Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 05, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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i null UJ.ULJtJ
" j
vf rom tte Dally Ke r I.
f .(ring weather, for tho last few days,
itulicatioti8 of having commcnccil in car-
"T Jture's drying process, and our husband.
aMiUns and tho adjoining counties appear
ukrtnincil not to tempt lYovtdcuco by one
hour's delay in commencing to plough. From
all sections wo learn that an immense increase
of acreage over tho quantity planted last sea-
Mill, will lx) placed under cultivation dnriinrflm
coming harvest year, and if our lmuntiful and
genial rains aro only followed by moderately
fair weather, Oregon's reputation as a grain.
grow ing country will take another forwanT stop I . '" , - lu " llwy W0Mlrt St,CK
in its already sure and steady inarch in the I t08ct,lcr '' ul command their own price,
ranks of the breadstuff producers of tlm world. Mr. Joseph Hume was called upon and advit
It would, however, bo well for us not to be too ed tho men to get as good a price a they could j
Biniruiuc rccardini' the values or m.irkrt mi., I. ,.., ... . . '
that may So obtained. Our sister Statu will
bo a heavy competitor with us both as regards
grain and freights, while in almost all kinds of
produce, including the Oregon specialty, jtota.
toes, thoCalifornia crops will probably be nearly
if not quite doublo er acrcago planted, of that
marketed of tho old crop. The new crop is
just about ready for tho San Francisco market,
and rates for Oregon shipments have already
rapidly declined within the last fortnight.
Tho samo words of warning will apply to a
greater or less extent when alluding to apples
uud fruit generally, and there is a reasonable
possibility, if not probability, that thero will be
much loss, if not absolute waste, as in former
yearn, unless our farmers wake up and use every
effort to utilizo any means or contrivance which
is or may bo placed within their reach for tho
preservation of the joint product of their noil
and labor. In speaking yesterday on this sub
ject to one of our largest and most intelligent
fanners residing in this county, he fully eu
dorsed our views, but remarked that up to the
present time no machine or contrivance had
been placed before the public, the tlrst cost of
which, and tho exorbitant expense of working,
had not put them all out of the reach of tho
averago farmer or fruit grower.
The same gentleman remarked that he and
some of his friends had already sunk directly
or indirectly 81 1,000 on one machine which is
now idle, being a dead weight on their hands
without any hopo of seeing even a small pro
portion of their original Investment return. He
added that the Improved California Fruit Dry
ing machine, which ho had thoroughly exam
ined, was tho only one ho had ever seen which
could find space on his premises. He said that
iU simplicity of construction, the common sense
evinced liy tho inventor in its system of steam
drying, its cheapness in original cost and the
compactness of its build viwl ensure its event
ual success for the purposes for which it is
Oono to tho Hunting around.
Indian Charley who resides near Amity, by
some means obtained a bottle of whisky last
Sunday, got gloriously drunk, and tho
next morning his almost lifeless body was found
in the stream, where he had attempted to cross
the bridge and fell olf into the water, and was
too drunk to get out again. He was removed
"rem tho water but died in a short time after.
Tho eoroncr's jury rendered a verdict in accord
ance with the above. 1 lie mnu whom it is
supposed sold the liooiir to the Indian has been
arrested. One Indian less for the government
to clothe mul teed
A Novel Contrlranco.
An Illinois genius has invented a novel ion
irivmico to proveni norses running away. Jie
places n powerful electric battery under the
tiugcy seat, with a connecting wiio therefrom
to the hi rse's bit and another to the crupper.
If thu horse wants to run away tho diiver turns
on the electricity, which goia to the crupper,
travtrtcH the spinal column to thu head, and
instantly paralyzes the horse, bringing him to a
dead halt.
Mr. K. M. Wailo hnH been awaided tho eon
tract for printinu proceedings of tho (5 rami
Iodgo I. 0. 0. P., session of May, 1878, he be
ing tho lowest responsible bidder.
CStrOld. JMLcxmi.
Turbine Water Wheel,
At tlic Oregon Ntttto l'n I r, 1877,
willil,. well to writ f.r dfscrlptlvo circular
ami price lift, to
MODKI. A: IMItKltlt.
I iaVS lUClSrCCMMUC I i-iii pwum mi' rii-.
. ....- III..I M l .. Ct.l. 1
incliwinniiiornuiorirvuu, iuum, luwiutniuj
I m lice innt ivu. iiriBnscp, &-, vi-.j
-it rm nirftw ami fUlttM for rapid exrcuUou oil
KINK riUNTiau. Kumaict lurouncu.
DtAim fMnOr aivI IlockblnJer.
3rt)' ljcb,fctitettrctftt Witlyiut Oregon
Trees, Plants,
Fruit and Ornamen
tal Trees, Shrub
bery, Roses and
Acdrass II. HlKsOII,
Kilt Portland. O.-.
Jan.l,l73. f-
(From tho Sfnndnnt 1
From our correspondent in Astoria wo learn
mat a meeting was held at that ulaco on Wed
ncsday evening last for tho purpose of fixing
a price on salmon for the coming season. Mr.
0. V. Carter was elected President.
Mr. Charles Young was called upon to ox
press liitfTsentlmcnts which he did by ndvoc.it
ing that tho fishermen should lay aside all
thoughts of tho proprieterj of canneries and fix a
'Tr, mC " cot"'a ,Uo . ",orc work U,a" "
" i " iuuuj;iit mas u mere wcro oniy .iuu
iisiiuriiien, cannicrti couiu get all mo salmon
they wanted and it would cost them no more.
Men used to clear from $,"00 to $1,000 in a sea
son when fish was only 'JO cents, but they did
not do it now. There were too many men at
the business who were not really fishermen,
which had a good deal to do in spoiling it. He
thought that if every man owned his own boat
and net, and the canneries laid up 33J per cent,
of their boat8,cach would'bc independent of the
other, and make more money in the long run.
Oct a committee tp wait on the canneries and
get them to lay up one-third of their Itoats, you
will then have tight with you a good thing to
It was agreed by the meeting that they vote
for a price to be asked during tho season, the
majority to rule. Tho votes were cast and re
suited in 107, being the total number, which
Btood as follows: For M) cents each, 10; for 00
cach.M: for 75 cents each, 124. Tho prieo per
tlsh for tho coming Bcason will in consequence
bo 7fi cents for each salmon caught for canneries
or market, according to this conclusion, but tho
proprietors of canneries refused to pay more
than CO cents apiece. How the matter will end
or what concessions made, remains to be seen.
Wiixamcttk Foiikh, April 20, 1878.
The Willamette Amateurs mado their first
appearance last week at the Orange hall and
wcro greeted by a large and appreciative audi
ence. Tho performers took great jiaius to make
their entertainment a success, 'and judging by
tho repeated applause their efforts were highly
Tho names of tho principle performers arc as
follows) Mr. Amos Wilkins, m a clownish
character, created much amusement. "How
to cure a husband," was a well dou'sed plan of
Miss Addio llradley's own invention. Tho
leaders in vocal music wcro Miss Tuttlo and
Miss Hilda Wilkins, Mr. Wesley Wheeler ai.d
Mr, J. Wilkins. Comic songs, "Courting in
tho rain," by Miss Lena Holt, nnd"(lrand
fodder S.un," by Mr. Amos Wilkins, weio
quite good. Miss Htta Wilkius and Mr. Heft
Willoughby also took active parts in the plays.
Farmers hero aro getting a little impatient
at the rains; last week was tolerably fair and
some sowed a fyw acres, but to-day is gloomy
enough. There it a small increase in acrcago
under cultivation and faruiurj uio mostly done
their Spring plowing.
Tho lumber for thu bridge over the McKcnzio
at HpoioT ferry is nearly all sawed, and the
lot's for the long timbers aro about ready to
Politics is creating its usual amount of sjiccit
latum and tho candidate wisheth for an iron
clad character and the voter for brass buttuu
holes. It is generally understood that Horace
Knox will be thu ucpublicau caudidatu for
Prosecuting Attorney for this district.
Tho Iiidccudc!it party has taken up tho
Greenback issue for a platform and will prob
ably not hold any primary conventions hut
after tho other two parties havo nominated,
will cudorso such as they liko from each party.
Yours, etc., M.
Tho idea prevails generally that the people of
Texas aro slow-going, but this is a mistaken
notion. Out of tho seveu huudrod five and a
half miles of railroad built last year in the
United States, Texas owns over one-third. She
has now iroro roads in process of construction
than all tho rest of tho United States. Slio has
also donated more of her lands for the support
of schools and colleges than any other State.
She has territory enough for four largo States,
ami her soil will produce w ell anything that is
sowed or planted.
Tho Burton Case.
And It tamo to pass that on tho olovcnlh
hour, Itov. Oeorgo Jturton, formerly princi
pal of tho Jllsliop fc'cott Grammar School,
mado full confession of Ills guilt In tho lato
allilrattho school, llfforo a dlvlnooiiKiin
day last be acknowledged tho wholo bind
nosH and xaid he waH In fiet, tho father of
Mm. Anderson's bouncing boy. That hucu
a thing could bo possible wo novor dreamed.
After ho stood hatless for nearly an hour ouo
ovonlng aud beneath Ood'a starry canopy as
serted his Innocence over and over, aud a
sured uu that It wan a deep plot to blackmail
him, wo could not think him guilty. Ah ho
said at tho time "no wan ruined" wo verily
believe, at loait ax a minister, In teaching tho
word of Him whoae nanm ho called upon to
bear lihn wltnosi as to bis Innocence. Had
ho not protottrd to his Innocence, wo could
havo thought belter of lilin.Liiit as It ban tran
spired wi feel Had that tho llmo he dlsmlxff J
his school he did not proclaim to tho poople
hit real position in the atftlr. Yestorday ho
made blight reparation by doedlng to Mr.
Anderson two lotu in the city valued at $1 000
and khvo her $7&0 In coin for hersult and
child to live on. Mo goes tho world. Stand
ard, A Vcnorablo Cloe.
Dr. Ilanjjmln Franklin, while Minister In
France, bought a cloak, wbish is now being
exhibited In Detroit, In tbeexcilomont oflhe
tiro which destroyed Detroit In 1603 the olock
was thrown Into the river, bnt soma adven-
urous boya tit bed It out, and it did servlcfl for
many yearx at the Indian agenoiei at Fori
Uibnn andtbeSiult, at which la'lor place
lis iretcw. owner lounu n. i
From tho Dally Iteoord.
Among the many subjects which will bo pre
sented for the action of tho next Oregon Legis
lature, will be a proposition to make it a penal
offence for lawyers to engage in the practice
which has been denominated "shystcring." A
paper has been put in circulation by land own
ers, to the effect that all who subscribe their
names to it pledge themselves never to counte
nance or employ any lawyer who has been en
gaged in the dishonorable practice. Upon tin's
the Portland Trhyram makes tho sensible sug
gestion that, " While tho object had in view
by the ir.imers of this pledge was the protec
tion of unsuspecting parties from the imposition
of unprincipled shysters, we must give it as our
judgmcut that it is not entirely the proper thiug
to do under the circumstancrs, from tho fact
a pledge is not comprehensive enough in its
character to fully protect all classes. Tho cor
rect course to take iu regard to the shystcring
business would bo to circulate a petition pray
ing the next Legislature of Oregon to framo a
law which shall make tho business referred to a
crime. This petition, If numerously signed,
would undoubtedly bo tho means of securing
tho cud designed. It will require, howover, a
very strong expression from the voters of the
State iu order to accomplish the desired legis
lation. Shysters exist iu such alarming num
bers throughout the State that any ordinary
movement of this nature could by them bo easily
defeated. This subject has been freely agitated
before, but owiug to certain unavoidable cir
cumstances, has never been equitably settled.
Honorable lawyers and citizens generally will
rejoice that the matter is again receiving the
attention of the people, and if the proper effort
is put forth by voters it will no doubt meet
with tho just consideration of the next Legisla
ture, where tho matter must of necessity be
finally settled." What tho TViynim says on
this subject is marked by propriety and good
sense. Let tho gentlemen liaving tho paper
alluded to in possession, give it the 'form of a
etition to the Legislature, and let a law bo
enacted making the practices complsiucd of a
crime. Such offences then will bcciimo a mat
ter Itctween the State aud offendingattorneys,
and land owners will thereby be spired a vast
amount of trouble and vexation. f
We are in possession of a secret which wo
will divulgu to the ladies of Salltn that will
savo them much laUir and give to nil who will
try it garments white as snow, (in Germany
aud IWlgium tho following mixtjro is exten
sively used for washing t Two pounds of soap
dissolved in about five gallons of water as hot
aB the hand can bear it, then adii three table
spoonfuls of ammonia aud one 'KMinfiil oil of
turpentine. Theso iluids aro incorporated by
stirring briskly with a birch broom. The lir.en
is then soaked for three hours, caie being taken
to cover tho woshtub with a closely fitting
wooden cover, lty this means tljo linen is thor
oughly cleansed, saving much ' rubbing, timu
and fuel. Wo shall feel happy If tho ladica of
Salem will try this. It will do ill that wo here
claim it will do. .
We consider it a duty every individual owes
to suffering humanity to make kuowu whatever
they may learn that w ill alleviate tho torments
of toothache. With this view we give place to
tho following: At a meeting of thu Medical
Society of Sydney, Dr. lilako, a distinguished
practitioner, said that ho was able to cure tho
most desperate cases of toothache, unless tho
direase was connected with rheumatism, by the
application of the following remedy : Alum,
reduced to an impalpable powder, two drachms;
mix and apply to tho tooth. In tho exceptional
eases to which tho worthy doctor alludes, gal
vanism will remove it. The galvanic battery
carefully applied, will cure thu most obstinate
cases of rheumatism.
Thu physicians of I'rovidcnce, llhode Islaud,
are quarrelling over the death of a child who
hal diphtheria, and who, it seems, died from
being choked to death by a piece of sponge
that Wamo detached while a physic-inn was
cleansing its throat. A Jury was cmpanclid by
the Coroner, and their verdict was substantially
iu these words i "The child ctme to its death
by a misfortune." Thu physician should havo
treated this jury to all the champagne they
could hau drank, and tho wine should hao
had upon them tho effect of strychnine.
At tho Clerk's ODlco.
Through tho jtolitcncs of Mr. George A.
IMc8, County Clerk, wu learn that the business
transacted fur tho mouth of March has lwcu :
Number of deeds recorded, 70 ; mortgages, 33 j
marriage licenses, 10. Mr. Ivies has made the
county of Marion a model Clerk. Ho is always
up with his business, knows where to put his
hand on any paper, and is jtolito aud accommo
dating to all who have business iu his oflice.
Polloo Court for tho Month.
The l'olice lmsiucs for the mouth of March
has been exceedingly light, which speaks well
for the morals of our city aud vicinity. Thu
whole uumlier of nrrttU are -only 7, aud aro
classed as follow s : Disorderly conduct, 3; lar
ceny 2; peddling without license, 2. Juat
think of it, only seven arrests in u month at
thu Capital of Oregon)
The Boll Started.
At length tho IlLsherlos along tho Columbia
aro springing into life. A few days bIiico
Mr. Hume started the ball rolling by catch
ing and canning 100 fish. This Is a nlgnal
for active operations, and horeaftor the dell
cato talmon will rapidly be transferred from
their native element to Iayeled cans.
Importer) oi
Garden City Sulky Gang and Walking
3 a O "W5 m
Ha-rro-TOrs, e,xL Cultivators,
Superior to nnj thine In thin Stntct
Monitor Force-feed Seeders and Cultivators Combined,
Hctolijs .cixxcaL
Send for Circulars, which
addrosa. rdolltfj
Kola, April I, 1878.
During March 1878, there were 10 daya on
which rain fell, with an aggregate of G.MMnchc
of water; 1 clear and 14 cloudy days other than
those on which rain fell.
Mean temperature fil.a.'l. Highest daily
mean temperature, fill' on the i!3d. I,owcst
daily mean temperature, 311 on tho "th.
Highest tliennomcter, "0 at 2 o'clock p. M.,
on the 21st. Iwest thermometer, XV at 7 A.
M., on the 8th.
I'roslfl occurred on tho 8th.
Thunder ami lightning on the 17th and 23d.
Trevailing winds wcro from tho North 13
days, Southwest II days, South 8 days.
Uuring March, 1877, there were 18 days on
which ram fell and an aggregate of 10.0(1 inches
of water; .1 clear and 10 cloudy days.
Mean tcunwiaiuic tor the 'inoutli
II idlest daily mean temiieraturo, ft?
on the
1th and 20th
lowest daily mean temperature -10' on the
3d, 18th and l'Jtli. 'P. 1'iaiiCK.
Uouso Burnod.
Nat. Heard's new house, at Ilrownsvillo, was
hurtled last Friday night, aud as Mr. Hoard and
family were east of the mountains aud uoliody
was living iu the liont-e, uveiything iu it was
lost. Thu house was new and had ln.cn well
furnished, etc., all thu clothing belonging to
the family, except what they had with them,
was hunted. Of course it was the work of an
iuccndi'iry, and the great ipirstiou at Drowns.
villo now H, who of their eitireus is so Mack
hearted as to commit such a dastardly deed,
Vnltinblo Xlorso Lost.
Most all of our readers havo noticed that old
black horse that Mr. .1. I l'arrish has driven
iu ami out of this city for a number of years.
Well, Mr. l'arrish has driven him for the last
time Ho was turned looio in thu pasture with
a halter or rope around his neak, which he by
souio mcatm got his hind foot fast iu, and when
found aud cut loose hu very quietly closed his
eyes, aud the hl.xck horse's career on earth was
Now Lodco,
L, C, Fisher, State Deputy, organised a
Lodgoof I.O. (J. T, near llrooks Station In
till i county, un tbo.'IOlh ult, with twenty nIx
members. .ablsh I.odno, No. Hi:), assisted
In tho work. A. J. MoCanu Is W. O. T ;
Jonnlo Jonos, W. V.T.: H. T. Northrult, V.
H.; H. W. Hcott, V. V. O. T. j D. II. l.sfollell
Lodge Doputy.
All othor Shoop Disoason.
Wo tameMly reiommwiil all Wu I Oruwcrs
n, ult. fllltlSTV X, WInK,
W7 Krota ttrvvt. tun l'ru'icwro
UANIlKACTtMtr.il l
CO .
Imnortirs of IJruirH ami Chi'iulruls. Acci
Manaeeraol thu(lIJcn Illy ( lii'iulral Work,
flee, j in MbniBuincry niriii, ean rraiJiiMo
AkoiiIi for Oregon, HOUfilC, DAVIS A CO.,
PUU'IMNI). iiihwml
The GelctratGll Draft stallion"
Will make thu pre aunt tiatun na folloMt:
AT BH.VKHTON-Moi.ilsy, Tucudsys, slid Wcl
nt'adaya. AT JIY KAHM, on Ihu upper mil cf llourll I'rslrlo,
iiiiu mild Mratcf .1 I. KoirV on thu road tuHa
lem Tlmrntays. Kr.daya, ami HlarJu)B.
TEltMS-Lcap, (10 Hcaaon, J'JO lninraiici),(:iO
This hor'o was boucht by mo In Calif irnls Mat
Jinuary, wliureliu won uko'iJ npulatloii a a rur.
ctrrful Hulfctlcr sa Ihu rulltwiui; usuiid K'-'ill'-n:iii
wlllUitlfr, to Hbom I nftr
Win. Illll' Soiicnn Co, llmk; Harry Mi'acham, 'ar
rrcr; John McNtsr. Miller; .. Diniisri. laruii'i; Jo'.
WiMidcn, Importer or Mmnan horfea, It, llrjaii. liv
eryraan, , Micrry; O. fcU Hull; Itohrrt Crane, falineri
Tunmaa Hopper farmer and capllallrt; J. Uo.isyr,
frrini-r: J 11 liutnxf, farmer; J. M. llullea, ftrruer;
l( A. I'atDn. arrucr-all of ttjooma county. Csilfur
til, I'cUlnmar.U.
IksrrlptloD and rcdlRree.
LOU1H NAI'OI.EON I a beanllful dapplu tiny, 10
hauia blub, and wtliihi UCO Ira. lis tin alnd by
Ihu Imported Norman l-onu Louis Napoltor, aril Lla
dam b Itoyal Mainpaon luipnrttd by l.'ol Oaihy. of
Tazewell county, IU.; bis giaod dam Has a hunch
Canadian inaro.
Come and see the lorsl befjie raVlnir rthfr ar
raneuiriiw. 'J', . . LUUOMlbON.
UircbJi, U7m3
Implements &
will bo forwarded freo to anv
Jno! Gilbert
MonN Hip Gum BootB, $4,00
ft Knee " 3.50
Ladies' Arotics, 1.26
Missoo " i.oo
JLadloa CrlUll Shoes, ,50
MiBBes' " " .40
ElnBtoin Bros.'
No. 1 Kip Boot, 4.60
" " No. 2 " 4.00
Buckinsham &. Hooht's
No. 1 Kip Boot, 4.50
" No. 2 " " 4.00
" Montana " Boot, 4,00
"Ranoh" " 3.50
I oall attontiou to Goods
of my own manufacture,
whioh, for STYLE, and
general GOOD qualities,
surpass ANYTHING in
tho Stato.
Hoforeo'o Salo of Land.
BY il'lncur ilerrws of tto Circuit Court of the
Htittnot Ori'un lurlliit county nf Msrlnn, nrndc
Orioliern lh"J, ami IVIirtmry H, 1H7, I wllUrllat
pul.llo suction lo Dip lilulnd bl.l.lcr, im Nuliinluy,
April (1, IH7H, nt Ihu hour iifonu o'clock p. in.
of mlil dny, ami ai thu coMit'hnuro iliNir In Hi Inn. In
rnlil iiiinty, tliu follow ln ilcarrlhril trsct of laud,
Uln Ihu proii'rty of A. O, Jsrnha. n.iw dtcrttve:
Coiniiifiicin);al Ihu N. K. rorinT of lha H, K. or. of
rtte. I, In T, H H . It t W.. In Marlon county. Orrjion,
rilillilliu tnrnrn K MMSIrlislns, IIii-ikuH. 4U (HI cli ,
llivrru W. MJOucliai, llunrch. 10 10 h., IIimickW.
IDUlch., thriicuN. 1 Mil lbs.. Ihcnre W. SMU flia..
IbvncoN, SHJlclin., tliwm K. fiO.lsl ch. lo pliri' of
bcnliinlrK, i-oniilnlnw -I'J'i arrvs, more or Ivan, ami
ri'arrvliiuiiuttif Ihuaniiiua tract nfahont flvu arrt-a
rallul i.'iu H. mill pre I'rrly. allualu niT. H,, ami
llinei l W mul I I;,, Iu .Mtrlmi rf.unly. Onxon.
TKIDIH-OiiM imIii, oim half In hand, the nlbir mi
u iiiiiiiIIif' Hire, mi mitu nhil rnorli;i) on the jtiu
ltiaolil, Hold In tracta lo Mill purclmai-ra
MurrhH, IS78.WI Id fine.
Adminictrntor's Notice.
NOTIUK N hvrrby uluii lhatllir uridurslifriid In
been dulir nppiilnlid sdmlulalralorof thu ealatu
of Liberty Nuouk latuol Marlon touiily. t)ri'j,'on, il
ioimM. All tursiiiia bsvlnir rlaliua afalmt thu mid
otitu will pruiint tliLm nltbln rx niuntha to thu
iindiTFtiriiiiil. at bla rraldui". two uillia unrlhweat
of Hublhiilty propml irldvit; and Ihoin knowliic
thumaelvca Imlubtid will ileau maLu Imiiiedlatu
hiibllinlty, Msnh 11, Ihlswl Aduiliilatrator.
Ilsn no nioru iTIl'.TAL
TltUHnbS, No morn surTerlrii;
fnnii Iron brupsor ateel pil, ksI
l'lrnr'4 itti-nl .TIuiK'llo
Innllii 'I'rilaai
Is worn with eaau and comfort
S'KIIIT mill I1AV. ihI will mir.
firm radii si tun when nil nthvra full. Header, if
niptiirid. try miiv'uiiil )ou will nuverri'iirtt II Hmd
for lliilralul Hook ami 1'rku Llt MAONKTIU
hl.AHTKl 'lltllhH COMI'ANV. OOO Hacratneiitost..
aN KltANCtSCO, CAL. tV bent by mall to all
parts of Ihu world AJ nielli).!
My niiiiiiul Cnriilouiiv of Ytvilabht a-d
dinner find fur Ih'.M hill bit rent TIIKI',
to all who apply C'UMuuiera of lift iohkhi ru.il uoi
Hrl'u'orlt. I Piter nun of Ihu Uri'e.t colli cMona of
vtltetablu feil oer ent nut by any aerd bniuu In
int'lia. a lare Kirlinii nf wbldi weruptown on my
Is aeed farina I'rlut d il-fcilor s fur i u llvstltin on
ut b pacaairo. All mil told from my itlabllibmint
uariant'd to bu bulb fie.li ar.dtruu to name; o far,
Hint ahuu'd t priiteothirHlau 1 will reBIl ti order
rralla. Aa Ihu orlvllial lulrixlucer f ll' lliihliir.
HU4fhct. riilnnit's Melon, llarb'ibisi' 'it'i'tix',
Mi xlrsn 'or ii. 1 uerieteral new vrtttaM. . thl en
o'i and Invite Ihu palronau of all wliu are anxlots
in bavn tbitr teol tllirclly iioni the kruwir, freab,
true, and of Hi" viry be.t lmln.
JAilKS J. II, UHLUUIIV, MarbUUesd, Mais.
of ar ift
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