Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 05, 1878, Image 1

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$2,50 per Year.
Some of our subscribers nro ono or
more ycnrs in arrears, nntl wo nsk such
to respond at an early day. Any sub
scriber can toll how much is duo us by
reading tho dato on tlio tag. Monoy
can bo remitted us by mall, through
money order or registered letter, or
sent by express, or can bo paid to tiny
of our agents.
Omnbn, Nob., March III. Gcnornt Crook's
mission to Fort Hull, Idaho.olleils tbo fol
lowing facts: Tho Rannock Indians who nro
located at that post behaved badly last full
nnd monaco i tho poaos of tho sottlmont, no
that it was found necessary to disarm, nnd
dismount thorn. Keconlly tho Indian do
pnrlmnnt gave orders thai nil their, ponies
should bo cold, md tho proceed" used In tho
purchasoofeMtlofor trade. Tho redskins
united In a protect, nnd liavoshnvn an ugly
nplrlt oflato. They want the ponies, but no
bull or cows, and they also want tholr arm
restored to thorn. General Crook will in
tilro Into thelrgrlovenros, nnd ho will re
commend what eotirso should ho pursued,
and tho Indian bureau and military will net
ncerrdlnirly. -'
"GtWaRhlnRfon, March UO Tho house com'
iitlttonou education hnvo egreod l( report
ftvoMUiy Willis' mil impropriating u quar-
tor oi minion i per rem. doiium, tno interest
on which shall go to the American printing
house for tho blind, to bn expended .tirriong
institutions throughout tho coiin'ryj
Now York, April 1. Madamnlluatoll com
mitted auleldo bv cutting hortnroat with a
carving knife. She war fouud In a batbl'tubA
.which was tilled with water.
Tl... Milliltrflitti nYftmlmul flwU limlw.
mund n deft) cash had bn ' cnWacrowa- thri
front of tho throat, severing OiencUUryoln,
und a slight out on tht rJtiOdM o(,tho Deck;
.,iiuo.ioiow. ever hinoo .ursMSBtif nan
xrqaannesiou groat i ur Hpa uwaMtccmim
5?aC'.ba.hsi:r tl . ihh iyj iWiyailKC .
bring oilier ohurgos against liar In rtfjirico
to an old caso. This belief bad taken Mich
possession of hrr that It almost, amounted to
mi halluolnatlon. Tho mombers of her
family sild Mm was very nervous all day
yesterday, and showed ymptoins of mental
dera&gemont. Tho aululdo was dlicovcroJ
about eight this morning.
Washington Aptll 1. Secrotary Sherman
vii-t bplbro tho oommlttoo on banklm: nnd
currency, on Invitation, huiI In thocnuran of
tils MAtouient claimed tnataiior rcMimptiou
ofMpoclK piymont ho will havo authority to
roNsuo 00,000 000 ol United .States note,
under authority of tho existing low ol IS70,
contained in tho rovlsrd Htatntes, relntlvo to
tbo roitsuoof United Statoi notcHiecolvod for
New Orleans, April 1 Tho supreme court
in ado tho following order In tho Andorioi)
It Isordorod nad decreed that n rohearlut;
is refuted and tli.it our Judgtuoul Maud uu
Mr. Castollenal,onoof Andorsnn'soounsol,
initnedUtoly nppt-arod with a oortlflod copy
of tho decroo before .In lso Whltaker, who at
onco orderetl the relnxH of Audernn from
Iirison. About 1:30 Gen. Anderson was ro
Washington, April If Snvernl gcntlomen
who a.illed on tho president to t!nv, having
iuoitlontally alluded to tho ponIiIoii of lli
Kepubllcau coiwiori toward him, ho replied
that lie supposed thero ""as now a bHiter feel
lug among thorn, as from what he could
hoar they had rrcontly given expression to
tholr vle'wscnnuernliiK him, and epolally
be thought Senator Howe foil better alter de
llverlnic his speech. The president does not
aeem In the least disturbed by tho adverse
criticism, and places himself on the ground
that It Is in acootdsneo with his sente of
Chlcsgo, April 1. Packard's friends have
been too singulnn. It is no almost certain
that Georen Williams will be nomiiutetl
collector o7 Now Orlesns,
JJos'.on, April -. A resolution to amend
the constitution In tavor of worn in nillraKo
was refiiMed n third roadln lu IheSouatQ lo
dav by 10 to Id
PntlsvIlK I'a., April 2 Th Nsl)nil
iisrty of IViuhvIvhiiu hold i conventton
ilav Katriiilhd-lphU.
Auborn, April - Kt CingressnTin I II,
Duell.nrrtsted on a ohartie i.f defrauding a
widow out of fJUW psuslon money, hasbten
released on bsll. Duell claims ho ctu tiro
dtiena rrcelpt for th inon-y.
. New York, April 2 Too Hersld's W'a Ell
ington specUl fys tlio following are the
ohlof items of Iho river and hsrhor bill so
far as tho Pscldc oohhI h concerned: Oik.
land, fSO.000; Wllinlii?tnu, (!al.. S.'O 000;
Sacramento and Feather rlvur, $3,000; lower
Wlllametto und Columbia rlvxrx, ?30,000:
Columbia and .Snako rivers. $-0 000: mini
around the Columbia river. Onxnvlea, j;5,
000: upper Will.imetto river fiO.OCO
The oompsratlvo statement of th acgro
pate of ceilllleAlas of deHsit reoleved web
uionth thus far dining the flteal ,vesr end
lnKJun30th, S77andlS7S xhowsatlecresse
to March aist. lt7S. of VW..VS. Tho toUl
receipt for 1877 wern Jllb.TOi) 037.
Ths VIUusj o.' Poort.
Tbo town sue of rVorla Is among tbo pret
tiest of any In Oregon. It has one genera!
atore, four warehouses, one wagon shop, two
blacksmith shops, has a nlo aoknol hniiM-,
lota of pretty girls nd splendid faruilog
country to back It.
At last accounts but $1,800 remained to le
...luriUI to build tike lirst tn miles of the
Yaquina aailruad.
Constantinople, Maroh .10. Gon. Melikoft
ban nddrosed a nolo to the Porte demanding
tho dismissal of tho Krlilsh llee. from tho
neighborhood of Constantinople. 8fvot Pa
sha communlcatod tho nolo to Minister
Lsyard, who, in aocordanco with Instruo
tlous from the Hrliish government, replied
that tho tleet would remain until after tho
departure of tho Kusiians from tho environ
of Coustantlnop'n. Tho Porto handed tho re
ply to (Jon. MollkniV without remark.
A speelal Iroin Pera states tnat trio vilt of
Grand Duko Nluholas has ended. All the
foreign vessels txisept tin Kagllsh manned
their yards as ho left lu tho Imperial yacht
on Thursday.
Tho Times, In nn editorial, Hays: Neither
tho obJeolH ltusla proclaimed at the oiitret,
northo t-vontaof tbo war, JuMliled her ad
vance upon Constantinople nor hernppronch
to tho lloxporus and b.trdauollos. As long
ns she rcnlns lit that niennclug position we
shall feel it necessary to retain our ships lu
the Sea of Marmora, and so lougciii'iniuent
ly will pence bo uncertain. It Is llussla who
has trepiosod upon tho lorbesrnnco of Kng
land, not ICnplstuI, who has shown n lark of
consideration for her. That forbeuranco has
now been strained to lis limits, but nothing
hut necessity would Induce us lontert our
rights by I'mce, tnd a HtnMy nnd temperate
roticflifclon on tho n-i-toftho lltpslaii cabinet
Mould, without in tho loist (l"ri'e com
promlslm; tho Inlertbts of ItussU, iLSiuotho
jiescoof Kurnpo.
liOiidn'ii,- MarnhiT) Yleniia dlspstche my
AtHlnWv" shows no (tlspoitlou toytuldto
liiiutluf. Tlio Infer iirenn to have eonHncri
liluisMlflo a ddimiitratlon that Husslit's
mllliniy post. Ion is sufllithatHho has nothing
tofi)ar,aud hi oinsiilteil Autrla's lnr
esls. Am'rlrt still .ll't'ins to hrp-i Tor n m lu
lion by theoitigr'S'. Iirnitlt.tf sild oncir
roopoii'lonttlialKiiulatid has pucrd liiirasll
in a dllUoult pitshihii by sending a (Not to
Urn Ssa of Ma-mnni. nod tho ltuslan army
iwoujil stay btiforo CotmUinllnoplu till tho
,11001 ten. uinur report sty too ur( inter
view belwjon AnuravNy and Iguatliff was
Katlsfuctory to the latter. "T
VtirU, March 31.-A speolsl to tlo I'.i'tIo
from Vienna pays ti rumor Jsourreiikilisro
mm lnni...ji(.'. ni)'!!tM'i ,f t';;,ety) in.u
ou llusnlau frontiers has been nrdsred.
Rome, Maroh 111. Cardinal McOloskoy to
day presented General Grant to Popn IjSO,
London, Marjh 30 Tho report of tho ap
pointment of tho Marquis of HalliburVKi
secretary of htato la formally contradicted.
Tho following notice has been prepared for
Issue to tho oIIIquh of dlitno',8 throughout
tho klucdnm:
Mer insjesty hiving boon graciously
pleased to tilrrct, by proclamation, that the
llrst class of tho iirmy rmervo force bsordr.
"d out for permanent survicA, nil men be
longing to said resorvo nro rnqulrod to re
port to headquarters ou or before for the
purpose of rejoining tho army,
A Pen correspondent believe n thorough
understanding totwoii tho Huislantand
Turks has been brought ab tut by the etfirts
oflUouf Pasha end Ounsii P.isha. who re
moved obttHoles to Grand Duko Nioholas'
visit, nnd Inspired tho sultan with cordial
feelings toward tbo grand duko.
it u inarm (I on lair authority that ir.im the
pnsiiloni near tho Mnponu nothing atn
prevent the Husslans frooi iiiarclilug to the
cosst stid sailing a fort commanding the cn
triiuoo to tho lllaek ('.
Iluchartwt, Maroh .'to It is stated tliat t o
ItiiNlau'squarteruiitstHr deptrlmeiit lu ltou
omnia havo bteu ordered to engag-j ton
thoiixand carls.
Tho ItiisHlans havo forbidden tho export of
oeroais troui the lower tiiuiiiio.
Cnnftautliinple. March 31. Tho Turks
havo reoocuploil lluyukerft.
Too ovncoHtlon of thequadrlllateral by tho
Turks Is deferred for Iho present.
Grand Duko Nioholas to day provided oyer
a inllltary council at Sin Hinfauo. lie will
vlt-lt the sultsn again shor.ly.
London, March 20 A Vienna dlspatoh
says It is rumorrd that I'rlnco llismark Is
nuking further 11" irU to nsHemble the com
urem.and has aked ICugland to forward
preelse statements of hf I demand I.
London, March 30 A special from Con
staiiilnopli) snnoucoes that tho Turks have
abandoned Ksrak, ut tbo Uiack Sea eutranco
of the Itisporil",
A correspond nt of tho provincial Journals
says iho belief that some ntep forsaiHgunrd
Ing Ilrl'tsh IntorosiN like iho entry nltlie
tlet into the Ulsok Sia or niciipatiou of
Uallipoli bus been determined upon.
A sp'-eUI to thoS nudard.dstHd Conxt titl
nnplo 1'Vlday, states that Ifilio Ilrltlhli ll-i-tl.
not Wltinirawii too lluslaus will occupy
C.intantiuopIe, with the approval of the
Lnndon, April I. SpnclsU Hy tlis cair
ha ordered 500 aildillonal Kriiii guns.
An unimportant surlmmui.'o btwHenllos
sis and HugH-th soldlors at .St S.ofatio has
ConvHtillnople, April 1 Grand Duke
Nluholas had a two hours' lutervlew with
tbe Hiiltnii Saturday.
Tho Itiinslans aro fortifying Chaiand
erecting entreuchmonts at all fetra epical
It Is believed in mllltarv circles that Itus.
mIs anil Turkey liav arrived at an under
stnndiug. It Is still hoped pua?o will be
London, April 1 A St. Petersburg ills,
pa oti slates thst L'ird Djrby's re&iyn ulon of
the foreign ollliw was a complete Mirprin,
end Ciiisd an iinmeiue Henssilon in ollloUl
circles. Lord Drbr, says tho tlUpstcb,
rHproached for havln inlslol ItussU and
Knglsud by going s far as be did lua dlreo
lion whloVhe dUapproved.
A VlenWt dlplch Hsy.; In convqut-nc
of Lord Derby's resignation, and the calling
mil or the rmterve, AutiU bas oeasel ber
effort ro -Cfeol a comprorni about tbo Con-
Krew, ftxliog aura tbt RusaU will out yield
. . i.-
to ISogiatid's demands now, when doing so
would seem Homowhat llko submitting bo
foro n threat; but what may not bn poMiblo
now uisybecomo so. An Interruption In
regard to tbo congress, and tho order for
mobilisation of tho resorvrs In Knland
neod not bo followod nt onco by nuiictiul
collision between tho two powers, mil n
conviction may bn lorced upon them that,
after nil. tho congress oilers tho only posslblo
ebsneo of a peaceful eeitlnmoiit. (
The liiipre.aslou Is that, Wliat ovqr may
havo bwni originally tho object dPUeu.
Iguatlell'smlsalnn, ho conllned blmwlf in
fact lu giving nnd receiving Inforniiitlnii and
returns to St. Petersburg and to report what
ho hnnd. Ho probably dleovororl that
Austria U toi aiixlnu's for Kuiopoan con
doinnatlon of the ttoaty of San Ntesno to
enter iplo nuy larunln about it with Russia
nlono, which would soem to have given It
Austrian sanction.
Constantinople, April 1. In event of war
It is expect (1 tho Porto will remain passive
and ondewnrto inuko its trrltor" respected
falling which tho Porto will simply protest
to tho powers,
Pera, April 1. Oimsn nnd UtnuT Paaha
havo bfonmo more Russian Hiati Knglwit,
Turkish and Russian soldiers rMtfcnijxo, tho
latter gplng nboui Constanlluopleln Uniform
without ovcKlng enlmolty. Ifwnfieomes
K'lglnud tntint eoiiteippbilo the pf.s,vblllty
of Having to fUlit Turkey nnd Rimila. At
bfntshe would get from Turkey n one sided
tleutrnllty of little or no Mihttuutlal use.
London, Anrll 1 In tho hou'sOof com
tiri'is SlrSlsllbrd Norlhcole, In reply ton
question by Lord llarlliigtnn.enld i circu
lar hnd been font to Iho powers by tho
llrltlbh government explaining the views ol
the government teg.irdluj; tlio picsent posi
tion of HlMIr.
A dispatch In tho Hilly Now' Iroin Nt,
IVlcrsburg Jsays : Dasplte tho v.euoral
exQlieiiKut, a few men; In high po-ition ad
vooato n tlijal nttompl nt cnnslllstlrm by the
Hlmiilhin-uus withdrawn! of tho llrlllsh llset
and ltuhiau army Iroin (tin iiHg'.iorhood
oolved In Paris ststo that Count Audrassy
told Gen. Igimtlfir that Austrian neutrality,
If not no operation, might bo secured by al
tering tho southwestern boundary of Hub
gnrla sons to make Ottoman territory con
tinuous and by &?curlug Austrian military
nud cnnimnroL'tl.Htioroinioy In ScrvM, Mon
tenegro, Distil , Herxogovlna and Albnnij,
Lonilnn, April o A circular to the p.iwers
datnd to-day siiniinarl.ss ail the recent cor
reapondence, and after giving KumIVm ro
fusal to l-i gland's dsmaml for placing tho
treaty as n whulo boforo tho congress, dimp
ly regrets Kngluid cannot ncquiesco In Rus
sia's notion.
London, April 2 A St. Petersburg corre
spondent says Austalaii views nro regarded
thero as so exorbitant that tho R'issUii chan
cellory, to prevent an effriislvn alliance be
tween Austria nntl Kugl.and, Is about to
make another attempt to como to terms with
St. Petersburg, April 2. A sllaluly better
leeimg prnvaiis nore, u n quite possinie
that another attempt will bo inado to come
to terms with Kiuland, ir Amtrii'sdounnds
urn as ex-)rliltsut us reDorted.
Pera, April 2 Si far the porto hasrafnsed
all nropoials for Russian occupation of any
nftho holubts near the Bosporus. Granit
Duko NIoIioIsh has nsNtitn I the porto that ho
will nntiilvnncH on Couinniinople without
tlo sultan's iisoiit.
Vienna, April 2. Count Andnsiy Ins h
sured M.ISratlano, Iho Roiiiiiaiiisu promler,
that Riishit should, tin ler no olrctiinstaueeH,
keep tho military rosd open through Ruu
insula fur two years.
Londn.i, A"ril2 Lalestadvlcos from Con
stantinople say a strong conviction prevails
at Riisdan hedqiartera that an AokIo-Rus-sUn
war Is lueviiablo.
Grand Duke Nicholas hal a recaption of
the dlplomatlo body Sunday. The HrltUh
and French ambis-adnrs sent their cards,
Tbo grand duko returns to tils headquar
ters at San Slelauo on WVdnesd-tv.
Chloigo, April 2 TheTlmes' London spn.
cial mh mini) ilKcti'Mon Is occurring ns to
thoat'i'iidiof tho Uoleil States In ois- or
ar Detween Knglsml ami R I sli. A gener
al Imnrfsilnu prevails that the federal gov
ernment will bo thorougtily Impartial from
annpprHjIatlon ofrUhl. Them arsooi In
stleot niierancos to the elfeut that the Unit.
ml Sts-e will n it dara allow tho ndlu out
ofpilvateers for fear of war with llngltnd,
who would proc'il to liombard every hoa
port from Maliio to Florida.
Rmtliart-Mt, April 2. Him opposition to the
retroeas-lon In Rustli oi ilestarabia U Krow
log In Inieiitlty.
Tlio weather la very line sod warm. Unlews
energt-tio dli-liifeotio W prnmbly carried out
nloug Iho military roatls In Bulgaria and
R)ti iiault a irlg'itful pestlluuco is likely to
br"Mk out.
;onNtantinepl, April 2, lt'isshni have
couiaiunood a Ire-.li iiioveiiieut toward Ualli
poli. Kmh,!,ui troops north of Balkans aro be
Imr iiioveil nearer tlio Dtntlbo.
The R li-daiiii aro every where erect I Jg for
tlflnatlous, Dublin. April 2. The I'irlof Lsitrim,hls
clerk end driver wero all shot dead this
morning while driving near his lordship's
Imlge manor, lu Vaujjhn couniy, Darby,
Nidstails of the shooting have come to
A Jacksonville paper says: Martin Koster,
of Fool's creek, r-cently found a tiuggfet in
lila claim weighing 3K pounds, worth about
700. Ths day prevloua ha found a plaoa
ot uonxtauiiiiopio lending nrultintuui ny l '""'j "'"' ur '"l" '" " """ uoru
neutral vrelgii. v '" ' ",Ulo, nisi nbiut 2.W nno-yoir-old steers,
Iaondn,ApHlllrOnnJL,'tlo!rlrWn:ll,,5,, for.our Mouk r'lnch ". ",0 Hmuu
obsncetlorottbo exrlittv'nl Dv Adatii cot t rid t'1!1 n-,yTW"" nia waA trlpt Imvtng
sosrelary. Jlni-i? ' r .."'.,2 ort Horn bnslilo Al Hull pUW ami, will
Paris. Anrl!2 Tolesrsms from Vlnnnarn fl.i r our attention ontlnilv to ilin bread Imr of
From Dayton, W. T.
Mr. It, J. Park, recently of Clackamas co.,
wrltos ua from Dayton, W. T ns follows;
" iI,nm woll satlsllod as far as tho country
audollmato are concornod, ns this has boon
tho prottiost wlntor for work I havo over
soon. Tho snow has not boen moro than a
foot deep In tho Illun Mountains this winter,
as I havo worked in them nearly all tbe
tlmo. Ah a number of my old friends want
ed to know how I llko things here, I will let
them know through your columns. From
Birch creek, on tho west of tho Umatilla
mountain, to Snako river, nt Liwl.tou. h a
rich nnd productive soil over a country from
ten to twenty miles lu width and about 1M)
miles In longth. As soon ns you leave the
Hlno mountains and go towards Snako river
tho thinner und lighter tho soil go's, mid
wlion you got to the rlvor It is so windy that
groat holes blow out of tho thin soil. Tho
soli Is light and unproductive thoro only for
grazing. Uresis tho and and tho wind sola
tho sand nnd light soil Jut n whirling. Rut
near the Hluo Moun'alns Is the rlchcxt and
most promising soli I ever looked at, I wont
nxcopt Iho Mississippi bottom. I counted,
that t-prlng from a grain of whrnt, 75 full de
veloped stalks that averaged 17 grains ostit).
It was grain that fell by Itself near tho fence.
Thoso who aro living lu the valley nnd do
ing woll, my ml vie is to etlck to do well and
lot do hotter nlono for Tear you may do worse,
rtiatls mys.ay toyiiuall. If you wnnt to
sen this county it ls'nl far to como up and take
a look.
Lottor from D. 0 Stowart.
Mr. I). O.SIownrt.of North Yamhill, of
tho woll known tlriii tirin of II. K, Stownrt it
Son, cattle breodorH. concludes n btisluosi
letter witli tho following remarks;
"I have lust returned from tho John Dav's
country. I left hero about tho 20th of IVb-
Willi our oiitlrn herd of Short Horn
our dairy htock at our farm in this county."
It is a grcnt ;bcmllt to tbo poplo or tho
uper country to liavo tho Slownrts carry
tholr Short Horn stock there, nnd wo sincere
ly hope It will prove n mutiiil advantage to
them and to tho Htoo!c gro vo.m of tho upper
Lato rrpirta Iroin tun woiinrn nnd north
western etstos aro lavorabln for a largo crop
ofgrilntho coming season. Winter wheat
i In eald, never looktU loiter. Thero Is
considerable old wheat yet ou hand. In
Nebraska and Iowa planting has already be
gun and tho season Is the mildest, In all parts
of tho west, known for many joirs.
Tho Tclcpophouo.
Yosterday tho olllco of tho Superintend
entof the Western Union Telegraph Compa
ny, nnd tho drug store of Dr. Pliiiumer, on
tlio corner of Salmon and First streets, wero
bcselgod by visitors. Tho attraction was (ho
American speaking telephone, recently put
In operation by theso gentlemen. Tho only
tiling of tbo all'ilr IsasuiHlloval box about
eight Inches long mid ono In thickness,
Nearono mid la an opmliu, having u Ilarlng
mouth or oar pleoa, Into which the winds aro
spoken, then It Is placed to the ear for an.
ewer. Directly beneath the opening Is u thin
plato of metal which vibrates when the voice
strikes It. and Is traii-uuliled to a wire which
conveys It to the oilier end, the wire being
attached at ona end nfilm oblong bix. Con
versation was carried ou with esse, and
miiuh atnusainent undo, Singing wns in
dulged in by ladle" ami gentlemen at either
end nud hesrtly ecjiyed by listeners at lh
other. If vou wlbh in talk sons to be heard
half a ml e, utvlil one of the termini.
Portland Standard.
To Tho Penitentiary.
Multnomah rounty Is tho rlrfht bower of
tho Oregon State Penitentiary, and without
tier aid It would bo slimy populated, und
withal ii dull plscn. During tho prrsuut
term of Circuit Court 22 havo been escorted
to that place of sofuy by Sherlll" JMldry.
Two iii'ire tiro awaiting t.cntenr, end one
more Is on baud for trial, who will prulnbly
follow In the wake, making a total of 2." eo
cushions to tbe raccoon brigade since the Cir
cuit Court convened. It cannot bo said that
this ooiiuiy does not furnish her.nroiiortlou
ot llie labor at tliu penitentiary to usitst in
eiiriahln the State Standard.
A Playful Homo.
Mr. George Arimtrong, agentofllio Klnprr
Sowing Machine Company, owns a yery
playful lame, and lait evening ho had
him hl'ched up to his ex n rem wsgou, and lu
attempting in drive up the hill nst back ol
Mr. Fiiher's livery stable llie horm look
oooof his playful notion), and ran up the
hlll-slde, wbloh oaned tho wagon to npt.it
and spill out the driver and one of the God
frey b-iys, bruising iho Utter' facw to a con
siderable extent and doing some slight tliui
ago lo tbe wagon, George says ho likes a
good horse, but he don't llkn a playful one.
Faux kouHalk. A good bargwlnto b
bad. Read ad rerlUamenl of W. Y. Martin,
la another ocluan.
Volumo X, Numbor 8.
Tho Greenback party of Oregon mot
in convention at Albany on April .Id,
und mado. tho following nominations:
For Congress Prof. T. 1 Ctunpbo II,
of I'ollt county.
Governor M. Wllklns, of Limp.
Hi-cretary or Statu V. A. Cutos, of
Treasurer V. Sutherlln, of Douglas.
Hlato Printer I). V. Craig, of Ma
rion. Ktinorintentlont of Public Instruction
W. W. Pin kor, of Clatsop.
N. Ii. Uutlcr, of Polk, was nominated
for Prosecuting Attorney In Iho Jld Ju
dicial District, and .liibn !M. Goarln, of
Portland, In tbo lilt District.
A general regret Is felt in this com
munity ut tho businesH misfortunes of
.losejih llolinnu V. Hon, proprietor of
Iho Pionenr OH Company, of Palem. ,
Wo hope to hoar Unit, those gentlemen
havo tided over thelr.tlilllcultlps and
can contintio tbo bu-intss In tho fu
ture. Air. Geo. P. Uolmttu desires us to say
(o farmer.s thai all contraclH mitdu for
pttrchasij of huoiI will bo certainly met,
ih tho matmfacturo of oil will bo con
tinued, ami no doubt nil tho fioutl.,.lluit
can bo raised will find ready market,
as huretoforo.
England and Amoncn.
.England can no more nfforil 1 0Ul.
mil hostile and unfriendly ftdls ngilfhsf
tlio United .States ! bun shocan to aban
don Iter naval Ntipremacy nntl p.stablish
the sent of her empire In India, Tho
two KnglNi speaking nations ol tlio
world tbo only great Protestant pow
ers holding joint positions in tho van
of clvlllttttlon. iukI claiming a common
atock while enjoying the largest amount
of human liberty, nro so closely weld
ed (hat they must stand Hhottlder to
Hhoiildor In any and all t'onlllcts Involv
ing tbo Inalienable rights ami liberties
of mankind. England belnggeograpli
InillyHltiiated near the countries whoro
such conllli'ts aro most likely to rago,
must necessarily take iho iiiitiiitlvo In
battling for the cause, and no resort to
hophl.stry could long delay the warm
expression of American sympathy In
ber bi'lnilf. It may bo nfllrmeil. that
in the event of n war with UikiIii her
own Interest will bo tbo Incentive, and
that she will betieluatedonly bysellish
purposes. It may, also, be submitted,
that ber course toward tbo Unlt'.'d
Stales has been generally unfriendly
and hoiiiowhat Inimical; that several
times she has provoked us nearly to tho
verge of war, ami has scarcely ever
failed to advantage lttrself at our ox
peine when opportunity nerved. Hut,
for nil this, "blood Is thicker than wa
ter," and there Is n coiiiiiini.ily of huii-
tlmont and feeling between tho two
peoples that must, under such elrctim
htancos, surmount all minor considera
tions. However much public opinion
in this country may havo formerly as
sorted Itself In favor of Hussia, and
however much of frlenilline.sj wo may
feel for her, It Is eort.iin that there can
ho no binding links of sympathy nnd
Interest for her e-tiise as tho adversary
of England. Thero Is nothing In the
buys, governmniit, or institutions of
Iliisnlu at nil allied to our own practice
and deliberately nettled convictions
but iptlle the reverse. She Is autocrat
ic, tyrannical, ami illiberal. Personal
liberty does not exist In her dominions:
church and .State are united und ruled
by ono head, and political rights tiro
denied the people. Our common-hit
inlereotirMi with Jtussluls very limited'
and our expressions of mutual esteem
are little more than the lutercliamre of
diplomatic civilities. Hut with Eng
land the conditions are wholly ol an
opposite character, and aro so widely
recognized by tho Intelligent classes of
both countries Unit they need no oiiu
iiii'ratlon at our bauds. Under no cir
cumstance could an American witness
Urn humiliation of England without
heart-felt regret, and although we
might take no pail in tho coutlict as it
government, there Is scarcely a doubt
but tlr.it thousands of our countrymen
would stand by her cause with lavish
expenditure of money and blood in tho
hour of her groat need. A. '. Com.
County .Superintendent Crook and Prof,
lilrmlngbam examined thlrieou appl oasts
for sclio'd o-rilHnates last Monday, (our oul
ot thst number failed to pa oiatnluattoa.
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