Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 19, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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$illamttte farmer.
" "" imuid nui ruoAT, mv
ritsumsss amd rmomtiTon.
g. A. OL4HKB. . W. OUAIO.
Term of ub.crllon.
One copy, one yesr(M numbers)....,.. "'f'SV
One copy, x inonUm l numbers) l.J
One eopr. Ut", months (I nntnlt) .?
One of the heavloit robberies that luu taken
plyi in Southern Oregon, nay the Htandanl,
for soma time occurred on last Tuesday night.
Tho particular a wo receive them are as fol.
Ui t Home time during Tuesday night partio
by Kotno iiimm secured the keys to the safe in
tho store of Asher Marks. They proceeded to
the front window upon which they pasted a
largo piece of paper, They then
Tho rPr w-rving a hinge preventing tho
glass from falling to the lloor ami making a
noise. In this manner admission wan rained.
They passed through tho store to thu safe, not
twvnty feet from which were four men sleeping.
A precautionary measure thoy placed a chair
in the hall so that should the deepen Ihs roused
Uio alarm would bo given io that they could
mako their escape. They sJso took thu key
from the ring no m to prevent tinkling, which
might possible discover them to tho sleeper.
They opened the safe taking out the coin,
aiounnting to
Which they took from tho lag, leaving them
lying on tho tabK Quito an amount in gold
note and greenback were left untouched in
tho Mfo . After they bad accured all they
wore looking after they qitly retired, and not
until Wednesday morning wa the robbery
known. Step were at onoe taken to ferret out
the bold robber. Tho entire population wa
on the lookout, and great excitement prevailed.
At Iat an individuafitruck a trace, He found
at a China wash-houso a paper that
fllli the ono on tho window. Upon a point of
the broken rIam hung a piece of good evident
1 from a Chinese gsxmeut. Inside the store wa
also found small chisel which was known to
belong to Chinaman. ViUi theso proof tho
authont e begun making arrest of Chinamrn,
and not i ntil sixteen were lodged in jail and but
ono or tvo remained in town did they stop. It
is bclievtd that the Chinese cook working for
Mr. Krxi landers, tlie book-keeper of tho firm,
Ktole the key from bis pocket and gave it to the
rrotiesxthodidthojob. There was, undoubt
edly, two wrAHAT rAirnw
In the affair, a another koy which waa in pea.
onion of another member of the firm, who re
sided in another part of tho city, v. as alto i tolen
and when found it was not needed threw it
away. They hail it arranged so that if cno
failed tho other would succeed. Mr. Marks
wan at thn tirao present in this city, butai soon
m a telegram readied him yesterday ho started
home. Tho parties who performed tho work
wcro not fool m may he icon by tho manner in
which they conducted itf and aJmott couvinccs
u that Chinamen
wens xbt th ii rrxr ctiutoiu
Tho reason, m o are informed, why tho gold
note and grcenluck wcro left untouched, vas
probably on account of the firm registering tho
number of each Mil rocclv-d. It was it heavy
rubbery and If tho firm do notsuccecd In teer-
.II ll.r.-m. Inlnr.lt urlll La llllllua SBVen
Mow to tUm. although they arc very, ,wu;tby
can standi WnsSd. i.-'"- ' "
Oregon St-tUtlM.
From tho Commercial Iteportcr wo glc-vi tho
following statistics for tho year I877i It show
tboSUto debt to bo 87 17,000; tho total treaj
uro shipments to San Francisco for tho ytar,
83,813.000; tho total gold product of tho mines,
l,IW,000. Tlio value of e.rorts of all kinds,
wheat, wool, salmon, manufacture, lumber, etc.,
10,000,000; tho coast wisa tfluuago entered,
71,(05 tons; cleared, 233.2S3 too; l'oreign
Import less than t.'i00,000. It does not give
tho valou of Iinportationa from other Htatos and
Tomloric of tho United Htate-. It U very im
portant that wo l.ava some data of this kind
from which to ascertain tho balance ol trado.
Portland Klae.
Tho assay offioo of Tracy A King, on Front
street, has latoly boon cleaned out, and tho dirt
that ha.1 been accumulating there sincn ISC?,
mtn tho Io, has boou taken in band by Chas.
Kiggler and is being carted by old Hyke ilown
to tho corner of First and I) streets, whero they
have crcct:d a sluice box and by water from tho
fire plug havo Ixiun to work it over for tlio pro
docs metals it is supposed to contain. Already
tiio showing is very lair, considering tho pro
eu it ha heretofore undcrgeno, and Charley
is moat tanguiuo of strikinga veritable bonanza.
Several dollars in old coins Lavo already Ux.ii
picked up.
Foco Burood.
Fineo tho Wilton troupo maJo their appear
nuoo hero, nay tho Itcmiwr, our boys of tho
ae of from eight to twelve, liavo eorcoived a
docido I liking for thtatric.Vs, and havo bcon
giving performances around town, firtt nt ouo
place anil then another. lut Tuesday evening
they xuro going through their trformanto at
Mr. Hyde's, when Frank ltou ell was I wily
burned by the dinchargo of a pistol. In tho
programme Flank mas toliro thu pistol upwards
into thu air, it being loaded with iKiwiUr. Ho
was in tho act of raiting tho pistol above) his
head, but w hen near hi faco it went olf, tl.o
jiaper wad striking his upjer lip, and tho pow
der burning enu sulu of his face, having a pain
ful but not dangerous ctiuct.
Suit Commcnood.
An action at law has lccn comraoncod against
Henry Failing. John F. Miller, O. M. Cart
wrifiht and I. I. Willis for alleged balance
duo ou itock herttoforo ownwl by them in thu
Tioncor Oil Cnmpany, Tlio alovo named jurt
lee I avo owned none of tho stock for five year
hut rant, and did not dioim of lotting under
the Icsst rLionsibility. Tlio matter will un
dergo judicial invtttigation.inany delicate legal
poiu'ta leing involved. It(u rough on the
partiui to hold them for lcse whtn the ooiii
pauv was out of debt at tho tiinothey withdrew
from it
BcAool Mosey.
In Folk county tLtro aro '2,lif0 aclio'-nr en
titled to Acl.ool money. An mint of uoncy
from thrco mill asscument, IV-i'l 70, rrcjor
tlon of fines, licinus, 4c,, collicUtl by tho
County Treasurer, 1177 47 Ulal, C-I.CIIO 77s
amount ir scholar I. M. lAst jear tho htbool
money ninouutod to 1.99 per tcholar,
Some excitemont, and considerable specula'
tion, says tho Corvallia (laxette, waa iKxasioued
in our city, kit Monday, by tho discovery of a
box containing Home teeth, decayed bones, etc.,
undoubtedly the remains of anine human being.
Whether malo or female, white or Indian, is
only a matter of conjecture. Tho box wm of
fir lumber, Kidly decayed, the top entirely gone
and bottom nearly so. Tlio Iki wa discover
od by Jasper Trimble and Jyjik ttemlrickaon.
neatly uiuMirthcd by the action of tlio water and
caving of tho bank of tho rivor, on tho Willam
ette, immediately lielow tho iiioutli of Mary's
titer. Who it Is, or how it cimio there, and
when deposited, will probably over remain n
mystery, as Mr. l'ryorcVott ho came hero in
ltvtA, onoof the tirstwhlto men, to visit tho
present ito of Marysville, (now Oorvallis), has
no knowlodge of any one ever being buried
there. Tho box is 5 feet 4 inches in length.
Hut whether tho remain were those of a male
or female, grown, or otherwise, cannot bo do
tcrmincd, from the decayed condition of the
bones, absence of tho skull and many promi
nent portion of the skeleton. It Is quite prob
able that it waa a person, from tho fact that
piece of clothing, consisting of very fine cloth,
lu quite a good state of preservation, were
found in the box. No hair was discovered-
having len washed away, doubtless, by tho
action of tho water.
I. S. Since tho above was in typo, Mr. Jas
per Trimble and Henry Kin rick came into our
olfice bringing five piece of silver coin three
American half dollars two dated 18.1(1, the
other nut legible, and two quarter dollars, ono
Ihiglith and tho other Spanish, dated 18.14 and
1830 respectively. A portion of a net silk
Eurse partly enclosed the same; also a one
laded buck-horn knife, two porcelain shirt
bnttons, and somo tin foil, such as chewing to
lacco is wrapped in all found in tho box im
bedded in dirt.
From tho above contents, it Is almost certain
that it was a malo but the mystery remains
tho same.
Baeaped Lunatic.
On Tuesday last Sheriff K. J. Jeirery was
directed to proceed to tho vicinity of Mt.
Tabor and take in charge an insane nun
named Ilobcrt Campbell, whoso head-i turned
on religion. Ho found his man and rcqiuatcd
him to come to this city and attend prayer
meeting. He needed no second invitation, got
in the carriage and camo to this city. Ho waa
examined before tho County Judge and ad
judged insano and directed to In) taken to the
Insane Asylum. Tlio papers were prepared
and when tho ShcriU" stepped into an adjoining
room to get them, Mr. Campbell quietly walked
away, rartie were at oneo sent in reared of
him, but up to tho present time ho ha not
1-oen found. Ho visited the Christian Associa
tion rooms and then doubtless returned home,
lie will soon !c recap tun J and placed in tho
asylum. On Friday last, an invino man named
taw tnado hi ercato from tho Steilacoom ay
lnm, white out woiking with tho teamster,
and I a not yet been raptured. Warden llig
nry, after a search for tho lunatic in Tacoma,
took tho steamer for Olympla, expecting that
ho had gone that way. Uw it a small man, of
licht complexion, and is considered hannlvMi.
Tho following noninations wero nu.lo by the
IJnn County republican Convention yesterday:
Senators-Jos. I'carl, of Halsey and W. O.
Ilper of Albany. n , , . .
hepreViitativc jM. s'ljuwunuhatn of lUrris
bjr.fcCoarUsJobns?'''. Jt"SVJilM'
UbTuon'; Caleb iinijjbrVllWM of
llrnwnavillo, and II. nTcr,Wssfcpj5i
ShcruT tlcorgo F. Simpson, of Albany.
Clerk James lllkins of Albany,
Treasurer Iioao Uruco of r'cio.
Surveyor -Jamia Warner of Allany.
Ctironer I). 1). dray of Albany.
School Superintendent S. (J. Irvine, D.I).,
of Albany.
Commisiioners II P. Wyattof llarrisburi.',
and WUliam I'aol of l'ranklin llutte.
Tbo Democratio State Convention which met
in Portland yesterday, havo succeeded In rnaa
ing the following nominations:
For Congress -John Wiiitcaker of Iiuir.
ForOoverr.or- -W. W. Thayer of Multnomah.
Bcc'y of Stato T. (I. Iteams, of Jackson.
Stato Treasurer A. II. Hrown of It.xVcr.
Stato Printer A. Noltncrof Multuomsii.
Hnp't. of Public Instructionltov. Joseph
Hmcry of JUnton.
tiiadu tho fnllnltiK HUtrlct noiiilnalloils,
wliluli weni rstlllnl by tho Cnnvontlon:
First JndN'Inl Dlslrlel Fur Praeciillrg
Ainnny J It NfH, fnrJinUo, P P Prim
S.cuncl OMrlut MrrU lur ProneculliiK
'iri -y
Third DlM'rlet J, J. Wlillnoy f.irProso-
Pound Dln'rlut J, M. Oeatlu for Proso
cii"mr A'Kitny.
IM Ii Diktrlii'Lult.tr II. Ikoiii for Proio
cuilug Ail'ifii'-v.
Uobbcry nt Itotchnrs,
Thosloroof Ashcr, Mark &. ). wai broken
open last Tutsday niht and tho vafu leliuvcd
of $:i,3G0. It is sup oisd to I u thn work of a
Cliii.uio cook working for Mr, Friodlandcr, ono
nl tho partner in tlio store, a mo .on re
mained in tlio safe- Tho money bufonged
priiicii.ally tu depoiltow. Mr. Mark wati in
Portland nttonding tho convention, of
whioh ho waa a delegate. Ho paused up on tho
train thia u orning.
Madon Confceelcn.
Julio Jones, una of thu petaoni arrested for
thu murder of Moro in San lluonavcntuiTi, Cab,
Im madu u full confiBiiun, in which ho imp I-
catcv Sprague, Churchill,thu Oregon Iniy, lird,
tjarlcr, AKUiri aim a nuw iihii nmioi it. n.
Hunt, hitherto unsusM:cted. Ilu ban lieen
arrested. Jones, by tuts chiifoision will bu
vtry apt tosavu his neck, whilu tho chances
for tho others uro still moro doubtful
Now Patent.
Throngh Dewey k Co., Patent Agents, Fan
Fraiiemio, wo rcceivo tho following liit of U. S.
patent granted to the Pacilio Coast inventors'
vizi II i ICoca, Merced, Col., shoo fastening;
r'imon P. lUndolph, Scuttle, W. 'J' gang edger;
S, Thomas, Junttion City, Ogu., homo power;
A. W. Vandorston, Salem, Ogu., sheet metal
flanging machinej
A Blrt rrloo.
fr. A. Hush, of this city, hai purchased of
, IJonj. Stark, b'ock 41 in tho city of Port-
TIIO purcnaso inciuuea inn iiiiuinu
known an tho Oro Fino Hall and several ctl er
liuiMlnv. Tlio nrico naid is 1 80,000. This!
tho heaviest salo over -sails iu Portland
tt has now been a iiiunUr of years since
Salem has made any dcmoiistiation worth men
tioning towanU celebrating our national holi
day. A meeting of the citiren I called to
titko place to-morrow evening at the Opera
llnusa for tho puri-oso of taking proper steps
and start the luvll rolling. It is not a bit too
early to commence operations, and when it
(erninea known nhnxul, other cities In tliis and
adjoining counties will not make any prepara
tion of their own, but will count and help lis
to celebrate in a good old fashioned way, It Is
proponed tohaon ginnd barltccuo in conneo
tlon with the other exercises of thu day.
Major N. 0. Meredith has got a schetno on
f.tot, and pntiHwc to havo a regular baltlo be
tween tint dilVetvnt mllltnn' tcompanlis in the
Klnt.v Tim kit! In will l-u eomtili'Ut 111 nil its.
details, with thu exception that blank cat
ridges will bo fired. Mr. Meredith has spoken
toflovornorOhadwick in regard to tho matter,
anJ lie expressed a willingness to ullow him the
tiottof thu State anus. Should this scheme
take Jftce, as it undoubtedly will, If our cit
Imiis will but take hold of the matter as they
should, it will lm the meAlis of bringing lie
tween P.'.000 and lo.OOO ienHtn to this city
on that day. Don't forget thai tho first meet
ing will W held to-morrow evening and that a
full turnout Is desired. Come, let us all go
and start thu Ull lu motion and not let It rest
until Salem, tho capital of Oregon, celebrates
its national holiday In a grand and glorious
A Bad OaM,
List Monday night, alxiul II o'clock, s.iys
the Standard, a police ollicer brought into
headquarter.! a girl between I ft and 10 years id
ago named Addie'Kiiiuey, whom ho found wan
dering nltout tho stteets with no place to sleiqi.
Her story is strange, jet from its simplicity
must lx) true, and is as follows) Soini lite
wks ago sho camobt this cilv Ifom North
Yamhill, whero herjNirenls reside, In orderto
gain for herself an indvtendent livelihooil. She
securetl a situation in tho residence of Mr.
Wolf, who resides near ltoblnon's Hill, wheto
she remained for several weeks. At length
sho km discharged, and went to tho St. Charles
Hotel, where" slio nmaincd for several days.
Iking without money with which to v her
board, ou Monday cveuing she left that hotel
andwa cast upon the street, where sho was
found by a policeman. Tuesday morning sho
wa taken to the Norton llouo, where she
till remains. It is lur desire to secure, if sho
ran, a situation in soma family as servant, in
order to corn a living. If sho continues to
meet with tlio success she hail for tho past few
days it is an easy matter to conclude where she
will finally tiring n ll seems sirango inn
that a father and mother would allow their
daughter to come t this city friendless and
penniless, to strive for a living amid tho snares
and temptation of city life; they aro cither
unaware of thu danger etso ate unnatural
AriULUth. IMvS.
Mrt n( the farmer in this little valley bae
their seeding done, and tho prmpect is gid for
n mncli larger Jleni insii any prvvious year.
Much Improvement has been made In thu val
ley sinco I was hero two years ajo lat January.
I-nigi-nbi aro till coming and goin further
back Into tho heavy timlkir and uiDuntaiiii to
hew out homes. Olio family from Nebraska
Mmn un ss I did lat Satunhv on the ears.
They went bound to Mohawk fur a homo of their
Ttrre arc, tbrea orgaiiisol school district m
Uiovalloyi in which school aro ow Vlng
Tlio m mill of JurJon .15oyd on Mill crer.k
cIar and tnaplo, inuchoJiltrriTTiaiileil
to Ktigeno litvassmtrh.t. It U iu
MAxlrr.vn (PTk) aUiut live mile from
Sli--r7()cn. Applogato, that hluun.
Moon A. Worthly found what U iuped by
many tolwa riclnd'crledue, 1 saw sjiefli
m ns of tho rock to-day which given evidence
of containing oinn siher.
Weather tine stock tlolng well tho sbr!p
loakiiw Utter than auy I have seen before nr-rivtnVlitn-
Tho oeoulo of .Mohawk aro tericr-
-, nnlI in sis,viiui urwrai on. cniiu "-rr
ally happy, although Just at this time many of
them seem to bo cryiug aloud for moro (Ireen-
back. Yours in ba.to, W. K. DjNiian.
Polk Cocnty. April 9th, IMS,
ntirrn U n ehnrch in Polk COUIltV that WAS
built by the citiren In geiitml lnxsHCtlvo of
sect or treed, and known as Union Church, Hut
sinco it Im been built, certain cirtic have nb
taincd a title to tho land on which It stands by
unfair means, and now only ouu xct lio con.
trol or say in tho matter. Thingi havo como
ulmMt to a focus several times, one imttauro not
long sinco. Tho yourg folks proiMtrd to havo
a singing school to liohuld luthociiurih. When
they assembled, they found thu door locked;
and alterwarils learueii inai aieriaui inuiviuuai
was inside with matches and randlu in baud,
with intent as hu says, to knock down tho II mt
ono who entered should tho door li broken
open. Now, I would llko to know if there is
any religion in such doingi an this? Tho
chance aro II ma ioys nan gouu mm mu
church that oveiilng. tho young man on tho In
nido would havo had a merry tmio dragging out
after ho ha 1 kno:ked thorn down. Tho tines-
tlon now in, to wlioiudnu.i that cuurch right
r..u.. I. ..I m f Tii
luny N;tuu;
A tloautirtil ThotiRht.
When tho summer of .outh ll slowly wast
Ing away on tho nightfall of age, and the
shailuw of tho path liecoini: deejier, and life
woarn to iti eloto, it U pliawit to hxik through
thu vista of tltno uK)ii tbo sorrows and fellcl
tie of our early yrars. If wo li.tvu hail a
homo to shelU-r, ond hiarln to rojoiw with us,
ivnil friends bavo lx.cn lrathcnd round our fire-
sido, tho rough places of wayfaring will hau
been worn and smoothed away in tho twilight of
lilo, and many dark htmiIs wo navu uviii
thiuuitli willurow briuhtvr and moro boautlful.
llannv. Indeed aro thtwo wIkmo iutereourio
with tho world has not changed Uiu tonu of
of their holier feoling, or broken thoso musienl
chords of tho huirt whoan vibrations nru so
melodious, io tender, and so touching iu thuj
ovcuuig ot thur lives.
Tho Wheeling (W. Va.) Htaiulanl propox
that thu old colonial law concerning blaplo-
mors shall bo put iu forca against l!oh luglr-
soil. One of them as follow!
II anv ncison shall deny our .Nivlonr Jiuin
Christ to lie Hon of (lod, or shall deny tho Hloly
Trinity, the Father, Hon and Holy (lliont,! or
tho (liKllaad of any of thu three rirsous,l or
tho unity of thu Oodhead, or shall utter Juiy
profane words couceniiug tho Holy lnniyly, or
any of tliu I'crsous thereof, and uliull lyTlicrrof
convicto I, bo or she shall, for tho lrToirui'c,bo
Ixired through the longnu; for tlnfocond olTcnio
shall bo stigumtt7x:d by bunilnB, tho foiehcad
with tho letter 11, and fur tlicthmd oil'cnre shall
auUcr ileath,
A now railroad from llodfonl to Killcrlca en
joy tho dlstlnellou of having tho narrowest
gauge of any railroad in the world -two feet.
It was accepted by tho comiuisslemir some
threo weeks since, mid I how running seven
trains each way dally, and i a curiosity In Its
way. At tho lux itation of Manager Mausllold
tho pre of lloston and IaiwcII wcro invited
toridoover mid iusiect thn now enterprise,
which they did yesterday afternoon lu company
with tho Directors nuil luvitetl guests. Start
ing fioni tho liwell dcMit, n half hour's rido
user tho Middlesex Central brought the lion ton
party to tho Southern terminus of tho narrow
fraiign road at llodfonl. Tho appeal anco of tho
little emu anil engine of thu new road wns
uiitiiiu Indeeil. Thu ear sot ery low on tho
trucks, me fnrtv feet in Icliuth. fix feet two
Inches outside width, with walls thien Inches
thick, leaving a total Inside width ot lio feet
eight Inches.
Tho car are made by thu Halitrft (?oiniiy
o( liiconla. New Ilampshlro, anil aro iihkIcIsoI
neatnes mid lieauty, In Ing finished lu fancy
woods. Thu seats, which are upholstered iu
plush, are ranged after tho usual order, each
seating hut ouo person and each ear but thirty
tersoiis. All thu whevlii of tho lulling stock
nru eighteen inches lu diameter, except tho
drivers on the engine, which are thitty Inches.
Tho eiigiuti is a model of compactness mid is a
sort of diitiblu-ender, thus saving tlio use of
the turn-table. After a trip over the road one
tusrvels at the smoothness with which tho train
ui" ntcr tlio ninety different grades in thu
il.'l KM) miles of nwuf-bwl to the northern ter
minus at North Itillerira. All trains aro equip
xil with tho Miller platform mid vacuum
liriike, and tho rolling stock at present consists
of two locomotives, two) passenger, two olwor
vatiou, six ll.it ears and one box car. 'Iliu loco
uuitUes, with coal and water and men, weigh
twelve tons tach, tho paxsenger ears four and
one-half tons, and tho cost of the sxme wns
tT.i.cliv.K- s.'I.MM) and . IKK) each. The mail
cost alsiut$I0,(H)0 all epiiiqiel, and the caiiital
stvvk of tho corH)rat!ou Is $.V,(HH, of which
$4.,000 ha Uen ld lu. It costs (18 a day to
run IU trains. Kxchangn.
Personal asd Ottonrlae, Moatlr OtherwUe.
A correspondent writing from Mount Idaho,
to the Trlruram the tirinclnal liolnt iu the coun
try fonnerly occupied by the Ne Pcrces whom
Oeneral Howanl so gloriously "quclched'' last
summer, sajsi "Mrs. uenriiict, wnoso iiusnann
wa killed by the Indians last summer, is keep
ing a boarding house at Orangoville. Mrs. Cpt.
ltandall. who went to Orci!n after thn death of
herhusliand, will return to this place Mima time
during thu spring. Mr. I'liil. Cleary is cerlaiu
ly riuht iu tliinklng there is danger of another
outbreak. 'Ilin lud-Ins about tlio agency and
on the reservation, iu spite of their remaining
Iri'iHlly last summer, oK'iuy proclaim iniir in
tcutioii of joining tho SJHikanes the coming sea
son should the latter co ou the war lutli. Tho
diaxtretIon among them is wido-jireal and
there Is no doubt about the SNikauc and some
adjoining trilies, should Watkius' progratumo
for tho consolidation of thu reservations lt
sought to bo carrivd out. Minus, head chief of
tho Sisikaiies, has over )!lvu hundred tt amors,
all splendidly armed and ready to follow him to
tho death. The peoplu hero all look font an I
with certainty for another war miles a suit).
ciently large iiumU'rof trooit bo suut hero to
ovcrawu Uiu Indians."
lliulnn Ttao.
Spring hM It own charms, rsprcitlly for
'tiling -oplo who bate ll within tl.iir lirijits.
iVe think, iwrli.un. aswo i!et older and aro Mil-
ileum! 1 tho i;toraikC nperten'Mx of lift-, that
tho t'0J0H , ellho earliest le.-vvi.-n and Uowar
rol always mtrcaso our cheorfulm-s very
much. Wo know too well thn limit a year,
how shortaiiacolti"! how littlo that will l-o
stifcUiry alu.ntaril can bo ilnuo In it while
It lasts. Wo think of other Spring Mist now
ho far behind us, and how wo lost thr-tn in vain
pleasure or proiillc. Ulor that stsn.i to its
still moro xain. Spnug I numb, r-'.lnr tho
soo-toii of NM.t than ot painUm. What do
lights u iu tho Spring Is more a sensation than
an appearance) moro a hopu than n xlsiblo re
ality, 'lliero is something in the softnei of tho
air, In tho lengthening of tho days, in tho ery
sounds and odors of tho sweet time, that r.v
resvs and console after the xlgotous weeks
of winter. It I natural that tho jsiet should
bo tho Spnug, which comes to them with a
thousand llowtrs; with tho song f binla; with
puro, brighter light anil such Kfttdiuiuit that
it Is lilu a fountain idjumrric.
Don Do It.
Friends, pleaxe don't wnto obiluxry notleii
In jioor verso, then and s.iol them Ui tho Itn-al
editor for publication. Ho soinetimts, it is
true, brings his joer temporarily into ridicule,
and maki tho nler of tho vencua laughing
stock, purely through kinduissof luait and a
desiro to please mourning friends. Thu pure
spirits, or crumbling clay of thn departed,
should only bo alluded to lu a Uilittiug mtn
nor, and tho editor that has tho ntrvo to
reject thu most dogi rol vurso, is nnt ouly tlio
Im st friend of tho living wriUr and moiiniing
relative, hot of tho departed alio. A mourn
inif innlhor u rarulv ever coincleiit of Judg
ing of that whiuh is appropriate, hi relation to
hr departed child, and therefore it is thu duty
ol tho editor, o seemingly hauli a it may p-
lo not only protect til paper iroiu ma
criticism of rcliiad enitivo cultivated nail
er, but also tho friends of thu dead.
!( Mr-IIiiiIhhIiiIhII .llgllvt lot Mill y
Hwi. 'I'tixy HMilhH proillli'ti flonu, IhImiiIiiii-,
soil sno-in-rol climnlotl IiimxiIuhiIoiin, miiiI
ilHri-xiiiiislvn uh, liv lli mIiiIhiki In their
pr Miff, and by all null l inttloilf, prows
iiirin tlio I nt nnd iiio-l i II'iioiiixI I'tiruHihc
Pill Hint in tli til oi'i'i'i't "in 'Itrii'1 ll'lnix
purely vigeislilo no Iihiiii i'sii hihi frmn
tholriiMi, lu tin rlriH'n vsIiih hiiiI eur-llto
piiwiiiHiioiitlinrPlllNiHii Im romp-nil wild
tlmni, nliiry MiiNnii, knnwlnu tlndr vlr
tmw will employ llieui, when neemtod,
I'hey knop thov-ii-iii In peifeelmili-r, hiiiI
iiMlntsIn In IiohIiIiv action I ho wlmlo mi
ohlnorynlllfi. Mild, hitmelilng Mid illnt-nl.lh-y
i-ppImIIv Bilsp'od lo IIihiihmN
iiflliodliiiMllVHapl'srH'iis, ileWKnuiflllt of
whloli I hoy proVKlilMlideiiri', lMliii-lv Iskim,
rimv am llm llnxl Hllll H'lt llllV-lll Kl 1111
nlnv for olill if m mnl w imVi-i.I oiiii-i ll nl loriH
whoroii ni Id, bill eir-otiMl. oilhsrilo ii id-q.ilr-d
KiifMslwltV wllilnlir.
Illisntl TopimhI
To orf e
irnl C-llfornU and Oregon
il lUllroud fomiaiiic
OVKKIt their IV-l for isle o pin ins nunwinr iim
rsi term! wiii-Tmii " "- - -,
K, LsUicssI ''" '' "" rent. i.i.. sirsi
Xrssynl iVh fiilluwlnK vi-r mis iriilh of lie
I isr" Unlets 10 issmirrp-"u ?' i . -.- --,
1 A,ui u. a. U. IC Hl'erUana. umtui.
The P. P. T. Co.'s Steamer
Wild. t.KAVIt
Portlitml lir JIiKMin A'lMttt.
iiutl Wny l'orrn,
Patrotiizo Your Own Uoat
rrotcctlon iiKiilnNt lllRl Ittttc i
1 W ilT IJIIJfl
1'uyN Citssli till
Hides, Furs. fc
si.l fommrrolsl si., SAM'.'
Willamette Nnrserr.
Oaweco, Olaokumni co., Orecoo.
.1'Ji.AOIi PJsUM9
'.Tho Xtiillim l'rmu;.
Ami th bit tsilillis of
I'll! Ill,
Nut and Shndc Trees,
Sond for Sosoiiptivo Ontalorjrno.
XT Mf(
Epfja for Ilatchlnc frcm Dark
Brnhmas nud Brown Leghorns
a opoolalty.
I ! Ira I'rown I rflioili Porks rslne.l bv W. .
Tilt, VinnlUleii Ohio, -in I oklrh UnU His list
.nmminss t'ocVrrl, si illdfi sm iulT,.i, sl
wn.l. r. n.il s nnr ha ot Hnw llrilimas, uletUtl
it?iT ft s pilr lUit co,t iou I0T- Aim,
Of which I Lite Jail linioitil a file ftn fiomth
as it.
All of raj Mtlctlci are of the IIIHT HTIIAI.1l,
IL AnillKS,
JTO-OTlNi 1'Olt
Imperial Egg Food
l'OIt HA1.K, H'MIMI i IviilSPUN.allLi: ttl
IClltl.MI (IllllU.NH.
Ilitd lUmp fir s cufulir.
c. k. win.i:iii:i(9
ahedd, XIou Co., Orcgou
f I1AKKH nlis.nre InnnVrln, to Ihs Wool (Inmers of
1 (reiMisiiillliwsil-liilntf'lvnltorl-s the cksius)
In porchsrs 'IIIIIHUUtllillllKI) Whl(lNIM. sml -mrM
turtles liilcristnl II l Ihejr esn, sml will tit
ilt.vor 10. sill hhrep ol the unit- iUlll sin slur si
MUCH IIIKAI'KII HATMH linn such esn piwlhty
. i.Hi-i. Kssiulusllvn soil rempsriM n with oth
er "iip micro! lu ite luarkil iri-rinnisii. iiij.
rislrni, llrrt-on.
N. Il.-The llsroi snd llsm Uuihsol llm 0k tin
bsneium Hit. IHI.ANI) KAMM, siljolnlng hsleru
'll.uKststsii Im nun at His Mine plsrs, or at U
1111,1. fAKM four nuts lull miles south of theclty.
hsIriii.HrplcuibirlU. IMV
Trost Investment Company
riiHIB ftomiisny Ii prepsreil to imotlst Inan la
J. rumslniin NOIn Ss.KKl irui i over IMPJUK-
ll CITY I'hOPKUTY snl FA l.ANIW. for
flirt! periods f jesis, or r f l r tlo hjr Isujuirlr to
iuIIiuiiijU. For ttlii's sntiijr in . . ..
uovlOr U Flnl tilrest IViUu-J.
f r lk
----------L M-O-b !!
with (iuivr uauk. y
MLi: AT Al.bTIMCt.