ViSff vf- sr i c i & WILLAMETTE FARMER. .' - ,.j j. i r i i. y p; ' I i IVncii NotC3 from Old Linn. Churl ly GninRc, No. 103, ) Fobrtistry I, 1678. J Kdllor Wlllumctlo P-triner: Tho oillcoM of Clntrlty Cranio woro Jnstnlled (i Iho 29tli tilt. Uro. A. D. McMichaol of Oftli Plain, No. , being present ttnd nctinfr ns iiisinlliiig officer in n very nccoptnblo manner. After 'the Installation, Mm tablo wan I reparal ami loidi 1 with (lie t,".ol tilings of earth, bro'ight IIhto llirmijjli tho in Hlrutnont.ility of Hi" f.iir m-.'"i of the Order, and rest tt'fltired, thai twuplo Justk'o wiiH done tho rows of roast chicken mid .stacks or baked lmm, to ay nothing ol pltw, cakes and other goodiea, many or tho nelghliors not members being present nml seeming to enjoy themselves. Tho " J'iko" sehoo' under tho man agement of Mr. Elliott, closed to-day. Mr. 13., begins school again in ono week. Tho school at "Center," under tho oh.irgo of Mr. Witling Is inn very flour ishing condition. Tho "Franklin Utorary Society" have regular meetings on every Friday evening. They nro going to Imvo a "way up" exhibition to-morrow even ing. They aro still pestered with Hcunis of tho earth, tho hoodlums. A little Judicial murdering would bo a Very salutary thing for such quadru peds. Tho roads in this part of the country nro absolutely terrible. This brings up (ho uuggesiion that (hero hliould be some remedy for such things, liencu would it not be well foroursolous when they meet again, Instead of spomlifig nil their linn; in enabling over tho U. H. Nenator.ihip. or hhiio other political vrowbalt,jto devote n part to making laws that will bo of some beneilt to the tax payers, for Instance, lot them umoiid our Ko,td law, levying a tax, .say of ilvo mills to bo sot apart asu road fund, then appoint or elect mhiio suitable hv hod In each district to superintend tho work and put all tho-to trampsand friim mers that arc infesting tho country to work and keep them at It, paying them reasonable wages, and not have them preying upon society la the way of puny larcenies, vc. Again, wo should have a compulsory Behool law, compelling those young bloods that are charglii); ver the prai ries with a hhot gun on their hacks, to go hi school and when they are found any where else to give a good rea.-ou why they aro not In school. Itcmem beryouiig man, that the time Is coining when u man must either know come thing or bo nothing. 1 wish that the Orange.? would take these things under uilvl-uinuiit and talk ihem them up in their meetings. Come, brothers and aNter.-, let us see if wo can't d Houiethiug to better tho eoudltlnu of ourcolvos and those do- endent noon us, and society generally Mo.klngnflortli nothings that larger Hows than us think aro beneath their ..ot Ice. Let us lay u-ddo political and religious prejudice and work together for I ho general good. Now, Mr. Editor, I have spun this iirliclo quite lung enough If you thiuk It worth a place In your paper, pIoiim publish, II not, you have the waste basket handy. Moro anon, .Ikuicho, Loiter from Sheridan. i;d. I' rue health or our community Is very good. There bus been tomo ciim-.s of typhoid fever tuitl two deaths to record, Mrs. Tabltha Hldgewayand her youngest son,. lames aged about 1!). The niIo of her prop erty come of on tho iStli, couIsting of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, hay and oats and house-hold goods and farming im plements. They have a large amount of wheat and bacon on baud lof-ollat private sale. Dr. .loliu Jackson being administrator. There has been a great amount of plow ing done this winter, moilly hill laud. more aro many poi-Miis employed in giubblng and clearing land; imiiiu em ploy Chinamen, some Indians, and hoiiio prefer white men. The Chinese, aro undoubtedly tho cheapest, as they can bo worked at '.)() cents per day and board themselves. There r-ccms to be work for all. All the talk hereabouts Is railroad. Tho Dayton, Sin rldan and Grand Hondo ltailhnd Company, m'oui de termined to accomplish tho object they M'totit for, and wo think the Iron hoio will be on the track from D.iytou to by the ld of SeptemU'r next, litiid along tho route Is now held at from $." t.i $10 peracremore thin before tho company was orgauh'.ed. Some hides have Ik-oii mule at au advance of $(5nu List summer's prices. Mr. William Sleppy, while working In a r-aw mill, aceldently cut oil hw right hand hot won the wrl-d and thumb. Dr. O. 1. Douim was called and dressed the wound. ni-dMi'd as 1 under btaue uy .urs. ur. ihiiimii, i Sheridan Granije, No. DS, Installed their illhyr on the thlid S.turday In thlsuionth. T, It Ib-wUy. Master; A. j'Mwiinb, Overseer; M. V. Kn.ley, Secretory. The (iningo meets 1st and ;id, Saturdays of each month. Brother T. It. llewley, installed tho olllcers of Mill Cieek Grange, No. IM.nti tiio'jnth 1 will not .say anything alMait tho din ner set by the -dstors of lheo Grange.-., (s IeHiiuot do liitisubjm'tju.-.tice; siilllco It to cay, wo had plenty, and to spare. Tho oflleer-t of Mill Creek Grange, uro Muster, i. H. Hranson; Overseer, E. Depew; Secretary, T. L. Uutler; Treas urer, Jacob Damn; ono ot Colonel Nss nilth's emigrants of ''l.'J, Wo aro much encouraged by the news wo get in tho Pahmdii from tho different Granges. Mill Creek Grango meets on the 2nd and 4th. Saturdays in each mouth, at the M. i'J. Church, on Mill Creek, mem bers of the Order In good standing uro invited to pay them a visit. Those miserable curs mado a raid on (ho sheep on tho farm of II. JI. lirancoti latt week, nnd Killed ten iliirCotMvoliN, IiiVJi". Mr. 11. bad Iho good luck to kill fuurol them, thereby saving many sheen. Mr. San ford lilnsbaw went to Ne braka and Iowa this winter on u visit, after residing in Oregon ;50 years, and on his return, says ho would notglvo a garden spot in Orocou for all the land bo saw. Those cold countries do not suit a Wobfooter. GitANonit. Notes of Travel. Kd. l'n:.ii:n: Leaving homo on tho 10th bint, for ii short visit to I'olk and Yamhill oountloH, I pussod through Howell Prairie, fillowlDir tiio mail leading northward to IMrkiTHvlUd. I'aHslng tho contral aohool hotiso I notlood that a largo hohool wan la operation. Tho grangnMof Howoll I'ralrlo tntvoa lnruo hull at this plaoo lu which thoy hold their mooting. From thU point ono gelhn II no viow of tho pralrio. Many nice rihidpnces may hn nron, nmonn which I will inentlon J. W. Groonwood's, Jamow KuyV, Mr. Guvatiaugh'H hiii! Mr. Watt'f, which v.nro comploUd during Din last nun mor. I'ii8slnn Hio farm of Mr. .1. C. Sliav . our ;f!ii!al nx shurllf, I noticed that hois fitr mlti(,'on fj'ilto u l.irtfo soilu, lio will, no doiilil, imiko morn money outof thlscntor prl'otlmu lio did from tho former. Tho llltlo fall (train that wui down, looks iintiiii ally well. I'.eisliiK on to ParkurAvlllo I noticed Mint tho IhIo IiIrIi wator In PuJiiln rivor had ncttlorod tho nanr 1oh holonKlnnto Ihosnw.mlll nttlds placn in ovury direction, many Kolnu nvnr tho dam ( nnd bolnt; lost. Tim K'rihl mill at tills placo, which hail woll iiIkIi rntttd down, Is lionitf ropthnd, a now fiiiiuilat'on liavlnir buou plnced miliar It; from iippttaranoo I concluded It would noon ho in opnrutlon iiguln nnd uortiilaly to tho urnat convontoncn of tho farmers lti tho nolL-lilinrlinn'l. Half u mllo from this plaeo I ps aui'tlinr Miool-hotno whom snmo yoaiiK mini ant training tho young ideas how lit ahool. In tli In neighborhood a nam Ixirof Onnimn rami'. Irs Imvo hmiht land unit uro making for thciiiwdvrH HiibNlnntlid lioiii'ji. Kvcryth!ii( nroiuid lliom looks tio-W; what limy do thny do wiU. Oregon Hliould ftol JiiHlly pioad of lior Onrmnu population ns Ihuy nro iimnup; hor hest altl r.unt, 1)p!iih ImliiHlrlotm mid ipikit. Arriving itt tint old town flto of IlolpiiMnl, In 1'Vmioli l'ralrli), notr tlio riisldotiuoof tho la'o Jo-. KmrIo, I found that all Hint was loft of Iho town was tbo iiainy. Thn old col ki; building wIhmo walU twenty yiars uf) (uhooil mid ro tuliocd tho burning oratory of tho would bo ud;i)H and conj;rohHiiii)n, hns IliiHlly nlvon way to tbo riiliutlrtH band of tlnm. Il has buon inrod to thn ground and tbo plant that know It no lone knows It no moro. l'rom IIiIh ph'co to llulibnrcl, on Iho rallrod,ls four miles, and In pnsdiiK I olt Korvvd that tbo Urmnra idnug tbo road were innkliig pormaiHiiit Improvement In tbo wry ofclimnlii up uruli lands. Tho CoIokIIhI was tbo Kriilililnir omolilno nmployoil, Ar riving at Hubbard I found Iho placo much I uptown). Tim plnco bimsts of a kooiI Mihool bulblhi and u very liitorostlug M'hool ii ii -dor the mnu(;aiimnt of n Mr. Itoop, la'n foiu tbo Hist. This plant will no daub' grow Into cnutddcrahUi Importamut lu tho unir fulurn, in as miitih hi It In Mirroundti! by a hddiI firming district. Hero I Arlof.k of Iho lioMpltiilltliH of Mr. John Kuowle. well known to tint prolei-sors of tho whip In tho il.iyj of utilising In Marlon voiiuiy; ho l ptiiiviilly .slliiati'd and I nuking u jjoail living fir hlniH'lfHiul lamlly. Turning westward I ncd Uiroiigh tho tow in of Wondbutn and Ciervalu, which are Improving nicely, though (lirvula purlmps Is unking (bit inoht rapid Improvn iin'iitof tiny rallioiil town la Iho county, thn burnt ONlrlcl of two yon m ajjo being iifitrly nil rnbullt. Kinin HurvaU wn took ihnHMil loading to WhiriitUud on tbo WIN liitnt'llo, and In piikslng Ihrounh Ihopraltlo I noticed but liltlo fall gruln Krowitu', i-nd frin opiiratloiiH woro at a HUud-btlll, tho ground biting to wot to plow, Urovdiig tbo rlvor at Who. thud wo mndo our way to tbo loot hills, Utmeo northward on IhoMslnin uud Da ton read hoiiio Iho uiih'Naud htoppHil wall mtnu old frlonds from tbo Mwker Stile, l.en lug this point I vUited thn ill'trii'ts ot Mtt.Mliuivlllo and Amity. Atlabtog mv lino or n.nelovi- iiii- of IlirlUioul niilorprin wiih iippsrent, 'n iliiu'leiirlng of bunlx, cnlrtrgluoi' gialu Hh.iU, utpbiuiug old loui'fs wtdi now once, Ac. W'liiltln thn neighborhood of Amity 1 nift and tiHtt a convorsiloii wild thoirtllronit surveyor rolnllvn lo rnllma iimtlerH, 1 iH.iruri l.lni iIihI Iho eomiHiiy iiromiH,! iii.xtoml tbo wxt hiiih nnd itin comiiiL! I iiiiiHior km tra 1)Imi, lu I'.dk county, a twenty Ilvo lllllt. Tills iiitdi t mi w 111 b of gKMi ImporiHiti'rt lo tho tatm-if-.n4lt pm-oi ilirougli a line HgiliulturHl .ii.lii'-t iiiiiliib.uit wldrtitv btiwiHni ibw Wll iitiiuuif riMrund iho ojust rmiKt-of nioun- MIIH flmaUsklioldors of Iho V l S.Uo.,of l".Moiuvllle, urn dl plaed and enisiiirt.g. it wuli UiMr n'erprtu". 'I'helr Umi boam in tin- river (a 1 liaiiud from I lie report of in i Mcrntury,) etriu'il Ihm venr ?.a,-:i il. rioir prii-tiui indttt"odii(iN bidug jl'J.iX'O Tldi tbt two boalu imii r.i)ly imiichI liexl yriti Hint then llm nouipAuy will lu ablo lo tnkit divldoiids. 1 niailii prlluiiUr Inquiry In rtrnro lo lhn emiipuiUlvo viclil ef grnlo Dillon anil high Uud, mid I hah niiivfrotlly islViriutd ihi lliti IiIkIi Uud nob p.odnurtd lb U'teAtKt mi. mint ptr miro, but uUoltiobiht ipulliy. I noiliMil that th hllla wttrn mwr l all plowed m, and furniom on tho Irgn luiiiU wrt buy HrtMliig wlillti tboswoii Hie kiw UuiU wtro lying uu their oar, My oliwervHtl n lends mo to Iho conciu-lou that ono-lh ltd moro grain will bo harvested In tlmiKi counties tbia yar than nvtrbefoto, and llinlilinllnio is tiearatlmnd when tho blah binds In th, nountlos nn well ns In Marlon c.ogntv, will be ficknnwlrdprd by nil tn bo tbo best Rrnln producing dlo'rlclH In tho Wlllatnotio vallny nnd will command tho hlgbost prlcu per aero. JC. Tj. tTiunvnti. Jlielilnnd Homn, Waldo IHIIh, Marion Co, Oregon, Jan. '.'7, 187S. Tlio Hailroatl Question. Kii. RitMi:n: I iioiloo m ert'e'o In vrvr paper ol r'alo .Inn. :5, Haded "Northern l'aclllu Hnllicad; p-llllon to Uoiiriws," te,, to.,Mrnesdy praylnij tlut lionoritbln body to e.xtoml tho tiino wherein tho N. I. H. Co. may cotmtruct Ihoir tiaie.uontmoutal lino mid oarn liia proceeds from tho t-alo of hinds borotot'oro Krantod to them bylaw, under tho following conditions lo wit: 1. Such ex tension of tlmo to bo i; I veil t enM N. 1. It. Co. Indopondont of any other piojulod trnns coutlnnntal rail rend or connection therewith; U. sniii N, P, It. Co. to rIvo gnarHiiteiis that It will construct and maintain nn Independ ent lino; 3. that It will construct lis lino down tlio Bouth sklo ot tbo Columbia rlvor to i'ottland, Oregon, Ac. I also noto in tbo Hamonrdulo that other petitions hayo betu circulated In tho Intoroatof Senator Mitch ell's bill rocolvlng many algnaturcN, but sluco undorstundlng tbo matter moro fully they haw slgued tbo petition as adopted by Pomona Grango of Marion county. Now, Mr. Kdltor, my oxporionco with potllluns lim bten that tlioy aro vnry cheap, thai paoploslgti tboni Mmply bocauso itcoHts nothing and others liavoslgnod before them, thU may not liojd good In all, but Is Into In the malt; bit bo as It may, wo bavo heron qnydlnu that Is of vital Impor tant lo oyory oltlzaa of Uicgon, a question that vo should -eaiouably understand, and what will bo thn elfouts, not only now but In the nnar future For ono, 1 nm iron to admit that I do not undorsland thin petition. Can it possibly be that tbo Pomona Orange has Ion Its b.duuco and lurnod Its objects and almi In tlio Interest of monopolies? Thin certainly cannot bp, but lots noo. I'le.-ixo let any of your polltlonoM road tbo II rat. second, and third coudlllotiN carefully ami put thorn together and soo what morn could bo ndded toimikotbls a llrxt chisn monopoly ; while should Souiitor Mhrliell s bill Ikcoiiio a law there would bo competition for the carrying trade oftho Columbia river, but we nro told If this bill becomes u law wn will get neither road. Well, now, tbli Is vory line: is any body fool fiiough to bullovn Mich iioiiMtnt'O. Allow mo to Khk, Is It tlio Intention llu.t they sliull hiivit ton yours to build their road to Portland, and are they to own and control tho Columbia rlvor far this (lint? This cer tainly Is tho condition aked and to bo allow, cd. If so, tills will Mirely mako itan Indo pouilenl lino. Allow mo In tok again Is thoreany person that believes lhat the N. P. It. Co. will tvor build a rnlhoad down the Columbia river m lung nn Iheyownand control tho Oregon Slram Navigation Co. of tho Coluiublul Wijikl It not tw .just as rca Miimblo to bcliVo Iliad a fanner would go to Portland and buy two thronhlng machines to llircfch bis crop of ono thousand bushel ef wheat, as it would be to oxprct the com pany lo build this road where tlioy can build at least a do7.on boats for wbat it will cost to build live miles of railroad through tint O.ii-c.ulo, and as this would not bo lu tho I nt erost oftho oom p.u v nono could expect It to complo i lex rruil down Ike Columbia lu lime iliuii len osrH, lliln being tho tlmo asked tty Hm eouiany of Congrehs for tbo iMiupletlou of I nn N iw, llrottior tiraugors, let inniull your attention to tbo lnutttiat In Ipns than ton yuars millions of dollir.H will bo nudv in invent In railroads down the Coluuibi.i river; and all that will be asked will be Hut rUlu of way lo ilili vast Hold of wealth, Kmnru Oregon and Well ington Territory ( Int. will bit u4lte). ltu member that twenty II v years ago the Utile steamer ('olilli'blit, ot eight hundred 0 iH, i4 nut lo I'oriland noiiio Utiles twli-n a mont t, hotiio tliuiM mit. hi otiou; Ihern went mbi t-eeiiMiiuetimtis a buk or brhr ofn ilvo bun. died ton burthen lied to as nmp luabeiice o.u whsrf. Howls It to diy? Wlint, H thn tmiiiageof I be a'Kiiusrri III it tirrho and do part every inonih? what Is tbo number of urnt elxsa nb Ipi that have biteu mien at join wliurfi.? Then auk yourself, why ixallof thl? TliomiMwer Ii at hand: Tvnctvllie yinrngi wn prolueed hardly Milrleinno meet our waut, wlille to tiny wu produce mllllnus ol IiuIimU of grim lo itedtlm huiiury mlllloiw, If all IhK great change lias been lirnuglil about In twem.v-tlvityeHrs, wnainmy wrtexpeet will lie me change in ten years to u.iiiih with thelmiuigrailnii that It Docking tn our whore. Kemnmber that we are giving away lo a uinnup.dy forly Hi.ven nillllont. hcic- nfluud worth one hun dred and twomv millions of d ilUrs-, nnd nil we ak of theiii in r-itirn Is thai they will be mi Independent, eoiiipiuy, a name that yen aniMirelv paying ilpur lor and will rorei in the near future. Now. in ooiiuIiuIdii, let mo say, had ilii-. pell ion bee u addtt.rd In eur renrSHiitatl In Cnncrrhs utavini- inrilm lurlvcoiiipletinniil tli.t loel(N,'at the ('.is. culm and 'Phe Dillen of the Columbia river, uinv men in lUIU'cl OIHAIU lillglit Oilier into ooiitpfililoti wub tldi liiilepeiulriutniiipiny a We see helnir done on Hie Willamette river, noun would have bten Mirprinvd, but IIiIn ,st Ition eniuiiutliig from an order whose very c.vNtaneo ii built on opposition to mo nopolliH of whnlnotyer klir.l.nno la ready lo e.xulalm In the laiiguaire of the poet, "Con- leuey, thou art a Jewel !" (Ht.VNOLU. tSvoiton,.lnn.:w, JJSTS. The above puts tho case as strongly as It can be made, uud we proceed to answer the questions as to our own views and tho reasons why wo oppose the bill of Mr. Mitchell. 1st. Under terms of its charter, tho N. 1. it. 11., cannot become more a monopoly than aro railroads in general. 2d, Tho Co lumbia river is to bo opened up to free navigation, and that will deprivo either the projected railroad or tho O. S. N. Co.,of opportunity to monoH)lir.u tnttllc. Wo must act togother to urgo the speedy opening of that river, tld, The N. P. It. It., will do moro for us than all other roads rau, and tho moro fact thnt Mr. Mitchell is unfriendly to it, is reason enough to opposo his schemes, especially when wo Imvo reason to bo liov3 that ho Is the paid agent of tho Union and Central Pacific Co's., and re ceiving large foc3 from them. Their interests uro not our interests, nnd ho cannot bo a reliable friend of Oregon interests and be tho agent of those mo nopolies. Ith, Tf tho X. P. It. It., is built the Salt Lake road is mm to bo built aim, within a few .wars, wliaroo", it the In". P. U, It. U dl-eott raged now, it may not bo built for many years to come. We do not wish to mako any factious opposition to .Senator Mitchell, but wo want to bo independent nnd have a railroad of our own, ami tho N. P, Jt. It. Is the only one that can be called Mich. Tho Grange. Kit. FAtutiat: Ic may ba Intorostlng to some members of tho gratigo to havo an op portunity of roadlng a abort report from me, ns I Imvo had tho honor of Installing tbo new olllcers In soveral subordinate granges dur ing tho past month. First, on the first Sat urday In January 1 was honored with a ro quesr to Install the ofllcers of Salem Grango, No 17, which was public. Tbo attendance, was nood.nud with a manifestation of In creating ititorext in tlio organization. Again mi tho Hocond Saturday, by invitation, I met with, and with the assistance of Iho. Mryant, installed tho olllcers of Chehulpiiitl Orange, No. CS, Ibis Installation wimalho public The display of interest was only excelled by the splendid display lu tho line of refreshments; the i-oclnl enjoyment was sploudld ; the com modious ball was tilled to its iitnnM capaci ty by membors and invited guests, all of whom seemed lo bo In full sympathy with tho movemont. I was omecially ploaxnd lo notice my old friend Jacob Conner and lsdy present. I fed quite sum that Oliohulpnm, like many otbor granges, lies taken a liosb start in tho good work nnd will bo more prosperous In the fuluro than In Iho pnnt. On tho fourth Saturday, ass-lKied by Hrother D'.ardofl'or Halom Orango, I Installed the olllcers of Turner Orange, No. 1H. it whs public also, and their npackius ball was well lilted, Including visitors and friend. Tho ox online woro IntoripoP'od with music, ci-says, Mhon.nililre.sseH, Ac,, which inMod to (be In lereatot tun (iceisloii. Tumor O run go id no shows nn luMakable ovldonco of progress uud nrospeiiiy. Our Mtrinu County l'nmo na (Jr.) tin", hi answer to Invltailmi, vUlied Ocrvaw i.ianueon last l-'riday, and notwiili--itaiidlinr the hiormy eliiir:cter ol the weaih. er, welui'l bull a ple.i-aut Hiid prolliHblo meeting, and no doubt u would have been miicli iiioie so had I di.ehaigud mv du'.v fully by giving no Ico through the I'Ali.MKil oftho meeilng. I will herertlih mui'I veil a notice of a viHitli'g iiiieilt u ol our Pomona Uranpnwltll Chehiilputn Uran-ic, atJill'-r mm. on tbo first P'rldav In Maicb, at 11 ii uiopk u in. au momiiersin gonti nInimi lug in. Invl't'd louiifi with imoit thrttocci Hion , we (xpi-et a pleasHi tiiiiu luteiesilug in.eilog. Truly jour, nAN'l.Cl.AIIK. l'ii-UMtnt Point Farm, I-'idi. tl, 1S58. Ill Wcir.oriam. I.obaiinn Oranue, No. Ml, P. of II., Deo. 18, 1877, panned die following: Wlinrra. tho hand of death hut visited us and takm from our mldt our SNter Zirllda Cotiitublo, whose spltlt has gouo to tbo God who gave II; iherelnre, It -solved, Tlml Lebanon Orange, No. 21, baa lest by death, a worthy uiembxr, ono that will oyer be mliod hi our grange moot- IlllTH. Hiolved, That whllo wo mourn, wo bow with huiiHilOHUboilsKlon to the will nl Him wlio doah all thliuN well, and triiitthal our losa la beraierusl culn. Il'folved, Tint we tender Iho bereaved family and relntlvcH ul our departoJ Sister, out- deep'.'ti'. svinpiidiy. It. -ioiv..d, Tliat tlipMt ro-olutlons bostirend mi tint records of this grainre, and that a uupy 1m aeut to lli family of tho i'ociid SlMer, alhO a copy be fiirnlslied thn Vh.i,.J! hrn: PahmkiiiuiiI Democrat, with u nqueoi lu pllLllnlt ibobHIIie. II. O. Pncr, H.J. H-teic, s, a. Ili.oiior.r, Committee. I.iltMi Lou,.!', . lib, I. o. ( T elnntnd olllcers for tho ensuing lenn: John Hiilolt nal. W (Jl l.-niisii Hiibburd. It Sj Nina MuNary, I. -; .leunl.i Oorhllne, W V T; T. V. Woodriob, Nm Kiiiii.i Fl-ber, A S: William uniHirteii, v i-1; nn nuii Uriue. WT; Mat lie NoNary, IV M ; Delmer O.irslhio, DM; Mlnu Irvine, WO; Waller Hubbard, 10; lC I'idier. OU J W Parrnb, P W U T: W l Claggeti, I D. The lolloping were elected an dele uates to attend the Slate Tom Priiueo Alliance: lt-gulars I O FMmr, itiuu .tir.Mir.i, mill i. on lea iiuiiuxni. .A I or iiKttH MMtla MtNary, Kinimi Fisher, ami Jennie Upline. l.aliMi I-.dgo la doing a good work l,i Ibis Imnllty tMs winter. Not wltbtttaiidiuglbe riiiuv weather and muddv roads, you can alwy io a repeetable Hum b r gathered at Iho nld t-chool bouse on S'a urdsy evening, enuer io enter upon the dl. charge of their dutlea. We Hie determined lo tlbt Inlemperancrt in ha bluer end. VIh Iters always made welcome, I. O. Fismui. The following is the school report of D'.s- irict .mi. l lor term ending January a J: Averace ".gnes Khleu WS. Oeorgo ISIilon Ul. Carl H'den IH Willie Kiilen US. .latuen IVllertVl, Willie Feller HI. tiara Feller US. I.I..ln Keller US, Marv Miller 10. Carrlo Mil InrtH. I.I..-M Miller DO, Willie It-rslU, Clara ItsenUs. I.illle M Sarah llubi.ard ill. farrle Hulibard Ud, i:.lin Wbltuev Nil. Uiimi Whi'iiey tli, Knima Wblmei ni,0orgn iv'HHiey tu.uuui wiiunnv tu, i.-.,i Minf HA, Claia Wblitiev Oil ItaiiJinilnJohnson 100. Oi:m:i.i.a .Ioni-h, Teacher. To 1'oi'i.riiv IW.noikiis Mr. J II Thomp noo, of llaln.y , Iihnhu aditrlli meet hi iho Faiimiui this wek of faery poulliy, a Inul neai tlmt Is rapidly Incrdmlug In Oregon ns iho iidiHiiiHus of dltleitnt bioidsof luwls come to be undo stood, wcxMwm wiwi,miwMniii nmn mi .in mm Tho Wheat ularket. - It ii supposed that alntut IO.tXIO tons ef w beat is new in .toro in tlio warehouses in Pert land aiulin tlierivvrainl railroad warckeiues, and cAsola to rvipiim tlio uanio for oaris; are now in port or shortly v&pvuteil. lleldera will not cll ot present oll'crini, and shippen are prac tically out of the market, no transactions lioin recorded. Tlio market U ctaguant, ft condition of things that eaiuiot lony emlurc, because within a month vcsdcIs with capacity of 10,000 tons ill bo compelled to Beck freights, and skippers will pay nil tlioy can afford to secure cargoes, Tlio Kuropcan market shows no de cline, though very sensitive. Peace i not auttrcd until after the Vienna cimfcrcncc, nnd soino lime must olnpio boforo tho Orcat l'owcru coiicludo their dcliborations on that subject, and until tlioy do, minora will lo tifo and tlio wheat ninrket will bo very sensitive. It is teimrtcd, In uu Itu-si.-in nntlionty, that h"i -ve ! I'.icl.rvl Uiism'.i .will Imvo 10,0 l),0()i I,ii;Ih!b ol wheat to ship from Soutli-i-u jwts, whiuh, if tntc, ,ill oufiotialy effect the situation, 1ml that coutiii;;oiicy may not nti?e for some time. There is n great ileal of wheat still up tlio Columbia and .Snake livers which cannot find river transportation until tho Spring liso of the Columbia, say by tho first of June. Tlicro is also considerable wheat in fanners hands itt this valley, mostly with thoio moro reinoto from market whu woro prevented by hail roads from hauling last Fall and cannot haul until roads improve in tho Spring. Ab nono of this wheat can reach market within tlitcu months. and ns each is an uncertain quantity, neither can nlfcct tho disposal of wheat' now in store- and ready for shipment. European Grain Market. London, Feb. 0 Tbo Mark Lane Express lays although mill upon a limited scale of lerlngMof Kaullsh wlmat bavo been moro liberal than of Into in country markets, but Hiippllea at Mark Limn were Hgaln email. Tho condition oftho grain nmiket has how over undergone aomrt Improvement, al though neither tho betlercondlilou nor light supplies have tended towards an Improve mentor valuo?. In spite of pacific rumors current at tho cnminoncoiiiHiit of itlio week political inllunncpH nro still paramount In trade, and until the question nf pence or war Is dllluttedy nettled it Is In yaln lo expect miller tooporate with any amount of Into, dotn. Although most stagnant as far ps nut nnl transactions are concerned, trade Isnnver ibolnss In an extremely sonsltlvo r-tato. Nono will dony that should Iho hopes of tbo pence pttly bo illpellod the paction lit favor of a higher prlco would bi scvoro. Itusslau Vhcat Exyorts. St. Petersburg, Feb. I The I'cdnmiti cal culates that after the ronolus'on of p'ao", tho Hlek Ha and Sea of Az if or.s will export Ilvo million ipisrlor wbwnt. Tho Salem IIatket3. Hai.iim, Feb. 7, 187S. Duller, fresh rolls, UTet to lion per lb.; rggs -Oo pordo..; potatoes JlT'v ier liiich.i spples COijpor bush.: no new Imooii jot In mntkel; laid Hit fier lit j bny, frnwi Columbl.x rlvor, 17 por ton; np.tx '1."h per Inuli ; whuti (t 10 p-r ImikIi. At Siieiu Mills uir Sd i"i per bbl.; bi'AU fit) per ton; hfU S.J) ;.or ion. Forthnd Trodnco Huilcot Wn copy the following from the Orconiati of Wheat ID). Flour Ue-t brands S! 7.'7 nor Mil.; outside and eouuirv br.n.d., ft) 00; lino and suH)rflne, $5 'S'uCt r0. Hay Choice timothy, bided, ?lil3j looeo IHQll ffl. Oats Dnt 4.u, common, Wi. II icon Sides llut'JJjo, Iihium 13tirc; shoul ders, Oo. lard Oregon-made, fresh, In 101b tins, I In: In kegs l!iM- ChlukenM f J 50tf.'l fiO per dozen. Hatter 18a':0o: Cheoso, l..uluV. ICgtiM ,'L'ia pr d07.. iUrloy Cliolco browing vl,l.'i; feed, f I 6.' per mvt. Wool Dull aale at Si'.'iQSIo. nttmnniii HmTintjumm lOBl. 2.C70. D&Tffi & 0. ( cf I lodge, Srtell it Co. and ; T. A. U.IVIhiV Co.,) 71 Front Siren, J'OllTL-ANO, OHKCIQN, Ol'HKlt TO Tim Dlliro AND OKNKHAL USIt ctmittlia tmite a cooiplcto ucuriucut of Drugs, Patent P3ediclsiGO, Fine ChemicaJs,' Glassware, Shop Furniture, Mid Druggists' Sundries. ALtiO, WINDOW GLASS, Of Ml flic tui qualltlc. WHITE LEAD, Of ill tho loading brAin'r, In tlr.e and kog, COLOE3. IN CAWS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Eod Lend, Gluo. VARNISHES, li'diiJIng tho flu t Irsndii fer Ccbch Paln.rn' nso. ralnt. AVltltOHitsli, and Ynrnlsli Brushes, M.VMtttlt oir lu lwrcl ud ran. Tiirpi'iitlni', Coiil (ills, CastorOll, Lard (111, .Vcnt's'loot Oil, Fish oil. AlOOHol, In l.irre. and iaui IJltio Vltrlnl. Siiliihtir, CnwJIte .soni), C'oMtutHiratca tyc, I'ulasI:. 3E31ttox-J n.1X lsxxclnt. Quioksilvei and Strychnine. 111 Quart, Half flatten. ()m..(.illun, nnd ?'ve-Qallca Can and Uartl, etc . ew. Wcaro AgcsH for Or-fon end YtVublaRton Terrl tary toe THE RUBBER PAINT, THE HEST MIXED TAINT IN USE. ylllrkr di's 'xrb'i r hep rip. Makclre'i Kbea Uata and iul rrl r-Uo, nd e'i aJ Jayoe rnf rid ty Mniirlae. tV W buy onr Rood fmra trtl hnd, thn. m b Intru In cenierle lth nf niirtct m tbo CoL, c a compr.Uoo of our prlc will proxe. Ji73-tf mmi 'ttTVtyyTr, I'SpMMfew SMHmHN nWttWn MfcMrtMi,