;SWiCX333aSSV3W"-mj""'J"' -.Kw-aMrasswes H l ) P J) V 4 4 imosu ivcut rniiiAT, sr CLARKK Jte OBAIG, rciu.imiBrw ami rsornteTon. h. a. CLAitKB. . v. :uaiu. Termn or Nnlincriptlon. One copy.ODu year (&a number) $11. BO Orrn copy, Mr month (S mmbcr) ..... l.U Onoropr, Uirco month" (1.1 number) 1 R " maIkm, "kju'day, auuw1),ist8 THE CANADA THISILE. For yours past thin jr,'at post of iigrlciilturo hits been obtaining a Toot liold in Oregon, and Itf prosunco has huuti announced in tho FahmkiuiiiiI tlio nccostilty urged of talcing steps to pro vent its spread. Wo nro But Nflcd from what Mr. John Minto tells us that tho danger to ho apprehended from thin source is great and Immediate. Ho miys tho thistle grows in tho streets of tho city of Portland, and he saw it for mllos, outsidoof that city, on tho road side as ho traveled towards Boon's forry. He says it grows along the rail ronti at nearly nil tho btntions, tho Kitlem station not excepted, and thoro is a thick patch of it growing near tho Penitentiary, north of tho road lend ing from town. Mr. Minto found It thickly scattered in Eastern Oregon, and has -found half an acre infested with it on his Inland, opposite Houth H.ilem, and has been employed sev eral days extirpating it. Ho do scriltes it as coming up and spreading the iirst year; covering tho ground, and shooting up higher tho second year and going to seed, uftor which It dies; but according to tho hooks it is a perennial, known In Europe as tho creeping thistle, called in tho United 8.,m tho Canada thistle, because brougoi from Canada in the lloeces of sheep. It spreads rapidly and exten sively by Its long, creeping rootstocks, which tend to tho surface numerous H.uuh is inches to three feet in bight; t I'lu liu dsotnel v cut leaves aro smooth' i no ii.ii osomeiy cm itaves aro sinooin, or Muuiewhat woolly helow, and very lit . a ... . a lirlckly on tho margin with sluuder Hilnes; tho lieads tiro about half an lisamino oar Choreics. Gloes, Fonr-part. Inch in diameter, on bhort itudiuuls, ,. Sony's, etc., , , , , , , . . I in pamphlet furn. i.'i In ( (enle eav.i very etu- iiud forming a loose terminal corymb; Siv,iy 'u.,ii by a.-: . hou-ui., .-u. cumioi-ue the outer st'iilos of tho Involucro with i '"""'l'i iiiluulu i.rlckly points; llowers paioiin.noJolmwn's Now Method for Tbor- lilac; initio headH nearly globular, with i do.) tho i.e-t ii.i!'uMH.ii"iinok for loarntee to liiiint I'linsiili'llinis (lmvnrri tlimi tint fn. ' I"4 Oliurd Mi.ie In IV1.I111 lime'. OIv. tt. )m JII01UCOIISIULIIOU4 nowers inan uio ie ; ,uViirllN n.itr cu-triiriioii itouit. (ti maio neaus, wiiicji are longer: in,uus . '. I ol olio box form seiurato imtches. It Is Juitly regarilod by farmers, us It was In Liijilantl In tho days ol Linnaeus, as "tho greutdst pest of our Holds." This plant has followed cultivation to nearly nil parts of tho world; its deep roots go below, tho reach of tho plow, mid Its abundant seeds furnish It with ample means for trending; tho creep ing rootstocks tiro very tenacious of life, and when broken every fragment Is capable of forming a new plant. Many .States have a law which makes u ohligutory on each owner to destroy it upon his laud. It soon yields to fro tjuent mowing, hut it must bo persist out. None of tho nutlvo thistles aro regarded as troublesome weeds. Such Is tho history of tho creeping or Canada thistle, and perhaus it would lie well enough to passu law requiring i !. .. laud owners to rid their farms ot it, us Ndono eUuwhere,or we may havou terrible Uittlo with it In tho future. GOOD WORDS. Wo received fow wnilia nIiicu from n atib i urltmr In t'Uikainaa county, uoilca llntt iiu wHxtttKiul in iiiuvo lutu JC,ion OttKon or WKtuliiKten,bui wo htr lriu IiIiiiuk-Oii Hint hIiIioukIi tin kturleil fur lint npjxir com) try, un ai'oountuftliu liulUn trouble liolum rflunu'd Hint thltkH liu will rtmmln In UiN VMlltiy, Alter nolllyltiK u. Ilmt hit vUIioh tlin l-'AHMi'.it H.nt lo Mm HKiUn, luiaildb! "1 mil nuij'rKed that uitiro f.uiiii'ra iln nut writ ii lor Itinlr pa, or (lor tl It ll.ilrn Iflbpy ' v nil.l write i Mint luvtt limir y, wlilcli, wuiilil nail out inoro hilc rv l In lutmliiu thu vor.v llliiiil i I'ouniry. 1 Uko ihownyjtiu tiimliiot tlio Kaumkii I hiii not HUotlin i ..i.. .. i... 11.......1. . . .... i i . i.i iij mi iiiiiiii i j mi imti rum iiu in miiiiu tint: In grind Ilm MOtklUK t'lto, bill tiollo' HlVO ! 1 il.ui t.iii lijim int... ir.l..l.i I-..-.. u..l r"" "J,1"""' i vni; ii, mtie ni,iu.'ui i(nienn lliut.Miu lm( iHkill HlrnlKlit ft rwunt ,ir wl'i I'onil l mllfeil by pi.idlr aurllon, for troM ti'iurnt, unit I liuvii Um itlitlihluyi In jou'rolnof thel'nlliMMati. tWpldt llm-nf rale, llihl ttich ouri IH bo tntlntnlnoit " It i"i tt.eJtUnltyiil Si pteinh. r l,atu'click N..on l liteiuitlit in tnin K'Xit wortU utiio In the pie ul.ee. In il.i muni Jrd.n-on.liieabiruuiity, Uui iu Ilm lotlKH Ine nioniiitu oil elatJ, belonclru tutho M,.l,, h.l.ty ..f II.. .I..I.I U....IK fl.U. ,.,.1 M..I. II-. l lloage Davit & Co. . ... .. , , , W I rtl In rortlal.il lalilv, w pacHul ll.i;.Kl. Iho new bulldlfK MmuuM b.M.t int. timiK ni, irrrj, tin riuui 0. Hint i tu n. tifi npltil by llmitrt'at utuilt'oalo tltiu: lunii-o ot lludKo, DavU.V Co. Thubulldllik'KWfi.et Irt'iil, niitj r u n a ttte k ttO Imi, wltjt ni.flmi I nt itiHiit lor HoihodI tirnt.v KtHtl,eHtl tbn iniiln tlixirtml tnirtor' iiiiM-tfoiiMiiltiit. )y tilled tip lor mlt ruoina nt tlm ttiuuiiil if MitlrlMt that roiniOMi lhi alick a uholn xtlti tlealcr. 'I'll la Ntrui'ltittt with l Ihrto iinjin iHjaio.1, iiii.tra rvttrjr iHiiiviiHtinrc ikm. tll. 1. .,.1 ili., iiiimI.uiu nii,.i.inn, . Mtile.M.il Itioiiilerprlttoi; pMiprleinr, rt. ' r. ,.r-'iiii: lbt thev I ve New Yoik nd 4n l'uiiUrolor)iitiHiiitiiit. Inumi i do 1 lnw totciifiuml tbv trtilvcl tLt North ' l'.cllW' I AUiiuvillo School. Editor Wll'nmettc Parmer. Thu Aimmvjllo hchool, taught by Allan Salllo Ollnger, closed Juno 21t, with an averago ulltiudatico of twenty-flro pupil. Wliolu number fiirollctl ilttrlrjg tbo term, tlilrtylbrro. Vtlzet, for tpellliiK wero taken by Iviunv iJnultermiilth, Curtis Small, and I'JIirmrTitcKpr. Q'llto number of visitor wo-P prettnt on tbo !t day lo witness the closing exercises, w blob cotiHlntcd of rccitn. tlonw, declamations, and dialogues, by tho poplin. Tim sohnlnrH on tbi-4 occishn, c well bh during thw entlru term, acquitted t'mriincIvoH wnllf bitli In dpiwrtrncni anil in u I clash cat re wh, tl ercby KAlnlnR tho high' tat Hpproballon of partmtH and teacher, A Pjuknd. Mm. V V. Snyiliir who has Lien up the San tiarn visiting htr luifllanil tins returned. Oregon State Fair, BOOTHS RENTED AT AUCTION! ratlin booths on tub faih otioundh ok A. the O ejjini Hln'ti Aerlci.ltural Hnclety will ba renbii nt tuition In ho bl!hel bidder, fur Uie Pair of 187d only, (sJanitiy Oct. Mtu excepted) on Thunday, August 29, at 2 o'clock p. m, I'urtlt luplnr 'xioiIih will Im rtcjnlrrd to comply with all tho tuIen mid reitiilftllunt. of raid Society, Kovernliu' tho mu (if I In hullilln;;, and to mrrender them lo lliii tiffier of the Society on tho evening of raiunmy, uci iuiii. i nu r.ir neKina uci.iijui.mil llccnru will be urnnlitl tu commence buMnem on Tiieixlay. Oct. Mb. whin partlcn dctlrc. Fifty per cent, or I liu rental inimcy will hoirqnlrd In ao vnnco, tho balance on or before Oct 10. lbTH. all In U. H coin. (UIVATIt I'ltOIMDNALN will bo rccclveJ nntli TliMiTdnjr. Oct. IIU, by Mr. Walte, Secretary, for the nhorr iraUilIng. 1'nrtfc" mnt Mate ttdr hl,-he't nlfur, inlii In luni), when IcircU ulvn. For furlher pnrtlcn nri, or dlairram of bulldluai, addriH K. M, Walte, ricntary, iiem M.WILK1NH, JOHN F. MltXKft, V, M. WAITB. Km mlrr t'oniBilttcc. MVHW T,t(!lli:it, 4'IIOItISTUIIW, OHCAMNTN, And All Frofceiional Music tans tire invlied In Improvu a portion of their Hammer Vaialloim In uiaiiilnltiit Itiu UrK uitmher of nrefal Miiflc llookr, piepaitd by Ulivt-r DIIkid A; Co., ei. prctally for Unit bre. ! Examine L- Emcraoa'S now "Onward." (rw air-r, ht w.t h for sinclnc School. (Ah - ohl new Mjiitirrii ouvriiiR,; (tniprrOnrt- ' '' r n riMiimiii nmm-iti i n Mru mi "KHfTTU timriei,'ti!iiu u.r,J!'"1 , . .'. ""nrwu-niaunii auo cum uook. Snrlli enrvful i-tiiily. rl'bo Rhimiaiitt u KlilU'c'n of other rnnvcu li M and (ml bniV. liny lieviual tin Mure of Oi.uwt Di-xcn .1 l-'n. ti Hi'.toL, NiwVork and l'lilUiti'lntiiu: 1.1 ihi Jt tittle. f'hlCiU'o: Neirlall. at (.'lueln'iatl, Hhuivii, l.ji'u &uu, tun I'rancltcu, uml with all I'Mi-luvut dealm mroujhont the vunntiy. OLIVER DITSOX & CO,. ROSTON. uiiPyl Notion of Pinal Settlement. NOTIOIC H HI'.HHIY OtVKVTIIAT Tnit UN. (IrMnupl, Kimiiiir if the iM.ite nf Jiuue llivlilwn, ih'tiw.ril. hi I'.lol In I he County Court of Marlon t'ouiily. SUte l Uric.nu, hi Dual acrnunt; ml ti-al tal'l CtiirtiM dx -tt rtitiinlty, hop'um'icr 7 IHTi, at lUoil.i k P in, for Uearliii;ohJectlun Ihclllll llliil Mllll ll.llt l.ruof. A. r. UAVIIISON, L'zccu'or. UKII'I U. IMc td CITATION. In tho isaltel of theOniril'ar.rl.lpot JoM-pb clone, a ihluor: ONTIIIS DAYCAMK E 8. UllKflOdtK, OUAIt. iliun of old mlimr Jirili Sione, and pre- tttti.l hli, nrllllun r.lr m!ii nf rt.il eLMln .if uilil !'"" And n n; ws m the conrtthat itt mlimr. instill. Hlfilit. Im ll.MUlir nf f hn ninlKlil.! . I'll""', UTtpil r-Tlll', I" llirVI)r( U UIU U inr-fiuiih of th uowim -icxribui real '" X'f fr,?'? Un,i,r ute, 10 f Oregon . claim of Fallen MabiUi kiiiluir, In V. IN. It W. of Wll. lanii'ttrf Mvrldlin, Imund-d by boglunlni: 31 chain nottli, 7 itrtf. ml if tit. aoalbuaat corner of Mid ilnuntinn c ilm, and rui'nlm; neuce N. T d'K K. tciTd cbalim; t'le-r in th hi ilcir. Weat ti.n clialm. tliiiiCoStniiliTi'ic Wen 113.45 chain: tbence I Houlh to ilrtrei' hi't -.N chain lo the plait or leitliiitiiut r""iliilnc in all auacir or luul moroot lr- out n- i.iui v.ini turn ni no oicer liriiimrty. anil tit income, n.ia '! nt for hi rupuort. n'nl Hint It wl'l do ikii flclat tu rabt ward, and fur the Intereat of III ilttle llnl m'.iI leal etl be mci, aril the P'ik'h'i llirre, f put on Inlere!. It I lliercfo'e orilen-d tlt the imtl rf kin of raid ward, and all pvooi l'ilriiBd In tr trtalnof abt ward, atpear l-Won. itil l U't u tbit'oait l(oiielii Iho illy ol Sileui I'ui.iiW i f M I'liiu, Staliinf tlri'jton.on Ihe.VliUv of Sei .iulr, lr;. nnd fhow Call o why Ikeiifo clioii il i ot he r-in'ol for the file of ald rotate. Ai'U li ! 'uilhir nfertnl lht the fure.'iilm; ordir lill Im.vihI by . ub tcatleu In thn Wiii.au nrir rAi'.vtiii, ett'v ueuimpir puh!ihtd at wldclty ot !m ff tti uecit' 'li e wee ek J.J MltW, Co J lily Ju.ljie. AmiMfl, 18i -m AdmlnlstiRtrlx' Sale. XTOTI :K H IIMtellV fil iJS THAT PIJIt-JUANT In n orilii i.f irn (Sinn v iSiurl nf Vrlmi !.... u. .. . ... . . . .... . l.t.llj ... ,,,n, ,, ,.,..,.... .'V ..'11, ,1 V,, 11111. Uit at a ..ii i tdti tvt batik of the 8anllain r'mr, tl.tU ttalr nunii i.f the outtiwet corner of t tie umiaiion Hiili-mm or Jac.iD lVuraeil wife, .ardinnutmrih ivKtbviu rte chain to In eraect xVXlM'TSi ireri, to ue t iiiihh.i 11 rier 01 fie lot known at the A 1. e'tlni uUrr be'lllt 1. 1, liinre welt to tne ntutiiin rnt'i: iti'iro uainrny ait nxmo mean. tlerluot nl.l nvvr li tt.luie 1 f biylr.nliiic, Iu rliHtunr the iti t.iia rii.l ftt'trwn, ard a.l the ualer prlil'i'i-i i"l 1 1 1-. t - 1 f furwa er.ardall ISk t'lo inrnl, lirtulUii.ro: ar.d aiitiurlenaace ihcrruniii lubinvtitf A .rtintr tutltfUml bn'iuiliHt int ili.,nUU aHltii lo-wli: tleitlii. u'nvava r Int 01. lie ..lle or the ttonttlim Itcd rta in or Jacob 1 niiar 'ml if" In T. luf. H. SW of the Wlilai.nt 0 VeiMif,i,vi cbalna noitltriy trtim Ibu mml-w ! t-tii nit tir raitlcltlni. and ronuloc Itli'ure imilhirli k'ui if itn .Ktllm. .ttl LM rhiln tu ute.i '-.irer tu vn cu'ni; lueu e rai lhtlclmin; th-Meu mh tu rolnl Uuetatt of I he pfr ( lw0UBtf im,kp,. t, u, jUceof U- rnnlut. tiolrtu ttn 11 tn 1 (. !. ot Urd, All l l " fliwi In Muluu '":,'tT-,,0rti"JrIi AdmlnUu-Imt. Abiruriv, h f.-nt kMETTE FARMfiB will iHfi WALTER FKUir DRYER MANllPACTUIirSO and TKAMNG CO a&sxEui stock, 02.00,003, Are now Prepared lo Furnksh tin WALTER DRYER At vcrr low price., from $351) to 7(0. FRUIT JHOWEHS, TAKE HOHCE That A. I.ttaic A Company nntl Lultc .'. ScNorTlch A. Companr. of San Frnn claco, proDoance "7ho WAXSBS. the best dryer bow in use." Raisins made in forty-eiglit honrs, Applos dried in three and ons-hair taonrf. tAIiI. nt our office 118 California Nt., y (tnn Prnnf lr. and are the beauill'ul fruit dried by the Waller Dryer. J. H MAYNARD, Secretary. au2m3 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY -AD- TUALATIN ACADEMY, rOREKT CROTE, OREGO.V mnn acadrmic ykui im am. iirpahv. X. mentiof thlt lntltDtlon. tadlvldeil Into Ibto term, beiftnntnj: on th flnt Wednesday of Sop terobet. December and March, and cloe on the flrnt Wednieday of Jant, There I n vica'.lou of one week during tke Chn'lma holiday. TUJTJOXe In t'ollrslatoHtudtcN, iicrlernt itfi In Academic u I10 Payable in Advance! liOAKD, Inc'utllkR furnlbed itt, t3 W to per wuk. It W Kor catalncnet or fnrttcr li.formallon, 'apply to I'rof.J. 1). Huns, or to uhv. h. 11. KtnNir, l'Kibl. nt 1'. U.nndT. A. Anehnl FRUIT WSRS! TAKE NOTICE ! rnilATTlIK WALTIUt COMl'ANV MAKEOASII JL adtanct upon aU fmlt cured by lliulr pjuci'r. J. II. MAVNAlll). CHETAUV F. OUcc IS California St. S. n, r. UAitt'iKd. j. a. ptnarTON. II.KII.G & STR4'rTU., Attorneys at Low, HA l. KM, OHKflON. Office en Stale Btrttt, oppotlto the UonneU Houic, 8ALKM MARBLE WORKS, WM. STAIGER, nkuj.n in Head-Stones & Monuments CXICUTBU IV Italian and Vermont MARBLE. II ran ch Shop at Albany. Addrei.; A, MTAIflKH, Albany, Orexon. Alto, e ery arlety of cemetery and other atone work done. fpecll atleiitlot tlvrn to nrtltr from all nai art of Uio Plate aud Waanlnirtou Tuillory received by mill or ottu-r !, aud piomplly fiirwardert. AU wora winiDiHi, Apr u ,t SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON. Artist, Over Willi' UooV atoie, STATK 8T . . - . - S.U.K.M. 1)tL?rUIIK4 TAKKM IN I.ATLST 8TVLi;s. from . Vlnlatuio picure 1.1 Ufo !f. LVPIRS KM.MtOKD to any tlxe ileflretS. Mnii)5, l7?tf PAINTING. J. M. FOR3YTME, tTAT 8THKET. OJ'lllSlTK HrCK A UKAY U t u, Mauie, bauii Oh w- Vlnl'daw vroik.doue. on abort ilayn-ir uutlce. MONEY Forallklivlief Luiti liu a. rjcii a it r, lienlt, Monar, lloikl. elr.. alkl a! uruii Kr f-uuii, ir.4ui, Ouumjr aiU Javtkx' il-iru, or Ut lUufc u Ju IMutiux. llootUtntliu, iuiii. iiui,eru)tuin( in ine iTtninrr n--i the rrint'nrr It-1 MADE IAITl; riram UX TI uiuuirvr tin, m'iij t.i r. ji. lu ltluu-l iiut IKjkl lu.tr. 'Mil ftrtel, MVia, Orvwu. T. ". Cox. KE13D & COX, Real Estate and insurance AGENTS. Loans negotiated on Favorable TcrmB. Buy and Sell Gold and silver, State, Ctunty. and Ci'.y Va"nts. A until, lor llitriV MjHTit Itooc. rCOClci. lit "if turiitr of Iiied" Opeia llnurc, . ti.tm. 01: 3-lyl LUBIBEPw ! LUMBER ! ! mltlt STiYION- SW MIU. COMPANY X now itmly frnln AM. KINDS Ol' MttiaKK To the peoiitc, llotb HOUGH and PLNnD. Ilavln the mill fitted with new tuachlner, mid plenty ol 1. .pib.T ol all bind on band. and a'eo kpe. Ule u a cat. Price rt afounble. J,.lli: I. tiDKKNKK A.CO. Apr 9 3ra J. B. 1'II.KlNGTuN, M, D., Late Piufie-ornf nircafteofilt I'M Mid tar In tbo MtictA (ilri'vuti) MetlUnl tulU-S". tinirr. llehitin' lllorlt I'lirtlnjirl. or., All Suintc; Opeiatlvte f'M I)'teae ol tlti y Oja 3E sa a? NOSE, AND THROAT MULtrfLLT ruironum. CATAItAfT nxtrae'ed. and CllOn! Vt rtraliiliteiird. Attlflclnl Kjee a larire aumtlment of tie birt Kuncb ruatiutacluic, oq llei'ifoc, ntl all illrcha'cc from tbo Ear, and Na. ral Catanb, particularly treated. fcly S1200 Palarr. P.UmniwiiiltnMr HupM tlM.lt lodtiteri. MiJJIiii. KtDcne rU. rrmn.titriurif liKkl. ajn.l H. A, OIIANT 4 CO, , l, S 4 Uum Bt., 1'lb.luutl. U. BOOTHBY & STAPLETON, CONTRACTORS. Alo Uacnfacturera and Dealers In Sash, Doors, Blinds. Mcaldings, Elc. Alio make a rpeclalty of JltaT IMPORTED PINK DOOUS. W. r. noOTIIIIY, Arihlfvrf. All Oldera from the Country promptly tilled. OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY. Corner Tront and Stato Ktroeti, AX.U1VI, OKZOOIT. aprJ tl Stray Colt. rilUllKI) INTO MY KNCI.OHUIIE nY flOMR X one paliip by, mi rr about thu liilh lnt.. n chetuut enrrel MaIIR COLT abont twi niolilhe old The owner can bale the Mine by proving proper!) and patlcr. for til notice. ' C. V.. MI AW. July 50 wQ Lblb Farm. HlPoir f5Etle- A Second-hand WHEELER & MALLOCK Separator, With FndlGP3 Chain Uailroad Two horao t'owo . Both ncar.y n w, and iu Rood repair. For a'e Kr-Y CI1KAP for ra.h. but lime w'lll ptveti.il t'.trbttl ui rv pair of Holies t.r MAKE Apply to UAN'I CM UK, Jr.Him' Piea'an Point I'arm. rear Paltru. Or. PATENTS Ob ali.ttlf rliiU'ii'tir. Iii'teln led Male. Canada, and Ki.iope, t rinlQcnl iate. With Mir ji'lnclpal 'lUceb.Cited Iu Wa.l.ln ton. t'lretliy oppulte tlm t'nllril .itiite l'4teLlOCICe, we are aide to atttrd to all Taunt hqitlnif wlthpieater prnmntneM aidd--tp.itch and le co-t, lluu other paunt attwinet, who aie at a tlltaiice from Wa)ilm:'iiii. nmt who have, therefore, to employ "a.iclato attorney' Wo make prcllinlui'v examlnatlouit aud fatnlh opinion a to (atuntibllli), ireo of chcito, nud all ubo are lutetieted In new linentlor and Pa'ent ar' Invited to eend for u copy of our "Outdo 'or ob ulniup t'att nt," wh)cli 1 rent lieo to any addru-. and contain omp)ili) Inrtru'tlon Low tu t'btaln Patent, and other valuable rutlter. Wu icftr to the IK'tinau-Aiuertcau NatloLal Punic, WaaMntTton, I) 0 ; the ttnjtl rittii!lli, Nnrweslan, and PanUli leva- Ion, at WnfMiigiou; Hon. .lu.ei'li I on v. Int? ( hlif Jnntlce of the I'onrt of Claim, to the oAlclal of the 0. a Patent Office, and t.i tteuatora aud Member of Conirre ftom every Hate. Addre; LUNH BAtJOFII Ac VO. elicit or of Patent and Attorney at Law, Lo Droll Uulld Inic. Wa.blncton. D ) BSTlffi: V kanaka M HK Buufr ruttt uiK aaa Bm Bi Mw,l"a- tie.ia l. rmcll. NalMMw. IMIa ra. ud a Dteeao' 1mM. iulwi, bm duU-cuud nni4,KTf 4 M pi r rpr, la n ai3 , UJ . IA4IM' rubloBlU hm H. Pti . ai.Umi. Brirxaaaawtiha.urtAij.il WamBKtil 4, BRIDR 00. 197 Broadway, Naw York: TPsiyxxi. for Slle OOH C"K. 5 IS ITLTIVATION, mi, mmV ancecno,) luriultie land, wvl timbered 1 anil wate-ed, liutttl 4 iull o t and i mile outh i olUbeJtlacd all fnicetl, Mltli tiil.'dtnK thereou. i Intialre on the ireuile of . , , . , A. D. PETTYJOHN. June JS twjxl, I EREE r ii A lUKO WoUiy J'ub'.lc WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at tho Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There aro more WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States, than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON 8SWiaKF XS WILSON SEWIN6 MACHINE CO. r "S7. ?S!? crolwfy ww York? w Orleans, La. 5 Cor. Stt It MidisonStt,, Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco. CaU B. FORBTUEa, Gunsmith, Agent, Salem, Or. Sheriff's Sale. B' y vinrtTB or an exrcution, if i ubo out ol the Honorable Olrcntt Court of tl e flttto of tlicsron. lorthoronuty of Marl'in, on the : th -Ity f June, 1M8 In lator of John lluclic, plalii II", and URalnrt V. W. Mnw and O W. .Motlioni. m 1, n&& i fur tho rum of JCMW, ijold coin, andi7,5t oit' tof r ther wlt.i one per con' per monlli Ir teret unci ar'. cfuiiii(i.. fiavn Knlcilni'dii mid wl'l fell nt public nnctiot o'iMUiirilay,tht"ilh. da of July, lhs, at 2 o'clock. I. II., nt the com t hoti'oitoor In roltlconnty and State, nil th il&ht, title and Inietertor tt.e raid ilefecitant-or tltlicror thtm In and to the ffil!owim Promt-, tu wit: 'II at cettnlti plcco r pared of lard nmr Hilciu. Vxrton county, Ohkoh, Jii'tiilnr at 0 point In thu center nl MnleMrett tiit.liMr thence .1 M.linlp.U Bj'nchaliiFalor.if MiiMUH IIU'urA I-. Wader' it 1ji.iI e aim. lo tu' H. K eornir nf Ilm etalu, ol Joeidi W4't; tliincti N. 71 d'f Jfi mln W 1: 'J rlinlu; theme ". It tl r. 43 rtiln , V. 6-lU limine 'i thu tenter nfMatu ttreM: limine. 7ltet'. IBinlL it. 8 IU fipjin n'niu the neuter of Htiit) nin-t, In tho ttltcttuf bi-KiMiiuj, luntaiiiltHl fs'rilCO n'r. more or h-'' tt ., ... .'' A- HAKnil. r-herlff of Morion County, Ortcou. ftdlelli On-itou. Jtlliti , H7S. 4w, RUPTURE! tJtiri 110 more MItTAl, Til MliM. No inoro nin"erltii: rrnm Iruii b opmr ftccl (prLRei X'lcrce' Patent fflneupiio aiiu.iiv aril. I worn with ofro aiul craifort xiifinii ....1 i..v .... .,. . - ..,. nnu I'jw.nuu WIN Iier- fiTin laillial curea when all o'bet (all. Peader, If ruptured try one. aid you will net erieirel It Hnt1 lor Illi.trated Hook aim Prleo l.ln MAGNETIC" ULAM1I0 'litlNs COMPANY. GO!) H-craine'tont.. N KHANCIMii, CM.. tST el.t by mail to nil part of 1 he. world. a"3 UicIjIjJ JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Uurbln'a llloci, bn Jurt opened a Larve andcomplite HioiKol Carpets Oilcloihs, Mailings, iKD Houso - Furnishing GoodB. Next to Datrymple it Drown, STAIIKEVa BLOCK. - "ALKHI. OK.. Wlllcll WILL Bl (OLD IT Lowest Cash Rates! PepilLf KELLY &. UNDERWOOD, Carriage and Wagon Halm. Salem, Oregon. HAVB ON HAND A CHOICE LOT OF FOll'i: Spring Wasonp, OarriaBor, &. Euggien,. ox tautr own znajce, Mannfactnrrd of tho 11K8T quality of Jrn cy HlcVory. OIvo m a call, and examine our wotk, at.d Jntlce for fouwlte. All kind of IlcpalrlDR acd General Jobbing done at t.ort notice. it'. FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. FIrtncd Alder it.. PORTLAAU, . - - OlIIiCON, llae tho MOST COMPLETE STOCK Xxx Ororjon, or FDRNJSHIN& Groodai, -CLOTHS, AND f Hats & Caps. t rJer rollcltetl, autd ral.facllon pt arautenl. Simple and rule fjr clf-meamtenienl nit free of t",i' Mar 3 -mi DO NOT FAIL to .end for our Catalokur. I ( contain yrlee and Ursri'liit lou uf rao.c rvrr article lu art., era I M.aut I. talnableto AJIV PKRNUKrontruiiilal .nK iHi'.PHrriiH.riii anjr nriir.r nr arr r. bwumi. rm . -WMa. NHII J or AKrirUIIUHl U.4. V hat'oaoue n farae IraUe lltr uaat .eaaun in ino rrmal pari, of I he Trrrltorle. and have, will, few rarentloan. rirrrtl. r the raueettttlon. of clir iiurrtin.rr, 1"7 rlalmlnK to have ntaUr a Avlna f.,.J9,?.5.Jfrin' aunt! thru rHKK, VrUX APrtlL'ATION. li.ell our cooaa lo all mankind al tauolraala tr!.naulltleio iilt. Kelcrcnrr, jytrat Raltaual Bank, ajlilca.ro. MIITIIMERT WAII M. II., Original Orange Mnpply Hoaar, I7 m VM Waaaan Ave, Caleago, Ul. HKAHINU UKVroitKD. Great Invention by one HboHaedeai loriO.tar tend taiui for l-ar-tlcnlart, ViiituY A. llAHrztt, Lock lluxbO, Mdltin, ludlana. auSt'i Executor's Notice. kJOTU!K IN HKrtKll. (ilVhN, 1IIAT TIIK UN xl t'ertbrned Lavti :eeii tlr.ly auuilnied oicutore ofthe Unwlllnud tertatiti.t ol Utlllam Wbluey. Lite of Marian couuty, Oreenn, dectaretl. All per ton hawtir, c'lm ai'alutl Ibc e'aiu of the raid William Wbltiey t'ei;'ed, are rrqulird to pireeui theni with limner voucher to theun .eitsneil,at the residence of riiucl Filler, mar ibe to not Jlotte MIK', lu .aid count), Hllhin ls monlli ficm ihe tale o tbl notice. I). .1 PKNiiLKlMN, Fn.NClS KKIJ.KK. JoneSS ISIS, 4w. hxecuWr. ' jff 'ul;nm : Hi.a.ii.11 u' A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED .,' -3. y, . :