Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 08, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 JJ
?2V'o-; ''Wf.n
: tj- m
sV-, .a r.
A '?
Vr n
llou, Fell. 2, 1578.
Mr. Knrron:
I noticed ii Etntuiucnt in your paper in regard
to tho examination of thu Chinamen before me,
charged with nil nrauilt upon Mr. W. C. lligp,
mid who were discharged. Tho statement goes
on to say: "From what wo ean leant
of the affair, the Justice did vciy wrong in
disckirginir tho Chiiiameii, as it was a direct
assault, mid tlio Siittiro ro admitted after they
wcro discharged, but did o on tho cnr.ind tl at
lie did not want to bind them over an I send
them to jnil as they had im money and run
tho county in debt t keep them." Tho only
truth there is in the whole atateiucnt U tho
statement that they were discharged. Tho
Squire made no statement that it was a direct
assault, nor anything that could bo so eon.
stnieil. I did say after thu evidence was closed,
(which was all on tho part of the State, tho de
fenso not deeming it necessary to offer any ovi
deneo in tho absence of sutlieicnt evidence on
tho part of tho State to make out a case,) that
there was not evidence sufficient to justify mo
iu holding tho defcudents to answer, and I
thought my only duty lay in tho direction of
ordering tho Chinamen to bo discharged.
I lieliove courts of justico are not in tho habit
of appearing in public print for tho purposo of
justifying themselves against adverso criticism,
and I certainly have no desire to violate tho
custom; but just uuo thing 1 would like to do:
1 would liko to lookjtho man (?) who made tho
statement in the eye and tell him tho truth,
aud I can assure you that tho truth would not
bo very Mattering to his veracity.
While Folk county docs not wish men to lie
thrown into jail and held for months without
uvidenco or a reasonablo probability of convic
tion, it docs not at tho samo time desire its
Justices to discharge criminals rather than
incur tho expenso of holding ami prosecuting
them, merely as a matter of economy. Justico
to all is tho rulo, without regard to nationality
or color, and tho pcoplo who were present at
tho examination (and there were a great many
present) all concur in tho opinion that no other
courso could Imvo been taken than to disehargo
tho defcudents. Very respectfully,
T. Feaiiuk.
Nov. Mr. Cro.-uinnn began a protracted effort
ot this plaeo yesterday. Ho married ono
some good accomplished already.
An astronomer was hero last week, and ever
sinco then thing Jiavo worked liko the oolar
Mr. J. Frather hired a few Chinamen to do
koiiiu grubbing for him. During tho first night
they camped on tho place, Mr. Fflicard some
ono shooting. Tho next morning when1 ho
went over ho found several bullet holes through
thq camp, flood lir.k to Mr. Chinaman, that
ho did not loso his queue.
Tho liver' i luU full, and from tho looks of
tho water it will run over before many days.
Mr. L llotman says ho has 'told three wed
ding droswoe during tho h.st week. Tho sea of
matrimony i3 out of its banks a'.o.
J Art. Mall.
siiwi iwi mmwtm r imnt
Somotnluc Strar.ze.
Yesterday .xftornoon .i largo cow belonging to
.Mr. Lewis Griffith, on i'iety Hill, near tho
State House, took a sudden lit or something of
tho kind nnd comniuilcod miming and bellow
injj; after running around tho block two or three
times, ho ran head lirst against tho
gato to Mr. ' yard and succeeded in knock
ing tho giito off of its hinge, and went aliout
half way through, when bIio dropped down
dead, without oven so much as a struggle. Tho
cow seemed as woll as common iu tho morning,
and her mysterious actions ami sudden dcith
are something moro than wo can account for.
Trees, Plants,
Fruit and Ornamen
tal Trees, Shrub
bery, Roses and
Aodrc iia."no:,
Kal l'ottbnd, Or.
Jan. t, 1S78.
3 m.
Legal blanks!
I have Ibe Urel .iocs oi igii nunn in m uir.
including all lornw lor iirvuii. miiiuji m" ,
lUktlCCh tiOUn. IXW. V.v. wc"'-. .
...... .,..... -n.l ficimln for rnl.l execution ol
(PINK PttlNTINU. EtlmatfatnUbe.I.
Gray' lllocfc,Mtrcet. W.tlfiu. Orcgou.
Referee's Sale of Land.
BY tirtue of a decree of tte Circuit .Court of the
Statu of Oregon (or tho county of Marlon, raado
OcioSr Kili 1371. 1 MM I KWaii dr of
highest bidder, on Tuendttjr. Hie SiulU ur or
lJebrBnrr. i 878, at tke hour of one oclocic p. in
i!f i i iUr snilsUbB court-houe door In ta!em. in
?.ld cowtf. be followlus de.crlbed tract of Und.
uta the nroDCrtr of A. O. Jacob, now deccaf ed:
&mm?nc!oBi at the N?K. corner of the K. II qr. of
Hm ? in 1'. 8 8 .It. I W., in Marlon conntjr. Orwon,
SSalnJt tow ft MOT chain,, thence 9. 40.00 cb. ,
thence W.M.OOch... thence S. 0 00 eh... hcnco".
40 IW co". tbrnco N. S0.(O cb., thence . iUO chi..
thence N. 50 OOcht. thence E.m.OOcha. to place .of
bstnnlaB. containing 4 3i acre;, more or I"', and
reaervlns out of theiamea tract of about ten ac
"tmSkSESJ eWnfnilf In hand, the other on
,li montba tlnre. on pote and mortefse on the prera
,. .old. Sold la wetMg .-I. I-ko.
n.8l,l!fTSw Referee.
From iho Dally Itecord, leb. 0
List Saturday we received n special, stating
that a man liy tho namo of ImcMi km shot nml
insbnlty killed liy one Charley Willi una. The
facts, as wo glean them from tho Albany liegis
tsr, .iro about these: On tho evening in ques
tion, deceased, commonly called Doc. Fields,
came into tho drug store and demanded liquor,
which vm refused him, when ho became hoio
tcrous and put his hand into his pocket as if
he intended draw ing a pistol, hen Williams
sieved a slioigun near him and tired, the cor
tonti rtrikiiif; Fields iu tho head, literally tear
ing thu top of hia head oil.
Wo understand an iiumcst was held, nnd tho
jury, after examining into tho fasts, j;avo a
verdict of justifiable homicide. Charley Wil
liams is a. son of Uncle Ana. Williams, an old
and respectable citizen of this comity, probably
25 years of age: deceased was aliout the samo
Liter information says that young Fields m as
under tho influence of liquor, that ho camo into
the drug store and demanded liquor, and when
refused swore ho would hao it; that ho Btarted
for Williams who retreated until ho reached his
bed room in tho rear of tho store; thathereaeh
cd into the room and secured a shot-gun and
warned Fields not to come nearer; that Fields
still approaching, placed ono hand iu tho liack
pocket of liia junta, an if to tako therefrom a
pUtol, a weapon ho was presumed to -always
cam; that upon making this demonstration,
Williams ilred.Tesulting as stated alwvc. Tho
universal opinion is that Williams acted only iu
self defense. Fields had a bottle of whisky in
his pocket when killed, and from this fact it
would seem that ho went into tho store not so
much to obtain liquor, as to raiso a fuss.
Tbo four rloliest men In tho world nro tbo
Duke of Westminster, 10,000,000; Sonator
Jones, of Nevada, .C2O,C0O,O0O; Itotohochlld,
X40.000.0CO, and J. W. Mackoy, X55.000.000.
Thirty years ago Maukoy was a penniless
hoy In Ireland. Twenty years ngo bo was a
speculative salosman In tbo Unltod StatcH;
Mlxteen years ao ho was a bankrupt. 11 o
afterwards purobasod Into asllvor inino in
Nevada, and Is now tbo ilcbost man In tho
world, and Is only -15 years of ago. Ills
yearly Incomo Is X'2,T5O,C00, and bis fortuno
increases X5 ovory tnlnuto. What an Im
memo amount of good this man could Jo
with bis fotltino, and In that proportion add
to his own lispplncGR. Hut nlasl few of our
millionaires (took for happluosft by making
others happy.
Soliool Dlatriot No. St. Tor tho Year Ending
rirat Monday lu March, 1S78.
WiiiiIh Nil. oiiiioriMi in ilii.nct..
Wholo Ni. ittientlltii; pnh. Hor.'lN
Who'o No. u !omijneli-ct noli'ls
Wliolf Xo iilli'iiillng im K'hool..
T.itnl N. It ycnr
Tu til No. tola j cur.
I 101
1 .W
l.fil! I
I.rrti tliiin Init yenr 113
Jay V. Cox, Citric.
At tho University Cbnpol.
Tho entertainment given at tho Willamette
University Chapel, by Prof. .las, Walton's class
iu elocution, last Saturday evening, was largely
attended by our citizens. Tho programme was
made up of rccitationii and compositions by tho
I'rofessor'a chun, whilu Mrs. W. II. Allen's
class furnished tho musical mrt of tho pro
gramme. Kuril pupill as his or her turn came,
htopped forward and recited their Hirtiou with
a spirit and a will that showed that tho pupil
had been thoroughly trained, and at tho cloio
of each piece was heartily encored. Wo do
not beliovo that there was a single person in tho
room but what pronounced tho cntcrLiiumcut
good and would go again, should tho Professor
roie.tt thu entertainment. Tlio pupils all ac
quitted themselves with great credit aud the
l'iofcs9or may well feel proud of bis scholars
and tho advancement they havo made during
tho term. Wo hopu again soon to bo ablo to
announce that tho Professor and his class will
give another entertainment of liko character.
Attoinptcil Hlahway Robbery.
A daring attempt at highway robbery was
made Inst Sunday evening, on tho roadway at
Abtoiin, Prom ('apt. Whitcomb, who was ono
of the principal actors iu tho scene, tho As
toriau gleans the following: Alxmt hu!f-p.-ut
ten o'clock CajiU Y. and Mr. Preston wero
coming down tho roadway, aud ns it was rain
ing quito hard, Mr. Fronton was bhariug thu
half of Capt. W's cloak, to shield him from tho
rain. Thu robber, not noticing that thcru wero
two men, stepped out from liehind a Uirrel and
commanded Capt. W, to halt and deliver. Mr.
Preston, jumping from under thu cloak, con
vinced tho fellow that ho had mado a mistake,
and ho took to his heels with both men iu pur
suit, and being closely pressed, ho jumped from
tho roadway to tho mud flat Mow, and mado
his etcaje. This is certainly ono of tho most
daring attempts at robbery that has ever oc
curred in our city.
Ball at Lincoln.
Wo have received an invitation to attend a
grand ball to bo given at Lincoln on tho even
ing of February 14th. In looking over thu list
of gentlemen that havo tho management of the
atrair, wo notice tho names of several ncrvm
that we aru intimately acquainted with, and
from their jicrsoual experience in managing af
fairs of this kind wo feel confident that tho
ball at Lincoln will bo"way up." Tickets, in
cluding Buppcr, ?-. First-class musicians havo
been engaged.
Important Decision.
It was decided yesterday by tho Supremo
Court, in the caso of Stevens vs. School District
No. 21, Multnomah county, that indebtedness
w Itnilt lliu oiaio anaii no ucuucuhi uy cieras
making assessments for the purpose of levying
school taxes.
Last Saturday wo took our station near tho
gcncr.'.l delivery window at tho l'ostollico aud
watched tho surging mass of humanity as they
camo and went. Soon an olddady came rush
ing in, almost out of breath, and asked: "Is
there a 'IScporter' here i" Thinking that she
wanted a pencil shover, wo at onco sprang for
ward and drew our note book, and offered our
services towiito upanycasu sho wanted; hut
with supremo contempt on evcty fcatuic, rho
informed us tli.it sho wanted her paper by that
name. Then wo felt liko giving Snyder a lion
efit. Wo had hardly got our angry passions
cooled off, when in bounced a lleshy matron
aud said sho would bo pleased to havo a
"Weekly Oregoniaii." Tho cletk excused him
self, and said ho would call tho boss and seo
about it. Soon a tall, orthodox looking lady
camo iu and said, "Is there a 'Christian at
Work in here for me J" The clerk informed
her that working Christians were rather scarco
iu this bailiwick; "Guess you'vo mistaken tho
door; Itcv. Van Horn's church is just around
tho comer; guess ho's tho man you're after."
You should havo seen tho withering look of
utter disgust that spread over tho countenance
of that irato female, as she turned her back
upon us with her newspaper iu her hand. The
next visitor was a dapper little lady, who
asked, "Any 'Cricket on tho Hearth' iu there!"
This timo wo knew wo hail her, for there was
no hearth or lire place, and tliov wero using a
liaso fraud of a wood-stove, aii wo told her
so, and tho dent iu tho windoM casing shows
with what force tho ink bottlo was thrown, aud
which wo escaped by dodging. Tho next was
a mau, and ho stammered in his speech. We
understood him to say, "I want to It-lt-ltogis-tcr,"
and wo directed him to tlio school clerk.
This piece of information camo near costing us
a black eye. Tho next was a man of tho Jcflcr-
sonian type, and said: "1 want a Democrat."
Wo referred him to Judge Law sou, as tho latest
convert. A nice little duck of a "Sweet Six
teen," just a good armful, next came, w Ith, "I
want a vtircsuio visitor: uur reply goes
down to history as follows: "My dear, wo aro
hero to accommodate tho public, and nothing
would givo us greater pleasure than to offer
you a model mau, wcro it not for tho fact that
'Pap' is a married man, aud should his better
half hear of it there would not bo a grcaso
spot loft of Mm." Oh, my I ou'd never be
liuvo there was half so much mad iu as little a
mite as sho was, for sho jumped up, kicked her
heels together, opened her mouth and let her
tongue loose, aud it rained tiinu parts of speech
for about ten minutes, and thu people across
tho street thought sho was a lxiok agent. Tho
next wanted a "Woman's Friend," and when
wo offered to console her, sho got cryindig
naut and left the room. Tho next wanted a
"llostou Investigator," and wo ruferred her to
thu Dcmocratiu IIouo of Itcprcsontativcs.
Sparks tf-tulplmr and bimuitmin llw mil v(
her uyea, as sho slammed tho door. Thu next
lady said: "I want my '.Sun.'" Wo politely
told her that wo sympathized with her, but
our name was not Henry Ward Uccchcr. Tho
lady was on her muscle, mid nttemptod to liar
noon us with an umbrella, when "Pap" camo
in ami man cd us from lieing naixiu.itol. Wo
cannot bo hired to stand at that window any
Pacldo Threshing Machlno Company.
List Saturday afternoon tho Pacillo Thresh
ing Machine Company, at thu foundry iu Lint
SaUtui, made tho first litis t and did tho first
casting since tho removal from (lunais. Kvcry
thing worked well, notwithstanding thofact that
all of tho winks wero put up in thu dead of
winter. Tho moulding room is a lino one, be
ing CUxliO feet iu tho clear, aud lighted from thu
side and from the top. To the North is the
engine house, which is 'J5x50 feet; a mrt of
this used for fitting nnd setting up castings.
Fronting on Statu street and beyond tho mould
ing room, is tho finishing room, Wlxl'JO feet in
Bire. Thu latter building is not yet completed,
but carcutcrH aru as busy as Iteca and if thu
niiu only stops for a few days it will bo encloied.
Tho couqiauy at prcbcut aro at work on xtoves
anil hollow ware, such as teakettles, jiots,
cauldrons, etc. Six moulders will be employed
from tho first. Tho company hope to command
tho trade of tho State in tho matter of hollow
ware, aud from present appearances tho Iiojhi
w ill bo realiud. Skilled workmen have Iiecn
employed aud thu goods turutd out from this
foundry will rank with any from older estab
lishments. Tho Town Site or Lafayette.
Tho title to tho town sito of Lifayette, tho
county seat of Yamhill county, is again in dis
pute, Ia'UiuuI Scott, ono of tho tarly bcttlcrs of
the county, haviugcoiumenccd suit in tho United
States Circuit Court to establish thu fact that
it belongs to him. Ho claims tho town situ as
hit property, acquired under thoDonation Claim
L-iw; avers that hu tiled on tho camo and fill
filled tho requirements of the law as to tho
residence upon tho laud, but never "proved up"
on his claim and received no patent for it. At
tho same time it apjxjars that Mr. Perkins, now
deceased, had filed upon tho laud, aud in duo
timo proved his claim valid and received his
patent for tho samo from the land office. It
was with the heirs of tho Perkins estate that
tho town has recently disputed for titles aud
finally brought the contest to a satisfactory
Over at Dallas.
Lint Sunday evening some of the light
fingered gentry that have been infesting thu
difleruut towns in this Statu w ithiu the last few
mouths, broko into the express otlico of Wells,
Fargo &. Co., at Dallas, and took therefrom
aliout $00 iu coin.
Will Adjourn.
Tho Supremo Court has heard all tho argu
ments on the docket but six, and the chances
are that alxmt the last of this or first of next
w ttk the court will adjourn.
TmportciA4 of
Garden City Sulky Gang and Walking
HaX'ro'ws, and. CJ-ULl-ti-v,l;crs,
Superior to anything: In tlilH State;
Monitor Force-feed Seeders and Cultivators Combined,
Sond for
Ciroulars, which
l)Ai.u, Fob. 2d, 1878.
Tho Independent Central Committee of Folk
county, Oregon, met at Dallas, February '2A,
Motion made and carried that the Folk
county Independent Convention meet at Dallas
on Thursday, March 7th, 1878.
Motion mado aud carried that the precinct
meetings ho held on Wcduciday March (ltli,
1878, at oiieuVlock v. i., at thu nsual plates
of voting.
Motion mado and carried that each precinct
bo allowed ono delegate to each ten votes, ami
ono for each fraction of five, based on thu In
dependent vote of 1870.
Kach precinct allowed thu following number
of delegates i
Douglas 'J .laukson I
SaltLako i llethel -1
Kola 1 l.iCnolu 4
Dallas 10 Monmouth 7
Hiicua Vista. .'1 Luckiamutu 8
llridgcport 5
On motion, thu committee adjourned.
W. A. Hi-.nuv, W. U. lluow.v,
Secretary. Chairman.
tn.tio xuutui;.
Frank A, OwonJiiHt from Sun Franolico,
ban coino hero lo roxldo poriiuinonlly. lfu i
u flrHtelasi plHtioand orgui Inner nml ro
patror, bolng highly rocainiiiotidtd ns mich
by two of tlio IiiihIIuk niindo lioubcsof Hun
Francisco, muddtH of thu (lurdner HrotheiH,
of Saloin. Ilo gunrantpos Hullsfactlon or no
pay. IIIh prluiH will bo for ono tuning, $.1 00
liy Iho yertr, two tunliiKH, f8 00; Ihrto tun
Iiirh, ?tl CO. Liuvii orders uUlurdnor Itro'n
iniislo Hloro. deldw tf
Ut'iiil for Hoot's (Iaiiiiicn Mamui. t-oitltfiH, fu.lof
vrnctli'4l Infuiiiiatliiii on Unntiiiliii; Ton c;aliio pilcu
Il1 ol Cliolro Nt'cit. tVlloih ,et for ID rmiu,
whlrh will Uuftllomilon tliu llrfl onlrr, nililriim
JV.im3 J. II. IiOOT ,tiK.M'iMiu. Im.
iJhHaw "HI' iianiu iiintly prlnlrU ilicrron, ni
!!A ct'iilM ami 'Jccnt laiiui for iioxaue,
Aili'ruis O. it. WOOim'OHTII. Halkm, on.
Han FiUNCIito, Hcitcnibrr3, 1877.
nil. riKUCB DrarHir: Tlio Trui 1 purcliii'vii of
you Intt tall liai cured mo of Kiiiitiirii. rrom wlilcli 1
have aolTcrtd fur Ihu iat tmkntt.mvi; vkii, mid I
ful rohddint i hat any ruutiirucan lio cured liy your
o.Ad.NhTlf KI.AHTIU TltllriH, If Ihu patient will
only liavofutllclfiit couraftilo wear It until Ilia In
ljinmutloii caiii-ed liy tliblrlttlim ol tlio pad ctaicf,
and tho meiuHmiio luals.
I am. ilcarlr, juur truly W. ( (I'INIiY,
Cor, liilllor 'Jouraatof t'ommeico," oun l'rm, ci.ro,
Mr (ulnby l a Ki-ntlvman well and favorably
kkuun adovrlhlroit After eipviidliiirhundri d
(ifiloiUrn on oilblu uiilal Truni'i", and havinu
uffirifl fur tHi'iity-tlvo irar, Im a roinplituly
currd lo a feu niuntlit liy tliu llatrnctlp Hlu.l c Trt ri.
The rumniKsli'u cum iierfoimtd on llr. .1, rilmim,
lltu pnpulur Ucturor and riliyfliUn, who known
and rrtprcivd all over thu Ciilltil Mito and Iiuuiiu
U but vxiUUud hy tliu fjllowlu Ivtlcr:
1)11. J. HIMMH.
Tbu Itcnowucd rbyrloniuuUt of Hew York,
Colika, C'al., AiumttSA, 1HTT.
MKiuiia: 1'iKiicK A. bov. US) Hacramcnto hlrctt.
8au Kranclrro: 1 taku ureal plvaiuru tiiformtnir you
that ta Truol purchaxud of your firm lat Nuycui
hvr completely cured thu rupturu with which 1 hid
tuHV rod fourteen ytarf. Within thrru yrara nat niv
hernia or rupturu bad grown rapidly wor
wearltL' an ordinary trm. and the luteftlni
down Mheoecr I couched, blawid 11 y
iraineu 10 mi, no common uu uum jn
aud then tbu pain wua torlure.
After 1 woru ouu of your I'ATKNT 11
BI.AHTIO T ilIHMEH for four munthi. I hi
Ibu kitettlnesdld not pan' down In tbu l
when I Mralned to 111 y utmurt, and what wi
oino hernia waa entirely curid, atd 10 r
una nay.
I freely wrllu jou concerning nij ruro.
feel It to bo a duty I owe 10 yru und other fi
who arc tlmllarly aMllcted, You aru at
print thla Utter thould you think proper,
rerpvctfully. jcuri J. MMMl
Experience h"w that all trrnperid fprl
neceoarllr prera Uiou and often dlnatu p.
Iiody that lmforu were lb aperftctly heallby
Lumbago, Kldnoy and llladder Ailu. tloui
Debility, and a gradual ULdcrmlnlni; of tb
tlon. aru come of thu vvll ilfict- produce
liamli and continued pretturii, aud in vt
fact It hicouiea niatler of decided conn
arold like calaialtlea, If pot lblu,
Du. I'ikuck'n MaunctioKlktio Tnun ,
iCATtu IturruiiE I'Aua can bu obiatte 1 o
undert IguuU. We auro and remember the . f
number. ,
liT Our IlluMratrd Hook (riving fall I
will baent free to auyaddieaa '
No. C.y Sacnuento itiett (up itln Sir
ni?. &
will bo forwarded freo to any
Have Now Opened Their
Htnplo nntl JTniau.v
Dress Goods,
An Iramonso Variety.
Xtoploto -with
Oct. 7. am
San Francisco Tand Portland.
The P. OS. S. Co.
WiM. in:m:Ai;riu itus a i.i.nisoi' ktkam.
hlp roHiilatly. every lltu ilaya litvuiu fan
rrunclco utiU I'oitlaiid
J. 71. jTlcCUAICItN .V '.
TV Tlsl.it for ial.i by
II. I. IIOON, An tit. 8AI.H.M.
J !.. 1H1INAIII),
f. I'. I UB.
BilllWABD & LEE,
nto."r .stiu:ut, imutm,-vi,
Wt ldu Dock, cormr ulmou and I'miit Kin.
SllCClal attl'lltldll L'U'lll tl, rarillFfa' 1r.iilnli. .if u .
kiniiii. Cotnli;miit'iit4 rolk'lii'd, llmu coiinu'tlnuii
IiiH.ii l'ttiiiclico which mablu ui tu jjit Ihu ln-.t
uiarket prlcua.
Chopped into Food,
I'or CDaxo-ToMLtlx ToU.
Sash, Boors, Blinds,
TiiiiiIiikt. Stair woili, IteilNtcailH.
lliucaiiN, MiiimIs, TsiIiIcn,
Ami all UlnilN of riiriilliut),
At IIK1I IlOCK I'ltlCSK. HhojiatAi."lciiltnralVitka
building, fulfill. Ik'J, o, f. DICNNIN.
lirofiicllou of Ki-AX-Haen, thn uuderltfijed vitu
iiullcv that they will ptircbaru ut thu
Highest .tlaiKct 'I'rlce,
or will contract fir all tint may bo ollurnt of i.cit
-tain'H cro. tliiouuli their ai-nita. Mem. AM.KN
'- l.nn. ., r, uo
t .'
1 '
v 1
' '
, v