BY TELEGRAPH. Washington, July 30. Tito following declar ation between tho United States mid Orcnt Britain for reciprocal protection ot trado marks in tho two countries lias been proclaimed by the President, namely: Tho Government of tho United States anil tho Government of tho Uni ted Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with a viow to reciprocal protection of marks and manufacture and trado in this two countries, Iiavo agreed as .follows! Tho subjects or citi zens of cacli of tho contracting par lies shall haye in the dominions and possessions of o-ich thosamo rights as belong to subjects or citizens, or as aro now granted, or as may hereafter ho granted to cftiens or subjects elf the most fa vored nation in everything relating to property and trade marks and trado labels. New York, duly 30. -The Trihuno's Wash iugtou special saysi Sitting Brill desire to re turn to.tho United States, and has made over turos'to tho Indian eilfieo with tint end m view. In caso ho returns, ho insists he shall not hu held judicially accountable for any criminal ity on his part dining tho Indian wars, and that he shall bo allowed to retain tho ponies .iKisscsscd by himself and tho other I'OO of his band. In viow of this fact Sitting Bull has had his emissaries in this country endeavoring to induce tho Siottxs to liegin an outbreak, in which lie has pledged himself and warriors to tako part. The authorities declined to enter tain any proposition looking to his return. This decision has the sanction of tho President and Cabinet. Washington, July 30. John I. Pennington, rx-Govcrnor of Dakota, h.-A been appointed Collector of Internal llovcnuofor that territory. , fc'ubscri nt ions to the four per cent loan to-day ircl,n.H,070. LaW troiihles entirely over, and the laborers nro anxious to go to work nt $1 123 per day. Chicago, duly 120. Tho corner in wheat cul minated to-day, and the highest ptico for cash was$l ID. At tliu close, SI 10 was paid for July. There was less excitement than was an ticipated, tho price only having gono up about iwo cents during tho entire day, and the corner showing inticli less strength hero than in Mil vtaulklc. The Tribune saysi Tho L. 1 It. R. Co. will isuo to-day ii circular to the dry goudj trade, informing shipper of tho increase in rates on tlrst class mcrchandiso from New Cork to Kan Pratit'itro from Ii to V per cent. ' Now York, Ann 1. I'tiero were 07 failures In ihlielty in duly, with Kt-vregno I ablll. ties eiffu.iiM. 171. nil hicrent-M over Juno In thn iiuail.tir of failures luiduniountof llablll tits. Umivor, Col,, Aug. I Tho astronomers from Htvllup nuil cither polnts'inni heie yeMerdity iircnmparlion ot tintm ami ills cusMou of obM-rvuilons. Prof, U'aibon fet-N certain ln ha di'Ouvnred Volenti Mtiiihoi ntiliM Mm uliout two decrees dlsiart. Piof. Draper Mnccodeil In gelling n photograph of tho spec rum oi mo oo r. im, inns proving that initf tho llghtni tlio corona Is ro llt'clt'd ,'roin ttiu sun uud Is not cftiu to Ignit ed gis. Nw Vmk, Aug 1. Tho Oraphln sayt. Kearney's nriivsl In nliin anxiety nuion,i ksdera'eit Tiituiuatvy Hull. Mo wl'l neelvo a w-irm wide! iinu from thn aitil-Triiiittu.vltos :uul Nationals. A Tammany Hull ubliruian natdnday: "I think Kearney will do u good deal of nth-chief hero. Ho won in California n great victory. LahoritiL' tnopl want wo'li. Mere In New York C0,i)0ii men nro Idle." Numbers of fiunlllesiiroNUireilng for b'CHil. Ankooii as It Is known wImi day Kearney in to urrlvo, tho working classes wl I ttot up n demonstration for him. Wahmgion, Aitir. I Thn pre'dnt haw nppiilnle-il.lobu M. Diinthard of California, agent Fir thn Malhour Indian agency- Milwaukee, Aug. 1. Thn corner In July wheat culminated Hinld groat xnltcmtint nt '!:30lhlsunrnoon. A few minutes hiiforii thei 'inon board closed, McGeaoh Instructed bis brokers to bid $1 .'10 for hII July whert ( f fered, Hum establishing a price nt which de linquent inliN rente. Hsttlemontn were Tnadn for nil but 81 000 uusholt. TIin amnuui Is duo from pipmlnont members of tho board who claim Ihelr deals are tiiarglacd to u higher 11 unro tbsn lha otcalng prlrq, hhl they wore forbidden by their cimomtira to so til's. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 1. Tho statn Datno rrallo convention metio clay. Uon.Jolin O. Kennedy provided, Tbo tdattorui a Joptcd ronlllrms tho platform of 187(1, Is In harmony, with thn plodun and performance of Gov, Hampton mid KoarantccH full protection to nil clases In the administration of JuAtice. Accompanying the pUifirrn Is lmerlosot rosoliubns nbo adopted urging uilliyof pur pose anil action emotig Democrats, denounc ing liiHjmi with Itspuhllcsn and deprecation thn prosiincoof Independent candidate; also strnnuly recommeiidinir tho fostering nt lin uilttralloii; liivitlnir popln from overy part of tint itl'ibtt to makH tholr liomxii In South Carti'ltm: illr.olliiK nltintlon to tho-ntvVmut troublfH In ilis uiipr oounils". urulntr oon. gro" in amend tint Uw ui! quint t'ui Irilta tlou, hiiiI nqu(Ulnfc,-l'r('Hlcltnt Hrtyos to grant nmui-siy to illlaltdiHillhrslultiMtippor countle-M. Gov. Hmnptoii and tho eullroi-lu'o omeers wore nrtuortou hdu reuomiimtcii buiM grHateintliiisUsiii. Umnpton unci olh orN iiMito Hpeecliex. Mtiinphlx, Aug 1. In thn county olocllors to-day tlio Nitionnl Grinnbck prtv olunled tho "iiMrn itcket, Ii V tiulnrltbvt rmiicloK irom 5,000 to (1,000, polling but 10,C01 votiwe. At tho tirtli Ward polls, an nflry occurred III wliieli tx. Councilman Dmnherty shot and klllod Jo'ouh Diy, colored Dunocrat. Nw York, Aug. 2 A TlineH wpeolal 8ay tbo 8th CongrossioiiHl District ItopuhllcsiiHin Ohio Iinvh nomlnstod Kontor Tho Utter mndo h bp"0''li euchring thnt tho I'rrsiileiit bad ullMmled mo-t nf l ho luidttrx and the groit iiish nf It'puHlPKiis, The I lines' llwlou fHii:lfll has thn f.illow Idu vi-ri'o i of ttiH Uutler Keurnev alfilr Uutlor wiled on Kenrnny ut his tnotlier'n boiiMi In liriuhion, TiiikiUv oveuliiK, and tho two IkTi-hI- iiiiin, with their private .SfcrelMrlt-i were elotoiml t'ir IiiaII ail hour, NouiinclxH was admllti)d,Hnd what was raid rt-ai-tlncd nrnf'iiiiul i-iiro', t'i-lr irlvaw Seroiarlf tnj. Ing as dumb as oyntoni. A Uri..i.i oirreHjioLdont bad an intorvlow -wl Ii Coiiiptrnllur Jo'iii Ki-ny to il v proain-o'M of I tin ntiw iHtlitiotl nirv. when too t-ubj-ot'or r)iiitiU lCiariiHy'n e-tilorn trip was lidjoluK,, ICtilloy expremed l 'lluf tlil Us thir-ni'.t woul'l bo unimportant, bath bi-cau-ooCilio diU'rirantM in Wi-ut-H raind la Hie two B'H.Hliiut uud beeNiisn of IC'MrneyV ig.iur anc-t uftho tiolUIral witiutloti and iiVhJh hero and luiiUioiU In mo. Ilu tutd: "You will S"0 that sii'ib tiiittbodsas ore In iih In H,m Franel-e.0 would bt liu-trotlvH In Nv Yoik. JIli 8tu-i;es bus beianalsioit 6oltily iinu tothe Uhiiiow Utor lbue, p.nd ho hut Jiuit eVr opp'irtunlty to work on p-ejudioes aguitit't Chlne-M, which aro ho rifi. t'lero. Blitmrck, Aug, 2 A pirty of explorers with inlllury tet;ori, uud hRidd by Ganeral Jto-ivr, eitilwf BOKHioorof tho Northern Pad do It inroad, left (bin morulng fur Fort Koogh. The object is to aceruln thn vaUo oribn N V. Ian t uraiit butwewin the Mlssourjanil Ye lowoioiiu rlvom. Drlllus Morrlon,of Miu aop.ilU, accoupuyin thn pirtv, will re. psrtou bin return to curt si a Nitwr Yorkcspl tullsu w'io Ititnk ot buiJdmv the rod to inn Yellow-innn and mviiIuic from the North ern P- olio Co. 6,000,000 acre of Uud a tnelr Ion. CklcMKO, Aug. 2. Tke land ageat of the Union Psolflo railroad at Omaha has Issued anotllolal clronlar letter, glvlnn notice that that road will not accept, as tlul, tho recent dpclslnn of SscrnUry Sohuns, an to tho rhtht ofcltlzsna to oottln on and reiualn In undls nute.l pn.f-essljn of lands grautwl tho Union Pioltlo tiy tho govornmeut. Ativmiub. set llors will be dealt with ns treapmcra. FOREIGN. Berlin, July 31. Crown Prince Frederick William ratified the treaty of Berlin. Tho rat ification will !o exchanged hero on Saturday. London, July 31. The army supplementary estimate for additional expenditure in conse quence of tho war between ltussiaanil Turkey, amount to -Cl.tVi.'.uUO. In the house of com inoiis, Haytes, lihcnl, gao notice of a resolu tion declaring this exjiendituro extravagant and burdensome to taxpayers, and ought not to bs Miictiotied by parliament. . A Vienna dispatch rays: tho whole ISthnnny corpi ii now on tin; Bosnian bank of tho river Xtvonnd will advance ntraight to Scrajevo. There it will meet, about the loth of Augutt, n division from Daimatia, ami then the occupa tion will bo complete. Constantinople, July 31. -The Itutslan com missioner has objected to tho continuation of the inquiry of tho llhodopo insurrection, as iha insurgents iiavo disclosed somo agrccincnt'bo tweeu themselves and the Russian commanders, Tho Ilussiau commissioner threatened to withdraw if tho inquiry was contin ued. The Kuglish, French, Italian and Aus trian anibiai.tbors at Constantinople being con sulted, replied that tho inquiry should con tinue. Tho itussian commissioner then with drew, leaving his dragoman to represent him. Pom, Auk. 1. Austrian occupation of itos nla nnd Herzegovina threatons u ml:iltorlal erl.sls In Cotistautlnnptp.' Tho inlnlstor of war and minister of ptibllo Instruction am strougty oppond to tho occupation and think It tdinuld iinlburnbmltted to wltbnuta form al convention. Grand Vlr.ler Safvot Pasha, who vvJsIhh to avoid dllUoulty with Austria, Is ut varhincs with hU colloigups. London. Aug. 1. Tho Marquis of Lorno will not Ioavo for CatiHila iimll nfier tho olr-cilona In tho U.imlnlnn luto been hold. Ho will probibly urrlvo thoro In November. In thn podblo event of tin Intprregnum tho I'otnnmtider In-chlnf of tho forces will, in Hivord.inoo with jirncpdont, no! us governor general of tho Dominion. it imp, Aug. 1. Cardinal Frmirhl, pnnilll c il iioi-rotary of Mate, tiled nt 1 o'clock this llinriiieg. Hurllti, Aug. 1. The rnatilfi of about ono hundred elo-Hoii'i nro known nuil itro fol lr,: Faur Ntttimul LltmraN, fourieenCIor IimIh, nlno CotiMiirvallvefi, oleveii I'rojttess teti, tbtionl tho various Hep.irist nml Par U'UJirNl pirtlo", P'ul onoeif th .Soolallsti. In limreiininliig Uliiimrlo j seennd lisllol will bi tie ous-Mry, The HoiillNt have l-oeni dpfea'ed In four eoiwliuoiiules llero thiy er(i fi 'rmorlV sueepsful, but nroeoncernud In many ii' thn k. oinil liillotltiKM IndudliiK tlioii of PriKilen and Sollnceii. Cniuiilote reiurni rroui theklnHdom of Wiirtoiuburg elect kovou Freo Cou-prvnilves, ttireo Iiiipu nalN'H, two N.iilounl lilberaln, nnd ono I'liraiuontH'io. Seroiul ballots III ilirrn llis trie h will Im iippi'Miary. The Krfo Cons' rvii lives unit Iinprl.illHii olerinl may bo eon xidi rod f.ivoiaiilu to Prliu.'H Itsmurck. Tho Nitlnnal Lluur.ilx Iiavo oarrl-d tho Duuby or ltrnrifiMlcl:. London, Atitr 2 In thn Homo nf Com ni'iim UiIm ov.mliig, tlio dub do on rrd Hart lugton'ii roiolutlon wsh ro-timol. Lord !'. -oho, Conservative, vnhiiniiiiitiy rtNsilled tho oppoililmi. lUtrlhutliig the Hiitso-rurkl'ih war to ilitdr oondunt. V, K Foster, I.lbersl, attributed tlio war to tho govern muut Isolat ing ltclf from otlior powerw. Ltknotlier op position speakers, ho b,is?il bin principal at tack on thn Anglo Turkish convention w bleli ho derhii'dd was iintonsllluilnLal In tho iiiuii iter of Its conclusion. O'D innoll, Homo llule, upiortfd tho Koveriitmut declaring that tho opposition had not tho Huge of Itu forelun policy. Tho Uotuto wai coutlnucd at lnngttt by Ifa known inmibrrs, At ono thus At nuuy u:i 30 opjiOflilon ntembeiu rom to their fofltalmultiiuixiutily. KonbiukBuliH'.-.o oonduotof tho Ijlbcralu tiiroughoiuthurrlsia bad bon tiiieh Hmt lie ilhl not think either tunuelf or Glddstoiio would llvo tOBto them in poive.r.HgHln. A P 'respondeint telpgraphs that tho reUlty ol tho varloui parties nro unohCr- cording to returns the Na tional IllerfnKiu:oral Coinmiitoi, rxtlmato their party has hM ir hchIs. Conservatives KHlned 20, tinitewl LiOeraN will Htilt havo a majority In Parllamont. Tho correHpondent roiisidors that this will continue to tin iho rasH even ir negotiations with the IMpil Nun cio at Kis8nnnn aro Miieo'imfiil, as too uliw- iiiiintauo party will then pmcefnlly break up. It iHoitluiatod hlioiu six aoulalintM havo been elocte-d. ParN, Aug 2 Tho Fronch Kovernment at he n quest of tho United Htatei, Uss Invltcil fonlRii powers, to sn ItiterUHilonol uinuelMiy u.iegii'MS, to hi'uln liero August it) li. Viuiorla, Aug.'!, Tho coil HhlimintitH to San I-nuirUco f.r tho fix iikiiiiIim -ndlng Jiiiii;U):li,lMitat;greKate ti7,fll0 ton, ugsln.t ai,IS"i tocshhlpped for thu Urt h!x mouths of 1S77. i- OALIsOllNlA. , San Francisco, July 31. Yesterday a num. bcrnf attempts was mado to bura grain fields in Sauta Clara county by incendiary fires kindled by slow matches in various places. Tho intent seems to bo inoro particularly to burn lalnir saving machinery .to the fields. Thfi fires were extinguished before, doing mueh damage. In the U. 8. Circuit court to-day tho other cases pending against W. B. Cnrr wero dismiss, cd for want of evidence. The case of Itogcra, aftsr some discussion, win Bet for August Ifith, and 11 tails' case 'as soon after as convenient. The cases of Spalding, Pinnny and others will not bo trieel till October. Tlio sami-annual htatement of the Kev.idi Ulink fol June SUtli show assjti of Wd.llIJ.COO, I of which 10,733,200 is eoinaud laillinn. Alio i;cntr.ii racttio raitroat directors to-day clo ted tho folio w'ngoffi. : I'residcat, Inland Mtaiiiurd; Ifct vice freshu-iit, U. V. limiting ton; 2l Yico Prwidci.t, Chan. Cnicher; iir.aiu cial director, I. D. Coltont treasurer, L'. W. JloniUmi; aecrutary, !- It. Miller, Jr. Tho Southern Pacific It. It. Co. to-day elect ed lit following directors; Cha i. Crocker, I. 1). Colton, II. M. Kewhail, Chas. -Mayne. M. T. Smith, J. U Willcutt, M. V, Huntington. The California Paeifio elected olficers m fol lows: 11. P. Hammond, president; (Jen. K. Gray, vico utcsideut; J. J. AYiilcutt, tnasurcr; C. V. Crocker, N. T. Smith, C. J. Itubinson, J, O. II. (limn, directors; J. (lunii, bceruUry, In the 12th district court the dofends'iU in tho $35,000,000 suit of Burke vs Fiood ct. al. havo itlcii u demurrer. Sauu Crust. A in; I MrH. Hany Benton cnmniitied sulnldn Gils niornlnrr by taking Htocbnloe. No rearon plrn for tlio oi;'. Hin Biienavm(UN, Aug. 1 lu Monica this uinrmuK onunael lor tbo people un iiouni-d they were rcuily in protyed wnb tbo trial ef J. P, Lord, whereupon lb def.un atkod frrcontieiuro fof inv. term on the uronnd that John Ffrral,MfHiHfutwiioe-t was neoeery to dfem,a.riMeIo Fraok Dltll. ISMbir mlnilnv wbM f Tk mart orarraled tea rnottoo fcf eeillwaea on Om I anoh person an Frank, or Davis, or JohnFo rxll were present in the vlolnltr aa stated at me time mine murtior. Tlioaiiidarit or de fendant was Intended only for delay aud fag false. Uwymond, for tlio prlsonor. tonn challenged the panel, on tho iirounet that the aherltr who bad summoned was bla-fd Hgalnst dorendant. Tho HberllT, on tnibg sworn, tostlded that ho had formed nnd ix-prps.-d en opinion at to tbo guilt or injo cones of tho prisoners, but had noblnswhlbh would prevent blm from glvlnc them a tnir trial ucuordliiK in thu uvidnnce lrbOltlnir in a Juror. Tho court nvorrtilm! tho clmlletsn nuil dofeio excepted. Tho empaiieliuent . the Jury Tor thn ttial of lord whs then pre1 eee-dud with end up lu noon recess ttiri wero obtained. Up let (ioVlook this ovrnlng only trn Jurors bnd lie.un ( cured to try Lord. SotnoeV(iit- t n iif wnto exhuiited iu KOttlna thoe. 0'h en inn jury men examined mis ni.crnoon.ur J nn bonus quiHilmied M in bis opinions, iil bn had iioitd Hot'on wsld that Morn eunjlii to If till'ed. tri hurl until it lilm-tll, ttiid idt ihouahtso. lIIlioi)or dismissed blm with hu emphatic word or iwi. THE BND.AN WAR. N'.vort ity, Juti 31. -A smull baud nrhor-' tiles have been p-i ling around Jiirdsii VilJey and viuiuity tin- pist few days. Iu ndditiiu t'i nearly Tii) hca I ot horses stolen from MiCaiii, they took front tho postmasler at Jordan Val ley a portion of his stocic. Col. Shea, with It volunteers, u now out in pursuit of t)i sav ages. It n reported that JeU'. Carter anl &v. eu-up .Smith, two volunteers who started on their own hook to lititit Indians, have beui caji-tin-oil by them. Sail Fruuclioo, Aug. 1. A Balso Oily dia patch hays: Tbostnitn from Bolso toHilvrr City wivs nttsoked by Iudlaus noar Monday's Forry on Snako river. Tho driver wa fcW thruugh tho body, but brought Iho eiageo tho forry. A guard of tlvo Bold lore at tlio ferry and ninploj es of tho station wpro i. , changing tiro with tho Indians wiion tlo stago lelt. A body or volunteers havo luft hero for Siuko river nnd n null dntiichment of troops fi!ii l.'jrt ItUn nro en route for Monday l-Viry. A baud of linstllm, atip poHod im Iih Iteimacks, nro lotnrrilin; to the scone df tbo e r-goul otitbreik Camus P ,d rlo. 1 Is H.ipjotuJ that Bruninti valley will bj nmtln ralduil. A S Iver Cny illspntnb says: Two sconttioT n psr-y of six have Just rtnc''d hern from thu trinity oX tho Three Forki. I Mucker crook. TaiiKcou'M metujnrlv nf- linvrdiis, killsdthu Pmio cliif Hlg Goorgn and tVvttv Johnny. Tiny rnjnn J IT" Carter uud "Svnn Up". Smith (imloiibiedly killed. YotuntoerHleaviihoro to uliiht fortlm vicin ity nf llriiuprtti. Scouts havo lieon dentin Mtrlniis dlreutlnn during thn paul "I hoiiiii. Ah ye.t no bod v of ludl ins blitgeir than -ID lu iiumhnr have boun discovered nt nnv paint. San Francuco, Aug. I. -General Iloward, with tho main body of troops, was at Jtocky canyon, on tlio Malheur river,. last night in pur suit of thuhnstiles. Tlio Indians who attacked tho stage yesterday were estimated at nliont 200, and havo gono up Snako river toward IJru neau valley. Parties Just arrived from Payotto ratio re port two -mall parties of Indians on tho trib utaries of tho Veser. Silver City I. T Aug: I. Intenne excite ment still continues here. Tho hostile:! aro raiding through tlio country on Bonier nud Sucker creek, Snako river and Owyhee They aro t iking off all tho stock they can find and committing other doprcdations. Heavy tiring was heard nt Camp Lynn at 2 o'clock last night. No maits loft to-day or last night. An armed guard left hero last night for Monday ferry to bring in tho Iwdy of tho driver Hemingway, killed yesterday. Ho will bo buried hero to morrow. Mr, Chrisman is reported to bo killed by tho sayages near Sucker crook. James Gcor, ro iiorted killed yesterday white iu chargo of Smmcrcamn'a stock, reached town thisuuorn ing. Tho triomlly Piutcs hero were brought to town list night, nono of thsm );!))) ) ., tOllvo Crock Letter, uly.' Col iorayihoa'ml Uo;nardir-sH:d horfttn day all o'olock P. M. about 200 sold If i in alt. Uma.llla Indians have Kgtn'a liead and both arms. ICiglo ICyo was killed soma four days ago, nnd am positive they Killed HulUlo Horn. I overtook part of ForsytboVi 'com mand abml ono nillo front hmo UiIm aricr unau. Crossed tho Indian warrlor'M trail about flvn miles from hero nt 2 o'olock; they hud not Hissed over ono houruhend of mo. is tholr dust was plainly onn. Tho stock of no nostiies cnssHd mo mxeir nnd Canycn Mtiign road 'iy, tnlle-4 above Mlddlo Fork sta tion yexierdavi Miipposed to boabout 300 war rlors. Forsytbu'a command camp ou Burnt rivur In iillit. A French man named Peter L.ambort ta imitnir (if Gilobour) is supposed to havo nieti killed yo'loriUy as lio anirted for OIlvo urtoU about thu time tho hostl.'os pasu ed. Col. ForsytliahsU a fight on Haturtlay on North folk with Iudlaus. One (toldler wiih killed and Hoyeral woundiiduinbdly;nhi in iiii i iniro ni uiivn uretiK nui nrUU, Hilver CitV. AIM. 2. A dlsnalnh from ItiekyiMiiyon,Jul.v3lHt, Mates Hut Ilnward'K o-muiand that day would biiaUir noar Cump Lyon f Kinull trails indloabsthat the Indiana are tcattDrltigHiid going townrdOwyhoo. Lkaihto.n, Julr 31,f)l, M. via Wall a Wam.a, Aiibt, 2 ) White Dlrd is on Clear creek lu the for Itu nf Clear water above Ksmla, and has poshes don of iho old hatthi uroutid. Ho has about -IU Msrrlorx with blm. Tim KamU's buve io- tervlimed him to learn btx intentions, wheth. ir In surrender or kllll bo on tho warpath. They miv they will not surrender, that they Iiavo oo mo lo got what liolonwH in them. Thoy nro well arulf d and partially inniiiuori. Tnov havo bei!i In tho iCU CUy Mountains firweeki. Too exeltoiuent on IC-einta iimI r lauicii. Sixty voluiitoeriHio tu riMdliKHs t-prociod Hualiist Hioin. MsJr llHtuvil , ii h dvu-ed a lltiiodeluy till moro cun bo ii crtrtaluoi of liolrlnlentlou. Col. McCor vltlu npl i'-tivn here in the morning fur Mi Kl'i'in io cilliiMii'l lue voiiiii'iiirb. Msnv H()priihniiHloiis exist Hist VVbiio Bird fs b.ieked by hoiiih of .Sitting IbiliN men who ro Miit'erul tluoiu'i tho inountiilnH Most men think that White Hire! Inlands funl.i r miHnlilef. Tliiiro Hr no troops hero in this r-Miilon tliat niti mdUo n stand Hi;nlnst evfii Vhlio IllrelV band if forty, 'f Iih yoluntiors will be iMiiupellcd lo du the II gluing it any In don. i nt tin ef I v da'n. The ICmoiU-, sixty in number, iiudir Jaiuei Liwyer, were to'to nut to-iiay iniiMciirtnlii thu purport of tho Wlil'.o libit baud, and they w couiuiiiiili'a o with MsJ'ir lUniiock usoltinas tiny hu iimi ensry. fho rxo'teiuvtit oem- dH'nnniiied to ivijiufiiuo. LEL.VND, croud thai fa U kouor 1 ,.tt $M .tfv? ,- ilt "V aflMHMUIW ' srrJiftl k. A- Antiqui!, Duriui; iUh riodiu 'nxcavtloiui iu Umci.i'i. curious old bxus, nf rough and (duiiihy irihke, have been turned op. The pcoulUr quality nf lbs soil lu loeslblm lias prober veil ih-iu from dC4y, They am of tho tnirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and aro probably four or tire hundred yearn old. A Gijrmin woman of Pluburg. alxmt AO years ofgo. baa worked at the trails ef black, belpar to bar hnsband, for the just Bin yean. Parti and the Parisian. Editor WillMtctto i'snncr Your corroipondi nt from Fnrls. C. A. S., in bis letter pf Juno IS, mhkrs usnoflnn gnsgo which is apt to excite Iho spirit nf which I oneo heard. A. certain Individual drove up to tbo bitching rxile In a rural town and while tying his horsouurortunato Iv Imppenod to call him "Napoleon." A Frenchman near by got otfonded at this slur un his tmtioimllty and arid: Alii inotislnir, yru call trim, your hono, Jfapolcon? 'I hen 1 aiIv11 mine Goorfo Washington, Now I do not npprovo of this inodo of reaauntng. 1 be't ving H lde (list all 111:11110 created not 'Mily .'qiid hut nltke. It lis true a poitlon of tbo hnni-iu nici oil with nhop Mlrk rud we Isugb at. theitij vt oat altlt knlvranud thu l.tiroppaua laugh nt ti: o In omu reupccls, reUtlvoly, wo nto lo tin tit whnl the AMhUoi aro to tie, nud wo ere all Utigblng atone Htiolher. I foarour frlond C. A. H. has got "blulljd" at his own game when ho found the Fronch brairgors. Thoyoxcll In tnuiy things; un fas as tbo trinity of which hu Mpesks Is con corned he need not have gono no far to havo round them; wo coiild havo roiuforcc-d tbo trio with a fow rogues aud corrupt public tnsti hero at homo. Paris is not only tbo metropolis of a great people, but really tho capltot oftho world; hor errors aro thoso of mankind, C. A.S. not oxcoptod. It Is to ho expected that number less traii nro Hot up, nud especially to this fiiimmer, to relievo tho fools of tholr poll utes, uud of thoso wo have n goodly number. Tho ni on key may bo moro cunning than the Yankee. Again, how can C. A. y. glvo such n vivid dcbctlptlon of lo Jardiu MnbUloon Sunday night on hearsay only t Ofcotirso he was uot thoro; it Is only Ut for such fultows as bis it. II., tho l'rlneoof WhIoh sud runo gado pro.ifhora. Ho judgoa nn honost, ltt diiHlrloiii uud economical people, by the Dotnl Moudo of "lo Jardln" mid thosweep iugHof tho earth. Why not go lit hotter company? Let us rocollict Iho chon sticks. If tbo Parldaus nro hji?h uud peacocks It may not bo through rAuijc tint through tiiw.s.suV limy llyo ihit wy; it piysbig. Wero thoy Ilkti olbor ixoplo they would not bo so lutorc.itiiig. This Is but the thin hhull; Ictus liopo our frlond C. A.S. may letch the kernel wlihlu, und learn that moro than nue roTul leiid-to Unmn. P. I) M., Oregon, July CO, 18TK. A rratlcal Swcotbcavt A nice young mini employed in the KiuisiiH I'al'IUc olllco rcMtlvcd tlio ntlicr (liy to present IiIh bolo'od girl with 1. nice pair ofnlioos. Heiiccordingly proctticd lior ineuaiiro uuil wont Into ono of the fiisiilotmbloHtorcHotimuiiiHtroot r.ndpur cliuHcd n two-dollnr pair of bliocH. In order to niiiku tin) pn-huiit uppour more vittutiblo ho tnurked $. upon tho wile of tlio allocs, nml ut his request flic clerk put 11 receipted bill for $5 Into ono of the &hocs. Tlio prcbcntiitloi) wtu tn:ulo tuul tho lovora woro lialiy, a? lovcra aIiouM l:o. Hut innrlc tlio Hcquu!. Tlie girl ex- amlneiltlio Hhocs Iu daylight und was not satisfied. SI10 wnn oonvinced that her lover had been cheated In tho pur chase of mioh apnirof Hlioesut that price, yiio decldcd'lo go nudchanRo thn nhqes hnd obtain a better liar;iilttf Yesterday hIio appeared In tho store und nolectod a pair of hIiocb, prlco $.'1,50, und politely re quested the olerk to tako bnclt thu filtoos fqr which alio Hitiil her luiblmnd had piiid $f. Tho receipted bill was product d ui prnoi, nun 1110 nooi man inutiii it tin rfosslblo to go "behind tho returns. The Biiiurtgirl took hcr;l,G() pair (if hIioch and ouiiiincd i (u 111 money, ami went noinn hupjiy und htitlstk'd. Tlio boot-BcllerHent a hill for $11 to the young mini, who promptly paid tlio (liHoreuce, Ijtit hu tlilnliH ttiul girl a .llltlo too wimirt for him. Ctnontoa Arrcatod. Aliout two weeks a0 Mrs. Crust had a Chi Hainan do soiuo washing for her. When ho re tn mod tho clothes she found that some of the pieces wero tuUaiug, aud told tho Chiuanuii to return them, which ho did not do. This mom ing ho met Mrs. Cross on the. street, ami du niandod jtaymout, Mhich alio rofud until thu missing articles were returned, wherctiKin hu slapped her in tho fuco. Hu was nrrcsted by Marshal MuitOj but discharged by Mr. Crosa' allure toritsecutp. f t Koturn Well I'lcoaod. Mra. S. O. Adams, wife of Kldorf). C. Ad ams, of this city, who has lieen up tho Santiaiu mi a pleasura excursion with Mr. A, Hl.uiy and Miss McConncll, loth of Ciucuiuati, Ohio, re turned last uvemne, feeling in gouj hpiriti, liar, ing had n ph-aviut tiin. Mr, B. and Misi C, ara much delighted with Oregon scenery and delightful climate- -and especially aro they du dyhtud with the uovclt'iif car.ip life. solo or tho nn'. -sr oil Kiu. Wt ar-J informed tlmt'nVn'.atloui aro bting complete! to-dy for tho sale of tbo Pioneer Oil Mill to Mimsm. (i, W, Gray mid Jojejih Holinan for ?1S,00'). Mr. Hulmau's winy friend Mrjll bu gla I to h?r.that ho willajjalu bo intercsto.l in tie hiisiuou, which will Ikj sure .0 Juo:ethl under tho prudent Maiivjumont of Mr. Gray, who brin,; mit'iro busiuesi ex pcriunou and abuudant capital tu tho tnU-rprUo. 3aobea oSf tbs UoaST List evening bv tweeu ilvs and sis o'clock, a U'um drivuu by a cwiatryium, became fright ened at a bwu horse, and ba;!ted off the royJ at tbo south tud ot tho covored bridge. Thu hones and waguu turned overtwioo iu their do hceut down the buk, but landed right slds uj, The driver saved hiuuelf by jumping from the wagon before It ran off 'tho road. No damaga whatever was dono to cither horsta or wagcio. -a. f V,!, ., iA'. r ? , n ARara-aSmU 4 Monday mornlntr a savago bull toro down two panels of fenco and entered the corrall of Mr.l). J. Holmes, attackcU a valublo horse which at tho tltno wan In tho corrall, hook lug hi tn In tho hind quartern and tossing him several feo t , th hnrso lighting on lite back. Mr. Holmes tried to drive (lie animal away with (dubs but fulling In that ho shot hi tu live times with n revolver, and thou idiot It I nt twice with u shotgun but did not kill him. The linrco will probably 1 ocover, hut oti Tutwlny Mr. Holmes thnttuht there was (linjtcVof losliigTilni. balms Iteinizer. UaUrtnd Ein.iiilicx'. 1ty the broaMiigof ucarwhool 011 Hi Seattle imul, while on u llfty foot truntlo between Kenton &Xewi'iitlu Wednetday tiftiTimon, eveii loiided coal cars wero Mont to the hullniu, Htntishlng them all to pieces ami Hoiittcrlug tholr contents broadcast. The other four cars ami ettglno wero Baved by the breaking of 11 coupling, elao they must havo gone tho way of tho soven. Tlio conductor nnd brakesman saved their lives by springing frotneur to ca.'ttH thoy wore about going over tlio trestle. Driolr Darned. Geo. Collins liuishod burning a largo kiln of brick at thu ponitontiary last Tuesday. Our riti.'-ous nan now secure good brio'i, and wo arc infonnod thoy aro No. I for building purposes etc. Why tint iutrotltico brick sidewalks as a hubstiluto for plank, it has been suggested that, they would make a much more durable and better walk than plank. Now fichool House. District No. t, of Mirion county, iu Waldo Hills, Oregon, aro buildiiiK n school houeo '' by IIS, feet, near tho old Stipp school hotiso which will be completed by tho 15th of Sep. temher, to be used for school purposes, aud for iivino service. I it tlio Chinese qunrler of Hntt Fninsliico there Is:i line Miiltesi; eat that Iiuh ile tlie hiiblt of Indulging in opium Hinokltig. HIio iiiuki'H her lii'iKhiiiurterii at one ot the principal (Iciih of the Inoallly uud ptr'diini; lietudf in front o the 10 (Uimboiil Ninoker, nhe Inhales thu iiiuoku escapiufr from tho nostrils und mouth. Klin will keep her position for two or thrvo bourn, until ovetcomgby the fumes, tihe rolls herself tip In a bull and hIucjis oil' tlie ellect of tho drug. A Qoutlo Hint- In our stylo of climate, with lis sudden ohsngus of toinporiituro, rain, wind, und sunsiiltiii often liilermliiidiil lu a single day, It Is no wonder that our children, friends nud relative, aro ho frequently tHkrii from us by tuclrcted colds, half tho dentils resulting directly from thlscatiHe. A bites, tlo ot llD.-ulico'a German Hyrtip kept about your boitio lor Immodhito iimi will prevent serious sickness, n largo dontor's bill, mid perhaps death, by the Uhi of tbrio or four doses, For otirliig Com-umptloii, fletnorrliftgen, rncuinonla, Vovoro Coughs, Group or any disease nf tho Throat or Lungs, Its micoush ii simply wonderful, us your druggist will tell you. Gorman yyrup Is now sold in every town and vlllufto on this continent, bamplo bottles for trial, JOu ; regular size 75a. HM S BUSINESS . 24 Viut Mrect, Km't K.Uf, IwIm, CW. Imparts n thorough unit nraetlcat education lu nil commercial and Knglltdi branohoM. i'renob, Geriuun, Hpanlslt, Drawing and I'tlegriipby. Tlilrt ohool having itrenler faollltles, nud enjoying u moro exnnxlvo luitroiiaQo than any similar liistliiiiloiinutbe Piiclllu (,'hhhI, coutimiea to biiso Itsulalm tor recognition and ptlrnniigo upon tho good setifo.aud enllghtuoud Jiidgmeulof iho pub tic. MHT Of t'AClll.TV. ii P. Hesbl, It. M. Stearns, IV. II. tl. Valentino, Mrs. O. Woodbury, Mr-. A. M. Mulch, A. P. OulJlei, C. F, Morel, F. (I. Wocdbitry, A. It. Cspp, T. it Souiiiurn, Mis. W J. HsmlUon, F, Hi -ri-glll, Geo Jebi-im, A. Vniidtriialllcn. 1W HPi:i'IAL ADVANTAGKS. Tho attnutlon to wentltiiiiauly iiisiiners anil con cut husltiO'h hiiblls, and Ihn (net that tho lltistuoks K lunation Is uot i-ontleed to Book keeping, 1'eniiisiihhlp and Artlliiiiello, but itunarls such brbad eulturo us the titties now liainsnd fur a high posltiou lu tho Mercantile Community. Tho einvloyiuent nf only first-elans Teach ers In ovury Department, uud In M'lllolwit uutnbiirHMiiM 10 ghif'iitrtouiU nttiiitioii to every pupil. Its complo!o s.vstriii of ' A0IUAL BUSINKSH FUAOTICK, by which pupils nro II led in miter ihtiConut mg lioosiidirKilv fxiiu ilmSulioiil, Thn high lusmiliit; of its GrudiiuUa In tho ItnxluiifcM Ceiiuinuulty. Tim Pains luUen to f.ei'itr-1 poslllouii for Gradttitesln tresid ItilslneHN Kvulillxlunelilii. Thu edoifslou nl poplti- ot both i-exts ami nfatiy sieii, so ih-ityiiung biys urn rendered moro manly by iho atM.umiioiuil thu pupils of mi older aire. In having ihn largest sud.brHt.v(iiitllnlis slid arrui.udd -School rnoiii", mid thn largest vearly utinmUuoh of any Busliits Training .Sol. oid In A merle. 'iho Ininieilui.i notlilc-Klon of parents In CAiiof hbti-ucooi tiny pupil, uud ihn p-tlua tiktiu in liiep them innuiuid ot thi; prugrtM riiul ilMtHiri tii-rit .f ilmlr -out Tin l'irl (hut otioli (iiitill pfuvfrnes all elo gaol Biuluehs Peinniii hijfom Gr.iliniilng, lis dnpirtiiiiiutHof .Miderii Luuujtct unit Drawing, 111 wiilth inch pupil o-ui rialvo InHiruetloiiN frtnnfidiarye, Iih (-iiiiipbiin DHpor.nieiit of Teleursphy, III which undents mo lined to enter ut oiuti UjUlll lliolr duties fH l.)ieraiillH. not l-nin l.lfn -t.:liolais'ifps,biil give thorough liinirnelloii ut renxmsble riles, Iiit'M esiiiiiloiiilon from nil initrei-ipil, 1'he "Cidleuii Juiirual," u'IvImk full psrllo- ulurs rensidliiK eoursH nf iiislruutlon. lemis. e'o , may tie bad at IheUlllrn of tho Colli go, 21 l'ot striot, or by addi-liift K. 1' MKAI.1J, President BuslneauCiieie,HriU Frsnolrno. VOD 5 9 4 V. O. VlCKUtT, AuxmltfrMlm. VV u Kinu K V ' ' .- C M. r.V Jl f; v I a I. ,r '1 I r' C .n v' '- Jr' yl i