Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 05, 1878, Page 6, Image 6

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Paj3 p HtfsBtPHY.
Jafer-John T. Jones, Ilarfon, Phillip. Ark.
Ocrreeer-J. J. Woodman, Paw Taw, Van Ilurcr.,
IsciurtrS, II. Smcilley, Cresco, Howard, la.
UteicanlA.J. Vaughn, Moinpiil'.Tfiiili.
J7 Steward .Mortimer Wliluliead, MliMlcliasb,
Bomi-iret, M J. . . , , .
Cnaii!nli-ii. II. KIIK SpMnslinrmtsli, Warren, O.
TrtvurtrV. M. .McDowell, Wayne, Steuben, N. .
,Secrlarj-l). II. la-llny, l.oalsvhlu. Kv.
ffa't-AVwr-O. I)lnwfcldlf, Orchard drove, Ind.
(,VrM-.Mre..JohnT. .lime. llirlon, I'liUUl)'. Ark.
JVwrt-Mrs. Hamui'l II. Ail line. Montlrcllo, .Minn.
IXimina- Mra Harvey llo'iiiaru, nun i wriy. i,
Z'ij AssMant Sttward
Louisville, Ky.
-.Mis t'arollnu A. Hall,
1). Wyntl Alkcn. (Chairman,) (J
K. It. Sliank'ariil, lliilj'ia.iiij Im'
I t'okeubury, 8. C,
Iln.lli.v 'I'. I'll i.e. CI iri'tllilllt. N. II.
Alonro (I jlilcr, Hock Kail, Wlillei-lib'. 111.
W. II. Clumbers, Uswciciieu, liumll. Ala,
Ollleors of Orcz Miito Grnu
.Matter Vita. Cyrus, Kelii
forturtr Mr
It tttitpluy, Oswrgo.
k, n. iiiini, niiniiniiiT.
Stmlnrufi . W. ltaiulill. llri'imti (MtV,
MtwanfVf. H. Tlioina, Walla Walla, W. T.
AtMant8lttiitnl--(i W. ltlildlo, Cauywuvllle.
i;fiaiilaln W. II Oray. Antnrla.
Trtatnrcr S. I. I.eo, I'orllatid,
Oatt-h'rritr Daniel Clark. Hnlem.
Oris Mrs. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville.
fomona Mm. H I). Dnrlnin, McMinnvl'lo.
Vora-Mr. K. A. Kelly. lCaut I'ort'and.
ftdij Am'I itnearitiU. (leorla Hmltli, Hood
Illver, Waacocoun y. .. ...
Krteutlre VommltUtVim. Cyrus. Hcloj 0. V.
Hunt, Hubllmlty: K. h, Hmlth. Hood lllver.
HUM JluilntH AqintH. P. Lee. I'ortlaud.
Qrango Election, P. of H.
Notlco is hereby H'vett Hint it will bo tlio
duty oforch Mibordlnito granim of Marlon
county , at 11h next lobular mooting, or soon
r, to eloct tbroo representatives from oaeh
Srango to moot In Salntn on tbo second Mon
ay In April, 187H (.he eighth day), nt tun
o'clock ii. in., for ibo purpose oroleollug
ropros.mtatlveii to tho Slslo Orangn, which
moots In Malum on thn ruiirili luosday ('.Will
dayjof.May, 1H78. Sun nrt. 2. scut. 1 mid 2,
proooodlngs or last State (Jrango.
(I. W. Hunt, County Deputy.
March 12, 1878.
Marlon County Pomona Orango
Wlil hold ItHNoiiond regular quarterly moot
ing for tho present year In "'" Urangn ball,
Halom.cominouolngon tlio II rut Friday In
April, .ith day, nt II o'olocl; A. M. It will
lio tlio most Important mooting of tlio your,
mid Itlalinpod that nvwry iiiPinbor that imii,
will lm prniotit and Mlay for tlio ovoiiIiik hikI
innrnlnK nkmhIoun. Thorn will bu a larKO
iiliioillit of IiiihIiiohs lo tmiiMHOt.
Danihi. I i.aiiic, Htinlrr.
T. H. All 1'iMirtli D)ur.Mi intiiiib'irMHKiln
vltod to bo proMiiilutttll oxui'iH Kifib IH'uroo
MHalnni. " O.
H. id. GuriToy.
Tlinaiilijpfltnr tbli hkntijli was born In Ohio
In tint yo.ir IHIri, iwi'l omivtra'pd to Orouoii In
J8.VI, wliuto by untlrliik'oiiDriiy, pornovornnco
and l.idiilr,v houiTiiniiiUtoil a ciiupxtouoo
for IiIiiimiIj in iIiIn oiiiiilrv. mid C'c'iirod a
linit'iif frlMida by hi- mi'I.iI ipialllla mid
NtroiiK IndUldu.illiy; hutulitira vory movoi n
llluoiHOf iiHiiy winkii, tlio nl.iy luiciuoni
i;itvo nil tbo Ktlrl, mid bu dlod at" oVIoi-k p.
til.. Pililav. Match Ifnh. Tlio uoblon bowl
waa litolion, tlio hllvor chord mmppcil at lam
tlili hIiIooI MHdllliiK II mil 'ttnif bldns from
our vNlon llin Kiitoaof dav " Wn iimv ti'ivor
morn claxp tlio band of our filoud, trlod
and lino, or fool lia warm proHHiuo vibrat
liiH with kindly Hyuipalhy mid Irloiiilshlp.
Out acrosi tbo iinkiniwu mid liillnllo, boyoud
llindark tMitcra of Ibo unknown rivor whoiii
tuyiitloal nliorca havo novir iiiIioimI lo thn
InrilH'piia of a ri'turnliiir wnndoror, tlio AiikoI
of D.'aih baa linrno lilin m;roa tojilu tlio
luyrl.id bos', whoto foot at latt Inmd tlio
hliori-i of Pound. Outoflho warfaro of ex
iHtoiu.'o. tbo cbiicUnn d iriMulcH and xorrown
of thla IiTti, u truit fihiiul, a Mud fttbor and
hiitti.ind Imi pnsNod away trout hiiioiih m
fomvor. Novor tnoro thla -ltlo ol thn it it -lui'iwn
xlnll wo moot and otiy thoploAnant
and koiiUI coiupanlonHlili ol tbo wIkiIo-miii.-cd
and kind boartn I mMi'loinin whoio oiorcl
was f.iuuib'd morn on roll ttii'ii In ooN than
word, on tlio opirll mid lottt-r of ibn uoldoit
rulo than auiuiptvmnlchap f inuorworda.
To UN who aro "only wmIIIhk" lit tbo mrlii
tirleN ofhl ayoipatby kttiiluo'a and nbarby
inituro'n 1 1 no mnl in lO'-tlonid itbrltlau
Ity bona llillo poHtilu iihon lifo'n lilliv.uv,
that wo loo may nirry omiio huu.Iiiuo Into
tbo dark placoi, pumo mouiorliH loll bohlnd
wbnn wo arn koiio, of a wnlal or plo.iHiint
word or kind act that poriiimuca hnlprd
mhiio morliiinlcii'Ml brnihor hvtlio wuyt-lilo.
To tint liitnily of tin diMMivd mi tondor our
lioiirlfolt Hympathv In Iholr. boraviuiiaut,
whlln thn country lofic a ii-i)fiilnnd honor
abla olllon; but wo cinnol but toil unui't
uomnilatloii wlion wonlloot that tholliiKitiluu
mid vary painful Ulnti in ut I ml oiulfd mid
thn Hiill'iTiT N forovor I'reo, And now an wo
lay our Irlnnd away In Ibo crivn, out of our
IIvoh hero foroyor, nnthlut; Ntcuia morn In
uiiUoit with ouraplril than tlio boautliul lltina
of dreys
11 No farthor aonk bli inorllH lo dloloio,
Or draw Ida fralltlin Irom tholr dritad aboilo.
(I'boro tlmy allko lit truihllnir botai roiHMto,)
Tlio bonoai ol hi Kathurmid bU Ood."
o. m. r.
Wo taVa tbo nbovn nblta.iry nolliio of Mr.
(lurnoy from tbo ItOMobutK pupora, and fool
llko addlns a fow wonla lo cxprcaa our fod
lug f ri'Krot at tbo Ioh, f.ir Mr. (lurnoy waw
a paraoual frlond, and wo ahull inls hi
frlondly k root lo i', n .mil kooiI wurda, Wo Mil.
oeroly ayiupttbiK'j with his lamlly and
frlouda, and with tlit'in nhalt ohcihb bit
AaiiKaA-tU.vrn.it ftiKit I'tto Mime I'ir
tiurky: Onoof our iitMtaiitlalHUlionlitirs
lit a ricoiit iMtivt-riailou uavo bla oxiwiloiun
'in tioMtliiK uoatklock Mlliotiil with tlio habit
of iiatlni; Mood, cbuwini; liunoa, fto. Ills
calllo worn otitt aprlun lfiHid lit thla vu;
thoy boo nun t'Hii In tK-.li, nfu-od to oat hay,
mnl pro'itno.l a hhiIiIv apiMMrnm-o. Mo put
aiaiut lour btiahoNof loo!ud 'ili In U
lnrnyaril, inol thtow on, to tlioin itbout n
hliiividftil taijlt tlV. Thoy all alo aa if with
uvldout rtdtalt, A'lcr tumiou iluiit out to
paturo lm put uo pt-ok of dry hsIiun pet
wvvU on thn around In lint ponirt. Thoy
nto It all up, mid Knw"l dl Ibo urH whoro
It Imd boon lyln. Tnoi-ai-lo lionnn to tin
jiimvo, alutiin UokIi anil luokiou bo tt-r lb in
limy liad lor Kuvnral y-ar ll now jrlvoi
titltiipitrt ol a-ihra, iiiixmI lib thn Niliio
iiuui t tyofnall, jtivMihiiadnfo.4tllokabut
nuco a ('k, nod Ilud II lo aroo m 1th tlit'in
vt on tloi fully.
An old Hobllrr, mho wa dUcliarKi'd from
thiiTn-ahttry a day or two atto, Un-allhO bo
Mtid IdHhoiiVoro iniployt'd In tbaitauto do
itartitiiuil, kaliti 'Wluui tfepta'd np in
wiitii lit a MoldUua In doIVtma ot tbo
Union, klx'Mtn yr atto, no ohjin'tlon waa
nixto in lia bocauaj wo b IoiikikI to tho aauia
UHpmiitiUH. inn irr-'-'-tmw""" m-
Val'ta of Improved Stock,
Whon 1 bfjiitn ilalrylng I thought I could
establish o bout of pood cows by careful fro
lootlon, go I trlod tiio theory. I oavod tho
calvea from tho boat cows, and raUod them
with great care, to find In a proat majority of
casoa uiNttppointmont. Aitorwant i proourcn
a thoroughbred Ayraltiro bull, and the
calvea I raised nearly till mado j;ood cows.
Tbo fallurcH woro In vory small proportion
compared with tho selections mado Irom the
IxM cowh where tbo Mro lind no iixod brood.
In hwIiio tbo lmprovemunt Ih cvin tnoro
uoltceable, My exporlenco bna ahown that
plKN well up In Eixpx or llsrkshlro blood
navo t'lvoti a Kioit tlual tnoro pro fit than
otbcrHol na lilKl'iamen, DrrhR)H blgtror, but
without Ibo (HiiilltliH which ttlvo to thpfo
brfnlallielr ctinrnc'tu' as rapid growers and
imav ki ppurM. Wh used to buy our alioala In
llutl'.ilo, ua they catno Irom tho Wot, whoto
fainiPiH huvti ulvm cluor otiMitl'in lo tbo
Improvoiuent of Kwlno than thn most of our
farmers havo. In n lotof 60 or 100 pl,Hii':!i
as wo tiod to buy. wo found usually alaro
proportion uriidoil up In tbo improved
brotidx. mid Invariably those pljts turned out
mnro pork on tho food ttlven them than tbosa
which abowiid no caro In breedltiK.
What o want la to decide II rut, what qual
ities aro doMred In tbo stock wliloli wo urn to
keep, and then git thoroughbred males that
havo this character. In brooding for dairy
uses, attention must bo paid to tbo pastures,
lo tbo kind of keeping and to the purposes In
view. If butter ta tho objeat, and tho pas
tures aro hilly and tho keeping Renorally nt
all below roally good, I do not supposo It
would bo wise to uso shorthorns. It might
bo that prAdo .lorsnys would bn as good as
any that could bo choson forscimohltuatlotiH,
Ayrshire would probably bo bettor forgen
oral purponos, and HnlsteinH InwomocKSos
would no doubt ba proTorablo to any other
kreed. Wuat Is noodod at llrat Is lo decide
u(.i tho rcqiilremonta. and then got a male
that comos ticarial to tlio u boson iho. Whon
thla la done on all our farms, wn shall havo
much tnoro prollt In all our stock. It la
surprising that (armors givo bo llttln thought
to this mattor, and it Is plain thattherois
room for great Improvement, mid that It nan
bo mado almost without cost of money. Lot
proper attention bn given to tho matter, and
wo shall find soon tho uonoral wnalth much
lnoroaed. . V, lVtt Dmcr, in lilmtra Jir
miti Club.
Flax Culture.
In no nlitro In the world ran better ll.tx lo
proilucod than on this coast. lltMng tbo
seed for tbo oil in Ills, Is a bnttor paying bus.
moss than raising wheat or bailey, mid it Is
a splendid rotation crop wi.b thoo coreuls.
Tbo bust llbro is produced near tho coist, in
a mnl t atmosphere, and In Oregon mid
Washington Territory, luileod, persons who
have uiwin this matter closo attention, and
arotiualllltid to Judge, say that Oregon will
sottitt tl.ty havu iiiuniif.iiHorliii of tho llbro
mid beat tbo world In tho prodiiillou of
superior tux nun imrn. At any rate mnro
nlicuilou should bo given to Ibis lustier, fr.r
It Is mi Impoi'tmii ono lor tho firmer, anil for
tbo prosperity of the people t this counuv.
Thoio U iiiiniMlly duvolod lo Ibo culture of
nix uiroiigiioiH too worhl over .1,000 000
iiama. It Is a most Important Industry. In
tho United Stales tbo llbro la not much
utlllp'd, butHonio 1100,000 aoreti aro grown an
nually fur tho seed only. Wo havo not tbo
aiiiUmles at hand to show what proportion ol
thla Is producud on thla ootst. Tbo principle
lint prnilunliig ootintrlop In apres, sro Itus
Mia, l.lH'J.r.iW; tJermany, OOlllJ: Kranoe, tMI,
(1.I0; Austrlii.tiVili'lj Italy, JUI.IKII: IHglutn,
iii,h. iiwiiuiiii prouiices ouiy -utii.su aurea,
but, as Is tbo oisH with l bit of Ireland, the
quality of.tho llunen privlueod Is exceeding,
l.v lino. In our last November lsuo wogsvn
viiluablo liifDriiiHtloii Doiiusrnltig thn culture
and harvesting of Max teod. Although It Is
butler aown aa oarly as Janusry, yet as the
soil Is no wnll II Hod with niolsiuro Ibis sea
mill It might bo plloy to how mum this
month. 'J ho principle ol jeellon to lato sow
lug Is that uiiliss tbo balls till with seed be
fore Urn hot woalher (Siiuoi on tho seed Is
llabln to bo Injnri'd and not ripou ovottly,
Cutiornia ApricullurM
(loATS IN OllKOO.N. (1. . Jonqa, aalPIlt.
Oregon, write to tho N, Y. 77m im: "Karmera
and Mock growers In Ori-goiiHroglvlnghouio
iillontlcn in growiiu mohair. Tho Amtora
goat thrhtii llivdy hero, where nak brush Is
hbiiuilatit, of w blob they aro vory fond, but
In lou.tlilloa where grass Is moxtly their ltv
lug they aro taken with icoun.," mid tbo
owes drop their kids and die; tint males live
longer, but aro not likely to recover unless
given nak-loiftoi, nr turned out on oik
lirudi buol. What la tho remedy where oak
does not nbouoil? mid dixs the Angora goiti
thrive In tlio lUktorn slid Mldd'o Stiitos on
grans alniiM? Who Is lint b'si mid latosti ail
Iborlty on tint Angora goat?
ISrih Oik brtiih is ory lutrlngent, ast.
neaiiy sll lurkof wlileh gottiaro vory loud.
WoitHi-oniini ihrlvonn grata al'itio, bii-am-o
that Is not their natural P-od, I ('fed mainly
on grass It Mould bo well to ptoeitro some
souls of i-oni'uon amtriweed (Wiioiiiihi
ui;iAibitrfi or iUrimtum tjilreipSperYnui sow
lhoo in moist sputa to which ii m'xits cm
havo aciiess. Willow brush would also b
list-fill, Hut aomu astringent food must bo
supplied lo tlioin, Tlio Miourt may bo m-1-tived
by ulvluga teamiptul of weak iiepoor
mint water, lit which ono leaNpoontul of
prepared chalk Is stirred, but tho improper
moil will aoon o Injuriously affect the
bowels thai In coumnol time inedlcliio will
bo unavailing, l'tiero Is no book on tbo goat
publlNhed In this country i thero Is a unall
book on rotterllogoata kept for tnllk,put
llalu-d In Kiulaud. Mr. It oliard 1'itera, an
old resident of Atlanta, lis , knows more
about Angorn goats than pet baps any other
isiraon in tho country, si bo has Imported
and oi od Hit in for many years.
HitKimi.Nii of Animals -If sbppnaro m.i
pie In your lirissllug, give no place to Hti-! tltllt If llinro HitiriS liru foil tlmil Is lll'O
but iIiohu wbloh yield thoheaxle-t ilpp, p.s.Miry to iutitoni"t tlu liiiiitintr (tiiullty
.indlhrtgioati.simii.uintof meat. If iuitl, unit contloilseil rlL'ltlUts of thu 1 corn
select tl.ii... that will iitlaiu a maximum of nu.-il It illoel..r,lt.w it... I.u... tv.
weigh'. In twoll a pad oflouivears. Il how-.
select bi.ioltl.M will not only eat and he'
atuilo.l, but when tlu.y have convirlpd corn
into potK win yieiii a liuxltmun number of
IsuniiiH lor a iiusiuium uiimlMr ot liuxliols.
If Iho kind you am brtedlng will iioldothls,
you ate wasting your substance. A lesu,
uneasy hint eats m.isi; u M-rilbbv, t-oMwiiy
ti'er Is noior hNtUlliHt, hpiI wid never nt
Isfy llioo.Mier; a "plug" 01 a liorsn will keen
1 common mail p ior, and never bo a ytbing
nuta plug; poir khoep Mm e.omhe; In a
tinril, pitrKttH'kitf iniv kind Is a burden
and oxp use tin iimn 0111 ulloid lo oirry, and
iho v 1. i-i; out ol tbei.o tishloss, expenhlvo
pn'p-t - until hnlixi promptly aiMuipllsh.
eit, I . r mid bettor s i-,iiod inioto; don't
ui ' nexl ver to bvtln ihlsi-luiiiiAiiuK
piDi-ot.s, but do l now, Hiirt Ibis winter'a
teed by at ouoo tthpi.miy of iho taret of thu
HoroAftor tlipro will ba nil steamers plving
U-tu pen I'ortlaud mid Sn Fiancisco. 'ro
bolougiug to tlio npptuitioa and fonr to tho
old Una.
An ox rfrnttuxd farmer who has fed r
Ho'tokra lo bog for Upwards of tn yearn, do
oU'tM that they art a pwfoct pravrBUT of
hoi obolora.
- , 1
Rotation of t'ropi.
I havo lllt'o doubt but muoh of tho aol
onco and skill employed In ngrfoulttiro has
strved moro to draw tho fertility from tho
soil, by thorough tillage and.peraistent crop
ping, 1'ian It has to improvo our lands by
any ftklll'or ajstouj adopted for improving
tbo soil. A lesson on tho rotation of crops
may also bo leamod from nature; for where
a crop of deciduous timbnr is removed, It Is
usually followed by overirieti tlitibor, or at
leai.t b; tratsnf some different kind. On
the broad prilrles s-oino kinds of gras.'as ere
ilNappenrhu, whllo others aro inking their
nl.-tcts. '1 ho M.-ibbith was inadii for man and
In keeping h ho re-tH by having a ch.-itieo
Irom popular dtiili-a of tho woel:. Tbo alt II
droit ot Ixesil were coinmnndnii to clo to
thel. laud every t-evotrh ye.ir hs n .Sibbitti
of rest to thn Mill, whluh (hough prohibit-
very tertiio, wuh yet t-tirjf-utr(i to Heavy
ctopplnga by tbt-m tlirpugh Ibo Intprienlng
slsjoara. 'Mils principle of re.t lor tho
laud Is not a now ono, mid I bollovo It Is tho
bo-tono that mo can adopt to renew Iho fer
tility of our lands.
1 utso believe that n obnngo Is brnpliclal,
oven for lands that aro t-o'-ded down mid
havo born tivoil a number of years as moid
ow or pasture. Ayiarortwo of thorough
tillage, say with hoed crops, would boa rot
for tbbin, tilipr wbloh tl oy would bo again
ro-seedod. Mixed husbandry is reoitn
mondod as tho most reliable, ono year
with anothnr, slnco tbo markets aro
as cbangoablo as tbo wnatber, and by
having a variety of products, some will to
favorod by tho aoaion, and others by tho
market; bo that though sotno may prove
ftlliire", still a fair lucomo may bo derived
from tho crops as a whole . Ives, in Am.
A farmer of our acquiilnbinco koops sheep
but to my mind la unwise In bis management
of thorn. Wo bavontten known them to bo
placod and loft to remain tor weoks lu a pas
ture whero no living water could bo found,
aud obliged to dopettd ttpou tbo dow for
drlok nolo tbo consiquuuces, Tho Hboop
aro poor, pinall-bodied, and tbin-wooled.
Those that fjrmoly slioarad II vo jiounds of
wool now shoar two and tbroo. This docs
not look to mo llko nrogross in aurlciiliure.
There Is no unluial domostlo animal at
least whlob will drlnl: as often as hbcep.
1'louty orsalt, a largo range, and fresh water,
they must havo, to thrive. A barrel of salt
secured In tho pns'uro, ono bead removed,
so that Ibo animals rati bayo froo nccet-s in
tho tall, Is our plan: othoM of courso my
think ullferenlly. Wo aro safe at least lu
saylnr. that tho man who advooatos tho doc
trlno that sheop rtriulio no tnoUttiro save
that olittlnod from Ibo grass during tho
night or early mornltie, should not take
in on llniMdl tb responsibility of their c.ire.
Wo havo found luatia to bo tho boil of grain
for niiton. Tuey Inoreaso tbo weight and
Tho Kenluekv Live-Ktnek Iliennl having
nsserxd Ihiii wheneicr It whs Mated that a
pound of hitllor was mado from less t inn
seven pounds of milk, tboro was oltlior u
mlstskt or a (albehnod, Judge Hayo,ofC!ilu
ton, Iova, comes to tlio front with the aser
tton tint lie would not keep a Jersey cow on
his farci Unit, during tbo winter months,
would tot do Potior man that. Uo furdiir
siys th. six pounds of milk Irom bis cow,
llagar. il. It. I.'UM. lu winter, will maku a
pound o' bnttor.
Thn Mirmous aro hit lid In z it tit ignlfloont
iiiinpioivi the nuiiiult ora hlg'i moutaiti In
.Mautl, Utah, l-'ivo hundred sro at work on
It, and it will not bo complutod for four
y oars.
A roinrany has bpon formed tit Iowa Olty
for tho iiittiufacturo of ;ntallui, an Illumina
ting oil mado from poiatritH. It Is hrtid In
bo iion-aiploslvo, aud oluipor than kuro
sous. Throggtout thaontlro atato of Now York
scarlet loter In the womt form la prevalout.
HiiiidrruNofchlldron have illea In tbo last
six mntitiit In that region of tho favor and
Minaaoh tsotta has a law disfranchising all
vot-rs who receive public charity within
twelve months nreoi-iflng an eb-ctlon, and a
" iHbor retirtn ' party dctuanda mat It atiull
bo rupoaloit.
Oak Oiiuih. This is a lively little place,
two church orgaulr.ulons, a Muring euhool,
a debiting aooioty, with two or threo hun
dred iuluhltauia. On Sitttrday, tbo 30th of
March, wo will havo a public deluto at this
plapo; weexteuda free Invitation to nil (hat
may want tocotno out aud r-en tbo pet firm
etippi exercises to begin at 7Moek p. in. I
fear ths fsrint-rn will bo very lain uettlng
their crops lu this t-prlng, as It has Mined mi
much, mm a ureal many of them bavoti't
hoivuitany gtaiu yot.
An Oaic OiiuntiKii,
Hot.t. ok HuNDi; I'lio puollo nobool at
Hutinvlllo, closed :.rrnh 1A It. The follow,
lug 11 the Hull of Honor: Henry Dents. 07.
Jilllllo llinr, mi: l(.rctte IMue. 01: Usui.
Johnson, IM; Adnlphus (Jallantl, tl.'.- !t.llo
lsdetiirtu. pj; Frank llitcheller. 0J; (mm.
Vaugbmi.UI; AmluoHe Vatiitlinii, llj Suu'l
uAimoii, in; Mii-ir impiianan, 00; jniut
Maihleu.lS); Ida faner.M); Anna Hug. US;
('lark Slovens, 87; Uba. Conn, H7; K 111 h
Cone, ft), A careliil rtcord Is kept "f tho
dally rt citation of raoh pupil. Tin. name of
lliOHowho Kt-alutd W per t-ont. aro placed
upon tint roll of honor. Prlr.ea wpra
amarded lo Henry Hants, Anna Hour, unit
Fred Upor. (Jko.F. Mkaciiam, Teachor.
In rofiirrlnp; to tint injurlotpj ou"ect of
loeiiuii; too tiiticli liruii, mi lurtt.s rt'nnls
Iheyloltl of huttor, corrospoudont tf
' 'i',K'.vylirHUT8,iys: ' ltimliitn it
,.!,,, , i0, m.,-.!. 1 .1... 1.1 , in .. 1
" k laSt,.Al lrth l ,Nl V ,,1,S 'Hurrttotl,
wl"!? WUiwl upon III lloston to oxnmllic
pwiiiu nuiiiT iriitii 0110 tii uiu niiu.si tint
rio.s in tho State, ttittl which was trmih
ItiirT the tli'iilcr who sold it. Ilostiid it
was ni';ntlvoy p)otl; nothintr could ho
said against it, yot mighty littlo ootiltl
he .said in its favor. Jt .sot'incd to lack
that lliu, nutty ILtvor ho necessary to
frcsli hotter that command.-) over forty
cunts per pound. 1 said nt once upon
tastinjr it, 'Too much shorts and not
enotiKh corn-mea!.' Ho answered:
'Just what 1 thought, hut didn't dare
nay ho until it wis confirmed.' In less
than ton days (ho butler from that dai
ry was rmprovud."
It Appears that eggs exposed to mold
are readily neneirated through tho
shell ami Iho hue membrane which lines
it hy muccdineii', but while thoso low
orpimsms inireaso greatly lnsldo the
shell-momt tune, they cannot pierce tho
yolk-meial mno. Tho white of theogg
isaciilifled bythtfllamootoiusuboUnco
of the meld.
Tlio Now Cathedral,
In spoaklng of tho Cathodral to bo built
In Portland, tho Catholic Sentinel says: Tbo
dimensions of tho new struoturo will ba 150
foot in length by 05 fdot In width, Tbo
building will bo erected of pressed brick,
with btono facings, corners, window sills
and projections. It will contalu n basemont
underneath, ton feet bili lu tbo clear, tbo
floor of which will bo even with tho side
walk, l-'ioin tho base to tbo summit of tho
roofof tbo main building tho height will be
51 foot; tboro will nl'o bo n towecand frplro
oxtondltigVliofeet. In slzo :bo building will
bo Bomswlmt larger than St. Mary'a Catho
dral, Stn Francisco. It In contemplated to
cominouoa oparationa by tho first of June,
I mid it It hopod that tho main building will
bu roofod In so as to bo used for illvlno ter
vlco by December uext, and entirely com
pleted within n yior. During tho erection
of tho new oitbodr.tl tnsss will be celebrated
In tho rcbnol room adhcent, which will bo
coniddbrsbly enlarged by thondditiou tboro
lo of iho sanctuary portion of tho pn-sont
Shot nimsolf-Artn Amputated.
On Monday of last week a vory syrloua and
pilnful accident befell Hobert, tho oldostbon
of T. I). Williams, ono of out county com
missioners. It sooms that the lad was out
hunting with a shot gun, nndi In climbing
over a foncetho ploco was dlschargod, lodg
ing tho contonts In tho) right nrm, shattorlng
and tearing II frightfully. IJn wont to Iho
hotiso unassisted whon Drs. I.eo and 'Smith
woro sent for. When tbo doc torn arrfvod It
was found nncossary to amputate tbo arm in
order bbvo tho young man's llfn. Though
tho shock was droadful and painful, wo learn
that ho la doing os well ascould be expected.
Thn doctors who pet formed tho operation aro
nmoiy Hpoxen 01 lor 1110 skiii Cllnpiayuu.
Dallas Itemlzor.
TUo Now Wator Worlta.
Mr. J. M. Coultor, of Hist Portland, is at
prosont ongagoJ In putting up 1 tank on top
of the tower at tho Agricultural Works build
ing. Tho tank is largo onotigb to hold l.'i.CKlO
gallons and Is to bo used to supply Mr. Urls
wold's water pipes. It will require tsxeral
days' tluio to comploto tho work.
Plants aloep at night, as Is woll-known,
but their slopping hours aro a mattor of hab
it and can easily bo disturbed. A French
chemist rtcently expostd nptsiisltlvn plant to
a bright li.tbt at night and plao-td P In a dark
room (luring Ibo day. Tho plant at first ap
peared much puzzled Unpolled imd closed
Us Ipsvpm trregnlarlv. In splto of ihnnrtlfioUl
sun bodulntt upon I' iitulght,mid Ittthodsy
tlmo It Miiiteiliiifisiiwnkn. Iillns'ly submit
led to the I'tiange, unloliiing Itnelf "reguluriy
ut night mid o'i'stiiir In the morning.
Bound for Walla tV.illa.
A psw-naor catno In nn the l-'.blnr, air(li'i
AhKirUti.tlif. uiih nnfird'shiiiil L'OO lmiulirrsn-h
on that kioin-r), mid It la feel ocarcojy touch
pit tM-itofk untd ii anv ou to a olllxen:
"How far la It to Wullii Widln? Wo all uro
gidng Ibi re."
New Co-pnrtncrahlp. .
Hon. Il.'ti. F. Hardin,;. ox-United States Sun
ator, who has for a number of yi-Arj piwt been
rcaiiltng near I-ViirlloM upon his f.inii, has re
moved to this city and cntorol into partnership
with. I. A. Stratton, in tlio law btidincM. Ho
li well voraod in tlio coimiiim and ataluto law,
and has but fow, if nay, equals in tho State.
(Uses cntrtistsil to tlio new llrm will bo won, if
lliuro i.s any oli.imo whatever of wiuuini; them.
Sobool Building.
Tux-payers and voters in this School District
will iinticu Ihnt tho School Clerk to-day pub
Iwlie .1 notioo for tlio levying of a tix for a now
si'liool building. As the Annual mooting is near
nt hand all jartie.i interested, will do well to
deeido what is to ho done in tho promises.
Sam. W. MacDowoll, M. I)., annnuncos him
polf for fliivt-ruorthroiigh tho Albany Democrat.
If ho'd winonucn himsolf as a oamhilato for tlio
luiiatio nsylitm he'd poll a unanimous veto.
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln i.t living a secluded
iifo in an interior town in l-'rnnep, and lifelines
to return to Ameriai lest she may again bo
placed iu tin inr.iuc asyliuu.
lteslk biy, whoto th Ilrltlsli Mediter
ranean lleet lias mo long boon malloned, Is oil"
tint west cvist of tho plains of onolout Troy,
111 amu minor.
lu Llomoriam.
Miss Jano Mulky died at the rnlilonon of
i-.iy.in tiiugoiif., upar I'ltiiomatn, l-etiritary
'S, I8TS, Mltor a tirlof but painful HIiims, aged
15 yosrs and 17 days.
During childhood sbo oarly dUplayed that
amlalilllly of dixpoidllun wbiplt o icuarly
marked nor character In lif-. Ever kind
hearted, lender, and obliging, Iter assoolotca
will I'herlab tho pxsmplo shn mado In the
kind treatment of all whom ahe catno In con
tact; evpit her Inferiors wero made to fcp.1
her gentleness; an 111 spoken word, or stud
led naglpctof any isjrsott In her presence,
Invarlibly Pidlstisl beravmpathy. She wa
charitable and ever ready to help tbo sick
and needy would oven i.ravn oontaeion lor
an opportunity 10 ni,sUt tho sIM; aud help
less. Socially shn wn rPO-i!nl.d us superi
or, mid replayed the consideration duo true
merit. Tho" who know bor bast woro
btund to her by strong Ilia of lovn and
ffltmUlilp which dtiilh ba no iiowor to
ever. Ili-r place n-n never be llllpd In tbo
fstnlly circle, now lelt va-mtit by her death.
In In Indeed dlllloult to reslt.s that Jano Is
none. Thu w IioIm communltv deeply mourn
her loss; yot wo hllavt she has gone lo rest,
and ta to nay Mr hitler off than thrso left
behind. She was too good for this blniul
world, and God has called bee home Wo
cannot. pesk words of consolation to (be bo
rpaved I'milly. but iho (ltd or heaven sust
ain them In tbo dark hour of ill lotion aud
buroivc nient, and may tbev meet Janoagaltt
wlmro tl troubles or lira a'ro past. Seldom,
If ever, did no witness a more solrmn ami
lmpro-lve scene than when Ju p IIMrt-s
i'ii in lay In tbo cntlln, to bo soen by her re'r.
tlves and filemU for tho but time. First
mine Hie older persons; Indeed, drpprorrow
wss written upon every countenance, and
rspoelally of her brothor and Uttr, who
sts-msd overwbelmisl with itrlrf that Ian.
itnAgocsnnot express. Then came thn bto
thers nnd filstnrs of F. II. snd O. with whom
rba bail associated In our Lodue. wlm invH
only n true manibprs or our nnbla Order
can tore itara pariy as morning dew fell
thick ami fist. It as a noble tribute to tbo
Ohio dCMtd. and. attlld auonlslnL- nrl .loan.
drawn sighs, the coffin ttis clnaed, and tho
iiiviiiiviwiiw juo wa iaia in ine
cold nnd silent ground, where '
Rotting sun siiou a uoou or g(
lovely grave.
Jamos A. Llggotl, eon of EUJaV
Liggett, died near Philomath, H-'
ty, on (ho 28th or February, (
years, 11 months, and 25 days. 1'
Whereas, In tho natural courst
death has taken from our fratorn!n- of
beloved brothor and slstor, Jano ni-'
to tuo groat fratornlty auovo, wijergj
prosoncoof tbo Supremo Mastor, tlioA Q
ourcomlng;and, who teas, we, tho 111011101
or (bis body ft of dieply Iho loss wo havo
sustained iu tho removal of our brothor and
sister, therefore,
ltesolvod, That our ball bo drnpod iu
mourning, tint! that tho members wear the
usual badge of mourning for thirty dtyH.
ltesolvod, That wo tondor our hearlfolt
sympathy to Ibo bereaved family of Ibo de
Rdasod In tholr lneparabo los, ot.d would
ncrmmond thorn to look for further conec
lutiou ton klud and heavenly Father, who,
In His Inflnlto wisdom, directs that this soro
bereavement shall ba tho means of bringing
tbnut In clobor communion with him.
Heard ved, Tbatthesa resolutions bo sproad
upon tho mlnu'cs or this Lodge, and n copy
bo sent to tho family of tho deceased, nnd 11
copy bo turnlsbod lor publication.
Signed by A. IJ. Newton, P.W.O.T.; 0. 11.
Mays. L.D.; and Charles Honnett, Com.
Philomath Lodge. No. 203, LO.O.T., Maroh
Oh, 1878.
In Stonolmm, Mass., Maroh 1st, 1878, Mrs.
EMZAnrrrii Stkwaiit, aod sovontysovou.
Tho decoasbd wa grandmothor, on tho mo
ther's sldo, of Key. P. S. Knight, of thla
Llfo's fitful fever-dream Is o'or at last,
Mother of my mother, tby tolls are o'er;
Tbo caros and pains of four-scoro years aro
Tho placo that know theo knowoth tbco uo
Tbo coffined body, in tbo gravo's ombraco,
Feels now no tnoro the progress of decay;
Tha spirit, risen lo Its natlvo ploco,
Forgets lis lato Imprisonment with clay:
Forgots, nnd yot romombsrs, It may bp,
fn that new llfonf uevor-ondlng bliss,
Tho soul, from sin's enfolding cloud t-ot free,
Still holds Bomo cherished memories of this.
Sadly, yot gladly, now that thou art free,
From pain and sorrow fren, torovcrmoio,
Children and children's chlldtcti think of
From tho Atlantic to Pacific's shoro.
Tho cold Atlantic, sounding night and day,
.niiKi miiK reiiiieiu uesmii my grave;
Tbo wurtii Paclllu seiids this dash of spray
To mlnglo w Ith tho chorus o thu wave.
Child of thy child, tbroo tbcutaud miles
11 way,
Sad, and yet glad, I hoar tho funerAl bell.
Out of tho ttUbt Into thn fadeless day,
Mothet of my mother, ball, mid farewell!
Sam:m, Oiikuo.v. p. s. K.
mmmmmm ipwnisnifs w sp ii '
How it is Done-
Tb" llrst obj-ct lit llfo with tho American
pattplo h tn got rich"; thn second, how to
reuuln kood ht-alib. 'I ho Hist ean bo obtain
ed by energy, honei-lyanil -nvlug; Iiiospo
find, fgoint lijaltl) bv ipdni! (Jiii:i:n'h Attn.
UTFi.ownit. Should you bn deepnndout
"Ulbirer fr.tt.i nnyof thuf llects or Djspopulu,
Liver Complaint, Iiidliresdmi, ,t 1 , such us
Sick liiMtlwjue. l'dlplisiliin U tlio Heart,
SourStomaoii, Habitual CVstiwnni", Dlxal
ness or Iho Held, Nervous Prostration, Law"
Spirits, A'o., von need not snllor itnothorday.
Twodosen of Auoust Fi.owKii will rollovo
youatonoa. Sample Dot'.les, 10 cents. Ueg
ttlar slzo 75 conts. Positively sold by nil
tlrst class Druggists In tho U. S.
Tho Best Farmer's Pump.
Having mado a thorough trial or two dlf.
fornut pumps, that have been prominently
beroro tbo pnbllo of Oregon, for notno tlmo
past, I glvo my exper uiich as lollows: Mr.
A. PrcHuott put In ono of Ills wood pumps,
in a well -III ft. deep, on a h lllaldo near Salem,
which has now been lu operation ono year
ami a lnlf, nnd lias oporated perfectly all
that time, navor gelling or.', or order In sum
titer or winter mid working with case at all
timos, not riqulrliiKinorii than two strokes
to bring wator after being unused fjr weeks
at 11 time. Also Mr. M Iddatigh put In ono of
bis rubber-bucket PiidUss-ckaln pumps, nail
ed the" mopio" pump, into my wuli 10 It.
doop, at my roodein:o lu Salem, which fu.
al to do work, required thirteen turns to
tlraw water when low, and proved hi entire
ly unsatisfactory that I have had It taken out
and replaced with Mr. Prei-ontfM wood
pump, which I Imllevo to bo tbo best pump
In tint fur all work, In both deep or t-hillow
wolls, Ho has made them pumps for four
years past, aud Hold llfloon hundred In this
valloy. h. A.lr.AiticK,
mulSnil F.. Willamette Farmer.
IS3r,tts Xjlfo Z3nlettxx.
As a conqueror of lthouma'ism, Onut. Neu
ralgia, and euro Inr.'-croiubi ami all dlseaset
arising from Impurity of blood, thn old and
reliable Family Medloltin, IJyuU'tl.ifa Hal
sum, stands unoqualed, us proyt.11 iy over
iWO.000 ureal cure,, during the past 30 years.
Is a radical vegeiabln C-uiiound olSarsapa
rillu, Dock. Guulacum, Ao , and a psunationt
cure, bold by till druggists aud country
urocert. lako nothing else, and If they
haven't it wo send by oxprots, btued, everv-
ti'tSiT.'.'iV'i1 Rud?l!W Tfr lMittle;$00aifd
$d 60 half ' (biz. Hyatt a II xxtt, litU Urand
Will stand the ensuing
season, at or near Salefi.
The pedigree of this horse
is so well known as to need
no further description.
TEItMS.S2o The Season.
Good pasture can be had
at reasonable rates.
JU'oh i, 1878. SALEM.