Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 19, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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'J'liti Oroioii llepuMlNm Statu Convention
oouvuuuit al tho Onor.t Home In till city, Aiiril
1 7 th, 1878, nt 11 oVUk'U A. M, and wm catlod
to order liy David Uomlaell, of Multnomah.
Chi.!rm.n o( tlio Itepiilillenn Hlnto Central
t) motion of lion. Y. Carey lolitinoii, Hon.
.1, 0. IVohloa, of Marion county, wm elected
dutiiuunrv (7liAirumti.
On motion of Win. Cornell, Mr. Win. II.
llutriv, of Aliiltnoumh county, una elected tt'in
tiorory rWiot.ifyninl W. T. Wrlulit of Union
coiinly, tiUliiiit IcinjHT.iry r-'oo-vl .try.
Oil motion, ii couiiiuttoo of llu1, cinilatlii of
U l Potior, (lioro Moltrldo, It. C. (Ivor, I'..
Ii. Smith nnd I!. I. Wiuihh.mi, www iiHHiliitcd
I'oinmittio on eiodi'iili.ila.
On motion n ctiimiiittvo of llvo viin)iolntoil
niuinliTjit liiuinoim, ijonnUtiiu- of !. !S. Ni'iilt,
t'r-nik Taylor, TIioiii-m .Inhiirou, Mux Mullcr
ninl .1. II. Hunt.
On inollon tlio follow ln;j iM'Mnn uerfinp.
pointed nrominllteo on plutform l (I. 0. HnJ.
twin, .1. VoorlicM, (I, II, Durham, II. N. WIN
boii, It. .1. Slmriio. .1. HiiuW, ,1, W. Itodli, S.
L 1ivoll, W. II. O.lcll. P. 0. Sill", .'. ii.
HUMtiioiv. Nut Iaiu-cII. .1. II. MeClwiK, .1. C.
Tolnmii, J. V. Hflcttonalu. M. K. Mulkey, .1. I).
W, .1. Ttfrwlllluor. II. IC. Illm-a, I. (J. Diana,
way, K.tl. MiCornifti'k, J. (liulon, Henry
On motion tlio following cnminltlee waa ap.
latinlcd on permanent oojniiliuitlont lloaooo
Knox. Sol Hindi, .1. W. Walla, John Culleii,
Win. lUrlow.
(.'onveutlon adjourned until lift) r. M.
Contention call-Hl to mdar al Hit l.nurj
fined, :i o'clock p. in., liy lion, J, 0. IWilaa,
Coroutine on 1'Utforin rcporUxl aa
TmnoiMniy iMllot, ml
a maj'.rllv of all Ilia vntm mat In flint.
On inollon, thn C'halriiiitu nppoliitMi V. 0,
JolniHon, Sini'linn Sinlili, I. O, l)loaaj-j
and J V. ltihnon, aa mllera,
Nomination for ('ongrciu then Im'Iihj In or
der, tliu following penona with iimiiviIi W. .1.
Hiindj-rn', f I'nionj L O. rUonrn. nf It.iKuri
.V, It. Knight, of Muriuiij mid II. K, Minn, nf
lint Htllot II. K. Hima, 01) W. .1. ,'iiiol
ami, .V) I. O. .Stearns, i'li N. II. Knit-lit, II.
(Ilrliuril Willinmit received .'I oto. II. K.
Iliuui wm declared theniiniiiiuo,
Tliu following ponoim wrro plnrol in noml.
nition for (iiivcrmir. Henry r'ailinj of Mult,
iiniiuli (uiiiity, I). I'. Tlmiupwn ilitto. ,1. W,
Wiitta, f.f Yamhill, I I Itiml.ind, of Wna n.
I'irat Hallot -1). I. Tlioinpion, received W'
Henry l.iilins. -t I; U L How land, 17; .1. W.
WatU, 'J 1 1 tfel;m.in, it.
Socoml lUIInt - I). I. Tliniiipion. C.li llonrv
1'ollini. 48; U U ilowlnii'l.lil; J. W. WntU.r.
'riiir.llUII.it I UltoHlan.lllHi Kailin -Mf
Tlixinpson .8i Wntt4 I) Itlank I.
('onvcntioii a ljoiirnul to 7 '!' V. '
TIih Convontlon ronoHMnblAil nt 7:M
n'dliu'k, mi til uich llvoinoii'tiHllntM lorriii
ilntu f.irtJivonnr, ().(; llHkiiin,nr .Uikon
Cout'ty. wrm iinmliiHtiiil, r-rdlvlnir 03 vntm,
W.I) IUrn, or OUltiop, 71 nnil lilmik i.
Hwritmry nrNimn-lt, l llirtnirt.nf Mult
nocunli. unit Ii. Ii. Wllllmii", or DciikUn,
worn put In nomination. On lli bnl'ol,
KtrliHrirrnnlvA'l 137, ml William 39, tor.
hr'. wn(lnl'l nominal il
TrMaufcr Klrt hallot riil'o'la Mlnwui
WfluHi, 10) Monlolih. I0j Mm llh. 47 Ohar.
B4D, 'li Ulitub, 70) blank, 2. No obolut.
TkaaonvKni.ini tnoii adjournal till uair-ptat
Bo'olookTuiiiNiUy inornlnK.
Thuraday mi rmtitfi Dm tionvantlnn met,
and on thnthlril lullotKil. Hlnoti,or Halmn,
rroelved 10'J votra, anil wm dtolartd ibe
nntnlnen rorHlalnTrrakiirnr.
Stati l'rlnlcr On tlio third ballot, W. II.
Caitir, of t'otrallm, wa nnnilnatml. rrcolv
Inor 113 vntoii, tndl RirK. M. Wnlln.of Snliin.
A wn K" to prna, no noinlimtton bail boli
uuiln for Hupnriiitetidunt of 1'nbllu limlruu
Notci from Jtickion Hill.
Mu, IC mm n i If you wiali to aco llm I in
prnvmiirnt In our nvuIIoii ortliiiconutry Hint
Iiiih bciii niiiilnlii ttui 1ml throe in fiurynuc,
(i)linliiip .Uukujn 1 1 111 "ml ynu lint only
Inivo ii vluw nl tlio liniiiuillatoiiulKhlKirliooil,
lull uf thn nurrotinilliiK oniiiitry lor inllin,
ThW Hirtlon nf tlni viiimtry n fuw yotra ni(o,
uovorml with liMivy lirmli lliiolcota uf oak
unit llr, and tlio uinyom mill rhlisiH nt that
llinn looklntt almnat (no atcrp to think nf
plowing, now and thou you would m n
lluldol a fowacroi In oiilllvallon wIIIiiIIk
Kr njnlrrola all round tlio linr.lrra of the
Hold and ono Tor almoat ovory atalk of whoat
Krown, and where twu-thlfiU waa Rentrally
calculated for them and eotnellint three
third, where It wa then oonaldrrixl the
very pooreat of land In Orrgon, Hut what
nowT'Uet on theo lull that waa Ihrn
coated with bruah, and looking to Ibe
iiorth, aplendld grain Heidi ooiueutuleryour
rlaloii,Juit rollliiK cnoiiKh to be bvaullful.
Theieyouaenall the way down till you aco
theeaatofHilein,the peultentUry bulldliiKa
and Ibe prairie north and eaatof Haltnti, To
the ret we have a inagnltlcent vlow of the
whole country up lo the Caacadee. Nlco
farina can be acen all the way down aiuniiK
thohllla (III onb'rt vlilon lunula MM err k
bottom, tbon up the Caacadon whom thn
poakaof t tut Tluoo MUtnra, Jvirnraon, and
Hood, are alwaya tlio ume, wlnttr and
aunituor, refrrahlnR thn mind of one labor
lii( Inoiir IWdda, To tlio weal wotenwhat
Iherapatan and Ohlnriae bavn dnnnof latr,
clearing up oxtmialvo llohU and f uljrcllii(
thoin to thn plow , all thla lo ono who kuked
nvnr thla part of the ooiintry a fnw joara igo
and now tnlla nf thn wniiilurfiil ailvm ?
iii-iH In aKrlrultiirn wn urn makliiKi ami
what haa loi)iiio or Hih pratlvn ariilrnl,
Stryohlilnn haa donn lla woik, mill I hern am
mi iiimiy now in uo II II ai mlru'li. arc 1
moat t'xilnoi, anil that h.i Uildif, Our
luiint'dlaiii in UhburhiMiil ln.llllii up thick
Iv, nut only on thn main inula l Hiik fmin
Hali'lll, hut tint tt or II ItiMll, crnxa lomla am
bollix laid from thn main ruaila loolhura,
heiKiiy aiioiuiuodatlnx nil, Iiuprim iiinuta
of all klnila mull h wo o on faiumarn yn
liikC on, nnw liullilli'K, fiiinluit ,Vu. A vood
clio'il liouui Hilonii, our d ktrlui, luwhloh
plaoa ai'hiMil la In lit all mouth In II. n t-r
Mil Ihriiuith thn wlu'er wliru amall ohlldrcn
raiiuot MtiKinl ii'Killnily, tlio dMilcl tlnn ao
laiKnl but lliro l now a pnj'i'l rn foot lo
lorni a nnw iliklrlil. by li cli all will li an
NiimimiUliil. A 11 I, ur loli In ix Irilniof (IihkI
limiiilara la ilolmr a uooil woik hrrn iiiiiii.
tiorhiK upwaid ot frl, who adlii.riiktrk'tty
lo llm rulia iirttin Orilir nnd miiiMi wllh
, nit partiality any nf I'a lunutHru whovlo.
lain inriiii ami ami wrai wn iiihmi i wiiiih
KihmI iiilnl.lf r, or mlnUli la to hate regular
ervlciM In our livlxhlirlMxal aa an hainbut
.mu Saliunlh now occupWil III nauli inonlli.
Wn wtkli iiilnlolt-ra would rmi'llrn Into llila
matter, wn mean gord opna fca llimn Nhl.
tlriK in bn a larn nt.ikt iiinir i.(hmi nrn ami
liimlaya arn lonu Uaa to alav at Iiomn,
Hiirlmt la now upon ua In all I a trlnry; our
fruli will I in anl iilitl.l. and an iilmnnan
Ipiai t t,lf It I not liilutrd by latnrroaia,
ki.Miii.ni oniiiK now mi mui'ii mm iiomiiu,
llraln, and iH)tolally Ihn wlat plenl, look
Miilnmlld. la uinwlnit fait and ihr iiromlan
lira lartni.lnld, llarilruliiK la rrivlvlnv llm
ktlnnllMi or llm liuaiiaiiilinan now, nun an
ktinmlalirn la balr.tf mil In. 'I tin wild atraw.
twrrv la liloninliiir.rywh-rn that the nlow
Ihaa lint ili-ntroliKl thhiii, ami llm HiiihU not
liar ilNianl wlini etrawliMirka ami i'riam
Iwltl In, miioim our ilnllcaiilM., Ohl j-Mcliy
lo!k, tlial am lifllimul Up III tin. illltl ami
luoiw, ol tlio iiiiilllniilo, romn lo tin, country
ami tlinm our ')a, wniro inn iirotiM,
niMiihtlli nilinroiilv. wlii.ro thn liriMika am
lull ur inuiiiiialii tioul, w hum wild lliwnra
lilifllil will nut cultivation nyi.rj wlifio,
wliem I in lark and rotdn Wflroiiinyoual
li.MuL nf ,Iav. wIihm IIim ImmL wli.rn vim
mor ipialfil I'oniva KUahiuu; f mill aparklllli'
lrliiK, lirliiuluK I calth nndtlKor with It,
Who can liw. turn hiiii on mik ami who
would nollm a Nimnr I (Ulixn.
Javkaon Hill, M irlon Uo , April 1.1.
Con auk (Iiiovm, April 10. IH7S
T.K riltHllllI finilt l,il, l.linni .'IKIUII
b) Ii that nun John II. Wallnr l oil llm war.
... . . .. uu.
ipilll, nnw iiiih, iiiurn it., n ii,ii, ii, ',i
lin lallor pari in inn wiiiiit I miuiiiik io on n
t.lntiiMinl lior.o ilooor, and ! nlai waaanlh
... .,!.. I ... ...1 .. ...V....... ..,,'.., .. ...... I..-
OK lllr'noion lu inn, iii 1 .'I n, tin if, '-.iii f
ni.l and told w lilt woiiilorlul ruina lm had
lnir.iriiiiMl. IIooIIoih to itooior ImtHia fir
art lay ilowii, lln ml aiinr iurv(i, .-mow
......... .Li.... i .i.k. ir i.i i. u....... ..r
Fill. 11 l. H, illlilK ,1 ,., ,i i. II.WHH-. i
'lnir la not nliv lii-llur lliau II la on thn
u .1 .(. 4. ( u I..l.. I... u..l.l...k u.t.l
llllllinn I111H, II m n lit'.' iiiiiiiii(.Mi, mi.,
ihcin am aoiou or my ludrfhlMirn tlmloanui
vmynnar lolnK Uuilr una by lr.li)K Ida
remedy fur corn, and If hnnviiro.iiui'a Ihli
way analil hn will Iniloatl wllh acinrdlux in
law. 'IhUliuin la a olout built man with
aandywhlaknra, Huh troinplux Ion, IiIiioomk,
and nave hla nanin ai Diwov. Hn caiiin (u
linnv) front down aliout lml(.pimlrtiiio, In
Pulk oniinly, and inil,a lili t r.if's lli'it lin
imii makci in mi mii.ny than lm cnii at win K
N w I would ndvlm pmiplii to bo on llm
iHikMltfor lilm and havu llulhlliK U) (In
with liliu In any way,hiaim,or r inn
J, il. hilnmiillKli:,
Yll.l.AMKTtll Kolllta, April 1.1, IK7H.
Wn have Had aplendld TVo-.lli.ir lor allwo
wimk f ir larintnK,aiid It haa Iiih.ii Vr-llnu
iilowd In lliinparlnf tliiMioumiy. At Char
try lirauitn tmll ii" llin.'ll liitlhn I () O l'.
liiiH'riln I HKnaiid Mtartoll' with hiV.iiKoii
iii'imlii'raniid mli;hlpfi))io a ri)rili.ifiiliirii.
Co ii yniiliK iiinil of llm uiiUhti irlinol talk or
t.in(iiK n I.yctoiin or in ick l,ii,Utiirii ml
tliniiauia ImII. Thn n!d-r p-opm and clill
droii propoo atarllnK k.S-iIiImUi .s.uiool ii,o,
Wn arn basli'ir heavy h"WMHiir lull ' d.ty.
.. .... I ....... ... I. .......I. .1 ttn.Mt
li-llll 111 lllii'iriii i. i,'i i ii-.-i. . i, ,,-.",
Tlio Srntinul ya thu uwnuni of tho Kinolino
Quiokiilvcr .Miiio have rccoivod n propnaltloii
Iroiu Hsu rrnuciaio paiiuw w lauui nit-ir mum
foraix or oinht iiioutliaat S.'.O.OOJ. Tlio Com
pauy havu not yet ducMod to accept tho ollor.
Kt. Caaey haa aold .be ItetnUrr newepaper.
niihilahMlatDallta, to W. U. OroMon ard
W. P. Wtlliaina.
lirrOIHMI I. I II nn. Ill ,Jll.-n ll'l, i.-"lil lu T-lim-
-ir n-ilKhb i")il altiiolii'ii II o.inMlii, iliil
pnrlyNiMiidl.Uln hr tlutiirnor. Tim ipioa.
lion of nil'luK aoiniiililnu whar.lwlln lo
olilaln allvr nud KrotintauUH, t-IT o a and In.
It-rUMlrt 111 llioir., I"l
Clover ftg tlsit Wheat
Mu. Kditoui Wheat In conaldorotl
ono of tlio liCHt crops tlintcnn lio mIhciI
for nmkliiK mniioy, It wlllbririK monuy
wlion no othor crop will, nnd In Aocrop
with tunny. Now I wty (lint cltivor will
do mom Tor it fitruicr thnn wlient. Don't
Hity Unit I inn ticnldo m.VHolfi lionr hotli
nIiIohoI tlKHitittfltloii. Iit't us lnko, for
Irlnl, I wo forty iuth IoIh, put (lit'in In
Kood condition, nnd now one to wheat,
nnd tlio othor to clover. TIicmi two
plats nro lo hn run for tlircu ,vctlr,4; tlio
totnl yield of wheat on forty iicniM for
tliln lime, would lu al.oiit '-'.(iOO IhmIu-1-i,
nnd Hold nt ono dollnr pur litiihi'l woulil
lirlii &!,lt0., tlio oxpuiiHCH on tlio hiiiiio
for thrco yoiiM would ho about $l)(M,,
h'avliijfjKllo, not provcoilri. Now, Mr.
Kd.. wo will look nt thu other hldo of
tho (luontlon; thu oxpeinei tlio llr.it
yo.tr, cutting, hniillng) halltijf nnd Heed
to how tho forty hitch, lntcro.it, and
tlircMhliifr would ho $705., tho Income
would bo 00 toon ol hay nt $10. per ton,
12,000 pound of clover need nt lr cents
pur pound, ninkliiK In nil $2,100., nnd
leaving it net profit of $ I ,(!!).'. j nccond
yenr, tho oxpoiiHpa would Ih $7;iD., In
t'oino 80 totm of liny, 10,800 potindn of
rood, ninnuntliiflr in nil to fo.io., njja n
tho prollt It heavy, uiiiouotlnjr to $l2,M I.
Tho third ntitl Inat year, tho exKinaea
$:il.'i., Iiiromo I8IMI,, Icuvlnir it net prollt
of$1Vi.r total prollt $1,7.11,, it Kooilly
Hum, $:i,00l,, In favor of clover. Thn
third yenr wo cut no aeed, but turned
tinilor tho eocontl crop to need tho hind
In tho future, and to ralao a big crop of
wheat. After our wheat oiiicm olf. our
land Ii in decidedly better condition
than It win before we benun in ralio
clover; and our land reset to clover,
tho feed wilt count up a noon im tho
fall rains beulo, nod innko n HDlcndld
piihture. Try It, nnd you will never
regret It. The land wtHowi)d to wheal
will not result! lis fertility for yours to
come. liOiui.v.
UiielaimiM Co., April, IK78.
rlllTW(M)ll-At llm fiilllllr riaMinc" III I'olk
iiiiiiil), nmr Hftlem, ,.l IMn. I7n, Mia,
Nlllirjr V, t'llltwiHHl, wlM III J., t'llllWUkl,
miimI ()iara, IDIll.ililln unit II ml".
TrE fIrKEJ3.
Wheat rmnalna aa licrrl'ifore, mlllcia pay.
Iiik (me dollar a Im.lirl in ar cum a aiipply to
grind for nrdrrn and hmiin aiipply. Thum la
no (biinand, to i.prk of, lor ehlpuintil. Thn
roada hatngmally loiprotrd,aud allliciuli
ruiiKh am htiuoat fvrrywhrr drv, t thnt
rt'liinatita of wheat find Ilinlr way In maiknl,
end a ronaldorabln amount will piot.alily
ciiiiio In when thn rnadi bcotnn amnoth.
Ulncn thn alaive waa wrlltnn, A. N, Kill
nny, agent of Calrin Klourlrit Mllla,annla
Ua a lio'e and Inf.iMna ua that bn la H3w py.
Ing II 0) pi-r buahel for wheal, whloh la bet.
tnr than wn frarrd our fanncia could aecere
f.ir their rrtnalnlngaurplua,
Oila am a drug, rntallleg at 15.1 and tOo per
bcatinl, wllh i'M lo t.4 aa thn t-x'lemn prlc
at l'orlland,and II t-0 onnlal(M) per buih
nl) ihn cxtrrmn nl Han KraiiulMHi, Koinan
nan eiM otto wi-tovarlOj hem, fur a waiion
load, at pni-rnt prnn-ut, and llm Karinnra'
Warolioute, aa Mr. Ilerrun lnfunn ua, will
lakn In V.,000 bbamla (till weeK, w Ithout any
oipoial nuiloiilrr, llmm biilug 6 000 bual.ela
already in atoie, mid lliiiiuailda ami li-uaol
thuuaiidiof huahtla lu atom all along thn
river and ralln ad.
I'otatof a arn thn limit llvi-ly arllclo In dn.
maud at prtaanl, M)l lutvliig bmii nulixi-d
hum, but Ihn demand lor California cannot
Icngonnlltiii!), The aiipply In thn coiiMry
Ii light and many potalni a am rolling.
r.ilalom hnvn Mild a high aa IK)J a buahi-1
III Nalclll, Ihn lat fnw day, end wn hear of
alca at (I M ! r bllahi'l at I'lirtland.
Iluttcr haa ili-ollocd, '.tlota n-r lb, tinlug thn
pr(iilchaa prlnnof u'ood inlN,
Hi!a am 1'') pi-r ilo.n.
Europeun dniu Market.
Irfindun.Aprll 111 'I In Matk l,mn Ktprr a
.. . . il,. -&.. til ii la.aitt 1 1 IA tiu.a I al.ta.M linl tt Ik
nJ)m ll() I'lT'TI l M (-" I II, r. rii
iii.eir to uIh rlti in hiiv oiitiiiilftint. 'J lio
' . .... a-I, .. ui . I. .t .a. a ....
(4(M K' iIhi II in) lawinnmi ninik tit evieiiT
.. i. It.. .iiniiimlijl Ijruwr Lriaillli lliatti llanjl
'llt"ea eiiiiiu" ii" i-i . -
Ima bfon put under isirn, Hop,dli- of dig.
Ilah wheat liaiolci-n iunb.a'n In lindon.
M..... .. l . ..I .. . I . .. i. !. ...drli.., .I....&H .
I mi iriiii.n, ,,. ,.. ,., "...i"w
wiakerlonni.f liailn, (iin..(iu ill ii4iu thn
(lunliiMii-il ihIIIchI appmlicuklona, havn
t .. I...,l.....u.( la. lujilllidf.r til.il.ll M.I. II.
linn tmniurliir. Aamlllrra continue Inoimr.
. .'. . -i' .... . 1...1- i.ui..,. if.. I.,
aii, niru.Hi,v, ..mm, ,r.i.ii, ....... .- ..-...'h .'H'1
and llm wnaihcr not aiivi rn In lulurn crop,
thntluin haa now co.im wlii.n A'linrlcu and
Ituaala w HI riiiDinn tlnor liiiul plaorn lu tho
llat of niuiillla whilUli nn iIiImi our prln
cl al klippllca of led wheat. K.at .Mniiday'M
eillval IIIH nluinitd all IllllioiUllnll l f ul.nill
37,000 ipiarlera wheat, Hourly all nt whluh
wm f.irnlilnd by llieo countrlna, hut nl
riKOii't'nleiiol ouiilnr principally In Atui.r.
lo, Ht-nllig that iniilri.inMlH nl eouiheril
Hnropn will probaldy rellnn. thla roiiutry of
a vory larg-i popdon of uia'n mm llm HUck
.Sua, nn uiiiimixI iiiiiutii.r of grain laden
a'cHinura from Odia'n nnd Hontlii.ru Itul in
pirti- iMvlug lil-oii ilhi ruU in Marelllea. ihn
ileinniid of the pul week ban bleu alrlrlly
olaciiuauinptltii charai-Kr at a elillllug per
quartnr hat moony, ihn ilcoUnn IkiIii aiirlb
uleil lu Ihn .ioiliiu,iintof pollllmt alfilra,
wllh .mall arrival nt porta or mil during
Ilia pal wei k. Tim II Hiring cirgo lu wluat
llilnd atcady, wllliout ipmlable clianco lu
valuiH, .Ma v.', l h few arrivala, udvalictd
Hilly ill per ipiarlnr,
IMntril en ihorl notice, anil In Ilia
IIKMT MTVI.K. on mnir or clolh.
JK..T... mmnnsrmmoT&. .
mh'Bnit niolmn' Mock, opinio 1', u,j jo i.BM
. HMVTU.,Oel.. Uuarnioa.U.B. Vetaateat
I Ii oaa.lrMa'aboak.M lUlra, eeTf
A Bad Com.
A nail caae of lunncy Ii roportoit in the Port
limit pnpora. A few dnya aRn Jninca Hayilr,
llm aeeonil mnto of tho atenmcr (liimilo Tolfiilr,
fell down tlio haUihwny of tho tlcnmer whllo on
thu wny to Aalnrin, mid died anon after from
tlio iujiirioa received. Ilia rotnniiia wrro
'''"UKht l.ick to Portlnnd mid tnlicn to Mm.
Killihilra bonrdliig home, whiro lm had la-uii
fnraoinetlimi prior to thu ilcpnrturii of llm
toaincr. When tho wagon ilrovo up to tlio
lioitro Mra. K, dlacovortd tlio rciimlii", nnd nt
oiiDii i iiiinipi that -oiiio frightful nuililvtit liml
lHfallii htr Inialiiiiid. Tim tlmolc wua m urcnt
tltrit tho KMii'iinfoitiuiatii wiunaii nuvcr iicov
eml her rif."lit mind, ntnl hcciiiuo ury ilcrpoiul.
ilit.iimlntlaat irnaoit wm elitiroly itetliniueil
nnd it Ihcioiiii h..i-i i-hi, i in u..i,.i. I,.,.. v...i.,..
tcnlny iimmlng fdio wna uwiniiicd ntnl pro.
imniuiol hiaaiio and taken over lo Ihn Aavliim.
Alra. k. la tho luotliir nf llvo children, llm
) oiuit-rat of wliom U hut four iiioutli old.
Iruly, lliiaia nmul cano.
Artlclea of lii(orHirallnii nf the Haloin ami
Sllvertoii narrow gaiign lailmad nro on lilo with
tho Hcorulary of Htntc, nml thn following
naniiHl gt'iitlcmni nro thn liicoriMirulora, which
iimirca nctlto inconnri liaiklng lo early me.
c.l'".V .Al '"""II'Ikt-. I). J. Cooper, .lohn Porter,
O. K IllcUa, Henry Allen, T. 0. Hhaw, V. 0.
Iarortora jaxicl Xoalor-aa lxx
Tho Liou Eoll'-Dump Sulky Rata. " Bosa" SIcklo Grinder,
Dliunosota Chief Tlircsliern,
I'ur thu Miitti iiCOnpiMi. mill Teiilioilen ol lVtIilctt:tuit A. Itlntio,
oy MAonux .sr,t ynou wioxr m nn.sT,
E. L. "3ATON mid
In chnrgo
The Imported Per oh or on Horses!
o.-iil--w. ,.'AWJ-4.vft.L..Uri
Wl I l.llli..t1.V. ,r A II M Ml-ll M.I-, At IIANV, Thurn'layu, KnJy ami Hatunlar; ami
.M.ilola)., lue.iHyi uml Wv.lueMU) t (he Uti.e...( r0l. KIM J, OUV.M.l.t-', till ll)'l,li Iheu
C- lorJ .1 JTl V Xa ZiX I0T71."V
Will lake III. oLc-MLl Villi I'. I'itlSUK will
Ba-a ia in nil''
rnspw or
Will hem il.n r.Ve. i f U INKS I'HIII'll. "A I l!M. Memlaj:i,Toli, Wlneiljriail Kat
until) , end ul llm l.li'ihiif H. liili.W.N.dl.l'.V.Ms'H lll"")"i 'I Kr U.j. nf mall Me. It,
I ilrm II Hum ei'iry I.ihIvh I. "limit" il. M-rM-l'.iii of llie hnr. Sli nnw u kfllle.l ri-l
tl,l linrn I.k.i I renl nr Mlinivof Ihik Imr.i Unit h( uotl liu llllIHi.vnurlil 1.I1 Hie coiiliiliin
lMk uiHih I'vii'Leiiiii.
rr.ftMs-.m. i . s. cols aoiif, the j.vso:f.
AprllH, !87H..f. W C. M.Y ICIt.
SALEM photograph:
W. P. JOHNSOK, Artist,
Ortr Willi.' II Mil, itore,
hTATR r .M.i:l.
Il('ri'IIKaTKKV IN I.Vmr V1.K. frou
Vliilmurc (iir'ni.. In I ,fe fll.'.
U'l'ir.h K.NI.AIKIMI lo anjr l aoilioi.
lrrhl3, 1'JUK
ew jw aa a i aMf ii"i BifTiv ri'irawii via ,
m; pl H-A I l-y Jt ti. ta, HmI Ur ir4,
f.s W U A. J4CUUM A Co , kMt, t'wrVrc. V
! IC Wartlirlmrrt AKl,HinKinclo
Account Book.
Farmers,, 1'l.uitors, and n.udehers,
lV A. I.. RAMI'riXI.11,
U conn Hi all lni.lii.ra tin-. nil", ami tlinriliy
kr tliriurr ainllhilrhiJr-i. a(ir llirm, nmcli
tninlilulhit ciimr' nivlul. 1l.lla pain, I'rac
ll alayriuin ir Hi k krvuluir, ra-llt uml r,ii), hiiiI
n.pMlillv ail.ilit lohHiilid M t'anuvr, i-ull
la.lniclli.ii In kicIi li tok. fan l ifil-l lu an orUl.
dlnarr n a '! 11 la-a, b"ian I lo aai-c'i Vln,
I'lica 71 eMe, f"-' Mora U Oil. p I,
AwiJii kiykju ri hi (V.!ftitii i.iKiiW-o ri
t-Mi tt-l Jd! Tt bi lt-r
I... u.l. km .-. . .l J .1.1. imJ .ak I tu
flriawold, W, J. Hcrron, Oeorgo Willlarna, T.
W. Davonport, It, M. Wade, tV. ft. K. Ilroy
man, It will now lio ncecaanry to call a meet
ing of our citircna, nml to havo tho lunillta to
hu (Ivrived from the road coming to r'nlcm ox
lilalncil, nnd to ojxjii IkkiIin for auhacrlptiou.
Now ia thn timu) dolaya are danguroiia.
Ship Tlnibor from the Vncltlc.
Among tho nrrivnla nt thla airt wai tlio alibi
"llrouii llrotlinni," of Iloiton. from Port Mad.
lion, Wnihiiigtiiii Territory, bringing tlio Unit
enrgu nf ahip ngmra nod ilook plankiui- over re
coil id hero from tho Paclfic-toaat. 'I ho homo
until venue wna inmlo in ono hiiuilroil nml
tivinty.i-lglTt ilayA Tho Hint ahipmciil of Ihia
Mud to thn Atlnhtio r-vahoanl waa landed nl
Path lint your. Tho "llniMh llnithtra" wna
built In Nimhuryport With llm vluw of Ix'irij
employed in tho trniiHirtatioii of apnra fiom
the Ciiluinl'la liver, ntnl m inoro thnn ordinary
atrrnth of hull wna reiiulred for lliia anrvico,
uxtia cxH'tiio wna inudo lo render her the
atrongeal ahip in tho Amcrivnii invrrnntilo
mnriliu. nnd her hiiildcra Hiicecoded in this oh.
uct, according to tho opinion of nautical
ildgca. Her original coat wna alaiul $110,000.
f aliih-hiiililing ahould ever revive again in
Now Kiiglatul tho huiineM for which alio won
built will no doubt Income highly rumuncra.
tlvu. ISooton Ittor.
AlintiTH I'Olt-
of tho Branch Sti.ro at ?.'llm.
Ui lu Haln Hie Ural jail of ll.o w-lt uinllaa
Turbino Water Wheel.
.t IUe rr''"l"'c failr, 1817.
i lll. In wll o write, a. ,!?pripllr nrvular
. ..iliil.) ncii mmi-mmt , m.i.u-iik
10,1 r'c 1,1, to
mu ir-c in, u . - ' m,i,V i
T'l.rii finhtlrimont.
,.l, UK.
Ita Ibt Connly Owor f lj jJVlou"' VnG" tat ,h
ISJOtMr. labareW irl I IJtt lh uiidir. tiicl, ad.
ml iiitlili aavaiad '' Jf0"!1'. amlMoa.
fai.thrtihilay u? May." lW al 10 uclcca la b
r,.n.n...l,blb.naplol,"'l,?r,hrr.,.n' !h. 'a
llirrr..ro, all lie wna Jurrtxt lu laid e.late are t.
qulrtuaialaaUcU't. at lha raurt-houM la
elm hiMidre Mr, at iW Jt. and bow rioaa,
II aur nl.l, wbj aiid aecoual ahould not ba alio ,d
and aald .dmlBt.Ualor "K'-HTRXTTON(
AdmlBlitretor or aUta ol A, F. Walkw, dec's.
April M7.
3ai flora.