Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 19, 1878, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tri HHK Circle.
Conducted f Mn. Haiiiiiot T. L'mrkk.
'Twnii but a word, a, nurnlnin won),
An llilH'.lndown It ncnmnil r IIkuI
11 liaiiMcd it tiioinntitlri thn air,
Tliott onward wliinml It (Unlit.
Another lli Oitimlit up (tin wnril,
Ami LriHllii il It wltli it liMtrty mienr,
II uittliKrnt wuHtht an on It Hpiid,
That carolca word, In lln turonr.
Tli mi riniHir RHiiuliUlm llyhiK ford,
Anil litiav u-nmlp tm It whIkIiI,
Until Hint lit 1 1 word lircttuo
A vrililclii ii f utittry liitin,
And Hum tlio word vtai wlngm! with llro,
ltd iiiIhkIoii hm a tliltiK of hIii
Kor coon It fell llktt lava drop
Upon n wlldly-lorturod brain.
Anil tlir-n inottiar rKfi of lift.,
With liiiriilnK,oldliiKtnrH, waahlurr'il,
A toad (if pan. wan Imavltir inailo,
Ita added wcltilit, that ounleia word.
That rarnloM word, oh I how II acorohnl
A falnllnir, blooufnir, quivering huarll
Twhx llko a lniii(jry llrii, that neardied
'i'hniUKh evnry lundor, vital part.
How wildly llirobb'd tliataclihiK hoarll
Di'opaitonv Un fountnliu Mir mil
It milinnd, hut lilttor axliim mark
Tlio pathway of that caroluia word.
Ono tiny, Hamuli Al Itiuotild road
A book whtrtilu thu mjbI ald:
"Whrrn arn llio kliiK, and whnm tlm mat
Of limn who oucu thu world K)ikphio(IT
"Tlitiy 'ru K"no wllh all their pomp and
Tliry rn itono llio way that thou ahalt jr,o.
mO thou who nlionaaat for (by aliarn
Tlio world, and what the world call fair,
llf.L. -II .1... II ... l- ... I...t
'limn mi, iiihv 11 mi, pirn iir imiu,
Hut know that death l at llio audi"
llirnun Al lUaohld bowed Ilia head;
Tear full ujmiii (he page be It-ad.
Lnnifrllnw, In St. Nloholaa,
ThU and That.
In looking over tlio lurj;o oxchntiKO
lint of funnlnc, paper that cornea toour
Initio, wo Unci ofeourno very much (hut
liiiHiiu liitorett in common with un farm
era In Oregon. Hut thon'wo nee inmiy
topics illitciified In tlte-o impeM wit lull
do not Intercut tit only no far hi to draw
coinpiirlrioiii hut ween (ho Kant anil thin
WcMorn conn try, nlwuya tmikliiK u
fuel moru Mitlillutl with our own over
K'toctt Ii II t- sail 1 1 vitlluyn. For iiiitnnco
intiny papera llieun KnJHtltoppurc,
thulr origin, iloviistaloni U, having
reportn or ctiiimilittiitTH couccruliic;
thulr hithltri iiml rtuvnstntlnmi; others
apeak of curctilloiliylloxeni, ttpplo trco
borers, hurl; lieu mnl currant worms;
nil li.ivo thulr hhuru or uolorluly.
, Chlcl.cn cholera.croup Ac (intone fowls
liavtt tlu'lrHliuriiorriiiiit'dlo"; litigcmiU
em, trichina, Ac, attract attention;
horrrn mul cowtt mtiii to liavo till llio
lllrt (hat llc.li U hilrlo, mill treatment
for rlUorl-t of illoasoi Ii rccomincnil
cd. I' ditto hoi rove I In thu llehU,
(Irrpitu of l'.irN reeii. Homo iapern
till of fierce lor;iiiilo(H, hiillttormiiititl
HooiM that aweep thu latitl; nil tell of
(rump. that k up tun I down through
tint country In organized baud) frljjht
ciiliii: women ttiitl children who livu In
Isolated p.itt-i', Mcullui' tintl robblutr.
Wo nrj happily Ignorant of these un
comforluhlo thliij:n; Itifccet pilo may
como to iMtiflcru whllo its nlho many
(llrciihci Incident to uulmiiU, hut now
wuaro comparatively free, from them.
Our crops imver fall ih, tintl uuvur litis
n toruiulo Hwcpt over our land, or llh t
iiIiik blasted, Tho tramplxyut to come.
Wo oiiKht to hit a happy contented poo.
pie; want mnl poveriynroHcarcoknowii
nmoiiK us, nm! If known, it generous
nud liberal hand Is upeedlly extond'd.
Hut wo tiro not butMled mid will not hu
until it nillrotd connection m ikus easy
I'omiiiiitilcatlt.u with tlio Hut, leaving
out (hat horrid Oatau trip from Port
land to Ban Fin nc I sco.
Tlio Munli April iiutuliirolUin I.ntkiina
IIOhAl.ltnVII.W A,S. ItailiiH t Co., iub
lUhom, Niw York itiiil (IIiIji ) opuna ' with
thn Coiifuiliirstn ltniiiliilHcvuci4 of Almandir
11 Sloplidui1, ho linro liirtiUlirn t thn putdlu
many Uvlaof K't In orctl. Tin omiiIikim (h,.
rii'Hilly put Iu-im kImIi intnixir (lwi Hluti
iuil'l'Vkr In hiMHiiidarili'lii Hon. ImvIiI
A, Well inn mlii it tuluulilii itt Ihw hi tin.
KlMiiililNiil Nalioiml Wiirtlih, liu'lmlliiK Kin
uiuiiimI liicunii'HMiiil katlnyHiir tin pilncli h1
imtluiik hi (,,1,1,1, WillT. I'rlflixnl, l
It H, I;. A.N. li,i'Hi rinlilfiitol Mixloo,
tiralk llio MixU.i, (Jm.Kllou iimlur tlio llili.
ol thu "Mi-Xli o of II.,, Alio luiiim," ooiiiiilolil
IliK Oil lhnilli oflliM UiiIImI .Sialic. A
rM'liiihiM kCfjouri ,,f il,,, piililloanilprlvaln
Iht.ofMaiiKriiuji Mini liHinr.l woiiimi i,f
Illilli ill Mini polillciUundpnii, ,y j,,,),,,,
'J'lioiu.i. M. t'oolt-y or A-1,,1,1,, H1 j
AbiumH. HkhIiiiiI N.w Voik. Oilier hd).
olMrni.y lb lti.v.l)f. ,,,,,,,! o.um.. on
Modi-Mi Ii'ivt t din, ili ritl,,r,lrN,.wY,,rLt
oiiJNnw Yurlt anil ll-111,1,),.. j't.,,f 'V
I'tabiuly, I). I)., I I..II y4 f I.vr hI CiJlX-nc,
tin I In. ItolallouiifMornlliy io Uulia'ion, In
oIuiIIiik Urn in.vltirn HviiiHik,ni, lUrmi K
lllil VHlll(l It". HlllWl-UklMIWIl (luruiNII lllllftl!
on 1 in pur U I l''idcritllin In (Jcniiniiy, Hil vtr
In Alt lNiprprlittiiy ilnerlhtul by K C
TNilorof Nnw York. Tim dHpHrliiitiiit or
Coiiitiuinrniy l.litfMluro ciiitoKw ihchiii
linpiiiunt KhhIImIi, Oi'miiiiii, Kiinuh ami
Amur Ii mii booliH by (iiiilmnt lorljjn ami
AlimrloHii rntli.wioH Tim IIkviuw nmy In,
IihiI o alt KovMidculura by klugluuuny or bt
jioii. ua in m;ii ovMiiiImiiii, VIIUil urila y,
wPnol I'rul Vlllail, tlio h MIiiMit ol
l'lild'o Ii aitii.llnii iii,r ViiMiir KuuiiuH.
'HilHlaMailH V, ai?.r.i.poraiiMi In
an Ainuli-an iwiliLlliMi. -n,,, M,.4lorbliiK
l.ln iifilHt M Il iMlril Klrtlnu llin I'teblilMi".
ii.. i nini in nil', m ii'iiv (,.,.,,v..,i r ii.'
Jimmy, the tow-Boy.
Anecconlrlcold (roullnmnnnf wealth,
named Morgan, IiivuhIci ii mim of tnun
y, tho Incomoof which IumIohIkiumI to
ho used for tlio llhernl edticittlon of tho
most dosurvlfiK lad In town.
Ho mndo IiIh plan known to live con
llumon, rciptuMlnjc them privately to
mako ohsorvatlotid and retnirt to him in
six inontliH.
Had tlio hoys known this, many or
them might hnvo usuil ovor.v moans to
Kul n his lavorahlo olnlnti; hut us the
mutter wuh ii cuerct, lie had tin opportu
nity In watch them without thulr mis
pcctlti"; his motive.
At tlio eml of six montliH the flvo
KUiitlGiiiun mot at Mr. iMnriMii'n ami
dlBcushcd tho (iiiestloti in nil IU hoar
Iiikh. Kadi had his favorite, whom ho
cotnddcrcd inoxt worlhy.
"Tlierols.Iohnny Intralls, who In it
most oxomplury lad," wild onu. What
fault can you find with him, Air. Mor
BiinV, " I will tell you, wuh tho reply. " I
onco hired him to take Home Important
loiters to tho mnrnitiK mall, hut ho met
it companion on tho way, mid wuh ho
mixlous for hlsowiiaitiUHoiiient tlinthe
noKlocted to mall tho lutlerrt till It wan
too late, mitl thoy wcro dolnvod it clay;
and a (,'entlomau overheard him nay ton
companion Unit ho did notcaro much,
ho long iih tho old fellow would never
llnd it out.' Hut tho delay caucd the
loss oi. qullo it Hum of money."
"Uenilenion," continued Mr. Mor.
unit, I hnvo tried In one way mid an
other all tho hoynyoti liavo mentioned,
hut nono or thorn Halhfy mo."
"Then you liavo totrlvnun vnnrnm.
Jccl," wiliI nm; "fori think wo Inive
uiNcusHcti tho menu or nearly overy
Iniy In town."
' I Iwliuvu Jimmy Iiuh not boon men
tloned," wild Mr. Mortrnn.
" Whnll Jimmy, tlio cow-boy?" ask
cd one, wllh n Htnlle.
" Ve, I bellovo ho drivcHcnwd to and
from pimturo."
"Huroly, Mr. MorRitn, you must bo
Joking now."
"I uovorjoke: mid had I any dlnpo.
Mtion to, I Mhould not taku it poor llttlo
boy for a Htibjeel."
"Hut, Mr. Moriran,doyouknownny
Kood of this boy?"
" Do you know any hann of hlmV"
"NotliitiK' Hpeclal; but does ho
amount to anything, except to drive
"Ho tiover has hud nu opiMtrtunlty,
but I Intend ho hIiiiII Imvo. I am fully
decided to jjlvu him thu boiicllt of my
"You will jjlvo us tho reaions for
miikiiiK lilm your cholcoV"
" Certnlnly. wllh iileustire. You call
him ii cow-tMiy. Well, that does not
Nljjtiiry to mo oik! way or itnothor. it
isflmply beciiiixo I know him to bo a
KoimI mid faithful cowboy that I jjlvo
lilm thu preferonce. It nciiiim n ntnall
thliiirto drlvocowslo pahture, hut he
ih the only one who linn always done, It
faithfully every day, tliuttviiMiiitliniUKli
thoMinu In my uli-oiico ns whon 1 wu-.
tit home, wlilluntliorwJiJierfd e-i the
way and allowed thocattlo tuNtnv in
liiollicr liulosnies for tho day, thinking
it would never ho known. Ii Is evi
dent to mo that if he is o rslrlullv
fiillhfol in .11111111 thing:, be has the
right ifpint in him In miko lilm trut
worlhy lit greater things."
Just then,
" Tollnk. lu-UtlU. (n.llnkln llnt-l.i
O'tr lunka with litittrrunpi twitiWI(.
Tlioeowacdiiiiuktiiwlv mmr."
Jlinmy, gray-cltlrtetl mid biro-footed,
itufded them Into tlio yurd. Hu wiw
iu mm cow in, put up tho (mm, haw (hut
tho gate w.tsTill mtctire, mid wasn'iout
hi trip away, when Mr. Morgan called
lilm Into the house, wliuru ho told him
Hniiiothlng that mulo him dumb uUi,
glad niirpri-e, mid hunt him hotnu thu
liiippleatlad In (own.
A Itcltablo Man Wanted.
"A rellnlilo man wauled to talco
chr.rgo ofu r.irni "- A rullablo man
wanted In u counting liouso" "A ro
liable man wanted to Miporlntond u
mill" "A reliable man wanted as tel-lerlnnlmnk"-ro
llio iidverllsements
read. What n demand I hero Is for ro
liable men! Young women want them
iiimiimMiiiis; laiiicr.siiiiu itiotliers wnit
them r.rMiiiS'ln.liiw. I'eoplo In trnublo
lii'iulroiuixlmioly foru rcliablo lawyer
whom limy can consult; (ho hick want
a re able pliytticlan; tho churches want
it rcliablo itnin forn minister, ultlniiigh
they donotadvorllso t.ielr wants In a
Thorn Heems to bo no mnl in iii .t..
mantis for rcliablo men. Am reliable
moil M MMrco Unit to much point Is
iinidoof them?
Wonpiirehond they tiro not nH plenty
as they nhiiuld be. Uullablu archlloet.s
and contraclew anil ftifjlnuers nro not
Io bo Annul In overy place, or (hero
uiiimi not no mi many railway mid
irldgo nccltloiKs; cahlurs and other
bank olllcera tiro not iilvvnyn reliable, or
iiii-ru wiiuiii n no (leiaicatlotiN. The
hiiiiiu may bo wild of trustecHimtl Insur
unco olllcor-. In truth, rcliablo itiun
do not crowd ouo tinother in any class
Young man, it Is forynu to dotennhio
wltetlier you will boa rcliablo man or
not. It nil depends upon yourself.
Notlilnir Is eailnr: onlv resulvn iliot
you will bo it rullablo man, mid title); to
It through overy temptailoti.
There Ins been miiiio criticism on thu
word reliable, us not being good Kng-ll-.li.
Hut, Vho word will answer very
well, If wo can only liavo thu quality
Which it describes.
ftlauaori at Homo.
Good homo manners nro the founda
tion and tho mini siriicturu of good
niaunitrH every whom else, Tho idea
(hat it Is of no moiitunt how wo behave'
at home, provided wo nro cnurtcuu
mid pollio Iu company, Is it radically
wroiur'one. Formula ni'ton allow thorn
tfulvos to bo Ill-broil at home, tlilnUinjj
that they can put on gooti manners
when they uIiooju, and appear as well
abroad us others; hut unconsciously
thoy nro continually betraying them
m.'lvos. Few things nro ho HUbsorvlonl
on habit iih thoso over-occurring llttlo
proprieties, unices, and ninciiKlus of
ol Hoclal llfo winch go to mako up the
well-bred man or womiti. Tlio expres
sion, tone, carriage, manner anil lan
guage or years cannot bo changed iu a
(lav forHomo'Hpeciil occasion.
Tho requisites of good manners nro
ho multitudinous, It Is imMsslhlu to
give them all; mid each, llkulhonnow
iltkes which form (ho avalanche,
tiioiiuh Imti'irtuut Is so mluuto in itself
that II Isdlllluult (oHulectnuy us mot
essential. (Jood manners at homo and
elsuwhero nro but tho outward man
ifestations or lovo nud that Hplrlt
" which huffercth long ami is kind; is
not pulled up; doth not Iwlitvo Itself
nnseumly; Huekuth not Itsown; Is not
easily provoked: thlnkoth no evil: re
Jolculh not iu Iniquity; beareth nil
things; iKdloveth nil things.
Thu welt-hmd man nud wonvin ex
pros by thidr inanncr that they regard
the Judgment, feelings, tastes, wishes,
eon veil leneo and pleautiro of others us
highly as their own. Thoy Htrlvo to
avoid nil habits which offend thu taste",
all oxpre.islons which shock tho nensl
blllllesor wound tho feelings of those
iiInjiii them, nud all needless violations
or tho customs mid conventionalities
of wiclety. Thu following particulars
will rail under mid Illustratu thu gen
oral principal:
1. Avoid till expressions which tend
to irritate, embnritM. mnrtlfv. or tialti
any member of the family.
Klll'nr llttllil.. I,, miu f.n.ll n- r.ll.
lug unless with thu purpose to benefit,
und rtien Iu private.
!l. Avoltl sarcasm, bitter words,
"tore" HUblocts. and roferenco to unv
personal deformity.
A. Do not ridicule nor hold the opin
ion of others In contempt.
Tho "Bid Hoibiad Headache"
II is many years since, In my early
youth I was struck by a singular coin
cldetice. Several or my married nc
(tialnlaticcs weru liable to n Hculhir
sort or heatlachu. They wcro obliged,
owing to Iheso distressing nltncks, to
remniii very ireqtieuiiy in nou at iireak
fast time, mill later iu (hu day to lie on
thtihofa with darkened hllndsmnlncnn
Met tblo exhibition or an do Cologne.
A singular immunity from the seizures
seemed to bu enjoyed when itny pleas
nut Hoclety was expected, or when their
husbands happened to bo away from
home, lly degrees, putting my little
observations together, I c.tino in my
own mind to cull thesu tho "hid hus
band headaches," and I liavo hIiico no
re.tMin to tiltur my diagnosis. On (hu
contrary, I nm ol (ho opinion (hat tin
Innitcuiiililu itmuunt of I'cmlulno Inva
lidism arises from nothing but tho de
pressing Inlliicnccs of mi uuh'jppy
Inline. Hoiiietlines. of course, It Is xis
lllvo unkliitlucs.sand cruHiy which tho
ptxir creatures euduro. Much moru oft
en It Is' thu meru lack nf direction nud
caromul teoderuess for which Ihuvpluo
usslcldyiiliitiisforthusunihlne. Sumo
llnie.s it Is thusimplooiiiri)ssion of mi
Iron will over (hem, which bruises
iheir pleas tin fauclcH, unit lops oir their
liinopeiit whims, mi thuro IsiiiiHip left
in iiii'in in nud ur niossom miy more.
Not Hellom thu inlirv eomos of fro.
iptenl Htnrms In thu nttini plieru fur
which tut. woiiinn is prootuiy us oiten
to Illume us her companion, but from
which shu Minors doubly, Miieo, when
they have it iSM'd, ho good out ti his
Held or his merchaudho with what
Milrlt hucaii muster, poor fellow! whllo
sho sits still where thu blighting words
fell on her, to feel nil iholr bitterness.
Of course, It Is not only unkind bus
binds who in iku women downhearted.
There aru unkind people In every rela
tion, mid (ho only Hpuolally ofu wo
man's Hollering from unklndticis Is
(hut shu Is cummnuly utmost like u bed
ridden crealure, fur whom it single
(horn or oven hard lump In her bud 1 1
enough Io croalo it soreness. To those
who can gel up anil walk nwav, tho
Importance which nhu uttaches to the
thnrii or llio lump seems Inexplicable.
T.ha Liitei)iporary Jiselew.
Tun I'ltiyiiiUNT'rt Anviui: to llnva.
Thu current number of llio Swxltti
.SV.oo 7'iiim cont-tlns brier articles
I'nmi tho pit is of 1'resltlimt Haves and
thoOovuniiirsof thu oriu'inil thirteen
ed to iheyounghythelifound career of
Wiithlugtoii. IVusldeut H ivm wrllos
llins: " rheonly American whoeblrlli.
day Is generally known mid widely cel
ebrated the F.ithur of his Coun'try
Is remembered mid Honored IhmughuiK
all thu world for what he did und wh it
ho wis. Niiuo or my y.ning frloiuls
are likely (o liavo nu opp irtuulty to do
such great deeds us wore douu bv
Washlugiou. Hut nil or them wiil
liavo tin opportunity hi bu ku h in in
eharactor. They can liave Ills lovo or
cotimry, ins integrity iiml His tlrmness
In (luliig rlghu To have such a chanic
lor is hotter than rank, wealth or rami).
It Is a possesion which cannot be taken
away. As Welnters ild so impressive
ly of it Sen u or duty,' 'It will Ihi wllh
us through this life, will Iu with us tit
its fins-.., nod in 111 it scene of iitconcoiv
iibliiMileniulty which lies yet (urlher
onward1 It will slid bo wi(h iu."
Spain and Ai'itiav.-Tliu Hpaulsh
ouxiueer.s who tiro to undertake the
work of the proposed International tun
nel between Hn.iln mnl Afrle.i ml tlm
ntrultof (llhraltor, have been at Mar
seilles several dayH. Their mat'lilnes
very much rtntmiblo those wblcli mout
present used at Ht. llothard. The pro
Jected tunnel Is to extend from within
Short (IlatUIICO of A L'hdr.w. on tint
ripanlshslde, to butweon Tanjjer ami
t'utita, on thu African side. Tin. lem-tli
or tho diibmiirlnu tunnel will ho itlitu
miles with un incli latlnu or o-to foot
lll.nrul, 'I'l.K.iiiorvviolinwii.'O I, ..'.i
an extent of six or seven miles. Tho
greatest depth or the sea is :i,UOO fc-'t.
A tlilckness of .'100 Teet or rock will bo
loft between tho roof of the tunnel ttnJ
IhuHoa bottom, making the greatest
depth of tho tunnel .'I,:i'Jii feet below the
level of tho sen. Tho cost Is estimated
ut X 1,000.000. Hy means (r this tunnel
and tho one hotween Hover nnd Callus,
travelers will bo enabled to go front
Kugliintl to Africa by land.
Com: fern .Scam ). Hero Is mi nrllcle
from iiHclctitlflc paper which possesses
Interest Tor overy hotly. The cure Is
dmpli and within thu roach of overy
family: "A scahl Is most ptli.ful, it
matters not whether il comes from a
huge steam Isiller ot a cabbage kettle,
and u cure should bo Isirno In mind
Or. Waters, of Halem, recently showed
before the Massachusutts Dental society
that blcarljonatc of soda, hucIi its ued
for cooking purposes, or any othernlkttll
In neutral form, would afford Insumlu
neons cessation ut imlti from tlio sever
est burns mid scalds, and would cure
such Injuries in it Tow hours. Deliber
ately dlpnitiR it apougo into boiling wa
ter, the Doctor equeezed It over his
rlht wrist, producing it severe scald
around his arm mid somo two Inches
In width. Then, despite tho sutTcrlng
occasioned, lie applied tho scalding
water to his wrist for half n minute.
Hlcurhotmtu of soda was at onco dusted
over (ho surface, tt wet cloth applied,
mid thu pain, the experimenter stated,
wns tilmust instantly deadened. Al
though thu flesh on tho wrist was liter
ally cooked down to the sweat glands,
ami thu wound was of it nature lo lo
open und painful for n considerable
lime, on the day following tho single
application of tho mkIii the lees Injured
portion was practically healed, only it
slight discoloration or tho flesh being
Cuiik Knit a Scam). lilcarbounte nf
soda, in common use, dusted on the
sca'ded Mirfaun will give relief almost
instantly; it wet cloth should be bound
on it.
"German Syrnp."
No othrr mediolnft In too world wan fiver
kIvmi kiich a tn.t of ita curatlv) cUlltl aa
lltal)H,iiUrmaii Syrup. In three yuan
two million f.ior hnndrod thomand amall
lyiltlts nf llili mrdlcliiH wiirn dltrlhnti-il
rtco charge by DruirKlata In thu country
io lliOMttllliclnl wllh Connuiuptlon, Aolhnu,
Croup, leveroCouKh, Pneumonia and otht-r
dl.r.-N of the Throat and I.unrrn, plvlnp
tlio Arnrlctn iHsinhi undrultble proof thai
I"miimi HvJtit will curt. Itjtim. lh tmuli
ha lt n tlul DriiKKUta In nvcry town and
vMImk" In the Unlit d states am rryoinliind
Iiir It to thrlr ciitoiu(H. (2ii to your Drue
ul.t, ami .k what liny know l"mt It
Simplo Itilttp. 10 rentN. JJcj-ul ir atna 75
ointN. Ihrro dotra will rMlevn nv rs".
Sweet Potato Plants
For Sale.
mil nsnljrd It prttrl to firnMi STPTKT I
M. ITlinpitllITIII'lOtM,MI Mtlkl lU-ll.'C fill-I
luklhtr a l)Oti!o I
I'u tnr foil hrixpre' tony pm ef OrTon orl
nitan(.na1'(rtUb,. I'ltstvolli tie rca tu lpl
uf m- b t vi mjt i ni. i a'lt, ,ira wiin tcri
pii.'K..i p, ui m riBirsi, ei .ii iat Klua u, lOUICr
(iinniiuT! ni pi9,iiNi'4in in u.iim.
'ill to.t.il Vih.wn lni,r K' a.tlia "FOUTU
CUM O. tKN." '.. Onu rlc-t. mc.trrt'octl.r
fn-cu'tJl, tLd U.d tit ut aujr Ooeit pjatu jd
I'll'f'of pln! irtrkfj. rdi'lTtl at Ux'tJiH
rmntur i.auiniu utpni. ii .pirctf VOLrj ilmj I
cut 'jrip'iirrit.riii!lfttr.
Allt.rJtiJtt.uuld tio Mi.it l
... . u. . ttunmunT.
rant30 A'Uuy. Oiron.
Field and Forest,
Dovotod to tho Natural SciJ
a itTin.Ki. mainly onniNvu rnoM fcii
Am. rnunc wnirr M rl n..l.i a repnuiloli. II Ii
.ll ll.n'i'i-. -t tvtllr H'lnlril. Htut u-llnild
tt omk ItitL.t. lt s ;cr, tu idnuc. uu ll
ll..nq III illlll
AC".! AVmitril. CHAR It 1)0001!
r-n.d U ru (uf ipiclro-u KdlUT ud I'ub'r,
Iicn I. II x 373, Wx.hliwton, D.C.
To Poultry Fanciers.
1 aai cow bix fdlDj;
Mill It ltllillll.it.,
XttiSvId Striln,
Non io'IPc Itl.AriC
ItlllK.s. Hieniuhli. !
UllfK llUtlllv'. brlDi; Uu ItLl
i.Al Mil. uvll ii fit 11 i.'l
l.n nairl I. ot ny -l'tr 1 null a fx-cta'tv il
"ES rrsl'jr I'Klni md iLlp-idun rc t'tpiricl
liiiulliirrrv. j-rtr frli ami rillifottluu cuir.:
i-vj vwiiiuui.vuiru miuiiti.
I'" iiatcry, i.iiiii (', tinuoii,
3Et jGL I JLm tt. O jCL 3D
I liavo llio I.nrKCht Slorli ot I'rult
TrtiuH Iu Oroguui
200,000 Plum ami Prune Trees,
miiv-p Wll.t. AVKIiOi: StX FiET in iught
X aud 1 will ell lluiu fioui
IO Io fii rr lluudrfd.
...P"! f'llwUIt'ntUm.orojrAM81)K JUNE
lBtCll IIIKaH ilnllSuchitrtbUvirktv ,lpr
Jill M 1 rfTf ..! l.uu.. .. . it .... .it... at
Al. Wtf
"'"'.'i " j pre vi a.vcirui uiuitir. i naf
i uiritji virion ih .wre, "i
niivir in miiit rrau rrn na Miiuh., Alo.
-K lot ui
lACll HKtUMNfJN-l ao per l.tOO.
1UKKT4 ran xy ht'UKIlirr,
I) J M'-xey, I'oilUo.t
rt llrrjr, McMlnmllK
llr K A JilrtLlUtK tniLan
K W Wlll.iW, Cuiuu
... " l lIIIV II UIMillUtl,
WMMior.Tumtr, N I.tcruli. fnbliailtT,
Jiiit., iii.in, J Moir. Xtlama, "
I. iiuh-, lUI.. ., , UttUr, slifJI.
W nitiiiiini, M,nn, W T I w sl'iJe. Iluwei Pr,
Win llarrla llnml,, W II link. Sil.nuu,
I)r II HO ln, ll.nl. bare, J A Haul. Oitliml,
I.MiinU&w.n Sflo, A Inlot. WiuituUi(V.,
II II It'.'tna, J BVrun, tlrowinv.l'l).
I2r.av.t I UlAi.l ia'l. ..il...
J''11 Ivtlir. 4li'in, Jinon1(jyl WMoclonro
..Mr vrvui, iravtnuitafoui i l ur ui WUUat
zi. w. r&nsxviaAnr,
Proprietor of lUllrl Na-ioilc
. OK.
Mlnr HkMuruI.UJb.Mit..r
Kl.l. UftvUI kidUr. ha4lit
l.lpmkcsi.MU. t'nk.n.ilruiwi
hHt.1 iMar. K. A. i.Utt 4 tl,
1. 1, 0 llvtw ttb. likOkbkU, U.
55ffi S ft,'?'? Wfi W ti. Ann I. m (hiltt Frx
OUO H O i 4 I'. O. ViCKEIiY,Aii:u.-U,.tlto
Etc.,1 Etc.
DEAR 15 Oil N'S,
Office rnortd orcr UliBVAiAN llttOS.' NEW STOE
0(Dc bnur from 9 a. in. to s p. nu
gue Mixture
."aka'JttixS for thi
and will N) toM at SMALL A lMtOKtr.
Jitrt Hbo SKIJ. AT COST. Itytioorf dellrvm) to
tar wit ol tno dtv frvo ol chirvo. NovBt
Salem Flouring Mills.
OoiiHtaiitly on Hand.
IIljrliONt Prloo Jn 0-Vfci:
Paid for Wheat
bot't utr
A.-ent S. K. U.
Pocccuor to J. U, Kttuu Jfc Co,
OS Llhrrty at,, - MSWIflKK,
OottiltilhiMloii Ajroiit
L New nrk .via ltbuu, rclac Ualliriit. and
P lloru. all kluJ. ut llrrcbaodltt', ml fit tu mIo
if l'ro.lact frura tb l'clflc cowt, for tlio ((.Miction
if mi.i.iv. .ve (K.,8tf
Myvlf,-, Mtrnrtt Fn... l,alns lft inv UA uvl
biviril Wllliojlju.i mmo. iLl'l.tuiiolll) all irr.out
i cvriitd Ibat I will i,ui U ni-i,.lbl lot n
rbi liu miy (ODIimi. Wiu.t. H. Foil.
i'ulk f u. !.. ni.B'.hlPH 4.
Pvooe ?!. Pptln? I.lit. free. I". K.
. CV