, -lMlt.W y 1 W11XAMETTE FARMER. 4P Mum itiht miDAT. ar OLAIIKE At CllAIG, roat.tsnR add raorniaroju. . A. CLAHKK. I. W. OIIAIO. Term of Nubacrlptlon. ' One copy, one year (M numbers) ...fa. SO Oneeopj,slx months (l number) ,,25 One roue, threo months (11 nnmleial " SALKM, 'U1UAV, Al'HIIs " Tho Spring Season. Wo linvo lintl n remnrkiiblo winter ami aro lmviup nn onrly nml delightful sprint; soason. Thoro hns botn no rolu of account slnco tho latter part ofMnrch, and tho low hinds nro dry onough to plow to pood rulvnntuge, and complaint Is mndo thnt tho dryer lands nro already too dry. It Is probablo that tho spring ncrcaRO will bo largo, though tho rains contlnuo J rather long, and commenced bo early, that much land that should hrivo boon sowed In tho fall, was not sowed then, nnd in many parts of tho country fall sowing of wheat was much less than thoprovlousyear. Thosprlng Is much earlier than usual; somo think Jt a full month in advance of tho aver ttjro of seasons. Last year the month of April was not so plensaut as the pre ceding month of Murch, while this year tho first week in April was warm enough for Juno, so warm as to send quick life and rapid growth into all Tegetation. Tho pastures nro excel lont; tho meadows aro rank: tho full wheat is lolntlng out; we havo seen orchard gross headed out, and yearling plum trees, sot out last November, havo trendy mado growth of four (o six inches this spring. If wo havo season abto shtiwers until July, as is usual, tho meadows will bo loaded with hay cocks at tho end of that month, or sooner, and all nuturo will mako an unexampled growth. fc'oruo persons aro calling to mind that clx or seven years ago thcro was no rain from tho 22d of March to tho first of July to amount to anything, nnd thnt Into crops wcro a failure. That may not happen again in n generation, nnd if wo nro favored with ruin and sun shine in duo season wo shJl certainly renllze great rcsultH in tho harvest of 1878. Eallroad Xatten- Owing to tho united cfTort of Senator Oroverand Congressman Williams, tho railroad question seems likely to us nmo shapo of a compromieo accepted by Senator Mitchell, whp has probably I becomo convmccu uuu mo pcopio 01 Oregon will not boar trifling on thl-i important subject. Tho now proposi tion Is tofecuru extension of tlmo fur tho Northern l'aciflc, with tho excep tion that tho grant of land for the I'u get Sound branch Is to bo abandoned. Provision H mado for the speedy con struction of railroad portages nt the Dalles and Cascades, by which means tho navigation of tho Columbia am ho frco lo nit on tho samo terms, and com petition will do much for chcapnlng transportation on tho Columbia river and favor tho growlug population of that fast developing and vunt interior region, This is uno of tho Lett nnd most important features of this bill, and with theso portages constructed thero is llttlo mason to object to tho commencement of the roid ut tho up per wetcrs of tho Columbia nnd thenco building eastward. Tho road Is to bo constructed down tho south hank of tho Columbia, to Portland, which must sntbfy tho commercial views of that city, and bo favornblo to Oregon nt large. A heparato bill will bo Introduced pro viding for tho grant of laud (equal to that lupicd ny tho abandonment of tho I'ugot Sound branch) to aid tho con struction pf tho Dalles, Salt Liiko and South Pass road, which will then stand on Its own merits and not endanger the piRjago of tho main measure, which is the extension of tlmo to the Northern l'aciflc. No doubt tho full Btrength of our delegation will favor this bill also, and If it can pass wo shall hopn to hco tho Salt Lnko road also built, tho soon or tho better. Siikkp Skkaiih Mr. Outrun Uncdliuo hat reetlvrd IiIb Hiring slock of KUanl pointed alieep shears, that be has henn adverlMritf for ow tlmo pent fn tho rAUUKii.nnil la nowprrpired to fill all orders, They stern tobi a V4l tabli Improvement ori the old ety!orliniie, and are highly commended by Ibote who hive tried lli:n, Mr. Win. Mllllcan has Juat returned from Ban Krno'(fo with a Utfo etock of mil lenery and nntloim, alwia nlc llnoiif while kooiIk. Commercial aliott, next d or lo the While Corner. There arMMrleen vessiemp1nri n the ooal ImiIh I'fc! wwii HmtlM anil Jn Krannlem, having a rmrylnir cpviv oflOOflO i pa, It ia etlml i liHt"liklioiiit nt IhU j ear 111 amount to IXfi'M tun. Tub amkhican Stud Hook, SuUorlbere ta the work an Informed that the third vol ume of Uroo' Atnerloan Btutl Hook, for thoroughbred-, will be ready for delivery on the 10th of April next. Price t0, nutlcri Ireo to any part of tho United Statee or the Canada, llroeders and owners of (borough bred etock wilt tlnd tho third volume of title. rmtllratlon Imlliponaable In them a a work of ready reft)roncp,!vi It enntatne, In addition to many otuls.lnna uml corrections, all the ImpMtn'lotii of tlioroiifthbrod horse Irom and Including the jenr 187.1, up to tho rcnoin time, all rntlvo liornfx and mures with their produce, iiototiutunrnted In tho two preced ing volumes, boliloi tlio foili oftlio piflmit year I In, have bcon dropiwd up ta tlio date of thin Itsuo, Crop Proapoeta. lteports (turn ionic of tlio bout grains-rowing regions give assurance of another magnificent crop. Tlio present appearance of tlio licet Holds trivet Promina of a splendid yield, and If I this promise iliould bo verified, ae there seems to le no doubt it will, c shall liavo made an other great stride In tlio direction if uur lung promlicd and anxiously atittc!iatfd proatwrity. Residence lor Sale. AffltL ALAWIK. WKtL FINHHKl) nil rmurentet residence, with wen impMvru Krounjr. rnnaien on 1'cmmerelal steel. I offered for file Verr Cheap. rvt to Improte near fiOOO.wlU bo sold fur rlflnld. Applr to AprtS-tm Admlniatratrix' Notice. mo WHOM IT MAY mNL'KltN 1 Notion It h,tt- JL bdrcn that, at h March trrra, A. 0. IH1B, of the Cunntr Coart for Mulon cnuLtjr. In the BUtt of Ornron, the nndtnlcned wdoly ppololnl almln Utratrli of the riutt of W'.aiam l. lnb. Itlo of aid coontj. dtecateil. All pron Indttttd to Mid tU are rcqotated to make Immediate pajmtnt, aud all pinon hatlnc clalma afalait Mid ettat maittirwvnlthtm to mr alloratr, Tllmon Ford, at his office. Iotas elijr of Salsm, Oroo, wlUla six months from the date hereof. ri.0KiNDA i). rtimi, April 10, tm. 10w4 Administratrix-. Oompleto REVOLUTION! LOWER! STILL LOWER!! The IatmrHie Btok of roavna- Spring and Summer Trade I'urohaxcd by ono of our firm In tho Eastern and dtllfornt.i markets, has at length arrived, mid tho largo mid commo dious Fides rooms of Breyman Bros Aro n?aln filled with tho choicest of GootN, nnd nt price ro much below former that they DEFY COMPETITION IbIIsIk or any other Mtirkct ob IUu Count. DRESS GOODS, IN ALL VUUET1K1: Snow FlakcM, C'arncl'H llalr, Al- btttroH, llulcrtioM, itlobulrai In every varloljj A lino diMluy of Summer Mlknj Uliitk KHkN, ut all prices, from 75 cents upwards. NEW STOCK OF PARASOLS Ja NoyeUiei oar Steele is Imm-nse. Ruclilnga, TioB, Laoo, Jcarfa, oto., otc. Theflneitpattrrnacr E3IBnOLDERIJi3S, At f reilljr.rtdur ed prices. A largo nssortmont of Ladies', Misses', and Cliildron'd Hoso. Ladios' Linen and Cambrio Suits, in now stylos of trim ming, Fino Lot of Tablo Liuons end Napkins. New Block orGent',Toutli8'. nnd Uoja' CLOTHING, l-'UMNISUINO UOODH, BOOTS AND SHOES, IIlltM lllltl Oll)N, J). New and cli'ilce I'sllerm of Three jiljr, luitraln, and CARPET', OILCLOTH?, ETC. ... ..- i..ji..i..uLiKn nriiiin .i iuu vin n.o iiucrmiw,.i'ji.'riJ .tinv.i-i.i.Tm stock f lo (U, whlrti aValj oo suld at irlci.s loiult tvery ou. Da out fall to sr Call at thf Whito Cornor.i BHHYJtaUIV -IIKOSe. aploil ' jcfnlom., Or, rJvTBaCiksaL. Vat BaTTyiTaVlMCrs' TrJTCS'tfltlLMKt'-' fc TMLBaaRHBavflfeaMESTTfflJj HalaaTaaaaaaaaaaaafalVweliaaaaaaiaaYVaaPaPaaaaaaaaal WfUKtOBOfSHtmSrW vTvtHH ' MMMjMMBlMjluS3SjiMMM nil HiniUJUi aaaaaaaaaLaalaaaaaaaaaaiBKaaaaPaaaBafllaaBlaaaaCaaaU aaaaaaaaaaNaLaaaaaaaaaW'LalaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaal il iUaliaaaaaV 1 iaMaaaaaaaB aaWTSaf''?TaF VTIi. 1 rVLSt' aaMlnPWrWJHHaWWllaUatalalaaaalWB aaaaaallJpairaSalSBaBalals'l aaVasaaaaaaa7 pjaJg J s MlWlMaillllteifBilTmzJIjnl Bj-iniajHeBBaBa BM-aaaaaaaa aaaaaaal H aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalVVpaJs'PPanBiBaas rrrralJLV - aaaKaaaaaliaaVaaaa aaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVtLaaaaaaaaaWl aasaaaaaaaaaaa!aKlaaUMDaaaaaaaaaaal'?QH " !y BlUvUMaiMiIArtf I -I nr1aMIHHHaBV::'lSa aCllAuiaVXxIiD'TuT3Is I aaV IflMHll ll!aWnillenaft---HmflAnr' S&aaVMl Vun"'! aaaaaaaa1HIIIyPMnaT-CMlHal I (HI uuwiMHUuprw Vy,ripPfpalMgJMXI ,rtM . ,l.elBlnclop .n iJ. ,.ii.j m i.pwSip.Tt .7 "n " nrJ;". .. ' v7 " can bo railed I RKfUCT." The Hinder ran bind P"' " " SUMMONS, In the Circuit Con-1 of tli Hla'eof Ortcon, for the County of Marlon. Oeorte I'slets, l'lalnllrt. vs. Msrgrtlle Peteis, Dlfemlai t. ToMarcretle I'tters IlienVivennmeJilefendantt IN TIIK NAMK OrTIIK KTATK Or OltrV on, ycu ate lie re or rripilrril hi appear nnd answer tno ronttlMnl fllnl icilnt you lu the ahoT entltl.it ami, wMhln ten il) tniin the moo unon vim: or. If rvril iv iiulilleallnn nn orbtforn thn flisl ilny nf Mir t ruMr lrm of s.ld fourt.to.wlii On Hie tenth il iy nf Jmn, in b; nun ll J nu imitiilll a.we-, .ir win, lltr nf, the p I n I u I ( fT will tasoJJiUlilrnt nihIii'I jrnu for the illioliillun nf llieuiril-i;e e.iniinrt Miw exltllix between jrnu nn the nln!lrr nml fur tho ore and rn-tiHly nf Dm .in r riillil turn llnnril In tif enmpUInt fll lieieln. Hint f.ir ihn cosUnnd UUtiii. inini.f thin ult. Hi li- l-ril, llUi-TllltKY A IIKWITT. nprlJwd Atlrii fr rulntllT tsTATIi Oil COUNTY PATENT RIGHTS l!i O 16 M ,. I 12 : To the l"rult Orowora, rarraon and Mcr- ehasta of Knxton County. Attention I Improved California FRUIT DRYER! tiik ciiKtrDir AM) mar vsrr invkmteii. mill? AflKNTH FOIt 1)111 OON AND WAHII Jl linin'i lerrllnry f n II r alinve imnieil Mi chine hvntttr lr., nnd Imvu i rulril Ittelil elves Innrroir'l IikmIIiii, nil CoeasseroUI atroot, botvraon State raid Forry. The Maonliioriiii l lnpio d tlililn lni'lnn s Imuis, All eip'niilliin ' ll lniil Hniklii Hlvrii.nnil ai.i.nDs ilrnil byllils I ieiil'o.1 Mh- chliiH within four nrflv imita of this elly run m luiiei"iil. wn iMiiiruliriv inviitmraii rmm trull nit viK-liOIti i(uluoera mil r.rinnrs neneiaily. nmllif LUMBER! LUMBER!! TUB HTVYTOH HW MILL COMPANY li now iradir In furnlrtt A 1. 1. KINIIH !' MI.TIHKU To Ihi pcoo'e. IDIh IKIUOII snl I'L'NCI). ItsrliiK tlu ml I filled wltii new mschlnsrr, and iilnily of l.mtitro! all kind mi lnnJ,aud alo Kk. (1U us a call, i'ricet rraronsble. jA.tiuN i. iiJi:i:Mtu a. :. Apr 9 3m NoLico. All rtnkboMer In Kat Iter d 'Inrase si il plililnir CiMuntnr unotWul llitt ainitllnnf nll r.mn '.mi will Imi lirlilstllielr sreli'i'ie, Msrln cunly, IV nu MiiikIsv IIiv IHiIi !; of Majr st I n'cliick i iu.fr tliapurii roof oii.I lo'ln .r mi,uii lium Kalr View Milling ami III l- 't I'ninpsur lo Iniy all ll Kt lleod Murage ami Hhlppliu in niui' prvprtljr, ; ir.itt I'tuUvnt i I Omhi anr, Apr HI 0 II IIlssn, Hecrrlarj, J. II. I'lLKIMJT.N, W, D Ijto rrofcsoiref lil.es. c i.f His Kin and Car In the rU'iim ( irririiu) Mnticsl Colli iro. OIHce. Drkiim'n lll.ick, liirll-iiil, or., AllMurxiulOpvratluBslnill nana id I bo NOSE, AND THROAT Hiitiruu.T rcuroimrii CATUIK'T eairsc'ed. aii.i tlfjnn ) V urslwhinn'l Artificial l'.)i a larve atsbrtictiit Lf llo bil I iwi'li luaiiuhctuir, i.u lisnd. Ilufnr., ml nil iIImI.s''o from Urn Car, and Ns, rslCstarih.iuiJt'rulstly irisinl, fi'ly "YOUNG HENRY. Honry and Tiraoleon Stook. WI'.ldllT, I 150 I.IIH. HYKUtH 01. 1). I)titilti lion j;'y IT litiml lifKli. flllll.H MMKNIIIII ANIMAL. OP 1IIK Vli,r I kiicwnit ck alNiroilei'lltol, Mill mii'J lit hA 1 KM, and at n.jr place, KVin milts tast if'Hsteoi, duiluK 'I'ho Hohnoii ol 1 r-O'H, KIHIM AI'IIIMUTO JU.Y 1. JAMES IUC1IAHDS. Aprils. mS Wa .TO ""'! "" ?" annwn. no cprinira or "TliMsrs" to Ilrrak or con on. Th rnlr all tho cistn ta. Macblns can cat Ker P.rmr ran at and lllnd hi. lurve.l-No "hlrtd hsnif' IIAWLlty, DlltlB CO.. I'ortlaiid, Oron, CHARLES S. JOHN80N, rommerclal H Csl-m. with A. T. Ybstor, CHRONOMETER & WATCH ryv snl J.wtlrj required. ' &im BilKrAVluK a HCKCIALTY. BiisM, MaitlT.), tnli if The Three Potatoes, , KtlttW Ollin.-Karllerlhan lha Kailr Koie llaiikid lij trei.ersl content. In eaillne.s, )efd, and S.DSIIU f ii.nilnl, at the besd of all eillir Miiai. llllll.tNK.-Me.iiimlslei a pmOliiluns cr.p peri nh rvmsrkshljr whllrt laalllr i icillrkU lIU.N.'railltK.-A rplendiil lslen.it. A K-ester cr pper than tho I'eeil , which II ricm'-l In firm, whlla f4t lirtter In iiisllljr. ha'h. per llsrrel ft, ptr lli.lirl, t'l perl'ick.Me r lllaatralcd Hci.l ri.tan rnsa to all spoil. cauls. JUIKMJ.lt KHKIinitY, Iw Msiblthesil, Miis. FLOWKKS. Kor Ono Dollar I will Mill IU'. liltJlloa jradirsM K rlii.ka iirmeil (ilM.lli.lt fuarst lSo each. stnl un ter, flou varUtr at MV Olll.a.VA IU'III.C..Uasa, tAi,i..n C, i,r. HAIL, IOC MAUKLl! WORKS. WM. STAIGES, muni in Head-Stones & Monuments rxici'Ttu in Italian and Vermont MARBLE. Ilrancli Shop ut Alli:itiy. AdJrrssl A. hTAIfJKIt, Albuujr, Urcon. Alm,c rry Tarlety of cemelerr and other Ions work doi.o eprtl'l sllenilni ilnen tn onltrs from all Carls nf lliiHtatand VVsrlilnin Ti-rilinrjr rtcslre.1 7 mall or iilhcrwlx, and priiaipll fnranlrd. All work wsrrsnls i Apr V H MJIIIIOK ilIVIOIlS, HIGH -CLASS POULTRY, Urtlriu, OroKon, Ills slock rnmprlics Iku ftllowlnir fstmlto vsrletlcs: I'lymmitli Hucks, iiuircofiiiiiN, Ii'glit Ilrnlimi.s, r-a DIIIK IIIIUIMAH. Illm k-lirrnslril Itl'.I) 1A.TIIS, American Oominiqucs, Aylesbury Ducks, KltOAZttTIltKKYS, WKI(II1T0 roDMIH. Ike follow tig-named vsilcttesareau. oil-SlltOIN. 1 JilEQlil4rakl 0 Haralinrir hZ'' snddulleu rlptnxlul U'hlln I.fLlinrns 1 22&ZttB lirmi'n I mrlinrnu "' " ' ' l"'" "'o Beautiful .. tT-i !xzam& 1JIUI1II JIVpll-HII.I, WllirX-FAnK II I. A VK SPANISH. SIllRlU, I'llIlN, nml TiIon lor .Nlllt), AIo, a fine co'lectlim of SlDfjlug nirrls, & Shepherd, Bird, and Terrier Dogs. AllofmyTVallryarniifllie IIKKT HTItAINH orer ahlenod to Oru.o", and lirtd In sparslu)ri!s. Xlasaraat carefulir pukidaiid tint acmdliiK to dlrti.iii nn rirelpl of pi lie. Imperial Kuu I'mid slwsjraou hand. trAKitilfor ' lAtllry WuilJ. ' Mind lliiee-c. ntslsnp lor ilrcular and price list. I'us'al cirds will unt anrwer fw Wrllo )ouriiSiii lUlnlr. Anjr one whhlnv tu vlahllsli a I'nullrj eut I'oU Stoik Arruclallon w II pliaio seril I - name to uio forlheasmo.andolillijo. I.UfllKIt MVKIIH. rJsLKM, Jsn.sa, 1B7 Karveater, niniltr lhat nscMsarjr, IOJIN OKAY, IJ lu llurldn's IllorV, ! jnst opened a Kuroitrl Urf and cmnplele rllock vf Carpets, Ollcloihs, Mailings, sail Houso - FurniHhinR Goods. Next to Dalrymple A Drown, -TAMK1:Y' HLOtK, - - NALK9I. OK. wllicii will aa sold at Lowest Cash Rates! srpellf a 'aaaav - w AI I UNI I UN rVtNVSMCCP ORowcno ! J ryRTOcromrxFRjr-SN. mmmyW 2i 3.f VI 5 w ViV Ia c i?ajnW .i .;.- c.ii )OT.lOUIO,Mo7y luniirirtuui cc(A 'ii. fAi.'AJ iMe tis. a hum: usvrii TO 8o?.b, Borow Worm. Foot Rot, AND ALL Parasites that infest fihoop. ITMHAKntt IIKTTKH and VAUTLY.CIIBAi'Kit TIIAJ1 AW OTIIKIt I'ltXl'AHATION lOII TUB TltCATMCNTOPHIIKKI'. IT Improves the Health OP TIIK ANIMAL, AMI) TIIK QUALITY OF THE WOOL. W Ona csllnn Is enough fr one liiirtdreil to two tHDlredNbep,arirdinic totkelr ap, ilrrnxtti, aiad condltloo. It I put op In P1VC-OALLON CANM anj lu II A It ItKI.H HrntlfurcIrfQUr.lo HOBGE DAVIS A. Co.. ItlllTLANII, tlllKtlON, ' IVImleaalr, Aseiila for tile Male, Or to tour ncant llelail Drui-Klst or dealer Jsl ALDER GROVE POUIiTKY-YAltIK IIllllllllO(ll BRONZE TURKEYS WIIITK AND IIIIOWN b-CHINA CEE3E, Eilvor Spangled UamburRB, Xr,OIH!ll IIlllllltlllM, Silver and (iolilen-spatiftltd i'olisli, Light BrnlimnB. XJKKSSJ of Hie akove linnet varlrtlrs rarefull psikid and skipped on reeell nf prlru. Pel fill liter psrllculsrs.addrvss WILLI id NIIIMIT. insriSiul hAI.KM IMIIKKIN. WlllsAT AIM) OATS Ohoppod into Food, Ifor OuoTcntli Toll. ....Also,.,. Sash, Doors, Blinds, XVXot.lclla&rSaas Turn I n ir. Mulr Hurk, llrilal ftiilri. IIUI'VIIIIN, MllllllN, lUIIM'N, l4IVIMIJ MILLS, Ami till kliiilN o rurHlliiru, At IIKII-ltOI K l'lllOKH. Hhooal AiHcol li'sl U'oike kalHInir, aalrm, I t,l O V, UINIH. $3 IHIMt fl.ATKU IVA1 OH I'M. flieiKU loins knoon word. Kawpu WtiicKrirt c 4UtHU, AUarCM, A.UVU1UUW, bblvOgU. &