s h ii g . ; I' A A WILL,AMFrTE FARMER. jssubd Kvenr rntDAT, by CZaA.JX.1S.TH & CKAIG, runuciiEr.s and rnorniBTnh. H. A. CI.AKK15. . W. (HCAIG. Term or Ntibarrlntlon. One copy, miuyiar(fuimtnlr) .$2.J(I Ono copy, fix month (2(1 number) ... I . " Ononnpr, thrrn month (13 mitnliwi 7 0l 8ALKM, I'M DAY, KKH. H, 1878. COMMERCE AND POPULATION OREGON. Tlio Commercial Jteporlcr, of Jnnu ary Ufl, wan n rioublo number, giving u full ami comploto Hummary of tlio liusl nosa of Portland and tho commorco of Orotron. and ruiluctinir much credit upon tho editor and publisher, whoso labors in that connection will only bo appreciated by statisticians and news paper men. That paper pluces tho present popula tion of Oregon at HO.OOO, which wo think Ih correct, belloving that tho State has gained at least thlrty-Hvo thousand filnco tho Statu census was taken In 1875, though wo do not believe tho gain from immigration was 20,000 In 1877. There w.is probably 15,000 gain from that HDurco in 1877, and 10,000 in 187(1, and tho natural increase from preponder ance or births over deaths, woujI glvo us 110,000 people now, uvun though a VALUE OF MESQUITE GRASS. Editor Willamotto Farmer: As thoro appears to bo a diversity of opinion concerning tho true namo and location of tho grass known as Mos quito grass, in Oregon, at this time, I will glvo what Information Turn In pos session of. In tho yonr 1872, 1 had sent mo from portion of this immigration (fait to San Antonio, Texas, by mail, three lbs. nflonlo tlio undsof Washington Torn- "' " vu gruaa kiiuwii eroiisln tho amount manufactured hero. So wo havo had to Import largely each year to keep our machinery mipplleri with raw material; during tho just year wo Imported -10,002,085 lbs. of all (trades, whilo wo grew 208 million pounds Tho stock of domestic wool on hand, In Now York, .lanunry 1, 187S, was 0. 000,000 lbs.; In Philadelphia, 5,117,000; In Uoslon, 12.870,000; total in the three market", 20,1)03,000 lbs. Out of this total or stock In 187S there aro but , 118,000 lbs. of fleeco wool, ai against 8,505,000 lbs. of lleeeo wool In 1877. It seems too, that tho present stock includes very litllo clothing wool, being mostly tlio coarsoat grades. Our Cali fornia exchanges say tho stocks theio, January 1, 1878, woro 0,000,000 lbs., lighter than on January 1, 1877. All tncro facts Indicate that our wool growers may look for at least fair prices this spring, and tho growth of tho wool Interest in this section, makes it a mat tor of somo importanco that there should bo a good demand, and that prices shall rulo In our favor. Marion County Pomona Grango Will moot on tho first Friday in March 1878, at 10 o'clock a. in., with Chehul pum Orange, Jefferson. Wo expect a good time, air) liopo ull members who conveniently can will attend. I)ANii:r CIjAIik, Master. Tokhini: Watkii Wjiki.l. TIjo laM State Pair awarded h cold medal loMcoroand 1'nrkur, water wheol, vblch Iibh troodlt poison uncommon merit. All tioraoni in toron od In watvr-rov.nrsmii oiinln Tcicrl'--ilvooliculaii and jir c lml byu.du.nlrg M.'fSrs Monro A' PerMr, 1'ortUlid. btt) llu orthpuicnt dvenl'prc. J. II. Sisrrr.UMH n of Woodburn Jfurmry, has plenty of I'm It, falmdo otid IJut trees on na'ormblo tortus, bond o tiers lo lilui. IIu will Oil your bills with tbo saniooare ns If you woro thoro. Calaloguo sont ou appllo tlon. HAWIET, DODF& C0" l'ortliiiicl. Ore"', ., f Offer for Salo, at the Lowest Posslb'1 rico,!' a FuU Xin0 f AOEICUL T U R AL IMPLEMENTS. IUE CELKIIKATKI) j. KJ u am: soli: aghnis i-oi k Mm! hh OF -.- - w ( wm jsssmk. m MOIiIWE,MjIi, To Poultry Fanciers. I am now breeding DAItK IIUAI1IIAK. Mantflcld Strain, Now iptllDC III.ACK IIAIrl UUHU. IMPOItrKI). ad IIIIOWN IliUIIOIINN Wirlc Hamburg bilnjj tho I1EST LAYERS, as well aa lha MOST llKAUill'U.vof ony is'lcty. 1 maku a specialty of Hair", neat), lacked and ftilppid on receiptor price, t'i.50 per tj hue tterii. nod atltfuctluii euarau Uca. CurriL of IcucoiclUltiU. . J H. THOMPSON. vd'HaMey, Linn Co., )reoii. inlt Which I'ombluo tho greatest stren UKKill'i is tlio sole ralonteo of tli their Plow Is tho only Plow so in hardened by a Patented Process TIIEDEEKE SUJ With or withe 3MCoa.tl tory. Tho ora or progress on tho north west co-ist has Just communccdfitnd ten years to como will show dovelopoment that will nutoniHh tho most sanxulne. Tho Reporlcr Hummarlzes tlio busi ness of 1870, and 1877, as follow?: Thovaluo or nil oxportn fromVroColum bin river for tlio iuhI year compared with JH;tl IsasollowH! 187(1 Wlioiit fl,3.lt,JK Flour I.IIW.I.II Sahiion,fMii,d.,tpkl,d. S.liiri.OOO Moats, oaiinud tt pkl'd. .'ir.0,000 Wool MO 000 Lumber, etc 450,000 Hold mid silver I,:i00 000 Other products 1 ,K.0,01K 1H77 l't 7W,ino 1!,,'!(I0,(KM) l!7f).0(i() l.l'i'i.lKlO 610,000 I 1,101,007 'J lifl.OOO Total fll.BJft.OcH 5lll,0StJ,H07 AVhlch shows that tho wheat htirpltm of 1877 was worth to us over $8,000,000 against loss than $i,000,000, given as thu valuo of tho wheat exports or 1870. A glauco at tho tables shows that dur ing 1877, wheat commanded a higher price ami fruighlH wero lower than dur ing, any year In our history, K'.sldra which wo had ti much greater Hurplus than ever buforo, so that 1877 must bo considered a most fortunatu year Tor Oregon products. Wo must not forgot that considerable of tho surplus exports of thu Columbia river camo from tho newly opened wheat districts east of tho Cascades.. According to tho abovo tab e, our wool produced moro than dotiblo Tor 1877 what It hold far in 187f. Hero again wo weni fortunate, as prices woro good and Irolghts low, and tho natural Incrcaso of sheep greatly Indented tho wool clip. A gain or bovonty por cent. In exports of agricultural products, In ono year, looks vury well, and ovoti IT tho tlgtiros aro an ovur estimate, it can not ho deputed or doubted that tho coninierco or tho Cotuinbla river Is fait assuming proportions ami inagnlttido that limit work to our advantage unit glvo us greatly Increased Importanco In lluanclal and commercial circles. It Is remarkable that with such a wonderful progress and gain, which cannot bo denied, for correct figures wont lie, thuro Is still m much money bcarctty In tho pockuts of producers. Wo confess that It surprises us to know that a thouwuidof theHubicrlbeMortho Wn.i.ANr.rn: K.utMKUuro In arrears and Minie of them a good deal so. What is the matter? PROSPECT f OR WOOL. Tho Nuw York IWonomht reviews tho wool markets in a full statement of tho yield for past year, tho amount Im ported, and thu total consumed In man ufucturos, and gives a statement of stocks on hand In tho chief wool mark ets of tho United States, showing that tho present stocks aro nniall, at all these points, and tint tho home manufacture Increases fully In proportion to home production. The Imports Mueo and Including 1870 yearly, from all foreign ports Into New York and IhMou havo b(uin:l870, 28, 181, tin lbs.: 1871 77r.03,W. lbs,; 1872, li7.iWI,08l lbs.; 187:1, fil.tWS.S'W lbs., 1871, Jtt,lll,0(i lbs.; 1875, IS.'JJW.lttS 1870, Slo,02!),aS lUs.: 1877, Ul.WK.USS lbs. The domestiu clip of all sorts from 1872 to 1877 as estimated Is as fellows in iKUiuds: 1S72., 100 millions; 1870, 171 millions; 1871, 178 millions; 187. I'.Kt million; 1870, 108 millions; 1877, 208 million. TliN Is all produced hi tho United States and Territories. We can thus beo that although for bomo years there has been a steady incroaho In tho amount or wool clipped In this country. Yet theio has bojn an oven greatet In- there as Mosquito, and so labeled to mo from a sced-storo In San Antonio. I havo had this grass growing on my rami for the last live yean?, and am well convinced that it is tlio only grass that will kcop greon tlio year round in this country. I consider It very valu ablo for sheep pasture, as it is green when ull other grasses that wo aro In possession or aro dry. Ann hay grass, it Is hlmllar to tho red-top grass when cured, very light. I do not think it worth anything for hay. In tho year 1875 I sont S. G. Iteed, or Portland, somo seed or the mosquito grass; In return, ho sont mo homo vel vet grass seed, so called, such as grow J.i Clatsop county; but dry weather killed it all before I could distinguish any uillcrcnco between It and the mos quito. Probibly Mr. Heed could glvo homo light on this subject, In an article that Dm. John Mluto wrote, in thu wiMjAmktti: Faumcii of Jan. 25th. concernitnr tho moumiltn grass, lio siys; "Now, as It cm do no. good to the I'ootomt iiitrtt'st to con tinue to spread a mistake or this kltil, irit bo a mistake, and 1 know it is in homo caes, tho hoonor wo havo a clear unnnrstaudliigof thu Identity and tho qualities ormc.squlto grttM, the hotter.' Now, Mr. I'M 1 1 or, I do not think It very essential to tho (armor or herdsman or the Willamette valley to know the Identity and qualities or the mosquito grass, as it gives us a green pasture tho year round, and by so doing Is of gie.il value to tho sheen Iuterst or tho State. Knowing tho Identity or tills grass would not make ititny better or worth any more than It Is, couscqucuily wo havo got Just what we havo long look ed for u grass that keeps green tho year round. Therefore, to know tho Identity of this grass would not hotter our condition in the least. As for tho qualities of this ino.-qiilto grass, I sup pose almost every reader of tho Wu i.am urn: Faumuh Is awaro that Tex as, as a State, Is regarded as the banner State for grazing purposes, and tho mosquito grass Is the piuvaillug or na tive grass of that State, which their Hocks tmb.slst upon thu year round, and the stock-raiser of that State is enabled to turn off annually largo quantities of eattto and sheep with le.ss expense to him than In any other State In the Union. Therefore, the qu dltlos of tho mosquito grass aro certainly good go yontl a doubt. C. P. Huukuaut. Albany. Jan. 00, 1878. Ulli'miA WOOL GRONVEUB. On Jan. Uil h tho Wool Growers' AnsocMllon ofUtiuUllbu'ouutyholitii meeting nt Potullo lini, at which thu following rieolullous woio adopted: ttesolved, That tho provnloiico mill alarm Iok hu'riMHool tliodisoiiho Known itH tho with rimonn sheep, evils lor united Mellon iiuionj; hlinitenU lor its eradication mid thoiiruttu tlon of our htnda from Its spread. UecoWed, That this orKanlnstlon lako Ilium dUlo Hi-tho imanuros to ditxemluato the exlHtluc law and its poualtles, ami tho dt'uUloiiH of Iho courts, to caso of Its tiehiK sproid hy careless herdhn; and otherwise, by 04in.hiKi.aHl law, penalty's and deo'slona to ho pabllshed In local papers lor publio benelU. , , Uemtlved, That a commtitoo of ttvo of thU orKanUatlon Ikj appointed tot Vo this luior taut matter Into consideration, and rtKirt at a futuro meelhiK miiiio detlnlto plan lor de cided autlon In oea of earless espoiure; thai llieornantastlon may bo prepared lo rrcom mend such chanties or additions to present laws as shall effectually protect our shuep iMiida, Charles Jewell, Henry Itowman, It. Thompson, K. Welch mid Jacob Kraiter wero appointed ci tho nboo committee. Tho sfcretary was instructed to open, by let ters of Kreetinp, cemnninlcatiotis w Ith tlio kludrrd airMaallonH In St. Umls, Uhlcaco, Now Kntiland, California and aueli other lo ivalittfH as may bo deslraiile, as ll as w lib Hio woil mauufaolurluK astocl.Mlonaof Naw KiiKland and or Philadelphia, collcltltiK a reclprtn-al Interchange of matters ofcommon Imeiests, and tho leporU of their several societies, A plan is belnvr drawn up for a brldgo uoioMt itie South UmiHiuaat Hoeburg. fffl w C3rC&rX zott S3 rcos .tfHE mKjpK'JSBSBSiSm I'lm r.rrlonJ ( v ivinci) oxtremo lightness, and durability. 'nmifflif Itlni'l; mill Widrlml Wrtur. nnfl Pho Plow's mouldboard antl fjluiro are CULIAIt TO THE DEEUE PLOW. Y AWD GAG PLOWS, Breaking-Plow Attachment. 1 4BHifH 'MBsa ,nlHr.Svlnf ImplrinentsyotlnvonlPtl. Vastly Impr'ivpd for Fall of 1877. 00 iSolcl ixx. Oroson lax Ouo Year. Zr l'v ermr mteresu-u. jiiu ueero suiKy is cue only Minyiti.L.eor riow maue. i:,V.i.Yl'J..llAIIUi. ho conotrncKu tbal by a slight motion ol ll'it l-pvor tlio i'low Id ron out1 "' lironiiu nnu raiseu ciear. uy uorte- insitsu oi innn-pnnpr. k is siroiigoranu loss colU'03'11 l'ml a"y other. Sole Agonta for tho well-known SOUTH BEND OBZX.LES-2RON FLOWS. BilCKEYE:DRILL8 and BROADCAST 8EEDER8 ' Tho most successful in use. Too well known to need comment. AWAItDED TUB CKLEIIHVTED MOORE & PARKER Turbine Water Wheel, At tho OrcKuu Slutu 1'ulr, 1877. A NY ONE WlSIIINO TO PUIICIIASR WHEELS xv win do will ami jirlco lift, to iirmi to Hilt" fir ili'-cripiim clrctiUr AlOOIti: A' I'AUKIill. j,u:it...u, on. J. 1). PILKINGTON, M, D., I.tto l'rofcKnor oT Dlrrnfru nf iln Eve anil Ear In tlio tfiiltm (On fun) Meillcnl Colli'v. Olllcc. Ilcknm't ISIoik, 1'ortlniid, or., All Surgical Ojuktlons lor I)'t cmca ol tlio S2X.3K?V 5tf NOSE, AND THROAT iiiiirtMi.T I'mt'imurn. CATAUAfT cxIrictcO, anil L'ltUhS KYhiS Mmtiflilriail. Atllllrlnl V.yvt a law ttinortinui.t of lie tivrl Knncli uianiitir'.iiri.', (in liaml. I)inrnr, ml nil tUxIm-cc from tlio l.ar, till Na, ral t'atur'li, jmitlculnily Irmtul. My lilt. K. . OIIANK, , l)nrli'n' It nf U. mi llr. TJllBVCT Lt.Col., htcRorKConU.B. Volaitco'. - a unirn, it7r OXTJLm"T Schuttler Farm, Frefght.Iand Spring Wagons. FAKM GltlMT MILLS, all'Mloannd prlco?, PAN Mild 8. Solid for Special Chculors. I.UTIIER MYERS, HIGH -CLASS POULTRY, cvlu333., Orosou. llli! (lock coiiijirltvs tlio follnw Iiik faortto Mirletlcc Plyinoiitii Hacks, BlIil'CcCllllIN, -Light- Drulimafl, . dauk iiit.vini.vs. WOODBURN NURSERY Amoricnn Doini-niqucs, Aylesbury Ducks Itluok-ltrruxtctl JtKIXJAilllSS, & pihSB 1 can tll you A 'No. 1 Hand-made FARMER'S D w -ron- 'i! m . w '.rs-i-w srLijv ISROIE TURKEYS, Weight, 10 lbs. Tlio folloulmr-mmed tie are all Mle SflKt '2Sa-" 'r Six Dollars and a half! M.Uiuf.oturod out nf Iho 1IKST QUALITY or (ak-tanni:i li:atih:u. JOHN W. Saloui, Deo. "1. GILBERT. uui j..t Sll "i-tfrT t i-,. M Xoll'SlttCTN. DnllrVi 8llrr:'BiicUl Hamlinrg "feu-a auil GiiMcn-ypilicliil. Whilo Lcsliorns,!: Brown Leghorns, 4C mtlTS-Kl CK IILA CK SPANISH. Single. I'al r.', nudTrloN tor Sale. Aln, a flnu collection of Siuging Birds, &, Shepherd, Bird, unci Tomer Dogs. I All of ray Vonltry aro of the 11EST STUAINS over i Miipmu uiiirivoii, mil uroit 111 tr'ruio)rif. JH2&K5t can-iuii) pckinnna ini accorciuj; to tllriLliniin on rucllil of mire. Intiii'rliil l.Jti I'.niil nwjmo linnd. CAuutfor At ljultty Koritl. himl ttirtc-ciiit rtamp for circular antl rlre lift roidl oinU will not Riuutr tT Write ) our iiamo lUlulr. Any ouo uUhlniMu I'H.ihllni a l'oullry anil Pet Stock ArtocUtlon will pliatu cei1 liU name to me for the iioe, auct oMIro. LUTIIRK MVKItS, Salkm. Jan.SJ, l,s. To Sheep-Shearers and Wool-Growers. ft KKH This cut rvnri!tiit an lmuroxcmcnt on llievit nurnri, imitiuiii u)' i.. oAiiiii, oi iiiMroia, llllnoU. and toiuUtucif a dot ou thu point of the lower Mail nuile fn.t by nilder. Thl L-utnl tire. ent tho heari cutting or rcaiifylni; the rklu of mo neei, ana ruearn i lore aim rmiMini, unnout ill ulilo cuttlni;lbe lleice. which rauuot beiold ill without the ueof tliluiril. The tauportere, a neen In the cut, on tlio handle, vtu the band whilo tearing. The AueM for luete bbrar umd it pair of thtm the part n'aion wlih entire rati, rnnlon, aud YOU NEW UEHl.NNKKS T11EX AllE Unequaled. I vrlll be preparftl In furnlth (be two loadlni; brand of hheaw, with the Improvement attach. I'd, at the Mlo Ins prlcea : Kauraroo, - - 2 75 WUkluaou. . iiu For Hub and medium. woolcd bherp, I recom" mend the WILKINSON. " Write plilclj your name and addroe. which ktud of tht ar w auttsl. and m hat leneth of bltde. -Money tent, to reach u faftly. matt be for aided byl O. Order or by Kxpret The Sher will be f nt by mall, or by Kxpien O. O. D. EST hend In tour order IMMKniATKr V N'ona will be rtcelvi d later than the dm of March, t they are ailed for me at Taecola, Id. GKOHUH D. GOOBHUK. JkgtnU SALKM, ORKQON. Order can be left at tho Fibukb Oilcc. fel FETJIT, KCRP3 ITull Htoclc SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....AND.,.. NUT TREES, acnii for rrlco I.lft anil Cntttopno. Aildrcio nttlRinl J. II M'.Tri,:iuiut, U'oottbiirn or. JOHN GRAY, rormctfy In Durbln'ii lllorV. ) j,t opened a Larco and cunipttte Motkof JTJJELXX "jVTTJEZ.JEI Carpets, Oilcloths, Mailings, AM) Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to Drtlrymplti tfc Ilrown, rtahkky's iilo:k, - - salk.-ti. oh. WlllCII WILL BB fOLIl AT Lowest Cash Rates! fP21tf wr ATTCNTIOrSl" V1WSSHEEP GROVVCRG ! f smmpimmm v ywvy,wviv l .-vjy w&id&Wjk 1lr i.W -CTJ'l Iit-V 'AT MjaWactuii t-s:iV4:Yi,lu"Uft"wui ucra. l? A bUItU 1)ST1I TO Scab, Sorow Worm. Foot Eot, AND ALL Parasites that infost Shoep TT 13 SAFEK, BETTER and VASTLY CIIEArEn THAN ANV OTHER 1'IlEPAnATION FOn.THE TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OF THE WOOL. tar One gallon la enough for one hundred to two hunlred hheep, according to their age, rtrcngtb, and condition. It U put np In FIVE-GALLON CANS and In BAR RELS. Send for circular, to HOBGE DAVIS & Co.. PORTLAND, OREGON, WbeIealeAeeufs for tlio Ktate. Or to tour nearett IUiall DrosglH or dcahr Jil IMWI1S IDENQ ) 174 ELK STREET. , CINCINNATI. OHIO., ' AdvertiaeHUBli laaerted in anypajxr. Befor adrertiaing send for tnj catologuev. ) 1 wVihk '" 'H'WJiUU.," - '