Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 30, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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Chicago, August 20. Dennis Kearney spoke
" to a largo crowd of probably 4,000 to Ji.OOO
workintjtiicn in Market Stptaro tonight, touch
iug on the Chinese question as it rchitcs to
Chicago, anil on general lntor topics. His
speech was not unlike that ho has delivered in
lioaton atnl nthor cities of tliu cast Ho goes
from here tomorrow morning to Hlooniiiigton,
thence to St. Louis, nntl from there to liOitis
ville, Cincinnati anil Philadelphia, speaking
one or wore times at each place.
Tho following lia been leeched by the How
ard Association of Memphis
(ircuail.i, Miss., A.K'. X As your represen
tatives sent heru for tho purpose, we have
looked carefully into the si nation of ovci ythiug
.onneetod with yellow fever i- lirciiada. The
epidemic, considering the nize of tlio town, up
pears to be tho most nnhgitaut and fatal that
has over been known in the iniuitry, ninl this
after only nine days. Tho fever is unabated
unci unchecked. The great want is for nurse;,
and for money to pay them, for there have lioeu
porous hero sick for long periods without a
single attendant.
icksburg. August '-'0. -It is estimated that
UO'J cases ofyellow fever tiro under treatment;
('-'.death the past ill hours.
St Louis, August -1. Live stock dealers of
this citv have made up a fund of WOO for tho
benefit of yclhmr'fovur sullerers ATtie Hebrew
Young Men's Literary Associationfilso ralaeil
ever 5:230 for tho satno purpose, 1tw'
Now Orleans, August 21. Now cases 107,
deaths 40.
Chicago, August 21. Tlicro has been no
goniT.il ull'nrt to raiso money hero for yellow
tover suljercrs in the south. Tho banks linvo
raised and forwarded $(M0$oVicksburg. and
. will send further contributions. St. James'
church has contributed 8100 for Grenada; real
catatu men have sent 100; Louis Sapieha, for
merly of New Orleans, has tent $200; Totter
Valtncr, i?:00, and tho Young Men's Christian
Association has received and forwarded con
siderable sums.
Chicago, Aug. 21. Tho Tribune' Washing,
ton special says Secretary (lorham who returned
to his duties to day at Itcpublieau headquarters
hays that tho ollico holder in Nuw York has
contributed half his salary for campaign pur
poses. In answer to a (mention, (lorham also
said if the president had contributed a dollar
in aid of tho party ho ((lorham) was not awaro
. of it.
(low Uromi, chief manager of tho Texas Pa
cific legislation, who is nowhere, prcdicU that
tho doubling of frioght charges over tho
Union I'aeillo from New York to San Francisco
which now amount to 2,400 for freight cars,
will result in tho passage of a law nt tho next
i-tKnion of congress regulating tho rated of
freight over the I'aeillo toad.
Omaha, Ati. 11. Two brothcr-i, natrcd .1.
A. Co and Mortimer Cox, living at Millard,
15 miles west of Omaha, were arrested this
morning on a charge of being two of tliu party
ot lour who mimed mo u. .-. express car on mu
Kansas City, St. Joseph and C. II. railway, bu
twecn Wmtlirop station mid Sugar lake, of
$.",000 on tho morning of tliu 13th.
suriuogM, Aug. IT.! A inmilii,nrit3piibli
cms fiotu nil psitnnf tlmH.iiin fittorltiK tho
administration of I'rtH.dout llayos, withhold
to bl, lillll It WIS
H'jvjlvdd, rimt It Si Apparent that the mio
comsoI tlm It-'ptibllcAti party this full immt
dopend on luiriiionv. This ollllot hi (tx
neo'ed It linnem iliirornncrisof npliil.iit us In
tho polutv of tlio iiiluiiu'Htrstinu, or ss in the-
ClllllllS Ol leSIJIIIlt llepilllIIMtl, II TO IIIHXH I IIM
occasion of dhuuird, mv! oapiHilnlly if It
i iiiihlriMti " ."'rs ura tJi-rt vt uf jih t'lulit
x afforded to tlio pnoplo by uniform party
U8gi-t or coiiitnunhtntlug itiolr vIowh by
authorliailvo voloo of a convention chimin
with express roleronce hi tho living is.iioi ol
tho ciiinptiKi fl iino of which hive become
nroiniuc'it Hlnoi llio 11 invention h"
hold. W therefore, respect tally niuge-t to
tbo ItpublliiHii SiMtti Central oniiituittee thst
It call h lto convention of ilologa'.ex to bo
oltctod by tliu people ociiordlng to iisiihI
Ueiiulnutnii.Vt., Aint. 1.M Owing lo tho
pruvsli'U'nf yMlnw liior, J dm V. Stokes,
M, W. U.S., but ismihiI hii ordor tli.ii the
approotilng M'HkI ii of Ihu urni.il Ipilirn ol
tbo Unb-il Sttes,I O O F,Im. hold In lUlli
mom ihUd Moiiilny proximo, lnnNad of at
Ann hi, T.ixnr, asexpeifed.
Memphis Aug 2J Tim fcvr It rn Do
inoriMKi-, (Ulriy much now oi""M being r
porttd fciuiA p in l' noon ti 'isy, but IIih
iIoiUI-M wn f'wr than fir tln'min-i prod
yesteronv. Hip in from sii.toii..i, Mi.,
tlili limrnir l! hmIImi Iho s liavti btii
lovlnpn i Ihi'ci mi'l (tie po-'pl'i arx pinlc
HUli-'K.-M IK) I imllHi lunvlngo it Ui'.nvi n III .r
ViOKiurf Aur 22 It jt uMilnivnl lliai
tbru Ium iicon M no viwm ol' llio fnvnr In
tlio pii 21 lniurt, mid 21 l-v!i-, 22 "f iKem
from viMvlMV(ir. Ap,HiU trniii tli lln-v-uril
Hhtnulaiioii anil .ianinuiidnr for r i,.
ur Ix-inu le-poiulfil to finin all illrrctlnm.
Jiitl!nii. MIh, Auk 2i. Ilm pniilo nnt
duo'it i'V ,illo-v f ! iinjMiitllti'l. I'tti.
plo uri ll-i'lou fion.iiliM piw i.hic.i lnowri
liirruiloii. Jln'k'-uil iHttliniiy il'i'jrlol, biltl
net iif 'l klioU "u-ietni.-il, Hiid im liinti
ttoug'il ! lint ttuipo. Tint Hurt luu i
tnuy bprrdiio.
(Itiii'iLt, W , Auc 22. Svfii il4tliH
JJegiO't nrnilroppliitf "lo hlu hliitpxin)
will lux iuiiod':ii oiuor. N'iiiiiytwoiitilii
Yankton, Aug. 22 An arrival from Sp.-.
ted Tll iwwujy yMunlnv morning tijai
juhI ptHViiiirli IiIm ilpiirl ur a ImII Itk-iI
oaino l' fimi tl lU'ivIng ImllHi'H, w Im hih
thou 1'.'5 mllen out, Hiid rnjinii.'il ili.u n ri it
troublo Iml iTokin iu aiouiu t 'in .ml
thoy liad conimin.d omiIikmuIiiu' .in.'fc
Two Iodiaot bad Ikmi killed wlion il r-m
nerliii"'. lit uim rprliii Ibn hb.'ui KU)
younvtl ndUtit t;d l-l lh iimln iiimIv hnn
Vroro tiMvidiiiir nor-tli. MrJ r I'oll -k bur
rled to lliHM'i'iin uf (ronlii-. In; iu I il
Indian mly rolii'wl lo rc-lv any cii)iiwl
from liliii, and iiWiulv udd Mini lo Im iiihh
alouo. Tbo iMiiKAoftlioiroiiblH i imt nU-n
but bavo grown nuioradiir.irnnituif opinion
oxlminn aunong the Indlaim In regard lo ihu
mnvo. A Urno numbur wero in i..nr oi
remaining on luu rivur. im, inrotikh M'c
fljrtaif ii'itdinK i'1'leit er' fiiiiHnl in
aubuiit i, ihu ii.iitUtnii ofiliM in uori'V TbU
togetba wliii lb" troublo Htmiit r.iilfH', i
nu -tI im b4o Unjo uie ctuko ol tbo out
brck. tibitvtKo, AUK. 2.1 Tbo Tlinex pi.l)li-h
InUirvloMH itii nil Ibiidlni! micIhII-h ami
workiiinii'ii in in i.'ity, uii'l tlmr mirlv ro
pudlitti. Kutriidy, and y Iih It Ija.iriiiii m
tho prinuip'o llioy proftm to Im itovo-l In,
and lm iifiiliHr ilUuily ot t-prt-ct), iIk'xiiov
of tliHiii.or nur .tho cii'tivutluti wblcb ttie
would look fjr In a Ik1 r.
,Nhw Y ik. Au. 2.I ilrj k H'irko los'.lfy
lag Im urn tbo 1'iillnr u no ItleH toily.4
he Cifi lurdd ull (hn ho of lh Lnilnn
returning Invtril illevfl, n tbo boatd u urn
St. Wn, iu. 23 The rirtiiMT Tret.
editoriully n'lnu' im xnrtitv wui
cropni iIikih'o .t'aS.OOn.OOO ouI.hI.; or
mg, 2 22A.U.II; avffi yild pr nort. 11
toBelte! lii.o a lion dun t Irom .Si,
Pul lb yb Id h nrubably ID buthrla pr
.re. Thinn-gion MninUbewihrim four.lixoi
tile crop AlOTiblaUiie lbt yield U tell
PMa'ed at 15 baabela Mr aen.
HaakTllte, Ao.. The Republican eUte )
oonventlon mot at noon. The attendance
was mogr, not one hundred delegates, of
whom twenty are colored. Korty nine on!
? n,"oly'four cnnllen aro represontod.
Oov. H. H. Footo was mado clmlrniaii, The
platrorrn oppoiot the repuJUtioii of iboatato
debt of any kind; favors payment or all ob
llgatloni,; dmiouneen the last Democratic log-l-latuib
for uot ucreplliiK tho lavorable terum
propoMul by crcdltora or tho 3tatp; favors
strict uoniiotny, liborHl pubtlo ncbool-j on
po'os convict Into ; demands legbli.
lion wbleb will lUHtiro fe and flr
floctloim and a fair roturn cf votot. ',.
Wiipelor Introduo-d n rcsoluthm uuqoall
llftdly Indorsing IVodldont Uhvph, but afor
bitter dlNcutsion withdrew It. MnriMin
K'-bni'ldgi-, of Muiupblt, wan notnltm d lor
toivornor, and tun convoiitlnii i-djourii din
8 p in. to av,ilt lulegmphlu itdvleos lit to bl
Vlcktt.urg, Auz. 21 Yrllow ft vcr It nt
t.ickltig inn-roc; h i.ntnber w ri n'rlekoii
down to.dtv. Ir Itcstluiuttd at till!) fO ooa
caM and 1U drui ba.
Mciiitihl-, Aug 2:1 The fovr rncord 'o
dtv shri'VN 11 bin li.ertnie: Miudinr (hi-is .11,
bolng roportcd lor 24 bourn, t ndtt g ail)
p 111 ; ton deatbt fort-rtiiio pi-rloil.
Iliwtun, Auu 211 At iinnn in dHy thn eon
irlbiitlotm hio lor yellow foyor sullbrura
Hiiiniint to f.) 000.
St, LouIh, Aug. 23 -John I'. I.ns, Uln
collector lor tbU port, has unit achioklo
Mayor Ovorstolz fornix) to be dittribtited
friUMlly atnnnir tho fiiviir.Htrli'kf n ii.nnloor
'Moinpblt, Vlekaburg, Jacksou. Orptiadaand
now wricauH. Tflo Hebrew Voting Mon't
Literary Amoolallon haa raised about ?l,.r00
Hnd nont f2fi0 to each Howard Association at
Memphtt, Vlokabtirg and Oretiada.
Now York, Aug. 2,1. Mayor Ely, this
morning, received (282, In amall mibscrlp
tlona, lu aid of the notillioru auUercra byk
Setlllltz.of llrooklrn. vpIIow fnvttr natlnnt
who vhh removed to tliu qiihranlliioTiotu)ltai
Wednesday ovonlngdled last night. Hols
supposed to havo roiitraoted the d(.eNO
wiillo unloading a cargo of logwood last
Now Orloans, Aug. 23. Now cares 123,
deaths 40
Camp Itoblnson, Nob., Aug. 23 About
200 Clioypiina Indian prisoner, arrlvid bvro
to day en roiito rrom Fort Lincoln to Fort
Dodjjp, Kimit, in cliargo of Hon Clarko, a
well known Choyeiinoliiiorprotcrnnd sihiii,
and gtiardnil by n company of tho "ill civ
Blry. Tht'KKaro llio bostllot iba1 worocp
lured urar Fort Lincoln houio time HiImnuiii
iimr, while going loj 1I11 Killing Hull. Mlg
wolf, tlmlrotilst, It ,(. known horn. Tho
coiiiptuy of the 7vh cavalry, which hat
itiiardett thorn tliut far, will roturn to Fort
Lincoln, Ihdr prccnt aintlon, mid ndrtslt
of tho 7Ui cavalry, frnin till' putt and Camp
-ineiKiui, win guarii tnoiii iiuring llio ro
iiitlniliK-of thn trip,
Wathliuion, Anir. 22 Tho amount nl
tllvor dollar-i cntniil up 10 tliu 10. It of
Anviist wiit (It I72,0(); ntuoiuit on IihiiiI
$I0 070 4S7 Ittluit Hppeirs that $I,:WI,()I3
bitbrtfui planod In oliaunoltof olruiiUtlvJii.
UmiiMiid slowly but aiindlly liiprtiHMlin:.
.;iiKMgo, Attit. 2:1 Tlio J.iiimil'! Wa-h
luit'ou hptmlal Htva III" iirotlilniit In immivit
sitlou with 11 frlnnd of (3hii, Onint alliiiliul
lo lliet HUteiimniM which havo apj-uiifd In
pnbllii print that no wtt ilotfrmliod to linvo
noililuK todo Willi llio frlend'of (Inn (Iraut,
Tho prtmhli'tit said tho ('Xiiro-loii whn mi
llrnly orroneou-; bo had mi pnJiidliin
KMiimtCoii. iltiiiit or hit frlcmU un (ho
contrary bo IihiI provlilnd plants for 0110 of
Hon. t'lraii.' fr'nnda, and ho iutiudi d 10 do
no (or lour, of tiiutn.
I'arit.- AmrnslSO. Tli retiirnn of tlio burrA
of elections hIiuw tliu llopubhcans have a n.'a
jority of li out uf 73 councils general. ltcpub
Means gain six.
lVwi. Aug. 21. Tho options of tho IVcsi
dents of council's general aro lwlievnl to in.lt
catu that tho Senat r elections will result in
tliu establishment of n llepublicaii majority in
tliu Senate. Tho Monarchists nntl llunapart
ists aro difcordant. Tho Orlcaiiists in suvciV.I
detiartiiients voted with tliu llepublicaiis.
Vioiina, August 20, Tho council of state
decide upon oxtuusivu military incisures, as
to complete the occupation of llostiia mid llm'
zc'0'oviiia within two months and obviatu the
necessity of a winter campaign.
Vienna, August 20. -It is rujiorted tliat the
Insurgents attacked lien. Szan-iry tit Doboj, but
woru repulsed after prolongul lighting.
Tho ollteial rcMirt of (iuiier.il 1'Jiillipovi. h
Hliowsth.it tho capture of Ser.ijuvo was the re-
suit ol tlio comiiiiK'ii opur.uiou in ins own
force and that
of (icn. Ti'getholf occupied
Vukiu 011 tin)
17th, ctptiiiing n ipi.'intity v
iron ami ainmiiiiition alter 1111 cng.i 'cnnnt in
which ho ha I S2 men woumlccl nud 4 killed.
Ho iiiiuiuuiatuly &lain.uil a 'miniduiablo iiis.
tatiuj in tho direction of Seiajovu.
Itniutailo, Ann. 22 I'niiii iM ilnt', of Sor
v 11, liss lH'il A piir-hiiiiinloii uiiiii.it nullifC
ho Inoi penibnit of eivU nnd rodin'tlmi
ii I'm ar.uV to i i-oieo x.iltiir.
V'i.'iiik, Ail 22 Ni'jto uili'ti'i littv.xiti
An tru hiii runiy Mir a n.iiiiiiiiin rtie
ll'l Jill L"miII'. I'll till! Till klhll lI'llllll'iR
all. exi'f lillMtl Hli'l U'mri'OptatllM. TllM (Mill
ii-lior.-li tin bil .itl n ni.'iMiiro., nu d
.i Mti '11 I'm isti'st oiiiliitit iMiitioll". urn tiuing
rni liv csrrnil "nt
lii-rHo. A"g- 22 Tlio o-gun nf I'm im
iloi'tii lilii.i-nlt wv- lht juriy will .I'imi
a lib 1I10 uiivoruiiimi' lli u ii'iiiilnii n-4 tii,v
tllink MTi-.-ry 10 llio-oilUlIM bill. A Ilillli
P'miiihh's pri'ly 01 tain
VitUltit, ux 22 1 1 ail., I'-islia has pted
01 ff 10 mo Au rUu attnp uud boen -niit in
lli.Miillibs broke out Tikh-Isv bet(Mn
Turks tiii'l Mun etiKKrnit tioir '.,Jur i,
Kivotli'"itn 1 ln'ii'geti.tiiiivti liteii iii-f 1. id
noirS'til r. Aim li'tty ln-i.
"ini aotlii pt", Al 22 Ti,i lurliMi
ro i.in-n.hr hi. I! . Hum tint lui-irnifd iim in
'iti. Un i ibst 1. (1 K'lt'laii-. w ill ii t -r 1 1,.-
nv Aii-toi 27 11 Vfi t wl eiilxiln
tlio uy Inn -ti.. 'luu inn wi.ihin i- ih
Tlid-tpirtnrft of li 1'ul'IIh!i nilv-i iii h.
rl!lll tlUJ tlr- II ..ip'llllll
II Hi-el-, Atu. 22 ls Nurd s'st- tbt
llr itll'SMU X.HkIHIOII tlllVi l t A-1.4 Of
b-xMi ibtlnltiiy mill wnipltuely o inner
11 a nled
111111 Miitinoplo, 11if. 22. I'ivo .fcii.frf
liavw lolt imi S'f.iii) f.ir Ol.-n-a .b Jt.i,
mhii trnoin returiiU'J Liiliin
Vienna, Vou 22 fhe iimw of a lirl'lUnt
tiia-fM tl 0-rjiO hat et'jl'ii't unlliiiMit'
hKt Tinil',rH Blltlu llo li'-lirtl"! I in
wdt'y nnd 00 i,ptM,iy -i!liinlli ik'hx-iI.
Neii. I'lil!ltMH lui lirtl Iiihh piiiul-trl inn!
uivueil lot groiid I'tiikt nl tbi- unit r ! L-m-(Mtld
In-iirmn'i itiken riti 1- in Him-
will lie -int. to thf ton r .- of tho K t. Icn -tiMiit,
IC. ulKgrat.Miid Ciii'i'li,
Itinlwit-t, At4. -2 Mlt Itter lVi,alnIi,a
ana iHtbnut to 01 in ibe varlotit vmci'hN In
e'jk smih iM'vlnicstl'Hi nl tiHH(')t if ll-r
Im corc'Tiiinv the Ihav will nvurt tun re
otty of thn t lt-o'f 111 i h - n-l it nl I'.iih I nt
seuibiy loainuml Im H-iUui.tnlau c iiiitbu
tlon. Frankfort, An;, 22 The f 'orntren, for lh-rafo-tn
nf lnu-rn.. iuin la ailoi td t ri
lutlon fvormic tbo U inu ,t ttui Him
Maal, and similar wn'ka, iu ilinenf war.
Harre, Aug, 22. Q ieu Christina died
Uai Blf kt at 8ui Adrasa, near Ibis oily.
Ihm, Auf . 22, Tli acreUry of auU
for the foreign department at a banquet In
Liverpool said "the great duty of the gov
ernment now Is to retrench."
Vienna. Anir. 23. An Imperial ordor
nmneaUen Phlllppvloh commander. In-ohlof
r .t... ,i,.l. . . , ...a ..! lli.i.l .t...u
ui viih imiii uuri3, urnuu jltulvu it uriciuuur)r
comtna'tidor or the Ti'li corps; Oon. Ssmary,
commander of tho 3d corps, and Gen. Hler
tiort, commander rf the 4ih corps. These
corps, numbering 180 000 men, tiro for llio
spoond army. This dovelnpnient tf mili
tary for senmsi principally directed SKalust
Hervlaand Montenegro whoro prtlclntlo:i
In the lusurrorttoti Is tnitnlfit.
Tho Inst or Hoitilaus at Sarajevo was sno
klllnd and 700 wounded II Is tbom-lii ui.u.v
in iiililltlon woroearriod aw.iy by their 10111
lilt; Aiittrlaiis wontulul ."00.
A'exandrU, Ailir2-1 A prij't Is toiler
I'ot.hlder.itlon wli'rh It It believed tin. Kbo
iltvowlll neceio lo morrow, whotoln Niibnr
l'tba w'lll berntno ptpsldent of imiiiicIThuiI
Itlvers WI'sim iiiliils'er nf flimum. Thn
Ktiedivo still fsinily will retiorrt all tlo-lr
ImiiiIh to 1 Ins S'a'o, aril n coiipheiisMi
m!n tun tor tho roTorm of th admliiltlrallnu
1110111111111 Ixrvo retrenebuients In tho civil
list will I'odi'ou'ed.
Fr.iTi.ii-!. Aug. 21. ''.
IIV IT. to
tho otlict-ni of Tottro
Orleans, tolcgr.iplu I for ussist.meo, .
soliciting for loiitributioits among our larcalito
citizens, and this moniiiii' trantu.ittrd to tho
infirmary at New Orleans $1,000 by telegraphic;
order. Ho expects to duplicate that sum to
morrow. The call for help isget.eralli, responded
to with liberality. Mr. Habcr has not jet can
vassed among Christians, but will do so before
many days.
r Tho commlttco appointed by St. John's
church to-day collected and telegraphed to
Momphii over $100 for tho Uuicfit of tlio fovcr
J Run Krnnslsco, An?. 21. The directors
of tlio Masonic Suvhigs nntl Louu Html;
uniioiiiiccfl tliut hi consequence of the
Improvident louu licrutotore nitiilo on
navy pay certlfluii.es, the lituiU will retire
from liiidliieos.
Untile, Aj. 20. Hotllo mndea foiirlli
Blilpiiient ye-tenlnv. The total for this
month is $411,000. the mine, was visited
tn-ihiy by u iininber of Ifidilig experts
from Kail Kituiflceo nntl Vlrglnlii, who
tiroiiotiiici'd It tlio most wonderful gold
ledge In tlio history of milling.
Han F imicIkoii, Aug. 2.1 In u!m iniintnipal
orlniinal coiiri tu day tno ct hjkIihi ,1 ().
Duncan, of tho dffiiuet I'min-er IUnk,ctmo
upon ilointiner lo elglitetin cliargos. On
foiirleoti of tht'sn, viz, ohtht cases of falsi
fylmr aceouniH, and mI.t cases of forgery of
ctiiiiiioaioaor- tun sii'o iiopomi uoiiipiiy'h
Htoi.'k lliodiniiiriors wcro MMtulntd, on im).
count of teuhtittml errors In tho Itullottneiit,
In two cusos ol fnruery of afo deiosltcertl
tiea'e, 0110 uitn ol grand Itrcotiy mid ono
catn orfiilouy thnduiniirrort woreovorrulo'l.
Haurainonto, Anir. 2.1. -liniiry A. Cati'
nolil, who hIki! mid killed 111. G. Kogluh
laii wo-k, was oxsmlfind to-dty nnd hold to
answer fir uitirdHr. IUII rofiisnil,
Sn FriitioNco, Anir 2.1. Ton prisoners
escaped last night from thn branch Jill by
cutting ihoir wtv through thn coIIIiik with 'a
Jsuk knll'o. Tim fuglllvet Ind boon serving
oiilMiuli'U'.'rs fiir puitv iiffoiises
As a priidHiulsl uimmiro Clay Htrent II ink
Is demand Iuk tbo regular Hiiiii iintlco frntii
depoHltors desiring to withdraw their au
IK': in Dill ItioD-At.-AuB.S
Tramps Abroad. '
Howr.1.1. I'ltAir.iK, Aug. 22, lfi"8.
Hniroi: IlKcoitn: On last Friday evotiin?
two suii!ciou'lookiiig men called at tho How
ell IVairio storo and post olllce. They comu
in Mr. (7. llains' watjim to tho store. M .
Ihtlni camo into tho house, and ono of tliu
tramps followed him to tho door, us'uig profano
and violent language. I ordered him to nto.
At tlits timu he called his comrade who sprang
from tliu wagon, when they both rushed into
tho liouso and I'otnmotiucd a fuss with Itainr,
when otiu of them pushed It. when ho attempt
ed to usu deadly weapons in solf defense, at
wiii h timu I interfered to prevent blooilshud,
and forced tho villains out of tlio house. There
v.eiv several purMiu present, which, perhaps,
cini'Cil tlictn to leave, using violent profane
latigtiige. Alter proceeding sumo distance,
they stood on top of a fence bcnido tho road,
nnd after louV.iug all ntoiuid, thoy rpr.itig down
nud r.m into a thi.'ltot. It seems that tbeso
trauiM luvl tliicateiioil to bill Kami bofotu
coming to tliu fctuif. Thoy wiro welbdreHaed
mon, largo, tall, tout-looUitig, of villainous
.iiiuitou.inco. Tiiey wero driuik, whiuli inay
ft.''Ulli fur this n.'ll.lge.
U'hilu our poplo oast of tho iiinuiitainu havo
K'eii tobbed and uiurdui'eit and ruined by tho
fiunerr,l t'.-vtnniieiit, we of tliU valley r.ni ex-P'l-.il
to tliu depredations of ciuniiuiniht who
r.ru lillii);- our onuutry. 1,. W. I.i.i.wiok.
Hoarly n liiR rire.
While c'.'.r.uinj' up tho Uuivcrsity grounds
to-day, tho jnrtius who were at work hut litn to
n piiu of rul'bish, r.nd in r. hIhii t tiuu: after,
ttet.l to dinnev. While they wore (.latent, the
tiro v,.iiiiit in the gr.-.Kt, au-l mini sproad uver
t!,: gt itiiil-, uid.mjjeriug tho fence Mid out
b;uMin nosr the main builditij. ISut fur tho
t...:-! aitiial of tiio.o wiui were in r.tt mtlatiito
at thu Tiuobsts' lustitttto nud othsrs who saw
t!m lirv, tWo would, iu shltu-t tit no hv.i en
a lively v"...Ia4r,t.oi.. At it i, but little dim
a .0 was diiiu.
Day by day th'j L'niverkity of C'allfoiiii.-. i.t
lxt:iiiii:ig richer nnd rivlnu. Its yearly in
come in)v i. -;i)O,0O'), ami th'.t i muitAiitly in
cidting ;." tin m!o of its lands. l!i.ui.t!y
.lu.l-e ll.v'tiugigavo it SIOO.WM 'or the p:ir
pom. i,f iciiiiiling .1 law i:li'iol, .;i:d, nx'iir.liiig
to the ap'ri, there in & louatioi to it nf
.M.V),0J3 in the will of the lato Michael 1 loose,
i.akiug tl.reo-i, inrters of .1 inilli'iii whi.-h it has
rccoitl iu !' than half r. var. Thoe iliina
twtiS at ii.teret, at bvt, nr cent, will iuereaso
the aiti'..:,l lu.'uing of this itiititntion to ov r
0:i lf, Sj-.urday, whi.V Alc, Ymi'jutt bon of
K. (.'. H:i'U'.A, "i Vatnhill county, a lad about
1 1 ycAfn of ..', was Hding on the coupling jlc
of WMg'in.heg'.t his fit in the wheel, liberat
ing hU k't'i j'Ut aM) e the ankle, and cotnlling
him tu "Jay up" Un time. No bouts ver
" 1
TonoMras Story of a Mooting Between a
rattorantt His Fallon Daughter.
An extraonUnnry Heeno took plnre In
the gloom of the cell-room of tho Nlntli
8trcet Btntlon-hoiw, yesterday mnriiiiig.
It was tho meeting ami reetiuclilatioii,
alter years of eperntloii, between a re
tpeetalile, welltt)Mlo father anil lilt mis
erable, erring tltiugliter, who litul stinu
to tlio lowest dentil of shame. The meet
lug catno about In this manner; Karly tn
tliu morning a woman calling herself
Hnttlo (.lark, onooftho most iibanilnneil
whlto women In tliut wretoliol (pinrter
kttnwn us HtifUlown, was nrrtsted for
llirlilliiivantl taken to the Mnth'ii-hniise
with her luce iioiiniletllilacl; 11111I hhifiiml
eyes so swdIIoii from the vlleets of her
enoouiitor that she ciiiibl huiilly see out
of I hem. Shu wns titluit before .luilge
Wilson, who sentenced her to the wotu
hoie lor thjrt-y days, nntl lined her $30
and cost. The poor creatine hntl often
liuil tho saniu sentence pasted upon her,
and etirolessly twisting her tangled hair
Intosomethlng like decent shape, shinl.
out of the sight or the police court gapers
and Into a sell In the station-house below,
to wait thecomlngof tliu prison van, to
convey her to tho work-house. Hhu Hung
herself down uiion tliu bench of her cell
and waspreparlng to take a nnp, If possi
ble, when she heard a voleo In tho outer
(iftlcoliiriulrinRof Sergeant Do vine, who
was on duty; Havo you a woman looked
up hero named Hatlio uiarKY" -ics"
exclaimed thu wonuiu, with a rude
oath, und without waiting for the
sergeant to answer tho lntcrroga
lory, "fllcro I u in. What's wanted?"
Tho ofllcei showed the inquirer Into the
cell-room, and Iluttle got upaud went to
her cell-door to scu who it was that could
bo interested In her. The person who
had asked for her was a tall, well-built
man, with the appearance of an opulent
farmer who hail weathered some sixty or
mora years of this life's vicissitudes, As
soon as thu prisoner ciught a glimpse of
Ills features as ho drew near her sho gave
vout to tt piteous cry and throwing her
apron over her bruised anil discolored
face, shrank into thu farthest corner of
tho cell. Tho ol J gentleman was deeply
ellectetl by tho sight before him, nut
mustering his emotion, said lu a gentle,
pleading voice, "My Clod, my girl, is It
thus I lluilyoti; hutbtitcoitieto your fath
er, dear." Tliu lender Words, to which
shu was so unused, ami which shs never
expictetl tocoinu from those lips, broke
Iter down completely, and with a Hood of
tears film sank at her father's feet and
clasped lit knees to Iter bosom, 'i'ho old
man wept with her, ami the sceituhrotight
tear-ito thueyesof thu sergeant. IlntHe
gradually grow calmer, ami thu cell-door
being opened thu fathertook hlsilaughter
to his heart, rags, filth, bruised faeo and
all. Ho Ignored completely her wretched
plight uud thustlll mora wretched milli
ner of life it Indicated, and only wanted
tliatslinshouhlgoawav with him tit 0111:0
That could uot bo just then however,
llieru was a suutuneu hanging over her,
und U sides, shu suhl shu wanted to
get tin whisky out of her, and get rid of
liui'blnjtk eyes, before sho wcutwllti him
and slo thought tho work hottsu would
l'.A'ty." t placerlrhcr to go to aeeonv
Pi Inosu object tf. She wild Hint In u
eisjjir weoKHsho would bo iu a 1:011
(lllloit'to go with him wherever hu desir
ed, and would tin so with as grateful
11 heart us over heat inn daughter's bos
0111. Tlietti can be 110 doubt of tho sin
cerity of her protestations. Thu old gen
tleman regretfully uciiulcsccd In thu 11
rangcmciit that shu siimthl go to tho
work-hotiHo forgetting (hut- ho hiuln't
all todo with tliat part oftliitprogramiue
but Mild that hu would comu in two
weeks tiuil take her away. They then
purled, and Hiittlo returned ti her cell a
changed woman, Ictus hope, for thu ro
miilnilerof her life. There is 110 doubt.
If situ continues in hcrpicsftil mood, uud
shows an earnest purpose to reform, Unit
tho proper authorities will ru'ensu her
from the work house at the s'lpulatett
two weeks. Hut whatever her cnuise
may be, thu giaiitletir of character and
tciitleruissof soul exhibited by tliat good
old man, lu folding that lorlorn draggled
outcast daughter, to Ills hreist, iiitihl
tippiiil H'lougly to thu In arts ol thos
wno know how rnrly mhsU ('rlsllun
traits aiu displayed in this until, wieko.l
Thu old gentleman wis a ttock tb'tilor,
living Hunt KlemluuiliMrg, Ky. fie came
to Ciiiuiiiall from wind county West Va,
In Itvll.amt lived bent until six yait mn
Hatiiu in annul tlilrt.V'thicoyoimof ngi ,
and was born In V ruitila. ) wn
inatrnil .otuig H a cniidiictnr 011 tlio
Ibililiiiniu aiitl Ohio riiiliuiul, iiunie.l
(lihlii, who ilesi rled liei'ti'ter they hnd
lived together but a few wiekt. Ills wlfo
dying, he had hroiiuhl his ohililivu to
t'lnciiinatl, and loiunl hnnus lor thoiii
uiiiiiugMiiiieof his iieipiiilulatiecs. Them
lint bill.' M'llldlen besides Untile, Ml id
"li'iiu aro grown, ami 111 good i.'lr.niin
slances. rlx eitl's ngo he went V. fttiiinl
engaged in tho rtoek hii-dnecs; Is on tin
ni.iiltn I'Oinp'initivi' vve.iltli. llntib' wort
Wiong hOOli liltef fn.' left, tllld lOlitltlilcil
iii gu hi. 111 l-ad to ivoro until "he onmi
liiiMi'l'in the 1 i.wrt ih-iis of Iln -la-iwn.
Ho bud Hindi' a number of lu.'lli dual
si'iircln s tor her, nilitily obtulneil a eltt,
to ii,r wltereb'iiits, yi'-tei'd.iy iiniriiliig
he b'liiiiid nl tin1 lliiiiiotif Hie tJini.l Sbep-Ill-til
tiuil I. Wiillliill luillle.! Mnrgiet, Mill
hiid I'i'eii iliere sdiiih linie agii, but wits
no. " Illicit to her obi hniints iiiulkuowiiiis
ll ittii'f'l'irlf. Hit iH-M- iiniilr.v w.ia
iiliii'i'l! tbo polit'iJiueil, who illleeii'il liini
loihe N'lutli strt't .-.ti-init-hiiiH.) with
the liupiiv ruoiiltdeioriiiC'l iilnve. t'ln
ciiiiiini C'oiniiiurcltil.
ba-jcinml I'sr.-.cti.
TbO billowing i- irom t'nj Ash land
Ttie most Inttp'stlng oivtirreuee In
town tiis vti'idt, Uiis tin: iutivu! In our
sine's of M". W. ' M.ur, dr vlng lus'lwu
rilo'i .nnd point's, liotiliv Ibinisiuid Mullv,
altiiuluii loa Hu. Wiillo Cli.ipM D.Mei
Wiigon, Molly vui- iii'iMiiiipiiuicil iiy lur
fo.il, two moiiliit old, lining the -in .Ileal
sp'Cluii'ii of "Itor-";" mi ion mi, I'lus
ll.illilintlve te.tlii, W.i-ire--il In iv ipleii
il il sot of nilver inniiuied bnnn ks, in un
In their ipeelal order. Tliat v 111 tlm llrs'
tluio lln'i had ever beed driven In nar
ie-, but they moved nil' .is though 'hoy
bttd nerV'sl u life ilinent the bns'ne-is.
Mr! Mycr has nnnthcr span, whio'i he
w II breed shortly, and propos to visit
our towBMKin, "four lu hand."
Marrlod Aitor BnrlaL
Two Parisian merchants strongly unit
ed in friendship, had each ono child of
different sexes, who early contracted a
strong Inclination foreuch other, which
wnsciierished by the parents, and they
wero fluttered with the expectation of
belt. g joined together for life. Unfortun
ately, at tho time they thought them
selves on tho point of completing this
lo'ig-wlshetl for union, a man far advanc
ed 11 year and pos-eseil an Immense
foitune, ea-t his eyes on the young lady
and made lionoruli e proposals. Her pa
rents could Mot resist the temptation of a
son-in-law Insuch nflliieut circumstances
and lorectl her to (omidy. As soon us tho
not wns tied she sit let ly enjoined her
formerlovernevertof.ee her, and patiently
submitted to her fate: but thu anxiety
of her tn l ml preyed tijon her hotly and
threwher into a lingering disorder, which
tipparetit'y carried her oil' and she wns
consign! d to (lie grave. As soon as the
new.-, of tills luelaueiioly event reached
hetlovei, his alllletloii was doubled, be
ing tlepr veil oT till hope of her widow
hood; nut, leolb-etiug that lu her youth
she haii been for some time lu a lethargy,
this hope revived uud hurried him lo the
placu ot tier liurrlal, wheru a good bribe
protnireu a sexton's permission to dig her
up; which hu performed, ami removed
her to it place of safety, whero by proper
method hu rovived thu ulniott oxtln
gulshetl sparo of life. Great wtis her
surprise at the state she had been lu and
probably as great was her ploasure at the.
means by which sho had been recalled
from tho grave. As soon as sho wassulll
clently recovered the loverltild his claim;
and tho reasons, supported by a powerful
Inclination on her side, wero toostrongfor
her to resist. Hut as France was no lon
ger n place of safety for them, they agreed
to remove to Kiiglaud, whuro they eon
tinned tun years, when u sitting Inclina
tion of tevisitlng tholr native country
seized them, which thoy thought they
might surely gratify, and accordingly
pot (tinned their voyage. They lady was
so unfortunate, us to ho known by her
old husband whom shu met lu 11 walk
and all her endeavors to dlsgnlso herself
was iucH'cctuiil, Hu laid his claim to her
before a court of justice, and thu lover
defended his right, alleging that her litis
baud, by burying her, hail forfeited his
title, ami that he had aeiitilrciliijust ouu
by freeing her from the grave nud deliv
ering her finin thejawso dunth. Theso
reasons, whatever wulght they might
havo lu court wheru lovo presidud, seem
ed to have little client upon tho grand pa
ges of the law, anil thu lad and bur lover
not thinking It safe to wait tliu determin
ation of thocourt, prudently roll red out.
of the kingdom.
Now Haven, with 00,000 iuha'iitaits, has
f5 churches. Thu CongrugatimiahxW havo If),
tlio MuthodiiU 10 thu Kpmuop.tliaus 10, tliu
Catholic: 7. thu H.iptuU (I, tlio .loiv.i 'J, nud
the Lutlioriiins and thiiversilists ouu each.
Tho Undeniable- Truth-
You diisurvo toMilIrr, nud if you bud a
iuIshihIiIo, iiUNSlUfsiiloiy I lie hi ihts bt.tiill
fnl world, Il Im nllrely your own r.iiilt nil
iiioro Is cnilyi!H tixfnii ior"yo'i,--mar un,
rnnmiUHblo prijildlon kihI knptlniii), wliluhi
lui killed tuouMiiiids, I'urMiiusI kmiliMlgrt
mill ooinmon i"enti ressnninu will noon show
you ibst Oiihiii'h Aubiui Klownr will euio
you ol l.lvor Coinplslnt, or DyspensU, w Ih)
nil Itsitiisorabloftlncls, Hiieh MHsH'k hosdiiiibs
t'slpltutlou of tho htfsrt, sour stmimi'li, brv
b'ttist aosilvouoNs, ibxisliioH of llio lioid,
nervous prostration, low Hilrits, Vit I'-
stbe now result every trwu on (bo 'eitorti
UnniliioutHud tints lirugtrlst nut will tell jnu
of t woniliirliil uiirns. Ynii am imv iiSm
nlo llittln iur lOueiits, '1'lireo doet will re
lieve you.
tl-T T-..,
i'i '.iil .Slrrtt,
N-il Kvirnf,
linp-irtsii thoroiigh und praotleiil eilnm mrt
in nil eoniiuoritliil mid llngllxli luiiiiiine-.
Krei.eb, (itrtiiiill, Sp111l-.I1, DruMiu suit
rl ur.iphy. Tins sutinul busing in--iiir
fa.- litleM, slid ciij lynig 11 more itxini-lvn
tni-r..iisi'() timu any hlinlUr Iiiki li it' I it 1 1 o
I'neiiio ('ti, I'oiitluues to Imhii liHcbnins lor
unlilnu i.-'ll pilni!iMjil llWll ill" n'"''
'-no uud olillghtulieil Jililguiolllof tho pul
I! I' lleidd,
II. M MiMriiH,
'. II II Vrtlt-lllliie,
Mr. (I vv Ibury,
Mr. A. M limuii,
A. I llultel,
l.'. I'. Mntil,
!'. C Wot ilbury,
A. II. CHpp,
!'. It Southern,
Mix W J. Ilriinlllon,
I', Mrtuiii,
lllll! .It Inn-,
A Vrtlllli-lllhlll 11,
Tho ittliiiillou Inuiiuli iiinuii iii-.ii i-r
itorrnil lio.iue-s IiiiIiiIh, Hial the li
lliiiiii--. K iiieatlon ih not ei nlli
siiipuig, I'-aniirtn-iiip ami An n
liuii'iris .nun lir.nil enlliiiii -,. 1
-ItiiiiHinl lur a lilvlb poslliutii
I'lMll.lllli.l. v ,
Ml I In1
1 4.
Ti .1 enitil'-.i iiimii ol I'l'li
rn im iiMirv I) i(Mf iiiHin,
iliiii'MT--1 in in i:l'' i 01
llr . .
-III. Hi
.IMI., I pi)'0
ti. 11 1.11 i.l en vfi 111 n
At-'lHAli ItU-INfXH IMtM'l' !
11 y v tili'li ,n jiiik uri' II 1 imI o. 1'ier i
11 j Iiiim iliciili f i.in do- e v
IIim llUll -.loll'lUiU "t il" (illtlllillt
III ill.
IS i-iuisi ('nuiniiiiiliy.
Iim l'.imh Mleiiv in Mniiiir pnii i.iiis lor
tirnlli tio-i in itiind liiisliiiis . sbli-i nlo.
Till) fit IiIn-IiiiI l, H lll HI I'll II i .. k nlill
ill hiiv hic, .11 unl ,! uti li !- nr lemieri'il
Ulilff II1.I1HV by I III- kiH UU. lllll Ol I ll- pllj iltt
.f .Hi ill ir into,
I'l IlKVllU lllll UrAi.1 Mild bl'hl M'IUIIhUkI
tt.il iti-Mitt,!) Mithii 'I loiiuis, Mini tun isrt'kt
vi .,iiy aiii iiiIhihh hi any Diimiii-s ii.hm.i
vjoii 1 in Amtiiloo,
tliu 11111I111I1..1.1 noillii-jiili u of parents Id
. nt ..li.i-nnii ol imy itipil, nnd the. pslna
l,eo it, kh.i 1I10111 liiinitiiid of tbo jirogrewt
tii-i d"i ir lie 111 nf 1 llelr mum.
I Im I'sia id 11 ii"ii . 11 1 v.'Hiii' 111.
4tm ll'iini hi t'oi'lusi' liiluiM llruiiu.- 1 ,
lix iiupMriiiioni-i.r Mullein l.'ttiKii.ge. -ud
iinwiig,iu vv li ii'li inch pupil can n-i iv
in-'iiioiioiiH fn i ol chart. 0.
I niM,iii.inii hiipsrioii'Ut of Teleitriiiy,
11 uiiub itiii.'oi.ih ste iiuid to uiilir si mirst
'( l llllllf lllltbh hS OplTUtUIH,
Ik mis not I-.1UH l.llnscliolsiHtilpH, bin lvw
ib ( ii'.b In-lriicih'ti ui rbBMiiiMbh rste
I ivni.w I'Xrtiiilnstiiiii from sll luisrenitsl,
'Iim "fiilUmii Juiirtml," kIviiik full parilo
ulurs rogitidlaK cwtirno of luatruvlion, letms
'o , limy Imi bad at lbs Ulllctt of tba Col ltd
24 font alxeet, or by addreaoluK
TrMideat HuabMwColleg,
jink V