are
actually entering foreign markets as competitor
with dreat llritain, even sending our cotton
goods to Manchester.
To givo an oxatnplo of tho great independence
wo are attaining m a nation, we will state that
during the eleven years previous to 1874 our
imports averaged in excess of exjwrts nn hun
dred millions of dollars a year, while in tho past
live years tho exports have steadily increased
so that in 1S7S the exports were $7128, 01 0,4 25,
imports $lt)0,S7:2,:MU a most renmrkablo and
satisfactory showing in our favor ns a nation;
showing actual prosperity that cannot bo
d ou'i ted.
One effect of this gnat incrraso of our exports
has hectt to re luce the amount of our national
debt owed abroad, ns payment for this tycew of
exports boa bctrchieiiy made by return of our
national seciiriSWi It is estimated that at tho
present time not more than one eighth of the
national debt (say about $200,000,000) is owned
abroad, while a few years ngo tho bonded debt
of thu United States was chiefly held in foreign
countries. Thus we gradually relievo ourselves
ns n people of tliu burden of paying interoit
All things umsidcrcd, thu United States are
a prorperous nation, and this prosperity must
bo generally felt as the burden of foreign debt
decreases nud wo can i etaiu tho surplus of 1 cmo
production as a capital fund for tho fuller de
velopment of our homo cuteruriccs.
Supposod Loot Chita.
This morning a little child of Mr. Ulack's
who Iateloy moved in tho city and who lives
in Hist Salem was found missing from thu
mothers presents. Mrs. lllack commenced
search, and not lluding tho child aboit the
premises gavo tho alarm to tho neighbors who
joiuetl in the March, but the search proved of
no avail. Tliu mother then sent word to Mr.
lilack who is employed on tho ltmu, that
their little girl was lout. Ho immediately rush
cd home very much alarmed. Hut lo nud Imj
hold, when ho arrived there tho lost child had
just been found. .She had crawled under the
bed and gone to sleep, where she was found ly
the mother.
Making n Tour or tho Btnte.
William Hoyncs, of Chicago, associate edittr
of Pomeroy's Democrat, called this afternoon.
Mr. Hoyneu is u young man of pleasing address,
and n graduate of law. Ho is securing data of
this coast to write tip a book, which he exjieeU
to publiah shortly, nnd u ishes to give correct
iiuforniatiou, and for that purpose has comu to
this coast. Ho will vsiit Southern Oregon and
returning go to Kasteru Oregon anil Washiiigtoii
Territory btforo going Kast.
Means Butlnc-aa.
Sheritf ISakcr 1ms commmeuced making good
his warning niado a short timo ago is refereneo
to forcing t'uj nit nt of dclimjueut taxes. This
morniug ho too!; pottcaiion of a horso and
buggy for thteo years delinquent tax claimed as
duo from one of our citizens. If tho taxes aro
not paid within a few days, the Shciir will ad
vertise hore and buggy for sale. Shreill' Maker
will enforce the Liw against all delinquents.
Capital Lodge No. II I. 0. (,' T last Friday
tiled article of incorjoration, with Ira l!rh,
James CuSi-e and Seth R. Hammer cs Incorpo
rators. Tho Kaat Oregouian ajya that business is be
ginning to look up. The roads are again
crowded with freight teams, and from all ap
pearance, the people hse gono to work to m
gain what was lost by the Indian raid.
ill I nsvai-wiia
A nw log delivered t Tac.ima K!en 7,00i
feet, Loud niiAsuretr.ent. It u nearly six feet
ia diameter sal twtiity-fot-r foot long.
Aaoicnt Orrtcr or United Workmen.
In oar notice of tho organization of a lodge,
on Friday night latt,"m this city, of tho Ancient
Order of United Workmen, it read " Working
men," which is incorrect. This order is no
new or tlashy movement confined to this coast,
but has been organized and in npcintbi! for
soverul yours in thu Fast, and has proved Mte
ccssful nud profitable to the communities in
which they aro in operation. It believes in the
existence of n Cod, the Creator and preserver
of tho Universe, nnd leengnics as a funda
mental pnnciiial, that ttxiftilucss t ourselves
nnd others is a duty which should be the con
stant aim nnd care of nil. The aim and purpose
of tho Order is to givo equal protection to all
classes and kinds of labor, mental and physical,
to improve the moral, intellectual and social
condition of its members; to endeavor by whole
some precepts, fraternal admonitions nnd sub
stantial aid, to inspire n due appreciation of tho
stern realities ami responsibilities of life; to
create n fund for the benelit of its members
during sickness or other disability, and in cae
of death to pay a stipulated sum to such person
or persons os may be designated by each mem
ber, thus enabling him to guarantee his family
against want
Coat Salem Hohool House.
In our meaudet'iues through town we noto
the improved appearaneo of the Central school
building; and in conversation with a gentle
man from Fust Salem school uoighliorhood,
the question was raised: Why docs not this
school house receive the ame attention? Think
ing that perhaps theie was good ground for
this complaint, we took a look nt the last
named building, and found that the complaint
was not without foundation; for tliu building
is in rather a dilapidated condition, and a
coat of paint has become actually necessary for
the preservation of tho building as well as
thu looks of the same, and should be applied
liefore tho schools aro opened. Attention has
been nioro particularly drawn to this building
by its being situated so that almost everybody
passing our city on the trains see it, and it has
been made thu subject of very severe criticism
by those who have occasion to pass by tho ,
Bcrclory In Couth Salem.
During Saturday night last, burglars effected
entrance in the rear of Owens brick store by
i. i,i .!., .,( ..!-.. n..,l milKin.. !,..
....- xi. n .... i : 1...
llllUi. 'll. UHtiia llttllllj, l.WIWM " w 1. ,.w
store on Sunday morning, discovered the back
door standing ajar, which led him to nee If any
tiling was missing. On investigation he found
they had taken nWit sixteen plugs of tobacco,
a fow cigars, a doren pocket knives, nnd about
15 cents in live cent pieces. They got a caudlo
,..! nniA,..1...1 tnnvpjiiiiiii tlm kaii. but for r.nino
reason dil not attempt to open it. The safe ' thought nothing morn of them until 1 arrived
contained only n few dollar, Mr. Cw-gn being J home, when my mother, Mrs. F.mjly Cox, told
careful 'never t' keep lavge amount of money " f two Very strange acting men whoeamuto
in it at a time. Tho burglara ovid-ntly took ' er residence lit 3 o'clock nud asked for water,
their time in searching for what they wanted, j They stilted that they were hunting beis, and
as a groat portion of the caudle was burned off. wanted to go into tho orchard to see if any ere
it being a whole one taken out of tho Ikix is at work on tho fruit, which privilege was lead
soon as they entered. , ily granted. In a short time soino bonus run-
ning in tho orchard iMicamu suddenly frightened,
Anclont Order or Hibernians. ',, my IIUltlt,r nl,Ilu.i.mdititt that soinuthing
M. Hogan, of Portland, Oregon State Dele j wa8 wrong, hurried out and found that tho colt
gate to tho Ancient Order of Hibernians of this ' m wm HCjrated from tho other two horses,
State, organized a division in tills eity last Sat-1 wi,j,., Wl.rc closely cornered in the fin titer end
utilay evening, with the following ofiicers: I'.II.
D'Arcy, County Delegate; 11. Coffey, President;
P. Foley, Vice President; J.J. Kencaly, Record
ing Secretary; Daniel CoCoy, Financial Secre
tary; Louis ltyrne. Trcaiurcr. A vote of thanks
was tendered by the division to M. Hogaii for
., . , , , ,, .. , , , .
the earnestness and real exhibited by him in
organizing divisions ami furthering the interests
of tho Ancient Order in this State.
now is This for HlRtiT
T. II. Parrot t, of Fast Portland, leader of tho
Fnst PorUand baud-, has jiut received from
Philadelphia tho smallest cornet that was ever
exhibitel in this State. He had it made to
order on purjosj to blow the high notes in tho
Washington Gimrd band. Tliu comet is in A '
fiat, a fourth above K fiat, and perfect in tune i
and tone. Thcru is no necessity cf having!
clarionets in brass bands, as this instrument t
plays tho highest note.
It is a perfect beauty,
and under tho strong lips of Tom wo shall no
doubt hear from it soon. Rut Portland Call,
Nearly A Row
One night last week a young man of this city j
who ought to bo in better btuiuesf, to pass
an evening with one of tin questionable charac
tors of this city, while there, got intonlittlu
dillleulty with one of tho women, which came
mar resulting in a regular row. Wo withhold
tho name thUtimo in hopei that the lesson may
prevent bis lepiating the call, but such conduct
by young men who move in gjod society can-
not, and h ill not be tolerated by the people of
Talk t1ut your fine pcache -and ray they
ca'tlerai4edh, Oregon! This afteriUK... P.
II. Hatch, of this eity, brought into our otiico
a basket of as lino lus.-ious jteachos as grow in
any country. Mr. Hatch wa'i exhibiting tho
pe.whes to nhow wliat can be done in Oregon,
Ho left scleral with iw as samples. Tho trou
is nearly Uu years old, and has lre. jx-.uhes i
alswt four yearr. I-r.st year ho gathered five '
Ixishel of fine peachcM olf the tree. The fruit
resembles the Karly Crawford.
Captain .Starr gets 35,000 ler acnum for ir
tying thu Diimuiion mails ltw'crj rortTown
seud and Victoria. Thu I-nlsd now maLesthice
trips jier week, although tto o
fbo v iitroct only
calls for two.
uainaway ixigooi uooa umpiars uoiu its
regular inieting at the ball oa Liberty .Street, '
all members oi tho order are ii.viU'd and will
be made welcome.
Burglary -Attorn ptctl Asonssluntton.
Some time during Friday night tho hnuso of
Mr. Jacob Smith, nn old and highly esteemed
citizen of Carlton, located along the west side
railroad a few mites from St. Jo, was entered
by two burglars and an attempt made to assas
sinate him. During tho warm weather Mr.
Smith was in the habit of leaving his window
open in order toget the fresh nlr. Friday night,
as it was oppressively warm, he also left the
door of his room ajar. About midnight Mr.
Smith was awakened from n sound slcej by
some ono whispering in his room. Naturally
enough ho moved in bis bed, which wns a suf
ficient notice to tho burglars Unit their presence
lirtd been discovered, lleforo Mr. Smith could
effect his escape or even raiso nit alarm one oi
tho burglars sprang upon him, nt the saire
instant striking nt him with a knife. Realizing
to tho f"llost extent his danger, Smit!; threw
up his arm nnd wnrdo 1 off the blow and then
grappled in deadly earnest with tho robber.
A desperate struggle followed, during which
Smith punished his antagonist very sevcrley,
sending in his blows thick and fast, receiving
in return scleral ccvoro thrusts from the robber.
The tight was of very short duration, and the
robber finding his pal had deserted him and
left him to fight it out alone, broke away from
Smith, nnd springing through the hnlf open
window effected his escape. Smith's injurim
aro severe, but not considered dangerous. Tho
men evidently intended to burglarize the prem
ises, but on being discovered did not hesitato
to attempt murder to successfully accomplish
their purpoe. -Oregouian.
Woolen Mills.
The Ashland Woolen Mlllj.says tho Tiding',
are now manufacturing the best quality of flan
nels, caxsimcrc and other styles of woolen
goods. Their blankets are superior to any in
the market nro in demand more rapidly than
thoy can be iimnufnctttrcil. A two-thousand-dollar
order was received n few' days since from
a leading mercantile firm in Portland, which is
nowbeintilled. Salem hns not enterprise enough
to rebuild her woolen mills. It is not for thu
lack of capital, for the capital is right here at
ionic, sullicient to build thu milt nud start
several other paying enterprises, in manufac
tories. The trouble is, some of our capitalists
cannot see that they can as readily receive a
i.lrgU ,,rolit from those industries, nnd nlso
build up out city, ns thoy do by placing their
money m other channels that ilo not lienellt
I tllu community at largo as well as themselves.
SitAK.urov, August 127, 1878.
Mu. Kmroit: While waiting at thu Com
mercial hotel for tho Silverton stage, to-day, I
noticed in ft Portland paper a mintito deserip-
tioii of tliu Portland robbers and murderers. I
of the enclosure, near a dense thicket; but tho
villains, seeing that they were watched, tool:
to tho brush. Now t lies') fellows answered so
accurately the description in tho PniUnud pi
pers oi ltrowii ami .loluiMon that I li.tvu not tliu
least doubt but they nro the Mine chaps, ami
would advise our neichbors to lie on the lookout,
not for that ftUX) rewrd.but in order to shadow
them with an old Siirinutield. or slip a handful
of buckshot into their leather before they know
where it comes from. !. M,
Washington Industrial Association.
Hon. Francis Henry has been selected to
deliver the opening addtess, and Hon. If. '.
Strove the annual address, at the coming Fair
of tho Washington Industrial Association. Tho
exhibition ojhiis on the I2d of October, and
continues tin days.
A Big Ran.
Mr. Icwis Savage ycstonlay threshed 1,800
bushels of wheat, from 1 o'clock A. v. to 7 1'. .
This was done on the farm of Charles Sweogle,
two miles last of Malum. Mr. Savugo uses u
Chi i ngo Pitt machine, propelled by n Peltoii
borto power. Who utu beat it ?
It ii reliably rejmrted that a miinW of In
dians are yet in tho mountain, or in what is
known as Ply Valley, Several men have re-
turned from that section of country and rejioit
flesh signs seen every day. It is suposci a
uumlier of wounded nio in there. Ono ludiau
was seen by John Crisp and others. They ought
to Iki looked after.- Kant Oregouian.
, , , , . ,
Hops of litbt year'it growth Hell In Bun
FratihlHco nt from to -I cents per pound,
w'llluoin.raof from lf.eents are made In
'""', for Hiolro lots of thin yearn
'l'' ,
'Po Olympi.t Standard sayu the railroad from
that place to Ttnino has lieguu in good earnest
to do a fair freighting busliiiiso.
Pelton Horse Powers.
'i csll attention to thu ?dvertisHinpiit on
our fourth ptgn of two Dint-clius l'ol ton
Horso rowers, nllered lor sU at cost by Mr.
I'ellnii the Inventor and uisker, Thn poworH
eiii bu seon nt lint hi nnd door factory of
Uoothby it Stp!e!on,on Front St., Ksloui,
nnd Inquiry rsu b mud't ni Mr. i'eltait or
W.V Itoothhy. Tlrosii powers are the best
Hindu Hii(i olil In the HiHte.snd owing to elr-
euiiiN'.Hticns will hs f-old stcost, whluh will
bo Kroat oliloct In -ny persons needing
huuIi msohlneH. Wo 11 1 vo that a bsrgitln
rsti m had and kdyUeour friends ' - for
tbomeilves, aulUiul
Cento rvLllc.
This is tho name of a tlouri'hiug little villatfo
just started on Wild Horse near what was for
merly known as Richaid's station. The town
site was selected, surveyed and plotted only it
fow months ago. Then, not a house was there,
now there is a largo Agricultural Hall, one beef
mnrkc, one drug-store, one grocery st re, one ,
hotel, one livery stable, ono li.trness nhop, one'
blacksmith vh;. one school house and n Hum- "
lnr of other b'lildiugs and iisidcnces, and still
they continue to improve. Tho village is in the
heart of a gil farming country, nnd if it eon
Unties as it lias bemttt, will soon ! a towiti ' .It
is 'Hunted nloillt tlitce tni.ei fi.n Westoji and
lias a hea.it'' d t v..i.i.ni. Vr. Thus. Kirk is the
proprie i i n in Miur in w town. -LF-sst
Soceia. h nta Cue Co., Nov. SO, 1S-7T,
Mcrs I'luier. sox.
I'roiulvtors Mscuetlc Rlstle Truss;
(Ipiits-i tn'cle.wo to elve sou injr mi-oUotlrd tes
timony with rriMiil lo tliu rlliescy of jour Truss In
tiroiliiitnin tuifect cure. 1 lisvu worn nno wlitrli I
lioulitor )bti aliout Minyrnrseii, sua 1 flinl myelt
nt tills nt l'Kltl'KCTI.V ( l"HW. Thsnklni; joa
for tlinndice)ou nno sml tho remits irinluciil liy
your Truss, I remslii onts, etc..
A Remarkable Cure!
Han rcANCl'eo, Nov. IT. 1HT7.
Do l'iriierj-Desr Sli: On tliu iWiii ilav ef .tunc
1877.1 purchsscil cue or imr I'ttrnt Msvlirllc hlssilc
Trusses, wlilcti I hive worn eonstsnlly, eonlli.t,' to
thu illrvctlons veil cave, and 1 now llml It lms entire
ly cua-i rue of It-ii'nru This 1 ronslilrr remsrks
lile, ns I nm nearly l.n.v jeais eld sml line worn srl
oiis'lrussFS, liicluillUk' lir, Hlietniin's, will nut re
culvliuc tlio leo-l leiullt; In fact, the fnneir I mom
them tho worse 1 became. You msy Liihllsli ihl. let
ter. IT you desire, unit I hopn tlist others silllctej
with Hernia who rcsil this will slvo ynr renin')' a
trlsl. Ihsnklne yon for thn srest bciient you bare
done mo. I remalu. tiu'y yniir-.
'Vi Itltcti mrcct.
The Latest Cure!
Hn Kium'Im o, April SI. 18"s.
This will certify Hint hy wesrlne l. I'Iitci-'s
MsKiicllcKlastlc Truss' about KfilllT MONTIIH,
uluhl and ilny, I hsnlieeun inlclily rnreil of thu
Ituptuto with which 1 hive hi ire red ilitrlhi; the ptst
twenty-six yens.
My itupttito ivr.s voiy liful. romlni; otit ss Isreess
nir two 11. ts, c instil.- cretl sln nml Htiniiyniicv,
Tho Miiutietlc r.Isstle Truss " krpt tuy lliipiuru In
phien tirnruly, wltlifliitcsiislinr mo the 'esst psln.
f Incn thr Tr.iss Imsciirnl n.e I hno g'no without It
for uiiny ilsys nt a ituw wltliu.it nn (mllrstlous of a
recurrcHft', thnucli working hnnl nil thu tlnu, and
tlierefi.ro 1 slen insill a well ninn.
Ftrimati in tlu employ of the v.'. I. It. It. Co,
IT m'C'TStliri7M!iui nt onvn (or
tltll'Mlsi IllllNfl'Jtt(l ItUOli
ami I'llrc 1. 1st.
Wi Ssrrannto st., SAN PIIANCWCO.
Juno 13 Vm eowflp
ACdlol J. HOW:) K KUN, UlkUSWunl 6l.,lM.lutjh, IV
Admlnistintrlx' Said.
NOTICi: Irt HhttfillV OIVKS THAT iiii'i:ast
in mi order of tho Couuiy Court of Msilon
county, Strttn it Uiec n, iiiaitu nt Aueiiit IKSIerni
of sutii L'ouit. 1 wilt sell hy puMIc miction, for void
coin of the I'lillcilHtntrs, to lm pslil nt ilmiMif snle,
on tt.iilhiliiyor HiplemlerlK7s, si 11 o'cli rl; M., on
lliKpriiJitses, In thu iiivmiiiI .lellernwi.ln slo enmity,
IIioioIIoivIik; ili-crllieil real estate, lielouelu to tho
estntu of Ah-sl'im Hmllh, ilec ased, ti wit: llrijlu
nliitf ut s point on thu i-stt ImiiU ol thu Hnrillmrn
rlvur.Ul.lsj ihalc iiorlli of Dm southwest comer of
thn donation land claim of .lamb Coust ami wife,
and running; thneast shout tlvurbalnstoln ersect
thuinldoluof Maluitreit nilhuclty of 4rirvrson, ir
utendisl; thencn north slnnit tint aalil line of Mala
stiuit, to tin sntilncsst corner of thn lot known as
the A, 1. Htlltsoiislotu btilldlni; lot; thrneu west to
thuNsutlam rher; tloiif o i outherly nlnnjf hn mean,
dnrlnsnf sstd rhnrto tho place i f lieulmiliie, In
clmlliiit the ittwinlll sltuntcd t tereon, and ail tho
water iithlleeas am) ihrl.t of way for water, anil nil
thn irmmiMits, liiriillnimiits and annnrtriiancea
llierrniilu hdlniiuhu:, Als, another tiaittflsnd
houniliil tml discrthid ss follows, to-wll: lleln
lilru bi a ixdnt on tho west lion of thn donation Is E1
chi in of Jacob l'ouer sod wife. In T. 10 M. It, .'I W.
of Ihu Willcnat'.O -Meiliiii,.'l.'Si chains noitlsirly
imiii mu roiiiawuurorin-r in saiiicitim, aim runmni;
thence southerly alone said wi st lino .'W.tfl chains tn
suld simttiwe-i rurner of said rU'm: thon:o nit
HNIdislos; tiieiieunortti to a point dun tait of thu
place of iH'ulnntiiCi thininwert to thu place of bo
Klliuliiir, suit coi.lsliilu sbiiut "I acres of lar d, All
of raid mi sl.Lito to Marlon county. Oreeun.
Aiicustn, W,, w I
Forintrly In DmMu's llloeb. ba Just optned a Larvo
nnd louipliitu hunk ol
3?"XT3FiL3iTI T?TJH.E3
Oarpt'ls Oilcloihs, .Matilngs,
Houso Furnishing Goods.
Next to Ddlrymplo V Ilrnwn,
Lowest Cash Rates!
Willamette University.
1. pbrtiuciil, will t.rirlli Mliusy, Sipt .', li'.S. with
Ihtfi'lowiiu liisiruuiirs. T. M, i5tiii, I'ri.llo I:
iL-oin,K II. (Ol.nni VUllemstlcs Hid Nat. men e;
Kll.ts J ('iliUm.iil.IN, I'lropiri ss; .Mil-, JntKiU
IIOI.UAH, AtnCllllltl.l IllpSltUUIlt; ClidHLLA.M, Al-
Les, s u.le.
for full luf innutlon tddros tlm IVeildi nt. or
J. A 8TltAt1U.
Jtlii'-Vs. Islf Aeenl. Ka'ein. tirsk-OD,
lli- uo morn .1IICTAI.
TltilH-IiH. Ilo morn suaerlni;
row Iron Iroparr steel sprigs I
I,leren's l'alrnt .fluciietlo
i:iuaUo Tril.H
js vvni wl',h esse aid cemfort
" v mhi.t am i,u,uii win per
I nn ladi nl hi v wnn all ntheis all. Header, If
.l..af u..... u...l ...i. w.ltu. .1 ll LI I
,',wiu ,j ,i,- ,',( .iu .', itv, iiiv, iv n'iu
' H I'trateit llix.w fit prlie I.M. MAnNKnU
"Lsoir II l'f ( yiA. tll)Hrrairentoa..
N CIIA-NrfC . I 'I. fsirr-n.tly u.all to ml
iJlla nl ihs. ui.M t( h rl.lsl
'41 1 Ul t."", V.Ot iJt J
' M fj