Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 08, 1878, Page 6, Image 6

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VBH 111 fiYrjitr
W.. y 55 ,v g fj If
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iC ig "l4Hf1py
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' 1 3r SjiaiS
PvfW9 op rdsiAjlBrY".
Matter John T. .Tone. Uarton, Phillips, Ark.
Overiterf. J, Woodnun, Paw Paw, vau Huron,
JsciiirtrA, It. Hmedloy.Crcro, Howard, la.
,1cant. .J. Vaughn, .Memiililn. Tctin.
Im7 Steiearit Mortimer Whitehead, .Mlddloliusli,
HuiDlTKCt. N.J.
Cnnptaln'A. II. P.IIK Hp'lnjlioron?h. Warren, 0.
rrtavntrV. M. McDmvrll, Wayne, Steuben, N. V.
Strrttiir1). II, Keller, l.oiiltvlllo, Ky.
Mlti-h'fiperO. Dinwiddle, Orchard (Jrovo, Iml,
VirtuMet, Jci'in T. -lonus, II irlon, I'liMilu-. Ark.
Korrj-Mr. Hunincl II Art hih. Montlci'llo. Minn.
;tawo- Mm llnrvey Ooddurd, North (iranby. C't.
uiaiujo Notes,
faity ,l"t't''ii titacard
I.outeilllc, Ky.
-Ml.. Carolina A. Hall,
BxrccTtvr. coiiitiTTr.r.
I). W'yatt Aiken. (Chairman.) Cokuebury, 8. C,
It. It. Hhank'anil, Dubuquu- low a,
Dnillur T. Chuc, Claremunt, N. II.
Alnnr..) 0 likr, Hock Folic, WlilteMd", III.
W. II. Chamber, Oawcechuo, Kumll. Ala,
OHlccr of Oregon Mtntc Clrniicc.
Hatter Win, Cyrui", hcln.
Qterneer- A. It. Shipley. Otwcgo.
euw-Mr. 15. N. Hunt, Hubllmlty.
tWrttiruH. W. Randall. Oreiion City.
Htfirard-W, 11. Thonw, Wall i Walla, W. T.
Ml.Mit.ViarJ-O. W. Hlildle, Canyonvlllc.
VlaiiiilnW. H.Oray. Aitorla.
TnwHirer H, V. I.oe, Portland,
tlate-Ketptr Daniel Clark, Hjlcm.
;r-Mni. II. A. Mlllor, Jacki-imvlllo.
Vmonii Mr. 8 I). Durham, McMinnvlllo.
riura-ix, K. A. Kelly. East I'art'anil. , ,
IauIij A't'l Mfittirtf Mr. Ucurtfla Hmlth, Hood
Hlvur, Waco coun y. ,
Kteculitt Onnmllltt-Wm, c"yrut, bclos It. Clow,
Dall-u; K. I.. Hmllli, Hood Hlvcr. , .
HUtU Ilmtnen Aqtnt -M. P. I,ce. Portland.
State Grange Deputies for 1877
1M OJfia. Kiprtu,
A Holder Corralll Corrallls
Kmicli hklrvlnu Unite Crock
N WHandall Orison Uty
noun LA.
.1 W Hayes MyrtloCrcck
( M (laMlncr Drain' Station
Plympton Kelly Uict Portland.... Eait Tortland
I'KCiKtlnmat Iltitlovlllfl
(I W Hunt Sublimity Malum
j;i t Miller".' Mckonvlllo Jackaonvlllo
P A I'attenou Illckrual Hilcm
-I Jliarltiin..,'. (looio Lake Jackponrillo
Daniel l'lettur Korbyilllc Jacktonvlllo
James W Matlock Oothcn
mnn, '
KAIrvlnii Lebanon Albany
John End Tyish Tins Dalle
DO Durham McMlnnvllh
J Happlnuton tlatton
D H Hlnehart Canyon City Can j on City
K W l.'onyir Columbia City
H V Hidden Tillamook North amlilll
J 8 Whlln Wrtlon WckIoii
J ItcnrySlirordcr.... Oil.,..
wahiinoton Ttinmroitr,
8 W It row n Vanconrcr
It PHtoIti Dayton
I.hHIiiKi-r CoUat Colfax
M . (lo1Hlilo..........KIim
HH Mfiikhnm Cliclulli Po'nt
I. (I Abbott niympla Olympla
U IiiiKinltu Yeliil
Jultut H'irlou ..Ri'Ktt'o Hi'attlc
I. M Plcrron CU'inato.,,
or Cook r.llonlmr
Tboofilcers rt Multnoinnh Orango wcro
Instilled at ilio.r liall in Kiit Portland on
tho second .Saturday In January. A. II.
Hhlploylmd been Invited to perform tho
corotnony nnd dollver an mlihrflq. IJo wus
asiKtcd by IMymnton Kelly, dntiuty for
Mullnotnnh county. Tlio Installation wns
not HiblIu, but noyoral of tlio members of
adjauont jjianntH woro prrsont, togolher with
tlio fAtiillkH orthn mptnbor.'i and u fow oilier
Invllud Runsts. iIy frlond, and your Inter
ostlnrj correnpondoul, Mrs. K. I',, h a inorn.
bor of tlilH!raiij!0. Tho following nro tlio
oIHcom: M , John Monro; O., I), I.. l'oliy
man? L., V. X. Clnrkj H., O. V, l'crry; A.W ,
lUcbnril I'icr; (;., Oustair l'otcrson; T
KJwardLon(! S.ic, C. Huclnnui; U.K.,
Wm. IJralnnrrij 0., Mm. II. K, Mooroj J'.,
Mm. K, J. 1'rlco; !'., Mm. J. G, Ilucismati;
L.A. H , Mm. L. II. Clark; orBinlst, Mm.
S.J.I'orry. Afwrtho Installation oinio tho
dinner, wbloh was a maRnin-ent ono. All
appeared to unjoy it to tho fullest extent.
Wo had a Rood timo, but I Imvonoartto
citU)h and reproduco tho HUbtlo aroma of
aooIuI cnloyment any tnoro than I could tho
raKranco of tho coffoo which (ho HiHtemt-o
Konorously dliponsed. Aflor dinner A. It
aiilpley dollvorod an oztoni)oranoous Hd
drois to which all llotonod with groat ntlon
tlou. Ho told thotn they wcro suro to suo-
coed Ifovery ono would do'tholr duty; that
all Hhould attend with repularliy and come
with tho iixpeolatlon of addlUK xomothlntr lo
tho Konoral Mook of informatiou, and mat
by ho doln onoh would bo onabltd tn prollt
by tho oxporlenco of th others. Ho raid
that what wo uood iHtuorooduoillon; not the
oducnilon to ho obtained In nchooN alone,
but nil that traltdiiK which In uecoMiary to
tit tnmi and women to not woll their part In
mo inn iu k"k was insiuir.oii tor tuc
tiurpoHo of uruMiliiK thin oducatlon that
it proposeo to teach tho truo lawa of trade,
the proper tolatluii butweou domand and hud
ply, tho correct tiKithod of doliitf btiHlne.ii,
tho vhIiio of KlullMtlrn, Bnd tho powcrnfoom
liltmtlon, that tho rulus by which dolluarA.
tl vo bodlot aro o vornod nro aluo taught, and
all thosoacqulromdiilN which aro neenrtkary
to ouublo ono to nroporly dluhtrKo thndti.
Hum wbloh may dovolvo upon him n a mom-
uorni mo great Hgricuiturai omhh, or hnii
clllr.oii anil lawmakor of tho rnpubilo. iln
thought ir rarinum would M-otint fur (hum
Ml vt-H and tholr chlldron evory nutans of no
clal and lutcllomuil linprovuiBnt w lt.lt I ti
tholr rMinh, tho brlghtoit of tliulr chil
dren vould not Mock lo tto towtiN,
for rtiMl 1 1 fo has ohurmi for tlioso who
aro cultured nnough to approclato (hem.
Ax laljor Nthoonly crottor of wealth, ho it
In thnonly iiiuaiiH whomby wo may obtain
KiiimieuKo. aiio porpniuity or a rttpiiiiiKMii
llllura Station, Ith
Innny county whrrn the Deputy n, pointed I not
ttiu mol Killtalilc, nr.il tin) Orauuv of iho lixullty will
liroiHirly Indlcatn In mo a choice, I will bu pirn vil.ror
In many lualanct" I bavn been oMUeil to uiako up
poliitmeuta without knowled ii i In tlltie.
Miter Ora'on Hintu(lrmn;o, P. of 11.
Mooting of Subordluato Qranrjuo
Ilopo, Xn. lil, ineotM In Alluuy, on tho Nt
and .'lNiiliirilaH of nauli month, at It) a. in.
Oak i'lalti, No. 0, In IIiiliy, 2ml unil Itn
Hu'llidayN at 11 a, in.
lluniier, No, lit'i, In CrawfordNvlllo, It
nnil.lnl N.ttiniiiv". atu p. in
MyiamiHtt No. Ix'I, at Ml
Krtiiiuiny,Ni i p, m.
Lolmunii No, 'Jl, at Iotunon, 'Jd and Ith
Haturday. at ID a. in.
()raui( Trail lo Nil. 10, Mil Saturday.
Knox llutto No. '.''.', IhI and !kd Sntur
S.inllam No, .17, "ml and Ith S.itiirtluyH,
at 10 a. in.
Ilrnwuiivlllii No. 10, Int and 2nd Satur
Taugout, No. 7, Wl unit 3rd KrlJaya, at 10
a, in,
llarrUluirg, No, II, lit and Urd S.itur
tlaVN, at 10 a, in,
Hltoilil, No, tl, lbt and 31 SnturdiiyH, at 1
nappy tit mo .t. in, maun .hi AiuruayH
in ttaoii mouiu Itiiiu Hiitotmr to juiio, iimi on
ilia iNtSAlurday tlio btUuooof Ihoyvar,
llarmouv No. .l, :ir.l Saturday, rgularlr,
oxcttpt In Nov, Dm) , Jtu., rob., and Match,
whon thoy iitool tho Nt Friday.
Hoan Crek No 1 1, lt Nturday at 10 a. in,
WllUinotlo No. .V! NtThnrNitay, at 10 a.iu
l'hlloumtli, Nop.', i,liSiturday,Ht IOh.iii.
Crtmwoll, No. HI, -I h tUturdny, 1 p. in.
KiiKotiH, No .VI, hi Kugdito City, llrd Sat
dis', at 10 u. in.
Uhirlty, No "0.21 Kturily.
(liiilion, No. pll, l.tStturiUy, at lOn'olixik
Jiliiollon Uliy, No. I'J, -ml Srtiurdty, at 1
p. in.
SliioUw, N. Al, llr.U Satimliy In t'aoh
inontli.ai 10 a. in.
MoKmiuIo, No. 107, Camp Cmek, 'Jd Satur
Oak Point, No. 3, 1st and 3rd Saturdayn.
Kulttin tlraugtt, Ni, 17, Nt and :M SHir.
diy In oniili month, ixo-mv In Atuus', Sep
timlmr, and Oolob-tr, wh)u It tuit niily on
tho iHtSAtunuv it tholr hall In S.ilutu,
Atilqut, No 131, I'll .itiirday.
KOOK IMIUI, iNII it ,T IMHtr-liiy, uu p. m
lotto Uroak, .No. 8J, :ird s.tturdty, ut Pi
itou No, 100, muota lot, Saturday, at
I MI'S Mae TOTH PT?? "T" H
oik County Pomona Orange
Jt.llaa on Dm wwnd Prlday
bill,) 187, a. 10 o'clock In
iiikht I'biw, Mater.
wo htivo tnir
r fAtnilltM, our
ur tongue.
uovfirmutitit, and iho frosilom uf ltx pooilo,
iliiiul moro upon a vlritmiH, liitollUoiu,
nnd ludopmtdout rural jioptil itlon than upon
illiythlni: H10. If woaN 11 iduNt am kikm!.,h
iiil, ntliHruluMios will bo biMiylltud by our
jinikporlty. I'lin i-mnuo Imin been iiiHtruuicti
tnl In awriltouliig tho lutelIo;t of tho (.inning
oommunliy, nnd groat piltn Hhould now lu
Uikon to direct It lu propir chuiiuolH.
l'lyiiii'.on Kelly Hild larmnm did not tin
ilorMiind ihomielvfN. 'I'hat tlioy ninihi to
llx tho prlco ol tholr own oominodlileN h
othom did. Ilo Mid that by combination
ritrmrmarntimblod to f;nlu much valuablo
lulormatlon In regard nt iho amount nod
kind of nropi ratHod,und thfir probable val
no. Also that iIih KrniiK fiiriilnliMs n llulo
Hold In whluh tun farmer may bo drilled.
lloalNONpokuof tho loglalattiro and tiald It
had no right to tamper with pn J-cHcali:iil.
tod to uurlcli tho fuw at tho bxpuimu or ttai
Jacob Jolt UNon aald wogathar lileiisornujli
other, If placed lu it Mild country a man
would bo moro hnlplofN than a butal, and
that ir ho could not uvall hlmsolf of tlm us
MlDtuniKiortliii labor or othiiri, ho would not
bo nblti to timl and itlotho ItiiiiNolf, or lo pitfN
from ono country to another. Ilo thouuht
IxOlrltlOII WiN fatal tO MU'COhN. That KMiplo'h
charactum bvunm Miiootlied and purfoctnl
by tnlugllUK with olli.rN,Htnl t lint tnoso who
uf t'liido (liHiiiiol von from Hoclety mako a I itol
mlatakft, and lllo was Miro to bo a f.illino
with thoin, Ho ilinught us did tho other
Nimrtknrx that isluoutlou was tho crn.it want
of tho farmer and hli family. And although
firmera worn irrt'atly lu uxcmn of any ollitir
el m, ynt limy had very llttlo 10 do with
iiiakliig and earning out tho Uiva of tlm
land, rhut If Mint to leulhlativo liallt t In. v
could iimitnplMt nothing iHicaunotlioy with
no ihw, aim nun no iiiuo anility.
I riiuunt do liiNtiort to iIiono NpoakHm, but
havoglvena fow of their leading iiltuiN ai
licit 1 (Mil Imtii iniiiiinry and from tlio him
gro 110:01 taken ut the tliiio.
Mim. U. K. Suti'i.KV.
Installation at Turner Qranrjo.
l'orliiiM many will look forwnnl with
intvrust for tltllnifs from Turner UratiKc.
Wo ilo not prosuiiio to trlvo you tin nc-
count its clioorlnjj of our day of hoiik
anil wclfomo, an mittiy otlior.s who Imvo
pncotlotl us. At mi early hour, our
luill was lUletl to overflowing-, by visiting-
patrons, nnd Invited eucsts, lively
wit and laughter greeting- tlm car on
evory hand. Soon tho "llttlo maul" was
sounded, Hiloneo rulgnort, and our ro
tiring Master, brother military, gave
us his farewell address, lu which he
graph ieallyritatcd the whys and where
fores that eausoil this great revolution
among Iho tllleri of the .soil. Our now
M., brother llulstod, fnllowed suit, tuc
lug us back iu imagination to the day
of our forefathers, and tho plea from
those who had tho welfare of our great
and glorious Republic at heart, for fir
mors we want laboring men, not money
gnbbers. Tlio O,, brother Uloaknoy,
favored us with A few rem tries, which
woro good. The l ( .sister Illlle.iry, was
compelled to give us an address of web
come Instead of farewell, as ho had ex-
poetod. Our C, brother Wilbur, gavo
us greeting like unto ono who eauio to
save, ami remind -d us of the Master
above, hoping wo would .strive for tho
reward of love, while wo were seeking
for.tho material. Tho rapt attention,
both of old and young, showed tho deep
interest and appreciation or those pros.
out. At tho closo of tho Installation.
brother Clark favored us with ono of
hU telling spoeehea, which was Jmt to
tho point, and highly appreciated by
nil, after which tho good .song, " Broth
ers of tho Plow," was sung, tho bene
diction pronounced, when congratula
tions and kindly greetings wcro again
thuortlcror tho hour, while tho harvest
feast was being prepared, when till
camo forward to tho bountifully Hprentl
table, where many declared they "had
oaten no breakfast, " doing ample
justice to the good tilings spread boforo
them. Taking things nil round, we
iitid a "Jolly good time," our only re
gret Doing, we Had no Witani, ami our
dear oitl Ed. was not there to carry off
iiin feharo of the turkey, while Wnlent
werj also invisible, neither did we have
a HeuH-polc, or a Cttitlijloivo', and won
dered much if they were out of seaon;
wo Jlunt-cd much, but found nothing,
not oven Down-ings. " II 1."
Ai.iiany, Jon. L'i), 18 IS.
I boo in the last issue of the Fahmihi
1111 article Muting that certain parties
aro truveling around iu Oregon and
selling trees, hhubs, and ilowors at
very ingn prices, irom SL'.OO to SO per
plant, that aro not genuine. There is a
man heroin Lini enmity, at tho pres
ent time, Belling such hhrubsand trees,
and if tho writer of that nrtlcle can in
form tho citizens of Linn county tlint
those trees arc Hourlous. ho will confer
n favor on us, lor when those trees nro
delivered we urn not. obliged to receive
them If th nro not truo to name.
Lot this thnig bo publinhed through
tho r'AitMMi. Yours, very truly,
J. J. 1'INI,AYH0N,
Headers of this paper must not con
found mon who travel as ngonts for ro
Ilablo Oregon nurserymen with persons
wiio claim to bo se'I'.ng Imported trees
and shrubs, of rare variety, for enor
mous prices. It is safo lo decline deal
ing with all such pretenders, whilo our
homo nurserymen aro all reliable, t-o
far us wo know.
Loss of the Steamship Metropolis, with
180 Lives.
Other Marine Disasters.
Asbury P.trk, N. J., Fob. 1 .Tho most ter
rific etorm known In yearn has been raging
aloug tho co3it. Thobrlc Ella M. Tucker
rameashoro yinttrdav fornuoon. 8Iim Is n
tolal losw. Tho cirgo of colleo, worth 850,000,
N In tho undertow. A heavy npa romtlmU
over Iho H'Midbar and has almost cotnplotply
dnatroved tho county bridge conuocting An.
oury rarK wnn uu, inn rauroau uringo
on the N.ituo ftream, known as thoGro.it
Pond, N bnilly duur.iKcd.
Now York, reb. 1,Tlio Monn lins bnpn
fearful. Dl-piilulum report damagnand 1N
.stur lu nil parts ol tlio Atlantlo coant, nnd at
Coney IfUtid (lirjro tint linen greft' dlstruo
tlou of property; eight lives I011. Tlioro In a
Ficouoofgruat ualamlly at Manhattan huach
to property on tho 9Bt bldo of tho Island,
whnro the storm s-ruck with tho greatest
violpnco, fairly Hwceplng every thing before
It. About halt a mllo cast from tho big
hotel wro two MiihiUch whoro two mon
nntnnd Wlnnloand llronnan llvod with tholr
fAmllloa, Shortly after 1 o'clock tho men.
who woro ptn ployed as watchmen, left homo
for tho purposeof ropoitlng tho stater feffiln
to Wer d, head watchman, and during tbelr
abnenco tho shall ties in which thpy led tholr
amiiieH woro swept away twiu too untortun
ato occupanla, numbering throo womonand
live children, perlahed. There were throo
tidal waves, which followed In quick succes
sion. Is'ot a vostlgo of tho hharnles woro left.
The bodlPN of tho unfortunate worocairled
'OHji, Mm. Wlnnlo'ii body was recovered
this morning. Tho tlds rose noarly llvo fot
higher than any provliuily rocorded. Tho
Hood did much damago at other partaof the
During tlio storm yostorday thenchnonor
Ella Haynes, supposed to bo Irom Provl-
Nothing Short ol unmistakable benefits
conferrod upon tens of thousands orsufl'or
ors could ordinate and maintain the roputa
tlon whloh Ayku's SAtiSAP.vnii.riA onloys.
It la a compound of tho r.pst vegtilnblo nl
teratlvos, with tho lodldp.s of PoliiM-ltttn and
Iron, and Is tho most efloclunl of all romo
(liesforAcroftilouM, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly Nucceosful and certain In
Itsromodlal ofTects, It producer rapid and
comploto euros of Scrolula, Sores, l)olls,
llumom, Pimples Eruptions, Skin Diseases
aid all disorders arising from Impurity of
tho blood. Uy its Invigorating r fleets It
nlwsya rellovi'S and often euros Liver Com
plaints, Female VS'oal(nes3PS mid Irregular!
tlos,nnd Is a pnlrnt lonuwurof vitality.
I-'or purifying Iho blood it has no equal; It
louts tin tun p.VBiein, rcsiorcHanu preserves
the health, 11ml luiarts vigor nnd energy.
Tor forty yoars It has boon In o.xtnnalvo tiho,
and is to day tho most avullablo medlclua
for the Hiillerlng sick, ovorywhoro. Kor salo
by all Dealers.
Evorywhoro tho greenback party npponrs
to mean business. A call lor 11 national
sreonbackconvouilon, to bo bold at Toledo
on tiioiKd Inst., has been Issued. Wendell
Phillips, Peter Coopor and Illanton Ducuu
aro among the slgnots.
AoniciriruuK roit tim: Indiand.
a now era opens in tho history of tho
aborigines of America. They have
learned ut last of tho overwhelming
numbers and power of Iho whites.
They have guessed dimly at some of
the source-" of this strength from tho
Improvement witnessed iu the lot of
tliofloml-olvillzeil Indians whom they
have seen on the Chorokoc.s farms.
President Hayes, in his speech at tho
solemn pow-wow recently, after nrgti
lug with his wivngo auditors that' to
00 educated no as to know how to work
and how to make their own living by
raising cattle ami tilling tho soil will be
better for your children, than huntlnir
buii'alo mid dancing tho war dance,"
ho warned them that agrk'tilturo alotio
would glvo thorn any llrm hold any
where on thoirlnmls and lives itg.iiu.st
tho pressing tide of whites. "If you
llvo roaming about without homes,0 he
said, " they will aweep over you like a
great Hood, you must have homo iu
which you and your families can per
manently live, and laud on which you
can raise that which is necessary to sup
port you. Then you will have firm
ground to stand upon, and the Hood
will not sweep you away." Transcript.
Oin Dkiit Aijhoai). Those who are
best informed upon tho subject, tell us
that tho bonds held abroad national,
state, city and mil road amount to at
least $:i,Mi),()M),00l. Tho average rate
ofliitere.-it on the.su bonds Is six percent.
.Sl. per cent, on three billions, is one
hundred and eighty millions. If, there
lore, the balance of trade is not more
than ? 180,000.000 in our favor in imv
given your, wo cannot reduce tho prin
cipal of thin debt.
Last year It took nil tho balaueo in
our favor IU.") millions and 12J millions
iu gold to meet this Interest.
Since 1810, tho United Stales htivo
mined vast quantities or gold and sil
ver. Jltit where nro they to-day. Thoy
have left tho country. It is interesting
Just now to oiiquiro what wo have re
ceived in return, not oaly for the pre
cious metals, but for this threo billions
lu bonds? Tho answer Is, manufact
ured goods that should have been pro
duced at home. Sf. Luuis Journal of
Ayr (culture.
Look After tlio Pt,
Prons who pitnuiiza ptpora psrpetuallv
should pay promptly, lor tho pecunloy
proHpeoth 01 the emu have a peculiar io-r
in pushing prominently and in prnillihi;
forward publics proxptrny . It ihe prlntc-r is
pcld promptly and his ccUoi book and
putHO kept plethoric by prompt p.iylng pt
roiiH, he uiia hlHpnu to his p.ipr In pecce,
liln piravraplia urn more pointed, he paiutx
iIh jilutiires of 11 iNlng utviita lu morn phas
ing koIoin, and the perusal of his piper la a
p.irtli'itUr plsusuro to iho people. P.HIO
thtNHdvlee or piece of provurblil philnsnpliy
lu MMtm plurii whe-ro alt peraDiisoiupr pcrly
iurcuivti it and it will plwHti tlm printer.
Da. J II, Pii.ki.noto.m 01 Portland, a skill
ful ccculUt and uurNt, .o well kuoivu lu
oounocllon with auccesful trcalmeuiof tho
Eye and Ear for many yearn past, has his
protoMional ord In iiurcolumua thu week.
Gov. MuClellanls iiuugnral reotlvoa hUb
praise-in many quarter. lbo New York
yYmr.8cy,of it: For at leaa once In his lift
tboKoiniMlceiisoNtobe wavering or iudlMitut,
and iillh iidlioBtnessandcle.irni'ss worthy 01
ail niaiM. dcHilrN, In eniphatlo terms, that
ha is with tho men who, by the full naytnont
1 1 honest money ol all the lution'd debts,
itek to htcuru tho nation's prospurlty.
Efg'and has now begun tho Importation
from Cauada and America ol dralt and road
horNu. li is said that it howo, inch as can
ba produd In Kei tuokv for 9S0, U worth
AtOJu the Kujlikh uittket. Mx huudred
wero re.tntlv laKen oer from Canada, to
uedou the horse cam of Loudon.
Thsre are 7LOO0 doga regUtml In Paris.
uut;tha reglttored dog nialccu no better
a tuuK thu iho ordluary cloy.
ilnncowlth n cargo of salt, went ash nro on
ritim iMlnnd.ln tho Hound, and sank with
all on board.
Washington, Jan. ill Tho slgnsl aorvlce
observer at Kl'ty Hawk, N.C reports to Ihe
chlefNlgnal oflJceras I'oIIowp: Tho stoam
ship Metropllls stranded on Currituck boauh,
three mllea outh or Currituck lighthouse; a
total lom. Thoro were 28 persons on board;
50 hwnm ashore; no asslntanco from tho Jlfo
saying fttallnn. Tboahlef slcrnsl ofllcer or
dored one of tho oporutoi-j at Kitty Hawk sta
tion at once on horseback to ihe kcoiio ofthe
wreck and opsn a tolograph iitatlon thoro and
forward all information aaranldlv hm It run
boobtnlned. Tho wrock is about twontv
mllos north from Kttlv Hawk station. The
Motropolld Fulled Tuesday from Philadelphia
for IJruzl). She was dispatched by iho con
tractors mr Iho Maderla and Mouion rail
road, carried 200 lahnrem, MX) ioiih of rail.
road Iron ami several iiuiIn lor Urn. I, Tiio
Nloaiiinr win coui'iiiiiiiIihI by Uapnln Anknm,
TimiiMiuuiii, i-mi, 1 1 no MK11111 Nervire
station h. the wreck 1 f tho steamer Metropolis
reporiH as follow.; Kivo o'clock a. m. Totnl
number nt iMNNntigum, '.'(K), of whom ICO were
drowned, tlio remainder witm niivoiI. The
Nte4mrsn toul wrm-k. Nulling Is lefi
above water, No bodlci, abn.ird thohtoainer.
Tho wrock was caused by the ves'til being
unsMirtliv. ailPiiruiii;HHrt,c about 111 Id
nlitiii unil tranded at 7 o'oleck 11. m., .Ian.
:tlit. 'I In only way c.f saving life was by
1 iiiwiHi, aslinre as tho veskid was lu a i-lnKlug
n iidlduii. This Is tliDHtaieiuunt cd Uou Me
i Il4u,fiiifthnaarecl.
! aht o'is link l'l)i ttt atl'clm Hits
mnriilngn trrPdH. Dead bodies arn Ivlog
alouu tlio V'Hiihfora dUtani'imftwo miles.
From Hon. W. H. Jone3, of West Dovor,
I havo been troubled from my boy.
hood wltti ohroulu or hereditary lung coiiv
plaint. Somo yeiim sluco, early la the
winter, 1 took cold, whloh as, usual settled
Into a Kovero cough, whloh continued lo
Increase bn tho niiinoii udvencod, alihough
I mado use of all thn unugh romedies I
had knowledge of. My f.imlly physician
nlno pre-crlbed for me, but I experlence
110 reli-f. Duilu nil this time I was gradu
ally ruiinlnu down, Hiring lleah nnd
strength, until my friends as woll us my.
self, h c mo ry much alarmed, think
ing I hhould waste away in consumption.
While in II )ton, during the upritig fol
lowing, I was induced to try WisiauV
H.M.SAM Wild Chkiuiv. After one
day'a trial I wan i.onslbln that it was re
lieving me; In ten day'a time my cough
had uisllrely ceased, and I waa enou re
stored to health and Hlreiigth. I have
over Itico kept tho Hausam 111 my bonne,
and whenever imv member of my lanilly
has a cnugb or cold, It li Immediately re
Nortwl to. No family should be without it."
old by ull driicKlstN,
Tho Hachina Was Worn Out.
Why? Not bocatiNo It was not well
built, but 1 was wrongly run. Thoumuili.
of men who havo 11111 down long l.etore
their threo m-ore and ten yearn nro ncoun-
pliheil, might hayo been renewed Into
spruiKiiiiHsa anil vim IT ihov had trlen
tl.o well known Peiiiivian Sritui, whloh
contains am )ng Its Joiiinpouuds tuo Protox-'-lo
of Iron, 1,0 oombmid that it aKlml
I os with tho blood and luvlgoratea the
-rhiilo syMeui. This H.vrup has proved
ellltfatiloiisln IhousatuU of caves, and will,
do everybody good who usos it. All drug
gists koop It.
Agent at Lebanon.
Mr. S. Luttrell, will hereafter so', as agent
for tho Wiluvmkttk Fahmkh at Lebanon.
Salem Flouring Mills.
OonHtautly ou Hand.
IXlcrheat Xrloo in CASH
Paid for Wheat
at AiiL ynvrnfl,
Hcpt IStf
, O. K1NNKY,
AL'ont S. Y. V.
Willamette Nurservt
Oswego, Olaokamas co., Oregom.
W 1
Tlio Italian, l'ruuo,
And tho bcrt varlcllca of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalogue.
AbandkrobUffllrtUoaU very simple
thing, itonly rtqulrMltwo : and two
T) tlio Vtlllotod LiicUon in
lai-t luulai-.
Why need you suirMr with IMralvsh when
you can be cured? Why will you sutrr
with Kuoumailsm when you cm be cured?
And why have no uiMiy echea and palm
when It is within jour reach to bo cured ?
I am now ettbllthed In .alcai, prepirt'd to trc'
all CSronlo DUivwtM, ach3 HheunutUm. Ncura'g t,
Conmmiilim, Kidney Htat-i, and la fart all din-lit-r
tht limnaa Ueih U heir to. Special attention paid
10 t i-naio n evuui aua ucrroat iruitritlotv, which
Uo common to Udlrf. CMUreu' dlno rot ex.
cepted. In connection with tuy practice. I cava ono
of tho celebrated Mcllcated Vapor Lightning Crtam
nam, rum auw.vatUy lu remuilugaU cluunlcdl-
f.ic. u opeim the porce of the Wln, and thraw oU
the filmy, morbid matter, which U one of ihu great
cauc of no mnch mtlorlrir. Whon we enco thltk
that twiv third of all e lVe Into oer (itcm patu
offlhiocsblheporctef ihe Un, wo ned ncl ton
longtoHondirwIiy wo aro lck, wheu wo pay to
little attention to the iuoi impotiant cmunctoty ol
otir tKHlle. During the pait nine month I haro had
ltd bath In operation, and many ctn tcMlfy to It
efficacy. I treat patloou by tbi week, or br alnsle
Ladle will do well to cite me acal. R.ildraco
othcat comer of Coter and 8u'nmcr Street.
Balem. MRI. B. W. CHA1Q, j. D.
155? $77
Stubborn Coushs and Colds yioid
promptly to tho healing and cum
tlvo properties of Dr. Joyiie'' Xrt
pectoron t. It loosor.a nnd promote;i
tho expectoration of Irritating nmt
ter, mlllgatos much puhi and dLs
trcss, and chocks inilamniatlon.
Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat
Troubles nro nt onco relieved by
Dr. Jnync'M Kxix-ftornut. It ro-
moves constriction of tho llronclihd
tubes, loosens phlegm, Hoothes nnd
hools tho mucous mombrano, nrrcsUt
any feverish tendency, and holps to
forward a gradual euro.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung
A Beet ion 8 nro generally controlled
nnd ameliorated by Dr. Jnjnu-'a i:x
periorant. It bave.s tho lungu from
much irritation and dUtrns, by ro
llovlngtheniof tholrritatlnginatters
liy which thoy nro clogged, it also
bupjiroascs Inilnnunntlon ami glvon
tho aflectod parts a chanco to heal.
Whooping Couflh.Croup and Hoarso-
nBSS nro cillcaclously treated by Dr.
Jnyue'a Uxpectornut. It remove
dinioulty of breathing and oppres
sion Jn tho throat or lungs, promote
tho ejection of mucus and Mibdues
tho violence of theso complalnU nt
tho outset. It u a Safo Family Cura
tlvo, of long-established reputation,
nnd whero jiromplly administered,
has enableil many to escape sorlouj
Lung Alfcctioua.
land, Orvvim.
Jt CO,, W ioIsmIo Aecau. Tort-
a Week ft
r. a vie:
8aeceorto J. 31. Eiiua A Co..
tS Llkrtr ., - . HRW Ybi,
CommliMlon -A.-ont
- arm xotk via lthmn, PacUc liflnul im
Cape Horn, all kind of Htnu&Jto?iSi !3i
5 m 3Sl .,s-?3 IX
'MKMWllssii.'--SAU, ,