Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 05, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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PmHs F HJsaVHDflY'
Hcto, March 30, 1878.
Editor Wlllamotto Farraor:
You will conJorn great favor by pudliah
lng tlio following proclamation ortho Manter
of tho National Orango. Wm. Cvitufl.
Montici:mi, Minnesota, 1
Mmuh H, H7B. j
Wnnriiv 1'athons :
Tlili ilny I "in olllclally notlllod by tho
Hncrularv of tint National Oranuft tlmt tho
fwnoii'luiHtit, ii'ilunliiK tiuiuburihl:! ipon for
jnoi to ihriio dollars, mid fr w.itnnii lit otu
ilnllnr, Iihh bcoi) liiunriinralo 1 Into our or-
gantit law, mid that tho iiumiid limit giving
Hu:m an itiuruimud nuinbur of voles has
boon rejeetud.
HAMtn;i, 12, Ada.mh, Mustr r.
Ue-procltxlmod by William Uviium, Mas
ter Oregon Htato Oranzn.
In Momorlam.
IIUTTi: ailANOK, No. 1 is, P. or M , )
Wahiiinoton Countv, March MO, 1878. J
Wburean. Doath ban rotuovnil from our
mldiitourhrotbor, Chariot M. Wood, thoro
Itnolvod. That In him our grango Iosoh
an dnotonttind faithful nioinbnr.
Ilosolvod, That wo londor to our brothor,
E. Wood, nml Slfctor A. M. Wood nur liort
Jolt yuipathy In this Borrow and buroavo
tnnnt, ,
llnnlrnil. That our hall li dranod In
iiiuurnlnit for tho uhiiiI tlmo, Hi token of
repeat to our decoanoil broihor.
Keaolvnd, Tlmftho Fatmkh and Oreqnn
ion bo rtquoBtod to publish thono rnsolu.
T. Paulhkk.
W. 0. Hinci.iN, Hen. Committee.
WaitNbtirg (Irattgo No. 1, I', of II., tnrols
tlm third Saturday In inch month. ThU
grango hBHnmnng Ito miiiihorH miiim or tho
limHlNulmtatitlal farmorH In thlMpartnl tho
country, nml a good tlnitron of liitrot In lin
ing maniriiNtod In I!h iniotliigH. At tho rcg
ulur inniitlng In January, Mm following pur
NotiN Miiro puhlluly InMiilIid hh olllenr lor
thu miNiiIng voar: M., A. (J. l.oyd; ) , J
Prtiibon: !., D.J. Worms Hie, Mm. N. J.
MuKlunny; H., A. N. Iloothnj CliRp , it. It
IMnIiIIIs A. H., J. W. Highland; 1 , Mm. I,
liydj K , Mrn. M. U. Biennis li.A H , MrH
LIz.Ui llrowu. llrothoron of Mm Ordor In
good Mnndlng rtro luvitnd to iiih!i tlimn
holvoi known In pacing through Mm onim.
try. I HlmoMt forgot to hh.vHiuI llro. Elder
(J. W. ItlolmrdKOii fornii'ily of Hiilnm uavc
ani.xc(illout Intiiurnoii Mm heiu.lll nut) ml
viiiiiiiLMtHof tbodranun. ThWiinil Mm boiiu
tlful dlniwr provided by good nlHturi worn
highly itpproclalml by tho graiign mid tlwlr
gUnH, K. Ii. I).
WaltMiurg, W.T.
HVd.nt ItknrClty. H.ikiT coiinly, Oregon,
Muroli Until, IS78, M. A , wlln nl (1. M. I'liMur.
NlMor Knitnr win h r(mimi(Hi mid tiMnrtnud
iminihnr of tho Patron of lliislmiidry; a
charter ummb.ir of II ikor City (intiitrn mid
Mm (IrU dtihuUi Mint from thu fiunty to
tlm Orngou Htato (rauun. Mho IciiM'h m
IiiihImiiiI mid two ohlldrrii IkihIiIiin man
rol.i'lvt n to'inoitrii Imr Ioh. Tim fimllv Iihm
tliMNympalhy of many frUiuda In tlmlr nhiI
allliolloii. (J. W. J.
Thoaollvn workliiK OraiiBi'H In 'lVnimxM'i'
now uumbir Mill with Hiiii'iiibirNhlpraiiglii!
biutMiiu I'J.OOO nml ln,no). I'nur yrarw huo
Mm MrmiiifM tiumhiiml 1.107, "lilia mtinb'r
Hhipor about HO.OfO. OMIm I'lillro number
ot (Iraiigi'N orgHiil.cd, 100 m vnr In Id a ho
mid miolliig. Proiulimul OimiporM av that
tho ordor Is now In miiiili bnttor working or
der Mian hnrclnfoio, with tho piiiHppct n
niorci Ifi'dlvi'ly carrylnu nut lit nrlglmO
objiint Mm cultivation of uncial luturcoiirM'
and Mm iidiitMtlou of farming i'Iiinh.
Tlm death i f I', P. Allun. Mutt mnMtnr of
tho Mbourt Htato tiringi1, hihI it iroinliu
and uniiHiially lib lo it iiiniiihnr if Mm Na
IIoiimI tlraugn, It a unat Ii-m to tin, onlei,
iinloulviiriilMOtvii Htato, but tlmlof tliocouu.
try at largo.
l.oMi Tiim, Mar. -7.
Mit. Kniioti: I thought 1 would wrltoup
a llttlo Inuliliuit whliib liappiui'd In urn on
Friday Match 22. It wuh n lovoly Spring
morning, Miomiiii roi-n bright hiiiI ithim; Mm
llttlo bird nnro oblrplug merrily in t lit
grovo; Mm piping of tlm quill wan lurd
from Mm thlokot. i:crylhlng h nmd
wr.ippml In Mm ulorlex of Sprltm. I took
my gun mid walked out In oiroh of a doer
Having hunted without Miecehi until hull
gor reminded on. of n liincti x.lili'h 1 had
mrrlMl along, I Hloppid bekblo ciinrUllnn
brooUInt to ilnui. Alter dinner 1 Ibthted
my pipe and lay inn iIomiii iiniii tlmgieeii
grasH in enjoy n giwid himuUm. ''Old Mol"
Mtood ivboiil m Id vs ay In Mm ImtveiiM while
Im olied bin Hooihlug ray upmi Mm verdHiit
robed exrlhi tlm little bin ik liabhlotl gallv
iih It IliiNM'd down tin iiioiiiiihIii loutiril
tlm river, the blr(Uiiiig hweelly In tlm tron,
Thu tMiaiuIti of npr ug worn r.i nliiHiit
all mound i t: A I lay ttmro wutohliiK
Mm hiimko Irom my inerhohaiim muiiiit In
Miilr.il column toward tlm hetveim, I uas
thinking how pliakHiil in bn aloon with
natun, and my plpn, I ralal my eye lo
bohold tlm Niirroiiiullhg lMtuUi. when to
my great aHtouUhumnl I beheld a huge
naiitlier not tuoro than thirty fii't from me,
croiii'lud. and kecinlnglv Junt ieily to
aprlng i', in inn. I giped my rill and
aiiruug to my I'wnti I hoo.I horror ".trunk tin
m iiietililiP.Mli.il hIouIv the lalthfiil lilne
wniilio my fti'n and as tlm rert to.ioed
frouuilitl to ellll and lrt'H tun to lre, tin
lomieii nllliHid ilimouvti tlm milmal
iie.nl I' waa a ltal nIiooi; Im upruit ilttn
y towiud mound lell a 1IiInh mass at In,)
very feet. So uiidml tlm tiln of the lari;-i
panther 1 over haw. Iltoug a man wliei-c
veracllV is iiutMloiwd by Mime porMtiut on
l.omr Tom, I would luvrmall doubting per
houatocall at mv hoiixtt and Hie the lrunt
bldnevir laku trom one of Mm fell no rice
on Mm water of the Long Tom.
I). W. TAV 1.011.
Ai.iiany wii.t.roNTiuninr., l.aat Monday
Notnuof our heavy men wr talkluu to
gather Hboiil Mm Itrowtihvllln Narrow tlui;i
Railroad, when nun of them npokn up and
'd he would give 2 OOo towHrtU It. An
3 r liiimcdlaiKlvMld lie would ulvejiooo,
? .n ii.. ..in i ,
HN llllllim'tl 1J nun ninpiiiiu fiiiir
bfald Im alwi would oinlrlbutef UW
il verv uood Mrt fura miIuimIiuIoii
proiwum iiiki an our iihiiii'.yhi
Jlberal HHthiwiti wo havo men
W 14 .r frM" Yakima W. T
MX jl87".: Oa I
E . i JUuklo.
Ul J t'n Altatuu
P ? J -5VPJ
tho ItUli
boy of
ui crok.
oVT. ik. v.i.i...
m nl mit mt In..
fi rt!nIiwHroiiin
.i8s.'9 D 5
.'siBti: atfc
., .VMIS.' 8K
A Little More on the Grass Question, with
a few Suggestions on Civil
Bervico Reform.
Editor Willamette Farmer:
Tho discussion of tlio question of tlio
Idontity of Velvet grass with Mosquito
grass, during tho past winter, led tho
writer to mnko inquiries In Clatsop
county as to whether Food of the for
mer which, so far as 1 hnvo yet been
able to learn, Is the same that has been
recently circulating under tho latter
name could he got In Clatsop county,
and I received tho following In reply
upon (hut subject from Jlr. It. J. Mor
rNon, of .Sklpauon:
!)j:aii lii: Your lettor uniting Inqti'rlr
b nit Venn' grnMiseod wis rncolvuii Miiutt
d ive ago. Tho gr-iss imh bn had horn or til
inoMtmiy ono. Mr. Camahan has fj-ilto a
mipply, ho alni has Mr. I'hns. Ward. I havo
oxpurimontod a llttlo this winter with Mint
kind of lmv. I fad throe cdwh In Mm Hlable
with that nlone (3xcept what graH they could
pick), and tlmy urn ft onnugh for bcof I
aNo led u bull on Velvot fir nun, mid let him
Htay out al' wlntor, and ho Im now fat. 01
cotirso, I gavo thoin all thoy wanted twlco a
day ; an wo can ralsa ploutv of It, wo can af
ford In faod It In plenty. It may not mako
an good hay as Timothy, but wo can bo suro
of plenty. I havo notlcod that when wn
U8od to depend on Timothy wo generally
loHtqulton number or cattle every rprlng.
and Hincn tho farmer havo raUod tills kind
of buy thorn has boon but a iminll loss, I
do not know anything of Metquito grans.
During tho discussion, you, Mr. Kei
llor, wroto to Hon. Itlchurd Williams,
and Mr. JO. M. Walfe, Secretary of tho
Oregon Htato Agricultural .Society,
wrolo to tlio Department of Agricul
ture, at my suggestion, for seeds of tho
real ".Mosquito" grass. Mr. Williams
received thu card addressed to him,
and gavo tho subject his prompt atten
tion, and Uio Department of Agricul
ture sent four packages of Orchard
grass seeds, in the ordinary thin mus
lin quart hacks, to each party mimed
by Mr. Williams.
Now, Mr. Ktlitor, in vlow of tho fact
that tho trial of grasses best stilled to
tho climatic conditions of tlio 1'aclllc
coast from .San Diego to I'ugot Hound
has been a common theme for the agri
cultural press of Oregon and California
for many years, and that this particular
" iticMuito " has received Its full hliaro
of attention, I submit to yourself and
readers if It Is not trying to a man's
patience to recolvo it few packages of
a variety of grass that has been trietl
by him for a quarter of a century, and
nt III ii.icd, with this direction plainly
printed on tin package:
"riiooljuct of Mils distribution l to d!s
HOiilustn now Hiiotls mid extent! thoin Hint
iiavo pro vnd of Heutioiial valuo. Ills there
lore IndlHpt'iiNiihlu that Mm t,oiiinil.sdoimr
tie iiilvlccd of tho niMiliH of oxpertiiitiniH."
I am sorry to say that, In myjadg
mont, tho management of tho Depart
ment of Agriculture ought either to
uakc up or nml up. Its olllcers ellher
to study thu climatic condition wf the
extended and dlvumilled urea of our
entire country, ho us to ho able to assist
the development of Its d liferent divis
ions, or It may hotter bo closed, and
thocNpcuso of it saved to thu nation.
In tno infancy of tho Wii.i.a.mi:ttk
FAitMr.it, I suggested that some man
from this coast who knows by experi
ence that a portion of tho I'liion lies
west of tho Alleghany mountains,
should have a place at one of I lie deskn
In the Department, mi that Its man
agers, If they havo not time to nml,
might he conveniently told, the condi
tion and wants of agriculture here
Hut, Mr. K liter, 1 now think that the
Department has distributed very com
mon varieties of Held and carden .-ceils
long enough.
.1. MlNTO.
Wftitsburp, W. T.
This is a beautiful liltlo town on the
Tottchet ltlver, (pronounced uTimi
shay,") 111 miles from Walla Wnll.t,
Mirrnuuded by a rich ami fertile district
of country, and an Industrious anil
prosperous community, anil is the cen
ter of a largo trade, belugon tho direct
route to the I'ulotise, Spokane, and the
vast region north of Knako Ulver. It
has a gri-at many advantages, and tho'
Its growth has not been mi rapid, its
Improvement has bun permanent.
Daily .stages connect with alia Walla,
l.ewintou anil Colfax, anil telegraphic
communication with the world, tjuite
a number of poisons havo taken up
ilultns this K0!iun on tho bunch gras
hills cloo to (own, and as far as they
have been tested, theo hllW produce1
better than the bottom lauds. There
Is still considerable vaca it lauil. in from ;
two tooight miles from town. Improv- (
oil land m'IIs for from tlvo to twenty i
dollar per acre, prices tending upward,
I'roiluco Is low, wheat fill cents per lin.
The farmers In this put of the country ,
lost heavily by not getting tlie'r wheat i
olVl'tst fall, we hone that tho means of i
tiMiisnortutlou will bo better this full, '
ami tliat grain will not have to I i.v tit
the tlepot grounds tit Walla Walla for
MX weeks oxp.iM'd lo the weather, as ,
was tho niM lust year. The O. S. X. Co. .
are preparing for tho fall rult,uiul claim
that they will be able to meet the de
maud, So may it be!
U. Ii. Dasiiiki.u
Llnduy Dr LasimiU, Indicted tor robbing
ata la olmrueoflloo. A.Hh.pprdiMiirl
dan, Yamhill county, lat November, w
trbnl at lraymia laat weok, and ou Saturday
tlio jury relumed a verdict of " not guilty, "
Breeding Hogs and Cattle.
Editor Wlllamotte Farmor:
I will now relate my experience In brood
ing my stock nnd tho remarkable Improve
ment. First I will horo slnto bow I got up
tho celebrated "Cross hog," well known till
ovor tlila valley, rind as well liked. A great
many havo acknowledged to me, elnco tho
Introduction of tho dlil'eront hremlc, that my
old stock was as good us wry they havo got
dneo. Klrat ptiroluwo wa? In tho spring of
18.11, n caabblack sow purr-based rrotn W.
s. Itirkr: rozt unw nlso conl-blacl:, from
i ho proprleior of a cprtaln grocery In Tallin
ciillo I uf or the sow, 'blick sow groaery."
My main was caught In tho woods I caught
Mm In tho brush bublud tho Institute; 1
mw blm at dilf;ront tlaus through tho
winter mid trk-d to tl till uu owner, but could
not, and hi the uprlng of Til found hlm be
hind the Instltutonml wo run him down en
foot and caught him. Ho was mj viry poor
It wuh not hard lo do. I nover found an
o vnnr. Tho pigs I showod at tho first State
Fair and our Unit County Fair were pigs of
tlio aforosald black hows and tho wooiU'hog.
Atourilrat County Fair tho Hon.bamuel
Drown oamo to mo and aokod mo whore I
KOiftuoh lino hogs; bald ho bed sent East
and paid llfty dollars each for pigs and they
were not an good as tnlno. I asked Mr.
llrown If ho would accept a pair of these pigs
and put thorn In tho pen with his Imported
ones; that all I would aik for thorn was to
(is IUIph,Goer say.) experiment with them,
glvo thorn tho aamo keep and provo them.
Noxt spring I.wont to hoo them and found
thorn larsuporior to bis Imported ones and
Mr. ISrown said thoy wors inuoh oaslor kopt
and iniioli tho bosl. II y Direful selections In
llvo years I bad thom almost entlroly white;
cccaslonally ono with a fow black spots.
TIiIh calls to mind an iuoldont worth rolat
lug; I had ono superior spotted how a very
choluo ono with mo and I repeatedly refused
tiprlcohor. Oim tlmo tho otiorgotlo and on
t?rprlnlng farmer, Mr. Josho Parish, bantor
od mo lo prlco hnr, but I (old blm she wa
notforsalu. IIo replied: "prlco hor high''
ho I thought I would bin II him and I priced
hor at $50, and ho pulled out tho money and
took her to his homo near Albany, and tho
llrht lllto; bo told ono hundred mid twenty
llvo dollars worth of pigs mid kopt two.
Such was tho reputation of tho "Crosi hog."
My noxt main hot: I got was from Mr. Dove,
Hying near Kola, a npnltod pig. I saw blm
In tho road and after muuh enquiry I frfund
hn belonged to Djvo. 1 gavo blm glO to
deliver him In Stlem, and ho Mod a Hiring lo
his log mid drove him buloro blm. My
next ptirchaso of n inu'o was from W. S.
Iiidd, Port land, ii lijrkhhlro that ciino from
Now Yotk, Tor which 1 paid blm 312.'). IIo
was a gland ncci-osslon to Oregon and would
Ii'ivo been cheap ut one thousacd dollars. I
broil blm Htivon or olht eara, Tho next
whs tho Importation of IS7I, which I pur
chased from tho hext breeders In Canada and
Illinois, l found thorn miinh tnoro milliiblo
for llml olniH quality of bacon Miltnblo fir
S.in Franolco umrjicl, and killed elf all my
old Hlock Liid mil breeding tho puio 15nrk
Hhlre, mid 1 have a main now of u lato Im
portation br d by Cochran, of Campion,
Canada, Mm largrxt Importer from Knglnnd
In America. IIo la tho thirst broedor I
havo uiirHt'in mid I think blm the tin est
hog upon Mils coast, expoct to hIiow him at
next Sunn Fair, Lsnt Htato Fair IiIh pigs
took two thirds of Mm Horkshlro prmnltims.
My Irlnml lluntHAld: "Cross has good Ilerk
Hhrcs," but I wIhIi hero to admit ood feed
miiHt bi mixed with good brt-ed. Thero Is
uiidiuibbdly ono half In feed and c.iro, and
cannot iuIvImi auyono to try blood without
cant and atlmitloii, Wouau yet Improve ; I
cm Htn u decided improvement in initio In
two years.
My cull In havo been noted far and w Uo
mid had it reputation htcoud to iionn, I will
gomy Mart hi thmii mid ahow an Improve
ment of tour hundred pounds or head. My
llrst piirclniKO of Durhums whs from Mr.
James Watsnu, decoafrd, of King's Valley,
and my next was from (!ov. John 1. Gallic,
diTcin-id, a cow mid a hull cU Imported
from lCtintiivky. From thom I raised tho
hi'st lot of htcois upou this coast. I showed
at ono tlmo liny uou tho Fair Kraunds,
w hloh many w PI rouiPiilbor, mid after I fed
thom n Id tliiini In Victoria lr l'J5 each.
Soiiin of mv crltlcdwlll tny how did you
iinprovo them lour hundred poutu'a ? Well,
letusHco. Mr. Jamo WaUon was In my
opinion ono of thu very best of stock men In
Oregon, and had one of the bent stock farms,
mid gavo It tho brat of attention. I pur
chased of him every aeiuon until bis doath,
mid at four years old his best ulcers would
driMsoue thousand pounds. That was tho
heaviest weight I got from him, audi got
thrm up to l,4l0. I sold one to A. II. John
Min, Portland, for ChrUliima bref. Wo put
blm on scmUh lu Halem; tin rallied down
'J 100; he whs again put upon the ncales after
having hftui driven to Portland and
luiliAd'dowti 2,000 mid his four quartern of
href net weight was 1 ICO only hhtlnklng
Milriy-iwo per etmt. Noxt I told ono to Mr.
T. It Newman, now living In Ddlas, net
weight l,10(i; he then kept nurkit In Salt in
anil killed him for u ClirUlma.s'bcef, Next
and not liHht was tl o Oregon linhy. which I
old one tislf interi't in Mr. T. 11 Nswmaii
tor ll hundred dollars and Mr Njmau
cxhlbitdt him in au FrmnilNco mul at Sc
laiiifii o hiaio Fair mid utter Iim had done
lowng bl in sold blm lor J'.KM) to tlie
biuclui; his weight wns :) 100 iio weight,
and at tho iVIttorula Statu Fair ho was so-kuowlt-dgtil
t.y all lo be tlm het niilmal
Miey evtr aw, Soii'ent tho large bretdeis
lieni Kentucky ald thoy had ih ii tml ot
Im prt-mlum o-ittln of (be Slates and ae
kuowlided hi ui the best they ever haw, I
forgot to stale that tour of the lot I Bold
ltobt, lluichltiHou tn V tutor la ilrtssl o r
(l.tOOeaoh) I then iuiihirted llliiioW Mini
llelchieiia around the Horn, bred by J. II
Srwma, Illinois. Now, Mr. Crltlo sorutenUe
this ami ay if I may not venture lo give
Hula humble advice.. lUlph t)Mr may
think I am alighting him if I do not nsme'a
nurcKani lrm blm of flraod Admiral, prict
l,3c0, but Adalrat did sot Improve my
bord. I raised none so good as from my old
Mock, and I am satisfied they woro tbe best
herd on tho Paclllo Coast.
I am now upon my Mill Creek farm and
have started to Itnproto and build up anoth
er herd, and thotiKh smitten I am notdls
ccurnged. I am starting a fow Merino sboep
and the sheep inpu may oxpect to hear from
mo. I havo got a few caltes from Hon. M.
WilltinH, a cross of Devon nml Durham, and
I will glvo you a dessrlptlon of Mr. Wlikius
cttloshortlv. Yes, lam converted. Tiioio
botnrqtHlnlctl wlMi me know I did not like
tho Dbvoo nor tho Merino Migop, aud I was
morn stupid than Hilpb, I did not llko to
In coccln'on I will mention a circttm-stinr-o
at tho S mo Fair. I was put upon tho
committee on hes nhocp lor wool and milt
ton. T. Ii. Dildnn objip'ptl. said 1 whs
prejudiced ntrninfii Morino, but-1 snrvod nnd
wu leqiiDrttril by iho bilatuM of the com
mltteo to cast II 'st voto mul I gavo It to
Merino. When I mot friend Davidson ho
romatkod: well I nm jjIki! you can lay
nsldo j our prJudlces. Mr. Editor I nm
inuoh cncouriiged by rrcolvlng letters from
readers asking for Information upon rat.ck
and said my lotlorH was read with mtinh In
terest, and If I can add anything that will
advance the luterost of your readers I shall
bn glad and will Inko pleasuro in answering
any ionulrlns anv of vour reailers wish to
ask. I will try and glvo you the notice of
llon.M. Wllklns HtocK next wcoic as u is
duo blm and tbe pooplo, and I shall do It
with groat pleasure.
Thomas Cuosj.
Ed. FAnMun: Ploaso publish my report of
eggs laid by 43 lions during tbe mouth of
March: Whole number, (581; and I will say
that tho two Plymouth Rock pullets laid 31,
making In all fjr January, February, and
March, 1000 eggs, In (K) day, which I conaldor
good. LimiKit Mr Kits.
1'oiiti.anii, March 14, 1878.
I.UTHt:n Mykiis Pear air: Ilcelved tlio
egtts you sent me Feb. 10, ond set thom tho
Rsino day, 13 P. Itocks. All hatchod March
8.b. Yours truly, Mas. J. II kinky.
Iiiviko'h Station, March 22, 1878.
T-uritnit Mykiih DtarSIr: Tho 13 Qoblon
Hmngled oggs you ksih me. o.io was broken
on arrival, Wo hot them Maoh 1st, and on
March 21st 10 hatched. They woro all strong,
nice, healthy chicks, and truo lo marlc.
Yours, with kind regards,
I,. O. Dklknai.
Skattlk, W. T , March 2t, 1878.
En. Fa n si i; u : Wo havo had n warm wln
tor bore, mid a wot one. It.iln, rain, rain,
nearly all the tlmo and very heavy winds,
Vegetation l forward nnd people aro pUnl
lug on up-land Cnorrio, plums, and pours
have bfien In bloom for tho lst we.k. I
hlinuld llko o ask Mr. Wtn. Alkbe. If they
Irrigate mid if Miry raUnnorn lu the Palousi.
country, wo me two or Ihreo frfinlllf-M Mint
aro going mer tho ninuutalus the cnmlig
siimmnriind would I k? to know tho truth.
Wo want a prmrle farm and not e much
rain. Jtnru Ju.nks.
Salt iim miiavki. W'alks a wrier In
tho London (f.ini'i mvs inv. ufior trylnvt
various kiilMtntines to kenp down weed In
urayel walk-, h Units common silt the lies'.
Solutions tint vanish In tint ground spsmll
lv Ii S'HnelrHill 's'ly. S,li Is miirucllliMuloiis
If it iv- Ion j b'tni rsln. ir wMhod eoou
lulu tlm uroiiud It will not last three tiiontli".
A Htirinkloi m whliMn the ground l
enough. If too little, thu weudrf a.u only
Yonso "3knuy. Mr. Jauiwt Htchards ad
vertlses bin lino draft stallion, Young Hen
ry, which cornea of good stock for the breed
ing of excellent work borsss, the kind we
havo great iimh for In this Slato.
At Marlon Station, Marlon Co, Orecon,
December 8th. 1877, of tynhcld f-ver, Ellle,
youngest nlilld ol'ICmanuet mid Jane Met.
ger, aed 3 ears, 4 montliM, and I) days.
Our Kflln bee unno
To the beautiful lard,
How siiihleiriMuie deth
To lake her ewa ;
How Kwlft MiHKlsd rplrlt
Oilmen Mm beliest,
Ami ouio'ol tlia h -a re n
9 he homo ol tho blest.
How nnd ern our hearts
Ai wntnlrt hnr dear fms,
And know ilirtt no more
She shall nil herowu phico.
Our Ivtlln ban risen
Ahon earth mid Kill,
Tho hu.iirt of the Angels
Has Welcomed hnr in.
Jrtforsnn, Ori.jon. N. L. Mi:i.(ii:u.
Marnh 27 h, I.S7.4, ut hnr Iituo, n-r Tur
ner, Id D-uiyer, aised 1" voar-. It) m inilif,
15 (l.iys, Tho bernve. fiiully line the
ayiupsthy of their mmiy frinuits lu this their
hour of trial, hut
Let us ha ooiurortnd to know,
tinly the 6oi,v lies IihIom ,
Within iIih i! rive th.it haunts us ho
Printed on hort notice, nml In the
J1KST bTYI.K, nniiierrctetli.
.A.. Xj. riTIKTeON-,
llnlinan'e lllnrk. epi nritu I'. O., eAl.KM
KNT PIIKR oa m.1letlm-l)IIIOOS A llrj)'i f
Klow er unit Wirruhfe 'alstoi: ie. Our lirce crop .
I'liauien.in Mil rrna low.
Front Streot, :::::::: Salom, Oregon.
3. P. DRAKE, Proprietor.
Planer and Matcher
rf..ff 2.cblBS,,,,S?,,5 to.e,,r' ;fl"nrrplm.l.hori oolc. Pattern r. akin done la aUl .
THe pIvFlKETs'
We hoar of a further doolluo In bresdstulls
at Llveipool, but our homo buyers coutinuo
to pay a dollar n bushel horo for thousoof
millers. No wheat of conpquonco Is now
bo nc shinned, nnd no tounace In tlio river,
unless recoolly arrived at Astoria.
uhodrc 1 no in liiromaol shows tlmt tlio
gonornl Oiling thero Is that concessions will
bo made to avoid war, ilercoas tho J.ugllsh
filing Is at prinont.
Oat." aro tlenri'ed end dull .ilp. Forty
ppii'h per bns'iol would bo mi ostromo prlco
to p.y, herptttSttloni, rir shipment, lliougli
4.1 tnuy ho paid to satisfy tho local dotuand.
Hay continues nt SKI to $18 per ton. Thoro
h plenty to bo had down on tho Columbia
Coun'rv nroduco rates as follows with
Salem merchants: 1'ota'oes, G5o per busbol;
butter, 20o to 2)0 per pound; egas, 153 por
dozen: bams, J2o to 14a per pound; shoul
ders, So to Do prr pound; sides, Ho lo 12a por
pound; lard, lOo to 12o per pound.
European Grain Haricot.
London, April 1 Tho Mark Lino Express
says reports concerting the wboat plant
from all parts of tho kingdom contlntio sat
isfactory. Tho country trade Is oteady but
not active. Tho provincial markets are scan
tily supplied wltn home grown grain. Im
ports of foreign wheat Into London havo been
liberal. A prnsstiroto soil Amorlcan wheat
ox ship brought abiut a sl'ght reduction in
tho value of this class of grain. Kussla Is
anxious to disjoso of her produce, and wttb
hor and America com pot I in: it Is dllllcult to
see whonco trade is to derive strength tonn
ablo prlcas to bold up. India may bo dis
regarded for the time, asshoconnot ship
much whoat until the now crop Is gatberod,
hut Germany has boon steadily exporting to
I'olltlos havo once nnro monopolized tho
ontlro attention of tlio trado. With fair ar
rivals at ports of call, the lloatlng cargo trado
for wtioat Is firm. Owing to a more unsot
tlrd state of political mattors prints advanc
ed 2 to.'l shillings per quarter. Thooutln
tlnnntaldomnnd continues Maize Improved
01 to Is por quarter. IJtrley ruled linn at.Od
por quartor advance.
Liverpool, April 2 Hroadstuffs qulot:
wheat t lOtfiJlO Id for red wenteru spring;
lls()l12s0d lorCallfoinla club ItecolplH
of wheat thn ptt ihroodaje, 08,000 quarters;
Amsrlcan, .11,000.
iComolldtttion rf Hndg, Snelt it Co. and t
T. A. Davlu A Co.,j
71 I'ruut Mrcct,
clumlliio Irudu a cniuplvlu ae rurun'ul ut
Patent Medicines,
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, end
Druggists' Sundries.
Of all iUe nud qatlltlcr. i
Of sll thu lemllni; htinif, Id tin anil Jii'fis,
Putty, Lampblaok,
Bod Lead, Gluo.
Including the fluuet bMndit for Coach Palmcm nte.
I'alnt, Mliltcirnsh, and Varnlsli Bruskc,
I.INSEi;it till., in barrel and earn".
Turptntlni', Coal nils Castor Oil, Lard 0llt
Xnit's'Iool Oil, Fhili Oil.
In lurrc nnd CBfcj..
IICuu Vitriol, Sulphur. rtiHtlle
.smt, Concent ruled Lye,
331ttoxa vll ldiiclm.
Q,uloksilvor and Strychnine.
In Quart, HnHCtllon. (Ino-.llou, nod F'.TC-Oallcn
Can mid lUirelo, utc . etc.
Wear AKt for Orrenn nnd Wanblnston Terri
tory for
HalllBfkr'dfs 'nrbi Ir Mitrp rip, WaVHre'a hhttm
llalh and Hqul it I Mum, nnd 'f.' and
Jajrar'n rruvrlclirr Mrdlrlnrs.
tV Webnroiircixlrrom tlrt hed. tbnn en.
t ng il tn compile with any miretnn the CoaiL
a a romparhnn nf onr pilrc will Move. J7iMf
'J -A -". S . V W tl . " l I UWrX'k' r4al
mt wntaiwiiw fj .nm tJL
''"""' .illllll ., MiMW " "
N 7-7Z 1
I PS! I ,L, (.8B .il
" w r t I
tL Mtiftjjnsaig