8 ft t K a . y ' I PJ t it ft P m 1 wF m M ft v 1 , 82,50 por Year: SALEM, OKtiG-ON, AUGUST 0, 187S. Volume X. Number 2G. BY TEJLECRAPH. Nw "York, Aup. 3. Socrottuy Sherms:. ami senator Hurusldu bad a lout; con It rem ; to-day with loud In;.' bankers on tho fcuhlbil Ityot Imintdlalo resumption. ThnSectotary thluks wiili gold Hlont ou called In bonds tbo Mipply oi cola whl ruilly exceed tLo de mand. Tbo Potior lnvp&tlgatlnp commltlpo will resume Its Aossioti hero on llio 12 lut. Memborsof tbo MoVjutgu eominittio havo bseu Mimmmuil. lUlelnh, X. O., A112. a. Tbo twenty tbrro eouti'.kn hiunl fioni luillcalo thm iLelrgls latum will bn largely Dotnoorntiu, ibuub thus f.ir the iJoniooiiiia have loit nlho mem ber, divided among Republicans, lu depend outs and Nationals. Clilcwuo, Aug. 2 President Keep hns JuM returned Irotn a trip over the NoiihwtMt-rn railroad nnd nil I'h irlbuliirha. Am lie Iiuh cirtfully oxnmlnnl Ihn crop ptopeo'.c In ibt region wbero thourefctestdsiiUKo his In tin ' ihmo bv uulavorablo wi-ulher, Ida loiiclu kIouh uro of Interim. Ho ah com nap backward until tw or thrto iwks ego, vrhon it took u tuddeii Hurt titid iu now hi forward im UMir.l ut this time. In IoW.U iwotnltfs u yavd mi last, venr. ln-st ' qenentlly Irjutod Inrin ly by tlm lu.nl, tbc In Imy being In onhwti Iowa mitt homliem JMlunirot. Html o'h the quality tit dq ian ttty uronllicKil, and tho timrnl l!(i vsill nott'Xitt'd len biHlu-N fcr m.-re. WtM'urxi Jowu IH bellor Hihii Ktrin, lictn Hit) hvt nic will lin fAolvo tntilix'ii btitl.dlx, form ers In Miutiivoin Kt'im llM.'0irnyH, lu.i olfOwlicrHiirn In liomr f-plrim. 1'liu pro portion of nbtolu oly wouhlum wlmi li very Mnull, Ltuuti occaitloiMl llrld Iiki I'txin abandmud. OitH uro unueridly tidr. Uir loy Im I'ooryk'ld. In Iowu hikI Midiii-khU wbuat iMinOMlly nallii-ntil. Tbero will bo nH modi out-ln" Tor tliH IUiIoiko tnd Noitli vrontvrn In nviry urtiolo of kmIii uxaspt wbcKt kh thcro wuh lait car Ilrlubtoii, Mii., Autt. :l Onn. Ilutlor callotl on Ktmrney, tbu IMlilornl-k uuinor, yeMcnly, tbo :uuu of Ktmrtii.y'H lumber, andlmd ii udk oftiu hour and a ball ii(xui tbeCiilnmu iiiHtlo in UAllInnilu, In ibtt course of which tho UmWal Ituitiini! If Ihn Irauos of CblnaiMin would not tuaUo kkmI fertillrH. Kennioy mured Into K"rMl deacriiitlon of blsiirralliti; Ibutwo nutlDtml patlloa, and lita CkIH with toiomudtiar.it llni-'u?i wllfll IiIm tlctiet "trlllniltllfd tl xinctUin.iilalinlnihat th.ir!rii omtuirhi uf hla rnon In tbo county uWolml on iho linn partUan llckut to 1h atuujorliy of orklnj tneinberM. 1'uhllo oplnl m in to atronK tiiby daro tiotdootliMrwUe Tl.o hiibjoot ot ri roada wasimrodiii'dd. Uatlbro.tiiinlnK tht-y xhould bpiibllobli;hwBH. Minlt'r-X)kn.f Vanderbllt, iiml K-uriiHV falii: ''wu cll nuch mini tbloviHOti tbo 1'itoillu coast. Wu must chop butti wyn. Uuir u fuw of Ujii thiovutt and votn tliooi out f.t tlio aamo tlmo " Thoconversittlon took a ldn wituo. K"ar noy asked tho cenural nbjut (?ro;nlmi;kH, and wan annwi-rod, 'Mio itrcoiibauk la tin taxod imnov. HIivIooIih whu 10 niiko It in terest btarlnK inoijwy Ht-ru K-.Hiiify Intor ruptcd, exoNhnltiK "inomj I nionuy! vo want llritt nn botut KoVfrniucnt. Tbin ntonoy will tak o-n of Imelf. Why, If job ble HtounH wero inouey to-morrow tbum Uneven would make a eorucr in tboin." Hntlor Uiulilnz, l, "that's so, Kianmy." "Well.Oenoral, what il you think of or uanlzlnii tbo workliiHinnn bfro in Mu-n-cbtiHOtli?" Hutlt-r Well that riqiiirot tboDKt. Wbllo wo uro united on oua point wo all hayo our oplnloim on (Iiihiivo YOU 0Xit to api-dk III MllMllllllmUihT" Keatnoj "Mondny nljtl-t a ii'ocp'.ion Im beon arranged fvr mo in tbo old ordloof ltbriy, Kncull ball luplnd with himb a soalatloiih I oinnot bull but -ieik." WasliliiKion, Auir, 6 A iumiIiiik will be held herw thla wftk of repro-entailvm fmin dltliiroiitwicUoni of tlo Iibor-Onuhft'k party .with tbob)fotof syntoinatlsliintiielr operatlonaand to ostubllau bero n nutloual cominlDHe. Wasbinition, Auk 6, .Secretary MoCrenry has returned from hla vial' to tbo wont, and Secretary Thompson from IiIn navy yard lu apecdon. m , The aotlnsc secretary of the treasury will to-day leauo a oill tor the redemption of live znllliona of 6 CO bondi ot 1S'I5 New Yoik, Ante, -1 -Tbo World ayf.: A lantn harehn!dfr and prninlnttit dlnoiorof the I'aclllo Mall S enmii'lp IViupany still yesterday, af i er conuiliatlon wllialnwer of tbecQiiinaiiy,tlial Ithtd bfen ili-u'tlnl thai there doo not exioi any biiidlnt: comrno' with Urn Julun I'aiolin luilr.iitd, The rtu...i asslj-'iind irtthai tbef ruiof aitnenient wiilcli wh drswo up by whiith it iw intt'iiibil to esUblUli pro ruia rit- and limit tho number of steamer" to be lixvii(;h-il by lb pumiii ahlpcoHirany never l-i;ll.v ratilled nml sealed Henry Han, fd hti potniitny hd not rrelwl uuv olHnUI noilll-i'lcui of ml Tance in freltthix m do bv the Union I'.n'llio railroad. II-al-xi i-out'-iided that tt.e com panv oiikIii not to bo 0'impellHit toeonlorm to tbo Increased i-cIimIiiIo tor Hint reftsnn. A circular, Im mbl, bad bnin 1hiii1 ;o iner chant mid xhltpeiM ai.li(; Ihht Iritl'.t would bo takou at the old ruling late ot 35 per 100 pound. Calm, Ant: 5 On arrival of tho id.vmwr Oslden t'ron IhM tii(Jht. qirnntlniitHen found lady aiek with wlut tb- itbyHlil.nn here pronounced yellow fever, and ttie boat x&h not ie;iiuiiel to laud. Now OrUnns, Auk. 6. Number of new oaia, 2fi; doHti'f, 1, Fair Point, N Y., Auic. 5. Tho fnnrth M form council feld thia inorolnir. It principal frairre wu an i-ddrHa by Horace BemU.nf Hollennvllle, N. Y, on hnw ui make temporalis rToria endurlott. At the third c.uncll on Hundav evening tbo labor sad wsu(A iuelinn wn dUcuMtrU in quite spirited uiani'er, trades union bluc de--aeenced and defended. The driftof opinion wu (o Use tfftct that thers should be bo in terference between the Hun who wlsboi to vroric uud tbo man who deitea to employ him, or dlotallon aa lo tbo teriim they urtll uprfo upon, Han Una,' y.. Au(. 5 Tho trial uf thr. I'erry train robtrontlodlo-dy. Tnoy wero aentencftd aa follows: Wlllinto Hniry 0 vusrs, I). II, Illll7yetn, J- H. Tht.mta n yearn In tbo Lincoln, Nebrn.ilta, pvnitruil ary. Gibson who mm nil situte'd ivtdutice i frofd, i ChlcHRO, AtiR. 0. Six- hundrel humoy mou Huoomakera of this 'city auuk tnla mornlri for an ndvitnreof wnvoa fnmi $0 to flil Tbey bavoiufuit-tl tbo tiller of tbooin ployrra to compilxo- on 310 0 par vwk. Tiler" nro 10,000 aMoeumkora of tbtt olas In Ublcaitn, and thoi) who have not al.'eady Irurl: ttiateu In do hi, The mrlliu Uicludth all It-ndmt; i liiiln-tile Iioum-h Fox l.ako JtntPilon, Wl"., AtlK. 5 A even siorm of rain mid wind occurred IliU evening. Fully two Incliea of wii'cr till tu JO mlnutra. Umlowlll totbiuiai.'oil coaaltf i-riibly by wind mid water. F.irm.'iti cannot h'Mc'c f r two or ibiee dnya. (Jnilu t,i all cut. Wl U'llnn tbo piMiriio Ik one thltd ol'ii crop and ul lory pimr ipiullt; u ood donlof it bad to bo mowed, t'liinio, Auj. fl Kvi'iiintj piperahavo tii-tiiiii;Hiii MpcluU itlvliu lb imrriapoii delicti btiiwoeu Meereiaiy Oiirtiiini of the It ptildir.ui coniinu-loiial commtttro nnd (Jul licior .Smith, of Chicago, rri;urJlif tbo to fnsal ol tbo hitler to itllnn lilt otnjilnycH to Mihiorlli!) to tbo tmnijulKU iir to l-el under fiiiiti'ilainii to oontrlbuto. The let eia ruo ccdi ub:o to both Kemlemoii, Ritil l.nd.i-.ito on one baud it delro to force vuirlbiiiou, and on tlieoibor, anxiety to ittd tho lte lib lie in canst, but only by p'-rlto ly inw and voliiuluri ilouailnitM, under no i-eiiMUd ton atriiii-ttir lc.tr of Mtptrmlnn, abnuid the clerk oronipbtyix ful tititbl.ior unwilliu); to ulve. The collfctor expret-iCH hlmaidf op posid to tbo whole e item of (Miitrltnil!(iii lovy or iiMM'-himnt 111 liHretofure prantlfHil. Ho Hjyn tbAt iiiiU-M tbo K-piilillraii party ho llovo tbu a una Hunt;, thoy bavo tloun n fool Ixh wrotiK in profxwtliiK auub bollot In statu anil nathinal pl.itformH. Kow York, Au. U Sncolala bavo the fol lnln ffom IllNiuark, Dikoia Territory, of date Auk. 5tb: IntlUti Im.alor Hammond baacoinplateil hln Stamllnic Hock l.idlan wnnty luvettlKation,antl anotbrr, liuuhei', ,or0hlcun, haa come to (trlof. lie iv par mltlid toreilKn. Huuhea ia iho airgttt that thrt ndltiii wMiitf-d lii drown a f'v ifutMao, Huxbea Is tbo tlOh t lint hit aiiccumbeit to Himiiiond alnoo bn waa iniulo ltiri)c-or last u Inter. Kvery aitmcy Inapentlon ImirtHiilt ed In Homtbotly'etleotpllaiion. TheHi-call-Oil Mlsaourl river piratoa f-ar Hie wnrt, Uottoii, Aui;. (I Kenrneyapokoal FtiPiill h'ill la-it nln'titioii Uro orovil. Iloxtld notblnt; tioir, hla retiwrka belnu tho name na ho niton dellvertnl on tlm Kami lot-,. San Fr.tu oltro, except that ho culoglxnl Hell Ilutlor, aluioiiduIfyliiK him. FOREIGN. London, Aucr U In the bouoof nnmntnnn Sir tvllllitiii Vi-rnnii Haiicurt, Liberal, drt olatetl tie tbouuht ttovornuoi'it lulnter; tl at It bad no boiler whatever that any itiin iter whm lo bit uppreheuileil Irom KuKiit la A-U Minor, but ttiut It tMiiitctl u pa text 'or Aiciilrluir Uyp'iH nro tijion the hussarx who, tr.oblied to t--t-.i rttud pR. a ilt'lllliVi'W .jio bv Hoi lam. (.oil to doloa'.-i.'IO lIaiMeroahot. Clio ipiim' dr ruc'i( ih'i Austrian oitt postn. la Hntg'uovlii teo A' tilths ndvano InKycHtuiday loward MoaUi .Vri)btu abort euRiittomciitnear Clilak inllbhtlsu buudretl ItiMiirgAtitN, kljled soverl oftliom ami made aoiuo prlbouera. Four AaltUna wero wounded. ,-? ' Dulgnido, Auff. C Hxcltetrni tiirotiRhotit UttnMiuu) (lerx-ipovliia lu nmld'.y lucrcii1 lnsr n tbo AualrlHiHinlvanro, ir.tl the In liitb.ltantsareujllectlnKlU bnnilsf Conxlder ublo uno'iltH pMVtl-il', frio'iviA at tbo as putt Ol lllfll'i lo nollili Tt.iir provliieot. AtiktrliiiiH oo txpectod tUetrn'r Ser.Javo to tiny. , OITof M-slco. July SO, Thr revolullon 'arj (Jen lVlro M.vrllnt-.. July 23, with 309 mou iiH Ued tho rich miuluir aJivn of Ci torcn, ervl pu rr-iment repdriii.f iv is baill v repulsed. Hotohitlonary Infor'-nntlon In Hint I'li'iTca n'a mkt) wlih a lt Din mot ol bullion nd np.v-t. Tho ttb.ljijti lino U tit end if.-iiiMiic irlnU'' i pio(t'rloita oinniunicfon thr"n.('ioi(itri'l mterlof 1 b o.milii;tl'llli,iil,nnd iiiihtonv la t1opri)eil Kirrtjoiii lor Man.vora nnd rp'itont.tllvos lo t'oimro-ot, and ilireo I'ldiia- ul ibu itupremo cHiri rn-ult'-il 'ayorab'y to tliilDltr. minim ltra Inn. Hoth bousea ee-ni''i bn irrttv itiiully dlvldtid hotweon I'tioeranli nl Val lanoaml Jiittn lMitl'ez, two prAmlnont m p'.r.tutH !ur pr-HlJeiitlul auco -t.-fin . OALIFORNIAJ Sin FrancMeo, Auir- 3' Wit-ii.Mtl Heono, tbo now of who-o daub fit. AValloiiHteln, (liirmxny, la rr-twivttl to ili.v, loaie on ra talo appro United a. ft0,0t)0,00;i orinoro, iiml wlilt tho ixoetitliiu oftjeiiator Sharon, tvea Iho larueat re.tl (ottnto owii'ic lu tho nltv Some yrara Hpi bo iiiuilo k will lt-avlm tlto lirenc bulk or his ex tale to bi)tiivoloiit iio.ll ttnlons. San Frnciaco, Au?. fi Tho will of Michael Ileeiu N not yet filmlilor probate, but hla attorney etntea that) it biqueathh 3II0OCO tooharltablo educational ptirpoxfH Too rc-idue, after raylnir a,1 fur epicl 1 In queMta, U to bo dlvilml ittnorjir bit Hi o ui -vlvlnu MMernHiid their ohlldrin sl rteldlti lu t'blc'.tto, and belra ol a deoe "ul elM.er. Han Hueimven'nrH, Aur, 5 -ISpraitun waa dlreoted to stand up, when tpo Judpo pio noiuioe.l that on Pridav. tfeXiti tmy nfStp tambcrtiiext, between tfji of IOii. itj, anil 1 p. in , tirUoner bolianfffdiTueprl-oair, to well na hla family who wero proont. did not dlvplay any emotion, Have when ut bolett tbo court mom a pair of baiidotur wero anapped up.oi bit rrl4tH, Atthlalbo prla oner liM-amo tbadlv pale, but neon recovered uud foltoKod tho aberlirio hla cell. Appeal will bontoncn taken to tbo atipreinttcourt from Jtitlpt F.twcetl'a drolelon. Tbo caao ot Lord waa then rtumt-d nnd the tlrat man called proving accoptcblu the pititicl van oomnleietl. Sau lluoimventiirn. Aup. (J. In tbo trial of Lord to day tho procuiiihin closed nt noon mill Ihn ilolenxo occupied tho Httrnnon lu ito-m nxiiinin.itloti. Jont-H, htatn'n nvldiuifc, Wont b.ick on IiIm Hveral provloua Htvnrn atalemeulN by lexiifyiUK thnt bo did not no to tho ground to kill nnjbodv. Ho tl lit not koov wluit ho went for. Hitherto with ut , moat noncbalituco, Jones lies udnilttod that filrWi'fretl Lwopon, Hatll(ml.nxprrv."d 1 1,(, wontio aval-it In perpetration of iiiunler Hurprlio lli'tt i'lunkoitH into of conlldrjiu'i mid arron A man named Oyrua Koitney, was not more biroiiLly iiordetl.M) its toob who U well knnwnuoil mueli respot ed,wiia lulu u dehulto (IccInIou hetoro d!tiuliitio:i ul called ny ilnfoniio ami mealed u sentittlioi by p.tribuiioiit, wlilnli wit Immiiidiil. I ble tcHtlmony. Hoaworu Hint on thoiiltrhi Sir 8n.rf.utl Noribcolo tboiared that In rn-J of the murder Iio was e.wnkon 1 by iiovh liaitl totlio preroallvooftbeeroii,i;oitrii- imrkmat etock,iiud hu mit lii uud drove uioni nitti at'ii-o Hirm ly in Hojoru-mi'ii no i imi-iii lr..m ihh crin. llio eooutl limit he (oVfiriiiiiHilhadNi ended In r- 'uoltiii Imwiff Lord in hU uluht clotbiatitlli iiiiof lurkny'a liiilpp'iodencoaod lotjto Hunt who waa on lioro-ibitk. Ihla exactly oonliriiix llio etatement of tbo two prlxnnera. Whon asked why ho had not ill vul'itl thin kuowbdtto Ionic linfuro, wltmo-H eald bo was utrald ol prokoutora; that when Hunt told what ho know ho waaatontiH elmrw,,d with crime nnd nrrmlnl lo dentrov hla ovltlonce, anil wluioa fearetl tho samn late! Hijatld Hunt waa irreslnd for IbU rtanunnly, Mr. Ilmiuoy'a teatlmonv or rios verv reat wolt;ht with tliOMt who know bliu and rlIcl uroas-exaniiualiou failed to woiV.on it. tirwedeiil Htorlntx uuicii ioteitrltv. Ho thouifiir. alter tho resultant tlix v.ar'it uas imposi blatoulst ilK,n ttnlr nuliitoluanoo ua dotlnml by treaty ol 1Hj(I. The bouso theu divltled on Lor.1 Hnnl.'it lon'a roBiiluiioo and It was r-Ji:ted I0S nf hrmadvo and 333 neKsilvo. AuuouurHiiiHiit ofll.o voto wte recolvetl wlO loud and pro lonpt-d oheorliu'. Tho amendiUDnt lnuvl by ltjiulle I'liiukett as a vntoofonll.leiioo uitb then ndop.ud without division. x IlMrlln, Auir. li C'omploto returns from Horman electionaahow tbo follow nif reul-i-: Nmwt.v thrto iMiiiMirvHlveH, HOor arloua I b.sral psrtlea nnd 04 ullrainoutuiitti. HUtj blx i-coond-ballotH are ucofiry. iMinUm, A lie S Tho Hunrijn aunonno-i-H In tlloisl foim I hat there will bo no dl bolutliMi ot parliament Iblsyuar V.eonu, Aii o The AuMrUu lnops uro moiint.' with aiinttl nMHuni-o iii-tb' otviu pailon ofllituia, A'.tuo vllii'ti of Z-tjper 111 tbo MIUOJ4K or HOlltlllKl too THE INDIAN WAR. were reet-ivod UJ t'l.t iii'iatilliiiia with a v,illey, which was ntii'liid, Tllov ivtm airallhttaoketl lit Mauli-j III ill!) htll'J) 'U (.f -Siw.irulkl, At 'li'j Uller pUcuveti y Aus trlatis turo killed. (.'tintt.iillnoplrf, Antr. a. It H riuiinreil IlilsoClty, Aujr 4. Tho nuinlfr of iios Mil"' who piMud up Huki river is vriiuli ott.matt-tl by obsurvoM .it fnna 7-' to -00 Thi-so itro probably liHt Is left of the p-i ly of Binnricks who ri!di.tl thli.ejiMO of Id.th' l.'in-.ir tnil.'io IhV.iuuIiii; of lite war. Tho I'm tu d otfxjr allio.s uro yt in Oregon, bu'.ivo-n Mul iioiirun I Stoln's in uiitlos irid tl t'i tho Dwyhen rlvertM)iiimlltlutdeiied.i'liitia MUM oiMtit toeoc.ik'i attouHoii of troop in tu.ii ipurtor whliti tlm lltdiiiiuka prn-oed In toe iiirti- ion oi ijoiii'ji to iiiriti i junction uui ibst K.ivUn.l ii ueLitialioi; lor tmi island of IV n Jijv'a bind, who ham left (!.. reweiv Teoodowr I Hon, and aro now auppood to bi reidy for ... . . r- T.U . 4 I.....I II . . . ill .1.,.. I ...... j.-niirt. ntiK, t ii" 't n nn. ' iiiutn't i inuiiu-' tntid li-Nthu foilo'vinirtloUlls of Aus'rlau A le;t-r iH-uptiiori ot tbo Tor tt in tt proU'-o-: The main ooltimii udviiiCftl into iho valley or lt. til lifter ovtotnrulnir, KW- u.llli'tili'es, liitlnlu that by tbo uood vil'l ol'lhe liilublt no in Property ownur-i waro estiolly IrlepHy ahalitttou is lud. At rj3iJkovj tho piplo t)pnt uiiioe.J a cim:iiiioitii oharioir Oip..llil MlllrUovie,ol!itlof Malt', wsa Hunt front Urtolid, Auxti: lt, with a Miutlrotiol HiivJata. t) iev.-ii,:)ot ertho val liy of tha IJ.nnU. Ho hbMulnii'y ro ifelved every fc'liero with J'iy. Ilujriuu an lioiurncbiii was llng organjitd at hobo-bx-ke on tho river UaanU. tho captain )'" ik-eod thither and waa rroolvrd with n ol ley of muaketry. The Hufa formed tor aolloo, Out parcel vllitfU Wttt iiajf-xtilble to foroa an autranua to the town, (aorvihed back to MIU. Tbers the IobsUunts, previous ly friendly, opsnod m hssvy (lr sad crots- from Cpt. HHley, fion ('old .priow, in tbo nv.rUnd rosd, Anu. 1 ayr: Iio "-'imi .nots out that day. Thov hiiioj IM ro'urned and rep'irt they . mud ludUiis hi lari.o fi.roooil both f.ldee of Huaktt rllttr a ii'H llv.iom, netr ItriiiiMiii. Ioill'iusoi4ied the M-'OU'-s Ijr live inllea, tlreillt; at litem Hilver City, Au. fi Iiidunii havotlo VH.tiitrd he o lunlry liiallillri'iionh. Ourt-r, Mtiuit otid Ham-on, xnpponad tohokllletl, have i ooio i it fiifnly. it-ju. Howard p-v-t-od through biro (lit af terutfin loanN ll'iiootn, lie li.dtlire.iol bis kttf ollbh re with him nnd mImiiii t ei.ty i-lry tin their May from Malbeorio Oump Lvon, Wntt'o under the luiptewdoti thai tlip Indian war Is alaiulover, ForNytbe, with six Cfn)rinlH of tctyalry, is jioli'K Ibfoiiftb tbs Juniper Ukeojuulry ud Hteln's moooulo. They have with them a cnilderabla oaxbsr of Indian prliionora, Tlio'hoMlllts hiivo been deatroy Itm much property lu Stulti'n mountain re cently. Chlefa Wlnnotnucorv and Nilchfr. nro at MHtbuurnuenoy iiml makluit slreiiuniis of lorts to bectiro purdoti tor tbo hostile FluteM. llnlnij City, Aur, 5 Flvo men ami two women are roroiietl tntinlcred bv tbo bos tllnson llrnueau rlvnr lut Thurstliy, vlr.t 0o Miller, heavy Mock raiser; Josltua Mil ler, wile, daughter and t,on; Hobt. MoMur ray uud ouookher mm. I.ntters fiotu Wei nor valloy ea tlm Indian uttoinp'-d wijmin Snake liver boloti' ihn inniiib of tbo Wel-er jejleniity, but werotlnven buck by tlm vol iinlccm nntl n few ritilarH. The moiiiilitltiH arnnvldintly full of Imlliiea. Ocn Howard with si nil tint tho main biidy oftroo) s, In be twi en Sliver Pity and Jordan vallev. It is reported tint :i5 of Wliltu lllrd'a N'ex l't-rcoi hitvoHUi-tctitlered. Lipunl,, Aur; I S'nt'i'ii. A. A. O , Vn conver; James LiHon biouvtbt lu llvo itpi'itvu 1 1st tli'ht bol iiu-luit lu While Illrtl'h liriv. lex tulood thOMi'tiwaeloMily, The ontiro ptrlv UJti.slstM of iblrtren men uud eltfht iinui'tu. 'I bey would not euriender to iho llrit ptr'y f-rnt out When Ibu etentnl IMrty ivioit out III" lo Urn hill dlNiiiiii.stred TIihv weio iri!i-k(dtoCo-iinw(-od by L.ttiyei nnd itjeti n piry ot wIiIIph lictn Ctm la tit i li oil Lit' tor and ptrty bni'k. t'quiH env ihie lotl tuna nro r.oMia loMitmon river lo orn oi'e'-oi theroaud then J-iln the Quakes While Itlrd iiml must of bis bind lire Mill wlih KI'Mint Hull. Hpor!M reirnrdlni; him aro evidently exHjeraied. The pariy In poorly mined mid buvu imy llu'o iimtuutil Hon. Thn wliitoKCitlera will probbv lake caroofthmn Fauhc. 7ho Untro Trtnnol. Tlio Sutro Tunnel, wliioli in nearly four m..rt, long, has cost ur.irly four tuilHiitn of doll u-f, anil Ii.th abxorlfcd eight ycar.i and eight tnontln of l.tlair, it nt length hiihstanti.illy comjilctcd. Tho hlittory of the great boro in liho a contem poraneous record of tho ntlvaucc in thu Hk-ii-nuu of tunneling; tlio twenty feet per month g.iiursl by tho hand drilling of itti early nUgcn, con trwiting atrongly with the twenty times twenty of tho machine borings in later yean. Wlan tho final touchca nro given, tho work will do survo Boruotlilng of a celubrntiuii in tho Com (dock iniiie. - It i is worthy of n placo ntnong the great feata of cnginooritig"fiiUuiitryrt:uPjjli. it ruiiflt r.itik, of couno, far boliiud tho Mount CcnU railway tunnel, which is closo upon eight miles long, cost iipwartl of thirteen yoars lalor and fifteen millions of dollar for its construc tion, mid Mcrvca a great variety of mica. OrtKon Vh:At In tho I'nrls Exhibition. Tlio following extract from tho Now York Herald allows hows how tho exhibit uiailo by Oregon and other portions of tho I'.icillc Co.td, attract tho attention of tho world at tlio Paris Kxpnltinni Thu French juunuls all pr.ii.ootir ngriciltural implement, and a.iy they are im rivalled in IJurojKi. Oregon and California wheat is attracting great attention. Tlio umi cr.tl exhibited from thu 1'acilic Coast cmbraccf. l,IOK)apeciimni, tiintiy of them of great eio and value. All the famous rninuinf Califurni.i, Nevada anil Arisona, lire ropresontcd in tlio collection, which, a4 a whole, is tho finest over brought to Kurope. nurrali for Yomlu.il, In tho way of cutorprine, aya tho Ya iikill llcj-ortcr, Yamhill may Iw counted in advance of hur ncighlxiring counties. For itiHtanco: tho Wist side railroad subject waa sprung iu Yam hiM, its first Uard of dirtttora Uing in this county, if wo remcinl-er correctly; tlio l'coplo's Protective Trauijortition Company hol its birth here; nntl now shu n honored by having thu first narrow ga'igo nulru.-el iu tho Klatc. Ho, now, ye gallant representatives of your ro r:ctive cimutisii, Just set thu i.-g for old Yam hid a! oul niio notch, will you J About Uliiht. The Rjtt Orojoriloji is nc-ir tho mark when it iaya that tho liidiatKoutho P.eterv.itien (should Ixi dis-trinod, r.ud that it is not uatesviry that they alitiuhl go on tlicir hunting etocilitioui an tied wlih needle pins, Mjiericor rilhs, and the breech loa ling guns. The old fashinuu-l wm aroiullijtuut for all thu legitiuutu purpotmi of the Imiiauv. Tin: l'ot.ii'.f lino -lot. p i,uf of Aourl run l.-ln .H, lint p r,.iio b., his kouiIi nfiiitil m-'iiio ooiiiury m-ir HarMtot.h like, in Nn.r Y.f'K, in siein iitimbira that a. mio iiiii.isri"iii lora t ir thourops wero en tr.auiod. Alter Mtuno, tionter the buh Oivmii to lly to er tho like, ami it wsh miiieml thai holm; un lOio tore 'i ifioopH-oiliotn i i.ey tli- i'po'1 id lii" sun wo of tlm utor, ami a ! at onoioirrn I under by tho Ioniums. citoola of loi'i lu It. Tbi f.irmorH ut .:no tMao lo fej ih.t '. wIih; Utf rn trded us an luioi I'oit'libioelil rl Idsoco of tlio jhi, hilt toon (!. KilnKf. waniliriled Into fb iriuible, ro it wus f mud that mullah, uiiktii. lod'gen tl.elur.i shells ol the l'U',.jl(Ml,nny weie wawi.td iifin the ahoro lu Wrio ('iho I ilea. M-tiiy ol them bavo Uieii louild tilled wltb bund. udsof tbo bu;be. DontU on Fiona. A lady who has been visiting in this valley for nrvcifil w-ts-ks past, au old resident of La (Iranitc, and who ha-t returned to that place, thus expresiice licmelf: Tho Imlians ore truly to bo dreaded, but tlio Ileus of tho Willamette Valley nro tha most intokrablo nuisance of tho i by." Olil woman, why pursue tho poor inno cent ilea with such invcclivol They aro per fectly harmless, only they imko it a littlo tin cetnfortablo iu church oceoiiuiia'ly by their per ristcut and lively eporatiotis. Hut a Hcergian has become a benefactor of man and womankind by making known to thu world a means of get ting rid of tliein. Acting upon tlio idea of tin other (iCtirgiau, who varnished his body, eo tli.tt tho lleas woultl flick fiutt when tiiey Juiiipeil upon lilin, lie conecived tlio idea of placing a dull of molasses in a dark place where lico.1 abounded and suspending a sheet of wilt ing paper in a horizontal position Just above it. It is the nature of a ilea iu tho dark to jump at whatever they rco that is light, ami being una. Mo !o fiuU-u their feet into tho paper, they fall down into the mol.tsrcii. The (Icorgi.iu .y, if a Yiitikce had made tiii.i discovery Iio would have appli'tl for a p.itint, but ho gives thu l.erld the benefit of it Iltmttnre Xuit Toturnod. The hunting pirty Dimpostsl of Orin Darker, Wm Stanton, Win. Cox and H. 0. Fisher, who have been the (si.tt two weeks on a limiting ex pedition near the Grand Komlu, rutumcd Sun day wilh a largo quantity of game, plenty of llsh and homos in abundance. Tliey wound ed a dcr and tied its four legs together ami took it into camp. Leaving it in charge of Mr. .St-u-toti they went after another, but before Hilly was aware, tho deer made a louugo and darted into thu brush. Ho wout lu ecarch of tho doer, hut could not Uud it. Ho thou went in ncirch of tho other party, and on returning found tho" doer that hail escaped from him, 'Hiriceu'red it, and whrit the party, returned, they dispatched the doer in short order. . oldest,' Aool N. iT.'IWry inVJJ, wjth nh accident at John Watson' place on Monday last, ia"lhoVi6lr-i sonvtllo Tinier, whereby his right arm waa broken just alaivo tho wrist. Iio wax binding a load of hay when tho ropo br-ke, elevating him iu thu air about twoutydivu feet from tho ground, which ho struck with great force. Ilia iujurioH, though quite painful,' aro not dangor oua, and ho U slowly Improving. WnlkUiR Blntcu nt Portland. 11;o walking match which camo ofT last K.it- uid.iy evening ut Ore Fino hall, bctweeu Messnt Crautlall nnd Iteid, for the ilistanco of ten ihIIm, rt-sulti.sl iu Held coining out victor. During tho walk Crauihll fell down uud sprained hla aukto Hu opponent caiuu lu about 101 tuiii- utos ahead, limiting thu ili.'.(auco iu 1 hour, VM iiiiiiutes and .10 secomts. t So.it I'oitloua Vioporty Bold. v Some raluabio provcrty, heated lu F..ut Port land, waa disponed of at nduiiuisirator'a sale a fuw days tinee. A lot hfcatud on 'Ddrd utrcet, between O aud II, was purcliaicd by (lovornor W. W. Thayer, for 81,000. A quarter of a. block jfcst oppoiitu waa purcltused by Van II. Hel jmmutt for S-VW. "" WHlioit flpHnj Jatuisi Itrnwn, of thu linn of Dalrymplo fc llrown, rein-nod from Willioit Kpriiigit .Stin-. ilay. Ho rujsirti a Jolly crowd at tho Jlpriugs, everylo.ly enjoying themselves. Among tho vikitor-i at thu liprings cru lion? I. It, Monro mid family, mid A. L. Stiusou and family, who aro making thinga lively iu tint noak o woods, LoMtou lu I'ortUud (Jcoro P. Holiuan, formerly of the I'tonter Oil MilLi (Aimpiny, haa engaged iu the t.rug buhiuiiBs at liiititivkM nt I'ortlaiul, witu 1 lodge, DavijtCd. I Ir. liol.nailhat thegiod wimoi of a largo circle of fi hurls in tliij city, for his B-Jccw) ill hit new home. Arretted. A muu luimis! Thoiuaa was arret Ud by (K.'or .'.into near tho i'nir Hrouitds lut .Mu un.ay, oluvrgnl with robbing a gun shop at I .. Hand. Hu w.tt t.ikcu tit Port. and on thu u. .xui train, where he will lava a hiniiug. 3c it to tho Zus.ir.0 ittrylnni. A man named 0. (X Carrier, living in ,u tliia city, was oxamiuo'l Monday by Dr. rthar(. u ami JeMup, and pirmouuctd untune, ami w:m l.'.liea Ui the Imuuo Asylutii at lUst Portland, by ShenlT liaker, on the afternoon train. There waa frost nearly every uight lout wtck. in Lake county, w i . ! -y i i t Am ei'Y in fi 5yf ibittC " r: