Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 30, 1878, Image 1

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MW$ H REjfe $ P la
Volnmo X, Numuor 25).
2.50 per Year.
New York, Aug. 21 Tho frolght contract
ttbetweon th Piulllc MhII steamship com
pany ami tuo union '4eiU3 raiirnau, win
wouiu uayo tnrmiPHicii mo insi nuy in mis
wonih, wasoxtonded for sixty days longer
on tub same u.ims io uay.
i Mrs. Italston, widow of Iho California
banker, arrived from Knrojio yesterday nc
i comnanlad bv two of her children. Shu I
hero to look ufcor her Interest In tho ostato of
. Mr. Italstnn. . .. .
i Dr. X. K Davis, or tho Pacific muh dieu
I heto yesterday, ngod M Mo was ninny
years In charge of tbo Uiiitod States nurino
hospital at Sun Francisco.
rtaslivnio, Aug. si, iisvnuun nini
port an iUKBtunut with an armed bind of
elict distiller In Overtou o unity, haaded by
Campball Mor,;an at" p. m. yesterday. Tho
rovonunnlllcera wore under flrofor A" win
ntes.and Philips, Plilpidu ami Smith ro
wounded. Couitnisduiiur Utlutn ha given
tjollocior Woodcock authority toaeiid onnngii
man to eapturo tho entire o md Hois uow
getting Uli a posso for thai pur oo.
Clnoltiaitl. Aug. 21-Uonslvo prepira
Hon? aro making for tho national soldlera'
rouulonut Marloitn.Ohln, beginning Sept :i.
mid Initios four tUi a. Tlu government ban
-v tarnished a lirgo number of army tents,
cooking utensils, and two tons ol artillery
and niimUol outridgiH. Letters of at. end
auco ato received Irom Secretary Lvarts,
Uoim. Pope, Crook, OarllMd, Wallace, Leg.
gate, SunatorThtirirammd others, with Ueti.
Moaty, of tUo Confederate urmy. Corres
pondence In Mill paudlmr with the Proild-mt,
ftona JohnMin,.I.D Hood, Fltz Hugh, Lie,
Lingatrot nuu others,
jhw unoaiia, aim. - -'" u'i ""i
deaths, !-. . , ... ,.
Hiicfi Irvine, uhlnf operator nf tho W. U.
Telegraph olllon. thin clty.dlud thin moru.
Jpc of yellow fevnr alter six daya Illness.
rNew Orloana, Aug 25. Now oatus, 163
death. S3
Holly Springs. Mlu., Aug. 2S lx cases
of vollow fever fever h'Taj nil refngn.
Vlokjburg, Aim. 2S Sixty-eight now
nie and sixteen duatha for tho past twenty,
tour hours. . . .
Ohloao. Am. 21 Subcrlptlon arntre.
(rating $2500 wera uitda In the board of Iradn
tula morninn tor inn uouout ui iuo johub
rJJiuoJtueniiin. . , ,
iMJXi-xritiT S Tho oorrimlttra
tpolntd to Kollult mI1 lor yellow fover auf
8t. LooU, Auk. ! -Tlw fund for fror
auflerera In ttin aoutU wi to day inrrdatad
to about fSO.000 , .,
Philadelphia, Aii(r.2il Ont IhoiiMnd men
luthalronmlllaof Juiui Holland k 'o.,
Stephen Uobbln&Hon, Marshal llmi.Co .
Philadelphia Iron and Stwl Co., Unuhen X.
I'Altenon, Kalrhill Iron Co., aud John I.
Verro, notlnod their nnplojera lat nl;?ht
that thoy would not oomo io work on Mon
day at tho propoml rediu-tion of wanes.
Thn otribnm nrn nit-mbera ut an amaleaniil-
od aaoclatloii of Iron and a'eel wnrkara of
the United Htatn", lioaua'iarinra m rmouurK,
and tho Mrlk has takfii pliw wUi tho sano.
lion of that bodj, which asrcis to support
the strikers. . .....
Waihlnirton, Auir. 31 President, Mia.
llayeaand timlly lvo Friday iivniilngnoxt
oa tho llaltlmoni and Ohio road for 1-remoni
Ohio, arrivlnir Saturday atti-rrioon. Mon
day evonlnirtheylrave lorChlcaRO, arrivlnir
next morning. There tuo pioMdent will re
view tha lire department. Wedueaday be
starts fir St. Paul, arriving Thurady mom
ing early, and broikfcstlutt with ex aeuator
Kanisav. Theu will follow a nubllo recop
tlon. In tho evening there will be w public
reception. Immedtataly afiorwarda the
S resident leavw for Fawns thence kooh to
lamarrk, stopping at aoiuo of the great
farms fur a abort timo. Haiurdav ho re urn
to Fargo an 1 Monday arrives at MliiHHitl!a
and holds a rc-ptlor, arrlvta at Maniaon
Tuesday morning and k-ep on to Uhl'-agn,
reaching thre Wednesday morning. From
there he will letitrn to Washington.
Meinphl-, Aug.-l -From d p. in. ye-ter-day
to noou to day 7d new caea and 17
deaths were rejtor'1-d, The fever la apread
Inn to au alarming nxteut among the colorod
Viokkburg, Au. il-V-Mow fever con
tinues Inoreuilnir. Oynr Ml nv r In tho
nasi U hours a-id Si ileatba. Trains on the
"VlcUsburg and ilMrldlau railroad have
ceaed runulnr.
rilUbiirg, .V'lg a-Tho llrt cave r.r yel
low fever Hrrlv.Mn thU nliv last night on
the rteanvr biirtr 0'Ntl. frfiin Wht-ellng
The pitHnt li JaCraw'ord. who had bf.u
employed, mi iha rlvi-r at (,'lnolnnail. 'IJn
board of hoalth hul hint rrtm ived to a ho
pltalaiovo too ol y lin-nolUwIy af.er hi.
Tbec'ontrlbii'l tiMof clt'zni fortho relief
of sutWlng In tb .nn'ti numnnN to ?V00O,
all of which hai ben f irvardt?d io varluu
Philadelphia, Aut.'Ai l.vooia of
l favnr wi.r (llOilV-ro. !" uirh'.
ThAminiiiitltHit htvlnicuhtrjanf Iho col
lection and dlHhur-HiiiH'H of fjnil ffr ft.ver
It had been obtained, or that It was gotutlnr ,
1 do not bolleVD In Its priyiut txlstonco, If 1.
ever had any.
Ijoukvlllu, Aug. 27. A apodal dlspttch
from Princeton Ky., to the C'nurler-.lournal
aavs.t W. nigci and.I. W. Luttroll, In at
tetupllng toewpo from court while bolnir
tried to-dav for litirna Htoattngt wore sbot and
Instantly killed.
at. Paul. Aug, 27 A tornado and hail
storm at Fawo. D.T. this evening, prostrat
ed a duren build atz, and damagod many
moro. Threo persons were hurt but no livoa
loit. The storm extendoi twolvo in lies
along tho Notthcrn Paelfle.
Omaha, Auir. 27 A apenUl train of alx
coiohe-, having nil board SiUrocrul fmui
New Ynr't. Iff Omaha at 11:30 a. til. to day,
thlrtv inlnu'ei ahead of the regular express
lime and will run through to San FraucUoo
on regular Unix, arriving thoro tho 31-t.
("ol, T. K. tlogrf, of Oro?ou, wuo went to
Kuropo an inn tvontha ajro tOHilruplmmlgrn
Hon to Ori'gun, pound thmngli HiIh city to
day, homeward b Mind, and reported thattho
profpoc'M ror liuropiuu iininigrutiiin to ins
atato arn vtrv p )or, ut thovi who Uv Intend
ml to go to Oregnii havonbaudoued the Idm,
aslheyhao been heawod by tlin Indian
trotibln, and thtrtforo bo Ravoiiplilselforts
In Miat dlroc Inn.
N w 0'ltMn, Aug 23 Dr. WnrrnnStnnn,
who n turned from P.irt Hula Sunday, leave
for Grenada thin tiionltig in resiionso to a
oall from iho Ho.Minl Aa-oolntlnn.
'I'lio.I'li) lytimt hin: Hv irlvatolet(rr it la
lonrned that the lover In PUquoiulnei pirlih
bus largely Incroasnd, and tan peoplanro
aadly elllli-tcd. Tiny p-uMTir chlcll? from
want of pliylolana and nurns, nud thoe
wno ore in gord lies i in nrn maiiuy ompioy
od In laklna care of thoe who aro down.
Now Orlf ana, Atu 27 Tho denlh 1 let to
day Ini'lmlca eluht children under eevnn
jearaofogo. Pnrt Iadt repirta one d.iath
and three iww caie thorn. Ono of tho two
UnwRrd's miraea left there bvDr. Htonola
reported alelc. Colli ctor Hmlth han boon
authorl7.id by tho treasure ilnpartment to
purchase 100 gallons nf carbolls ucld to dU
InfixH the cuMiom hntias.
Tho Times eavH the strong sympathy
shown to thealllictod cities of tho south by
tho more tortunato slitera nf tho north la
something not to bo easily forgotten. On
everv aids we hear of moat noblo efforts bo
lnir made to rl-e contributions In aid of the
aniloted. While Iho north wlih a )avlh
hand loothlng the favered brow' of south
ern sutT-rer. ahn Is building a inouuoieufto
graiitudo whluh will be luminous forever.
VIcknburg. Aug. 27. Ono hundred and
forty new eaaoa are reported to-days 2S In
tormrutu; weather very unfavorable, whloh
acoouuta lor the ureal lucrnaio in the nusiber
ol new casna.
Momphlx, Aug. 20. To-day iho weather la
cloud and gloomy in tho extreme. Tho
fuvxr has nut mil v Increased 111 the cltv but
eemd to th wart the efforts to save the Uvea
of many poor p mplo who aro movod out of
the city by appeunnir In two of tbocimps.
New York, Aug 27 I he Hun has a letter
from Loulivllle, dated 23J, Btallng that
Philip Arnold, made notorloiia rome years
ago In uouiiertinn with salting a diamond
Hell III tho far west, was Ute.y allot nt KHz:
bethtown, Ky., by a nuu uumd Holds
worth, In a iMr room row. Ho will proba
bly recover, but will loe an arm .
SUtJiMT r. Ue"lsl 'O iimri'in &i j ' iihuw
( $(V)0'o' Niw Ode in. SI,Ms) fir Vicki
burg, SI.SoO to- Memp'i's, siul fKi to Or-n
o.i. siiii4iirliiii'ns to d i' tinxit 87.7-17
New Yotl., Atu. " i n iiiiamner i
commerce Unl v -nt jJ -VW to New Orluaua,
Memphis and Wk-h-wv
A Itc'.ureat '.Vnl'- In iiirSprlngahy Co'.
J.oni. formerlv nf th- KxvsUn armv.iietlel
$2,600, which hat bwn forwarded to V Icks
1?bttanogs, A'i'r Sii-Th r.ilnrl people
here eeni ovnr l"0 in ello fev,.r Htiff trer.
Iloatnn, An 27 -Ot-n. Hi'ler publishes
card this affn''i In reply Ui a dispatch
about the all-aed Shenn.n ' nK
the Is not one ! of truth In lu "I nav
neTrn tbenrlglnal of theSheraDS leitsv.
I btx told persoaal friends or enemies that
Pentli, Aug 2S The city authorities havo
refuned to cxecuie a military ordtr uiuhing
a renuUlilou fur "00 wagons.
Itoui". Auir. 21. Tho central rnmmiltrn at
Oeima ( f lialle Irregontr party hui beon ro
consiitiited on a laruer bash, A meeting
wld l,- lifld at Monte Feltre oil .Sunday.
St, P.Uurtburg, Aug 25 AgMico Hue
corameuiliigon thedUpiicbesof LnrdHdis
bury and the Knjrli'.h comuN, accusing the
K'jiiilan authorttuii of ojiiulvlng at the at
ntolllei of le nulvarUiis, sa, Ing the Impu
tation Is ntu-tulve, und la made by SalUhury
to pave Hie wav f.ir encroachment of Eng
lish IntliiHiice 'in HulgarU, but lhal lttwsta
will know how to oppose such enoioaoh
mm .a.
Vl-nna,Aii!t 25 Oen.Fzipiny telegraphH
thattho iiiMUrgr-uiH avail) ailsoktxl hliu Fli
day, hut who repulsed uf.er nluu tioura'
lNlttrd, Aug. asth A lelegrsm eates
that 20 TOO nihiiru.'iiii. wlin ln.uvy artillery,
are ciut'Oiuliig lli-ntal HiHi,y, It is i x
pc.td he will M-uhe reliilurcMiriiutH Tue-d-iv,
end will then rriume iho oll-ulvo.
I. union Aug 2.'i tie I'mjmror of Oor
hihiIv i..ktarrl il at KhIMIiii.
ItOtlie, Aug l,rz.irr-iii me niimro ui
UroMetll, Wtm I nai'slmtd lilui-etl prnHil
and Llm- vvhm killed at the bend .f llllO"
thouiiil tnllr rs who tlrst tiled llloii I lie
vn d' annus -f-rtuei uad b-enordernl l"
London, Aug. ui. A uome oorreipanniu
of Ihe 'I lin-i lte jii t'-u mm f tiieOroi
bu tl finatlo snd iiiiciimsunceHOf It's deih-
LszziretH rttclMre-d ii!n.til m Im Christ
iviniii rtK-aln end hd idi'"-fii tw.lvn ap(Kiln.
On the inntnlng f the 13 h ins. the j rophei
HtlhA hidf! fl' lit 2"y"l fninwerh,i.trtwl
tir the viitis'r-nl Anndnss HI- pureni.a, It
Is said was inn -ilh'uI. A lniiiilrrl lllev
ers it n n.") In ulnte iunl'.s.H, lilt, ancient
Jewish prlertH were led by ibe ciilnmil. At
heir id ws.kid Divld.lht siii.t, attired
In half lefal. Mil IMiillltlulel ismtumn. Willi
ailladein ou hi head and "" )rnu ''dnrd
club In his band. The pro!finn then ang
a bvnui Ub lb retrain, "lmt llvo Ood
and IheChriKilnn-inildin." "Pralte be to
CbrUtisimea Mn-nd lima on isrih." The
ni'ib wae rrn tslf way by a deUg.te of pn
line aco.iuiviidd by nine (strhiiileis, who
invited tflu lodlauer. Ujn this Uid
orlfcds 'Inikintr.'iidorJ'rtd hlsf l.nw.
era to dlairw Uie soldiers. A be .ke the
po'lr were tired upon and m ahnwir of
mtnamm irillnwt-d. Atlll Ibe Warn ill K Was
i glrsa to dUperae, which ws followtd by
the prophet uluilnjt nldow at hloi with the
club fit- itiiiH Oien 11 n illti' thi'iiiM'l
i-unoiin.l'i ti,jiif (1 il ro. Aiuouo llm .1'nt lu
fall -vas Hie i nphet, shot mil In tho fmn
litisil. 11 1 Io: lowt-ri wjcI' tliolr loader do m
gave way,
Dorllii, Aug. Co. Dr. Nobsllng, who nt
Icmptodthe raiaainatton of tho Umporor,
Is suspeotod of foUnlng madness. He will
bo convovod to tde lunatic asylum nud
placed undor examination of exporte,
lUtoum, Aug. 2d Tho harbor lorti are
lining diarmd and tcrpnrioos removed
Tbo town Is swarming with armed volun
teers. Ills repirlod from Tlllls thai pre
iMtiriiiiiHnre Iwitng adoide-l throughout Iho
Caiicv.iis ntraliist a uiiinr.il uprising.
iKituion. Aiu.J.1 .v dlHnto!i mini Much
ntnst Nya Hussla has a nit a very energetic
note dt'iuiiHllntf the Immediate Miriiilir ol
lbi-nrabii. The ItoumiuiUn Koverninaiii,
which wan Mi;)ireutly imitating the Turkish
wal'lui: ion, Uai-iinwhat surprised it tho
suddnuiifss nf tin demand
Constautlnon'-i, Aug 2vl The duiirMire
of Itiis-laus l trnreuxltig Ueii. Sknlirlrff
is in (Miniiinnil r i'ie nyj" wniijii ent to lit
wltluliawu m ItntmelH Ills h-ndiiinrtetH
will bu Hodosia. lljuriiou.. Mini Van.a. sue-
Pari. Ausr. 21 The iltsirlbtiilnn ol prlr?
at the KthlUltioti has boea podtiutied mull
uih, uin.
Constantinople. Aug. 2d Tho Drltish con
sul at Atlrlunoiilii toinris that ItiilgArlaiis
co.itlnuotn plunder and outrage MiishuI
mans, A Oivck nrohliiiliop bis coinmunl
rated to the consul details of tho inoM liorrl
Vlennn, Aug. 21 Tho wontMl cablnoi
ciuiicll hold Sitiinliy with regard to a con
vention with Turkey having without avail
oxhausfal all effir'stn aeaurn tho. Ilmiti of
ihonncupatlon of Turkish provinces and to
H"onro a share In their admlnlHlratinn lor tho
niiltan. thn porta now dehlrea n convention
to readjust the temporary exorclKos of sover
eignly. This proHsltloii has bren handed
to theeniierornr Austila, hut It is doubtful
whether oven this will be accepted.
Loudon, Aug.20 It now appaia the porlo
Miggeied the postponement of Iho surren
der nf Htioum until Sept. lU'.h.
Rome. Aug. 21 Tho Anita Cattollca save:
The rellirlnus enthnslast, Lsitontt. was seri-(
ousij- wi.uuuwi. nut la no, ueau. ms nisei
plea aro preparing to sonouiioa bit reurro
lion. , , i U
Constantinople, Aug, 2d Th report of the
Hhodope commission was signed Sunday1 at
liuvnkdr by the llrltlih. French, Italian
and Turkish dnlera na. Tnn Itusslan and
Herman dolegaten refused to sign. Tlie Aus
trian delevsie was proven tod from attend
ing by lllnvs.
Loudon, Aug. 27. Vienna t-poclds men
tlon the precarious position of the Aiidtany
ministry In consouenoa nf IloinUn and
TurkUh cnmpliiiatloiis. A Hnu'er it-lbRrsm
diuiioa that the miulstiy la threatened, and a
corrrHpondentnrthe Dallv Telegram write
that although Count Andras-y nxvrlHtic'.-'
cousderbenpH)slilon ho Is still supported
by thn Hungarian ministry.
Loudon, Aug 27 Theprlnclpil charaenf
tno unonoooiinmiss'nn against uie itus
slans, iHtbst nf bombarding Ullages neir
Uhodoiie m hloh rnfuseil in disarm. A stone
of several miles h-twinn "lanlni'k and Do
motlka has ben completely devastated. The
coiniiiUslou reooiiimiinilHa iH-rmanentliiuir-iistloun
cnniiiiSHlou and a local police
Dispatches Iron) Vlennasay complicity ol
Servians In the lt3:iloi insurrection Is again
asserted from various quarter. It la tuid
ihore-belMarnrelrotlng Irom Sersjt n, went
towards thn Servian trouth r and will cross It
if closilv pressed. It Is uln -.mud thai
prlsonera wore ea'ured a: D tJ ivesrlmi
he uiillorm of theSurvirtu inllltli. Tim hi'
mreonts utntit DoI)m hao bfen 1 irgly re
Iniorced. They have vigorously atisckml
D )bJ everl ilmei, endeavoring to turn
Oen. , qmray's po.ltlon and doitrov hU
pontoons across tho lt-nl i so as to irevenl
rlnfouvmenta from arriving. Acoordtrg to
Vienna ad vlcee, lieu, .tpuray repulsed all
attacks but retired.
Something to be Rcraembored.
ilOMK llll.t., Allg.20,'7S.
Editor Willamette Former.
For tuo last threo or four sotwons farmers
nf tho Wlllametto Valley havo observed
with anxiety that aomo kind of an iusect
has boon working upon tho whont plant In
8,-otH over tbolr ilelds. Tho fpola vary hi
slzo from ono foot In diameter, to 20 or more
and tho grain upon them la thin, with small
heads of Mirlvolcd kernels or nho cutlroiy
blasted. Any ono can fancy that many spots
of this (Inscription would aorlously diminish
the yield per ncro and the so called prullts of
larmlng, On n Held of IS acres, which
appoarud to bo a promise of hoar f-0 bushels
per acre, thero woro but about .13 btiMhels and
no doubt owing to the ravages of tl.cso un
known Inseola which makes the blnstiil
pots. The K)int In cnnniciloii with this
11 ild which ought to bo romombiired, Is, (hut
1(1 seres of It which wiro sowed bslore the
rains while Ibe ground was dry, though only
ihrcn d.ijN before, th) commencement of
sowing tho remainder, hint twt net ovc wot
tmou licm; btsldis, Iho Hun ofdllfetoiu.0 bo-
twoeii tho two sowings coulJ be plainly eoen
far or near, from tbo time tho win at came
up until it was tr.ndy to cut and tho j leld
Was considerably greater in the Unit how lug
Probtbly tills fact may throw n llond of
light upon nmitdout of vital Smporluiic.i to
tho Oregon Farmer. Why should throe
days difference In time, In the early pnit of
September mskosa much dltlerunco In re
resu t7 liruiber farnirrs f leao examine.
YourH, T. W. Davkni-oiit.
Notioo to Farmcn and Warehouse Meu.
llOAUP 01' TllAPK,
Ponri.wi, Or., Aug. II, '78.
In 141 wo din cted thn attontion of our pro-dui-era
and iMirohobstmeti to thn 'act tbitt
complalut had beou mado In Ibe Liverpool
marliolM and litigation ensued because of
varloit-i shipments from Oregon, Hie iirtccul
lug .Mar, of iufeiior, dirty, hrlwlrd and
iiiiMittud wheat. Last y-ar a repetition of
tliHUum evil tonic pinco. Uiihotiud and lufer
lor wbt'sl fclilftui tun woro of such fmiuont
incurrence, Hint not only did tint Liirrprol
pirchitKcr-i htiitstu heavy prcunlary Ioi-sih,
Iih iit to guarat:leo,Hs la iho ctitdom In ling
land, nscli shhiiueut when resold, but us a
iiccotaity i otiTijtuii co, ulaltca in tiie amoutiL
of thminaiidsnl dollars have In oil eu forced
niialiiHi m:r Nhlppere by buyers In the Liver
pool toinketH, w ho hate lei-olved to iir
clu.se no cstgios from Oicjiou wLieli itto
mixed wlHi fouluiMitisotiud wheat. Accor
ding! r, l'or liiud shli)ii'i,N 1hm hon com
pelled, lor their tuoiei'llon, to stipulate with
uutoIiiuiu, producers mid Interior dealer
that oil wheat wlil-ii Is foul, dlriy or tin
4iuiut will t'o reecti'd, nud lusectlou of
oM'rv ji'iicol of win t im in be made nt I'ort
luinl lirt' ire p'.iKml on tho board. Ul,llieio
luiooiHmlnl lor our producers nud Interioi'
ilfAleisto M'O that no wheat la .shipped to
Portland which Is not clean, mnrchaiilablo
wbest nl bin w kit itunoyaiico, llttgatloii mid
oil etise will lie lUiHiriid to iho heller, and
rJ pi ion of l l.d wheat will certainly follow
iina uiatterol cmrse. It Is only by em till
irif- wjiluti that iiiieriot dcalcis nan prevent
till- loss, end Oreuiiii wheat is In eminent
laiihfi i f lining Its icliwlvoly higher values
nvnr ll.o win at of uther titates a I ops which
eibii'ually wniild tall directly un theOregiu
(ltd 111 er. JUI.N Mt'CllACKKN,
Wii.l.tAM Hittn, Vice Prealdeut.
8tcam Throshera.
Halkm Hills, Au. 2.11b, 1378.
IMItor W.Ihttctto yarmcr:
The finnnraatedisoujalng this sibjct, at
present. Whloh la the cheapest, horno power
tw klaftii luiwur f oti uv flu fur na niv fX.
Jer!l''giHS, that Stelm power Is tbo ehefj)
k.ii..lhv fr thn beat. Horse ixiwerairnn-
eral Take 10 bushels of oats, nud a loid of
baio food tho learns, beeldos n oloud nl
dust, while tbo steam power takes no Icfd,
only a lltllo cord wood.acd no dusts Ibe
power Is uulform, all tbo time, un horhn
giving cut. Thn lleutson Ilros. Hireshed for
me Iftht year, and tills year, and nil It has
unit mo, if board la not Inoludtd is simply
Scents f"r wheat and 3 cents fur oata p r
bushel. Tho Ilonston Ilros. understand tholt
tiusluom. They movod and set their large
steam engine and thresher CO yards Inside i.f
15 minutes, from tho lime tho ltst bundle
was throahrd It) tho llrst stock yard to the
lime the llr,st bundle was threshed In the
hsoouiI. Lyman said they ";dtdn't In-lf try
then." Some fear the tire. I will admit that
Itdooalook datiizerouH but If pieoiuilmi Is
used there la no danger. Mr. Din'l Claik Is
running a Urge Hteamihreshor, and I would
like to hosr from him on this nub J eel " lire."
D. M. Mounts.
Clover in Oregon.
Sin Franolwsi, Aug til K HoSe fjlty dls
pstch ssys mat on tlm lli'h Inst. Wiu. Mun
day.H rt Hmlth, Thomas lixaluy and Jad
Oirisulnse lea Indian valley In putsuiior an
Indian who had stolen Hitdr strok at noon
Tuedv, Near the lulU of Payetut tijoy
were llrh'i ujKin by Indians concealed In the
roik.and all klllid i:xept -in'th, who wss
uohorh-d and wuundwl but S'icoe-do1 In
mskiiiir I iesoine. Mslor D.itiu w lib one
nuodr-d luftftitry has guuo in pursuit of tbo
S-.U Frandseo, Anir. 27. William lUker,
charged with assiult in iimnbr Ad-dine
(Sr.iyt the uoug ulrl who was shot nu Sixth
trie. es erday ulirii. oo, was called be tore
ih pollen niiirt I hl morning 'lh court
erstiMtl a LsuiiluusiiiH until to-morrow At
no n in ili-y ll.o wounded iMri was -ry
ism f irmlii",nd he is xpts od to reti,vr
-h I., wry pliHpiful uud Las imp-.! living,
Sae-'uiiMU o. Aug. "J7 Lt F-bnmryu
boy Jrf loirs nf awe, liHinnl Put! r L'hf, win
driiMoeii whds Mwiimuiog icisii iiors-j
scro-s Ald-r creu1 in lids i-'Uiiiw YesUr
ily h mih'i wssuiP'tripir iouhii old will nsi
iihhoi wlili'h tiad Ix'eu mpill id and
ntbfl up and ho louiid Icm tmy's body.
Salinas (lliy. Auir.27. shurtlv Mtifrlx
n'cloi k this til'. mm, a laruiur. uatiieu
Lfiiiiii-I T. Hlmphurd, residing sboul u in.
miloH north of ibis ice u--ar the road 1ms. I
loir lo Ssii .I'isu. muritcred his dMiiatuer
CI r. u-d 2: t-r. He ih-n swallowtd a
dosrd Htrjchiilio sud lilc.v his on 'irsli.k
out wiiii a mkl losd-d wlih iuail st,ut.
Artiales of ZncerporAUoa 7Uet.
Dihaay Ltxlgo So. 301, 1. 0. (i. T , to-day
fikd aiticit of incorporation, with (i. V. Litch
field, II. Diamond aud V. A. Sthllrwly aa in-corporators.
St. Paul, Aiw. 2d h, IS73.
Mr. Kntriu: Pteasea-k the uwny reader
of your stsper If some ono among them will
please give a brother farmer a little lnforma
tlou In r-Mard to clover sowed on a piece of
slaabiiig. I want It for a hotr pture.
Pleao s'ate which Is thn bast, wnlto or relj
what month host to sow In. Any Inforins
tlon fnro some one ainoiig our readers who
t)4s had anmeexpirlenoe on the nbi.vu quea
Hon will Iim v(try aoeeptable. A greii many
illseoiiragHiI nin by telling me that clover
will iimurov hare but will die nut In one
year. The suuimera are lo dry. Ploie
answer tliro-uh thncoluiuus of your psptir,
and you wilt oblige,
P. H -Please
the fore,
Kioto how
O. O. U W.
much to mw to
(J. O. A.
r.UKMA VlHTA I'OTllillV Mr. A M
Smith, the or'glnstnr nl this oiterprh". lira
no n ii-iiitllrt solo owner ar d liasu Isr.e mice
ofooaipeieut workmen employed iiiamifrfC
turlug what bo ushuies us u tho 1 1 i art'ole
nl sionuwarn ber imi'le Hiere. l'lirawhl",
(twins; n tun mlriiisusgeiuullt nt another,
l i..m. works laid idl-t, but line Iitt ly
Mr. iiilllli luta kut then In lull ni'eialloo
und hs now a goo I asmrimeiit aridcuiy
ot W..II. on hiiuil lliat he warr-liis nl hijm rmr
ijiulliv He dt-t-eivi.s hudh-h-s tor hi ene vy
in isiui'uuln the mauulacturu jiiliist u any
Prlnt'ng Contract AwxrMi.
K. V. Wa'tu, the well known lxi!t mil Jul.
printer of thia city, bu Ixcu awardu-l hj Mr.
V. II. Cirter, SUto Pnnter tli.tt, t ij contract
for executioj; the hUt Printing.
Coal ii uhlpjied to Sai KiwkIko from Saul
iaio for f3 jss- tou.
Curing Clovor 1137.
My plan la to atari tho mower at two or
three o'clock In the ufieriioon, sf.or nil water
hssuvanoratjd. und thn baatuf tbo (lav Is
Cast, llalnor dew will mike clover hay
lack If It la cured lutore b (the rain or dew)
falls uimii It. lly cutting In the alter-part nf
thuday thn clover does nut cure enough to
damage, and as dew la only on the lop of the
hay it soon dries oil. Clover don't want
much sunt If It gel tun muob the leavna rat
tle oil, and yliu have stems. Tlyttn o'clock -start
the rake, and hf two or three o'clock
sal thn men to Pittilog It up Into cocks.
Don't let It stand tvonr ibreerlaya, but turn
U out the lO'St dsy If the weather Is pood,
and haul it iu. It only wants to rum 1111 in
the cock long enough 10 get hot, and w hen It
la opened and aired It Is ready in bo housed.
Apply a lltllo Mill while unloading, hay row
mo on would vrilu, about twice over tbo
stsi k or mow, while the load Is being taken
1. IV. Dm't ue. wniried If I', heats t-niiin rfter
h Is nut awuj s It will come nut bright and
MWntl in Hie sirli g. S rck pieliir well cured
clover hay in tho bet cilt ediml timothy,
aud It ought 'o In the best Judge In audi
mstterii. Poor iovi Is Iho worst of feed.
I'ho unHtMcri-t in msltlinr good clover hay
llol.-oiit iVkh iitiui inot'tiiio oxcept lla
nwu wbilo nirld don't dimuge It much. -(.'
lluml .Sun.
Clscksmas County I'umntia (Irauge will
meet un Tuesday, M-pl. lllh, at I o'clock,
si Warner's IUI1, ueir Oregon Oily. A lull
lUtHiuliuen nf both fourth uud llfih degreo
uioii.hsrs Is dolred.
II V. IlAYKn, Master.
Gregou Froducttona.
Wo learn Hist Mr. A H Shipley, of
Otweg", Men er uf thn Oregon Htsio (Jrungo,
will soilless nextmonih for thn purpfisnof
nttcudlng ll Ni tint si Otingp, It In Mr.
ilnple.v ' d-slro in MC.iro a coiiii lele ci lleo-
loii of () tg'iu producta forexhlhltlon In thn
ent. To ihlse'id he vnuld be ulml tore
...ivm M'iin-nt, nf vrln, uul'H, Mgetiiibs,
n i' . p in soy wl o iiihj I a dl)neiJ lo fur
III. II tlli
Jider Hivul lln.wHr will bold n srrbaof
ut wn gst the O 'ui ., ,, ijon.H, fi-Mr
l'irn-..m llnuie, vl, tiiiitiuh ()'i , Orviun.
ouiiii".wlr. in Kiiuav ev n 11 Hie ti b nf
i.i'Milir, s, ( iniiiiin nver Hiiinliv. A
(vnlisi im iti't..ii iiih'I in 11 10 ul 'ad m''-
IU, iHt' 1 0ie colli" p'i 'id 0 1 m lump.
A. H I'.l-r.-n. uf Albany, v 111 prrseh
a H e luiiii(ii f le ti 10 use ni ho mid
(nri. hv . I ) ii.bi", l II 0'Oii.l'lt a, in ,
-lht lllllrs nuni - f Hsleiu.
ll tw-.j t o unu uliiD io t.'.u vi, lit n( a :l;.uir;i;-l-f4
-hhi, tor. ' tt.e poor, with u.iir), it is a
rin.j no, nud vili ! vluniilly. I'linciji'.is
v'.-uts. lnl uuituum lint. Us.iry brnks up
t.'u-o I i-ja,, 1 na'.ioii. Udiiry will rsvolulinju
Uo 1. 1 li.ui t.,'ll.. 'J lie toili. I-ave had
;tr'.'-sl ir lit t i . n...ui 14 t! over Jl.leJfJ.fWO,
Cj'; umr, ui-hh- .utile Jlvory ili.ue ol it cries
t,,i,,(. r . i 94 nsinat a broken law.
l'.tuiii4...t('U I '"in urt.
tii.ii nvsT u 'in at low tint invitation Li
wry tli.h-u.t. Tl.o last trijt the boat had to
warp ovr P11.0 1'fio awl Teaai rpM ly siaiii
of liuea. Daj tia (Jlironicle.
1 - "
t J
. 1