mil i ,. . rf WILLAMETTE FARMER TljE qe Circle. 8ALEM, Fill DAY, F13IJ. 8, 1S73. THE GOOD OF THE BOY. BY MAKY U. C. WYKT1I. Oh I wlmt 18 tho Rood ora wl.nwako boy, Who whoops Btid halloo An ho ties on hlu btioes, Ami who (ltireH n J! Whllo Iio'h eoicliliii hi u-li; Ami WJithltiK hW faun with very jioor grace; Who whlpion hNJiefcnt And iimkni nil tho racket JIo possibly can" Now loll mo, I pray, wlmlV tho nooil of this boy? "Well, u whle-Bwako boy innkos a wlde awako mau," Ob I what Is Iho pood of a hungry boy, Who clamor for food, Am no juvenile Miould, And, as suro as I live, Eata all that you give; Bo It fowl, floahor (lab, bo empties tho dish; Whllo lor bo ft gingerbread, be Oh I always Is read;; Prey, what will he makoT What sort of a man will grow out of tbla boy 7 "Why, a very Bafo man, dear, to put down a brako 1" Oh I what la the good of a rollicking boy, Who gota Into "nap," And all sorts of haps; Who nothing bo loathes As a new aim of clothe. llecauoe the first day tbey so hinder hla play; For the second no matter, He'll bavo them a tatter Before set of aunt Havoyon tomethlng to say for the good of lhmboy7 "Yes; for onterprlao bold he will surely count one." Oh I what Is the good of a careless boy, Who won't wlpo bis feet, And can't learn to be neat, Who treada on the eat. And alts down on hla bat; Yot be'a spunky and plucky, tbla happy go lucky, And cares not a ratth, But aldea In each battle With him that In down? Now what la the good of this bold, reckleta boy? 'In a popular vote, dear, he'll carry the town." Ob 1 what Is tho good of a horrid boy Who won't say bis prayers, And mocks at your cares; "" Who hears all iho nows, Your advlco dor a itfuae, Aud ho Joors and bo teasos, and bo doos as be pleaMes, I wonder Ifaught ho Performs is not naughty? Ono thing ho won't Ho. Now what Is the good of this lorrlblo boy? "Why, to npeak tho truth, doar a great vlr tuo, Hay I," So thon thoro'a bouio good in all sorts of n bo? Tuo Jolly aud muI, Tho worry nml bad, Tho liohtnml tho worst, Tho lait and tho tint, You'll havo BOiuowhiit to say In his favor , nl way I "Why, yes. slnco you leavu It, funnily belltivo it Is bant tojmlgOMo; For thongh you may quoitlon tbogoodof tho boy, How Mw..iU (ilk fc.o wMioat Mtn, I'tljuft. UkutolcnowT" CORRESPONDENCE. Kd. Homi: (ixnci.K: I linvo boon think ing slnco I road tho lottor from tlio Kansas Irl, that I would. fall unci koo you again, but did not wish to tako up room that could bo lllled by others, moro used to writing than your Leba non correspondent. ' Moss Agato " wiya that Astoria and Portland nro 'boarded over." Well, that Is our cheapest and most available material, as Oregon is a well-wooded country. As for tho rain, Jet mo nay to ' Moss ' that it rtilns horo whenever It is ready to, and it la ready pretty often in tho winter season we will havo to admit, and occasionally wo havo a rainy sum mer, but wo Oregonlans aro not ro- upouslble for tho rain, and for my part 1 will take my share of tho rain in preference to tho snow and sleet and winds or Kansas, not to mention tho thunder and lightning ami grasshop pers; and do any of these things havo a depressing effect on business? Was it quite right to show up your old Missouri neighbor? Hud you not better praised him? Just think how many people bis labor will feed 12,000 bushels of wheat! Do you sttpposo ho would havo raised that had ho stayed In Missouri? Moro likely ho anil his boy would havo been shaking with tho "agcr, " or havo moved over Into Kansas and been eaten up by tho hoppers. And poorMarlari she would Iiiivh had no maroon dress or rich black llowers. norstoro hat either. And hero let mo hint that all people aro not born with an artist eyo for coloring. Per haps sho had taken two old dresses and nuido ono now one, and thought it -would do very well to paddlo around in at tho Fair. Now, my own experi ence with Oregonlans is that they are rather freo with their money at tho Fair, and more likely to spend ten or twenty dollars a day than thirly-nino cents I will havo to thank you for your rheumatic remedy, and will try It tho next tlmo I camp out. No need of any moro llnlmontor pain-killer Just two potatoes! I wonder if it makes any difference as to tho size of tho vegeta ble, for to havo to carry a couple weigh ing several pounds apiece might bo in convenient. It takes strangers to find out things. I always supposed Salem was tho most noted for piety, and ull at onco I hear that It is Portland, and Portland was not social. You should have come up to Lebanon. Wo would havs asked you where you came from, and how long you were going to stay; how old you were: and told you all about our belves; rnd you would have found plen ty of tnothorly old women. You say you found plenty of good women, but tho less said about tho men the better. Now I think wo havo fatherly men here, good, kind husbands and fathers. I think I like Aunt Hetty's niece's opinion of tho men of Oregon. Sho knows Oregon and the Oregonlans, but Is not prejudiced. Sho understands the good and tho bad of our country thoroughly- nho sees tho natural beauties, but knows that too much of tho fann ing is carried on in a careless manner, and tho orchards and gardens aro neg lected. Wo tako from tho land, and return nothing to it. Hut tlmo will rec tify all theso things. Every year there is a decided Improvement In our meth ods, and along with tho Improved farming sho sees tho Improvement of the farmers themselves and their fam ilies. With our schools, or general literature, our contact with our follows, there Is no excuso for us to remain boors, no matter where In tho back woods wo were born. And now as to our country: an old friend from Ohio, who had lived theso last years in Iowa, caino hereon a visit. As ho was looking at tho fir-crowned mountains, ho asked If their unchang ing, everlasting green did not weary me. "Why, your Holds aro green, your hills nnd mountains aro green, and even tho ocean nnd sky havo caught some of tho samo color. I would bo niraiu i mlgnt turn green myself if I remained here." Oh, well, a lovo of country, as well ns lovo of homo, is in herent In our naturo : tho Laplander loves his frozen country and reindeer, tho Esquimaux his dogs and seal-fat, and I our everlasting green and lovely mud. I havo taken up so much Bpaco talk ing with tho Kansas girl and Aunt Hetty's nleco that I will havo to glvo you but a short sketch of tho doings at Lebanon. Tho Masons, Odd Fellows, and Grangers havo each had their In stallations, with supper, and a social and good time gonerally. Tho Gran gers hero havo nlready had four or five dinners lately, and moro a-comlng. Lebanon is steadily improving, but I guess wo do not have anything tho burglars want, ns thoy do not troublo us. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Bethel, Polk county, paid Lebanon a visit last week, and wero agreeably surprlsod at tho busy uppearanco or tho place. Now I suppose somorcsidentof this largo city will bo pulling out what fow scanty locks I havo on my Jtead, so I will cor rect myself and not call tho placo littlo. I hear some havo been accusing a dig nified aud educated Scotch merchant, who Is noted for a novel way of tosting tho ago or eggs, of being Mr Teapot. Just think or tho idea or ids being a gurrulouo tea loving old woman. Mrs. T. T. Tho Ilower Garden. It is tlmo that wo should bo getting ready for tho flower bed. Our springs aro so much earlier than i.n tho states, that wo must not bo entirely guided by catalogues. Not many of us havo strength or time to earo for a great variety, but wo must iuivo a few or tho old favorites. Our dry summors aro a drawback on tho pleasures of garden ingnot being relieved by frequent showers as In tho eastern states so ir wo wotdd nave flowors itmttstbo by dil igent watering, which must bo no half way affair, but done copiously and with regularity. So it Is best to chooso a (I02011 or so, of those sorts which will glvo most satisfaction, aud tako euro of them. Hyacinths, polyanthus, tulips and this sort or hardy bulbs aro already up, aud somo buds arc peeping out; or courso theso must bo looked after in tho fall, and need littloornocaro after being onco put in tho ground, but giving much pleasure by coming out so early; every garden should havo them. Among tho annuals, tho pansy, phlox, vcrbotmsand petunias come fimt, aud should bo started now, in order to havo lino blooms boforo midsummer. If tho winter Is not too sovere, I would plant pmisles in the fall mid havo good roots for transplanting, so as to havo flowors InMayorJune; thesoaroall freo bloom ers until frost, nnd will stand somo ne glect. A bed or o.ioh in tholr variega ted varieties will ropny tho trouble. Then I should want a bed or asters and chrysauthymuinsforuutumn; wo must not forgot sweot mignonette, and can dy tuft, they should be planted at Inter vals, so as to havo a succession or blooms. James VIck, of Jtochester, N. Y., has rellablo seeds. Send for his catalogue, or subscribe for his now monthly at Sl.Mn year. fond of animals, n plcusuro and rcctc ntlon. Eggs and chickens alwnya com mnnd a ready cash sale. Wo should lo glad to havo an nrticto on this subject from Mrs. Clark. Poultry. As a general rule wo,do not think far mers pay sufficient attention to the pro duction of poultry for sale. Carefully keptaccomits will demonstrate Ihatono pound of poultry can bo produced at nlKiut hall tho cost of tho same weight of beef or pork, and always moot wllh a ready market. Another advantage is that It can ho attended to qulto ns well, ir not bolter, by women and chil dren than by men; thus economizing tho labor of tho wholo family, and di recting It into tho production of profit for tho gonoral purse. Try tho experiment of allowing tho children, If largo enough, to tako earo or the poultry for a share of tho pro ducts, cither In eggs or dressed poultry. Chargo them with all the food consum ed, nnd credit them with nil tho eggs and flesh consumed by tho family, nnd notoyour percentage in tho speculation, and the benefit it has been to them. Tho Maryland Itnncr puts It in this way: "If farmers who think poultry does not pay, would givo their feather ed stock to their uons or daughters, with permission to enjoy and own any profit that might accrue from keeping thorn, they would soon bo convinced that 'there was something in it.' There is certainly no moro health promoting exercise than that afforded by caring for, or having tho management of u flock of poultry, nnd If tHo flock is ono of nny of tho puro breeds thoro Is in addition to tho cxhlliniting influence, an enthusiasm that causes what might otherwiso bo considered n task to bo come a pleasure and thcrcforo profit and pleasure arc combined. CHOICE RECIPES. ArPLE John. Tako stolo bread, crumb finely, nnd spread a layer in the bottom otn pudding dish; then add a laycrofsour apples (which cook easily,) sliced. Sprinkle on sugar enough to sweeten, some slices of butter, and nut meg, or nny flavoring you II ko best. Then add another layer of bread, ap ples, sugar, Ac. Contlnuo In this way until tho dish Is full enough; tho last layer being bread. Now pour in water until tho mlxturo Is full, press down closely, and bake until the apples are thoroughly done, and you will huvo a dish lit for a king. This pudding Is to bo eaten without sauce, though if any ono wishes to eat sugar nnd cream on it, it will ho no detriment to tho pud ding. It is a good plan to cover tho top with n brown paper; until nearly done. Wo havo wondered, and It seems that Mmolody else has wondered too, why choiwH should nlwi-ys bo made round. Wo havo - .( AVl-;.n:irii choeso oik foot 'tifiig limit triormclici high and wide, weighing ten pounds. This isjusttho cheeso for family use. it weighs Just about enough, nnd then tho consumer can begin at ono end aud cut oil' a slice as thick as required No fro .si i surface Is exposed except tho end where tho cutting has begun, and this can easily bo covered so that flies can not get at it, and meanwhile tho cheese will not dry up. E. HomkCikcij:: 1 send a receipt for a suet pudding, which is excellent and not expensive. One cnn of suet chopped lino, ono cup raisins, ono of sweet milk, with two spoonfuls yeast powder or cup of sour milk and a spoon ful of soda, one cup sirup aud three of flour; put in a buttered can, cover tight, and steam three hours. It any is left, it is nice steamed over. Wo received, not long since, a fino pair or Whllo Leghorn fowls rrom Mrs. Daniel Clark, who is quite a bird fancier. Whllo visiting her last fall, wo wero much interested in examining tho poultry yard, whoro wo found all S'rtsor fino chickens with nil sorts or fino names, but not being initiated wo would hardly daro to call them, or toll or their Individual recommendations, but wo do remember tho Golden Ham burg, and thought it hardly possible for a chicken to bo &o handsome, with its regal head. Wo Iiopo Mrs. Clark will exhibit this fall at tho Stuto Fair. Aside from fancy stock, poultry-raising could bo uiado very profitable, if ono was fixed for it. Being light, easy employment, it seems ndaptoJ to the "women folks," and, for those who aro EUKOIM.AN OPINION' OF AMKKIUAN Skim.. Prof. Keulcaux, orUerlln, who tho Iron Aye says Is generally regarded as tho first or mechanical engineers In this country, If not in Europe, and a mau of hroatl accomplishments ami ex cellent judgment In other branches of industry and art, has just published in book form series of letters upon tho Induitrlal position or tho United States, written during a visit to tho Centen nial exposition last year, in which ho says tho wealth or our country lit coal and Iron Is such as Europe furnishes no parallel lor. in regit nt to machinery, It Is frankly admitted that tho United States hits begun to occupy "ono of tho piacos in tuo nr.ii mute, in some respects tho very first." In tool making.ospecial ly they "carry away tho palm, not only at the exhibition, but seemingly every where." To this eomplimonniry sum ming up, Prof. Itculeatix Joins an enu meration or tho specific excellences which distinguish American tools, which havo got far beyond German products in this line, and havo oven " hurled tho English out or the saddle." In this connection, particular reference is mudo to American weaving machines, machines for working in wood. labor saving machines, machines or all sorts, and especially, to printing presses. Of our futuru dovelonemcut in industry and art, ho maintains that there can bo no (fount, because wo have education, groat mechanical skill, know how to uso machinery to advantage, and havo natural resources far superor to any thing known in Europe. A Urooklln man writes to tho Now York Nun: I drank morn Intoxicating liquor from tho year 1857 to tho last day of 187;J than any other person I over know or heard or; and in tho mean time knowing this sure cure, did not practlco it on myself, but for fun did practice it on many others, and effected pormanout cures. The remedy for tho case is this: When a person finds he must havo a drink, lot him tako a i al II !. f IMfl hit LOU (II'AIH tiVlaa UIK..1 uiiuiv ui mitut rait oiw ut tiiiiv a tv (ii f lows as often as the thirst or craving) may desire. Let him contlnuo this practlco. His old chums will laugh, out let him persevere, and it will not bo n week before tho nppotlto for any kind of stimulant will disappear altogether, nnd water bo taken to quench tho natural thirst. If at any time tho victim should feel a craving, let him take tho first opportunity aud obtain a swallow or water, and ho can pass and repass all saloons. When ho goes homo at night he will feel satis fied nnd bo sober and havo money In his pocket. I commenced this prac tice the llrt day or 187-1, and never tnimc of taking a drink or stimulants. "German Syrup." No othor niodlclno In the world vrna over plvcn such a toot of us curative qualities as Hosoboe'a German Syrup. In tbreo years two million four hundred thomand aniAll bottles of ibis medicine woio distributed rcc ojcharge by Druggists In this oountry to thoaetniictod with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severo Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases of tbo Throat and Lungs, giving tho American people undenlablo broof that Gorman Byjup vrlll euro them. Tho result has been that Drugget In every town and village In tho United States are recommend ing lc to tbelr customers. Go to your Drug gist, and uk what they know about it Sample ltottlos 10 cents. IlognLir slco 70 cents. Three dones will relieve anvoasn. P. C. ADVOCATE. $2.60, WITH Amorican Agriculturist, 53.50, AND Splendid Microscope, $4,00, Ono Year, ior Cnalt. STAll Mcthtdltt Jtliktera are Aceiti. J. H. ACTON, Editor, Jilml PORTLAND. Or. Each Number conUtni TniHTr-TWO Paurm of ri'xillmr, mtuj nna Wood Cut IllnMratlon. aud one CoLoiun l'ULTt:. A beautiful (Itrdrn MtKazInc, minted on circuit ptper, and full of Information. In Ungllih amfUcrman. Trice, a yuir; Five tonlep t.oo. VIck'M Flower ami Vegetable Uarden, M cent In paper covert; In Klctfaul cloth cover $1.00. Vlck'a CXnlosur.-.'UO Illustration, only 3 cent. Addrof, JAMKS V1CIC. lloclierter, N. Y. rnvooe IMaiita. Spring Lift free. P. K, SO, ill i'miUMX, Ultminliiirton Nunxuy. UI. os3Ihd '"on v trannoa -v wanw WflPi oi fJ.fVM rMwtw Wi" uom nnn tcMjwtia'MMiin&VAia'.i.i.Y'i.iaioo $ Dr. H. SMITH, JD 353 3XT "J X JIT7, BALEM, OREGON. Offlco moved over BIIEYMAN UltOS.' NEW BTOllK - Office hourn from 9 n. m. to S P. ra. IT0KTE SALEM STORE. W. TL. WADE, TUU UllICK BTOHK, HAK JUUT 11KCCIV td a fall ai-KirUuiiitof fl' Goneral Merchandise, Dry Goods. Grooenos, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing Calculated for the City and Country Trade. Bought a km, and wUl be void at a SMALL A 1'HorPr, aa Qoodi at llvered to NovST those who 8BLL AT COST. anv Dart ol the cttv free of chars A COMPLETE LINE OF A. 3L INT 33 JSI 0, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, Spurs, Etc.HEtc. DEARBORN'S), ON COMMERCIAL STIEET. DUHUIM'S BLOCK, STjTEM' atr2ltt OKEQON. HVLEM MARBLE WORKS. WM. STAIGER, ' DMLKK IN Head-Stones & Monuments KICCUTED III Italian and Vermont ' MARBLE. All UlndM ot Ccmotory nnd other Mlouo work done wllh ncnt IncNM nnd dlHpntcIt, tV Order from nil partx of tho State and Wfh Inmon Territory received nnd forwards promptly. HAI.nM, Jnn. IH I HTM ill fiflXSSBSBBB!SSBPW cun mcw-vbaii'o oirfrBga A $6.00 NEW-YEAR'S GIFT boen-siBveif TO EVKKY KUI&GtillLKii 01 u .' f?i iS'w &,3 it; eware I'HIS PAVBK, Given Atvay! -Zy W.NMWIKO OK NS Au Xlorrnnf KT!JA roi.N-.NM.vr.tC fr.tT:i Mil1 oj MX TK.srMlNJ ihnt Itl'liUIH HI !-" IX ' ' ' IruilMI i;-u - MB.YI.Il t' m -vi;;i. unci K tiiui iiiiuiuui bi.aot Tlum irnU" !. Mm ! if J'i"i- .!. -in i tti llii.'rknl; n tnliinbl nnd mr (ul nu.'. itr' Kill lu -vti) ui -Hi.. i in mi iicr. uiut u (lilt Unit utl iliimlil mufl UI Olli I' 'i Imvi'inr . 'in nu'rr.n t.'-. v;M !!... li-nnM nIhiI nm nllnlli I! MILK (.(11.11 AMI rj.VI'IMl '.. ihm i li mi-. every aiitwvrllivr uf llil. i.inr ulli till" lil.lLl'lrlUl" liilitiK'ii.' uit S'rvi - ' l II. Tills I'li' y,rl if"r-n-Mii'iii iii-I ritillri'.liiilrVnri'ef tlir IntcM ulrlepnllerii.Miil enrli niliih- ! lu r.i thi'iii'l ll! "iinn' in' liilllal iir.iili.rilliri'. linn making tin' iini-1 iiiiiI mill In-ml Tut li il i'i I !! iiti I. Ihm I ni'iiliil Ium'iiiI yuiirlnlllul ur nuiiiv Willi niili i IiiIh'i'I.i nivi'l b.iUii.U'rii ill ilifrihir nil il I - fi mnne irfinliiiu nnli'r niiitrrml II lollie Kniilk (Ini.n a Mi Ml. i.h I'hllMi C'l, 'I I 'I'M" mi ill, fur iiiliiiiiliin, ni'llnr nllli ullli'li'iil In i.i' HHinir ini'K'iie, rimiiue, ' r .r cl i .in I'nmr our niiiiruil (HI. Hlitn miir I. I su.t ,iiiu miitiliix I'Uriil Urn ii.ii, iml ur, nr i'iri clmriii, Willi li jimi uc li iiilnsl lt my, hihI Ilii'Milti'miiiiiU llii'U ''lliriril lu ,ou fitM'. rieA ml nut Ihi' f.illiiwlin; ,NV.Yi'ir'(lllt I'ri'iiiliiin Hihi'lurocrilrr ami n'lul tau.rlw i:Uli: lllll.ll A.MlWlLVLU I'l.lllMI CJ., Cllililillall, (I, US' Cut out thin Ovdvr, an It lit worth. $0.00."&& tAWaii iit-tt-MiumrvaMmvkmiiiMimmmmtMHmtm.amm'mvmitimi NEW-YEAR'O CIFT SILVliRWARC PRCMIUM ORDER. flu m-1i4 f ILf Order ah I Una Itulllir t 'l IJi 'H full linn Ml itC t'.ttt "ilti.MI mr I'lialf.l iTllI"elia. vrtb IV, ! (till It' l.IlM IMl liltll r-ttthV II CI Ml ll liwr m m ttnt lu'lUI tbfi4 ti 'ti lr jr I ib t4 u i. vs n Ul tiMTu ( t4 ilUfi.i i.iuliut(r Ibiff i ) m frr .ViiaYtMr' UtU tM-bJ Ivf MUrfar at, iri.iT lid ( Vt1t ihiif in 'nII tH ilrTr ttmutt kbit M'.t. Jlltit aiMfltfl t I.A1.I... (lll,r MI hl. I l( J'l.A J IPlU IU, f (t lltWHtl, II, j Kv o c X X m n w n n c KlTtraT ft .ffl'fMUffJ.MMW n.r juiMa-wfiiear j wmuaiMAArjMvLmfnm WW ri3llini.-il- lioin Inn .iilri'lliri-iiirMiiiiiiiriMiri'nIloiilllil.KI.()O.Vi'ii.Wiii, flirt firt'itlioMliff TttlileiiHi r. ( " it ' MiliT uml Mini lir Hie Hill ul niili'. ii,i r . in inn- nr i i i i ii Kui;e, ur iiik. miiiki iiiu ur Clnrlniiiill, O. f vi l llur . ill (liii- lli.iliii' I i ii i.lii', KUi;e, ur ii Ll t.iliji-ii Imi il I vcr i I iy Iri'i'iil'iiu tM'Me. , AS'IK'J k;'.tlJ,t! MOI. AMtt Ml.VIIlt I'LtTIXH (.. ni'rrrrrinr'rrriraiTriariTBr-r I ORANnXST RIFT OF THK AGE. rr-t "cnrmrwmrMMMfttTn A S5.00 ELEGA1TT STEEL ENGRAVING OESTRUGTIO OF JERUSAL C3-I"V"EiT .AW.A.'X" I AS A SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S GIFT lUft-rifrd IP 111 fatiUI. Mh ('hftl'Wr. IAVlarI tiltit afni1iniliill Tha. i .--.! Twu, In Thin, tntr u4 Tli; (urr t luit.tJ . ifw thy Sir, Jrtut rL'Mci uit, I JHtKHlft MASTERPIECIS OF ART ertr JulUl.cJ. II la a jtrfed c J ol ikurimoiii p.olmj ljr hiullivh, l.liUolJ Ivl SBO.OOO XIV GOLD. OVr.Il OXi: i'HJ II It J:n niK ii,.mi.l rmm if... Iniw-i.... lit Iih laullii-r'i. Iriinl Hill i-lronl: iiiuii iiimI inUhly wurrlnr In Hit i.llllll'l." of li rror ami ilMimlr, lleilni,' (".in tlivuraili f Almldily IIihI. Ovrr In-ml art M-fii ftnifi-U ami nrcl.-miL-fiii, arini'il llli (ir' f iMiiilmr llrti ili'mvni1ink-mi iln IhiiuIIIiiI Ijii I wlikwl umt uboiin-il 1y. On arHiiK tlila rniravlUK ou ftivlu'ld ivll botinU liy UmoIv. Kr4iiili ur aii. llifuiilul lfrHiii II li'Mlu-a. tt'i our mis iKitutiiMir: .is ir is noirni ?:.oio tn. On rl.t i r lhl i I'iTtlfli'ile, tnri i itirr wili tltr, lu ay Ktni,'r nml nif.iinllrq iriit('i, Hi-h ill ivnd tue VVui hImI l:rir.kviiij, : ri-i t wll by U't fit I loug, f ullili il DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM Frt, by mall. r't-Atil. Hcml fur j;iicrnv!nu at (.ini'.ilalliig imiuf In full.lo Itltitr Willi I' nnd Ululr. AiMrou, .....,.- cmimiiTAt rcttnaiKO eo., no, i norm si . Cincinnati, o, All irdcr miit l hicpiiiiianlid wild il, uLiive (Vrtltlcute. i iliul e may kiimv lliat you are riillllnl to II. Uimiu rriclid of wiiiv, mill ! in nun m-y or iu.tiik:- atumi' &VtS'MMSin'tM LiisuvIhb will L mailed you iut.xutu .NuJ CONTINENTAL PUDMSHING en Wo. I lluiuv Mini, a'l.M'IM.VtTI. (. nil aiini'i:'i mi ! n i. MMjaTkBltSvfciWQwsts m MM7Mr mTJ - ,,r7. - "Ui a JKj .I m i t H V A -: 4 4 : I J J fs 1 't-A