Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 09, 1878, Page 6, Image 6

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Vi " fc'
I.oA uuv.lf vw-w
Oakland, Or, July 2S, 1678.
.ln. Kijitoii: Tlio bulk of thu grain in lmr
vMtc.1 hero; Iho borry is rcnmrktiMy full mid
jiliitni, but Uio yield will fill bclou last
- year.
Tho wool tnnrktt litis been lively in Oakland
Hie past month. I mada wilo ycslenlny at 24
runt". At lc.tst nno-hnlf thu wool in this coun
ty is y't in tho bunds of farmers and held for
2.r cents or more. Why should not Utnpnn
wo'il liavo a ijuot'itiim of its own in the L'oit
land lii.trlcct? 1'Jioy fliyo 111 Kastcrn Oregon and
vftll"y vtmU olnnc. Niiv, Micro is aa much
difference between the wools of this valley and
tlio Willamette, ns between tho Wlllnmetto and
Kastflrn Oro;;on. This cots ofT tho Uuiv of
llioso wlio wind to Hull mid buy at Portland, for
no farmer hero ii fool enough to ship his wool
ti tho latter place. Tho wool growers ,f thin
ritnnty should orjpiniwi to protect their intei
eat. .Among other rcfnnnn they ohould mi
( thuneu tho tiso of u brand on nil words grnttii
and Hold in thin county. Istigo quantities of
wool from I,ako ami Jackson taunt lea aro fold
atAndxhipped trom lln'ielmrj. Wool is said
to havu lw.i 11 iient from Waico county to Oak
land and noht nt n profit. Oakland merchant
last year bought Inrrjo lot of wool at Kiujcno
City at .'t renin 1031 than they paid at home.
Now who can say all this wool Mas not nhipped
its Umpfpi.i wool: Ji!)tyo'ir jon asked myself
and others to show uhat onnatititU'i thosn
Knnrity of Douglas cuittily wool, I do not
fci'l nlilo to write an intulliont answer, a! I nm
not lunvernaut with tho phrases of shtcpology,
but nevertheless tho faettHill lomtiins thoKtiiiio.
I rstmiato tin) wool clip of Oniiglas county this
year at 700,000 11m. II. Uavik.
ImMlgr.ii.ta C jmtn;r.
Tho Idaho Ntitoeutaii of the 2.1il nut. m.si
"Wo had tho pleasure of a call on .Sunday fiom
!nornl.l. I). S. W. 'I'd ton, tho leader of a l.ir a
immigmti'iii, who nro on thuir way to Oregon
Ai-1 Wnshlngtim Territory. (leiicrnl Tiltmi Is
nn "Id velcirnn nnd pioneer who has participated
in all tho Indian wr.rs since tho Illack llmvh
WRr. lie is a native of Washington county,
Pennsylvania, nnd liasrssldo-l In various loci I
itiim in thu utt. llenijo that his train ecr
eists of twnty-throo wci?i , and that it is fol
IiihxI by ol!irr tnliis of twenty, twenty-live,
forty, ami llfty-lhroj wsgons rmpootivoty. lie
my tliat '2T') wagons d-ove int I.nramio City
flivo days nftur thu nrrivnl of his train r,l Hint
point. What iu know 11 r.mniig tho immigrants
on Iho Umatilla train arrived bora nn Saturday.
Tim ( Irnural informs ns that thorp ia unu train
nf twenty-two wngnns on the wad hound for
tS'llvor City. Most of tho immigrants nro from
Healthy tooAllty.
Ur. It. f-'mith, fur many ymra a practicing
dentist in .S.ili'in, lins been in ill health fi r
years 1 wit, and a few wool.s ago rimed lit
ollico and moved with his family to Mehama In
hopes In ruurult his )ih,sirml o'lldition. lie
was iu town lost wiek looking better than for
yivtrs nst, 1 tally not to li known an tho s.imo
man who left hero thin in llosh and feoblu iu
moviimont only n.moiith or no i;o. It ii very
gratifying Ui his fiuiidd to sou him so much im
proved, and that Improvement is it striking tv
ideueocf thu binclicial ell'iet of pure niimiitain
air and spring water. Muhama gains rnntiiiti
wily in reputation us a health rosort. Many cf
tho people who linyo settled in that pint of Mar
ion nullity went there iu feeblo health mid en
joy life belter tli.ui over bafori-, owing to tb:
11 ClIpiT.ltillg ill'lll inoes of tho cllait'.O.
In I'uruuit or Katural IJlitory.
W. W. Martin nnd I'm'. O. H. tniinnoii and
it loiipliiof jouug friondi of theirs, aro nlmeut
lor a fortnight mi an tixpdlitiuii to Yaipiiun
Ixswh, and wo msy expect (Sit when tho ills
tinguNhod bug.oloists rettirus the muxetim of
N.ituml History ut thu Stuto Motiso, under his
ehnrgo will have in.iuy addition. Prof. John
kiii isipiitu.iu entliiihia.it in sn.h matters, nnd
is making every elhirt to tecuro a perfect initio
tion of iii'cctn nnd birdk Oiiuti.tr toOregiu.
A ioiing lady with tho expedition writes: "Wn
stop uvery lii milivi to uilc'i bugs," which in
ditf.ites that thu Mrty ii u.aking thorough tfl'oits
to n.iit the ProfusMir Iu his leoMnhcs.
Vntunblo Ilorco Lost,
lames I). Itiggs, of Pcrryd.tle, Polk county,
bloke down tho Inline iiror of h's thresher on
last Thurday iiioruiu', nnd ramo to Salem to
get an etni wheel, not tiiidiug any ho took the
train for Portl.md. lieturnim; iu tho uteiiing
ho fimnl one of his horses eiek; however, he
stalled home, and about one ndlu alter eroMiuy
Iho river tho l.orso l.ihl down. Mr. Utigg
h'. u ted for help to drench him, but when hi
intitmcil tho poor animal was disul. Hit death
was unusd by feoiling too frculy of iij- gr.iin.
He wic vnluul at $PiV
Woduosdav, nhllo.Mr. R T. Millorwasffed
Toga th.rvlivr hn umt ttith n (viliifiil meidoni.
Thijrniu they wow CrvsMng was IhiuiiiI will
wile, and Mat ! law wan cutting tho Kind
witlui ltclut. Ilo Aidileuttly struck Mr.
Alilltr on tlm arm with tho hatohet umVing n
p-infuhvo Hoi. Onuihy ltt woek Mr. M.
Mtight iwviuf bis tlnrs in the Mavhiuory
lu.uhiiig it so tovonly Cut he hid toiptit ftwd
iiigiiiut I.11 bad Ikwuitt work hot it short time
when ho mt with thu nxident. I).illsi Item.
ll'ijtoa Narrow amino.
( irading on tho titrrow guao ruiliuvl
has Wmhi eoiiipletcd to Dall.ui, slid tho
lutd Ksl is now rsaly lor tho 1 01 ami
iron. I.uiiiUt is Mug drawn for tl.o deot
Mid work will lw mminanwil thrrvon shirtlv,
Tlio trAi'k fmm Day ton tut ti le'nj iijillv
..-.ij .0.1iiUit.
The announcument of tho number of deaths
which aro occurring Kast of tho Itocky Moitn
ttitis from excessive heat, seems strange to n
resident of Kan Krancisco, where tho thermom
eter registers only sixty to sixty-eight degrees
in tho nhndo in thu middle of the day at tho
proiont ti lie. Tho climate of ,Sau Francisco is
nnomalous, for the tr.ido winds of tho Pacific
Ocean during tho .Summer mouths modify tho
heat of thu interior of the State, whore tho ther
mometer for several months during tho day
timo ranges from 80 to 100 degree.', and twine
times it goes even as liiyli tis J 10 ore HL in
tlieslmlo. 'J'lie climate, however, in the inte
rior of the State bony? dry, the itiluiUrants d
iH't realize tho intenso heat, and as cool nights
follow hot days, tho people continue healthful
and vigorous. In P.111 I'lancifloo tho Umpcm
two of the el i male varios but little, Summer or
Wintpp. Seldom in the Summer does the thor
moini tur rifco nbovn tovonty, or in tho Winter
doe it fall below fifty or sixty dogrccs. Now
and then, howovur, it rjoos slightly bnlow tho
freeing point dining tho coldest nights; but
vegetation is nluayi green in our yards, and
many flowering jilnnyt uhioh nro only cultiva
ted in coii?ervatoriej in tho llatit, hero Uotfriah
in tho open air. - !?'. !'.'( 'all.
An Adroit Svlndl'j.
A fashionably-drcised man went fnto Hunt
t lb skell'.i largo jowrlry store in IJnnd street
London, selected articles worth tl.000, nnd
tendered n thousand pound unto in payment.
.Mr. Kis'icll ntcertaiiio.l that tho nolo wan n
forgery, .lust as ho wits about to summon nr
sistanee, n cab was drawn rapidly up and two
men iu police uniform hurriedly entered, say
ing that tho man waa an old olleiiilcr of whom
tl oy worn iu search. Directing tho potter to
pl.mo the jowolry in tho cab nnd como along ns
u witiiPfs, tho men Iu uniform tniil that limy
would inform tho linn when thuir nttendanee
wo j M bu rnijuired to lei tho ohargo. Tlviy
(ImumiII with thuir priuuicr, leaving tho jow
ohm hmd in tiioir pRiisua of tlio prolloieney of
'iip jsiii'p. rMuxiimy nouovor, inoir rtur,
lirutitily heaUn, returned with tlio infnrmntiou
that tli two siippiisiil ixjIIco olhcerj wore
fiimon in ilinguiso.
Wajwi of Labor m WoahiactKi.
Advice i from Washington ttnto thnl thrto
nro lbor tn nblo in Hut city. Histy contB io
the priaa pn l for a day work on n (loviiru
incnt buildiu;', ami infornmlitm enmea to iu
that Cio men nro not permi tied to work forsimh
n pri;e. 1'roin this itoiu it will bo understood
that lahoivrs have n hard timo iu Washington
City, for thoro tho prior of fowl is evun higher
than on this coast. How men with families
0411 aontiivu to live on sm.1i wares is more than
wo can iimlersU'iid, yl all through tho Kratcrn
cities tho prioo is not nnHi higher. On the
Pa.'illo cmisl people do not hesitate t pay Chi
iieso servants larger price 1 than thoio given to
white workmen 011 (iovcrument biiildiiii;s iu
Wnshiuu'ton. Por twenty -ki woihiug days iu
.1 month, thu ltborer would get just gifi 00
(bo.tnltuij hhiHi'lf) ut sixty cents HTchy.
Homoa'.ortl Limrt Eutrlos.
Tho ('ouiniiHciiiner id tho (icucir.l Inid Office
has issued n circular iinnouiicing that herenfter
.interlocutory proof will bo dirpeiihcd with iu
the eaiesof jarties lesiring to chango their
claim under 11 pre-emption tiling to that of a
homestead entry iu lieu thereof. Tho form nf
homestead mndavits iu such cases must bo
.uut'iidcd no ns to set forth thu f.tots of n pre
vious pie-emption liliug thereunder, mid tho in
tention of the pirty to claim tho honulltnf such
time nn his hoiuestend entry, m provided for
in the act of March II, 1877. When tho liual
hoiucitead proof comes to bo liiado tho part
must show n bona lido resident' 0 011 thu land,
mil full compliance with thelognl re(uirements
f r the 'riiHl preseiibed iu tho houustcid Liw
in ainendetl.
Trio Hr.ncM.
Thu cutting, threshing and storing the new
crop iu this county are progressing llnoly. A
Iirgo kirtioiiif tho fall wheat mid oaIh is it!
ready out and threshed, and much of tho onrly
xpriug grain will bn out during this week and
next wet k. Tho bright, clear sunshine thtsi
.imes, and tho cool plcnsaut w cnthvr nro
very f.tvorablo to ripen grain nnd rocuro it.
I'ho hay is all out and wtllKived. Tho genor.tl
li.ty crop is light. Wo notu-o much oats and
wheat hty, and vilrntter niixtiin, in marUt.
Much straw should bo baled and avcd fur wUi
t r me. Tho grain is well filled this year, aud
tho yield is nearly or ipnto a fair ftverugo crop
In tho course of tho sets 11, that timo has nr
littd when tho young in. in sits out on the front
tcu with tho idol of his soul mid talks senti
mental rl.udi, and thinks ho would bo iu heaven
it ho went married, whereas tho girl's old man
who has been marril fur soit'o periisl, probts
around thohoiiM with n l.ornsoue lamp, lookiutr
fur soiuo cold jjrub fur biscupj'cr, and hosmilod
usiiiiluNUfgiwtiiuofsail oxpt'rieikM when ho
rvrlevtid that ho wr.soueo youg and biviutiful
hi inetl, nnd iu big n find iu tho young man on
Iho stops.
An ohscn ug oilitor tons tulU us nil nbout it .
"I'ho 'l.tial grab' and the 'salary grab aro n at-'-urn
of history. Put the '!trt Rrab' is a now
wimkle. When 11 lady strikes tho sidewalk
s.i drops her luft ehoiildir, gracefully iw inn
me u j i 1, r luilf of her lody urotiud tnwanU the
rar 'griU' n ItamUii'. of skirtu, strnightens op
ai.d iiumu otr with calm tntUfavtien illumlua
titm hr oouutt'iiaiieo, Thers ts nothing . t wig
a' ut it, hut it looks sa fuiiiiy.
A norsmwr is window through whith
in-11 nmk out u j on thoworid Without itnow
M.Kr ,t man u shut up in a small room, and
k ii.ws litttu or nothing of what is luppening
outside of hiiiiM If. Iu our day t'ae newju o.a
will keep it soiuitdo luait iu sympathy
with tho world's cimnt history. It is an uu
f d li.iv; cucyclcpodia itud nul-oimd Kok furour
ui:;ng and neir tiuishod.
saxtszzMKmaiMtrtaKrc ,
CUoiy KUoialnatloa.
Tho prico of gas has long been a cause of
complaint among consumers in most of thi cit
ies throughout tho United States, but gener
ally without redress. Various inventions have
loon heralded, from timo to time, which woro
touco up tho gas companies by furnishing bet
ter li'jht nt b'3 coot. Thcso promises havo all
proved illusive, and tho prospect of a long ca
icer of prosperity for tho companies seemed
I romisiug enough, until a tecent invention of a
maohine for the production of electric light,
from which er)' important results ure assured
in tho way of heap illumination. Thoro is n
iar Mitniiii:iRicivE iu rto'.Y orx enjax-n in
tho mnnnfaottiroof thsno ni.ichtne-1. Onr nf
tlitri is shout to ba used to furnish lmht for
the New Yoik Times establishment. It will
jnvo n light c-jual to eight thousand candles,
whicii ia equivalent to nearly savou hundred
gas b-irners, nt n cost of less than SI, 000 for
the apparatus and ton edits an hour for running
it. The machino consist of two vhcols, ono
within tho other, with n pumher of magnets in
various position."; tho rovplving of tho wheels
produces n blaoof dazaling brilliancy. The
opirtting power is steam, of threo and a half
horso power, nnd the only ollur expense is th
comhtt8tion of tho carbon point tho renewal of
uM'h cost nt tho rato of two cents for an
tour's light. Tho Times composing room will
rcijuiro only hall' tho ligh't that ran be produced
by its geucraton, nnd coiiseipicutly not more than
half tho power will bo required. Thu gas bills
for this room average about (!00 per month,
and i is evident that a preat saving can thus
bo olTietcd. Tho nparatus is also ap
plied to scpaiato electric lamps in privnto
houses, which aro lighted simply by turning a
knob, and nio said to furnish a very brilliant
light at n cost about one-tenth of pis. Tho
The latter is n lei.vnt invontli n. tho last Jat
tciitu hating 1eeii taken out in Jiine.
Ho SXtist lCocy Away Front Uoni3.
During tho hot Rummer mouths, a man's
placo during the day ia iu his ohlco or upon the
streets- he mnst keep nVuty from homo finni 10
A. mm lo Ti p. m., tb is fho inoxnrublo law ef
tho feinalo jhirt of tho family. It is n crael, re
inorsi'cca law, ogniust vvhich a man is prone at
limis to revolt. Unt it there is nny one thing
n woman enjoys nu 11 roarin.j hot day. it is to
divest Imnwdt cf all her f'upcrllnom wonrinj,- ap
wrol and paddlo flround4tho hniwo trithontlay
inghorself liablqto n:ij acres i n man in the
hall or 011 the stairway. Jt buhoo7ei tho tnalo
portion of thu household to bo nliM'tit
nt'suoh timeaj if a man happens to steal Imnio
any hot afternoon for tho purpose of taking o
iuiot mncKM in the back parlnr, ho is warned uf
tho condition of .-.iTairs by tho hnrrio.I patter
ing of fti t and tho rimiiltaneous slamming of
as many ibnirn as thcro nro women in tho homo
It hi very aggravating to .1 rrnu who has licen
skinning around in a blistering sun all day to
havo tho women 11 mark atthcKnppart.ihlothat
itiioli diilightful cohiI weather h.u never been ex
perienced leforo.
Jurv JDLsnroo,
Thu V. f-. Ilutrict Court, before. dndj;o M.
P. Dculy, had since Monday last, been occupied
with tho case brought by .1. Quit n Thnrulim, m
complaining wituuis for tho United .States,
against Kinney .V Cj,,-.VJ -tho Salem Flouring
Mills, for tho alleged uula-iful tiso of the won!
"l'liU-nt" on ilour sacks. A telegraphic dis
patch received to.dry says tho jttr- disagreed
and wen diohir,'o 1. Tuey stood threo to ono
for nopiittal. Thu uaso has oxcitod ooimidcrn
bio interest, ami popular fooling is almost en
tirely with Kinney & Co., who used the word
"ptteiit" in their brand, as it is tuod by many
l&i torn nulls who manufacture tlnur by the
stmo jiatont pmvM ued by the Salem mills.
Crniia Anny cf tho Hoiiuulio OrgnntscU.
Han. W. S. NVwbury, muetcring otiicor,
eoinpleteil the org uiiKition of Post No. I, Do
pf.rtim.iit of Oregon, (1. A. .. Tuesday oven
mjr. duly :)th, by installing tho following c.fli.
11m: Pt C.tmiuaiidjr, Aimer W. Waters!
'iiior 'uo ComnumWr, A. K. llorthwick;
Jntiior Viua (omiuandur, D. II. sterns; Pust
Adjutant. K. V.'. Ilsan; Quartermaster. K. S.
fierce: .Surgonn, Chris. P. Votes; Chaplain,
J. II. limy; Other cf tho day, O. C. Sears;
Officer of tho (Inard, ,1. U. Cokorj Sergeant
Mayor, 11. II. tvhtvab; Quartermaster, Thus.
A. . (union. Tho meeting of tho Post will be
011 Titcsduy evenings, and a name will bondopt
u.l at the net mooting.
Contt-uot uwnrded.
TlicBecrotnryof ritnto TliurMluy nfiot
1101111, opotiol tlii .tonloii jiroposnls for
Stutloni-ry for tho I.ogislnitve, Kxooti
tlviiiunlHtnto Dopiirtint'tit for tliecom
ingtvoyoiirs, iiMvdvorli.-o.l. Mr. S. W.
ItOM'iillohl. nf l'ort ami, bt-lnjj tho lowest
tmliliT, tho contract for liirnlslilng the
siipplle.i rcjulrol w.w uvanli)ii to him.
Iloavy Sutxicrlytlaa.
'I'ho coniutrcial cdumnscf an cvpcmg e
temporary, sajs the K,: rV.wcisco Call, ttttes
lh..l tho Nevada BauS: of that city yestcnlay
subicriM for Sfl.0.W.Oi,M of tho four percent
United Si.its liwii, to bo paid in stnudard b l
tars, tho s.11110 Uiag pr.siMds of lilver recently
soMar.iiiIilcltcivt st the Rm rnmucs r.uil
C.tisou mints.
A lato aiimlvr of th lloitdn Ilirsld rays:
Oot'crnor 15iee hftj no Apprehension nf any
tr.ml.lo arum,' from tho coming of Dounis
Kiarney, the C.tUfe-rnu clnmllnitio Iidr.
Thu (oiycrnor Klieti ut freo spoooli nnd fair
pLty; but in tho event of rioting tho Governor
aysi 'Mss-nohniietts will tiro no blank cat
rUgc." "Piety" romaikvil en Arkau-v preacher to
h cuiigngatiou tho other day, 'M'H not con
sist in noixt. Tho lAnl can see yoxi give to tho
nesdv just iu c;uUy as he can hoarycu pray the
rwf oX."
PTN3 F H3llptlY'
.!ar-John T. -Tones. Darton. rhtlllps. Ark.
Octrnfr3. J. Woodrasn, 1'aw law, an llarct,
Mlrti ....
I.'Ci)nr. 11 urnerticy, ureco, nowaru, iu,
.iteioml-A. .r. Vuiihn, Mirnphls. Tcuo.
Au't SlttrarJ-MotUmcr V littihead, AllJdlebusl),
"rsan'aVi-W. It Etlt. Hp'lrjtnroueh. Warren. O.
Tnanurer-V, M. McDowell, Wayne. HUubea.N.l.
Acrttary -O. It. Keller. I.ooletllle. Iy.
GtUhtfi"!- Hln Wide. Orrliant (frovc, Ind.
r. rw-Mr. John T. .lom-f . llorlun, I'lil In-. Atfe.
V.wii-llr. yumuol E. Ailsm!". Jlonllrrllo, -Minn.
Iljiimna Mr Harvoj-OoHdaM, Mirth Orsiibr. Ct.
Ifti AuM'it Jwari lllrt Caroline A. mil,
Loin.-villi, Hy
ti. Wratt Atki-ii. (f'halrniftn.) C'okesburjr. H. C,
II. It. hlnink'siid, Uiiiiuu lows.
liil'lloy T. Cliii-i'. CI iretn u IN U
,Mc.nb (I '!1' r. Ikic!c I'atl. Wlillwlitc HI
W. H.-Chsmiifrs. Uiweichcc. Ilutll. AU
Ll,,, mmbiimi-iii II 11 J?TTT'P'"' Mm" "
PlOiiooro Journal.
We arc informed that W. II. Hamroft & Co.,
of San Praticisro, havo engaged that veteran
old pioneer, writer and first-chws citizen, Hon.
Jesso Appleg.tte, to write up eatly times of
Oregon, inclusive of tho trip across the plains
in 1810. We may expect a rich treat in the
forthcoming work ou this northwest coast,
which this enterprising company aro preparing
for tho public eye. They have engaged a corps
of tho best writers on this coast to furnish
tliem data for their book. It is to Ihj regretted
that but few of tho journals kept by immi
grants while crossing tho plains from 18 III to
18.m nro prcsorveu. Much must bo gathered
from tho memory of those concerned in these
yearn of toil, hardships and dangers of cross
ing over tho dreary barren country froin Lar
amie to Powder river.
Wo learn that our old friend iinclo Davy
Ncwsomo kept nn extended journal in crossing
tho plains iu I SSI, writing three times a day
from Council WuiTs to Portland. This journal
is on hand, and lhucroft d Co. have engaged
tiitclo Davy to rc-writo it, and extend tho data
to the prceciit tli.
An rrpsrt.tnt SntstTjrtac.
TV nUing Mtar Company will ere long place
100,000 of its stock upon tho markot. Tliosn
ore non -assessable, nnd the proceeds of their
sale will lw Utilized. in tho development of tho
mini- of tho company, to which itso nlouo thoy
;au bo applied. As other placer diggings ate
kimwn Ut Ite rich, it is quito probable tho sloe1'
will And n ijnily sale at .1 fair price. -Jacksonville
TJi3 Cnyton nnd SUcrltfRia Ii. K.
The ti.uk has been laid about si.e miles -the
work is bung pushed forward rapidly. Tho
engine is now used to carry iron and ties to the
front and it is expected by thoiniddli of August
that the load will bo completed, and tho crops
of that section of tho country be moved to
market thereon.
Tio rcnllciitlary.
At the Statu Prison theso days, business
aeoms very lively. Over a hundred of tho con
victs are hired to tho diiTorcnt manufacturing
companies there, nnd tho pmprictors nil speak
of thcso hands in tonns of praise for their or
derly ls:havier, industry, sohrioty and fidelity.
OtKcot's XustollcU.
Tho follow ing persons were installed ns offi
cers of Sauttam Isidge, No. 'J", I. O. O. P.,
Thursday evening, August 1st, by I). D. O. M.
Kickersou, of Isdiauon : 21. 0., S. T. Johnson;
V. (I., J. A. Thomas; Itccording Focretary,
T. 0. Taylor; Treasurer, .Tamos Klliott.
The telephone lino '-2 inilea long, between
Nivada City ami tho Dig Tunnel u complete.
There .tro sovt ra' stations on thu line. The ap
paratus works well.
A raw egg, beaten with n littlo sugar, is re
commended for clearing tho voice in singing.
A swallow of cold water is very good.
Itcolutloii of iio Mute ifnn::e.
Wh'rsit. tb'i uMor of I's'mnn f llu.liirulrjr of
tkli" JiiriwJtol'in 1.1-vii sn iChlint ulvihsic ii Ii
I rtnc.ple. f.i-v .li'il 10 U'O li.Ur'-'- of Jt'rrullur-;
t.i4 wlirn-si", the WlLLAttllTTK r"AUMi.u, ninler Hi
1 r.'-fiii iri'in.i.'i-iicvt. i-imi in- flr-i .xl-li-nrn of nnr
(r,ltrr til (lit --istii. Its Ua.ret Willi lis mi)ny nml
cnut'enr) In silv.irrx our ntJrcl ui it prli.clpb ; t
da ua;;ilt-nleiiiirtul wltli tii lu'or.t of urtcul
mn, suit fosrl"i-In li p ioio!i to unioopoiy sud
.ill lnip-i)H-r exrtcllou nl cinltsl; ilurifir.i
llf-olviil, Thst tin Hutu ilrtiiii- tit 'Ut Uo W11
LSKI.TTK t'AKUHil u- tin 0Mlcl.1l irs-, li.'lni! lint
mt rfitbluSdt,M.-itonl our irpeitiin on 'lil Jurl
tllclton. rvcouinu-iillni; s iciierl ptlr'ois.'e tu lh
put of i;wiii1it ui tho Oritur tint f'ltll i-iul.lo 1 1
iironrlftor m sn vjr-y dtjr loeuur.a mil Inisr v
ituir jonrosl. as wo undivitsiid t llnlr Intcnllo'i
v V-topte-1 ultlioat fU-i'iit )
Don't Forgot .
If yon hio trnuolod wt it iit-rvntisncs1, ate
1tHliMrii'iiit, Uriel nl Ut',t(itrlfiti or fr'
mil ol i-orts ns tin ii v hit; i-, jtiii may nstolx
i-.iiiclnili. thai yon lntv Uih ltp"psU or
I, Ivor Compumt, Tlialivttr Is .iy apt loin
i"ims lorpul Hits t-fn-iiii nf ilui year km p-iln
nits nrlsliie; from t-tammut wslcr or ilnety low
0.'fiHiiili sro liniri) liutUHrmi hnd an
iiKiuih 1'i'islml 11 thkon Iiiji 1I10 til.xwl'
ril'cs tilti liver ! l!igm,ii ' Iv-'. l,il fur
1 1 limis litp'v ! ft.t.it it... I nirn liVi.nl t 1
lilVOinit llitt ullt'Orlils, Iih kll'iv,. 111 tl-IOI)
et s mi- linns siirrly iollo-v, hii t if 11 t hoed
-d.enil In inoro iMiVlhlrt iliMie-'inil l.'ili
VIltt Iratrii K owvr proviHiiseltthHOru.il
l.-vor Panui'Mii lt sclion oif tho llvr I-
llfHront trom unv iiisiltoliio 'Vtromjiiiiil
bt. Its ouifs Hr,s iiuly womi-irinl. Try It
Prion twrnty tlvo ckiiih buiI sooniy-tiv
0011 in
Buggies, Carriages, Hacks
ov tJ.:, ici
ivi.hj r.rc okdkk.
411 Vt'hlcles 'i tr.a on Mmrl
Mtif Ice,
suj now, or bst4CHrrUc" mt.tiiJiKi to )our no
lion, vtvoa s cs'l, n1 jaa Iill tuvo Ju,t tttit
yon wsnt. If l? ctrrtsKu joa bvo nttil rfpsliUif,
wc csa do tt In K "1 hl.
Sstotn, Oct. St5tf
3BCy.tt'i Tslfo XXA.lflBA.xaa..
An a conqueror of Khoamatism. Onur. Npn
rnlgla,nn(l euro for fc'crotula anil sll rllseafps)
nrlslnir'from liunnrlty of blood, thp old and
reliable Family Medlelno, Ilyalt' ISfe Mat
earn, wtands uneqiialpri, an provm hy over
300.000 v rent cures durliirj Iho rsst 30 yenrs.
Is n radical vegetable Compound of HsrHspa
rilla, Dock, Oiislociim, to , nnil n pornmnont
euro. Hold by nil drugjrlstH and country
urocers. Tako nothing ol'ii, nnd If thoy
Imvon't it wo nenil ty nxprosn, boxed, pvery
ivlmro, nt 81 nnd g iffl per bottle: $5 00 nnd
80 60 hnlfilox. IIyait it IJvatt, 'IVi Orand
St., Now York.
&. H IOTA) cm?
.Ha b ha llmmjm
Grinwold'a' Block. Salem,
ITiro reef lvcd a
-ron tub-
Spring and Summer Trade;
A 1'itll Assortinont of
Boys' and Youths' Clothing
Oall and sco ue, aad we
will show you tho BEST
Goods and tho IiATEST
STYLES, aud our terms
will bo found to suit the
1 1
Sntci, May 0, 18TN. Urn
I(i:0l'I.AI( UNK
Between Portland urn San Francisco.
iriiitoi;;ii 'j-iricirr.s
Can bo imrcbsMil st thu iirlxclral Htstlnns of tlio
O. ,V V. It K , st
IlocUioccl Xt.tcr.
Ktosmcrs Icavu tiolli rurilstnl mi J 8r.n 1'rancli-co atiout
Evory Fivo Dayo,
rsrn-tntr Vw '- sml Kirtch st tl'o I.OW'I'.T
UATRs. Ms tli. . V III! rsriylnjtlioll. H. MAILH
sn,l WELLH, l'At.tid A, CO "ft KXIMtl'-S-.
Tho Slwrifhlr'' of lln 1'ompni'l' ' rated A I, snd
nri i.ew, nlcj.i.i.1 nml ciiir.ilito In rvny I'urllcitlir.
siWcunriiitof the
State of Oregon,.
(New ) -.'.WO ton ImuIcii,
George V. Elder,
(17ll tm,)
City of Chester,
(li60 toun.)
AjaX, (I'UO tor.,)
fjror 'rchilit or pssce, spply st tin- I'Kiniisnjr's ol
flct Corfu r 1' suit From fUerif, 1'ohti.anii,
nc'ir (IKO. W. Whllil.CIt. AccnL
Tho V. V. T. Co.s Slpamer
wir.L lkavs
Poftland Ihr Biimiti Vinti
Patron izo
Your Own
t'rutectloii atiliiNt III;
U Rate
AtwJI hlu,
4 rAMriin rf
AvwJkt HIuh -(, m CVnUnnUI EJo.lUoo tt
. rKMrimj f Mini n I rjrrCr tvi U.M v rAar-
wtr mlA. ,nr blu tirlp trS-mrli tt riomlr
toilut on liferiw ruo-l. m lht J; BM U
-Q CffrrT Blir.
trm, to a A. Jicuoi Jt Ool, Utn fStntuf,
IW4 bj all rtclfr. 6o4 far a
! K Wrrtut-ti r. AgU, 8 n FraaeUosi
. K. Y. OIU1I,
BSBTIT LCOoJ., UUBomsoa U.B. Tolnlisq,
KJESldJ Tnli.qrrt