r r - w - j WILX.AMRTTE FARMER. - A ' ! .1 1 - ic r i ! t, "V, ,.. i i .. H :1- i 'M w I- MStJED KTCItT rtllOAT, HT CLARKE At CRAIG, roBUniiKne and raornicTons. ft. A. CLAIIKB. I. W. OUAIG. Tor ma of Huberlpllon. Ono copy, ono year (Mnnmbcr-0 ......... $U.n One copy, six month (1(1 number) l.'iK Ouo copy, thrcn month (13 number) .7fi 8ALEM, FKIDAY, AI'HIIj fi, 1878. Scab in Sheep. hact woo)( wo published a rr.fiuoHt, from a nubacribor oastof thomountaliiH, to glyo tlio propor troatmont for ttio euro of Hcab In alioop, rullHoaio that provalln In almost all tbo nhoop rango of tho uppor country, vory much to tlio dotrltnont of tbo wool growing IntoroHtH, that arc bo Important to that roglon. Scab la tho efToctofnu Itch Insoct that must bo doHtroyod and then tho shorp will bo aound. Dipping tbo Hhcop In carbolic batbn ban boon found vory clllcncloua, and Mr. D. W . HltaniH, a largo Bhcop ownor of Doug las county, about two yonrH ago published in tlio Faiimku IiIh troatmont with carbolic dip which wuh ontlroly MiccoHHftil and tin dur tho natno clrcuuiHlnncoH would no doubt boMicccmful again. Tho carbolic dip al lndod to In, and Iibh boon advoftlnod In thin ppor for yonrs by Mornm. Ilodgo, Davli fe Co., of Portland, and wo undorehtnd from them that it In In gonoral imoaud glvoi natlv faction in many limtancoH. Anothomuo ooHiful dip ia mado from tobacco and mil phur, and wo publlnh bolow an extract from "TboHliopliord'a Manual," giving lnntruo tWinn how to proparo and uno It. Two things aro rcqulttllo, bouillon tho rnoro fct of using h preparation that will dostroy tbo Insoct; ono la that tho nporatlon of dip ping must be ropoatod at tho end often days, o an to dostroy tho ItiKocUi hatched moan tlmo, as at an Interval of ton days all vggs laid umlor tho skin will hatch, and to scouro that all (ho Insoots aro Killed It Is nocossary that i- II Iho scabby places shall bo rubbod so as n brink tho scabs and onablo tlio mix turo to roach tho placos whuro thoMo Insects aro hidden. Annlhor rcfjulsllo, to socuro a cloan and boaltby llouk nf shoop, Is to roinovo tho nhoop Kmporarlly lo a rango that has not Ixion used by noubby sheep Immediately after dipping, and It Is n mooted question how long it rango will remain Infected after it has boon used by scabby shoop. Such nhoop rub on futieei, logs, slones, nud brush, and leave tortious ofHuh and wcol that will Jnfeot other shoop, or rehired thoHimoshrep aftor they lutvu boon dipnoi. If slump cun not be ulmugod t' it now range lifter dlpilug Ills very doubtful wlmtnti'tiMMii ho taken to seuuro aulea'i tango and l:iei (hem healthy. Coutliiuitl dipping or triitlmont m ty doll, but how long It must cniilliiun depends nu tho length online it rango would Im Infected, nud that Is it question that wo hltuiild like lo lutvu ansnered by experienced sliephoids, If they aro able. Hlieeji must bo put entirely tiudorlliodlpaud thou nllnwoil to stand on n platloim so that tho drip will ratlin, to tho , bath tub and not bo wasted, Wo lako from tho ''Hhpphord'H MuiiiiaI" tho following rcolpo fur treatiueut of ub: Tho trnittmeiit Itt by dipping ill it liquid which pnuntrnlotuud solteus IIih.mmIimi iliat It can bt removed, and which pnlMous tint lilt-cut. Them aro many iittumriitliuitt util for UiN piirMisn, Moninof wltloli nroolijooilon able on HUOHiutof their m)IhIoou "ijitr lies, siiah as itmrmirliti or imtmlunl ihum iMiuiiits. and wliloh are no imiro olloullvii lliMii iho following perfectly safo ouo. TliU iijiislslHof tobaru'o nud uulphur In tho pro imilloiisol four ounces of iho tlrnt, and ouo of the Mdooml, to Ihu gallon or wittor. The water Is hroiiKht to a boiling bent, and tho tobacco, either coarse cheap leaf or stems, which aro tqually good, Is steeped (hut not boiled), In It until the strength is exhausted, Tho sulphur Is then stirred In tho liquid. When It hss become reduced In tomporitiiiro to I'.'O di'urees, It Is ready for inn. Tlio sheep am entirely Immersed III tho liquid ho that Him wo.il is completely saturated. Hard criiNis of so tb broken up and removed with oare. and tho raw surfaces aro washed with tliodooiHitlon. Tho dipped animals should bo kept In u. vard until the wood t.u longer drlpi, lent tho pasture should befouled, ami tho sheen alukeued by tho toh.ii.Yii. Itilco. After ten days tho dipping Is repotted to dnHtroy any newly lutehed miles, With cam the uioxt bully Infeelod locality msy b completely freed from this post, and it will never appear If the sheep aro dipped twice each year as a iiieveutlvo. Tho glii In the I'rowihof wool and In Its Improved quality will more than rep.ty Ihocoat of thoopera tlen, i Qovorumout Notes not Taxable. In nuswer to tho (iustioii asked by ,it cor respondent Ian! week wo give beluw.ltw mid deeUloior U.S. Supremo Court rol.iUve to iiou-taxatlotiof legtl tender iiotss: Section :t,70l of the U, H, reviKed statutes Is in the lolloMliig vord! "All utocks, bouil, treasury uoles, uud oilier oblltiatlous oT the Dulled Slates, shall bo exempt from taxa tion by or under state or muuclpal or local authority." The queMlnn was adjudicated by tho su prcine court of tbo Hulled Stales at tho Da iMiutier term, IKoS, In the cao of " Iho lltuk vs. SupervhorV'auil reimrted In 7th Wallace Mun"(l. Tho court ', "l.el tender notes aro otillgallous or securilli's ot the United States, ami exempt from sialo tsxit tlou- They aro not money lu tho tunic kciiko thsiKold or silver coin of tho United States Is money." Abovo t have tho U.K. Statute and (he decUlouoflhulilghtttt tribunal of tho nation, which cover tho whole ground and simply and plainly t forth that legal tender notts aro not taxable, but It strikes its (hat oiiih ulei's should bo taken lo clumio tho Uw and nuko Iheni, as a purchasing power and rep resenU'lvesof valuta, iy taelelull propor tlou of taxation. Tito Uuitwl lhvsbyterians ol lUUcr are pre ivariug to erect a new churvh islitke tie coming i,.joo. The new building will cet alont 11,000. aJJ BriMian Diplomacy. It Is Intorostlng.at this historical Juncture, to recall to mind the courso pursuod by Kutsla for a year past, whlci has resultod in the humiliation of Turkey and tho reduc tion of that emplro to bo scarce more than a dependency of tho victorious northorn pow er, Knssla sought a protoxt and forced the war upon tho claim that sho was, by former treatlos, tho protector of tho Greok Christi ans of tho Turkish Emplro, and tho recur renco of ntrocItloB commlttod on tho Chris tlnnsln Itulgarla gavo her tho opportunity to Intorfero. Whon war wbm dcclarod tho Czar announced that hn took up arms with no doslro for conquost or self-aggrandlro ment, but only from inotlvos of Christian humanity, and tho objecls'of the war would bo accomplished whan tho rights of tho Christians In Turkey should bo dofonded and fully seen rod. Tho wholo history of Russian diplomacy has bcon a tlssuo of falsohood aud treachery towards other powers, that has always end ed in territorial aggrandizement. Knowing tbls.lt is remarkable that England und Aus tria tbo powers most Intcrostod should havotamoly kontsllont and permitted Rus sia to march bor armies to Constantinople and fortify tbo shores of tho Itosphorus, with hor torpedo boats patrolling tho straits botween tho shores of Furopo and Asia, and Turkoy, latoly so floroo an onomy lying supinely at her foot aud oven willing to bo como tho ally of her mortal foo. England has waked to a sonso of hor In juries rathorlato, aud It may ho that her wily opponent will trick hor out of any Mipiort from other Europoan powers, but hor prostlgo is at stake, the road to India Is threatened, and If sho permits Itiiftslan ag gression now sho Is poworloss In tho future. Farm for Sale, Cheap I 1 Oft A r?T?U OF LAND, la Yamhill XuVJ JYJMill5 co 3 miles wctt and i mils fouth or Wheatland about 7B ac-cr. In cultiva tion: about 4.1 acres In grain this year, the reft mm mcrfallowed. Very Rood orchard, barn, wood f bed, and dwelling on the farm; living water plenty, l'rlcr, Willi mo iii:fi;iu -'ij ,d,uuu-imu iu uunu, imi- anco en rcaionablo time. For particulars, appl tomu on the farm. aimlpd W. Y. MAItTlN. YOUNG HENRY. Henry and Timoleon Stoolc. WEIGHT, 1150 L1I3. 8 YKAUH OLD. Dapple Iron grey, 17 liundt IiIku. THIS HPLKNniO ANIMAL. OP THE WKLI. known Hock alioto dcrcrlbcri. will rtaud In HA l.RM, and at rny place, roven mllca cait vt Kalcm, duilng Xlio Soiihom ol 1878, MOM Al'ltlL 10 TO JULY !. JAMES RICHARDS. Aprils, STATU ml OH COUNTY PATENT RIGHTS FOU SALE! To tie lTnlt Growers, rormora nntl Mor clianta or Marlon Connty. Attontiout Improved California FRUIT DRYER! tub oiikm-imt ami nrar virr invu.stkii. rami AfiL-vra vi " '" Af,,) WAJJil" rX .iiBiiflrTwillory fitllixHlxivo iiainml M ciilno Imvn Jii'turilvi'il, huh Imvo IdcuU'U Hum MlvtatiiiicenlMl looulloii, Coiumorolnl atroot, botweon Stnto rma orry. Ilitt Muotilni'ouii bu liupccleil iltirlnit liti.ltiM.a 1..HIIH, All fXilillillill f lU lljlilil WOlklllS iilv-iiliiiiil i.Htlmtlrleit by 1 1 1 1 l.intin)l M olilno within tottr orilvn ittittH of Una cl y piiij lit ini,c"el. Wo I'M-iiml rly Invito it Mil fnim Iruli Mul vrKt4btu prixlucera uii'l '' Ki'iieiitily. ","ttf Final Settlomont. lit tlio CoantyCoart of Iho Male ofOrcrou for tho mTitTirit la her.b clven that the unileraltiitol, ml i3i iiiliilnralorof Ihu rulato of A, P. Wal'or. d e c.aiiM haa llila day tiled hl Unal acoutit, nnd Mon day. IheClli day of May, ll at 111 o clock In Iho furumion. haa bi-nt appolnto I for lirarltit Iho anir Ihrrcfuro, all pern Inur--Ul In ald t-nalu arn ip iiulri'i! In aptif ar In ld court, al Iho curt houo In halim, In laid ciuitity, at Mid dalf. and -how i aun II any r.lal, why atld accoiinl atiiuld unl ho alhiwtd amlrtldadiulnl-iialurilltiliarectl. .., i. A. mi it i i tin, AdtnlnWIratorof Katatoof A- V. Waller, dic'd. April 6, ima. rt'J A New Book for Farmers, j .1rtlorr. MANflOI.DS and Ml'll.Ml liKKTM. I V ' What klid. lit ral-e. how lo rle, iiml hmv in i fecit Ivmtl . ftOcnit" Ai-ii. my tnri'n itm, - nil "Cahbai-e' and How in (IrowTliiiii," Miita'hi-K. Hint ll,i. in ilniie Tlioin." Ott'iin. at-il no in ilnm Tin-in." rltll nfltl't audi mliiuti' Ui-tall' ' (aniieriittant Ktcli, aitvuli by mall, aty tsuo it Itt.lMttd bted WSmi'lliiKtlOHV. 4,T .MiibHhead. M(. THE FARMERS' Account Book. A COMPLETE SYSTEM Of BOOK-KEEPING rott Farmers, l'hmtors, und Gardeners, DY A. I.. OAMI'FIKI.D. lVKUV ONK SIIOIII.D K K. A STIllirt' AC I'i count oi all buflnira tiati-act'on. atd llietiby nt.i tti.ni.iUe. ami Iht lr chllJo-n atwr Itiem, much trouble that cnniea i mvlevl, Thli l ft aln, I'rac II al arrlem of tU k keeiUnir, tall ni-ililaiK), ami M-pecttlly adapteil In tho waiit. of tho I'atmer. Hill lii-ttuclluu. In each luKitc. Can bo cinliM In an otdl illnry jix-iel; lt)pai:i, bound In .titep-Vln, 1'ilcv 75 I'Vlila. (ieml 'l order to Ihla paper. ra:hW f. . Pedigree Onion Seed. DANVKUS ONION BKKD, HAI8K' VKOM TDK cbolce.t tuilon. of rich cn for ttfy ea lit .uccva.U n. Tho dlfletnicr lu tbo crop ltl hn Itu llttiea uro iter than Uie Ca-.I of tho acea. ly tccd Catatoifuo run to ttu k JAilKS J. II. (IHr.G0ItV. t Matb!c!iCJ, ilaii. ,ffM ' At The Three Potatoes. E,'SlJ''V0,,F0Kr,le,',lltI " Esilrlto-e Hanked by j?cnerl con-ent, In earllneM . tlrld. and '".'JL'i'.SI.Pl'lSliJ' a,.Vle..head. of aI1 "''J potatoes. Ut'nilAlVK.-MeUlumlatc: a urodlKloua crop per; neih re marknbly white; quality ncclient. DUNfflOIIB, A fptendid lata ort. A ceatcr cropper than tho Peerless, which It rcaemhlsa In form, while far better In quality. Kach. per Barrel. $1, ner nahel, '; per IVck. 75c. ilyillDitrated Bent CiUaluitie i-kes to all noyll eanu. JAAIB8 J. 11. uttKUOHV, 4w Marbl'head, jfain. HORSES & MULES IPor Sale. IorFKIl FOK HAI.R A SPAN OP GOOD WOIIK Mult, good elze; alwi, A SPAN OP YOUNG MAHE8, fonr years old this 'pilig, good ttzc, and well bred. HENIIY KIENN. mLWml 2 ndlca northeatt of Anmtvlllc. Award-a) kliKnl pr$t at Ctnt-nnUI Cipmttlon for A" tKntltg qwtluin D'I tittBvic nud luling tLlr ito of nmt0 tul Jtnrnrlnf. The Ixil lotitcco lft made. At ont blua (trip Ira4--mirk It rlowlj oaltMwl on In'trlor (rood-., w that Jorluon'i lint I. m t-.ry Bloc Hohl by all dcalm. lfn. tnt unplr. fue, to O. A. JtcaaoN A Co., Mfrt.JMtnbnrf, Va. liK Vcrlliclmcr. Agtf, SanPranclico mm KSt Aro planted by a Billion pcoplo of America. Bee Vlck'a CHinlogne-.inolllnMrallnm; only 3cla VlrUt lllnatritlcd fflonlhtjr fflaicaxlue 31 pkgea, line Illuvtratluiip. and Color'd I'lato In each nnmber. Price! 2J a year Poor copier, for W. Vlck'a Flower anil Vegetable Garden Mi cu In paper cover' with elxnt olotb eovcrr, f I. All my nnlillratlona aro primed In Kncllih and German. Addrcrf, JAMEH VirK, inlrtt Itochcttcr N. Y. SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W.P.JOHNSON. Artist, OrcrWiLLia' llookttorc, BTATK ST 8AI.KM. IJICTUItlM TAKP.N IN LATEST bTYLES, from Itlnlntnni picture to L.fe rie. CCI'IKH KNI.AlttJBI) to auy Ue ilcf Ircd. Marcli in, limit FLOWERS. Por Ono Ilollur I Will M'lld (DUDt- tilil) to nny mi iro LPivl- choice n-med Uliittloll-fottrat VJSc inch, and ono Ycry dnu varlutir at OUI.KNA Itl'lll.K. Aiita, llvnton Co., Or. cue. ALDER GROVE POULTKV-YARD. Miiiiimotl. BROKZS TORICEYS W1I1TB AND imoWN CK8NA GEESE, ilvor - Spanglod Hamburg's, Xrr(!ii;li lIoiitliiitM, Silver anil fini.' -r-us1- i'uiisu, Light Krahmas. XJpCtM ot Iho itrtove-nvniM vailctlo carefully tmikol mill rlilppi-d on r(nrll nf price. I'm finthtr parlicul.tr', addr. V 1 1. I.I. VI MIOItT. luarl&iurt PAI.KH UltKUON. BLACK PRINCE. A Fine Stallion for Sale. nK STANDS IOV HANDS Illfil -beautiful Jet black; kind nud fi l.tle; e!h l -5 pound I ttrllbroko I" work, Mohan uwou Hie nrl premium at tint ilri-L-iiii Html l'alr two -ticce-il I ear lor it horro of all tiork aud ros-1-tcr lilt t (ItNand Itlc't.KMAV. Ilo will ho ra.li. Anv ouu IiIiIiil' a i onJ linrao fk la MOIt- Hii cacap Tor ralvo .tock will do well to ilvi mo a call ami ni fi r hlmelr, and I it 111 rhow lit tit u flno luirto auil it li lt Kiiod breeder and Mir j. Ilu l fix Any ono wl.ltlii:t pitrcluaa lit- co him at ray pbcu on llutr Creek iiiiiii llo la r tl.I. 1 lior.o can ackauttii co., 0 recon. lmht-1 J. 1). PILKlXfiTON, - JAWi ,0 ,,w Olllco. IleUtitit'o IllotU I'orl ml, r , All SurKtcilOperatlona forD'icai. ollbo ye? NOSE, AND THR riiiurniLV i-riiriiiiiiili. OATAIt.U extractr.1. tm i'ltil hVI:S .tialehlrneil Aitli 'al Kje. a latv'e a,urtiuiulof tl.e birt Punch uai iictute, oit ,r. and Ka, lletfne", --ml all illcbai;ei from the li rat waiann, paiitcu'arty ireaien. tejy To Sheop-Shedeers SWEET mm NA7I CiieWIlaWMTOBI) .KTiKlifV'tt. &&mi v)m Mm? cpqIN ftMgmfif-' YriZ T7Tf m j ia i DUUUUIUJ 0 r' iaaainww Am Ma WiX-aaipaH 1." TTZZrl TT . HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Full line of AGRICULTU R AL IMPLEMENTS. WE ARE SOLE ACEKT8 FOR THE CELEBRATED Flews nwii i in j -rri--,"lL .g I Wlilch combine tlio L'rontost stroncdi. DEEHE is the solo Patentee of tlio Wrought Mock and Welded Frog, and their Plow Id tlio only Plow so made. Tho Plow's monldhourd and shnro aro hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAll TO THE DEEIIE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. GaVaa98-iBaVailaataHHiaaaaaVatt&k Tlio greatoht LRlnr-S vlnj? ItnplrmonlH yet It.vontcd. Vastly Improved for Fall of 1677. COO Sold iix Oregon ix. Ouo "X"ojr. T J!.v,',v KHrmjr InttHteHled. 'ILo Det-ro Sulky Ih tbo only Hlnglo-Lovor Plow mado. b:lL1 urhUATKD. Soconstruclrd that by a hllcbt atollon of Urn Lever tbo Plow lu ruu uutof" tin, ground nnd raised clear, by lioreo InMcnd of ninn-pouor. It IsatroDKorand leas cotupllcatod tbHQ any other. Solo Agents for tbo well-known SOUTH BEND OH1LLEE-IRON PLOWS. BUCKEYE."DRILL8 and BROADCAST 8EEDER8 Tho most successful In uae. Too well known to need comment. ii-VN. N '7 1 .,.. .UA Schuttler Farm, Freight.land Spring! Wagons. FAKM Gltiar MUAA, ulI'Mylfa mil prlctP. FAN WILIS. Send for Bpccml Circular.. IiU'iTIIEK IIIYERS, HIGH -CLASS POULTRY, Snlcni, CroRon. Ilia Block comprlrcf tlio following aturlto varlctlun: Plymouth Itucks, EIiiU'CocIiIiin. Light rnlim.s. DARK HUAIIM.IS. Illnclt-lirrniiictl Ki;i f.'A.MICN, American Dominiques, Aylesbury Ducks, WEI0UT 0 1'OUNDi. llto followlLK-namcd varletlei arc tu A'oii-Slttor.s. Poii.iiaisswft' nanilmrg X audOoUun-HjijUKlttl, White Leahorns.&5 Brown rnL'linrns. yi2t'ZL&i .. .. . , miim.Ki vk ju.,1 ck si'j.vmr. SIukIc. 1'iilrs, anil Trios lor Sulc. Alo. a flue co'le:tlon of SingiDg Birds. &. Shepherd, Bird, and Terrier Dogs. Ilnf tnv (hi dl llllIH-rllll I'UU ir,llil alu-.r. .in ti..n.l ttr Acettt for Iht JMltiy IIVW,. hend Ihri-e-ci-nt , lamp lor circular and price ll't. 1 "!!, etW l not ntinter t'rlr" rlto)our tutnio pltltdr. Any ono wlhln-in .-n-ii.tui. in..i.. .... .. Stock Aafoclatlun will iUiceril hi name to me for iho !. and obllSe. LUTHEIt MVKHS. Saleh. Jan.:, 1S7S. CHARLES S. JOHNSON, Commercltl halem, 1th A. T Yiatoh, CHROWOMETER & WATCH Vw'Alt'Jowelry rtittrt'tl. -'iv-"J--- Ri.uli OEixrt.rixa.s SPKCUI.TV. lih, Aiarcli io, i6;s. if and Wool-Growers. Thla cut repre'enta an Improvement on Miecu Mlllim. tlilrllliwl l.v I I. ktll-I-ll ..- n:.'-.' lllluii.andciiii.i.tnr a dot on the point of the low er i-ladii in ado fat by (older. TbU enard pre- vcntii Iht) vht-ar. rtitilit. nr .irwi.. ti... .u.. .. Iho jhtwp, and -bear lo'e and amixitli, ttllhont it. ubltf-cttiilni; the lle.ee. which annot boavold ixl without ibo ne of thin puard. The aunporter a.ifnlnlhocut. on tho liaiiole, ciee iho hand while tbrarlni;. "He At;ent for lbeo thrara nro. a pair of tbnu the pa. t ..-uton wlih entlro all. AUK MKlllNNKIltJ T1IKX Unequoled, l wit b prcpsml Id furnhh ibe two leading brand.iif .hearij. with the imprvnemeutt attach ed, at the fjllowloKprlcea; KaiiKumo. . . t ik Wilkl-uou. . . 6U -.f.Vi't?!"!?'001 Sheep, I recom- U'.lt. ..1.I..I. . .. Write ulalulr kind of fii ar vri your nama and adilrv.. -m,.. wtntrtl, aud what lensth of bltde. h.'iWnWZZyP n f'lr. mu.tb fo.wa.d'ed byPO Order Or by Kxpre-a. Tbo 8hera will v .11,1 ut ilu!-. or oy Eipteta. ly Kiprcfl 2S cem. at ih lI in p,ir. Term In adtaSc. l-V Bend In your ordera IUMKDIA1ELY -UKOIIVB D. GOUDHUK. JkgtM. SALEM, ORKOON. Ortieni cut be left at the Fiitvin Office, fei SHjHsKy ,11 of inyl'otilirynroof (he 1IE8T 8THAINS crer imcil tn Orvcnn. anJ bred In ifnini.tw. ESKS carefully picked ana aent uccordlnL' to rectlutiii on recelM nf mlrn. MOLINE.IL-L. oxlromo lii;htnos?, and tlurabiilty. ?1rTr5'--, c S&.$&&k. WHEAT AIVD OATS Choppod into Food, Por Ono-Toxitli Toll. Sash, Boors, Blinds. 3VTot-tlilxiBrM, Turitlnpr, Muir u-ork, HcilNfciuIn, JtiirciiiiN, MuiitlN, TnblcM, FA1VIVIG MILLS, Ami all KltulN ol Fiirnlluio, JOHN GRAY, Formerly lo DurhlnV Illtv.V, baa Jutt opened a Uruo and coiiiplelo Bloik of Carpets, O.lcloilis, Mailings, AN I) Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to l)Alryniilo X Urown, STAIIKi:VS Itl.lX K, . . N.U.KW. oh. WHICH WILL BE OLU AT Lowest Cash Rates! acpHlf iW-tvf A BUltE DKAT1I TO Sorow Worm, Foot Bot AND ALL Parasites that infest Sheop. JT 13 BAFEH. BETTER aud VABTLY.CHEArEB TUAN ANY OTHER PREPARATION FOR TI1H TRE.TMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND T1IK QUALITY OF THE WOOL. Onfl Iallon la roinnr-h fnr nn. l-nmlMjl .n. uuuiruouwp,accuruinB wiueir ac. atrength, and condition. ' ', Put OP la FIVE-GALLON CANS and In BAR- tk'udforctrcuUr.to HOBGE DAVIS & Co.. - n - - www MMMM.VU IU J1T PORTLAND, OREGON, 7 fVholeaale Aeeiila for the Male, Or to tonr oearett ReUil Drnecm or dcaltr Jal MARKET GARDENERS Send for ItoOT'uCUriniN Manual rottins, fulo!" r radical Infoimatlon on Uart'enlrj: Top tn alo piloe llt ol Cholco Jiceita. HT Both arnt for 10 centa, which will bo a'lowtd or the fir. I order, jtddrcaa JBai J. B. hOOT BocKroBD. III. 4Q CALLING CARDS, aJh-r with name neatly printed thereon, lor 25 centa ard t cent tainp for patani. Adi'ret C U. WOODWOhTII, 8AIIM, Ou, OB. K Y. CIIASK, TSXVKT LUCoL, UteSr-xwnU.B. TolcfiUera. am OOc, Sorbin' b:oci. w etalra. aTf iak-svT'.l'X73i-fcsj-;iy.ifra- jSheep Growers j V?V'i 8T.t0UIS.M0iJ '..! -ii-r-tutv Sce.b. f