. - A tillanwifc armrr. issued KVxnr rniDAr, bt OJL..A.l223 Ac CKAIO, runusnxns and rnorniETon. H. A. (JLAKKK. . W. CiAIfJ, Terms or Nnbnrrlptloii. Onoeopy.onujcsr (52 number)....... ...... 2.r. Ono coj.jr, six months (im namhcn.) .. . 1 "ft MAM5M, Kill DAY, AUGUST'IstsT TAXATION AND INTEREST ON MONEY. This matter of UKiiry laws, anil thur irrifK.rt. nnco in umnoction with tho financial success of jur State, excito considerable attention i)f late, anil will doubtless comu Uforo tho next I.tyin. Iaturu for action. All tho arguments of tlumu who favor rcjKjal of tho usury law, fall to tho ground Mora tho factM connccteil with our own history, that arc bo evident that thoy ncul no argument. 1'ho main fact is that our Statu has prosporcd since tho passage of tho present usury law, anil that that law has worked beneficially. Certainly tho money lender ban not suffered, and tho liorrower ban a bettor hIiow. That many bavo ovaded the law and changed moro than legal interest, by 0110 pretense or another, in true, but in a great many instances good men, who arc money lenders, have rrcognied tho Ian ami accepted tho legal rato of inteieit, in which nil regular banking Iioiihih bavo ion rurred. It is hardly nossiblu to admit thn rtil,.u of (InancLil scieniu to a new country like (he gon, but as wo grow it is the duly of legislatnm to keep paco with tbu general advancement, mid adopt laws consistent with it. Tho great desideratum is to induce .apital to 1 omo hither for investment; money is abundant elsewhere, and ijuito lately tho Hank of Nevada purchased a million of U. H. Isinils bearing four Mjr cent interest. This shows that money ii ubundant in San Francisco, and these bonds aro considered a good investment, hecniiso they aro not liable to taxation. Tho propf r assessment of property is a mut ter often discussed in Uregon, mid novir deci ded, ami perhaps this question has a great deal to do Willi tho rato of interest 011 money bor 'owed. It is a fact that very little "money" is ictiiiiiul in tho assessment, nnd tho general HiipjNisition is that money lenders do not make fair returns, which luting tho case it is eidcut tlml fi tlfoit to tax "money, mitt and no. roiints," is a lailure." Our attention im called to the fact that "money, notes mid accounts" nro not taxed in tho State of Maryland, and ni n eousciueiico of exemption of money loaned from taxation, money can lj lxirrowcd, on find rlass seciuity, in Riltimoro, at four per tent pur annum. Considering tho illllieulty, and nc. tual impossibility of arriving at a lorrcct assess mint of "money, notes and accounts," Mary, laud does not attempt to anr''uud tax thim, but all tangible effects, ival uud personal prop futy, aro taxed wberover found, no exemption being allowed for dabUnnil tho holder of prop erly buihg hld rcKAiihlo for taxes 011 tho ,., MIU)l,' ' At tlrst look this would seem to bo a hard-t-hip to tho debtor, it is claimed that it is not, but that when money and evidences of debt, including mortgages, go untaxed there is in ducement for capital to seek such a country, uud to accept a low rato of interest in view of tho f.ict that the principal is not subject to tax ation. It would perhaps require a short time for tlunucinl matters to become adjusted under tho new system, but that would soon Imeflect rd. If, as is commonly claimed, such mm is are not usually given in at a fair llguro, then the change of law would relievo the public eon Ncii'iice of a great deal of dishonesty, ami tho lesult would U an increase of taxes, while no I'xciise would remain to tho money lender on th! ground that be was heavily taxed 011 money ioaue.1, ami could only save himself by charg ing exorbitant interest. What we need !s abundant capital at a living iriw. If wo can sustain manufacturer among us w shall thne more rapidly and lo more pruoperous. If wu pay high iuteivst manufae. turcrs cannot thrive, men cannot thrive in any pursuit or oeeujiatjon. With 110 taxation of money and indehtedii.-w., the debtor will have the advantage of lower rote of interest, and capital from aliroad will be sum to come in, lendy to Ik) loaned on good security. Those who favor this system of assessment assort that if it is adopted among us the effect will be to stimulate enterprise, cause great im provements through town ami country, and that n general advance in values of property will tale ilw., which will make tho State prosnuis Mid ineie.iso the total of taxable AHuets of the people. Those are the arguments urged in favor of a I'liango of assessment that will make f.ilse re turns imiosihlojacuangeof taxation that shall make capital seek our State for investment, and lower the rate of interest by causing money to Iki abundant. If this system works well cl,,.. where, why cannot it work well hero? Wo pre. M'lit tint! iiliu fur diuidcratio-i ami invito a flt.. lllUl-llhUlJI.l ,l.k.....l. .... . .1 ..! Iliuiu-isJ ijucstion is imjmrtant in all iu U-ar-ings, and this view of it seems to harmoniro many elements of discord. PARIS LETTER. Retrospective Exhibition la tho Trocadcrc PortugalScmothlnR About lta History, Art and Indtmtry as Sucgostocl Here A Japoncco Feasant Houso and a Norwc Klan Country ncsldcncoTho Oorgooua TavlHon of tlje Shah A Croso Tiro of nninbowx. Etc. IFiom oiirCorrenpondont.l J'aiiim, TtuauAY Niiiiit, July 1st, 1873. ( At 11. F?ft?f.i M.tni. :..... L - ' " .merest now centers in the Hctro.poctivo Inhibition at tho Trocadero, to-day we will visit it to make n brief cxnmi.m. tion of the nutiuuo and medevial displays of Portugal before mc pass to the detached and interesting shows facing the hills opposite tho Champ do Mars. In Portugal wo bavo a pea. plo whoso history is greater than their map. It was one of tho most eloriotis of the ilit.-mitl. and sixteenth centuries. There aro before us memoriis of its great poets, of it Md navigat ore, of it-j ventursomo conqucstadors, of ita chlv, alrous herois, mid enlightened princci of tho olden time. The eclipse camo with tho domin ation of Philip II., of thohousoof Austria, which was ejected by a revolutionary move- mem in tlio time of Cromwell. fJom Pedro. WILLAMETTE FARMER Cost of Narrovr Gnago Railroads. OUT OF THE NIQilT; WEBPOOT, HOt AvrouM, July 30th, Iblis. In. Kuuoit: It may be of icterist toyi.ur iters to know tho cost and particulars of tho foot guagc railroad from liillcnca to i5cd- foifl, Massachusetts. It is protioitnctd to be a gr lit success and well adapted for short linos. ve you the particulars as I get them, with ujisiion to publish. The costs nru laid iFn in lloston, to which cots of freight to Sail Francisco must lie added at tin present rat of 8!) to 810 per ton. i.otxiMOTivn?. WcLht iki,7MI lbs. Cosi S.T5CU. 1'ASSK.NllKl: I'Aia. Capicity ao passengers each. Veii''t !',000 lbs. wJ0i 0 ft. 2 inches. Dia. Wheel 18 inches. CostL $1,600 to $2,000. niKIOItT CAIW. length. .-. ;, feeti Width , . c feet ! inches. Wcl5lsV4 61COO lbs. Capacity! 8 tons. Cot t ,-KH) lach. ' 1UILS, ... 1 1- Weight to a yard 26 lbs. A Lavish Tourist. Tho Shah of Persia has exalted ideas of th dignity that "hedges about royalty." On his visit to Pari he is expended -(iOO.OOO. Hi, bills at tho Orand Hotel were $0SO per day. This prodigality at once marked him out as n person to bo imposed upon, and ho was system, ma'ically swindled wherever ho went. At rountainebleau he disputed some of his bill., na win ne might. Ho was charged 12fora molwi, .?! for a cigar, IiIO for three carriage drives, and &1 eaWi fdr twenty chickens; his rooms were set down at 810 0 day each, tw o boxes of cigaivtts cost S10, 5.100 was charged for ilowurs, and 82 apieco for a dozen peaches. Ho received durinirliis star at Paris .-..jimi I..... ..!.. :...!. I.'.. 1 1-1.- 1. ....... 1 ......... I ..!.. 1 .. .. ' o j.. in i.u.- uiiLuicv, rc urn-. 1 ou uiu n 3 cup j-inR i(..Ucrs, asking ainouuts varying from 50 of the cryst driver, vvih its wending course, its francs to 3,000,000, tho acercirrato amount PnKTLA.Mi, August I, 1S73. Mi:. I.'lilTdl'.: Oat vessel reached its des tination in tho night, just two weeks ago, and since that time I have been busily engaged in trying to liud the Portland of four yeatsago. Impossible ! An absence of even to brief n sea son, h.vs been like a Hip Van Winkle sleep of twenty years in the transformation this city has under.'in.'. MOTST HOOD Is here, looking still as immovably dow n upon the snowy bosom of liij legendary bride, St. Helens. The surrounding hills, fur-cappwlwith their everlasting fringe of gicen, blue and pur green banks and its twect musical name, in the poesy of aboriginal dialect, and Willamette is still hire, as lovingly laving tho feet of cither shore, as iu that day. A few of the old archi tectural landmarks the hotels, the ferries, the nowsjMper buildings, are still stationary in their old places. Hut tho Pot tlaud that is hero to day, was iu her nursery clothes, and but just 0111 01 uer cr.uue tueii. lo-iiay sne is the vimnv riiiMT.ss iiramiiy voluptuous in the prouife or her queenly possibilities, iu the maturity ot Jot of Ilrazil, is the luir, according to the spirit of I ''t It mile 8I,3."0. I "car fture. Placidly conscious of her own re """" pnnccs, ami he is a splendid living illus tration of the Atirist theory. Qualities of tho race which had given it peculiar lustre, after lying cryptic for nges. reappeared in him. and 111 a tropical atmosphere not propitious to men. 1 here nro 2.6M0 ties to a mile. Paenger cars jiass over the road when necesMry at a specd'of 40 to 60 miles per hour, although there is a grade of as much as 163 feet to a mile iu tho steejtcst portion. Tho total cost of such a ,-, . . . I ,,... . ..vpwpuiuu. JIIU IIIUI1 COSI, OI SUCH a tal or moral vigor. On tho missal of ono of m.l 1.1 1... l....i...i: i:.... i.'i... , 11... i 1 1. .-... "w i""i"uS liiuiiii.', itiouiiil: nun use '''rtugnese Princes a cotemjK.rary of rolling vstock from four to six thousand per llriirt MIL, we liud brought into tho history mile-very much less than tho three foot of ho ornamentation of tho Ix.rdcrs, mathemat. guages. It seems to me this is the kind of road ical instnimenOi, charts, and nautical annlian ces. In the cathedral of Coimbra, I am told that statues of men distinguished iu literature science nnd statesmanship, aro titled in tho niches. Portii'-al is in thu uitb if t..n.lr ,.. gress. Her primary schools are as good as those of any other Kuropiau people; the maps oxecu- ieu ny their pupils aro very meritorious. In this collection is a bed made bvn I.islxin artisan and decorated by the pencil of Raphael -its estimated value is .'lOO.OOO francs, but it is not for sain. Hero also is a desk veneered with sandal wood; it is unique in its kind, and at thu fall of Morocco, in 1611, wa' taken out of thu palace of Mulay Mahomed, by Nuno VW du Castillo, a Hiiaiiish knieht In tin. I.irin,nl... service. Prom a disk of this shape and height, long-legged stools, and literary habits, nro ti, bo inferred. NVt lit im glance at tho elegantly shaped faienc.1 visels, the rich old Indian car pits, and shawls sent from PortUKiicsu mereh. ants at Cad to Ijuly flmpelle, in their own 41... Ql.l. -1 1.1 1 A 1 .. .. .. ...u uuwi annum consinict around tlio 1allcs portage, which together with tho Locks and Canal lit the Cascades would make the Colum bia as frco as the Willametto is now. Perhaps it wouiu answer too fortheSiIvcrton road from SaJcm Auo. C. Kinney. Tumor Letter. r" Mn. Knrron: loiinlrv, and at the (ilagro jewels worn by a sister of tho l.'mjKror ChaihMho Fifth. Ccnoa may bavo burrovtid her nnnufactiire of lilagrco nrii.iiniiitifr.iin !;!.. I lu the Spanish, Portuguea thcr furclgii exhibitions of n Well rieasod. Soiiioiif tho Stockton jcoplc have readied I nine uftir iluir viit to Owgon, and acc.ir.ling to the Inil.pn.lent, sjvaV infflowiug tenus of the Ut.pitality shown them jn our State. Thev vuuo hijjhly 1 ntcrtaJiicd by the maiiticent sifiiery of the north it, .ad li4e'r,achr.l tlmt ity to pve a tattering nocount u their tliVVrtl, Waldo A Writer's ptini-ry, nlvkh tUy re buUdln,- ivIj.Juiiig thflr m-JI, u iunn. imt-. pli Hon, and vU k u lt rk.ly fur a jxTtion 1 f t.egruiu MIif bJS. .A . so, l'.g'ptian, and etrosDictivo indus. trial art, visitors are nllowid to m.iko sketches iu their nolo books. They have not the same libei ty 111 the French sections. There is there .1 strict rule, forbidding Hum to reproduce v)jat thuy see iu any manner or form, nnd pains are taken to keep out those pcirons who aiuio.ir to have serious or absorbing work to attend to. It is to Ik! re-rotted that M. Kraut, who has charge of this dcwrtincnt. should have allow ed the noble exhibitois to make their own terms The market value ..f most of the things in the leitwingol tlio Iroculeni, has been enhanced ny admission to it. Tho public jwys for the building in which they aiu exhibited, and care is taken that the public shall reap no benefit Irom the outlay. Twentv.livo visitors at a time are admitted, and only from noon until four o clock. Among thti isolatul buildings on the Trocadaro side of the Seine, vie find an Alge rian and a Tunisian palace, a Japanese jieosant's iiiiusu ami garden, a Chinese Imaar and a weal thy iiierclunt's nsideico, a Norwegian coioitry rosidince, built of wood, a pattern of excellent caiK'iitry, the .nthroHiJogical Museum, show tug how thu human skull has Ikvii developed since the ago of stone, and the Puvilion of tho Shah of I tsia. There are iu tho AnthroiK)!... Ical collection skulls mid facial oasts of the worst criminals that have len condcmtiitl to death since Call ami Sjnirheiui excited an in. tervst in plucnologv, and also of such distiu. gundied puvouages as Scott, Priestly. Hum iwiui ami lAiiiiiune. When looking at the nairow, vilhiuous heads of the former, it is difficult to avoid the conviction that they were fatally impelled to ield to temptation. Scott could 110 more have help.'.l enriching the liter, turo of bis uuiutry than the roso bush could avoid blooming when planted in favorable soil. This, it will bo sunt, is a discovery after the fact, but thedoctrino uvcry renerallvackiiowl. tljlltak.1 . .!( il.A . t. il 1 I I ...hn. ,vj.,.,v, nuii nuicii mat is inn m our selves we owe to 1 ur ancestors, and since we derive our evil instinct from them too, m, should ho humble, even in tho climax of sue ces), and Iki p.tiful to v.inU those, who till oUr prisons. It is jwst generations that have made iu what vie are, but wu can improve their work uiHicr the pnjwuro of high moral stimulants, and favorable rolip-ious influences The Shxb's jailicn is a palace 1 miiron.. Tlio nnif iu glass stalactites, ntiocts H)weifully tho light. It is a eroiut'.re f rainlwws; uo million of piece of ijuiokwhiwd glass cut into facets, line the wall. The 'colors of tho cor-,-h-U and curtain nro wtlcctod in them, along ii wio rviraciious 01 tA pnsmatio hue. Siifos and chiirs aro iuul with shawl stutfr M many coloril t.uts, Id.e unto, one may sup. I-., the out .. .Wjifc. The eye ipeeddy tlrxvsof this isil-. wt chamber, in which the v;itnr' fa. e i ifu'tipl.itl kj inficitauu Ope mm: U- a lav. .v.uklj b antv. oris in n..n. Tdknkk. Or. July 26, 1878. lAst Saturday cvenim.' the ijuict littlo villogo of Turner was disgraced by a number of once promising young men, sons of tho most prominent fanners in this vicinity iiiilulgliir too freely in tho intoxicating tup, causing them to conduit themselves in a man- nor more becoming tho untutored savages, than thu civilircd race to which they belong. It is! ashaino his whisky traffic cannot be done aw ay with. 'I i.it men old enough to have the title of "(iraillpa," will sacrafico tho lives of prom ising youig men in order to gain a livelihood. Young mn, why will vou so degrade vour. selves, aul bring down to the uravo in sorrow and shoi;isJgrry hilra of jum j,.uUi Why not sUpt In'tho dignity and prido of mau. hood and tiy. I will not touch tho intoxicating cup again, nover. For your parent's sake wo will not piiolish any names, but pray for your reforms, that you sources for greatness, she waits but brielly lor the most roval of architectural drapery to adorn her. She reaches out to the w ide world her arms of commerce ami welcomes the stranger waif from every laud the houseless child of travel to the warm bosom of her HOSI'ITAMTV. If Salem and tho adjacent Oregon towns and country, shall prove equally as improved and charming to your correspondent, it will be dif ficult to relinquish the idea of possible adop tion. Indeed, so longingly do my pilgrim feut cling to tho webfoot laud that every induce- incut to a liberal patronage to St. Crispin's art lias been resorted to, in giving room and on conragement to the "vveii" to nnow. In brief, then, no detail allowable to this occa sion could do justice to the enterprise, growth and architectural beauty of this rapidly rising city among the firs, and mterspangled with shade trees, this commercial centre of tho HIIUAT NOKTHVVKST. There is such a flood of emigration, and such a tido of tourists to this point at tho present, that accommodations aro limited of necessity, and dwelling for rent almost impossiblo to oh tain. There nro many soiouniers luro whoso f.ij sj familiar to 'Frisco. Among these tho will known artists whose jiortnuts wo the priro at the Mechanics' Fair last year, Messrs. Peb bles and lUldwiu. They have just completed and lyvcc'd 011 exhibition at Morse's Palaco of Att, aijw slto juirtrait, -10 by 60, of that fil ial and schokuly pioucir, M. I'. UKAbV. Tho likeness and characteristics of "tho Court" are so well sustained as to elicit universal satisfaction fiom the crowds of admiriue sought being near 60,000,000 franecs. Still the Shah had money, for when ho went from Pans he left on deposit there twenty-tive of tho tlnrty-MX caskets of gold belonging to his traveling treasury. Charles Wilson received slight injuries in en dcivoring to stop a runaway horse of F. J. Habcook's. Mr. Babcock received some bruises while subduing tho animal. livor ia King, tl..!.iiUvpr ,H "1B l'rHaI nrnn of tho h 1 i" ".?" 8yr,em UN ' WM1MN Pi- life limlili 1 ami fanpiilnm of ,. ;N ,. '"? IUiu.be. In lis proper ao'lon. all ki ill or HllmeiitAnrai inii.i,..,.! ,...., ",.'".? or -'..1. 1110 iiiinu. '' UllfOH- tiorvous ,i.. .......- -" " .... ... . iou, mo inovoiiii niN i.niiH boart an.l blood, tho action of (l.n iti V .1 B".an'1 HVHtHii. aroull lum,P,ity , , "r h tho vvo. kings or tho Liver. It I, ;'" hMqinllBln ourlnKsll perHonH . 11 ZT wiin uysDppsia or Uver Complaint, u ml ail 10 numorous npinptons that res, t from m what you want. uv taM " ,8JU8t J. W. GILBERT rurw Cnisli ibr Hides, Furs, & Pelts,, "'- couunoroiai st., SALEM. ly RAILROAD LANDS, Liberal TcrniNt LOW PHICF.M LONGTinitt LOW I.NTICItliST Tno Oregon and California and OrctroH Central Kallroad Companies S OFFEIt ttislr Lands for rslounon thu riiir.uinn ral tera: one tenth of hi ipricola cs'h- qS1. the balance st tho rato or seven 1 Per cent , 5S .l. AtlUcouiit or tun pur cent, will ht sllowed ror eAih I. ... (- "immuuii ...HI. tiiv LITJWllJ 01 Ulllllirilll may be as .11 times past, your father's prido and friends of Jus honor w ho bavo seen it. Its cot I'sitii tiiftHit'. !.. I your mother's joy. Improvements at tho btato l'onitcattary. Mr. II. F. Hurch, .Superintendent of the Statu Penitentiary will in another week com- pleteanew stockade around the prison y.ud, mane in a moro substantial manner than be fore and calculated to last fur ten years to come. Tho predecessor asked for .111 appropriation of ?V,000 to build the stockade, which required 200,000 feet of lumber, but Mr. Hurch Mwed the lumber on shares with conyict labor, earn-J mg for the State 300,000 feet in all, which has been utilized iu this stockndo and in buildings connected with tho prison. During his Super, iiitendcncy of 13 months Mr. Hurch has made improvements worth $10,000 at least, that have not cost the State over l,000, while the stock. ado cost tho Stato only 8250 for hauling and nails, having been constructed by convict labor and its proceeds. The present seasou the eon. victs have cultivated a farm of HO acres, cron- jic.1 iu hay, oats, wheat and a largo garden, all of which has made a fair yield. oring nnd cceutioii nro rendered in the usual efl'ective style that has made tho brush of Peb ble so widely popular in San Francisco and tho Hast. Theso artists will visit two or throe other localities during their brief stay in Ore gun, including Salem ami tho D.illet. LVtmvitsk, of S.111 Francisco, has several of his pi.turcs on exhibition here also. Thu city is liul, the weather delightful, under whoso dieamy siiell tho transitory visitor rjlaxcs into tho delicious "duleo fur nicnte;" and lounges ny 111c lazy aucrnoon, ana rcails the long list of names that chronicle the arrivals on thu crowded incoming steamers, for a new and transitory seusatiou of a day. AntHK I- Haixoi-. BSTAUL1KIIKD 18BS. Willamette Nursery tr. W. WALLING & SON, I'liOPItlETOKU, ' Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. WALLING JeOterson DavU' Spooeh. Tho Vicksbur,; (Miss.) Herald, thus com nientsona speech recently delivered fn the South by JcHcrsiHi Davis: "Wu despise and spit uinin it fsecessionl as one of tho most devilish dogmas ever devised by ambitious political leaders. Wo do not be. lieve men should niske governments as they do limited partnerships, to Im dissolved at the ca. price of a very small portion of their number, if that portion happens to bo called .1 State. When governments aro formed there is 110 such thing as jHWceably splitting them up into the parts of w Inch they are made. Young UuUos" Swimming Match. There never was, and never will be. anv such tlilm-rv. mm I distance of over thr.itt.ii-tranf mil.. ikmw' "w hf.iW,!,,wi.-Vr' 'f'1' Teresa Hill, the winner, covered the distance "' Mvw.itiutii 11.1 .ami 111 una MrClCII&l The Saii Francisco Call gives a graphic ac count of a swimmiug match between young la dies in tho bay at that city. It saysi Nearly tw o thousand persons congregated at tho New. tunc Haths, North Heach, jesterday afternoon, to wituess the swimming contest between la dies for the championship of the Pacific Coast and a gold medal. Karly in tho morning a westerly breeze sprung up and continued dur ing the day, causing more disturbance of the water than was favorable for the contest, l. sides keeping the temperature out of tho water unusually low. Nevertheless tlio raco was ex citing, well contested, aud finished in good time. Six competitors entered for tho race, and at haliqwat two they were started on their w ay by Mr. Hob Cuuningham, The course was from tho raft iu front of the loat house to a stako boat anchored in the Kiy aud return a Miss PEACH PLU3I, Tlio Itulluit Pruuo, AnJ the best TsrictUs of I'lum, Prune, l'encb, Apple, Pear, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees. IN PULL AS80UTMKNT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. evil; the South should disowntlie doctrine, and us, oj mm to ie 'let aioue ,' rrJ KuiV. Usvj ssuug one's face multiplied a aiiUiui liW iu a uu!i room. O, A. S. Dor Aisocvattoa 1-v.t wink a iiumK-r of attorneys of this city met at the otlico of Honham k. Hamsey to con sider the formation of a Har Ass.x'iation. There were present MesscrsH, F. lkmham, W. .M. Itamsey, V, H. Hyde, P. 11. D'Arcy, Tilnion Ford, W. II. Holmes, C, A. Schelbred, II. 11. Cilfry, C. HMoores, J. A. Stratton and 0. II. Huniett. Tlio mectiug was temporarily organised by electing Hon. Ik F. Honbaui, Chainusji, and Oeorgo H. Hurcctt Sccretarj'. On motion a eommitoo consisting of MeM-rv, lUiusey, U'Arcy, Gilfry, Holmes, and Huniett were appointed to Urate a constitution &nd by-Uws, and report at tho next meetiug; siso a conimitti'e conitiiig of Messrs. Hyde, Moons, Schelbrcle, Fonl and Stratton to draft a UlOe if minimum fees for the consult ntion of lbs prop..1 aito.-at os, Ou motiou the mivtmy adjourned uatii August l. lb7S. at 6 r u. in twiuty-two aud a half minutes; Miss Camp, dtu second. Miss Hill is a youug lady only sixteen years of age, but of comjiact frame, jmh. sessing great muscular jowcr, aud an expert swimmer. The young lady was formerly a pu. pilof Prof. Mohr, who jesterday acted with Messrs. McDowal and Shotw ell as judges. The medal won by the lady is inscribed on iu face, "N. M. S. H. Co. Ijdiea' rhnmmni,:.. ..t the Pacific Coast, July "7, 167S," with a siwco for the usme of the holder, and on the reverse an engraving of the sport. A GoodHotcL Mr. James Graves, brother of Wesley, 01 me iommercul, who wis formerly a resi. dent of this county, lias started a hotel in the growing town of Indeptndence, us Polk couuty. From tmms who have put up at the Ifotel we leoru that Mr. Oravej dispenses the best cf cheer, aud that his hause is w ell .patrouued. Persons from this county, visitinc Indfind'. toes-, nhould put up with their former fellow. ciUtcu. JOHN MINTO. BKIXOES or MERINO SHEEP, Adilreis j0lIN MINVo. N. B.-The Rsms and JUm UmUct'Si flSlk cka beswnon the ISLAND KAItM. sdJolntn ?tZ TbeBwescsn bo sjen st Ibe nm glut cr st the UILL rAHH four sad . hsU mUcs sSaU orta. clii! Sslem, Sepumbsr 10. 18T3. ' BEAL ESTATE LOANS. 8IKMX i WABIIKCVtl Trait Inveitment Companr fTTBIS Oosapsny Is prmtred to notUU! Ust i X sum trou U taJdU,UM SMurci vttt IMFHO- y3 city rttorsutTV m takh lastoS. & txlhtutf. For Ursa, applt 10 '-"'""'a- lk WUilill HMD, KSZLS2W BT rstBUest lrSuf.