Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 05, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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Springfield, 111., March 27. The National
party mst inStato Convention hero at noon
to-day, 200 dolottates being present, repro
Bontlng 60 counties. After tomporary organ
isation and appointment of committees, re
coss was taken till 2 o'clock, when Hon. J.
Olllesplo, of Madison county, was ohoon
1'rosldout and Hon Alex Cauipball.or Lis
alio, mace a Ions speech.
UarrUburg, March 27. The Republican
Slato Convoutton will bo hold In this city
May 15th.
Washington, March 2(5 lllalno undo
to forco l)alfoe uii'iu our L-nvornment
Chicago, M.uch 27 Tho Tribune's Wash
ington special says tho Wisconsin delegation
called on tho President In a body to-day and
assured him that Senator Ilowo'had not con
sulted thorn regarding hlsspioch; thit they
did not approve It, and roitardod It ill advis
ed. Tho only two pjpors which approve uu
rosorvodly llowo's stioech have roaohod tho
capital namely, tho Now York Sun and Hos
ton Travollor.
Chicago. Mar. 20 -Tho Journal's Washing
ton special says the sonato, without a slnglo
objection, passed the hottso bill extending
timo for tho paymont of tax on whisky in
Washington, March 27. Socretary Sohurr.
In better.
San Francisco, March 27. Tho Gorman
nectlon of tho Worklngmen's par.y of tho
Unltod States mot this ovonlng and worn
addrcssod by Knarnoy .who, in tho courso of
his rotnarks, said that If tho citizens wantod
to organic a vlgllanco oommltteo In opposi
tion to the worklngmon, all ho wanlod wai
for tho authorities to stand asldoand let both
parties have fair play, and tho community
will soo tho "d dst light ovor heard of."
Ho also suggostlvnly ronnrkod that San
Francisco Is a woidon city; then wont oil"
into a brilliant pororatlon descrlptlvo of tho
fate of Moscow, and prodlctod that If tho
vigilantes moved onostop to broik up tho
Worklngmen's party, San Frauclsco would
meet th falo of tho anolont Roman capital.
Now York, March 23 Concerning tho ap
pointment of tho third commissioner on tho
tUlmrv commission, it annears from addition
al official corrosnondenco made publlo, that
far from any foisting of mlnlstor Dolfosso
upon tho commission by tho British govern
niont hla appointment was not only agreod to
by otirgovornmont,btitwasaotuallybollclttd
by Socrotary f Ststo Fish.
MauchChuuk, IM , March 2S. Tbos. P.
Fisher was hangod In tho corridor of tho Jill
this morning for complicity In tho murder
of Moruan l'owoll at Summit Hill, March
1870. FNhor was ono of tho mtxt million
tlal members of Moll oMasnlrn nssonlntlon.
tCnw York. March 28 Tho United. StatoH
ahlp Constellation, with nboutOOO Ions or
goods for tho Paris exposition, sailed from
tho navy yard yostorday.and oxpeel to reach
Havro April 20th. Thriro still remains about
'.OOtonsofoxhlhltstoboscutby tho FrJiich
Omaha, March 20 -General Crook wnd his
nhles do camp. Lieut. Sehuylor and Httrko,
Irft to dav lor Fort Hall, Idaho, having bron ,
called thorn on business connected with the
IJinnoek, Snake and Shoshono Indians, be
tween whom thcro Is cxlH'Ing consldoraplo
leulousy nntl lll-lrollng about various matters
especially concerning tholrngeut. Thoy will
bo absent a month.
Washington, Match 23. Tho house pub
llo lands commltloo agreod lo rronunond tho
passagoof tliu bill introduced by ltepresunta
ilvo I'sge, last Tuesday, providing for thn
hsIo or timber Hnds In California, Oregon and
Washington Territory and fordlcontinuanc
of tho proscullon ofpiriioH Indicted for vio
lation of Motlon 2 J01 of tho revised Htatutos
on condl'lon or tholr paying In'.ooiurt a pon
altyof $2 60 for overy aero of land liom
whloh thoy hayooauod timber to bo out or
j-omoved. Tho only amendment matin by
thocommlttoo Is ono to provido moro clearly
Hint ihlii Inwi named nrovlslnn nnd nrnposud
ropoat of section 1,751, In relation to Inform
rtrs, shall apply only to California, Oregon
and Washington Territory. Tho corr.mllleo
authorU.sd Wiggluton to report It for passjgo
Tho Inter-Ocesn's Now Orloans spools!
.-avN. Tlio uli in liomocrntH, Including J udgo
Whlmker, have formed a cunspiraoy, wi.uk
It Is scmcra'.ly supposed Ih a socrot matter, to
deroatJUHlloaanu Koop auiwnwn ....
When tho Hiipretco court ovorrulCH Whlia
i...i .io.,tutn iiL'uin. cslt will, and nrdorH
n f TiVtf .n ,n im iii.r. pi m i ! Kuwl-m application to build a ho-pltal and
oi UjiMisoon tno II ilifrtx commission, mid ' ln,TPlt.i. ;.' ,inn , nity
called tho attention of tho Son it., lo Mm fact i lev?" '' ZnZ 7 -Gen. ItrnatleiT was In
';;' x cn a: Hni'r trvii ,,nW,,,,,vI ' "" T v "" rTmoon
m,2 i2rJ. ini?l ir lit t1' ? m""" '!, ! Tb Political Corrosp'mriime? says Oenoral
tho extraordinary ell iris of Lord Oranvl In ...... ..n ..i ,..' n... i, b ni
ninnl ft t .1 ... 1 . -... 1 ... II. . .. I. .. i I
Andorson'H release, Wbltakor will rofiiHO the i ,,,,,1 xvarnltu tho Uulgarlans to preservo
writ for tho release. The supremo court will tnirnnllllty. ....
tlien illreot tlio shorlirto relotMi him, but the Tw'0 ,ratu.porta with Russian troops havo
hhorlir having left town pnrpoioly to avoid ' jf, r,,rOilisa.
to ma date, Gov Nlcholls w ill be wiled l Jj0,ion, March 23 -Lord Derby, secretary
onto rolHM-o Anderson, but thn mllilsry, or Hlllte for the loreign department, has nn-
vhioh Is under order or n rnmpint, Irrecon-' l)llllC0lj i,u ro.lKimlloti tu the liuuso of
cllableDtmceTiit, will refuco i.nd MchollH,iortrt
CV.. ..". "..i.,i.i. -it,o thn ulim slen of' i.nni turhv. In the house of ordt. staled
..in....r... it'm. itnniiH. whleh It Is bnllevod'iiwt liU rluna;lon was not on account of
ho will not dare do. Tho soheme Ik well
formod and bus been kept for sovoral days
andliaslustlraUedo.it. ,u
Now York, March 29 Tho Post svs that
rim nirL'reuatoor KOIil com lor snipim-ui.
--- r- r .. .... -.., 1 . v ii unit
Europe i.. morrow wm . -,-
nd a nnartor dollars, and It Is not Imparl.
bio thai tho amount will swell to two mm
London, March 27.-A Rerlln dlspitoh
aavH the poworH havo declined a snggHHllon
wade by Russia, that the congress behold
without England. Prince GortschakoiT is
endeavoring to bring about a moe-tlng or the
throe emperors and thrfo ctiaucollor. litis,
sis Js understood to have lutllrated her wll
llncness lo make lurther iticeloti to Aus
tria and soiiie fonreslonslso to R uimanin,
lwlngpronipcd, it U thought, by umwlnv
i' :i!..wi..i. of difVrtrenotts -tlth EngUnil.
. J . .... i ..I- llio nlr.tlllllSlHIll'AS.
iuvliMlons for the couirre-s
A liondon corrpsponden. or the ManoheH.
rOuardlan M s: Lord Iterby li ; rerel yen
.iurances from Count Sohouvalnil during
Schnuvaleir kept Itns-
sla's iiesatlve In hl's racket until hoiecolvcd
sia a nei.uv i ...
antiiorr.y m mo . "" ?:,"' Mnm
0.W "r"Vb "conM ims'fallrd, and that
AUbtrla must now look to tho protection or
I her own Interosts. .,.'
V Chicago, March 27 -Tho Times' London,
special says that mfornwj n N recj rod
rrom various i.urupeui i"'" " v.,
that gloomy views as to tno outcome or the
present oltuatlon nro generally ptfivalcnt,
Sod that wa";" h l uof necesrily tioar I,
?nvl ahleln theend.
tlindon M"riTh M -Oraud Duke NIoholas
iCl the Sultan todav and was reosivod
ii)i orfat oirdlalitv. Diplomatic relations
between Itn-sia ana jurmiy " ""'";
Awed It l roportnd IirnatlelT will ottjr
Austila, Uosuli, Her9HovIna, aud a portion
r Albania and Macedonia.
KuViu's answer lo Ennland's lateqnwiUon
mBrelTsavathecnvernment adheres to Its
Srir view. This do tot sound very
fromUlnbot Uli thought here the reply
Will ot clos U Interchange of oolnlen.
SUKn , Urch 27. -The Tagblatt wy.
PrlnRUrek' UUttUipt t madia-
Hon between England and Itussla has thus
far heon unsuccessful. His proposal was
that Itussla should Indicate boforo-hand tho
points In tho treaty which sbo agreos should
bo dla:uscd at tho congress. Itussla has
not yot replied to.thls proposal.
Lonilon, March' 'J7. Bucharest pipors at
tack tho stipulation In tho treaty or San Slo
fano that Ituosla shall maintain communica
tion through Houninnla two years. They
my that tho IttiD Roumanian convention
terminates with the war, and that tho stipu
lation would porpa tialo tho btockade of
Ir.ifllo on Roumanian roads and railways,
end Inluro tho trade of thn country. Tito
KniimatiMU government has refusou the
Iirimtlntr'H mUsInn Is nroot that thn key
tlio sl'uatlon as rotrards tho eventuality Is In
Vienna, and tho Austrian government must
allow Knghuid to entertain no doubt as to
wbethor she cn reckon on Austrl..
Constanllnipte. March 27. Grand Duko
Nicholas i I probtbly remain horo a woek.
Ho din"tl to-dv w I b the Sultan.
Itucliart"'. Maroh 23 In thocbamborof
deputies It dav, V il Nleeino, minister of
fuolgn nirtirs. tl.idared that tho troaty of St.
Stofano was for Routnanla null and void.
Ho stlttiaatl7.ed that treaty as a scourgo to
the Roumanian government. Ho said ho
would yield nothing whoro tho right of his
country woro concornod.
Vlonna, March 27.-Count Andrassy linn
Informod Sir Henry Elliott that Aust-la
would remain noutral In tho ovont or Anglo
Russian war.
St. Petorsbnrg, March 27. Tho dead-look
continues. It Is s'aled that Russia Is qultn
ready to mako considerable modifications If
It can be shown that they aro for tho senoral
good, and that the powers will enter tho con
gress with a desire to arrlvo at a durable set
tlement and not simply nndo what has bnn
done. It Ishsllevod. however, tho l-airllsli
government Is animated by a very different
Tho' London Tlmos In a leading editorial
says tho hope that tho congrss will nifot
has now almost anlshetl. Disagreement
betweon our government and that of Russia
seems lnupersblo.
New York, March 23 Aspenial from Lon
don says: It Is statod that a Russian cimp
ortwo'huudrod thousand mnn Is forming at
Khokand, destined to onerato against India.
London. Maron'Ja ttopresenianve-'oi wio
admiralty woro In Liverpool yeterdy In
spouting steamsra of tho several Atlantic
comptinlos with n vlow to tholr employ
ment In transporting troops In case of an
Tho A'sWtanoe. an Iron sctew troopship of
2,0.'S3 tons, Is tho only transport In thoservlco
Hpeolal'y Uttoil to carry cavalry, and n
order has been nrnlved at Portsmouth that
all troopships, Including tho ilvo Indian
troopers, must Invo tholr Im'ohw.vs im
largnd slid oth-r oller.Uiotm inadit to Mluwnf
liorses and Hinbnlwneo ami Iwggagx wagons
being In worn 1 halnw. MasldoH carrying a
oomplttobutal Ion each troop ship will bo
nqulred to convey ubouttwdlvo wagons and
sixty liorMis.
A Kt. Petersburg oorrepontlnnt says tlio
Brllish Prthlnet In demanding a formal assnr
anon from Russia which nnnort'tho powers
support inut have ono of two iiim, either to
Inlllot liriiiHl iiumiiiaiion upon iiaianr to
rot nut of the nronssltv of ailendlm: I ho con
gress. In tho former mo ltiiHlonnot
mako nv conce-lon. In the Uitur the i-on
grcss will ii'it tin h,ld, nnd ttussla will en
tleavor to enmu to nn nrrngement with Ger
many and Ausrla. Thus England con
domiiH horsolf to bolatlon, mtkos tholrlplo
nlllHiicnii political necessity, and perhaps
ronders iuov'.tHblo that radical snlullou of
thn eastern quoitlon which tdio wishes to
A Ulnpaicn irom ni. i-mersuurg ys meri
ts an actlvo imrlv there who onnos any cxm
cesxlons to Austria which might Impair tlio
troaty. Tho treaty or St. Htutano Is rnntld
otoitvufnoltnlly humlllatlug for RussUal
roady. A Vlfiina rorrospnndont telegraphs so
long as tho slightest chance re mains of a real
congress of hII lh Hlgnatory powers, thus
KHMirlng tho possibility of European stile
nnnt. It will bo imihcIouMv clime to by her.
All t'flnrts will bnconunntrated on luorotslug
thote uhancrs nut! on the removing or obatn-i-lm
In tho wav or thn congress.
Tho pro-Ruhsian party Is urging tho gov
oTiiiiio.i in HPin'. IJiMiln. Horxogovlna and
the lirrltory on thn i4i ror.
Constantinople, March 23. The Russians
I....... ltn..rl n iiroalHIIiatloil inviting MlHSUl-
mins to return to their homes In Bulgaria,
the demand Tor tlio subiuUslon of tho whole
, treaty to the convref..
I L-.nl lleaoonsfhild explained that Lord
r)P,,)y relgned on uccouul of tho calllurj out
(,r tlie rfsorves.
r....i.ii Mnm'i"S -TliodiiknnrCamlirldge
when spunking at tho meetlngof the .Nation
si Rlllrt Asseciallnn yeferday evening, do
flared that Sir Umry llalf.ir and bis team
merltid thanks for thalr pallant fonttst at
Ureedmoor: but as they had been unsuccess
ful the council bsd no intenilon oreinsiurag
Ing a r-P9tltion .irsuoh a onnteft. Ho spoke
In tilgli teimsof the hopltslliy extended to
tho team In the United S ates. Lord Wharn
olid. said the (JreelmorooontoU showed that
the English rtqulnda bstter system iif team
shooting. , ,
There are four Inches nt snow In the mid
land counties and snow -till falling. The
..o.tiinr ihriiiiL-lifint thn Klmtdom Is unsoa-
Minably cold and frroung operations are Im
i.,U.I. Cint.liK.rtilH (NlilHC) Is likely lo
rexult in oousiqiienot or the mrwiird slate or
l0"lljH ot lnM
vtAifi-r .
1 in
lnndon, March C!). In Uie nous oi com-
ous, the rHirotary or war.tMllionie uariiy,
Id It was iisfesssrjr to caiioni iiif nr'i ri
of thesrmy resere, numoerinz ii.iaiu, hiiii
the mllltn nservn, wl.lct, was between ;,.
n,n H111i .n nro. The Otiet-n'e iunbo to tba
; ,,";,, ,,, ,,,, ,,i. nrolmhlv. Mou-
' day . ThlHv.c.uW be lio.ed by a procl ,.
ma'lon csllln'j out Mich or iho roservo force
I as might be rrqulred. Hardy polnteil out
that this Is not tlie emioiiimuioi iiietmn
IU, which would not take plaoi until It was
necesarv lo smiiI tno rf guiars aoroau.
sir siatr.inl N'orihmto renli ing to s nuos-
linn uvk-Ail liv l.dnl Hiirtlnutnn III the J.oiimi
ofvimtnons'thls afternoon .aid tho dUtr.bu-
tUm orihocongie-scornsiidfuos Is delay.
,l owing lo the fiot that the assent or some
I onhe powers lo its pub) cation hayo not yet
tinnii rscoicd. He boned, hovsovor, It would
be In the handt of the intuibsrs to morrow.
Tho whole imp-xtance thereof is Itussu's
rejdy, whloh was read yesterday. He also
said he hoped the Queen menage rfgard
ing the calling out of the reserves would tie
communicated on Monday, and that It would
be discussed tho Monday following. Hluce
thU V the first time this step has bsen taktn,
It Is desirable to twoerUla the moat correc;
mode of proceedlngii. .
Lord Lyons la mentioned as the possible
. iir, u HI h III HMIIfll II III IIWI till ,! ni'J S
successor o I Lor J Darby, but nothing detlnlte
Is yet known. ,.
It Is understood tho royal message will not
go Into a detailed statement or tho causes of
calling out the reserves.
A Constantinople special says It Is thought
Safvet Pasha will request England to with
draw her fltfdt, na Russia and Turkey aro
now Bllles,
Tho Times, In n lending article, snys Rus
sia has adopted an utterly indefensible nttl
tudo, nnd unless eho withdraws It may bo
necossary for ufc to bo prtpuod o lully as
sort our rlahts.
r A speultl from Portsmou'h says orders ore
received at the dockyard for tho linmodiatu
preparation nf ail the iron,) ships belonglug
to both the Indian and imperial governments
except thn Simoom auil Assistance, for trans,
puliation In fvent of emorgency ot xp'till
tlonary army corps. Rumors to this ellect
havo boe'i somo time current, but ordeis
now poslMvo and cletlnlto have ls-n Issued
with thoconcurrencoof thocotitrolltror tho
It In probable that either Lord Lyons or
tho Mhiquls of Salisbury will succeed Lord
in ii ii i iwmwiiinnw
SIN. Noarly Throo Thousand Chlnoso Burned To
Krom tho Hnngkoug Ncw ,
At Tientsin, on tho 7th of January, a tor
rlblo cilamlty occurred. A fire broko out at
10 o'clock In tho morning, at one of tho roller
yards established outsldo or the city wall tor
thn bennlltor the famino refugees. A strong
northeast wind was blowing at the time, and
scarcoly an hour passed before the sheds
woro burnod, and between 2,800 and 3,000
womon nnd children were sulFocnted or
buruod to death. As correct anestimatoas
I csu get gives tho number or Inmates at
3,000, or whom a little over 100 escaped. Tho
location or the sotin kitchen was unfortunate.
On tho oast side was tho city ditch, and a
part of tho outb nnd west sides was an Ico
tilt, while housos llnod tho remaining sides.
In mlJItlon It was surroundod by a strong
fence orkaullaug stalks plasterod with mud,
in which thoro wats only one gate, and It
was said on tho bursting rorth or tho dunes
the gate keepor lockod tho gate aud ran
away. Many of the Chinese showed much
courago In trying lo render tiMManco, as
testillod by an eyo witness, who, passing
Jn:it at tho time hastonid to do what becould
in tearing down the tonce and rondering othor
Horvlces. He speaks of the sceno ntthattlmu
as terrlblo bejond description. Tho scono
presented after the flro had dono Its work
was gastly nnd horrible, und tho picture rlfes
before my mind as ono that cin noer bo
etricod. Tho contortions of the foalurrs,
tho prnltlons of tho botllfl3, bands, llmbc,
mouth and eyes the Haute as when tho llamo
aud smoke overlook thtun, reminded one of
tho descriptions of Pompeii. Had the gate
been loft open many mere might have made
their encuro, but so rapidly did the ll.ttma
tprnad through the mat blinds, and In tho
straw and mats spread on tho ground asu
protrotlon Hualnts dsmpnos". that before an
opening could bo inado In the ftinca few
evon woro left to linger on In stiU'erlng.
Ilow tho lire orUinatid no one seems lo
know a park poslbiy, from tho rango
wltoro nt tuo time tno roou was cooKing.
ANosro Proaohor'i Asosnnt or tlio Cro.ition.
The fallowing extrHct, Irom n sonnon
preaolind bv it Southern iui;ro minister in his
congregation, Is tno good to bo lost, antl wo
give It as noar vtrlulln as memory will per
mit: Do Lird made man: an' be ntsdo him out
o' mud: an' ho set htm up tiglti do feiico In
dry. He broaved In dst nun tie br.ifob life;
an' be called list man Adam an' he say,
"Adam tat all daannles In do iraulen oen'n
do apples In do middle ob do garden, Uhms
dom's my wlntah apples." Den do Lord
went away visltin'. By'm by Adam got t rid
llbbln' by lilsself nil atone, o oua day when
be was asleep de Lor J touk a butcher knife
an' ho gouged out a rib; from dat rib he
formed woman; an bo sot hemp agin do
Iimico todry. Ho breivod hi dat wnmtnde
brer eh iif-; an' ho call dat woman Eue; an'
ho ssy, "Kbe, look n heah. honey I eat nil do
apples In do garden, 'cep'n de upplo In de
miuuio no no garuou, ussy uhiii-h my wimau
apples," Dim de Lord went away aglu.
Ity'm by iIh Dabble cotnei dn-Hiud in denir
renl'afKln; nu' fust he gobs up to Adam, an'
liesav.''Looka heah, Adam, eat do wintsb
ipplel" Adim sv,"N' nl Da Lord say, 'Kit
ell do applet In do girdt-n 'cen'n de apples
l:,r:.':Ztt rrUv-lllA .. dem V Ills
an' ho ohuck tier under do obln, Hn'lTetvay',
"1-.10 eit ue wintan appiei" I'.ne iook tie ap
uluand gtvo Adam n blto. Ddti do Ionl klm
back, an' font bo goH up to Adam, nu' he
says in tones most awful: "Adam who rat
dat wlntah annle?" Adam was nkard. row-
eiful skarJ, nu' he say, "I I-I dunno, Iyird
Eho, 1 vpecll" Den (In Lord wrut to KN,
an' ho say, "Ehe, who eat dat winter nnplt-7"
Kb 'i say, "I 1-1 dunno Ad nu 1 Vpeott" Dt-n
do Lord uit berry niurrv on. ho war awful
angry, in tirudern, uu' He picks 'em bofup
by ue nanoti ie ikiik, uu ue say, "uo earn
NoUiUHllca on his Mgnt-Gliirt.
Saturday forenoon a little old woman who
had c)iiit3 town in n one hurvn wsgen on
tored n juiro on Woodward n venue whore
gents' iurnlshed goods aro sold, and naked
Iftlieykipt such n thing as a man's shirt.
"Certaiily we do," wos the reply, au the
clerk refilled for a box.
"Welllmy old man was traveling down In
llhodu Llttiid, last rail, and be heard of 'em
aud ss one," she nintlmied, "and he's
I)mi hsfurH.y oyer since to own a oonpte.
Things lave come to a pass when men have
got tu hS'o one shir; furday audlhnntber
frnlgt, but Thomas is rather ohlldluli,
unu i inugu in yi nun one."
'.Motall men wear 'fin
now," raid the
clerk h ho opomd thu box.
"What wrlcodo
jou win to pair"
Weill Dunno," she mued,asshe picked
unnuttf.er another, and lot them drou.
"Idldi say I w.iniol one for myself, did
, noj or courfo not. These are t'n-
ulitht-bhlrts, madam three ditfr-
Cllt Hi'
s "
tthffckcd op the plaint stone, shook It out.
held itiut atnrmM length, and coldly said:
Ynii( man, ii vou pretend loeaillhlh
gamut aulghtHbirt for u macT
"Yij ina'aru "
'i do eU7 Vou Hick to it Hint thin frill
Ing ui futlinlowlng and lucking and iuf
fllriir l"u js on a inan'a nlcht-nblri?"
"t'ui jou'd bfttrr co to driving a sand
whc youni; nianl" 8ho Miapped us t-lie
tilled the giriionl dnrn. "I've worn
iilgbpwns for llfty-oneye.irH, und ir tho
diyoomo wLin a roung moonshliiMr
like ru puts on alrsj'o tsll inn that J don't
Imnywiiatii nluht.giiwn is rny man urn
sleeip hurntHi for all the uighi-shlrtx he'll
erertot me to buy. Good day, yeung
Subscribers at Eclo
Arei formed that wo withdraw the author
by V. V, Jonew. of that place, to act as
l,ejfor us, and will not reoogolie hU act
afttfow date, until ruriper notice.
1 bXK, March 22d, 1679.
- .4Lij'WBKiS
Buggies, Carriages, Hacks
XA.r13 'rt ORDER.
All VoliIcltN nop tired on Short
and new, or lisvua csrrHifn msi1oJnt to )our ikv
lion, irlvou n call, etui otl fti.tll Ihti- Jim whst
j mi want If tho ctrrligo you lum uetflj rcialilng,
vu can ilo It In roM alistii.
Salem, Oct. 2(tf
Wo wish to Inform the ooplo of Oregon
that we havo purchased tho patent of "The
Little Oiaut Grubbing Macnlne," and that
wo aro now propared to supply auy number
ol them at a very reasonable price. The sub
joined tuMtlmnnials or tho suporlor qualities
or tli oho maohlnos and tholr comparative
ohoapnoss should rocomonded thorn to all
those desirous of clearing off land at but trl
lllng exponsu. For further particulars apply
to Frank Cooper or Wm. Dolanoy, Salem, or
Albott Urlggs,Sclo.
Soto, March 10th, 1877.
This Is certify that wo have usod "Tho Lit-
tlo Giant Grubbing Maohlno" and found It
superior to anything of tho kind ovor usod
In this part or the oountry:
Preston Munkers, Win Ireland,
Honry Isloy, J S Morris,
A Davis, J It Irvlno
EUaldwin, 1 F llrlggs,
Henry Tllaro.
We the undersigned havo soon "tho Little
Giant Grubbing Maohlno" work and can
iisnuro the publlo that It Is tho host machine
or tho kind wo havo over soon working.
M Alexaudor, O W Hamilton,
JO Johnson. PetorSmlth.
J M Drown, Win H McKnlgbt,
P Dllyoii. D 1' Mason.
Scio, May 2oth 1877.
3ac 1 1 "Vr 1 "VL 13L o
. rerj.bv Icaro tn rail tho altcntlini of Fruit.
men and nil others wlinwliti to nrnriiro tiiwl, lical
Miy Trees, Ui Itiolr 1MM1INHK HTOOIC OK
iMNOiirriSH or
Applo, Poar, Poach, Plum, Ohor
ry, Pruno,
Anit manr ottirr mlfrltneon varlrtta. tin- prlrcs tif
which e iikve risiucrti tu ran inu.nmeo. .
toad fur a eaulofcuv.
oott'j iSlllsvnuUlr.
Good Farms
UO I Orrirnn. ton oillcs north nf Haleni. on Uie
IHtinti anil Wliusll.unl real: In IkmuiIIiiI locsllun
ml ! thn Tcir heol laiirt til tilt! hlulo C-rtll lr olvlilcs
Kiln lirtOlKxmiiir.tif. vo linonn nncr iftrirarun
thin pUru at f II ear am, w titch wonlil IcavL thn til
tnr3 of tho hmil III a niuarc body ef 600 aeren. M of
which iMiivtorriilttvatlon; iisi ncrin phiimu, joiiiiiir
Ihurullbratcil flrMs. thalcoulil ho iallygot rmly for
it,., nlnw. Imvliii. I1.1011 ilialind mm flYU lo ti'n vcrtti".
All tho Imlldlii" sro on thn MW aero trart, unit for
whlrh urn only Hull f.'ij llfr SUIO. TltOM Who aro til
rrtrchnf l'ihhI UihI ahonlil goAii1 i-on lhl pUco. for
inrtlmurt.ciil. ami foo uio iru,iriviori. j
A 11,
orcni. two suit hair mllc from (lury!. ana timtt
tho fitnio dtrUnco rro:n Weoilliurn.ljlnc n thu llutto
vlllnniKl. In a ilei-lrahlo lot-ailon; In Iho wry licit
qiitltty of laii'l. arknuwIciUisl to luonoof Iho lieil
Urnir on Krvncli I'r.ilrlo by ail who nro aopisli'lnl
wlili thnniiintrr. UU ncii-n of thU Iran I tun it ciiI
tlvntion; ltu litltnrouf Iho trct, fu ncrca, Ullmtn'r.
Tbure I a loornhlo irool itfulltiik' hou'o on thlr
Slftftf lw0 cood birim, with plouty of ohed mom lor
un-. . .. .. .,4,icillrii, tu mnl eet.
'" " t T NrtTIKJUTT
On thenrcml'ri, nr oildrifn thuin kt fu.-.M.i. ii.
Nuy. ill. lull, imiru.
Hotwecn Portliind and Sun Francisco.
Can bo piirchitrtil nt Iho iirlncliml Htttlmm tit tliu
. ,t U. It It , nt
Ilocluoocl XtntoB.
Hteamcrs leave both I'orlltn J and Hin 1'ranclKO about
Every Fivo Says,
earning PPenKrr and Kielsbt at thn I.OWIlT
IlATKt. iUthMiiilvllnetriylnjiholl H. MAIM
Tho Htpftiiithlpt ef this Uiinptny aio rated A 1, and
aro nuw, (ilrt'Hi.t and cotniito lu tvury .rtlnilr,
audcoaiUt of thu
State of Oregon,
(Noir hulldlng.) 3.030 ton burden,
George W. Elder,
(I?l) tollr,)
City of Chester,
tl2W ton,)
Ajax, io toM
RH'or Irvltflit or pise, aiily at lliHiMmpany'suf-
ntf. roriiit v iiu rniin uerio, i nt:ri.tr.u.
J.:o. V. WJ.IIU.Iilt, Agerit.
priK'nettiiii f Cm-hrrn, Dim audumlitdgivu
mnlrii lUsl tli 17 will purcnsMi ul Ihn
Highest .llurlict I'rico,
or will eint'sct fr 11H lint nuy ho offend ef nrit
xsiob't crop, thiotiifli ItiL'tr aviulf Jloirrn Al.l.KH
A I.ISVK'IH, nf I'oiiTliNli, from uhiim sett) tun he
Lid ijkjii appllration,
JOIIK A. iuttm:,
Marui?rrnr tiw I'tlfl0 Oil and l.est W'iiik.
Nirr. ri, 18T7n.fl HA .V J-'IIANVIMIO,
Pr Prowo'a preat prcMriptlon for Bpllry hilng
now ttn tvilrd lo ovt-r in out) catMltumt a failure,
he bt ird np hi mind to ujiI the lKrrd(ent
knewn U all 'inerer free of eharye. Adoro-f I)a
U l'usLreBaorM,2UraD4Utrt,JrClty,N.J.
C A. Itien. Noury I'nbllc T. ?. Oox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Ijoano nogotiated on Favorable
Buy and Sell Gold nnd silver, Stale, County,
and Ci'y Warrants.
Agniit lor IIi'i'il'N tlpcrn Iloose.
t-s7onitc. at tlio corner of Rccil's Opera Mouse.
few aM.yjr, ok. siyi
tf I'ont .Street,
Iuttrts n thorough and practical education
in all cotnuihtclal and English branchoe,
French, Germm, SbuIhIi, Drawing and
Telegraphy. This school having greater
(icllltlos, and erj tying a more extenslvo
patronago than auy Mmlhir lUNtltutlonontho
Paclllc Coait, I'oiitluuixi to base Its claims for
recognition aud patronage upon tho good
senso and enlightened Judgment of tho pub
E P Ilea Id,
11. M. Stearns.
P. l). Wocdbury,
A. it. Capp,
T. H. Houthorn,
Mrs. W. J. Hamilton,
P, Herognl,
Geo, Jebons,
A, Vaudorualllon,
W. II. H. Valentine,
Mrs. C. Woodbury,
Mrs. a. M. natoti,
A. V. DuUlel.
C. F. Morel,
Tho attention tnuentUmanly mannors nnd
correct bUHlnoes habits, and the fact that the
HtHUio.is iiucation is uni coniineu tn iiook
keepln.T, Penmanship and Arithmetic, but
Imparts such brond culture us tho times now
demand for u high position lu thu Murcautilo
Thu employment of only first-class Tench
era In every Department, and In snfllolont
nntubers so as to glvo personal attention to
ovory pupil.
Its cotnplelo system of
by which pupils nro titled to ontor tho Count
lug limine directly f.oui the School.
Tho high standing or IIh Graduates in tho
lluslnesH Community.
The Pains taken to secure positions for
Gndiii.tosiii goid lliislness EstabllshmotitM,
The (linlsinu or pupils ol both text Hand
nrany ime, so Hint young boys aro rendered
morn iiitiuly by thu turtulrtllou ol tho ptipilN
or an older age.
In having the largrxt nnd best ventilated
Htid errar.grd School rooms, and the largest
vesrlj Htlfiiduttiioiir any lluulncss Training
Solini.l In America,
'llio Imtuedislo notification or parents In
case of ubviiK'oof any pupil, aud tho pains
taken to kiep ibom Infotinrd of tho progrowt
and depnrlmiiiitof ihelr hiius.
The Pact thileich pupil hocomes nn ele
gant IliirlnoKH I'uniiitu before Gruduatlug.
lis dopartmeule of Modern Laugusgcs unit
Drawing, in which each pupil can receive
Instructions Tito of charge.
I!m complete Department of Telegraphy,
lu which stmloiilH are llltttl to tmttr aleticn
upon their dutlus us Operators.
Does not Issue LlfuSchnlaishlns, but given
thorough Instruction nt reasonable istos.
Invites examination from all Interested.
The "College Journal," giving full rartlo
ulsrs regarding onursu of lustrituUon, terms,
e'u , may be bad at the Olllro or thu Colltgo,
21 l'oit btrtiut, or by uddrosMng
Prrsldent Htn-incssCnllfgoan Pranolieo.
Scientific Smcriciut.
Tlio most popular Suionlilio Paper in
tlie world.
(Mil)' fit .50 n Venr. Inrlllilllig I'nstage.
U'ei'Uly. rsi Nuiiilirrn n Ycur.
i,wj uo o it a-ugva.
Tiik SciKNiirm AMiiiiiCAN Is 11 largo Plrst
Claes IVcfkly Newspaper of sixteen pages,
printed lu the must heautlful st le, iiuatl
ittuttititul with uplrtitlul rvtiuviiiiif, repre
ci'Iiiiiik ' in.o-i Inventions mid Iho most
recent Alliances lu tliu Aiu mid cldifos;
Inuludlng.Michanlcsnnd Ihiglnierlnir.NifMin
Knglni'trliig, Italltiay, Mining, Civil, Cian
and IlydrMiilIo Kngli rerlug, Mill Work,
Iron, Sued and Metal Work, UhemUtry end
i;hmlertl Processes; Kit ctrlclty, Light, Heat,
Hound; Technology. Phnterraphy, I'rlutlnu,
New Machinery, New Priu-Moj, New Ito
olpes, Iiupr.ivi meuls pertulnliig lo Textile
Indiisirv, Weaving, Dyeing. Coloring, New
Industrial Products, Animal, YHgoinbln, and
Mineral; New and IntertN lint Ptmts In Agri
culture, Horticulture, the Home, Health.
Medical Piogiof.H, Nodal Kcliuce, Natural
History, (Joolngy. Astiouoiiiy, eet.
The mokt valuable practical psp r.liy em
inent wrllnta In hII depnrtiniiNls of Hclenoe.
will he round In theScieutlllc American; the
whole preeuled in popular lanuuage, tree
from technical terms. Illustrated with engrav
ings, aud mi arranged as to Interim and In
form all uhtohiHof rtadeis, old and j ruing,
Tho Kcleiitltln Aiuirlcan Is promotive of
knou Ii dgn 11 t,il prngrt'SN In every community
v Intro 11 circulates, It should hun h placo
In mery PHinlly, Handing Doom, I.llirnry,
CoUhvo or Hnliool. 'IVrni", f 't 'JM per ynir,
$ CO half year, which Incliim-a piepaymtnt
if postage. Discount lo Clubs and Auonta,
-Slnitlo coplei leu cents. H.'ild by all Nhivs
deitbrs. Itmit liv p slal order lo M1JNN
tV CO , PutdUher", 117 i'aik Ilow, New Y01H.
1 ,4 'Hi',,'V,II,.' I" roniii-ctloii with iho
J M. Hill 0. 3 tllKMIHO AMH.IIUN,
Mrssrs. Mlt.NN & Co lire hiniri.nrs ul Amur
let 1 1 and Pun luu Pali nts.snd havlho largest
eotnbllshmenl to the woild, Puleuls sre ob
tslued on the bel lerins, Mnlels of N...V
Inveutltiiis nnd hkeichiN xstnliud, 10 d ad
vlie Irte A special iinlicx U iiihiIo lu tlio
"l.'IKNTIKJO A.VIilllO.lN of till lllMlltl'Uih i'al
etited tl.iiiugli tint Aurney, vvlln t lit iihuio
and leildi'tiC" ofilie I'.ili'iitMi Pnblle stii'ii
lion In Uni- (lirtiliil to th meills ol II. e now
IMieu', und hsIih or inlriiduulloii olleu af
it'iit (id.
Any pernou who has trinitea new dUcovtry
or Invention, 0.1 11 loeerlam, frut ol eliiirtie,
win. their 11 patent null prulmlf! b ob'siritd,
by w.rltlnviti the limit iflwiied, Addits lor
tlio IMpi-iJor itonrniriliig I'ali-uts,
MUNN iV ( )., :!) I'-rk llnv. , New Yi rk.
ISranitli Otlire, Cor P .V 7tli :., Washing
ton, !:().
.. A, K'niATTCIX,
Attorney at Law,
HiVbKM. (Jl':ctO i.
OrTroop HUts r)tret.iippuli the llunnt.lt llnsee.
AVKAIU AgDUwaU.l.!li1iU
nef UillHi-i". rarllcnlanrree.
mliku a
T'y' 1 V
t -)A
. 'I
"A I
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-; fcrr''. -fr
n i.
k, 4 ,
1 'a
At "'
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