k I 'il fr. :V I IUCCED ITKIIT rlllUAT,Br O I.. A It KM At CBAIG, rUBMMIElM AND rilOI-MBTnita. N. A. f!L.KKB. D. W. !HAI. Term or KnbucrlpUon. One copy, one jcnr(Mnnrabers) Ono copy, fix monthi- (M nntr bem) ...... Ono eouy. thre month (18 titimWiO ... ...?2.fi(t .7 A. BALKm7 FUIDATr' , A UOUST 30 1878. THE TRAMP NUISAJKCE. No ilotiM nbout it, tlio tr.iriitH uro in Oregon, ami no ninnll iitimtar of thum at that, fortlioy Ugin to niako thoni'ilvts mble in tho towns nml tiro Maniltnng and prowling through the country. The nvorago tramp liai not thuuurgy to acinnro blanket or to own two BiiitK of clothe", but Iivch from hand to mouth, UgH when ho cannot Urrow, anil never Iiai nny thing to lenil or givo away hut what in ni worthier ft" hix own worthless ntlf. Ho Iuih comu to Oregon to try tho U mfit of change of nir anil climiito inailo im.ililo ly the nominal lata of iiawiagortHultingfrom rlwirii competition in Ocii travel. He lives not Ik cuiiiw ho w.nks hut Wauco ho won't xti.nf mi long ax thero ii plenty in tho land, and ho can hg it orJhtlp hiniKilf to hiH fhari'. A tirUm proportion of iinrfellnwim.il Muro Ixirn without energy, mi. hitlon and nclf reHpicU and while under onlina. ly eiii-uinntauccH they might live or cxnt on mjiih) jiowihlo tiniiM, lint . hharp competition occuring for tho world'M fuvotT, and occiaion for energy and stability arning, they drift milmilo the regular clianm-ln of trade and abandon tier maiieiit occupation!! to pick up what un lo had with tlm leant IuImii-. Wo doubt if any hialthy and intluiitiiouH man, ablu and willing U do a good, wpmrii day'M work in timm of ordinary prosperity need ho unemployed. If he m thnlty and inn-team h tact, ho can generally work for hiui.elf, will noon aeiiiiro property anil Ix-come an employer, nn 1 farniK, public workn and work until ik maud an iinimnhu fori o of w nil diitciplined laW to cupply tho MrId'H multiply itig neeiln. Tho tramp haH hut KKr idea of lifo and tho HKrrxt ponniblo opinion of laW. Il eombincH In hiniHelf many rcqiiikitcM for rrimnality and on tho raeti increaoi murden and theft inenae. While wo Hhouhl H,vfntwtliio alw.iyn with poveity and iiiinfortiim wo nuil vtato tioHyni pathyon the wandering v.igahond who has no iimhition to help himetf ami will tell .my Ijlng htory ho can invent toelotho hii link or till hii belly. TrampH nro an outgrowth of our time Unit mock our civilization and tlngnico wicicty. Koiiittlliiiitrin wrouir, it nay lio in thuetrtiytuto iifhoetety that ir..'.!.m tho ixiatancu of null a clan possible. Wo boant of ourfrvo government mid claim tho largest porixmal liberty, whilo it in evident that with tho l.i.t ilu-wof i-itiin " oxtiaonliiiary -iiiial privilegen am iieccary, and with tho text they uro not ileeiraMc. t'l'iuo hyatriii of govirniuint may bo framed in tho futuro not in the priiint that can punriuitid to all a fair condition of frtedom, and jet icitratn tho liltcrtien cf tluo who are comparitively worthless and compel them to at least cam their own iiuppurt. Too much freedom, too much right and pnv ilegen, too much ltc iimi and la iiiihh, we venture to miggont w what breed tramp. I'lthap the legmlatuio may iIcviho home pUu to ivmjxll the trump li keep hii dm tance. Wheat Crop of tho Eaitcrn States, Tim whot crtip In tbn Mlnnifhlppl Valloy HtHtoH In n'portetl Infivlor In iiiHllty and o low thu rivumge yield of lanlyeitr, m iimcli ho that wlillu tht InorenwMl acreK0 W ono third liioro than In lh?H thero U it probability Hint llio ylwlil will nKKrK"tti I-01- Wp'" mi iinlitli.ltKi1 In t'lilpjtio wliluli atiow thU (O lid llin Miiilitlon of the wlitml Cliip, lu Hvonigo yl old iHirwrn. for Mlunta, WW .x.u.ln mid Iowa not b Ing over I2H buHieU imr nro tt irMnt year aKli-t 17 W bifli- tUUst year. ThU tlwllolto' ylold in that treat wheat itrwiuclni; reulon may iimvuitiikniNMIINKVMINI1 ( pp. o . coimlJerntilit etltK't ou the wheat market ptiunld Kuroe look to Atuerlm for iu uninil Mtppiy. ItUKiMMt Moittiit. W take pleaMtrn in I'AlllitK attention of horne-men nd Mock men generally to the .dvor.).ennl .f Mr.j Wiii.l.w tveteilnary nretin) whk-h i IerH In thin Issue. Mr. I .en make a pe elalty ofivlterlni: rldclltiK horwiHund py. Iim cattle, which liotlJiet by prooe not lollowed by any one eUoon thin eiwut, atul with micli mirceo! that bo informH ti that tie hat lately altertnl rldxlliiK boroek anil uiithurUtHl fit nwnere to put Ihem liiiuiedt. Htelyto work In the harvest fieltU, Mr. John Tntlltt, nmutiK many others) of Sum iiiervlllo'J OreKOO, tevtlf.ei. that t lie year rgo tlilH mnnth, bo had it double riddling liore operated on by Mr. Iee.lhal be pit to work two houn atterwanln. He ha tertlflcHto ofati oporatlott pArfotiuel lnt Mi'it Fair, leslinad lo by uch t peMHfeil borwi men J. U SoDKKlne, 5. J llvtiket, W. O. My r, nml many others, lliiMi'iiititx's r'tir.nv II t'. Itrowit,who lives on the wettfldeof the WUUmtOe, four mlleH north of IMuu Vista, m In town) to tiny purehiuluK roix and UVlo fjr a Jerry at that place. It was formerly known at llutnphrey'ri ferrj, aflerwartln ket by J. J, leU atul Leonarvl Jii(Un,but Iign cot Neil uvhI for everal yearn ,l. Iltown will nn bavna t)rteU txtat built and place evfrytblnx, In lettnler and tiHvlM to have It In optratlon by the last of neat week, Totru In koOI road to the ferry on eaeti Ulo of the nvw aud it la t bo liliott route bttwteU.SaJeioaod CorvallU. FINE EESIDENOE For Snlo. A Uo'lrablo rcrlilcnco on Coramf rtlal ptrcct In Sn lem lame, and well flnifhed, with eroacil flnely ImiiroTwl. Cot f 5,(i00-wlll bo sold for $2,H)0 lacn. or lulf down and balance on time, tth Interest. Apply to l,l0 WILLIH, nu2sm0 at hln Hook rtbrc, tlale ptrcct. Buena Vista POTTERY. A rTBIt K TKROI) OP IDLF.NE'?,. TIIBSn X. vo, ) ki l.i to now for puvcrnl muntlm hen in Hill opt ration iimnufflclurliiir u runerlur Anil Improved article, which I am able to cQcr to the trait as of DTflx-st C?n.ixlity. My pre'entPtock I paperlor toauyllilnir mamifac tiltfrt nt tb1i Pottery for 11 vo jearn paft, and f equal to hurt larthenware fur rtrciiKth and durability. I Kunruntcc SullKlaclltm. Order, orrcqarfts for Information m to price U't. ihoutd bo addreped to A. M. SMITH, Ilafns Vlta, Am;. DO tf Proorletor. Humplirey's Ferry. trUi WKU KNOWN V-RUllX II it NOT HitKN JL In opiratlon for t cvcral ycari past, thui;li It It outhcold"pt and fhortct riad bclwoen Salem and Corvalll',0 mtlcp rotith of Pnlom and mllcn from llacrrn VlMa. Afnr tiaturiUy.Hupi. 7. 1 pIiiII haro It In ri'irularnpiratlon, wlti pafj tackle and a new and (Upt-clatp fjrry.bont mado by two of tho hett build. cri In I'olk connty. There nro pttod roid on both pIiIck of tho rlvi-r. fllv-i mi a call. Hutrptircy'p Kerry. An. SOjii 1 C. IIIIUWN, Notice to Stock-men, mprsw iiezar.. (T- milB UNDKtiSIONBn WOUt.U IIK9PKCTPUL- Watiiinaoca to all wh'in 1' mar concern lhav ho U maVluif tho (JKU)INU of llovt aid eppeclally that of UtlHIRLINDri. and Ht'AYINO '!ATTJ,K. a pptclalty In tho Voterlnary prantlce. Ho off'tn to pty any man now living on Uio l'tclc rbpo $500 to moil him and do tho abovo work ui well, any udio In IB78. lli'iniKtaiticit aatlirnrtlon In all caaei, or mikcp tin tliirifi', the owner of tho ptick to ba tho jnliio of tke work. Hohaxunt lotto i-lnsjlo lll'lse llni: Ilotpe from tho opiiatton fur nuar tkreo yiarp. I ho following arc my appointment up tu Ort 8Ut. after which any patllcit wlphlni; my pcvlcca will pU'iin aildrioa .. W.W. LKK, V. S , Tie Dnllen, Or. A)ifnd, Jrtck-on Cn.,Hopt.3 tola. ,lacknt.iiVl)lo, Mflpt. W to IMl 2 Canyonvlllo, DnttghviCo,, Oct. 3 to 4. ItoMntuirtf, Out. ft. OiU;anil. Oot. 1 Kug'ino Cltv, Oct. 7. Jimotlcin, Oat.H. Albany, Oct. 10. Httun, Oct. 11 to 12). f'orvHlllo, Oct 21. Dallitx, Oct. 23. Iif.iVOtte, Oct. IVi. MlllHboro, Oct. 2(1 Portland, O.tt Zt t)regon nty, Ojl 20. Vaniii.uvfr, vv. T, OM. SO bt. Iltdttiit, CnluitioUOt , Dot.. II. DiirliutHtato Kalrwcekl will lit M (Wnc VUh or' pHtitii on t'limmvrrl'il irmil, S.V I.Kvt. At rOltl'I.VNU (IKt -ti), t cU Ibj fwnj at the Nnlliiritl Hotel. . (lUcnlarp. i;llnif t'ftt tion'u! frp-n wril known li.rL.nuii for nhomil l.ivo infrak?',-.''irvUtfllOi- eifoiiKud vv'iipUliiKtou will he pent i.v t i'pU:. turn. '" millmit ANGORA GOATS FOR SALE. s:iau. u vi: a DO.3N on mokk ii:u: m.ooi) akgoiu c:i;:k.s Attl.e fatrUround tr.nnolwr.aliowaiV butkK and ei- that bavobren well hied. ....-. Mltl.HuN, OriVu. Ali;.!M. '' tf Administrator's Notico. XtOTliT. IS HRRKIIY (HVEN Tll.rill I'N- tne ll drlcnu" h Iwen tlilday apixitaml by 1'ounly t'omt of Marina Viinly,tiltuii,aiuiiilirv tor ol iheeUtuor Amtitu navnii" u. inceanti, ah ler'iin Lavmi: 'IiIiup nuamt tald utto nte ro onlrcil toprcmnt tneni with inn proper vouctiir lu im In r-Aloui, Onirou. within tlx innnthp irom tho date of th'p tintire. A. V lA IHSON . AdiulnlPtutur ol thu Kttite ol Amilla uarulion, dKeiMil lialtil AnrfO' 31. ItH - w Ih DIl'SON A GO'S Home Musical Library, rnntalm nearly all the really tf'Ml lie'l mnle crer .tnl.iuli.1 utivi!!. nit ttmtml til TtllltV TV.O hlllln ' . ...... 1...I. ....! I.. n..lt.. Imlnluilliliinl .if ihiolhori-.N old peparattly, iu.d contaliip tholari: U te,rIM,,c 'lw' f Q n ,,., a clo , , tmu Thee m J5 ,VHrf ,,,, gf vcj m.lc, of which n,c ihtvt uio.t reciit-'y IppiuI are: rlCIl fcMH r milir iiij'.pim.ii.-i ltnpoJtare by ilii'ino.t (wpulir author Tlllt AVOHI.U OtNOMl. (t?-)pa.ep ) A Kroat vaility of roiif bylbohtPt rompoctia, native and foielpi. (.'It.MN Or KNI.IS1I tON C pate,, TJ hou;p, I)n"l. .vr oi.iUrull) flue book. At the 3m of lt pulillralluii eonliU red tho beM. There are IT Collection! ol lietinmectal Muttc. Tho 0TkSIs Vine pit ci for vnctit uoV rH-eiii one art i t t'i pce ' plater 5. JVOfIHKlNC. (Jil'i;e ' 1 The uiel cuuhipIIou of titraJp nsirsrn.iis itapw" , ,, A huiuitd or liioro of tae woika of Ibla mtut bttllttiil ol map tr Send for Catakine and Content of tee 3) book tWl.ook ont firl)ltuil t lV New VeW!y Ma rie it I'aptr. Apper In SeiileraUvr. OLIVER DITSON & CO,, Boston. C. II DUhoii A- Co. ei! UrtiMlway, N. V J. It. llltaoil Co., ii;i Chi'PtliulM., t'btla $1200 K1.. au4 IP rtl Mr Ui uUr. ,Lft4U. l.lciiniU lru...i!ir w.,,1 lrH.A l.KitCU, I, I, 1 Uu '-. liulMtU, O. PELTON HORSE POWERS FOR SALE AT COST. rrv lli'H. OIiinnNo. -I Pl- (4111 llOl'hiO POWOfK. iBiiulrc ol w. p. noorimv. W, s. I'KLTON, aUlf KaIeui,OrxiD im: WIJLLAMTSTTE FARMEB Oregon State Fair, BOOTHS ItENTEl) AT AUCTION! rnnn booths on thk kaiii onquNDs (Y ll.oll ipn KtA'u Avrlcnttutal MClllV Vtl'lliP rnteit at anctlon to the hlchept bidder, for the Fair of lWt) only, (annday Oct. nth exctpttdj on Thursday, August 29, at 2 o'clock p. m. rartlep )uaplBc;booth will o required to corapty with all tho role and rejmlallone ol psld Sot let), itoicrulnjthe looof tho bulldlnc, and to pnirtndir tbem lo tbo offliers of the Hoclcty on the tvenlnirol Haturday.Oct lllth. Tho Fair begin Oct. 10th, but lleenpcp will bo isranted tocommtl.ee bn'lnep on Tuesday. OcL Sib. whin prtlodiplre. Finy pir cent, of tho rental money will htunulril 1"," vauce, tbo balance on or before Oct 1U, lb.s, all In PIIIVATK I'llOPOHALV will be received until Tlmrpdiy. Oct tVI, by Mr. Walle, iecrottiy, for the ehnwIi'ilJJlngp. I'artfc matt Plate thiir hiliet offer, coin In hand, when leapollV'n. For farther jartlcuarp. cr diainnui of bulldlnet, tddrcrt Z. M. Waltc, i-crctary, "V.u.wo JOHN K. MII-LKlt, K. M. WAITK. Kieciltlve Commlttte. Notice of Final Settlement. TV70TICT. IS HKIIRIIY (IIVBSTHAT TI1F. UN or tho ctato of Jamu 1 derplcncd. Kxrrnlor of )avldon, deceased, lit filed In tho County Court of mniiuu vUijiiija ointw u uiMit r .. sv.MHtt undlhatinlrt Conrthii fixed rtntnrdiy, 8mmrx'r.i 1I..I... t......lu UI..I.. nf npamitt It I at IT tl H I a Plltt1 f 7. 18TH. nt lOo'ciork p. m , ror ncariDg onjecuone theroo and PetUemcnt hereof. .. , fl KxeCa'or. AognptP. IST8.-td CITATION. In thu matter of the CunnHnriblpof Jo'cph fctouc, a minor: ON THIS DAY CAME E. 8. OltKnOIHE. Ot'AH. dlan or paid minor. Jonph Bione. and pre rented hi petition for paid or real eptato of paid minor. And It appoulnj; to the Court teat raid minor, Inpcph stone. I tnonttnfr of tho undivided ono-funrlh of tho following depcrtbrd real rptate, to. wit: Hltuato In Marlon County, bttto of Orei;on. and beltiB a part of tho donation land claim of Fallen Maloln and wife. In T. B H. It 9 W. of Wll lamitto Meridian, bounded by beglnnlnc ill chain noith, 7d0if. ePt of tho poutlicit't corner of paid donation c nlni. and running thence N. 7 deg. K. IV'l.'in chalna; thc"C(i North b5 dec. Wet 23.TJ rhalnp. ihinco South 7 dee. Wept 10.4.1 ehaln: thence Sontli Kl dfTec Kapt 23.80 chain to the plaeo of beginning, contalnlnc In all Sliacre or fund mnroor lrpp. That paid ward ha no other property, and no Income puftlclent for hi pupport, nnd tint It will Ih) beneficial to Mid ward, and fcr tho Interepl of lilt eptato that paid real eptato bo polo, and tbo proceed thereof put nn lntrrrt. It l thcrfluroordeted that tho next of Kin of paid ward, and all prnp Inter'Pted In tho eptato of paid ward, anpear before thUCowt at the Coin Honpolnthc city ol Kalcm. County cf Marlon, ftato of Orison, on thaOJriav of Heptember. Itrtf. andphow canfcvthy licciipe thon'd t.ot he irnnted for the palo of pabl eptite. And It I Inrlher ordertsl that the fortvolni; ordtr pnall b- pervtd by iiubllcatlou In the Will am btte KaitMKit. n vtitkly newppaptr publlphid at Mid city et salcm, fur three puccepplvo weel. ,1 J. SH A t , County .linle. Ar.Rjpt II, 1pTS.-v3 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Kitlt- TUALATIN ACADEMY, foki:.T (jrove. nnr,co.v, rSHK ACAHRMIC YHIU IN AM. DEPMIT X inent'tif tl.l" In'tlintlon 1p divided lulo th'iu tirm. brclunti K nn tbn flrpt Wiliu-Uy' of Sep. tcrrber. Diiembrraud .Mnuh,r.tlc!o.e mi the llrp. UVxIuevday of .Tune, Them I n vucd'lon of oao ii k durlLK tho CbrtPtiuaa holiday. rurio.v: In Colleclnte Miulttt., perlcrut $15 III Aeatlenilr ' 10 Payable in Advance! 1I0AUD, liicluJItiK fnrnUhtNl rcom, f a M) to per week. J I M For cvtalocne or further Information, ;apvly to Prof. J. I) Ileiiii.orto HUV. N. II. MAHNII. 1'rcpldnt I'. U.andT A Attstirt FRUIT GROWERS TAKE NOTICE ! riVIATTIIK WAI.TKH COMPANY NAKK CASH X advanct npon all fruit cured by tbetr procepp, J, II. MAYNAHI) SBCItETAI'.Y OfUre 418 California St. S. K. Auittmi a. '. lumuNo. II.IKOIXU J. A. STItATTOV. ti. 8TR.vrru,, Attorneys at Law, SALKM, OIIKOON. Oftlc on State Street, opclto the Ut eretl Ilonp. HALKM MARBLE WORKS, WM. STAIGER, llKAI.kll IN Head-Stones & Monuments rtrcirrku in Italian and Vermont MARBLE. IT ranch Mi op nt llhaRj. Addict: A. ST.llfiKK. Albany, Oregon. Alio, cmy variety of ceantery anil otbtr tone work Uone. NietUl atlentlot tlttu lo onlr Irom all iiarta of the Stat ana aphlnRion Terrliery rferlftd () mall or olhentUe, and promptly furwanlnt. All work warranted Apr ' Vr I1 Itivt. r( I.i o til llLtMkt.aurba. LfA p., lVip, lon;vir. IUiti.lv. ic. uiil all .ihiw lot truil, Trvbile, liiniy a--vl Jo.iut. kVnjttp, or for IUA art I Job rriniiujr, liMtunu'cf, lUank IUoaseraoj'IIiui ft to muo tr m- th Prinnnj tr li.. MADE KVAITV' strain ltok a.l UMin. ihur. p. tw. .v . .. Job lrluirr aiw itocktxiKi.-r, I ala tretrl. Bum, urrcua. munci JOHN W. BOOT AJNTX3 H q lSSKtm-2nrBr9. IfXSJJtSixS&gSii K-a LADIES' FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. , jSuLL GOODS DIRECT Fit OUI FACTORIES. IfXIOX 11I.OCK. COMMCRCIAIa STREET, SALUal, OItECO.. nulCtf THE WALTER FRUIT DRYER MANUFACTCTINO and THAD1SGC0. OAFXffAZk STOCK, 9100,000, Arc now Prepared to Furnish the WALTER DRYER At very low prleea, from J360 lo $100. FRUIT GROWERS, TAKE NOTICE TlmC., MiaU A: rouittiiy nnd Lulic O. Ne.orvleti Comiinnjr, of San Fruu clNeo, itrouoiiutcw "ffho wii.r.cna tho best now in uc." dryer Raisins made in forty-tiglil hours. Applos ilricd in three and cnc-liair IiQBr?. CAI.l. tit our tiiltro II H i'BltloriilH St.. j sun I'rniitHtti. iittil e lht tieaiitllul irulttlleil by Uio Wulter lrer. J. HMAYNARD, Secretary. anim'J PATENTS nwinprf fcr Tiivcn'orp. In llu Un'ted ritatcp. Car adl. abil IJurope, at retlureil latcp, Wttb ocr prlnclpai t.mce lociteu in tvapninnou, uireciijr uppu.uv tne Unlletl blatf p 1'attnl Ofilce, wo nre alle to attend to all Talent tmalcipp vrlth create r prompUict acil tl tpitch.anj Icpp eopt, than othvr patent attornntp, wt.o are ul a dlttance from Wapblnxton. nnd who bao, therefore, to employ 'apoclate uttorneyp," Wo make preliminary examination and furnlph optuloDpap loiiatimttblllty, free of charge, and all vttioaru lntercpted In new Invention and l'a en i a artlntltel to tend for a copy of our "Outdo for nb talninjr I'atenta," which 1 pent fret) to auy addrc.p. nnd contains compute Inrtrnctlonp how to Main I'ateuta, and other valuable matter. We refer to the (Irrman-Ainerlcau Matloi al Hank, WaphliiKton, I) U ; thu Koyal Httedlab, Nfliwefrlaii, and Daulph I.efn ilon. at Wapldngtonj lion. Jorcph t wey, late Chief .IatlCH of tbo Court of CUlmp to the OCIcIal of the U. S. I'atent Omce, and to heuatora aud Member of ConercM from every Mate. Addrepp; LUIIIN IIAIKJWII A: CO., Hollrlt or of Patent and Atwrnt y at Law, I Droit Ilalld lti;, Valilnatou. D. ! For Sale. A Socond-hand WHEELER & MALLOCK r, With Eudloss Chain Railroad Two-horso Fowov. Both nearly new, and in good repair. Por pale VKHV CI1KAP for rah,Ul time will c Klven. If detlrrd Or a pair of lltih'-Ul tt MAKES will be taken al their valce. Apply to JyXflal U.VN'l' (I.AIIK, PHarant TolLt Farm i.tar b!rm. Or. Separate xMmm welson sewing trnmim in workmanship is equal to as eiogantiy finished as a first-class Piano. It received tho highest awards at tho Vienna and Contonnial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other m,?.c5s,MltaJc.aJ5r?f lty ft unlimited. Thero aro more WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States than tho combined sales of all tho others. Tho' WILSON SSS. WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, 827 & 829 Broadway, New York: New Orleans La - Cor. State & Haditoo Ss., Chicago. Ills.: aAd San FJrLnc&oT Sk B. FORSTWKtt, Gunsmith, Agent, Balem, Or. GILBERT, oiiob arjsvxiEaci. HIS IS THE The Highest Cash Price Paid at All Times for Oats, or Stored, if i Desired, by SALEM FLOUKIXO AULAS CO. acJfttf J. D. PILKINGTON, M, 1)., Late I'rofeppor of DIpoopcp of the Bye and Earls Ub tialem (Oregon) Medical Collrce. Olllee. tleUilinia llloek, l'ortlulitl, or., All HurKlcal Opiratlon rorDUcaM't ol the "JEsr&9 IBS a 2 NOSE, AND THROAT Hi ilu'1'li.t rniironMin. CATAKACT exlracttt!, una UllObS KVKi ptralcliteutd. ArtlflcJal IIjip it largo apporltnent of tho but Flinch inruiufaituio, eu llAtlft. OATS! OATS! Dcnfnepp, anil all dlfcliifi.'ep from tbe Ear, and Nt. "j pnll'atarili. particularly trtatetl. fe)y I salem photograph: UALLtllY. W. P. JOHNSON, Artist. 0cr Willi' Itookitore, HTATK8T., KAIJCM 1JUTUKKS TAKEN IN LATEST STYLES, froa . Mliilntiire ptcuirii lo L.fn plze. CCI'IHS KN1.A1K1EU to any Iko tleplttd. March )J. VJWt KELLY Q & UNDERWOOD, Wl Carriage aud Wagon Makers. Salem, Oregon. HAVB ON HAND A CHOICE LOT OP POCK Hprlnjr Wagons, Carriage?, &. Buggies, o their own make, Manufactured nf the I1B8T quality of Jerey Hlchory, (Ih e ii a call, and examine our work, td Judj; foi voiirteltc. All klml ofKepalrlnK and General Jobblnedooe it ihort notice. JeT. FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. Drat and Alder it.. POKTLANU, . . . OUKOO.'Vp Have the MOST COMPLETE STOCK Xxx Orosou. of i FOBNISHIM Oooda, CLOTHS, AND mg Hats & Capi. 4. r Order roltclted, antd falpfictlon KvaraMted. SarapKp and rule for telf-miainrttnenl ti.t free i cltarct'. J4oT3-n'i miiniMG iti:Toitr.D. arratinvtLUoo uoe wno tsdhaeai lor aijear. tenu tUicp for llcnlar. VcmiT A lUm'Cii, Lock I)os t(J, Madl Indiana, auiti uiotn A VALUABLE INVENTS THE WORLD RENOWPJcF a Chronometer Watch, and i 'V i