Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 05, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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    HtSt". -.? - -
' V
rt VA l. 3-WW
iilfanutt Muxmtv.
ruBUnntna xno rnorHivroiis,
ft. A. CliAllKK. 1. W. OltAIO.
Term of Nubnvrtptlon.
Ono copy, ono year (61 number). .(2. 50
Ono copy, fli month (Sfl number) 125
Ono copy. threo month (13 tinmbcra) ........ TA
HALKM, FRIDAY, Al'11116, 1878.
VTja, (Inuul flUml rw OrmoaXTCtiUCA Com
plete A Marvel of Beauty.
Milt SolO.
.Mr. Win. KnMo hat oMhtM.UT mill jiropcrty
on tho littlo l.urLUmuto, to Micwrs, M. K.
Mcintosh ml U. IVnnut, for tho auui ot!,0,V),
Tho mill it adjacent to ouo of tho tlncat bodiiw
of tjtnlvor in tho tvHintry anil may bo reasonably
cixcctotl to furnUh tho Uwt luuibur obtainable
Wo vrlali tho Rt!iitliuuii iklHiiulant bucciaj in
their now uutlci Uklii;.
Oood Advtoo.
At a rfosnt ferinorV mooting In Maatotiu-
iIIn k iekr imvu raolpo for, making
ftriuliiir pay, follow! "lUv but one bul
nwi, mitl ot up lu tbo morning d ca to It
Yestenlay, aya tho I'orilantl .Standard, tlm
grand Htaml for tho Oregon exhibit at tho Paris
cxjKtmtlon wan fitiieliCMl and trimmed up with
n quantity of Oregon ccrealH. A number of in
vited gucnts wcro admitted to tbo hall cm First
Imtwccn Taylor and Yamhill utrootn, and every
jicrenn HK)ko of it in tbo highest tcrma of praise.
To givo a description of it ho ao to convey, to
tho reader an idea of iU beauty and coniilnic-
tion, Sh a very illllicnlt undertaking, without
(joiiif; into detail, which would (ill ncvcral col
nmiiH, no of neceHxity it must bo given in brief,
Tho stand at iU bono is a decagon in shape and
eight feet in diameter. A tiuHJ of 10i inches
rises to the
niwT MlKi.r,
And is Hiirinounted with walnut trimmings.
Tho shelf is alxiut thirty inches in height, mado
of Oiegon black ash. Around this shelf, at reg
ular intervals, are four niche which aro mado of
Oregon black ash, set together in twenty pieces,
trimmed with walnut moulding. The facing is
finished with engraved facings of Oregon maple
and burl and raised figures of mahogany. Ho-twe-jn
these niches are treble archctt with wal
nut and cclar burl columns sustaining them.
Onu of tho octagons on this shelf has lccn left
vacant for tho coat of arms of Oregon, which
will ho (tainted by Thod. Welch, at Munich.
Immediately Ixwnth this is inscribed, " Ali
Volat projiriU, Oregon, U. 8, A." Immediately
ttbovu nimes
The background of which is maple inlaid in fan
tastic dtifgns with mountain mahogany, elxmy,
curly maple and yew, handsomely engraved.
NeJit cornea
KIKU TllUtfl,
ttuch ono leing mnallur in pyramidal shape.
Thin onu is made of mapla burl trimmod with
black walnut and mouldings and finishud with
French ptdish. Tho lacks of this fh el faro mag
niliccntly inlaid, the pmiuts boinjj divided by
brocket of black walnut cornucopias surround.
til by rams' heads, cnmxu'l of over threo bun
dad piece of wood of various kinds.
Hlliu.r rouit.
Tho Ixiltoui piooo is oil liuwhoil maplo hull.
Thu kick is or Orvgon uliler, maplo, ebony,
sandal and other wmxls bcnutifully engraved,
ivil'Ii panul containing six Imndrod and twenty
In'ccch mid tho panels of tho in tiro shelf nine
Uiousaud tbrou hundred piocui. Thin sholf in
changed in form so iu to givu tif ttniii jvinols in
V ithupo, uud break tho monotony.
HllKi.r rivtt
Is mado of Oivgou enrly maplo, and is support
ed by liftocn neat littlo carvixl eoIuintiH, tho
utiglo of tho shelvtxi N-ing divided by walnut
brucUtx, aluo hiiudhomoly carved. Tho maiu
imrtiuu is mountain mahogany, tnmtnitl with
iiiouldiiigH of npprnpriato diuiensioiu and llnoly
fiir.i.r mx,
And last, is of linuly Kitishid ash, trimmed
doubly with cxipiisito black alnut uionldings,
forming an elegant Isinlcr and coutrmt. This
shelf ali"!) elmngwi tlm stylo and comi' out in
live jHiinbi, which arodividod by heavily carved
brackets with panel work inlaid by u master
hand, with ton ditlercnt kinds of wood. It ia
hsppily of Hueb symmotry m to givo tho pyra
mid U-autiful projiortieiw iudcd, and golden
Kuid of maple neatly fuiishcs tliu idiutf.
This grand finishing pieu is cupporttnl by
ten doublo cobuuns of black walnut, upon which
rout a ntar-h.iod baud of car ml waluut, from
which riso as mniiy moro coIuiiiiia of ssh
triiuiucd with nahogany, walnut luid other
woods. These MipHrt tho dome, which fonni
a beautiful temple, upon which rets with out
rt retched viingti tho fiarlia Amoricau eagle.
I'Vom baao to summit symmetry and variety
h:vn been so judiciously displayed us to givo to
tho cutiro stand a null)' grand and majestic np
MiaraiUH. Tho stand cunaistH of over C0,000
pieces of wood, luid u put togcthor ) that it
can Ik) taken to pieces and pocked in a few
hours. From kio to caglo the height will bo
about twenty feet, and cost lx'arly fj,(j00, bo.
ing defguol by l'K'r A. Kimpp acconling U
tho icuatiiianco stylo of architecture. It ro
tpiircd tho ItiW of livo men miveu months, ouo
tuirver threo luouUm, and another two months
to shapu Uio woil mid place it whertt it now
Mauds. Tho shelving gives 'S2 lineal feet on
which to display Oregon product. Thu carv
ers woru Mi'Brs. Marchauit V K inter, whohavo
Jutiveii themselves to Iki uukoter workmen in
lecd, Tho whole, work hm ctunplutcd uuder
tho iinmodi.ito stiperviiuou of architect Kuapp.
The Democratic County Convention met this
morning at 10:45, and was called to order by
Ocorgo S. Downing, Chairman of tho County
Central Committee.
On motion, lion. K. L. Hrintow was elected
Chairman and W. M. Kaiser, Secretary.
On motion, Jos. Osborne, Ulair Forward and
John iSavago were apjioiiitcd a Committee on
On motion of (Jeorgo S. Downing a committee
was apiiointed to apportion delegates to attend
tho Stato Convention and to arrange tho order
of business for tho afternoon scfaion. Oeorgc
SJJuu,liinu. Juuum 11, ('iilomnu nml It- H.
Dcarlwrn were apjiointed said committee.
On motion, tho following committee was ap
pointed on resolutions : II. II. Gilfry, 1'. K.
Murphy, Ceorgo A. Cutting, Iaac .Small and
Mr. Young. Convention adjourned until one
o'clock, r. m.
Convention called to order by the Chairman
at ono o'clock, r. m, Tho Committco on Cre
dentials rcortcd the following as entitled to
Beats s
Sount H.U.K.M -II. II. Dearborn, U. Coffey,
Iouis Westacott.
.Salem (I. A. Cutting, Thus. liurrows, T. U.
Jackson, 11. II. Ollfry ami X. N. Stceves.
I'htSalkm- K. I Uristow, 11. Cave, Win.
Milller, J. C. Caplinger, A. M. Holt, Dr. Slmr
pies, I). Howard, Thou. Cautield, J. II. Albert
and Jos. Osborne.
Noiitii Sai.k.m John .Savage, W. it. Muuk-
cm, J. Cooley and J. Chaml)ers.
IIowkli. I'liAIlilK .Ins. A. Kays and Fred
.SU.VKKTON -Hlair Forwanl, K. F. Colby and
Hencer Dudley, F. Muacher.
Huiimmity - Phil. (Hover, John Anderson and
('eo. Downing.
CllAMiowi Jan. It. Coleman, II. F. Clark,
II. K. Kborbard, Hugh Cosgrove, Patrick Mul
len, and Andrew Murphy.
Okkvaih- P. K. Murjihy, I). II. Fonl, John
T. rimith, John D. Hmith, Jom. II. Ilruyles and
0. Thilwdeau.
I.ini'oln James .Simpson, J, II, Small.
Jr.m'.n.ON Win. OoMjier, Charles Miller.
FAliiriKi.i W. II. llynl, W. M. Kaiser.
WooiuiUiiN John. II. Ixjckmiller, James
tfrAYroN N. Yoiing, 0. II. P. Darby, V.
Tho Committee on resolutions reported tho
following :
llmoliYtt, That wo adhere with strict faith to
tlm cardinal principles of tho Democratic party
and favor n government by tho jicoplo and for
inn people, economically ailiuinuitervu ami con.
lineil to tho administration of justice and pres
ervation of public poouo, ait safeguards auniuuV
amines oi power uuii iiivisn appropriation i
For several days a report has been in circula
tion in our streets that the Pioneer Oil Company
of this city has failed, and that Joseph and Geo.
P. Hobnan, of that Company, had mado on as
signment of everything in their ponscsgion for
tho iMSoefit of their creditors. Wo were request
ed not to mention tho affair, ns hopes were en
tertained that matters could Ik: arranged eo as
to permit the involved parties to go ahead with
tbo Winesi. As some one in this city has fur
nished the Portland Standard with an account of
tho matter, and as a wrong iuipreasion will bo
created by that jiapcr's article, we will give tho
facts in has been related to us: When the
present ownets liought the oil mills they did K)
on time and gavo notes bearing interest at tbo
rate of one per cent. it month, and aitnougu
the business has always proved remunerative,
tho heavy load they hod to carry in the pay
ment of interest on a large amount of money,
and tho comparatively small price they have
received for tho product of their mills for the
past two years was moro than thoy could stand.
When they saw in what shape the affairs stood
they callod a meeting of their creditors and sub
mitted tho matter to them, turning over all
property in their iKisscssion. Tho examination
of tho condition of things developed tho fact
that there is sufficient property to jay at least
ciL'uty cents on tno iiouar ana possimy more,
corno rations,
?iwpxi, That to roliovo tho present distresret
condition of tho country, wo demand thu iiuN
tuedlaU icpeal of what is known as the l'o
sumption Act, mid oppose contraction of the
currency until n lmlaiicu of trade is in our favor
Ktillleient to tuipply coin iu placoof thu currency
KfMhxtl, That wo favor thu "immediate aliol
ishment of tbo pieticut unjust and odious Na
tional Rinking system, which makes tho laborer
pay doublo interest, ouo ou tho Ixtuds deposited
as n security, tho other on tho notes issued by
tho hanks as a circulating medium; that all
bonds of tho government bo paid in accordance
with tho spirit uud tenor of the original con
tract; that all notes circulating as money bo
issued by the government direct and mado u
legal tender in piymcut of all dues and demands
Ixiib public and private, except where tho con
tract spoeilies otherwise; that wo favor thu
taxation of nil government bond so that tho
burdens of taxation will fall alike on tho rich
as well us tho poor; that wo favor tho assess
ment and taxation of thu palter currency of tho
country known ni greenbacks and wo heartily
approve tho icinoiietir;Uion of silver by Con
groort. l!tolvfl, That wo favor a tariff for icvenue
only, and contend that thu so-called protective
tariff system hcuclitri tho wealthy low at tho
exKiwo of tho toiling many.
ilttolml, That wo favor tho abrogation, or
such immodiAto modillcatioii of our treaty rela
tions with tho t'hiueso Government as shall
sncodily check tho influx of Chiueso to our
coiv.1t, and tnako provision for thu speedy emi
gration of all that x.'oiilo now among us.
AVltv, That wo deuounco tho administra
tion of our county affairs ou account of high
taxation for county purposes, and demand thu
election by tho people of public servants who
will manage our finance in thu interest of econ
omy and retrenchment.
P. K. Miutriiv,
II. II. Giuiiv,
Groitui: A. Cutti.v.,
J. II. KitU.L,
N. You.no.
'llio iwolutioim wcro iuloited.
Tho Committee on Order of llusineKs reported,
riKMiiiiuendiug that after tho selection of dele
gated to thu Stato Convention, tho county nom
ination bo postponed until tho lait Friday in
Convention took a recess of l.'i miuiitot).
Geo. A. Cutting, A. Sharpies, l). C. Howard,
W II. Munkors, II. H. Dcarlwrn, Geo. S.
Downing, Nathan Young, Spcucer Dudley, P.
K. MurjJiy, W. II. Hyivl, .la. Casey, and J.
IL ('ulmaii,
Ou motion of II. II. Gilfry, tho following
resolution was uuauiuiously adopted:
AYWiW, That tho th.uiks of this convention
bo extended to Mcasrs. ltood & Cox, for their
lilerality in furnishing tho io of their Opera
llonoo for the reunion of this convention free of
Geo. S. IViwning, J;w. A. Kaj and Dr. A.
M. IWlt, with Dr. A. M. IWlt a Chairman,
were selected us tho County Central Committee.
Convention adjourned to April -uth, IS78.
Ohio gavo only ouo vote to sustain the
lYe!dentV vct General Garticld enioy
tho solitary dutiuctioii of having given Imtt
A dock UftOxSO feet i Uing built at Hungry
barber, Mow Kuapptou, for tho net and loat
of Capt, Jolm West' Wcport Iwhery.
A woman in St. liu'u had her uoo I roknu
List week by the explosion of a toy steam en-
giut with which her children were playing.
Mr. A. Btuh.'of this city, tho principal creditor,
was selected as the assignee and tho business
will bo conducted as heretofore until some final
settlement is agreed upon. Tho failure of such
men as the Hounans is to be regretted by nil,
as thoy are men who contribute largely to the
wouare et tno community in wmen tney live.
In regard to thu matter of farmers putting in
tbo need which has been furnished them, we aro
assured that everv Demon who ntants this seed
and raises (lax is certain to find market for it
here, as tho mills aro certain to be run by some
one. Wo are also informed that a gentleman
has made a proposition to buy the mills, but as
yet it has not been decided what course will bo
pursued. Of ouo thing, however, wo aro assured
and that is that thu nulls will run, and that our
fannera who cultivate llnx need not fear to put
in a crop. Statesman.
Salkm, March 28, 1878.
Pursuant to adjournment, tho Hoard of Direc
tors of the Oregon Pioneer Association met in
this city yesterday, at 7:30 r. m. Mr. Henry
Drown, tho Secretary, being confined to his Ixjd
by sickness, li M. Waite was elected Secretary
pro tctn.
On motion of It. C. Gcer, J. II. Ilruwn, Jos.
A. Baker, K. M. WaiUr, Mrs. J. Minto, Mrs.
II. II. Ilowmon and Mrs. S. A. Clarke were
elected a Committee of Arrangements.
On motion of Thos. Montcith, P., the pro
gramme of, 1677 was adopted for 187S, except-
'" i feca and band music.
Ttlered that thu Commit--vt
l,rH for drum uud Cfo
., . . or il'iy i , , and fora suitablo num
ber of string instruments for the animal ball.
Ordered that tho ro-uiiion of 1S7S coiuuieiico
on Friday, Juno I ttli, at 10 a. m., and coutimio
until Juno Kith, nt 1 I'. u.
On motion, Col. I. It. Moires, Col. John Mc
Ciuckcu ami A. P. AiiLuey, 1vji., of Portland,
were appointed n comiiiittco of thri'O to arrnugo
with tho transportation companies for a reduc
tion of fare.
Tho grounds of the Statu Agricultural Society
haviug been tendered tho Association for its re
union, it was votud to accept tho offer, and tho
thanks of tho Association were tendered tho
Ou motion, thu npein throughout thu Statu
wcro earnestly solicitisl to publish the proceed
ings of this meeting or a allowing of thu same.
There lx:iug no further buviuce, on motion,
adjourned. W. J. HKKIIKN,
It M. Waitk, Presideut.
The delegates electud to thu Itepublicaii ("onu
ty Coinention, which ikcscmblcs in this city on
Saturday next, so fur as heard from, aro as
follows i
Noutii Su.kvi W. I Wade, A. Savago, H.
I Swartr, W. II. Adair, A. Stevens, John W.
Howell, J, Martin.
Saijui K, Strong. J. F. Stuigor, J. Ik Kor
By tho, A. N. Gilbert, W. P. Keady, L K.
IVatt, A. 0. lln-y, a It. Scott, J. Coffey ami
John Parrar.
Hast Sauim - Win. Waldo, lil Hirecli, U S.
Scott, G. P. Litchfield, J. A. Stratton, W. W.
Skinner, J. M. Martin, 11. A. Johnson, W. I.
Culver, A. Gcsucr. J. H. Wilson, S. C. Adams,
J. C. Juwph, J. W. Minto, 0. M. t.'artwright.
Scvoro Accident,
l.ut Friday, Davy Craven, n littlo boy who
is living with Mr. J. O. White, of Oak Grove,
Polk county, fell from a fence which ho wad
climbing, and inllicted a severe gash in hi
breast, from a pocket knifo which ho had iu
hi band at thu time. Dr. Richardson hap.
pencil to bo iu tho neighborhood at the time,
and was oullc.l in and sowed up thu cut. Thu
Doctor sold that it was a very cbwo call. The
littlo fellow is doing well, however, and will
soon recover.
Poor Old Man.
A few days since an old man was seen wading
through the'mud in thoBtrcct,atDallcs,Baysthe
Aatorian, leading a horso packed with what ap
peared to be a camping outfit and tion inquiry
wo learned that his natno was Gotlicb Schwei
gart, a German from Walla Walla, who it will
Iks rcmcmbcicd was robbed of all his means-
some ?1,4M), last summer. Hums mid Goodrich,
aro now in tho penitentiary serving out a four
years sentence for tho theft of the money, which
has never lxjcn recovered. It seems that his loss
has partially demented the jxaor old follow.
Whqi asked, he said ho wason his waytoHalcm
to ecu the governor, who ho expects will "Assist
him in recovering his lost money. Ho is an ob
ject of pity.
Threo Littlo Men.
'Ilio Appearance of Commodore Nutt and his
brother on tho streets this week attracted very
general attention, and the two little men have
becnthotopic of conversation. Somewhatstrango
n third man of diminutive- proportions made his
appearance at the same time, anil looks enough
like tho Xutts to be n brother. This third chap
is a large eattlu dealer in California, and ns
wo are informed comes hero for tho purpose of
making investments. Oocasionlly these three
littlo men have appeared on tho streets together
and as a matter of course they were tho "observ
ed of all observers." Walla Walla Statesmen.
Tho Season Tho Crops.
In conversation with a Polk County farmer,
this morning, wo learn that tho grain crops this
year will necessarily fall short, because of the
long-continued rain. Ho said that after the
rain had ecaiod falling, it would lxj two weeks
before tho soil would bo in condition for the
mow. Ho also said hill lauds were increasing
in value, because they can bo plowed nt almost
any time.
Soma Sturgeon.
Tho Telegrnm says: "On Sunday night a
Columbia river fisherman caught a sturgeon,
about threo miles below Columbia City, which
measured within o fraction of fourteen feet
from 'noso' to tip of tall fin, and was a littlo
less than livo feet in circumference. Owing to
tho lack of means tho fish was not weighed.
This is thu largest fish of the kind ever taken
in tho Columbia."
The P. P. T. Co.'s Steamer
ibr I3uim Viisttt
AVn Ioxn,
Patrowizo Your Own
rrotectlon ngalnNt HlRh
Pays Cnslx lbr
Hides, Furs, & Pelts,
21 Commercial st., HALKM.
Willamette Nursery,
Oawogo, Olaokamas co., Oregon.
Dayton and Shorldan Ilallrond.
Tho following note, says tho Standard, was
received a few days since from San Francisco:
"While ou a visit to tho rolling mills a day or
two sinco I learned that a contract had been
mado nml the track is now being rolled for the
Dayton and Sheridan railroad." This morning
Mr. Canton, in company with a corps of sur
veyors, took passage ou tho steamer Mc.Minii
villo for Dayton, where thu survey will liegin.
Tho road is to bo of narrow gauge.
Arms lor Idaho
Iu pursuance of a joint resolution of Congress,
says tho Walla Walla Statesman, S-.'O rifles and
IH,r.OO cartridges liavu been ordered to iAiwiston
from Vancouver. Tho same iiumhar aro to bo
sunt from Kcniuia to Fort Hall. Tho llmmockn
in the ndighlHirhood of Fort Jfall havo recently
been disarmed, ami arc understood to be un
friendly. WiUaniotto Erldgo nt Portland.
Tho Portland Standard publishes thu bill in
troduced by Senator Mitchell in CongrciH for
building o bridge across tho Willamette nt Port
land. It is to bo built any timu within six
years, nt any point selected by the corporate
authorities of tho city of Portland, and accord
ing to plans approved by tho Secretary of War.
Skelton, who killed Drown near Canyonville,
has In-en arrested and is now in jail nt Itoscburg.
An oyo witness of thu fight says that Skolton
dnrod Drown to gut oirbis horso uud fight him,
telling him that no had no weapon. Drown re
fused. Skolton called him a coward, Drown
alighted ami knocked Skolton down twice,
Skolton drew i pistol and shot Drown three
tiiuci, thu last shot piercing tho heart.
Xlio Italian Prune,
And tho beft varieties of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Sbnd for Descriptive Catalocuo.
"German Syrup."
No other iiuullolno lu tno world wan over
clveu miioIi n tost of its curatlvo qualltleN us
llofiihetiVOiirinsn Syrup. In tliroo ynirs
twiiinlllinu four hundred ttioumnd small
bottlH of litis incillelim woio distributed
teeoehnrge by DrugglstH In this country
10 uio-oHiiiioiou wiiii uoiiNiimption, ahiiuiih,
Croup, sovoro Coughs, Pnouiiioiilanndnthor
dlsoAkos of tho ThroHt and Lunus, giving
thu American peonlu undeuUblo iiroof tlmt
Oorinan Syjup will euro thoiii, Tlio result
Iikh befit lliAlDriiKgUlHlii ovory town ami
vlllsgo lu tbo United butts aro rocoinuitiid.
Ing It to tholr ciistoiiioiH. On to your Drug
ulst, slid tikk what thoy know about It
Samplo lloitloH 10 cents. Itogulir slro 75
cents. Threo doses will relievo iiny cssn.
Eggs for Hatohing from Darlc
Brahmas and Browu Lochorno
a specialty.
I hsv two i llrown I.ehoni Cocks, rslic.l by W. II
Tol.ltVtruitlllnn Ohio. nnf which took llio llisv
protnlnuiCockrel. at (.'Mcseo ami llulW. Us:
wliitrr. aul a nuo lot of Park Ilrslmms. selected
irorny or a pilr tint cot inu J107. AIo,
Of which I havo Just Imported a Uio pen from tbv
All of m y tsrletlcs are
la America,
of the BEBT 8T1UINB
In Full Bloom.
Tho peach, plum, cherry and pear trees arc
in full bloom, and if old "Jack Frost" don't put
iu an api.ranco too early for them there will
bo au ubtudauce of thedo fruits this season.
Do par ted.
Messrs, Miller and Keil, who canto from a
colony iu Missouri two or three months siuco to
assist in icttling up tho estate cf tho l.ito Dr.
Keil, of Aurora, loft for homo yesterday morn
ing on the KMer.
Tho SJ lul Viouccr Preea says that them
wcro fifteen birth iu the town of littlo Sauk,
Todd county, during Uio past year, and out of
that numKr thero was but one girl.
MAUKiKD-Iuthistity, March USth, I8T8,
by tlio Dec. T. Ik White, of AlUuy, Mr. J. II.
Ukon to Miss Caluii; M. Mackey, all of tLfs
city and county.
P-attou's lllock, BUU stroet. Halciu, Oiegon.
scrltitlous, anil all unlcrs byniallorexjirt'ii uUt-d
ptomiUy an J accurately,
I'll' tlciaim and Country Healers will hrvu money by
examining our tto k, or prvcuilng our prlctn, bifure
tiurvlitiini; ctruHbero. no 1 5-if.
enpt. J. w. coriiu.iN.
Parties de-nlrou of cni;aclni; frtlcht or pasrace.
wtllaply to
W. J. I1EKHRN. AiNnt.
nov Paroiera' Whatf, hALUM.
3J0-ccrl I'OIt 8AI.K AT ALL TIMES.
Imperial Egg Food
Seed itamp for a circular.
Chcdd, Iiicn Co., - - Oregon.
Lllornl TorniH:
Tno Oregon and California ant Oregon
Central Ballroad Companies
OPHKKtblr Land for laleupon the foil iwlne lib,
ral trras- One tenth of the prtc In cah; tutervf t rn
the balance at the rate of eren per cent, one yen
anr !; an;l each following yi-ar une-trnth of tt
prtficljiol and tnten'tt ou the balance at the rate ol
taven per cent per anna i. Uolh principal and Inter
t tiajable to U. 8. Currency.
Ajl!.?ant 0( iia Pr e at- !! " allowAt for cah
t'T" Letura to tw tddrcMed to V. M-'HULZB. Lan
Agent 0.O.U.h..l'ojtUnd..Orsoa. '
mAKES plcarnro Inpfferlni; to the Wool-Qrowers o!
1. Oregon and the adjotnlnir TerrttoriMg the cbanc
topurchao THOIIOUUIIUKKO MhlllNOS. and aV-
urlnBpartle,lntcretedtbat they can. and wlU "n3
h. ii t."JJA,iEU T,113 tb nch can polbly
be Imported. Kiamlnatlon and comparinn with ott
er Sheep offered lu the market are cordially InWted.
c Addre.a jyUN uiXTU,
v n .m. r. . Salem, Oretrou.
N.B. Tho Ram and IUm Lambs of the flock cat
bereenon the ISLAND FAKM, adjoining Salem.-
iii'f itV?.n,bo ,M5 al '.ne Mrae Ple. or at the
HILL FAHM fonrand a ball mllca soutb of the clt.
baltm, Beptcmbej JO, 1W.V
Trust Investment Company
Ok? 8COTI.4NB.
rpiIIS Company 1 prtptred to negotiate loans ta
JL turn Irom fUO to iio.000 aeenro-i OTer IMPno
flxcil perloda rf yeaj, or repayable Xj half yearly ta-
atalliaenta. For teim. aDDlr to
novlT FtnlBtreet PortW